Heritage Walk

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ae ‘| ite « Hleavtage walk § Grafly Coanen On JAth Jan 2094 , Our qyooup & odhue posctrci aan! ern box, keel on e qoxcrating hunidage wath. te dhe 8a venuge red Swopry temple m mpyrore dhe demple pwhich 4a Premaxkebl eorample of Daavician axchidecdwer, ip Enon foo kp endaicatt corawing s & sculphuu. & we wseae all coger by Loox moa e about ide aich hisioay & cullival Fig nificance. poalk , we were gaerted by Ap use Legian owe o} dh demple _ wonich i€ ahs nbarming, anchidedure wn woonclfek rcuclpl ees a} OO LS Leol gea bli toveud i.e? bies 6 nyovolog ical Jiquces - Owe know ~ Ram. eal ws dboeoug A dhe demple's Buide, ma hishoay . legendla ose leaxnedl Had (chdocodeol . ah Cenduseg & hos § expanriong,, Over dboat che. syaseious fobevale o} pohich “ig addancof » ah mone manogan? iags 4 aurlphout J cvoxiowy widh indicat cow'iog weg all amagect by dhe a ie caaphsmamhip er went inl aa dase eaukfu! vooakp of Or" * gre ay 46 mntbieshing, _ Neat, we made owe pony 5; mek. mg : & anecdola about she deenple» trek a ie Peon d ibe woul cenovahions ghe eentwae we elo’ hi ) 4 ortdual dhak ave One of dhe highlights a she walk vou oppontucily lee Bee the temple's amour * GoLDEN cHtagion “eohich & deambQully teaftedt Chariot made gf Gone Dvorat. our huritage coalk coas Touly numorabl Crporiemee - we wae tnpatneal by the demples gich histooy & aechidectutal tagniQreance oe could like f eadlenol var Sincou dhanks fo Om Jaculter, oar cellege oranagemun! for dxnanging pucha vie

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