RRU5336E Installation Guide (Draft A) (PDF) - EN

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Installation Guide

Issue Draft A
Date 2020-08-30


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Installation Guide Contents


1 RRU5336E Installation Guide................................................................................................1

1.1 Changes in RRU5336E Installation Guide....................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Installation Preparations....................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Reference Documents.........................................................................................................................................................2
1.2.2 Tools and Instruments........................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.2.3 Skills and Requirements for Onsite Personnel........................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Information About the Installation................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3.1 RRU Exterior...........................................................................................................................................................................5
1.3.2 RRU Ports................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3.3 RRU Indicators...................................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.4 RRU Mounting Kits.............................................................................................................................................................. 9 Common Mounting Kit................................................................................................................................................ 10
1.3.5 Installation Scenarios and Restrictions...................................................................................................................... 11
1.3.6 Installation Clearance Requirements of an RRU.....................................................................................................14
1.4 Unpacking Check.................................................................................................................................................................. 15
1.5 Installation Procedure......................................................................................................................................................... 17
1.6 Installing an RRU.................................................................................................................................................................. 17
1.6.1 Installing an RRU on a Pole........................................................................................................................................... 17
1.6.2 Installing an RRU on a Wall...........................................................................................................................................22
1.7 Installing RRU Cables.......................................................................................................................................................... 27
1.7.1 Cabling Requirements...................................................................................................................................................... 27
1.7.2 Cable Connections............................................................................................................................................................. 36
1.7.3 Procedure for Installing RRU Cables........................................................................................................................... 37
1.7.4 RRU Cable List.................................................................................................................................................................... 38
1.7.5 Installing an RRU PGND Cable..................................................................................................................................... 39
1.7.6 Installing an RRU RF Jumper......................................................................................................................................... 40
1.7.7 Opening the Cover Plate of an RRU Cabling Cavity..............................................................................................44
1.7.8 Installing a CPRI Optical Fiber...................................................................................................................................... 45
1.7.9 Installing an RRU AC Power Cable.............................................................................................................................. 47
1.7.10 Closing the Cover Plate of an RRU Cabling Cavity..............................................................................................49
1.8 Checking the RRU Hardware Installation..................................................................................................................... 51
1.9 Checking the Power-on Status of an RRU....................................................................................................................51
1.10 Appendix................................................................................................................................................................................ 52

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Installation Guide Contents

1.10.1 Assembling the OT Terminal and the Power Cable............................................................................................ 53

1.10.2 Adding a Female Fast Connector (Pressfit Type) to an RRU AC Power Cable on the RRU Side.........58

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

This document describes how to install an AC Book RRU5336E (referred to as RRU
in this document). RRU is short for remote radio unit.

Product Versions
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.

Product Name Solution Version Product Version

RRU5336E SRAN13.1 and later V100R013C10 and later

versions versions

1.1 Changes in RRU5336E Installation Guide

This section describes the changes in the installation guide.
1.2 Installation Preparations
This section describes the reference documents, tools, and instruments that must
be ready before the installation. In addition, it specifies the skills that are required
by installation engineers.
1.3 Information About the Installation
This section describes RRU information, including its exterior, ports, indicators,
installation scenarios, and installation clearance requirements. You must be
familiar with such RRU information prior to RRU installation.
1.4 Unpacking Check
This section describes how to unpack the delivered equipment, components, or
parts and check whether all the materials are included and intact.
1.5 Installation Procedure
This section describes the RRU installation procedure, which involves installing the
RRU and RRU cables, checking the RRU hardware installation, and powering on
the RRU.
1.6 Installing an RRU

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

This section describes how to install an RRU on a wall or pole by using a common
mounting kit.
1.7 Installing RRU Cables
This section describes the procedure for installing RRU cables.
1.8 Checking the RRU Hardware Installation
This chapter describes how to check the hardware installation after a remote radio
unit (RRU) is installed.
1.9 Checking the Power-on Status of an RRU
This chapter describes how to check the power-on status of a remote radio unit
(RRU) after all the devices are installed.
1.10 Appendix
This section describes the procedure for adding OT terminals and adding a
connector to the RRU power cable on the RRU side.

1.1 Changes in RRU5336E Installation Guide

This section describes the changes in the installation guide.

Draft A (2020-08-30)
This is a draft.

1.2 Installation Preparations

This section describes the reference documents, tools, and instruments that must
be ready before the installation. In addition, it specifies the skills that are required
by installation engineers.

1.2.1 Reference Documents

This section lists the documents that installation engineers must read before
starting the installation.
The following reference documents are required for RRU installation:
● Safety Information
● RRU5336E Hardware Description

1.2.2 Tools and Instruments

This section describes the primary and auxiliary installation tools that must be
ready before the RRU installation.
Different models of RRU modules are suitable in different installation scenarios.
Select tools based on the actual RRU installation scenario.

Primary Installation Tools

The primary installation tools must be provided for onsite installation, such as
tools for drilling holes, preparing cables, and fastening. The primary installation

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

tools are classified into basic tools and extended tools, as listed in the following

Table 1-1 Basic tools

Multi-purpose cable Torque screwdriver (0.4 Torque wrench (1 N·m to
preparation tool N·m to 15 N·m [3.54 lbf·in. 45 N·m [8.85 lbf·in. to
(stripping wires, to 132.76 lbf·in.]) 398.28 lbf·in.])
cutting wires, and
crimping OT
terminals) Size: 10 mm (0.39 in.), 13
mm (0.51 in.), 14 mm
3 mm (0.12 in.), 5 mm (0.55 in.), 16 mm (0.63
(0.20 in.) in.), 17 mm (0.67 in.), 18
mm (0.71 in.), 19 mm
(0.75 in.), 21 mm (0.83
M2.5 to M6 in.), 22 mm (0.87 in.), 32
mm (1.26 in.)

M2.5 to M6

Heat gun Level Measuring tape

Table 1-2 Extended tools

Installed on Pole, Installed on Wall Installed on Tower
Angle Steel, or U-

None Torque socket (1 N·m to 40 Rope

N·m [8.85 lbf·in. to 354.03

M6, M8, M10

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Installed on Pole, Installed on Wall Installed on Tower

Angle Steel, or U-

Hammer drill (Ф 4.5 bit, Ф 8 Fixed pulley (load

bit, Ф 12 bit, Ф 14 bit) bearing capacity > 500
kg [1102.50 lb])

Auxiliary Installation Tools

The auxiliary installation tools provide protection or facilitate the installation, as
listed in the following table.

Table 1-3 Auxiliary installation tools

Protective gloves ESD gloves Vacuum cleaner

Diagonal pliers Marker (diameter ≤ 10 mm Rubber mallet

[0.39 in.])

Utility knife - -

1.2.3 Skills and Requirements for Onsite Personnel

Onsite personnel must be qualified and trained. Before performing any operation,
onsite personnel must be familiar with correct operation methods and safety
Before the installation, pay attention to the following items:
● The customer's technical engineers must be trained by Huawei and be
familiar with the proper installation and operation methods.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

● The number of onsite personnel depends on the engineering schedule and

installation environment. Generally, only three to five onsite personnel are

1.3 Information About the Installation

This section describes RRU information, including its exterior, ports, indicators,
installation scenarios, and installation clearance requirements. You must be
familiar with such RRU information prior to RRU installation.

1.3.1 RRU Exterior

This section describes the exterior and dimensions of an RRU.
The RRU5336E is an RRU with an external antenna. The following figure shows
the appearance of this RRU.

Figure 1-1 RRU exterior

The following figures show RRU dimensions.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Figure 1-2 RRU dimensions

1.3.2 RRU Ports

This section describes ports on the RRU panels. An RRU has a bottom panel,
cabling cavity panel, and indicator panel.
The following figures show the ports on the RRU panels.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Figure 1-3 Ports on the RRU panels

The following table describes ports and indicators on the RRU panels.

Table 1-4 Ports and indicators on the RRU panels

Item Silkscreen Description

1. Ports at the A TX/RX port A (4.3-10 female connector)

B TX/RX port B (4.3-10 female connector)

C TX/RX port C (4.3-10 female connector)

D TX/RX port D (4.3-10 female connector)

2. Ports in the CPRI0 Optical port 0, connected to the BBU or

cabling cavity an upper-level RRU

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Item Silkscreen Description

CPRI1 Optical port 1, connected to a lower-

level RRU or the BBU

L Power supply socket, For details about

N RRU power cable appearance and
specifications, see RRU Power Cable.

3. Indicators RUN For details, see 1.3.3 RRU Indicators.






1.3.3 RRU Indicators

There are six indicators on an RRU. They indicate the running status.
For detailed positions of RRU indicators, see 1.3.2 RRU Ports.
Table 1-5 describes RRU indicators.

Table 1-5 RRU indicators

Silkscre Color Status Description

RUN Green Steady on There is power supply, but the

board is faulty.

Steady off There is no power supply, or the

board is faulty.

Blinking (on for 1s and The board is running properly.

off for 1s)

Blinking (on for 0.125s Software is being loaded to the

and off for 0.125s) board, or the board is not

ALM Red Steady on Alarms are generated, and the

module must be replaced.

Steady off No alarm is generated.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Silkscre Color Status Description


Blinking (on for 1s and Alarms are generated. The

off for 1s) alarms may be caused by the
faults on the related boards or
ports. Therefore, you need to
locate the fault before deciding
whether to replace the module.

ACT Green Steady on The module is running properly

with TX channels enabled or the
software is being loaded
without RRU running.

Blinking (on for 1s and The board is running properly

off for 1s) with TX channels disabled.

VSWR Red Steady off No VSWR alarm is generated.

Steady on VSWR alarms are generated.

CPRI0/ Red or Steady green The CPRI link is functioning

CPRI1 green properly.

Steady red An optical module fails to

receive signals because the
optical module is faulty or the
optical fiber is broken.

Blinking red (on for 1s The CPRI link is out of lock

and off for 1s) because of mutual lock of dual-
mode clock sources or
mismatched data rates over
CPRI ports (you are advised to
check the system configuration
to identify the fault).

Steady off The SFP module is not properly

installed, or the optical module
is powered off.


● To query the indicator status, run the LST RRU command. For example: LST RRU: CN=0,
SRN=60, SN=0;
● To turn off an indicator, run the MOD RRU command. For example: MOD RRU: CN=0,
● To turn on an indicator, run the MOD RRU command. For example: MOD RRU: CN=0,

1.3.4 RRU Mounting Kits

This section describes mounting kits for installing RRUs.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide Common Mounting Kit

This section describes the common mounting kit for installing an RRU.
Figure 1-4 shows a common mounting kit.

Figure 1-4 Common mounting kit for an RRU

1. Common 2. Common mounting 3. Steel belt 4. M6x60 expansion

attachment plate kit bolt


The common mounting kit is used for installing an RRU on a wall or on a pole with the
diameter ranging from 48 to 381 mm (1.89 to 15 in.).

The following figures show the front view and side view of an RRU.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Figure 1-5 Front view and side view of an RRU

1. Front view of an RRU 2. Side view of an RRU 3. Common attachment plate

1.3.5 Installation Scenarios and Restrictions

This section describes RRU installation environment restrictions and scenarios. An
RRU can be installed independently or installed together with an ODM04A on a
pole or on a wall.


If an RRU is used outdoors, an AC surge protection box must be configured on the

upper-level of the RRU.

Ambient environment:
To ensure proper heat dissipation of the RRU, the following requirements must be
● The RRU cannot be installed in an enclosed cabinet without a cooling system.
● The RRU cannot be installed in an enclosed camouflage box.
● The RRU cannot be installed in an enclosed equipment room without a
cooling system.


An inappropriate ambient environment reduces the heat dissipation efficiency

and the RRU may not work properly, as shown in Figure 1-6.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Figure 1-6 Inappropriate ambient environment

● The installation supports' specifications described in this document are based

only on the exterior and dimensions of the mounting kits. Before installing
equipment, assess the strength and reliability of the installation support to
determine whether it can bear the weight of the equipment.
● When an AC RRU is installed outdoors, an AC surge protection box must be
configured between the external power supply equipment and the RRU to
provide surge protection.
● To ensure the waterproof performance of ports at the bottom of an RRU with
external antennas, the RRU bottom must always face downward and the
vertical deviation angle of the RRU must be less than or equal to 10 degrees,
as shown in the following figure.

Figure 1-7 Vertical deviation angle requirements of an RRU

(1) RRU (2) Installation support

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Installing an RRU on a Pole

Figure 1-8 shows the diameter of a pole for installing an RRU.
The diameter of a pole for installing an RRU ranges from 48 to 381 mm (1.89 to
15 in.). The recommended diameter is 60 mm (2.36 in.).
It is recommended that the thickness of a pole with the diameter of 48 to 114 mm
(1.89 to 4.49 in.) be greater than or equal to 3.5 mm (0.14 in.).

Figure 1-8 Diameter range of a pole

The RRU supports installation only in standard mode.

Figure 1-9 shows a single RRU installed independently on a pole.

Figure 1-9 A single RRU installed on a pole

Installing an RRU on a Wall

The following requirements must be met in the wall-mounting scenario:
● For the single-RRU installation, the wall withstands at least four times the
weight of the RRU.
● When an RRU is installed on the wall, the common mounting kit is used
together with M6x60 expansion bolts and the angle-adjustable mounting kit

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

is used together with M10x80 expansion bolts. The M6x60 expansion bolts
must be tightened to 5 N·m (44.25 lbf in.) and the M10x80 expansion bolts to
28 N·m (247.82 lbf in.). Ensure that the bolts work properly and the wall
remains intact without cracks.
The RRU supports installation only in standard mode.
Figure 1-10 shows a single RRU installed independently on a wall.

Figure 1-10 A single RRU installed on a wall

1.3.6 Installation Clearance Requirements of an RRU

This section describes the recommended and minimum installation clearances for
a single RRU.
● The recommended clearances are for customers, ensuring normal running and
providing sufficient space for operation and maintenance (O&M). Reserve the
recommended clearances if installation space is sufficient.
● The minimum installation clearances ensure proper equipment running and
heat dissipation. However, O&M activities, such as checking indicator status
and opening the maintenance cavity, cannot be properly performed. Reserve
the minimum clearances if installation space is insufficient.
If an RRU is installed on the bitumen ground, the RRU must be at least 500 mm
(19.69 in.) (700 mm [27.56 in.] or more is recommended) away from the bitumen
ground. The clearance requirements for installing a single RRU on the non-
bitumen ground are illustrated in the following figures.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Figure 1-11 Clearances for installing a single RRU

1.4 Unpacking Check

This section describes how to unpack the delivered equipment, components, or
parts and check whether all the materials are included and intact.

When transporting, moving, or installing the equipment, components, or parts,
you must:
● Package them for delivery and transportation before the base station
deployment. Unpacked delivery or package replacement for transferring is not

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

● Prevent them from colliding with doors, walls, shelves, or other objects.
● Wear clean gloves and do not touch them with bare hands, sweat-soaked
gloves, or dirty gloves.
● The transportation environment must meet requirements of ETSI 300 019-1-2
class 2.3. For the goods damage caused by non-standard and violent
transportation or non-human factors (such as natural disasters), the
transportation entity should take the responsibility.


After unpacking an RRU, you must power on the RRU within 24 hours. Otherwise,
the RRU may be damaged.

Step 1 Check the total number of articles in each case according to the packing list.

If... Then...

The total number is consistent with Go to Step 2.

the packing list

The total number is not consistent Find out the cause and report it to the
with the packing list local Huawei office.

Step 2 Check the exterior of the packing case.

If... Then...

The outer packing case is intact Go to Step 3.

The outer packing is severely Find out the cause and report it to the
damaged or soaked local Huawei office.

Step 3 Check the type and quantity of the equipment in the cases according to the
packing list.

If... Then...

The type and quantity are consistent Sign the Packing List with the customer.
with the packing list on each
packing case

There is any shortage, wrong Report the situation to the local Huawei
delivery, or damaged equipment office.


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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

1.5 Installation Procedure

This section describes the RRU installation procedure, which involves installing the
RRU and RRU cables, checking the RRU hardware installation, and powering on
the RRU.
Figure 1-12 shows the RRU installation procedure.

Figure 1-12 RRU installation procedure

1.6 Installing an RRU

This section describes how to install an RRU on a wall or pole by using a common
mounting kit.


Place a foam pad or cardboard under an RRU to protect the RRU housing from
damage if the RRU is placed on the ground.

1.6.1 Installing an RRU on a Pole

This section describes the procedure and precautions for installing a single RRU on
a pole.

Step 1 Determine the position for installing a common mounting kit, as shown in Figure

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Figure 1-13 Distance between the common mounting kit and the ground


The distance between the mounting kit and the ground illustrated in Figure 1-13 (greater
than or equal to 3000 mm [118.11 in.]) is a recommended value. If the space is insufficient,
only the minimum clearance in 1.3.6 Installation Clearance Requirements of an RRU
needs to be reserved.

Step 2 Route two steel belts separately through the upper and lower mounting holes on
the common mounting kit, but do not route the steel belts through the buckles, as
shown in Figure 1-14.

Figure 1-14 Routing steel belts through the common mounting kit

1. Visible window

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide


Before installing a steel belt, check the rotating shaft from the visible window. If the
rotating shaft is not located at the end of the bolt, loosen the bolt and adjust the rotating
shaft to the end of the bolt. Figure 1-16 illustrates the position of the rotating shaft.

Step 3 Install the common mounting kit onto the pole, as shown in Figure 1-15.

Figure 1-15 Installing the common mounting kit onto the pole


● Redundant steel belts must be bound. When you bind the steel belts, wear gloves to
prevent injury.
● It is recommended that the mounting bases of the upper and lower steel belts be
aligned to ensure neat appearance.
1. Loosen the bolt on each steel belt according to the arrows on the mounting
base, and ensure that the rotating shaft is located at the bolt end, as shown
in Figure 1-16.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Figure 1-16 Position of the rotating shaft

2. Tighten each steel belt with a force not less than 50 N (11.25 lbf), bend it by
180°, and firmly press the position where it bends, as shown in Figure 1-17.

Figure 1-17 Correct and incorrect methods of tightening a steel belt

3. Restore the bolt in position on the mounting base of the steel belt, as shown
in Figure 1-18.

Figure 1-18 Correct and incorrect positions of the bolt on the mounting base

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

4. Use an M6 hexagon torque screwdriver to tighten the screw to 7 N·m (61.96


Check the steel belt installation status from the visible window when the
torque reaches 7 N·m (61.96 lbf·in.). If the rotating shaft is seen close to the
end of the bolt from the visible window, remove the steel belt and fasten it
again, as shown in Figure 1-19.

Figure 1-19 Checking the position of the rotating shaft

1. Rotating shaft

Step 4 Install the RRU onto the common mounting kit.

1. Align the hook at the bottom of an attachment plate with the lower U-
shaped slot on a mounting kit. Figure 1-20 shows the positions of the U-
shaped slot on a mounting kit and the hook on an attachment plate.

Figure 1-20 Positions of the U-shaped slot on a mounting kit and the hook
on an attachment plate

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

1. U-shaped slot on a mounting kit 2. Hook on an attachment plate

2. Hang the two dowels on the top of the RRU rear plate onto the common
mounting kit, and push the RRU downwards until the hook at the bottom of
the attachment plate snaps into the U-shaped slot on the mounting bracket,
as shown by illustrations a and b in Figure 1-21.
3. Use an M6 hex screwdriver to tighten the screw clockwise on the top of the
common attachment plate to 5 N·m (44.25 lbf·in.), as shown by illustration c
in Figure 1-21.

Figure 1-21 Installing the RRU onto the common mounting kit


1.6.2 Installing an RRU on a Wall

This section describes the procedure and precautions for installing a single RRU on
a wall.

The wall on which an RRU is installed must meet the following requirements:
● When a single RRU is installed, the wall withstands at least four times the
weight of the RRU.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

● Expansion bolts must be tightened to 5 N·m (44.25 lbf·in.) to ensure the bolts
work properly and the wall remains intact without cracks.
● Walls (such as hollow bricks and thermal insulation walls) that do not meet
the load-bearing requirements may be damaged or experience bolt loosening.
As a result, devices may fall off. In this case, select an appropriate installation
mode based on the site conditions.

Step 1 Determine a proper position for installing an RRU onto a wall, use a level to verify
that the marking-off template is placed horizontally, and use a marker to mark
anchor points, as shown in Figure 1-22.

Figure 1-22 Marking anchor points

1. Level 2. Screw hole 3. Marker


The distance between the mounting kit and the ground illustrated in Figure 1-22 (greater
than or equal to 3000 mm [118.11 in.]) is a recommended value. If the space is insufficient,
only the minimum clearance in 1.3.6 Installation Clearance Requirements of an RRU
needs to be reserved.

Step 2 Drill holes at the anchor points and then install expansion bolts in the holes, as
shown in Figure 1-23.


Take proper safety measures to protect eyes and respiratory system against dust
when drilling holes.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

1. Use a hammer drill with a Ф8 bit to drill holes vertically at the marked anchor
points. Ensure that the depth of holes ranges from 45 to 50 mm (1.77 to 1.97
in.) and all holes are of the same depth. Use a vacuum cleaner to wipe away
any dust in and around the holes and measure the spacing between holes. If
any of the holes is beyond the acceptable range, mark a new anchor point
and drill a new hole.
2. Partially tighten each expansion bolt and vertically insert it into a drilled hole.
3. Use a rubber mallet to pound each expansion bolt until the corresponding
expansion sleeve completely enters the hole.
4. Remove the nut, spring washer, and flat washer from each expansion bolt in

Figure 1-23 Drilling a hole and installing an expansion bolt

1. Bolt (M6x60) 2. Nut 3. Spring washer 4. Flat washer 5. Expansion


Step 3 Place the common mounting bracket against the wall, secure the common
mounting bracket by using four M6x60 bolts, and tighten each bolt to 5 N·m
(44.25 lbf·in.), as shown in Figure 1-24.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Figure 1-24 Securing a common mounting kit onto a wall

1. Nut 2. Spring washer 3. Flat washer

Step 4 Install the RRU onto the common mounting kit.

1. Align the hook at the bottom of an attachment plate with the lower U-
shaped slot on a mounting kit. Figure 1-25 shows the positions of the U-
shaped slot on a mounting kit and the hook on an attachment plate.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Figure 1-25 Positions of the U-shaped slot on a mounting kit and the hook
on an attachment plate

1. U-shaped slot on a mounting kit 2. Hook on an attachment plate

2. Hang the two dowels on the top of the RRU rear plate onto the common
mounting kit, and push the RRU downwards until the hook at the bottom of
the attachment plate snaps into the U-shaped slot on the mounting bracket,
as shown by illustrations a and b in Figure 1-26.
3. Use an M6 hex screwdriver to tighten the screw clockwise on the top of the
common attachment plate to 5 N·m (44.25 lbf·in.), as shown by illustration c
in Figure 1-26.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Figure 1-26 Installing the RRU onto the common mounting kit


1.7 Installing RRU Cables

This section describes the procedure for installing RRU cables.

1.7.1 Cabling Requirements

Cables must be routed according to specified cabling requirements to prevent
signal interference.


If a cable listed below is not required, skip the cabling requirements of the cable.

General Cabling Requirements

Bending radius requirements
● The bending radius of a 7/8'' feeder must be greater than 250 mm (9.84 in.),
and the bending radius of a 5/4'' feeder must be greater than 380 mm (14.96

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

● The bending radius of a 1/4'' jumper must be greater than 35 mm (1.38 in.).
The bending radius of a super-flexible 1/2'' jumper must be greater than 50
mm (1.97 in.), and the bending radius of an ordinary 1/2'' jumper must be
greater than 127 mm (5 in.).
● The bending radius of a power cable or PGND cable must be at least three
times the cable diameter.
● The bending radius of an optical fiber is at least 20 times its diameter, and the
bending radius of a breakout cable is at least 30 mm (1.18 in.).
● The bending radius of an E1/T1 cable must be at least three times its
● The bending radius of a signal cable must be at least five times its diameter.
Cable binding requirements
● Cables must be bound before being routed out of the equipment.
● Cables of the same type must be bound together.
● Different types of cables must be separately routed and bound.
● The cables must be bound tightly and neatly. The sheaths of the cables must
not be damaged.
● The cable ties must face the same direction, and those at the same horizontal
line must be in a straight line.
● The excess of the indoor cable ties needs to be cut off. A 5 mm (0.20 in.)
excess needs to be reserved for each outdoor cable tie, without any sharp
● After cables are installed, labels or nameplates must be attached to the cables
at their ends, curves, and interconnection positions.
Security requirements
● When routing cables, avoid sharp objects or sharp edges on the wall. If
necessary, use tubes to protect the cables.
● When routing cables, keep the cables away from heat sources and use heat
insulation materials to insulate the cables from the heat sources.
● Reserve a proper distance (0.1 m or 0.33 ft is recommended) between
equipment and cables, especially at the cable curves to protect the cables and
Indoor cabling requirements
● Cables are routed indoors through the feeder window.
● Reserve drip loops for all cables outside the feeder window before routing
them into the room. Ensure that the radiuses of the drip loops are greater
than or equal to the minimum bending radiuses of the cables.
● When routing a cable into the room, ensure that a person is assisting you in
the room.
● Apply waterproof treatment to the feeder window.

Outdoor Cabling Requirements

● After being connected to a ground clip on power cables, a ground cable must
be routed downwards to prevent water from entering the equipment to which
the power cables connect.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

● Protect outdoor cables against potential damage. For example, put the cables
through tubes.
● The cables to be protected include AC power cables, transmission cables, and
cables routed underground.
● When routing cables through tubes on the ground below the cabinet, put a
30 mm to 50 mm (1.18 in. to 1.97 in.) length of the tubes into the base of the
cabinet but do not put the tubes into the cabinet. Use waterproof tape or
waterproof silicon gel to block both ends of the tubes and use sheet metal
tabs to secure the tubes to the cable holes in the base.
● When routing cables through tubes along a metal cable trough below the
cabinet, do not put the tubes into the base of the cabinet but cover the cable
trough and connect the tubes to the cable holes in the base.
● When routing RRU/AAU cables, ensure that the highest positions of the routes
of all cables (except RF cables and AISG cables) are lower than the bottom of
the module. This prevents water from entering the maintenance cavity of the
module along the cables.
● Use clips to secure cables outdoors. For the method of installing a clip, see the
installation guide delivered with the clip.
● Arrange cables neatly along the routing direction and use clips to secure the
● Determine the positions where the clips are installed according to the actual
situation. For example, 7/8" feeders are secured with clips at an interval of 1.5
m to 2 m (4.92 ft to 6.56 ft), CPRI/Ir optical fibers and power cables are
secured with clips at an interval of 1 m to 1.5 m (3.28 ft to 4.92 ft). Ensure
that the clips are evenly spaced and face the same direction.
● When fastening cables with a clip, ensure that the cables are aligned neatly
and are routed through the holes in the clip. Do not stretch the cables too
● Cable ties are used to assist in binding cables. One cable tie can bind a
maximum of two cables.
There are two types of clips which are described as follows:
● A 3-hole clip is shown by illustration a in the following figure. It is often used
to fasten feeders.
● A 6-hole clip is shown by illustration b in the following figure. It is often used
to fasten power cables and CPRI/Ir optical fibers.
– If the RRU/AAU power cable has round core wires with the cross-sectional
area of 12 AWG/4 mm2 (0.006 in.2)/10 AWG, or the power cable has
non-round core wires with the cross-sectional area of 12 AWG/4 mm2
(0.006 in.2)/10 AWG/6 mm2 (0.009 in.2)/8 AWG/7 AWG, the 6-hole clip
does not require the removal of the rubber tube in the cable hole for a
power cable. The 6-hole clip matches 3.3–8.3 mm2 (0.005–0.013 in.2)
RRU/AAU power cables.
– If the RRU/AAU power cable has round core wires with the cross-sectional
area of 6 mm2 (0.009 in.2)/8 AWG, or the power cable has non-round
core wires with the cross-sectional area of 10 mm2 (0.016 in.2), the 6-
hole clip requires the removal of the rubber tube in the cable hole for a
power cable. The 6-hole clip matches 3.3–8.3 mm2 (0.005–0.013 in.2)
RRU/AAU power cables.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

– If the RRU/AAU power cable has round core wires with the cross-sectional
area of 12 AWG/4 mm2 (0.006 in.2)/10 AWG, or the power cable has
non-round core wires with the cross-sectional area of 12 AWG/4 mm2
(0.006 in.2)/10 AWG/6 mm2 (0.009 in.2)/8 AWG/7 AWG/5 AWG, the 6-
hole clip does not require the removal of the rubber tube in the cable
hole for a power cable. The 6-hole clip matches 3.3–10 mm2 (0.005–0.016
in.2) RRU/AAU power cables.
– If the RRU/AAU power cable has round core wires with the cross-sectional
area of 6 mm2 (0.009 in.2)/8 AWG/10 mm2 (0.016 in.2), or the power
cable has non-round core wires with the cross-sectional area of 16 mm2
(0.025 in.2), the 6-hole clip requires the removal of the rubber tube in the
cable hole for a power cable. The 6-hole clip matches 3.3–10 mm2
(0.005–0.016 in.2) RRU/AAU power cables.
– If the RRU/AAU power cable has round core wires with the cross-sectional
area of 6 AWG/16 mm2 (0.025 in.2), the 6-hole clip does not require the
removal of the rubber tube in the cable hole for a power cable. The 6-
hole clip matches 13.3–25 mm2 (0.021–0.039 in.2) RRU/AAU power
– If the RRU/AAU power cable has round core wires with the cross-sectional
area of 4 AWG/25 mm2 (0.039 in.2), the 6-hole clip requires the removal
of the rubber tube in the cable hole for a power cable. The 6-hole clip
matches 13.3–25 mm2 (0.021–0.039 in.2) RRU/AAU power cables.

Figure 1-27 Exterior of the clips

(1) Cable hole for a (2) Cable hole for a (3) Cable hole for a (4) Rubber tube
feeder CPRI/Ir optical fiber power cable

The following figure shows the cables secured on a cable tray.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Figure 1-28 Cables secured on a cable tray

(a) 3-hole clip (b) 6-hole clip

The following figure shows the cables secured on a tower.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Figure 1-29 Cables secured on a tower

(a) 3-hole clip (b) 6-hole clip

Special Cabling Requirements

Cabling of power cables
● Power cables must be installed in the position specified in engineering design
● If the length of a cable cannot meet the requirement, replace the cable rather
than adding connectors or soldering joints to lengthen the cables.
● Cables can only be routed under well-planned instructions. The cabling
activities are allowed only when qualified personnel and communication
facilities are available.
● Do not circle or twist cables.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

● After routing a DC power cable onto the platform on a tower, route it along
the shortest path to the rails surrounding the platform, and route it along the
inside of the rails.
● After routing a DC power cable close to the equipment on a tower, use clips
to secure the power cable onto a pole or the rails surrounding the platform.
Ensure the position where the power cable is secured is less than 1.5 m (4.92
ft) away from the equipment to which the power cable connects.
Cabling of PGND cables
● PGND cables for a base station must be connected to the same group of
ground bars.
● PGND cables cannot be routed overhead outdoors. All PGND cables must be
buried in the ground or laid out indoors.
● The external conductor of the coaxial wire and the shield layer of the shielded
cable must have proper electrical contact with the metal surface of the
equipment to which they are connected.
● PGND cables and signal cables must be installed with a certain distance
reserved between them to prevent interference from each other.
● Switches or fuses must not be installed on the PGND cables.
● Other devices must not be used for electrical connections of the PGND cables.
● All the metal parts in the housing of the equipment must be reliably
connected to the ground terminal.
Cabling of E1 cables
● E1 cables cannot be crossed with power cables, PGND cables, or RF cables
when being laid out. If transmission cables are routed with power cables,
PGND cables, or RF cables in parallel, the spacing between them must be
greater than 30 mm (1.18 in.).
● E1 cables are routed straightly and bound neatly with cable ties.
● Sufficient slack is provided in E1 cables at turns.
● E1 cables cannot be pressed by the cabinet door when routed through the
cabinet. The following figure shows both correct and incorrect ways of routing
the cables.

Figure 1-30 E1 cables routed in the cabinet

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Cabling of optical fibers

● At least three persons are required for routing optical fibers. The cabling
activities of optical fibers are allowed only when qualified personnel and
communication facilities are available.
● The operating temperature of optical fibers ranges from -40ºC to +60ºC
(-40ºF to +140ºF). If the actual temperature is beyond this range, take
protective measures or select another route.
● Do not circle or twist cables.
● Do not bind optical fibers at the position where they bend.
● Do not stretch, step on, or place heavy objects on optical fibers. Keep the
optical fibers away from sharp objects.
● When optical fibers are routed, the excess of the optical fibers must be coiled
around special equipment, such as a fiber coiler.
● An optical jumper must be bound using binding straps. If an optical fiber
needs to be secured in a cabinet or a piece of equipment, use binding straps
to bind it and then use cable ties to secure the binding straps to the cabinet
or equipment. Ensure that the optical fibers can flexibly move in the cable
ties. Right angle bending is not allowed. The following figure shows the
correct and incorrect manners of binding optical fibers.

Figure 1-31 Binding optical fibers

● When coiling optical fibers, apply even strength. Do not bend the optical
fibers with force.
● Unused optical connectors must be covered with dustproof caps.
● The optical fibers must not be pressed by the door of the cabinet when
routed, as shown in the following figures.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Figure 1-32 CPRI/Ir optical fibers routed in the cabinet (1)

Figure 1-33 CPRI/Ir optical fibers routed in the cabinet (2)

Figure 1-34 FE/GE optical fibers routed in the cabinet

● After routing an optical fiber onto the platform on a tower, route it along the
shortest path to the rails surrounding the platform, and route it along the
inside of the rails.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

● After routing an optical fiber near the equipment on a tower, use clips to
secure the optical fiber onto a pole or the rails surrounding the platform.
Ensure that the distance between the equipment and the position where the
optical fiber is secured is not too long.
● Coil the excess of the optical fibers near the equipment on the tower before
securing the cables onto the tower.

1.7.2 Cable Connections

This section describes RRU cable connections.
Power cables cannot be used to cascade RRUs.

Cable Connections for RRUs

Figure 1-35 shows the cable connections for a single RRU.

Figure 1-35 Cable connections for a single RRU

1. PGND cable 2. CPRI optical fiber 3. RRU power cable

Figure 1-36 shows the cable connections for multiple RRUs.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Figure 1-36 Cable connections for multiple RRUs

1. PGND cable 2. CPRI optical fiber 3. RRU AC power cable 4. RRU RF jumper

1.7.3 Procedure for Installing RRU Cables

This section describes the procedure for installing RRU cables.
Figure 1-37 shows the flowchart for installing RRU cables.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Figure 1-37 Flowchart for installing cables of an RRU

1.7.4 RRU Cable List

This section describes the cables for the RRU. It also describes the connectors at
the two ends of the cables and the cable connections of the RRU.
Table 1-6 lists RRU cables.

Table 1-6 RRU cables

Cable One End The Other End

Connector Connected Connector Connected

to... to...

RRU PGND OT terminal Ground OT terminal (M8, Ground

Cable (M6, 6 mm2 terminal on 6 mm2 or 0.009 in. terminal on
or 0.009 in.2) the RRU 2) the ground

RRU Power Female fast PWR port Depending on the External

Cable AC-EPC1 on the RRU power supply power
connector equipment supply
(pressfit equipment

CPRI Optical DLC CPRI port DLC connector CPRI port on

Fiber connector on the RRU a board in
the BBU

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Cable One End The Other End

Connector Connected Connector Connected

to... to...

RRU RF 4.3-10 male RF ports on 4.3-10 male Antenna

Jumper connector the RRU connector or N system
male connector
Select cables based
on the type of the
connector at the
other end of the
cable on live

1.7.5 Installing an RRU PGND Cable

This section describes how to install the protection ground (PGND) cable for an



Install the RRU PGND cable by strictly observing the following operations.
Otherwise, device damage or personal injury may occur.

Step 1 Prepare an RRU PGND cable.
1. Cut the cable to a length based on the actual cable route.
2. Add an OT terminal to each end of the cable by referring to 1.10.1
Assembling the OT Terminal and the Power Cable.
Step 2 Install the RRU PGND cable.
Connect the M6 OT terminal at one end of the PGND cable to the ground
terminal at the bottom of the RRU, and connect the M8 OT terminal at the other
end to the external ground bar. See Figure 1-38.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Figure 1-38 Installing an RRU PGND cable


Crimp OT terminals in the correct directions, as shown in Figure 1-39.

Figure 1-39 Correct and incorrect directions for crimping an OT terminal

Step 3 Label the installed PGND cable by following the instructions in section "Attaching
a Cable-Tying Label" in Installation Reference.

1.7.6 Installing an RRU RF Jumper

This section describes the procedure for installing an RF jumper for an RRU.

An RRU RF jumper connects an RRU to an external antenna system for RF signal
input and output.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

For information about cable connections between RRU RF ports and antenna
ports, see section "RRU RF Jumper" in RRU Hardware Description for the
corresponding RRU model.

Step 1 Remove the dustproof cap from the ANT port to be used on the RRU.
Step 2 Connect the 4.3-10 straight male connector on the RRU RF jumper to the antenna
port and use a torque wrench to tighten the connector to 5–15 N·m (44.25–132.76
lbf·in.), as shown in the following figure.


On AC-powered electric railways, such as high-speed railways, when leaky cables

are connected to RRUs installed in tunnels, high-voltage-resistance DC blocks
must be installed between RRU RF jumpers and leaky cables to protect the RRUs
against damage.

Figure 1-40 Installing an RRU RF jumper

Step 3 Waterproof the ANT ports on the RRU, as shown in the following figures,
depending on the delivered materials.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide


● Before wrapping waterproof tape, stretch the tape evenly until it is twice the original length.
Do not stretch the PVC insulation tape excessively when wrapping it.
● Ensure that each layer of the tape overlaps more than 50% of the previous layer. Slightly
stretch the tape and press it firmly onto the jumper to avoid wrinkles or air pockets so that
the tape is tightly wrapped and stuck and will not fall off.
● Ensure that the adhesive side of the tape overlaps the inside layer of tape.

Figure 1-41 Waterproofing the connector on an RRU RF jumper (method 1:

single-layer PVC insulation tape + triple-layer waterproof tape + triple-layer PVC
insulation tape)

1. PVC insulation tape 2. Waterproof tape

1. Wrap a layer of PVC insulation tape. The PVC insulation tape should be
wrapped from bottom to top.
2. Wrap three layers of waterproof tape layer upon layer in the following
sequence: from bottom to top, and then from top to bottom, and once again
from bottom to top. After wrapping each layer of the tape, use your hands to
firmly press the tape down to ensure the cable is waterproofed.
3. Wrap three layers of PVC insulation tape layer upon layer in the following
sequence: from bottom to top, and then from top to bottom, and once again
from bottom to top. After wrapping each layer of the tape, use your hands to
firmly press the tape down to ensure the cable is waterproofed.
1. Bind cable ties around the cable 3 to 5 mm (0.12 to 0.20 in.) from one end of
the PVC insulation tape to prevent the tape from aging.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Figure 1-42 Waterproofing the connector on an RRU RF jumper (method 2: triple-

layer PVC insulation tape)

1. PVC insulation tape

1. Wrap three layers of PVC insulation tape layer upon layer in the following
sequence: from bottom to top, and then from top to bottom, and once again
from bottom to top. After wrapping each layer of the tape, use your hands to
firmly press the tape down to ensure the cable is waterproofed.
2. Bind cable ties around the cable 3 to 5 mm (0.12 to 0.20 in.) from one end of
the PVC insulation tape to prevent the tape from aging.
Step 4 Do not remove dustproof caps from unused RF ports on the RRU. RF ports must
be waterproofed as shown in the following figures, depending on the delivered

Figure 1-43 Waterproofing an RF port equipped with a dustproof cap (method 1:

single-layer PVC insulation tape + triple-layer waterproof tape + triple-layer PVC
insulation tape)

1. Dustproof cap 2. PVC insulation tape 3. Waterproof tape

1. Verify that the dustproof cap has not been removed.

2. Wrap a layer of PVC insulation tape. The PVC insulation tape should be
wrapped from bottom to top.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

3. Wrap three layers of waterproof tape layer upon layer in the following
sequence: from bottom to top, and then from top to bottom, and once again
from bottom to top. After wrapping each layer of the tape, use your hands to
firmly press the tape down to ensure the cable is waterproofed.
4. Wrap three layers of PVC insulation tape layer upon layer in the following
sequence: from bottom to top, and then from top to bottom, and once again
from bottom to top. After wrapping each layer of the tape, use your hands to
firmly press the tape down to ensure the cable is waterproofed.
5. Bind cable ties around the cable 3 to 5 mm (0.12 to 0.20 in.) from one end of
the PVC insulation tape to prevent the tape from aging.

Figure 1-44 Waterproofing an RF port equipped with a dustproof cap (method 2:

triple-layer PVC insulation tape)

1. Dustproof cap 2. PVC insulation tape

1. Verify that the dustproof cap has not been removed.

2. Wrap three layers of PVC insulation tape layer upon layer in the following
sequence: from bottom to top, and then from top to bottom, and once again
from bottom to top. After wrapping each layer of the tape, use your hands to
firmly press the tape down to ensure the cable is waterproofed.
3. Bind cable ties around the cable 3 to 5 mm (0.12 to 0.20 in.) from one end of
the PVC insulation tape to prevent the tape from aging.

Step 5 Connect the other end of the RF jumper to the external antenna.

Step 6 Route the cables by following the instructions in section "Cabling Requirements".

Step 7 Label the installed cables by following the instructions in section "Attaching a Sign
Plate Label" in Installation Reference.


1.7.7 Opening the Cover Plate of an RRU Cabling Cavity

This section describes how to open the cover plate of an RRU cabling cavity.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Step 1 Wear ESD gloves.


Take proper ESD protection measures, for example, wear ESD gloves, to prevent
electrostatic damage to the boards, modules, or electronic components.

Step 2 Loosen the screw on the cover plate of the RRU cabling cavity by using an M6
hexagon screwdriver, and then open the cover plate of the cabling cavity, as
shown in Figure 1-45.

Figure 1-45 Opening the cover plate of the RRU cabling cavity

1. Cover plate 2. Cabling cavity 3. Cable diagram for the power


4. Cable clip 5. Power cable trough 6. Optical fiber trough

7. Waterproof block - -

Step 3 Remove the waterproof blocks.


Remove the waterproof blocks only for the cables to be installed.


1.7.8 Installing a CPRI Optical Fiber

This section describes the procedure for installing a CPRI optical fiber.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

● A CPRI optical fiber transmits CPRI signals between a BBU and an RRU.
● The rate of the optical module to be installed must match the rate of the
corresponding CPRI port.


● The performance of an optical module may deteriorate if it is exposed to the

air for a long period of time. Therefore, ensure the dustproof cap on the port of
each installed optical module is on before you connect an optical fiber to the
optical module.
● Ensure that the CPRI optical fiber is correctly connected before powering on an
RRU. Otherwise, a fault may occur on the RRU, resulting in unavailable cells.
● A CPRI optical fiber must be correctly connected in one time during installation.
Otherwise, a fault may occur on the RRU, resulting in unavailable cells.

Step 1 Insert an optical module into the CPRI port on the RRU. Ensure that the optical
module is inserted in the correct direction. Gently push it into the slot horizontally
until it is in close contact with the slot and the connector is completely inserted.
The connector is properly fastened. See the following figure.

Figure 1-46 Installing an optical module

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide


● When the optical module is securely connected, you will hear a click.
● Ensure that the optical module is installed in the correct direction to prevent
damage to the optical module or the CPRI port of the RRU.
● The performance of an optical module may deteriorate if it is exposed to the
air for a long period of time. Therefore, ensure the dustproof cap on the port of
each installed optical module is on before you connect an optical fiber to the
optical module.
● To avoid any damage to the optical fibers, the fibers must be connected
according to the regulated procedure. For details about the procedure, see 1.7.1
Cabling Requirements.

Step 2 Remove the dustproof cap from the optical module. Connect the DLC end on the
CPRI optical fiber to the optical module on the RRU side, as shown in the
following figure.

Figure 1-47 Installing a CPRI optical fiber

Step 3 Use a corrugated tube to protect the optical fiber and secure the corrugated tube
near the device.
Step 4 Route the cables by following the instructions in section "Cabling Requirements".
Step 5 Label the installed cables by following the instructions in section "Attaching an L-
Shaped Label" in Installation Reference.


1.7.9 Installing an RRU AC Power Cable

This section describes how to install the AC power cable for an RRU.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

● The connector for connecting the RRU AC power cable to the power supply
device is prepared onsite.
● Connectors on AC power cables for devices cannot be inserted or removed if
the devices are not powered off.
● The recommended specification of the circuit breaker at the power supply
device is 16 A on the customer side.
● A female fast connector (pressfit type) is added to the RRU power cable on
the RRU side. For details, see 1.10.2 Adding a Female Fast Connector
(Pressfit Type) to an RRU AC Power Cable on the RRU Side


● If an RRU is installed outdoors, the RRU power cable must be routed through
pipes all the way. The RRU power cable must be routed through a PVC pipe or
metal pipe of an appropriate length before connectors are added to the cable.
Take adequate waterproof measures. If a metal pipe is used, ensure that it is
reliably grounded at both ends.
● Before installing the RRU power cable, ensure that the upper-level circuit
breaker is disconnected and no voltage is detected on the power cable.
● Ensure that the RRU power cable is connected to the RRU first and then to the
power supply device. Connecting the power cable in an incorrect sequence or
direction may cause damage to the RRU or personal injury.
● A drip loop is required for the position between the RRU port and the cable,
preventing rain from damaging the RRU.
● You are advised to perform examination and maintenance regularly to reduce
the impact of aging and detect damage caused by occasional force.
● The RRU power cable must be routed and protected according to local laws
and regulations, industry standards, and operators' standards.

Step 1 Connect the female fast connector (pressfit type) at one end of the RRU power
cable to the power port on the RRU, as shown in Figure 1-48.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Figure 1-48 Installing an RRU power cable

Step 2 Prepare a connector of the RRU AC power cable based on site conditions and
connect the cable to the RRU. Connect the other end of the cable to the power
supply device.
Step 3 Route the AC power cable by following the instructions in section "Cabling
Step 4 Label the installed cable by following the instructions in section "Attaching a
Cable-Tying Label" in Installation Reference.


1.7.10 Closing the Cover Plate of an RRU Cabling Cavity

This section describes how to close the cover plate of an RRU cabling cavity.

Step 1 Insert waterproof blocks into unused cable troughs in the cabling cavity, as shown
in Figure 1-49. The following figure is for reference only and unused cable troughs
should be blocked based on site conditions.

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Figure 1-49 Correct and incorrect placement of waterproof blocks

Step 2 Close the cover plate of the RRU cabling cavity. Use an M6 hexagon screwdriver to
tighten the screw on the cover plate of the cabling cavity to 4.8 N·m (42.48
lbf·in.), as shown in Figure 1-50.


● Do not use an electric screwdriver to tighten the locking screw. Otherwise, the
cross recess may be damaged.
● The screws on the cover plate of the cabling cavity must be tightened as
required. Otherwise, water may enter the RRU.

Figure 1-50 Closing the cover plate of the RRU cabling cavity

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Step 3 Take off the ESD gloves, and pack up all the tools.


1.8 Checking the RRU Hardware Installation

This chapter describes how to check the hardware installation after a remote radio
unit (RRU) is installed.

Table 1-7 provides the checklist for the RRU hardware installation.

Table 1-7 Checklist for the RRU hardware installation

No. Item

1 The installation position of each device strictly complies with the

engineering design and meets clearance requirements. Sufficient space
is reserved for equipment maintenance.

2 The RRU is securely installed.

3 The cover plate is securely installed on the RRU cabling cavity.

4 Waterproof blocks are securely installed in unused cable troughs of the

RRU cabling cavity, and the cover plate for the cabling cavity is securely
installed. In addition, unused RF ports are covered with dustproof caps
and the caps are tightened.

5 There must be no connectors or joints on each power cable or PGND


6 The terminals at both ends of the power cable or PGND cable are
securely soldered or crimped.

7 The power cables or the PGND cables are intact and correctly
connected. They are not short-circuited.

8 Power cables and PGND cables are separately bound from other cables.

9 The protection grounding of the RRU and the surge protection

grounding of the building share one group of ground conductors.

10 The connectors of each signal cable are intact and securely connected,
and these cables are not damaged or broken.

11 Labels are correct, legible, and complete at both ends of each cable,
feeder, and jumper.

1.9 Checking the Power-on Status of an RRU

This chapter describes how to check the power-on status of a remote radio unit
(RRU) after all the devices are installed.

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After you unpack an RRU, power it on within 24 hours. If you power off the RRU
for maintenance, restore it to power within 24 hours.

Figure 1-51 shows the RRU power-on check process.

Figure 1-51 RRU power-on check process


● The status of the RUN indicator is on for 1s and off for 1s, and the ALM indicator is
steady off.
● The normal input voltage of an RRU AC is 220 V AC. The voltage of the external power
supply for an AC RRU ranges from 90 V AC to 290 V AC.

1.10 Appendix
This section describes the procedure for adding OT terminals and adding a
connector to the RRU power cable on the RRU side.

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1.10.1 Assembling the OT Terminal and the Power Cable

There are two types of OT terminals: one-hole OT terminal and two-hole OT
terminal. This section describes the procedure for adding an OT terminal to a
power cable by using a one-hole OT terminal as an example.

Figure 1-52 shows a one-hole OT terminal and materials related to a power

Figure 1-52 One-hole OT terminal and materials related to a power cable

(A) Heat shrink tubing (B) One-hole OT (C) Insulation layer of (D) Conductor of a
terminal with a bare a power cable power cable
crimping terminal

Figure 1-53 shows a two-hole OT terminal and materials related to a power


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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Figure 1-53 Two-hole OT terminal and materials related to a power cable

(A) Heat shrink tubing (B) Two-hole OT (C) Insulation layer of (D) Conductor of a
terminal with a bare a power cable power cable
crimping terminal

Step 1 Based on the cross-sectional area of the cable conductor, strip a part of the
insulation layer "C". The L1-long conductor "D" is exposed, as shown in Figure
1-54. The recommended values of L1 are listed in Table 1-8.

Figure 1-54 Stripping a power cable (OT terminal)

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide


● When stripping a power cable, do not damage the conductor of the cable.
● If the bare crimping terminal is not provided by Huawei, the value of L1 is 1
mm to 2 mm (0.04 in. to 0.08 in.) greater than the value of L.
● After stripping the insulation layer off the power cable, adjust the shape of
bare wires based on actual situations to facilitate the installation of OT
terminals. Add OT terminals to the power cable immediately after the stripping.
Otherwise, bare wires may split, which hinders the installation.
● If the bare wires split and OT terminals cannot be installed, cut off the bare
wires, strip another length of insulation layer off the cable, and add OT
terminals to the cable.

Table 1-8 Mapping between the cross-sectional area of the conductor and the
value of L1
Cross-Sectional Area of the Value of L1

1 mm2 (0.0016 in.2) 7 mm (0.28 in.)

1.5 mm2 (0.0023 in.2) 7 mm (0.28 in.)

2.5 mm2 (0.0039 in.2) 7 mm (0.28 in.)

4 mm2 (0.006 in.2) 8 mm (0.31 in.)

6 mm2 (0.009 in.2) 9 mm (0.35 in.)

10 mm2 (0.016 in.2) 11 mm (0.43 in.)

16 mm2 (0.025 in.2) 13 mm (0.51 in.)

25 mm2 (0.039 in.2) 14 mm (0.55 in.)

35 mm2 (0.054 in.2) 16 mm (0.63 in.)

50 mm2 (0.078 in.2) 16 mm (0.63 in.)


If you are proficient in assembling OT terminals and power cables, you can obtain the value
of L1 by comparing the part to be crimped with a power cable.

Step 2 Feed the power cable into the heat shrink tubing (A), as shown in Figure 1-55.

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Figure 1-55 Putting the heat shrink tubing onto the bare crimping terminal

Step 3 Put the OT terminal "B" onto the exposed conductor, and ensure that the OT
terminal is in good contact with the insulation layer "C" of the power cable, as
shown in Figure 1-55.


After the conductor is fed into the OT terminal, the exposed part of the conductor,
as indicated by L2 in Figure 1-55, must not exceed 2 mm (0.08 in.).

Step 4 Crimp the joint parts of the bare crimping terminal and the conductor, as shown in
Figure 1-57.

The shapes of crimped parts may vary with the crimping tools.


Ensure that the OT terminal does not have burrs on its surface after the crimping.
Otherwise, it may damage the heat shrink tubing. The following figure shows an
OT terminal with burrs and an OT terminal without burrs.

Figure 1-56 Crimped end

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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

Figure 1-57 Crimping the joint parts of the bare crimping terminal and the
conductor (OT terminal)

Step 5 Push the heat shrink tubing "A" towards the connector until the tube covers the
crimped part, and then heat the tubing by using a heat gun, as shown in Figure

Figure 1-58 Heating the heat shrink tubing (OT terminal)


Do not overheat the heat shrink tubing because the insulation layer may be


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Installation Guide 1 RRU5336E Installation Guide

1.10.2 Adding a Female Fast Connector (Pressfit Type) to an

RRU AC Power Cable on the RRU Side
This section describes the procedure for adding a female fast connector (pressfit
type) to an RRU AC power cable.



Perform the following procedure to add a female fast connector (pressfit type) to
the RRU power cable. Otherwise, device damage or personal injury may occur.

Figure 1-59 shows the cable diagram for the RRU power cable.

Figure 1-59 Cable diagram for the RRU power cable

1. Cable diagram for the RRU power cable

Step 1 Determine the length of the power cable for different operations based on the
labels on the inner side of the cabling cavity cover, as shown in Figure 1-60.

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Figure 1-60 Determining the length of the power cable

Step 2 Use a wire stripper to strip the specified length of the jacket off the power cable,
as shown in Figure 1-61.

For a power cable containing three-color core wires, perform operations in accordance with
local regulations. A power cable containing brown, blue, and green/yellow core wires is
used as an example in this section.

Figure 1-61 Stripping the cable jacket

Step 3 Use a wire stripper to strip the jacket off each core wire. The length of jacket to be
stripped must be consistent with the length of the notch in the female fast
connector (pressfit type), as shown in Figure 1-62.

Figure 1-62 Stripping the jacket off each core wire

Step 4 Starting from the center where the three core wires intersect, wrap PVC insulation
tapes on the three core wires and the AC power cable jacket near the core wires,
as shown in Figure 1-63.

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Figure 1-63 Wrapping the core wires and cable jacket with PVC insulation tapes


It is recommended that the length of PVC insulation tapes wrapped on the three
core wires be about 16 mm (0.63 in.) and the length of tapes on the AC power
cable jacket be about 10 mm (0.39 in.).

Step 5 Add a female fast connector (pressfit type) to the three cable cores, as shown in
Figure 1-64.

Figure 1-64 Adding a female fast connector (pressfit type) to the cable cores

1. Push the sliding cover on the connector as indicated by the arrow direction.
2. Use an M3 Phillips torque screwdriver to loosen the two screws.
3. Use an M3 Phillips torque screwdriver to loosen the screw on the other side.
4. Insert the brown core wire into the "L" port, the blue core wire into the "N"
port, and the green and yellow core wire into the "PE" port on the connector.

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Ensure that the positive and negative wires are connected correctly. Reverse
connections may result in equipment malfunctions or personal injury.
Therefore, check the power cable connections before powering on the

5. Use an M3 Phillips torque screwdriver to tighten the screw to 0.5 N·m (4.43
6. Use an M3 Phillips torque screwdriver to tighten the two screws on the other
side to 0.5 N·m (4.43 lbf·in.).
7. Push the sliding cover back in position as indicated by the arrow direction.
Step 6 After the core wires are installed, pull each one gently to ensure that it remains in
place even under an external force of 30 N (6.75 lbf). Also ensure that all copper
wires are inserted into the connector terminal socket and no copper wire is
exposed outside the connector.


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