Crystal TCAS I (20190
Crystal TCAS I (20190
Crystal TCAS I (20190
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Abstract— An energy-efficient fast start-up method for crystal frequency error is several orders worse [2]. To improve the
oscillators is presented, which enables aggressive duty-cycled performance, the oscillator has to consume significantly more
operation of IoT radios to minimize overall power consumption. power (∼mW) [3], which is too much for an IoT radio [4].
A digitally controlled crystal oscillator using the proposed start-
up technique in 90-nm CMOS is presented. Thanks to the As a result, crystal oscillators (XO) have been widely used
dynamically adjusted load, the negative resistance is boosted, as the frequency reference in IoT radios thanks to their high
achieving a 13× start-up time reduction and an overall power quality factor (tens of thousands) [5], which enables high
of 95µW for a 24-MHz crystal oscillator at 1 V. A fully performance [6]–[18].
autonomous feedback loop detects the oscillators envelop and For IoT radios, low-power is essential to achieve long
adjusts the load capacitance at start-up. Thanks to the low-power
start-up circuits, both the start-up time and the start-up energy battery life time. To do that, the transceiver is only activated
are reduced. In addition, the robustness and versatility of the when transmitting or receiving, and disabled to save power
proposed method is verified by measuring quartz crystals with when not needed. In this way, the overall system power
different frequencies and quality factors, as well as measur- is reduced without degrading the performance of the radio.
ing against temperature, supply voltage, and load capacitance But this requires swift start-up behavior for the whole trans-
ceiver. This is relatively easier for the transmitter/receiver,
Index Terms— Crystal Oscillator, fast start-up, low-power, IoT, the Phase-Locked-Loop (PLL), and the Power-Management-
negative resistance, variation-tolerant. Unit (PMU), whose start-up time is up to a few μs [4]. Due
I. I NTRODUCTION to the high quality factor, the typical start-up time (Ts ) of an
XO is, however, relatively long (∼ms) [6]–[8], [19]–[23]. In
Fig. 2. Illustration of typical BLE advertising (a) and the fast start-up
facilitated BLE advertising (b).
Fig. 9. Block diagram of the crystal oscillator with autonomous dynamically-adjusted load (DAL) (a) and a waveform illustration (b).
Fig. 11. The amplitude detection circuitry (a) and the digital detection
circuitry (b).
Fig. 14. Measured start-up time with respect to temperature, supply voltage
and load capacitance variations.
Fig. 16. Measured current profile without boosting technique (a), and with
DAL (b).
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Ming Ding received the B.E. degree from the Christian Bachmann received the Ph.D. degree
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, in electrical engineering in 2011. He is the Pro-
China, in 2009, and the M.Sc. degree from the Eind- gram Manager of imec’s ULP Wireless Systems
hoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, Program. He joined imec in 2011, working on ultra-
in 2011. In 2011, he started as a Researcher at the low-power wireless communication systems, digi-
imec/Holst Centre, The Netherlands. Since then, he tal baseband processing, and hardware/software co-
has been working on data converter and ultra-low- design. In his previous work, he has covered various
power wireless research and design. wireless communication solutions for 802.11ah Wi-
Fi, Bluetooth LE, 802.15.4 (Zigbee), ultra-wideband
impulse radio, and others. Prior to joining imec,
he has been researching hardware-accelerated power
estimation for VLSI systems both with Infineon Technologies and Graz
University of Technology, Graz, Austria.