MarchI-Sem-2021 Ques Paper
MarchI-Sem-2021 Ques Paper
MarchI-Sem-2021 Ques Paper
2) Explain the concept and features of Brick and Click business. Elaborate the problems
related to e- business. Mention the steps that should be taken to deal with security 0.1. ‘‘सम य एक सामा और साझा उ े की खोज म की गयी कारवाई की एकता दान करने के
problems. िलए समूह के यासों की एक मब व था है ।’’ इस कथन के काश म, सम य की कृित की ा ा
कर। इसके अलावा भावी सम य की तकनीकों की ा ा कर और उनके बारे म समझाइये।
3) “Business is an open system “. Comment upon this statement and discuss the
nature of interaction between a business system and its environment.
0.2. ि क एं ड क िबजने स की अवधारणा और िवशेषताएं बताईये। ई- वसाय से जुड़ी और संबंिधत
4) Decision -making is the vehicle for carrying workload and discharging the managerial
सम ाओं को िव ारपू वक समझाईये। सु र ा सम ाओं से िनपटने के िलए उठाए जाने वाले कदमों का
responsibilities “. Elucidate the statement and examine the significance and process
of rational decision making in management. उ ेख कीिजए।
5) How can budgets be used for ensuring effective managerial control in a large 0.3. “ ापार एक खु ली णाली है “। इस कथन पर िट णी कीिजए और एक ापार णाली और उसके
multiplant enterprise? What is budgetary control? How are budget used in controlling
वातावरण के बीच आपसी बातचीत की कृित पर चचा कीिजए।
and what are the limitations .
6) Explain the concept of diversity and inclusion as a Top to Bottom Strategy. How does 0.4. ‘‘िनणय लेना िकसी काम का बोझ उठाने और बंधकीय िज ेदा रयों का िनवहन करने मा म होता
inclusion supplement workforce diversity. What is it’s impact on the organisation है’’। इस कथन को कीिजए और बं धन म तकसं गत िनणय लेने के मह और ि या की जांच
0.5. बड़े म ी ां ट उ म म भावी बंधकीय िनयं ण को सुिनि त करने के िलए बजट का उपयोग कैसे
िकया जा सकता है ? बजटीय िनयं ण से आप ा समझते ह? बजट को एक िनयं क के प म कैसे
उपयोग िकया जाता है और इसकी ा सीमाएँ होती है ?
UPC: 52031104
Semester: 1
Marks: 75
Time limit: 3+1 (one hour reserved for downloading of question paper, scanning and uploading
of answer sheets)
The paper contains 3 unseen passages. Each passage has two questions based on it.
.Students will attempt any THREE out of SIX questions.
To truly understand a judge, you must understand the riddle of the scales; one side heaped high
with hope, the other side holding apprehension. When the scales dip, bright optimism turns into
silent panic. When a person looks at himself, he is likely to misjudge what he finds. He sees only
his intentions. Most people have good intentions and hence conclude that whatever they are
doing is good. It is difficult for an individual to objectively judge his actions, which may be, and
often are, contradictory to his good intentions. Most people come to work with the intention of
doing it. Many of them do their work in a manner they find convenient and leave for home in the
evening with a sense of satisfaction. They do not evaluate their performance, only their
intentions. It is assumed that because an individual has worked with the intention of finishing his
work in time, if delays occurred, they were due to reasons beyond his control. He had no
intention of causing the delay. But if his action or inaction caused that delay, was it not
intentional? Looking back on my days as a young scientist, I am aware that one of the most
constant and powerful urges I experienced was my desire to be more than what I was at that
moment. I desired to feel more, learn more, express more. I desired to grow, improve, purify,
expand. I never used any outside influence to advance my career. All I had was the inner urge to
seek more within myself. The key to my motivation has always been to look at how far I had still
to go rather than how far I had come. After all, what is life but a mixture of unsolved problems,
ambiguous victories, and amorphous defeats? The trouble is that we often merely analyse life
instead of dealing with it. People dissect their failures for causes and effects, but seldom deal
with them and gain experience to master them and thereby avoid their recurrence. This is my
belief: that through difficulties and problems God gives us the opportunity to grow. So when
2 of 6
your hopes and dreams and goals are dashed, search among the wreckage, you may find a golden
opportunity hidden in the ruins. To motivate people to enhance their performance and deal with
depression is always a challenge for a leader. I have observed an analogy between a force field
equilibrium and resistance to change in organizations. Let us imagine change to be a coiled
spring in a field of opposing forces, such that some forces support change and others resist it. By
increasing the supportive forces such as supervisory pressure, prospects of career growth and
monetary benefits or decreasing the resisting forces such as group norms, social rewards, and
work avoidance, the situation can be directed towards the desired result— but for a short time
only, and that too only to a certain extent. After a while the resisting forces push back with
greater force as they are compressed even more tightly. Therefore, a better approach would be to
decrease the resisting force in such a manner that there is no concomitant increase in the
supporting forces. In this way, less energy will be needed to bring about and maintain change.
The result of the forces I mentioned above, is motive. It is a force which is internal to the
individual and forms the basis of his behaviour in the work environment. In my experience, most
people possess a strong inner drive for growth, competence, and self- actualization. The problem,
however, has been the lack of a work environment that stimulates and permits them to give full
expression to this drive. Leaders can create a high productivity level by providing the appropriate
organizational structure and job design, and by acknowledging and appreciating hard work.
Questions 1 and 2 are based on passage 1.
A. What is the author’s key to motivation? List the difficulties that people face in achieving their
full potential at work? Answer in 250-300 words. (10 marks)
B. The author has been asked to write a recommendation letter for a young scientist. Based on
your reading of the passage, what qualities would he highlight? Write (in 350-500 words) a letter
of recommendation for this candidate. (15 marks)
A. What does the narrator mean by “through difficulties and problems God gives us the
opportunity to grow”. Explain in 250-300 words. (10 marks)
B. Imagine the narrator is addressing one of his demotivated team members. As a leader, how
would he encourage him to overcome his problems and work efficiently? Write at least 10 turns
of dialogue between the two in 350-500 words. (15 marks)
Passage 2:
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My neighbours quarrel
It makes me wonder;
if we claim to own
Can you or I or
a ray of light,
to sicken a child
to hurl a stone
at my neighbour’s cat?
A. What is the message of the poem? What examples does the poet cite to convey his main
idea? Explain in 250-300 words. (10 marks)
B. Imagine you are a mediator between the two quarrelling parties trying to settle their
dispute. In about 350-500 words, write 10 turns of dialogue where you as the mediator make
an attempt to amicably settle the quarrel by giving both parties a chance to voice their
grievances and arrive at a solution. (15 marks)
A. In the poem, the poet begins with a quarrel between two neighbours over a “strip of land
between their ancestral plots”. Why does the poet think that such disputes are meaningless?
Explain in 250-300 words. (10 marks)
B. Imagine that you are a news reporter covering the quarrel between the two neighbours.
Write a news report in about 350-500 words. (15 marks)
After Abhay left, Tara remained lost in thought. It was odd that he had forgotten her request –
her reasonable request – about the mint chocolate. Abhay had a good memory. But then he was
always so preoccupied. And hardly ever at home.
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And in between these two thoughts, sequences in a chain, suspicion pounced and bent the links
in another direction. Within a matter of seconds, Tara was convinced she had found the clue to
much of Abhay’s behavior. Could it be, could it be that what she had read about in her college
days, could it be that the Other Woman had appeared in her life as well. She made up her mind to
spy on him. The results were predictable.
After she had gone through the gamut of emotions ranging from shock, confusion, despair, anger
and resentment, she toyed with the idea of knocking her brains out. To help reach a conclusion
she automatically went to the fridge to take out her chocolates. She needed consolation. Absent-
mindedly she bit into one. It tasted like sawdust. She bit into it again and gagged. This was the
only pleasure she had in her life. What was happening to it? She quickly put the chocolate back
into the fridge and closed the door. Nausea overcame her, and she barely made it to the
She never ate another piece of chocolate again. Every time she looked at the dark shining pieces
glistening invitingly at her, she saw Abhay’s eyes sunk in them, tempting her to bite into a piece
and get fat.
She lost weight. The feeling of nausea she had about chocolate helped put her off eating. She
grew thinner, thinner than she had been in years. From saris she moved to salwar-kameez. She
looked younger. She felt more alert and alive than she had for a long time. She began to think
about strategies.
She must win him back, she thought. She decided to join cooking classes. The way to a man’s
heart was through his stomach. Abhay hardly ate at home. But now… She must cook. She would
be the source of all things delectable.
Tara joined Mrs. Singhal’s Cooking Classes, which guaranteed mastery of Cordon Bleu,
Continental, Chinese and Indian cuisines in just a year. Tara discovered in herself a light hand,
and a flair for improvisation. Her teacher praised her too, and that helped. No one had ever
praised her learning anything in her life — academics was out of the question, and even her
dancing and singing teachers had felt that she needed to apply herself more.
Tara dived into the experience like a duck into water... She experienced the joys of putting
before a husband – however errant – things he could not resist. He became quite greedy and
demanding, entertaining small numbers of friends more often at home.
Imperceptibly Abhay began to put on weight. Tara could see for herself the fruit of her labours,
and her sense of power grew. New thoughts began to enter her head. She increased the cream in
her desserts and began putting more cheese in the Italian dishes. Abhay’s clothes did not fit him
anymore. He began to talk seriously of dieting.
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At this point Tara looked him over speculatively. In her mind’s eye she saw him as she herself
had once been. “You waddle,” he had said at the beginning of the story, and she, predictably
female, had replied in pain, “I do not.” Now she wanted him to waddle, though her position
might not allow her to rub his nose in the fact as he had done hers.
When Abhay’s affair broke up, a certain moroseness tinged and deepened the yellow of his
already saturnine complexion. For consolation he turned to serious eating. He listened to music,
he drank, and he demanded hot and spicy tit-bits from Tara’s ever fertile kitchen.
A. ‘The way to a man’s heart was through his stomach.’ Do you think this holds true in Tara
and Abhay’s story? What role does food play in Tara’s life? Give a reasoned answer in 250-
300 words quoting words or phrases from the passage that allow you to draw your conclusion.
(10 marks)
B. Tara writes a letter to her college friend recommending Mrs. Singhal’s Cooking Classes
and describing how they changed her life. Write the letter in about 350-500 words. (15
A. Tara, who was once teased for being ‘fat’ by her husband, takes ‘revenge’ on her cheating
husband through her cooking. Would you describe the narrative point-of-view as merely
comic or ironic? Discuss in about 250-300 words citing examples from the passage. (10
B. What do you think happens in Tara’s and Abhay’s marriage eventually? Continue the short
story extract towards a fitting conclusion. Answer in about 350-500 words. (15 marks)
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Your Roll No…..
This question paper contains six questions.
Each question carries equal marks (25 marks).
Attempt any THREE questions.
Attempt BOTH PARTS of each question that you choose to answer.
Q. 1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
1. After a long day out in the burning hot sun at Nizamuddin railway station, having checked
out every bit of garbage disposed of trains, a group of rag-pickers gathered for a chat in a
rain-swept shelter. This was no regular gathering for them. It was a Mother’s Day gathering.
2. Most children had never heard the word but grew emotional once they got to know what
the day signified. Gifts for their mothers ranged from promises of not running away, to
earning enough to assure their mothers of some comfort some day.
3. When it came to actual celebrations for the day, a group of boys at the centre run by
Chetna, an NGO, near the station, surrounded Manjula Rai. Some even pulled her hair and
the undisciplined ones calmed down after a serious look from her. For many boys and girls,
this 47-year old social worker is a face recognized as a help at hand. For quite a few of them,
Manjula is the ‘mother’ who influences them.
4. When they settled down to talk, the children, at Chetna, related their dreams with careful
purpose. Vikas Kumar, who felt shy to pronounce the word Mother’s Day, said he was
determined to secure some day, quality life for his mother, who was a domestic worker. His
promise to his mother on Mother’s Day was to take out his mother from a rented house and to
give her a home with a better life, some day.
5. Vikas left school when he was just 9, but is now a motivator for other boys to break free
of rag-picking and study through the Open School System. Today, Vikas, who is a Class VII
student, is the pride of the Centre and Manjula has been a part of his journey all through. She
has been convincing the parents of these children to understand their evolution from being a
child labourer to a teenager who can learn skills for a better life.
6. Aslam for instance, who giggled as the boys tried to pronounce Mother’s Day, knew the
words ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’ having watched T.V. serials and Hindi films. According to him: “I
keep running away from home and fight with my Mom. But on Mother’s Day, when I go
back, I will not fight but stay with her.” The upsetting life stories related by these children
become a self-explanation for their violent behaviour and their suppressed feelings.
(A) On the basis of the above passage, decide if the following statements are true or false:
(5*2=10 marks)
(ii) The children wanted to earn enough to make the lives of their mothers
(iii) Manjula Rai was a mother-figure for all the rag-pickers.
(iv) Rag-pickers cannot study through the Open School System.
(v) Rag-picking boys very often had run away from their homes.
(B) On the basis of the given passage, answer the following questions in brief (30-40
words each), in your own words as far as possible: (5*3=15 marks)
(i) What was special about Mother’s Day at the rain-swept shelter?
(ii) What were the rag-pickers’ reactions about Mother’s Day?
(iii) How did the children celebrate the day at the Chetna premises?
(iv) Why is Vikas’ case inspiring for the rag-pickers?
(v) What did Aslam want to do for his mother?
Q.2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
“Something is coming uphill,” said Mother Wolf, twitching one ear. “Get ready.” The bushes
rustled a little in the thicket and father Wolf dropped on his haunches under him, ready for his
leap. Then, if you had been watching, you would have seen the most wonderful tiling in the
world-the wolf checked in mid-spring. He made his leap before he saw what he was jumping
at, and then he tried to stop himself. The result was that he had shot up straight into the air for
four or five feet, landing almost where he had left the ground. “Man!” he snapped. “A man’s
cub. Look.”
Directly in front of him, holding on a low branch, stood a naked brown baby who could just
walk—as soft and as dimpled a little atom as ever came to a wolf’s cave at night. He looked
up into Father Wolf’s face and laughed. “Is that a man’s cub?” said Mother Wolf. “I have
never seen one. Bring it here. How little! How naked! How bold!” she said softly. The baby
was pushing his way between the cubs to get close to the warm hide. “Aha! He is taking his
meal with the others. And so this is a man’s cub. Now, was there ever a wolf that could boast
of a man’s cub among her children?”
“I have heard now and again of such a thing, but never in our pack or in my time,” said
Father Wolf. “He is altogether without hair, and I could kill him with a touch of my foot. But
see, he looks up and is not afraid.” The moonlight was blocked out of the mouth of the cave,
for Shere Khan’s great square head and shoulders were thrust into the entrance. Tabaqui,
behind him, was squeaking: “My lord, my lord, it went in here!”
“Shere Khan does us great honour,” said Father Wolf, but his eyes were very angry. “What
does Share Khan need?”
"My quarry. A man’s cub went this way,” said Shere Khan. “Its parents have run off. Give it
to me.”
(A) On the basis of the above passage, decide if the following statements are true or false:
(5*2=10 marks)
(i) The Father Wolf jumped in the air and stopped himself.
(ii) Both the Mother and Father Wolf had never seen a man’s cub before.
(iii) The man’s cub had a lot of hair on his body.
(iv) The man’s cub was not afraid.
(v) Shere Khan did not want the man’s cub.
(B) On the basis of the given passage, answer the following questions in brief (30-40
words each), in your own words as far as possible: (5*3=15 marks)
(i) Why did Father Wolf drop on his haunches?
(ii) Why did he stop in the middle of his jump?
(iii) What did a man’s cub look like?
(iv) What did it do to keep itself warm?
(v) Why did Shere Khan want the man’s cub?
Q. 3. Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the brackets: (1*10= 10 marks)
(B) Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the brackets: (1*15= 15 marks)
(i) He cannot find his --- (right/ write) shoe.
(ii) In school --- (there/ their) is a playground.
(iii) My grandmother’s eye --- (site/ sight) has gone --- (weak/ week).
(iv) I cannot --- (here/ hear) what she is saying.
(v) The children have been playing --- (too/ two).
(vi) The interview lasted for an ---- (our/ hour).
(vii) Please --- (pray/ prey) for me.
(viii) --- (Led/ lead) is a heavy metal
(ix) I have not --- (red/ read) the book till now.
(x) There is a --- (hole/ whole) in the bucket.
(xi) It took a long time for him to --- (heal/ heel).
(xii) She is very --- (dear/ deer) to me.
(xiii) This dog has no --- (tale/ tail).
(xiv) The girl learnt to ---- (right/ write) at a very young age.
Q. 4. (A) Fill in the blanks by choosing a suitable article (a / an / the): (1*10= 10 marks)
(B) Complete the following sentences by selecting the correct tense/ verb form from those
given in brackets after each blank: (1*15=15
Q. 5. (A) Write a paragraph in about 100 words about the holiday you went to with your
family. You can write about where you went, who you went with, how you went and whether
you liked the holiday.
10 marks
10. Appointment (x) Think about
pleasant things,
forget about the
11. Adventure (xi) A dry land
that get little rain
12. Trip (xii) To be afraid
to do something
13. Desert (xiii) High hilly
14. Get cold feet (xiv) A set time to
15. Mountain (xv) When a
machine or a
vehicle stops
Q. 6. (A) Write a paragraph in about 100 words about your visit to your grandparents’
house after lockdown. You can write about how you felt about going, how your grandparents
felt about your visit and how you all spent your time together.
10 marks
(B) Who is speaking to whom: Make the best match of the spoken comments / expressions
given in Column A with the participants given in Column B. The first one is done for you
below the given table. 15 marks
Column A Column B
1. The boys in my class are very (a) Principal to
naughty. teachers
2. How have you been all these years? (b) Dentist to patient
3. How can I help you? (c) Teacher to
4. In which tooth are you experiencing (d) Receptionist to a
pain? visitor
5. You must come to the class with (e) One teacher
your assignments tomorrow. to another
6. The girls have done better than boys (f) One friend
in the exams. to another
7. I have only hundred rupee note. (g) Boyfriend to
8. You can collect your report (h) Doctor to patient
9. Learn to behave properly. (i) Security guard to
10 I would like to examine you (j) One boy to
properly. another
11 Close the gate after the car passes. (k) Cashier to
12 I will try and fix your car by (l) Mother to son
13 I am very tired. m) Wife to husband
14 My friends are going on a holiday. (n) Lab assistant to
15 We must learn to respect girls. (o) Parent to a child
16 Let us go out and watch a movie. (p) Mechanic to
Comment [Column A] Spoken by, to [Column B]
1. The boys in my class are very naughty. (e) One teacher
to another
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Unique Paper Code : 52411101
2. वायु लब आपको 31 माच, 2020 को समा ए वष के िलए िन िलिखत जानकारी
दान करता है:
Name of the Paper : Financial Accounting
Name of the Course : B.Com (Programme)/CBCS ाि यां ₹ भुगतान ₹
Semester : I
बक म बकाया शेष से (पासबुक 14,68 कराये के िलए (वष 2018– 1,20,0
के अनुसार) ,600 2019 के िलए ₹ 30,000 00
1. इस प म दो भाग ह: भाग क और भाग ख। सिहत)
2. भाग क उन िव ा थय के िलए है िज ह ने ैि टकल के साथ िव ीय लेखांकन को चुना वेश शु क से: 1,20, 30 जून, 2020 को समा 12,000
है और इसके िलए िनधा रत समय 2 घंटे 30 िमनट का है। य द िव ाथ ने िै टकल के (वष 2018–2019 के 000 ए वष के िलए बीमा
साथ िव ीय लेखांकन को चुना है, तो उ र पुि तका के शीष पर भाग क िलख। ₹ 20,000 सिहत) ीिमयम के िलए
3. भाग क + भाग ख उन िव ा थय के िलए ह िज ह ने िै टकल के िबना िव ीय
जीवन बीमा सद यता 4,00, टू नामट खच के िलए 2,40,0
लेखांकन को चुना है और इसके िलए िनधा रत समय 3 घंटे का है। य द िव ाथ ने ैि टकल 000 00
स स शन से
के िबना िव ीय लेखांकन को चुना है, तो उ र पुि तका के शीष पर भाग क + भाग ख
िलख। स स शन से (वष 2018– 2,97, भवन िनमाण पर य के िलए 4,00,0
2019 के िलए ₹ 17,000 800 00
4. उ र अं ज
े ी या िह दी म िलखे जा सकते ह ले कन पूरे प म एक ही मा यम का और वष 2020–2021 के िलए
उपयोग कर। ₹10,400 सिहत)
5. समा य कै लकु लेटर का उपयोग करने क अनुमित है।
सामा य दान और पैतृक संपि 2,40, खेल साम ी के आपू तकता के 88,000
6. व कग नोट को उ र का िह सा बनाना चािहए। 000
से िलए
7. थयोरी आधा रत के उ र संि और बदुबार होने चािहए।
टू नामट के िलए दान से 56,00 खेल साम ी क खरीद के िलए 20,000
भाग क [ दए गए पांच म से कोई तीन का उ र दीिजए]
1(क) कारण सिहत बताएं क िन िलिखत कथन स य ह या अस य (वैध कारण के िबना टू नामट क टकट िब से 2,20, समाचारप और पि का क 58,000
एक भी अंक नह दया जाएगा): [2 x 5 =10 अंक] ाि य से 000 खरीद के िलए से ( कताब के
(i) मू य ास क िविध म प रवतन को इकाई क लेखा नीित म प रवतन माना जाता है। िलए ₹ 38,000 सिहत)
(ii) मू य ास गैर-नकदी और गैर-प रचालन य है जो लाभ/हािन होने क
ि थित म दान कया जाना है। भवन के िलए दान से 5,60, खेल उपकरण क खरीद के 1,20,0
000 िलए 00
(iii) शु लाभ उ नकदी बकाया रािश को दशाता है और शु हािन कम शु मू य को
दशाती है। (1.10.2019 को)
(iv) आकि मक देयता एक कार क िनधा रत देयता है ले कन इसक रािश और िनयत
िनवेश पर 8% के याज से 4,800 8% के िनवेश के िलए 2,40,0
तारीख अिनि त है। 00
(1.10.2019 को कए
(v) मूलभूत पूवधारणा को हमेशा िव ीय िववरण म बताया जाना आव यक होता है।
(ख) ासंिगक लेखांकन पूवधारणा या िस ांत क ा या कर जो पूण कटीकरण िस ांत का पुरानी खेल साम ी क िब से 200 कराये और कर के िलए 6,000
अपवाद है। [5 अंक] (बही-मू य ₹ 1,000)
(ग) तरलता आदेश और थािय व आदेश के बीच अंतर या है। [3.33 अंक] 1.4.2019 को पुराने खेल 16,80 टेिलफोन भार के िलए 30,000
उपकरण क िब से ( बही- 0
मू य ₹ 24,000)
टेलीफोन के िलए एक चौथाई शु क बकाया है, अ जत रािश ₹ 6,000 है। येक ितमाही
पुराने समाचारप और 3,600 मानदेय के िलए 24,000
के िलए शु क समान है। कांच क कटलरी आ द के मू य का 1/5 खरीद के वष म और शेष
पि का क िब से
1/2 को अगले दो वष म ितवष ब े खाते म डाला जाना है। 1.4.2019 क ि थित के
लॉकर के कराये से 1,00, कांच क कटलेरी आ द के िलए 20,000 अनुसार कांच क कटलरी आ द के टॉक म से आधा साल पुराना था और दूसरा िह सा दो
(वष 2018–2019 के िलए
000 साल पुराना था।
₹ 12,000 सिहत)
आव यकता: 31 माच, 2020 को समा ए वष के िलए आय और य लेखा तैयार
बक बकाया शेष से (पासबुक 21,09, कर।[18.33 अंक]
के अनुसार) 800
3. 01.7.2016 को, ए स ने 20,00,000 पये म वाई से 5 मशीन खरीदी। भुगतान
34,87 34,87,
कया जाना था- 20% अि म और शेष ₹ 5,00,000 क चार वा षक समान क त म
,800 800
येक वष के अंत म भुगतान कया जाना था। ए स, मूल लागत पर 20% ित क दर से
मू य ास ब े खाते म डालता है। ए स ारा तीसरी क त का भुगतान नह कए जाने पर,
वाई ए स को ई-मेल करता है क 01.04.2020 को वह 3 मशीन को वािपस ले लेगा
अित र जानकारी: और िन िलिखत म से कसी के िलए ऋण क अनुमित देगा:
5(क) िव ीय लीज़ और ऑपरे टग लीज़ के बीच अंतर प कर। [5 अंक] (i) मशीन क लागत का पता लगाएं।
[3 अंक]
(ख) आ मा िलिमटेड M1 नामक एक क े माल का उपयोग करके एक उ पाद 'OM' बनाती (ii) मशीन के उपयोग के िलए तैयार होने क अविध और मशीन को उपयोग करने क
है। कं पनी ने 200 पये ित कलो ाम पर 10,000 कलो ाम M1 साम ी खरीदने के वा तिवक तारीख के दौरान होने वाली लागत के िलए लेखांकन बंध का सुझाव
उ े य से िवशेष प से 15% वा षक याज दर पर बक ओवर ा ट िलया। खरीद मू य म द। [2.33 अंक]
ित कलो ाम ₹ 20 का जीएसटी शािमल है, िजसके संबंध म पूण ऋण वीकाय है। ₹
81,600 क रािश माल भाड़ा, लो डग और अनलो डग शु क के प म लगी। इस बक
ओवर ा ट पर ₹ 50,000 क रािश याज थी। सामा य ांिज़ट हािन 2% है। कं पनी को भाग ख [क यूटरीकृ त लेखांकन को नह चुनने वाले िव ा थय के िलए]
वा तव म 9,760 कलो ाम िमला था। और 9,500 कलो क खपत क । तैयार उ पाद क 6(क) ऐसी दो प रि थितयां बताएं िजनम गानर बनाम मरे के िनयम लागू नह कए जा सकते
एक इकाई को क े माल क पांच इकाइय क आव यकता होती है। य म लागत ₹ ह। भागीदार के बीच अलग-अलग िवतरण क अिधकतम हािन िविध और आनुपाितक पूंजी िविध
4,56,000, य ओवरहे स लागत ₹ 1,14,000 क रािश है। वष के िलए कु ल का मूलभूत पूवधारणा बताएं। भागीदार के बीच अलग-अलग िवतरण क अिधकतम हािन िविध
फ ड ओवरहे स तैयार माल क 20,000 इकाइय क सामा य मता पर 2,40,000 और आनुपाितक पूजं ी िविध का पालन कए िबना अपने लाभ को समान अनुपात म भागीदार के
पये है। वष के दौरान उ पाद 'ओम' क िब ₹ 1,500 पये क क मत पर बीच नकदी िवत रत करना कब यायसंगत है? [ 2+2+1= 5 अंक]
₹15,00,000 क थी। कोई ओप नग इ वटरी नह थी । AS 2 "इ व ी के मू यांकन" के
संदभ म, असामा य हािन क मा ा क गणना कर (य द कोई हो), तो तैयार माल और (b) िन िलिखत ए, बी, सी और डी क बैलस शीट है 31 माच, 2020, को जब
क े माल क अंितम इ व ी य द उ ह ने फम को भंग करने का फै सला कया तब उनका िह सा 3: 3: 2: 2 के अनुपात म
(i) तैयार इकाइय को 10% ोकरे ज के भुगतान के अधीन ₹ 1,600 के िब मू य पर
बेचा जा सकता है। क े माल क र लेशमट लागत ₹ 180 ित कलो ाम है। देयताएं ₹ आि तयां ₹
समा य 20,00 लाभ और हािन 10,00 3.PART A + PART B are meant for those students who have opted Financial Accounting without Practical and the
आरि त जमा 0 खाता 0 duration is 3 hours. Write PART A + PART B on the top of the answer sheet if student has opted Financial Accounting
without Practical.
2,38, 2,38,
4.Answers may be written either in English or Hindi but the same medium should be used throughout the paper.
000 000
5. Simple Calculators are allowed to be used.
6. Working Notes should form part of the answer.
31 माच क ि थित के अनुसार बैलस शीट तैयार करने के बाद पता चला क माच म
7. Answers to theory questions should be brief and to the point.
₹10,000 क रािश क खरीद बही म दज नह क गई, हालां क यह सामान माच के
दौरान ा आ था। अ य आि तय का आकलन ₹ 68,000 का कया गया। बी को PART A [Attempt ANY THREE Questions out of given FIVE Questions]
आि तय का आकलन करने और देनदा रय का भुगतान करने के िलए िनयु कया गया था। 1(a) State with reason whether the following statements are true or false (No Marks shall be awarded without valid
reason): [2 x 5 =10 Marks]
वह अंत म पूंजी के प म अ य भागीदार को भुगतान क गई रािश पर 5% कमीशन ा
(i) Change in Method of Depreciation is regarded as change in Accounting Policy of the entity.
करने का हकदार था। उसे वसूली का 15 ितशत खच वहन करना था। वसूली पर ए खच (ii) Depreciation is non-cash and non- operating expense which is to be provided for whether there are profits/losses.
क रािश ₹ 10,000 थी। य द गानर बनाम मरे का िनयम लागू कया जाता है, तो बी (iii) Net Profit is reflected in higher cash balances and net loss is reflected in lower net worth.
को भुगतान कए जाने वाले कमीशन क गणना कर और भागीदार क िनजी ि थित इस (iv) Contingent liability is an ascertained liability but its amount and due date are indeterminate.
कार थी: (v) Fundamental Assumptions are always required to be disclosed in the financial statements.
(b) Explain the relevant accounting assumption or principle which is an exception to Full Disclosure Principle.
[5 Marks]
िववरण ए बी सी डी (c) Distinguish between Order of Liquidity and Order of Permanence. [3.33 Marks]
Three Members died without paying annual subscription of ₹ 200 each p.a.for the previous year and current year.Cash Purchases
To General Donations & Legacies 2,40,000 By Supplier of Sports Materials 88,000 of Sports Materials amounted to 20% of Total Purchases. Depreciate Sports Equipments@10% p.a.At 31.3.2020, Rates & taxes
were prepaid to the following 31 Jan., yearly charge ₹ 6,000.A quarter charge for telephone is outstanding, the amount accrued ₹
To Donation for Tournament 56,000 By Purchase of Sports Materials 20,000 6,000. The charge for each quarter is same.1/5 of the value of Glass cutlery etc. is to be written off in the year of purchases and
1/2 of the balance in each of the next two years. Of the stock of glass, cutlery etc. as on 1.4.2019 one half was a year old and the
To Proceeds from Sale of Tournament 2,20,000 By Purchase of Books & Periodicals 58,000 other half two years old.
Tickets (including ₹ 38,000 for Books)
Required: Prepare an Income and Expenditure Account for the year ending on March 31, 2020. [18.33 Marks]
To Donation for Building 5,60,000 By Purchase of Sports Equipment 1,20,000 3. On 01.7.2016, X purchased 5 Machines from Y for ₹ 20,00,000. Payment was to be made—20% down and the balance in four
(on 1.10.2019) annual equal instalments of ₹ 5,00,000 each to be paid at the end of each year.X, writes off depreciation @ 20% p.a. on the
original cost. On X ’s failure to pay the third instalment, Y e-mailed X that on 01.04.2020 he will repossess 3 machines and will
To Interest on 8% Investments 4,800 By 8% Investments 2,40,000 allow a credit for lower of the following:
(made on 1.10.2019) (i) Value of Machines on the basis of 40% p.a.depreciation on WDV basis.
(ii) the amount paid against 3 machines less 50%.
To Sale of Old Sports Materials 200 By Rates & Taxes 6,000 X replied Ok. 01.04.2020 Y repossessed the machines as per mail. Y spent ₹ 12,000 on repairs of these machines and sold one of
(Book Value ₹ 1,000) such machines for ₹ 1,40,000 on 30th June 2020. X follows financial year as its accounting year.
Required: Prepare Machinery Account and Hire Vendor’s Account in the books of X and Hire Purchaser’s Account and Goods
To Sale of Old Sports Equipment 16,800 By Telephone charges 30,000 Repossessed Account in the books of Y. Also Show the Items related to Hire Purchase in the Balance Sheet of X as at 31st
on 1.4.2019 (Book Value March, 2020. [4+4+4+4+2.33=18.33 Marks]
₹ 24,000)
4.PARMATMA Ltd. Delhi invoices goods to its Mumbai and Kolkata branch offices at 20% less than the list price which is cost
To Sale of Old Newspapers & 3,600 By Honorarium 24,000 plus 50% with instructions that cash sales are to be made at invoice price and credit sales at list price.
Periodicals Opening Stock at Mumbai at its cost ₹ 1,53,600.
To Locker Rents 1,00,000 By Glass cutlery etc. 20,000 Goods Sent to Mumbai (at cost to Delhi) ₹ 2,20,000.
(including ₹ 12,000 for 2018– Cash Sales ₹ 1,49,600, Credit Sales ₹ 2,90,000.
2019) Goods returned by Credit Customers to Mumbai ₹ 90,000.
By Bank Balance (as per Pass Book) 21,09,800 Goods returned by Mumbai to Delhi ₹ 72,000.
Loss of Goods by fire (at invoice price) ₹ 6,000 against which 80% of cost was recovered from the insurance Company.
34,87,800 34,87,800 Loss of Goods at Mumbai through normal pilferage (at list price) ₹ 6,000.
Debtors at Mumbai:Opening ₹ 10,000
Cash remitted by MumbaI Branch to HO: ₹ 3,24,870.
Additional Information: Discount Allowed to Debtors ₹ 26,730.
Particulars As at 1.4.2019 As at 31.3.2020 Goods received by Mumbai till close of the year ₹ 2,54,000.
₹ ₹ Provision is to be made for discount on Debtors at 15% on prompt payments at year end on the basis of year’s trend of prompt
Outstanding Subscription 19,000 12,800
Cash remitted by HO to Branch for Expenses:
₹ 18,000
Advance Subscription 5,600 ? Branch Expenses still outstanding:
₹ 1,482
Amount due to Suppliers of Sports Materials 30,000 18,000 Manager is entitled to a commission @ 6% of net profits after charging such commission.
Advances to Suppliers of Sports Materials 10,000 6,000 Required: Prepare Mumbai Branch Debtors A/c, Mumbai Branch Stock Account, Mumbai Branch Adjustment A/c, Mumbai
Branch Expenses Account and Mumbai Branch Profit & Loss A/c under Stock & Debtors Method.
Stock of Sports Materials 30,000 3,000 [2+5+5+1+ 5.33=18.33 Marks]
5(a) Distinguish between Finance Lease and Operating Lease. [5 Marks]
Tournament Fund 24,000 ?
(b) AATMA Ltd. manufactures a product ‘OM’ using a raw material M1.The company took Bank Overdraft at an interest rate of
15% p.a. specifically for the purpose of purchasing 10,000 kg. of material M1 at ₹ 200 per kg. The purchase price includes GST ₹
Building Fund 4,40,000 ?
20 per kg., in respect of which full credit is admissible. Freight, loading and unloading charges incurred amounted to ₹ 81,600.
Interest on such Bank Overdraft amounted to ₹ 50,000. Normal Transit Loss is 2%. The company actually received 9,760 kg. and
Cheques issued but not presented for Tournament 54,000 1,34,000 consumed 9,500 kg. One unit of Finished product requires five units of Raw Material. Direct Labour Cost amounted to ₹
4,56,000,Direct Overheads Cost amounted to ₹ 1,14,000.Total Fixed Overheads for the year were ₹ 2,40,000 on normal capacity
of 20,000 units of Finished Goods.During the year Sales of product ‘OM’ were ₹ 15,00,000 @ ₹ 1,500.There were no opening
Glass cutlery etc. 40,000 ? inventories.With reference to AS 2 “Valuation of Inventory”,Calculate the amount of Abnormal Loss (if any),Closing Inventory
of Finished Goods and Raw Material if
(i) Finished units can be sold @ ₹ 1,600 subject to payment of 10% brokerage on selling price., Replacement Cost of Raw
Material is ₹ 180 per kg.
2 3
(ii) Finished units can be sold @ ₹ 1,400 subject to payment of 10% brokerage on selling price, Replacement Cost of Raw
Material is ₹ 180 per kg. [4 x 2= 8 Marks]
(c) X Ltd. purchased machinery from Y Ltd. on 30/09/2019. The price was ₹ 1,045 lakhs after charging 10 % GST and giving a
trade discount of 5 % on the quoted price. Transport charges were 0.25 % on the quoted price and installation charges come to 1%
on the quoted price. To Finance the purchase of the machinery, company took a term bank loan of ₹ 1,000 lakhs at an interest rate
of 15% per annum. Fees of Consultants used for advice on the acquisition of the Machine ₹ 13,00,000, Cost of site preparation ₹
9,00,000,Estimated dismantling costs to be incurred after 10 years ₹ 5,00,000.Expenditure incurred on the trial run was: Material
₹ 10,00,000, wages ₹ 8,00,000 and overheads ₹ 6,00,000.Sale Proceeds of Goods produced during the trial run ₹ 4,00,000.
Machinery was ready for use on 01/12/2019. However, it was actually put to use only on 01/05/2020. The entire loan amount
remained unpaid on 01/05/2020. X Ltd. does not intend to utilize the input tax paid on capital good.
(i) Find out the cost of the machine. [3 Marks]
(ii) Suggest the accounting treatment for the cost incurred during the period between the date the machine was ready
for use and the actual date the machine was put to use. [2.33 Marks]
Liabilities ₹ Assets ₹
2,38,000 2,38,000
After preparing the Balance Sheet as at 31st March, it was discovered that purchases amounting to ₹ 10,000 in March, were not
recorded in books, though the goods were received during March. Other Assets realized ₹ 68,000.B was appointed to realise the
assets and to pay off the liabilities. He was entitled to receive 5% commission on the amount finally paid to other partners as
capital. He was to bear 15% of realisation expenses. Expenses of realisation amounted to ₹ 10,000. Calculate the commission paid
to B if Rule of Garner vs Murray is to be applied and the private position of the partners was as follows:
Particulars A B C D
Required: Prepare Realisation A/c, Partners’ Capital A/cs and Bank A/c. [4+6+3.33=13.33 Marks]
Unique Paper Code : 52411101
2. वायु लब आपको 31 माच, 2020 को समा ए वष के िलए िन िलिखत जानकारी
दान करता है:
Name of the Paper : Financial Accounting
Name of the Course : B.Com (Programme)/CBCS ाि यां ₹ भुगतान ₹
Semester : I
बक म बकाया शेष से (पासबुक 14,68 कराये के िलए (वष 2018– 1,20,0
के अनुसार) ,600 2019 के िलए ₹ 30,000 00
1. इस प म दो भाग ह: भाग क और भाग ख। सिहत)
2. भाग क उन िव ा थय के िलए है िज ह ने ैि टकल के साथ िव ीय लेखांकन को चुना वेश शु क से: 1,20, 30 जून, 2020 को समा 12,000
है और इसके िलए िनधा रत समय 2 घंटे 30 िमनट का है। य द िव ाथ ने िै टकल के (वष 2018–2019 के 000 ए वष के िलए बीमा
साथ िव ीय लेखांकन को चुना है, तो उ र पुि तका के शीष पर भाग क िलख। ₹ 20,000 सिहत) ीिमयम के िलए
3. भाग क + भाग ख उन िव ा थय के िलए ह िज ह ने िै टकल के िबना िव ीय
जीवन बीमा सद यता 4,00, टू नामट खच के िलए 2,40,0
लेखांकन को चुना है और इसके िलए िनधा रत समय 3 घंटे का है। य द िव ाथ ने ैि टकल 000 00
स स शन से
के िबना िव ीय लेखांकन को चुना है, तो उ र पुि तका के शीष पर भाग क + भाग ख
िलख। स स शन से (वष 2018– 2,97, भवन िनमाण पर य के िलए 4,00,0
2019 के िलए ₹ 17,000 800 00
4. उ र अं ज
े ी या िह दी म िलखे जा सकते ह ले कन पूरे प म एक ही मा यम का और वष 2020–2021 के िलए
उपयोग कर। ₹10,400 सिहत)
5. समा य कै लकु लेटर का उपयोग करने क अनुमित है।
सामा य दान और पैतृक संपि 2,40, खेल साम ी के आपू तकता के 88,000
6. व कग नोट को उ र का िह सा बनाना चािहए। 000
से िलए
7. थयोरी आधा रत के उ र संि और बदुबार होने चािहए।
टू नामट के िलए दान से 56,00 खेल साम ी क खरीद के िलए 20,000
भाग क [ दए गए पांच म से कोई तीन का उ र दीिजए]
1(क) कारण सिहत बताएं क िन िलिखत कथन स य ह या अस य (वैध कारण के िबना टू नामट क टकट िब से 2,20, समाचारप और पि का क 58,000
एक भी अंक नह दया जाएगा): [2 x 5 =10 अंक] ाि य से 000 खरीद के िलए से ( कताब के
(i) मू य ास क िविध म प रवतन को इकाई क लेखा नीित म प रवतन माना जाता है। िलए ₹ 38,000 सिहत)
(ii) मू य ास गैर-नकदी और गैर-प रचालन य है जो लाभ/हािन होने क
ि थित म दान कया जाना है। भवन के िलए दान से 5,60, खेल उपकरण क खरीद के 1,20,0
000 िलए 00
(iii) शु लाभ उ नकदी बकाया रािश को दशाता है और शु हािन कम शु मू य को
दशाती है। (1.10.2019 को)
(iv) आकि मक देयता एक कार क िनधा रत देयता है ले कन इसक रािश और िनयत
िनवेश पर 8% के याज से 4,800 8% के िनवेश के िलए 2,40,0
तारीख अिनि त है। 00
(1.10.2019 को कए
(v) मूलभूत पूवधारणा को हमेशा िव ीय िववरण म बताया जाना आव यक होता है।
(ख) ासंिगक लेखांकन पूवधारणा या िस ांत क ा या कर जो पूण कटीकरण िस ांत का पुरानी खेल साम ी क िब से 200 कराये और कर के िलए 6,000
अपवाद है। [5 अंक] (बही-मू य ₹ 1,000)
(ग) तरलता आदेश और थािय व आदेश के बीच अंतर या है। [3.33 अंक] 1.4.2019 को पुराने खेल 16,80 टेिलफोन भार के िलए 30,000
उपकरण क िब से ( बही- 0
मू य ₹ 24,000)
टेलीफोन के िलए एक चौथाई शु क बकाया है, अ जत रािश ₹ 6,000 है। येक ितमाही
पुराने समाचारप और 3,600 मानदेय के िलए 24,000
के िलए शु क समान है। कांच क कटलरी आ द के मू य का 1/5 खरीद के वष म और शेष
पि का क िब से
1/2 को अगले दो वष म ितवष ब े खाते म डाला जाना है। 1.4.2019 क ि थित के
लॉकर के कराये से 1,00, कांच क कटलेरी आ द के िलए 20,000 अनुसार कांच क कटलरी आ द के टॉक म से आधा साल पुराना था और दूसरा िह सा दो
(वष 2018–2019 के िलए
000 साल पुराना था।
₹ 12,000 सिहत)
आव यकता: 31 माच, 2020 को समा ए वष के िलए आय और य लेखा तैयार
बक बकाया शेष से (पासबुक 21,09, कर।[18.33 अंक]
के अनुसार) 800
3. 01.7.2016 को, ए स ने 20,00,000 पये म वाई से 5 मशीन खरीदी। भुगतान
34,87 34,87,
कया जाना था- 20% अि म और शेष ₹ 5,00,000 क चार वा षक समान क त म
,800 800
येक वष के अंत म भुगतान कया जाना था। ए स, मूल लागत पर 20% ित क दर से
मू य ास ब े खाते म डालता है। ए स ारा तीसरी क त का भुगतान नह कए जाने पर,
वाई ए स को ई-मेल करता है क 01.04.2020 को वह 3 मशीन को वािपस ले लेगा
अित र जानकारी: और िन िलिखत म से कसी के िलए ऋण क अनुमित देगा:
5(क) िव ीय लीज़ और ऑपरे टग लीज़ के बीच अंतर प कर। [5 अंक] (i) मशीन क लागत का पता लगाएं।
[3 अंक]
(ख) आ मा िलिमटेड M1 नामक एक क े माल का उपयोग करके एक उ पाद 'OM' बनाती (ii) मशीन के उपयोग के िलए तैयार होने क अविध और मशीन को उपयोग करने क
है। कं पनी ने 200 पये ित कलो ाम पर 10,000 कलो ाम M1 साम ी खरीदने के वा तिवक तारीख के दौरान होने वाली लागत के िलए लेखांकन बंध का सुझाव
उ े य से िवशेष प से 15% वा षक याज दर पर बक ओवर ा ट िलया। खरीद मू य म द। [2.33 अंक]
ित कलो ाम ₹ 20 का जीएसटी शािमल है, िजसके संबंध म पूण ऋण वीकाय है। ₹
81,600 क रािश माल भाड़ा, लो डग और अनलो डग शु क के प म लगी। इस बक
ओवर ा ट पर ₹ 50,000 क रािश याज थी। सामा य ांिज़ट हािन 2% है। कं पनी को भाग ख [क यूटरीकृ त लेखांकन को नह चुनने वाले िव ा थय के िलए]
वा तव म 9,760 कलो ाम िमला था। और 9,500 कलो क खपत क । तैयार उ पाद क 6(क) ऐसी दो प रि थितयां बताएं िजनम गानर बनाम मरे के िनयम लागू नह कए जा सकते
एक इकाई को क े माल क पांच इकाइय क आव यकता होती है। य म लागत ₹ ह। भागीदार के बीच अलग-अलग िवतरण क अिधकतम हािन िविध और आनुपाितक पूंजी िविध
4,56,000, य ओवरहे स लागत ₹ 1,14,000 क रािश है। वष के िलए कु ल का मूलभूत पूवधारणा बताएं। भागीदार के बीच अलग-अलग िवतरण क अिधकतम हािन िविध
फ ड ओवरहे स तैयार माल क 20,000 इकाइय क सामा य मता पर 2,40,000 और आनुपाितक पूजं ी िविध का पालन कए िबना अपने लाभ को समान अनुपात म भागीदार के
पये है। वष के दौरान उ पाद 'ओम' क िब ₹ 1,500 पये क क मत पर बीच नकदी िवत रत करना कब यायसंगत है? [ 2+2+1= 5 अंक]
₹15,00,000 क थी। कोई ओप नग इ वटरी नह थी । AS 2 "इ व ी के मू यांकन" के
संदभ म, असामा य हािन क मा ा क गणना कर (य द कोई हो), तो तैयार माल और (b) िन िलिखत ए, बी, सी और डी क बैलस शीट है 31 माच, 2020, को जब
क े माल क अंितम इ व ी य द उ ह ने फम को भंग करने का फै सला कया तब उनका िह सा 3: 3: 2: 2 के अनुपात म
(i) तैयार इकाइय को 10% ोकरे ज के भुगतान के अधीन ₹ 1,600 के िब मू य पर
बेचा जा सकता है। क े माल क र लेशमट लागत ₹ 180 ित कलो ाम है। देयताएं ₹ आि तयां ₹
समा य 20,00 लाभ और हािन 10,00 3.PART A + PART B are meant for those students who have opted Financial Accounting without Practical and the
आरि त जमा 0 खाता 0 duration is 3 hours. Write PART A + PART B on the top of the answer sheet if student has opted Financial Accounting
without Practical.
2,38, 2,38,
4.Answers may be written either in English or Hindi but the same medium should be used throughout the paper.
000 000
5. Simple Calculators are allowed to be used.
6. Working Notes should form part of the answer.
31 माच क ि थित के अनुसार बैलस शीट तैयार करने के बाद पता चला क माच म
7. Answers to theory questions should be brief and to the point.
₹10,000 क रािश क खरीद बही म दज नह क गई, हालां क यह सामान माच के
दौरान ा आ था। अ य आि तय का आकलन ₹ 68,000 का कया गया। बी को PART A [Attempt ANY THREE Questions out of given FIVE Questions]
आि तय का आकलन करने और देनदा रय का भुगतान करने के िलए िनयु कया गया था। 1(a) State with reason whether the following statements are true or false (No Marks shall be awarded without valid
reason): [2 x 5 =10 Marks]
वह अंत म पूंजी के प म अ य भागीदार को भुगतान क गई रािश पर 5% कमीशन ा
(i) Change in Method of Depreciation is regarded as change in Accounting Policy of the entity.
करने का हकदार था। उसे वसूली का 15 ितशत खच वहन करना था। वसूली पर ए खच (ii) Depreciation is non-cash and non- operating expense which is to be provided for whether there are profits/losses.
क रािश ₹ 10,000 थी। य द गानर बनाम मरे का िनयम लागू कया जाता है, तो बी (iii) Net Profit is reflected in higher cash balances and net loss is reflected in lower net worth.
को भुगतान कए जाने वाले कमीशन क गणना कर और भागीदार क िनजी ि थित इस (iv) Contingent liability is an ascertained liability but its amount and due date are indeterminate.
कार थी: (v) Fundamental Assumptions are always required to be disclosed in the financial statements.
(b) Explain the relevant accounting assumption or principle which is an exception to Full Disclosure Principle.
[5 Marks]
िववरण ए बी सी डी (c) Distinguish between Order of Liquidity and Order of Permanence. [3.33 Marks]
Three Members died without paying annual subscription of ₹ 200 each p.a.for the previous year and current year.Cash Purchases
To General Donations & Legacies 2,40,000 By Supplier of Sports Materials 88,000 of Sports Materials amounted to 20% of Total Purchases. Depreciate Sports Equipments@10% p.a.At 31.3.2020, Rates & taxes
were prepaid to the following 31 Jan., yearly charge ₹ 6,000.A quarter charge for telephone is outstanding, the amount accrued ₹
To Donation for Tournament 56,000 By Purchase of Sports Materials 20,000 6,000. The charge for each quarter is same.1/5 of the value of Glass cutlery etc. is to be written off in the year of purchases and
1/2 of the balance in each of the next two years. Of the stock of glass, cutlery etc. as on 1.4.2019 one half was a year old and the
To Proceeds from Sale of Tournament 2,20,000 By Purchase of Books & Periodicals 58,000 other half two years old.
Tickets (including ₹ 38,000 for Books)
Required: Prepare an Income and Expenditure Account for the year ending on March 31, 2020. [18.33 Marks]
To Donation for Building 5,60,000 By Purchase of Sports Equipment 1,20,000 3. On 01.7.2016, X purchased 5 Machines from Y for ₹ 20,00,000. Payment was to be made—20% down and the balance in four
(on 1.10.2019) annual equal instalments of ₹ 5,00,000 each to be paid at the end of each year.X, writes off depreciation @ 20% p.a. on the
original cost. On X ’s failure to pay the third instalment, Y e-mailed X that on 01.04.2020 he will repossess 3 machines and will
To Interest on 8% Investments 4,800 By 8% Investments 2,40,000 allow a credit for lower of the following:
(made on 1.10.2019) (i) Value of Machines on the basis of 40% p.a.depreciation on WDV basis.
(ii) the amount paid against 3 machines less 50%.
To Sale of Old Sports Materials 200 By Rates & Taxes 6,000 X replied Ok. 01.04.2020 Y repossessed the machines as per mail. Y spent ₹ 12,000 on repairs of these machines and sold one of
(Book Value ₹ 1,000) such machines for ₹ 1,40,000 on 30th June 2020. X follows financial year as its accounting year.
Required: Prepare Machinery Account and Hire Vendor’s Account in the books of X and Hire Purchaser’s Account and Goods
To Sale of Old Sports Equipment 16,800 By Telephone charges 30,000 Repossessed Account in the books of Y. Also Show the Items related to Hire Purchase in the Balance Sheet of X as at 31st
on 1.4.2019 (Book Value March, 2020. [4+4+4+4+2.33=18.33 Marks]
₹ 24,000)
4.PARMATMA Ltd. Delhi invoices goods to its Mumbai and Kolkata branch offices at 20% less than the list price which is cost
To Sale of Old Newspapers & 3,600 By Honorarium 24,000 plus 50% with instructions that cash sales are to be made at invoice price and credit sales at list price.
Periodicals Opening Stock at Mumbai at its cost ₹ 1,53,600.
To Locker Rents 1,00,000 By Glass cutlery etc. 20,000 Goods Sent to Mumbai (at cost to Delhi) ₹ 2,20,000.
(including ₹ 12,000 for 2018– Cash Sales ₹ 1,49,600, Credit Sales ₹ 2,90,000.
2019) Goods returned by Credit Customers to Mumbai ₹ 90,000.
By Bank Balance (as per Pass Book) 21,09,800 Goods returned by Mumbai to Delhi ₹ 72,000.
Loss of Goods by fire (at invoice price) ₹ 6,000 against which 80% of cost was recovered from the insurance Company.
34,87,800 34,87,800 Loss of Goods at Mumbai through normal pilferage (at list price) ₹ 6,000.
Debtors at Mumbai:Opening ₹ 10,000
Cash remitted by MumbaI Branch to HO: ₹ 3,24,870.
Additional Information: Discount Allowed to Debtors ₹ 26,730.
Particulars As at 1.4.2019 As at 31.3.2020 Goods received by Mumbai till close of the year ₹ 2,54,000.
₹ ₹ Provision is to be made for discount on Debtors at 15% on prompt payments at year end on the basis of year’s trend of prompt
Outstanding Subscription 19,000 12,800
Cash remitted by HO to Branch for Expenses:
₹ 18,000
Advance Subscription 5,600 ? Branch Expenses still outstanding:
₹ 1,482
Amount due to Suppliers of Sports Materials 30,000 18,000 Manager is entitled to a commission @ 6% of net profits after charging such commission.
Advances to Suppliers of Sports Materials 10,000 6,000 Required: Prepare Mumbai Branch Debtors A/c, Mumbai Branch Stock Account, Mumbai Branch Adjustment A/c, Mumbai
Branch Expenses Account and Mumbai Branch Profit & Loss A/c under Stock & Debtors Method.
Stock of Sports Materials 30,000 3,000 [2+5+5+1+ 5.33=18.33 Marks]
5(a) Distinguish between Finance Lease and Operating Lease. [5 Marks]
Tournament Fund 24,000 ?
(b) AATMA Ltd. manufactures a product ‘OM’ using a raw material M1.The company took Bank Overdraft at an interest rate of
15% p.a. specifically for the purpose of purchasing 10,000 kg. of material M1 at ₹ 200 per kg. The purchase price includes GST ₹
Building Fund 4,40,000 ?
20 per kg., in respect of which full credit is admissible. Freight, loading and unloading charges incurred amounted to ₹ 81,600.
Interest on such Bank Overdraft amounted to ₹ 50,000. Normal Transit Loss is 2%. The company actually received 9,760 kg. and
Cheques issued but not presented for Tournament 54,000 1,34,000 consumed 9,500 kg. One unit of Finished product requires five units of Raw Material. Direct Labour Cost amounted to ₹
4,56,000,Direct Overheads Cost amounted to ₹ 1,14,000.Total Fixed Overheads for the year were ₹ 2,40,000 on normal capacity
of 20,000 units of Finished Goods.During the year Sales of product ‘OM’ were ₹ 15,00,000 @ ₹ 1,500.There were no opening
Glass cutlery etc. 40,000 ? inventories.With reference to AS 2 “Valuation of Inventory”,Calculate the amount of Abnormal Loss (if any),Closing Inventory
of Finished Goods and Raw Material if
(i) Finished units can be sold @ ₹ 1,600 subject to payment of 10% brokerage on selling price., Replacement Cost of Raw
Material is ₹ 180 per kg.
2 3
(ii) Finished units can be sold @ ₹ 1,400 subject to payment of 10% brokerage on selling price, Replacement Cost of Raw
Material is ₹ 180 per kg. [4 x 2= 8 Marks]
(c) X Ltd. purchased machinery from Y Ltd. on 30/09/2019. The price was ₹ 1,045 lakhs after charging 10 % GST and giving a
trade discount of 5 % on the quoted price. Transport charges were 0.25 % on the quoted price and installation charges come to 1%
on the quoted price. To Finance the purchase of the machinery, company took a term bank loan of ₹ 1,000 lakhs at an interest rate
of 15% per annum. Fees of Consultants used for advice on the acquisition of the Machine ₹ 13,00,000, Cost of site preparation ₹
9,00,000,Estimated dismantling costs to be incurred after 10 years ₹ 5,00,000.Expenditure incurred on the trial run was: Material
₹ 10,00,000, wages ₹ 8,00,000 and overheads ₹ 6,00,000.Sale Proceeds of Goods produced during the trial run ₹ 4,00,000.
Machinery was ready for use on 01/12/2019. However, it was actually put to use only on 01/05/2020. The entire loan amount
remained unpaid on 01/05/2020. X Ltd. does not intend to utilize the input tax paid on capital good.
(i) Find out the cost of the machine. [3 Marks]
(ii) Suggest the accounting treatment for the cost incurred during the period between the date the machine was ready
for use and the actual date the machine was put to use. [2.33 Marks]
Liabilities ₹ Assets ₹
2,38,000 2,38,000
After preparing the Balance Sheet as at 31st March, it was discovered that purchases amounting to ₹ 10,000 in March, were not
recorded in books, though the goods were received during March. Other Assets realized ₹ 68,000.B was appointed to realise the
assets and to pay off the liabilities. He was entitled to receive 5% commission on the amount finally paid to other partners as
capital. He was to bear 15% of realisation expenses. Expenses of realisation amounted to ₹ 10,000. Calculate the commission paid
to B if Rule of Garner vs Murray is to be applied and the private position of the partners was as follows:
Particulars A B C D
Required: Prepare Realisation A/c, Partners’ Capital A/cs and Bank A/c. [4+6+3.33=13.33 Marks]