Middle Pack (11-14 Yrs Old) Compressed
Middle Pack (11-14 Yrs Old) Compressed
Middle Pack (11-14 Yrs Old) Compressed
Middle Activity Pack
(11-14 years-old)
An educational programme that promotes
a world free from appearance-related anxiety.
Welcome ................................................................... 4
How Free Being Me works .................................. 6
Important information .......................................... 9
Body confidence energisers & songs ................ 10
• Evaluation guidance ........................................12
• Start Survey........................................................14
• Session 1...............................................................16
Resources .................................................................. 22
• Session 2 ..............................................................26
Resources .................................................................. 32
• Session 3 ..............................................................36
Resources .................................................................. 41
• Session 4 ..............................................................44
Resources .................................................................. 50
• Session 5 ..............................................................54
Resources .................................................................. 59
Celebrate, Evaluate & Share! .............................. 64
• Finish survey ......................................................66
Acknowledgements ............................................... 69
Free Being Me (FBM) is an educational programme
that promotes a world free from appearance-
related anxiety. FBM first began in 2013, developed
in partnership with the World Association of Girl
Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), the Dove Self-
Esteem Project (DSEP) and the Centre of Appearance
Research (CAR). Since then, an incredible six million
Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in 80 countries have
improved their body confidence and helped other
people do the same.
Izabel, a Girl Guide from Brazil, describes her Free Being Me experience:
“I had really bad self-esteem issues when I was a teenager, and when the Free Being Me programme
came out in Brazil I was at our Girl Guide National Assembly. During the introduction video, I could
see that I wasn’t alone in my body confidence issues and all the women and girls I admired were crying
by my side. But why? Why couldn’t they see themselves beyond their appearance? Why couldn’t I see
myself beyond my appearance? The Free Being Me programme helped improve this. I was really excited
because I know with my heart how it feels to stop doing things because you have self-esteem issues,
from not feeling confident to swim or even leading to toxic relationships because you don’t know you’re
worth better. We need to spread this body positivity around the globe, we need to empower our girls
and young women to exist in their bodies. Girls need to be confident to speak out, to be themselves and
to support each other.”
Stacie June Shelton, Head of Education and Heidi Jokinen, Chair of the
Global Advocacy, The Dove Self-Esteem Project: WAGGGS World Board:
The Dove Self-Esteem Project started in 2004 and The World Association of Girl Guides
since then has reached over 79 million young people in and Girl Scouts has been working for
150 countries. We started this journey with Girl Scouts more than eight years to bring about
USA and it later blossomed into Guiding as one of our a real, positive and lasting change in
key partners. We are very pleased to have guides and how all young people see themselves.
scouts worldwide building up body confidence within The Free Being Me curriculum aims
our ongoing partnership with WAGGGS. Together, with to empower girls to reach their full
your guiding and scouting groups, leaders, parents and potential in life through activities
partners, we can make sure young people have access that strengthen body confidence
to important evidence-based tools and body confidence and self-esteem, so that the way they
and self-esteem education. think they look never holds them
back. Young people learn to stand
Our tools cover the key topics proven to impact a up to social pressures, value their
person’s body confidence. The tools we have include bodies, challenge beauty stereotypes
games, stories, cartoons and activities like those in promoted in the media and advocate
Free Being Me. We know that low body confidence is for a healthy body image to their
not only a public health issue, but also a social justice friends and community.
and gender equality issue. We want to help young
people feel good about the way they look to reach By improving the body confidence
their full potential. This includes empowering girls of a generation, WAGGGS can make
across all parts of their life. Building up a girl’s body a meaningful impact in girls’ lives
confidence aids in building leadership skills, improves and empower them to always be
their academic attainment and physical and mental unstoppable.
health, and empowers them to use their voice to stand
up to societal pressures around appearance and the
appearance-related biases and discrimination people
face. We hope you will join us to achieve this by
building up body confidence in many more
young people around the world.
How Free Being Me
This Free Being Me activity pack is Each session lasts approximately one hour
and conveys an important Key Message for
suitable for girl-only and
young people to learn about and challenge
co-educational groups of 20-30 society’s beauty standards. Session 1 lasts
young people aged 11-14. It can slightly longer as it includes an introduction
easily be adapted for different sized and optional evaluation.
FBM should take between five and six hours
Your group should complete all five FBM to complete, plus time afterwards for your
sessions to earn the FBM badge and improve group to take action in their community.
their body confidence. It’s only by completing
these five sessions, in the order below, that The session outlines below are for use with
the impact of the programme is guaranteed. in-person delivery. For groups delivering Free
Being Me online, download adapted session
plans and resources here: https://free-being-
Session Key Messages Activities
Important information Ke e p
a n
t for
e y e ou ce
f ide n
y b o dy con e
m th
t ip s i n a n s .
i o n p l
Body confidence
& songs
Play m
to dan ic and ask
call ou ce. Pause t everyone
ta he s
Every body part, ong and
part. A one wiggle .g. tummy.
sk s th
somet some peo at body
h p
does f ing that th le to name
or us is bod
e y
Repea g digests o part
t seve u
ral tim r food.
Body Confidence My Way by Ava Max
Poses Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys
Play tag: three people Don’t Touch My Hair by
are ‘it’ and run to catch Solange Knowles
the others. When they Everyday People by Sly and
are caught, they hold a the Family Stone
body confident pose until
Bio by Denise
another person frees
them! Confident by Demi Lovato
Who You Are by MNEK and
Craig David
Try by Colbie Caillat
Woman by Nao and Lianne
La Havas
se it c an… Video by India Arie
my… becau group
I love of the Brown Skin Girl by Beyoncé,
ember m Blue Ivy and SAInt JHN
a circ le, each phrase,
g in tes the …”.
Standin comple ecause it can love, do
my… b y they
“I love t of their bod e it, and ask
y sh a r e a par why they lov on, e.g.
The ti
c tio n to show copy their ac g people”
an a o hu
e r yo n e else t se they can
ev cau .
m y a rms be themselves]
“I love [they h
Evaluation Guidance
for facilitators
Use the FBM Badge Survey (see You can use the results from these surveys
in many ways. You may simply wish to
page 14-15) to better understand
understand how effective the FBM activities
the impact of Free Being Me on your were and decide to share this with your MO.
group. You might use the results to promote the
By completing the survey twice (before and benefits of body confidence to other groups!
after), you can evaluate your group’s change
in body confidence and self-esteem.
The FBM Badge Survey is entirely optional. It’s important to ask your
group if they consent to taking part. You should:
1. Explain to your group the purpose of the survey and how you will
use or share their results.
b) Paper: Make copies in advance: one per participant for the start
of FBM, and one per participant at the end (see page 14 and 62).
Analysing the survey:
When your group has completed the survey twice, collate each participant’s start
and finish surveys by matching their initials and age. To analyse the survey, score the
responses of questions 1-6 as follows:
Then, calculate the average of the response items for each of the following groups of
• 1 & 2 (measuring if young people let body confidence hold them back from
• 3 & 4 (measuring how positive young people feel about their own appearance)
• 5 & 6 (measuring young people’s ability to take action on beauty standards)
Compare the before and after results per person and/or as a group.
• For question 7, observe whether the young peoples’ actions to improve their body
confidence have changed before and after doing FBM, particularly if they have
applied the things they learned from the activity pack.
Please note that these surveys only capture one day in their life and may therefore not be
FBM Badge
Start Survey
Join groups around the world who Taking part is optional. If you choose
to complete the survey, this means you
are sharing their understanding,
agree for your leader to use and share this
feelings and actions on the topic of information(they won’t share your name) and
body confidence! help WAGGGS understand if FBM is working.
Complete the FBM Badge Survey on your
own and then give it to your leader. Age: Initals:
7. When you don’t feel good about your looks, what do you do to
help yourself feel better?
8. Draw or colour in this scale to show how much you agree with
this statement:
In general, I’m happy about the way I look.
0 10
Session 1
15 mins
Time: 1 hour
• Make a copy of the Journal for
Key Message every participant.
• Optional welcome: Prepare to
Beauty standards are everywhere, deliver the pre-evaluation activity.
telling us we’re not good enough • Activity 1: Make a copy of each
unless we look one specific way. body outline on two separate
They’re impossible to achieve, flipcharts. Display them on one
exclude people and change side of the space.
constantly throughout history and
cultures. They harm: • Optional: Bring in examples of
subtle beauty standards found
• My world: hurt our confidence in your country to help groups
and friendships, affect our understand how pervasive they
school/work life, stop us from are.
doing the things we love and • Activity 2: Copy and cut out
reaching our full potential. each Harmful Scenario.
• The wider world: make the
world less diverse, cost our
governments and health services,
and damage the environment.
• Everyone, especially girls Resources provided:
and women.
• Journals
• FBM video
It’s important that:
Session 1
Look for
8. Briefly discuss (for five minutes):
Surprise at the long list of beauty
a) In another country or 100 years standards, and that people could be
ago, would this ‘ideal look’ be the under so much pressure to look like
same? an impossible ‘ideal’.
Beauty standards are always
changing – think about the ‘ideal
look’ at different times in our
country’s history. Also, beauty
standards contradict each other from
country to country, eg some people
feel pressure to lighten their skin
while others try to darken theirs. It’s important that:
b) Where do we see and hear these
beauty standards? You challenge anyone who says…
On TV, radio, social media, adverts,
“[Celebrities, influencers, models] do look
songs, friends and family, diet
‘perfect’ though!”
industry, fashion world, beauty
industry etc. • By asking: Does anyone really have
c) If the girls’ list is longer than the all of the things on the list?
boys’, ask the group why they • Then explaining: All the pictures
think this is. we see have been heavily edited,
Society puts more pressure on girls therefore we’re comparing
than boys to achieve impossible ourselves to images that aren’t real.
beauty standards. Often, girls are
mostly valued for how they look.
9. If time remains, use the group’s
energy to destroy all the beauty
standards on flipchart!
Session 1
5. Come together.
Ask: Given all the harmful,
negative consequences,
does it make sense to
2. Chain of try to look like beauty
Consequences standards? No!
6. Invite the group to imagine
they’re standing in front of
the CEO of the company
selling the skin-lightening
cream Duma uses.
1. Objective: To understand the ways
that beauty standards harm people. Ask: What would you say
to stop them spreading
2. Split into five teams. Each team sits
beauty standards?
in a circle with a different Harmful
3. Explain the game:
a) The aim is to create a verbal
chain of consequences showing
how different characters are Listen for
harmed by the pressure from
beauty standards.
“Your advertising makes people
b) Teams read their scenario and feel excluded and not good
choose their first player. Set the enough. Stop encouraging people
timer for two minutes to compare themselves to an
impossible ‘ideal’!”
c) The first player says one harmful
consequence their character
could experience, eg “Duma
spends time worrying about her
looks rather than having fun.” It’s important that:
d) The player to their left then adds
a consequence by saying, “Also…” The group tries this activity on
their own – even if they struggle.
Players take it in turns to list
If necessary, prompt by asking:
as many as possible in the time
• What might people miss out
remaining. on?
e) After two minutes, teams swap • How might people feel?
scenarios. • What relationships might be
affected and how?
4. Repeat the steps until each team has • What are the different
discussed three different scenarios. consequences for the
character personally,
their family and friends,
community and the country –
and world – they live in?
15mins It’s important that:
• You walk around to
make sure everyone has
1. Sitting together in a circle, introduce something written on their
the FBM Journals as a place to write or sticky note during the
draw their thoughts and feelings at the activity.
end of every session and at home. • You emphasise that beauty
standards are unacceptable
2. In their Journals, everyone draws or and that Free Being Me is
writes: about working together to
a) How did the session make you feel? do something about it!
Jessie is a non-binary person from
the United States. Before they
post photos on social media, they
Harmful spend hours editing the pictures
to make sure every detail looks
Scenario Only to be used if groups
are really struggling.
• Worried, anxious, ashamed, unhappy • Spends money regularly on products or
• Low confidence
• Spends time comparing themselves,
• Unable to reach full potential
monitoring body, researching procedures
• Feels less valued and respected by the world and/or posing for/editing photos rather than
around them enjoying life
• Feels under pressure to change appearance • Damages health (eg skin or nutrition) by
using products or techniques that can cause
• Uncomfortable around other people
infections, or over-exercising
• Avoids some activities and misses out on fun
because of worrying
School/work life
• Distracted and becomes distant from friends • Difficulty concentrating in school/work could
and family lead to lower performance
• Family and friends worry about them • Compares themselves to each other causing
unhappiness, jealousy and arguments
• Struggles to build new relationships (friends,
colleagues, partners)
• Influences others (peers or family) to follow
and therefore spread beauty standards
Wider world
• Spreads the idea that women should change • Society misses out on their skills (if they don’t
their appearance to please men, and men succeed at school or work)
should be visibly “strong”
• Lack of diverse leaders that don’t represent
• If they need medical care, it costs the health people
• Loss of diversity in society if everyone looks
• Environmental impact, eg oil in drains and the same
waterways or products’ plastic packaging
• Women less involved in decision making
• Further spreads prejudices, eg racism (that
‘Western’ style hair or light skin is superior),
fatphobia (that thin is superior) and ageism
(that being young is superior)
Session 2
Time: 1 hour
• Remind everyone to bring in their
Resources provided:
• Media Madness cards and
Resources needed:
• Journals
• Pens and paper
• Timer
Session 2
4. Come together and ask the group • By asking: “Is it realistic for most
to summarise the problems with people to look like this edited
beauty standards by showing their image?”
Media Madness card and finishing the
• Then explaining: it’s
sentence: “Trying to achieve beauty understandable because we’re
standards you see in the media is constantly shown images like
harmful and not worth it because …” this, but we need to challenge
a) The images aren’t real, they have been these harmful and impossible
heavily edited – which takes hours of standards!
b) Images don’t represent most people
and lack diversity.
2. Media Shake-up
25mins 4. After 15 minutes, stop the
groups. Standing in front
of each group, you (the
facilitator) mime using their
chosen media, eg scrolling
1. Objective: To challenge the media on phone, watching TV
that spreads harmful beauty etc. The group responds by
standards. interrupting you to shout
their powerful messages!
2. Split into small groups with pens
and paper. Briefly discuss:
How do you feel knowing beauty
standards are being spread in so
many harmful ways?
3. Explain their challenge
a) Groups become activists that
interrupt the media! It’s important that:
b) Each group chooses one You move around the room
beauty standard spread by to support groups and keep
the media (from the Home conversations on track.
Challenge or character cards),
eg social media advert to
straighten afro hair.
c) Everyone imagines they’re
with their friends or family
when they see their chosen Listen for
beauty standard. Groups have
15 minutes to write a short
“STOP – that picture isn’t real!
message that educates them
They edit photos to make us
about the tricks the media uses feel we need to change the way
and the harm beauty standards we look so we waste money
cause. on their products. When we
d) Their messages should speak see adverts we need to think,
“What are they really trying to
directly to their friends or
tell us?” and remember that we
family, be 50 words max, and
ARE good enough!”
help people to spot beauty
standards in future!
Session 2
Home Challenge:
Dear Friend
Write or record a note to a younger
person you know. Explain why it’s not
worth trying to achieve beauty standards
and why it’s harmful if they do.
Remember to use what you’ve discussed
in the sessions.
Before After
• Selfies use filters which change the shape of the face and its features, as well
as the colour of the skin
• Photos have had numerous edits made, including:
a) Symmetrical face - features edited to make eyes exactly the same size, and
mouth and nose exactly symmetrical
b) Smoother skin with no marks, shadows, wrinkles, spots, scars or pores
c) White skin is more tanned; darker skin is lighter
d) Women shown with more make-up - pinker cheeks, redder lips, darker
e) Eyes made larger with neater and fuller eyebrows
f) Whiter teeth and fuller lips (often smiling without showing teeth)
g) Nose, cheeks and chin are made narrower, with more pronounced
h) Hair is smoother, more flowing and thicker
i) Body shape is very slim and toned without any sign of fat
j) Clothes are smoothed out and change colour
k) No body hair (or very little on men)
• Celebrities are used to sell a product - implying that we can achieve this status
(be happier or more successful) by buying their product
• Most of the models used are white, or very light skinned, with very literal
diversity of appearance
• Persuasive language is used to make us think we need to change how we
look, and that their product is the answer (often without a reliable source
of information).
Session 3
Time: 1 hour
Key Message • Remind everyone to bring in their
Journal with their completed
Sometimes family and friends put Home Challenge.
pressure on us to change how we • Activity 1: Organise enough
look – without even realising. Let’s tables and chairs per group
challenge these comments and of three young people (or use
actions that are spreading beauty cushions/mats). Then:
• Label each set of three chairs
with the letters P, C and A (see
It’s important that the • Copy the People Under
People Under Pressure Pressure cards and place one
cards are kept face down until face down in the middle of
the groups begin discussions (then each set of chairs.
turn them back over before they
move), and that people don’t read
out what’s on the cards. This is to
reduce the time young people
are exposed to these harmful
Resources provided:
• People Under Pressure cards P A
and guidance
Resources needed:
• Journals
• Sticky notes and pens
Session 3
d) After five minutes,
groups move clockwise
around the room and
swap chair labels (so
1. Pressure Patrol they answer a different
30mins e) Repeat until groups have
discussed at least four
4. At the end, ask each patrol
1. Quickly ask everyone to recap the to join another patrol and
different places they saw and heard form a Super Squad. Their
beauty standards in Session 2, eg new squad shares the best
television/film, social media, radio, advice they gave to one of
adverts, books and songs. Explain the characters.
that this session focuses on how to
respond to comments and actions
from people we know.
2. Objective: To stand up to beauty
standards by practising challenging
family and friends. It’s important that:
3. Explain their task:
You move around the room to support
a) Split into patrols of three, and sit in
groups and keep conversations
the prepared labelled chairs.
on track.
b) Turn over the People Under
Pressure card and read to Congratulate the group on all the
themselves. great advice! Encourage them to use
these ideas in their real lives.
c) Groups have five minutes to
decide how to help the person, You challenge anyone who says …
by each answering the question
linked to their chair label: “But thin does look better than fat –
and it’s healthier!”
P = What’s the problem? • By asking: What are the
C = What are the harmful consequences of trying to achieve
consequences? the thin beauty standard?
A = [Action] What would you do if
• Then explaining: our weight does
you were them? not define our beauty or our
See Pressure guidance. importance as a person. The world
tells us that putting on weight is
negative but in fact, some people
are healthy and fat, some people
are unhealthy and thin.
2. Mirror Messages
Session 3
It’s important that:
guidance Only to be used if groups are
really struggling.
Problem = her Grandma is hinting that she should If I were her, I would smile at her Grandma and
eat less (and needs to lose weight). This spreads ask someone else to pass her the rice. I would
the beauty standard that thin is more beautiful – then find a time to explain (in private) that she
and that’s not true. isn’t worried about her shape – she’s trying to love
her body as it is, without changing it. She’s worth
Consequences = she feels bad about herself so much more than the way she looks!
and that she isn’t good enough as she is – that
she should change. It could lead to her having
problems with food, when it’s really important
to eat enough balanced meals, especially for
teenagers who are growing really fast.
Problem = Amir’s father hints that Amir isn’t If I were him, I would say, “I’m proud of the fact
good enough because he’s shorter than others. that I look like my family. How tall I am doesn’t
This spreads the beauty standard that being tall make me a better or worse person. I’m here to
is more attractive – and that’s not true. play the sport I love! What did you think of how
we played today?”
Consequences = Amir spends time worrying
about his height and feels bad about himself.
Problem = their mothers are repeating the If I were them, I would say to the other girls who
beauty standard that women shouldn’t have leg hear too: “Let’s not worry about our looks – it’s
hair. so boring and makes us feel so sad. Let’s focus
instead on having fun at the party!”
Consequences = the friends feel under even
more pressure to change how they look and
that they aren’t beautiful the way they are. They
also spend more time and money worrying,
researching and paying for regular hair removal!
Problem = social media Influencers are spreading If I were them, I would take a break from social
the beauty standard that teeth have to be media. I would think carefully about who I follow,
straight, white and evenly sized – which isn’t how I feel after looking at their posts and then
realistic for anyone! remove some people (and maybe add some more
positive ones). I would smile in my next photo to
Consequences = Jessie spends more time remind myself of the fun I had rather than how I
watching videos and reading comments about look!
how to change their teeth, and maybe even
spends money on techniques that could be
dangerous. Jessie feels their teeth aren’t good
enough the way they are and they’re less likely to
smile so they’re hidden.
Problem = Salma’s friends are restricting their If I were Salma, I’d encourage her friends to eat
eating and making negative comments about their because their bodies need energy and nutrients
bodies. to be happy and healthy. I’d also encourage her
friend to wear the clothes she’s scared of wearing
Consequences = Both friends are spending time and agree to do it with her – everyone could wear
and energy worrying rather than enjoying lunch shorts/skirts together in support!
which gives them the nutrition their bodies need,
and time with friends. The dieting friend might
damage her health and encourage others to
follow her. The friend who won’t wear shorts is
missing out on wearing things she loves.
Session 4
Time: 1 hour
Key Message • Remind everyone to bring in their
Journal with their completed Home
We may make comments comparing
people’s looks to beauty standards • Activity 1: Practise one of the role
– without even realising. This ‘body plays with another facilitator (it’s very
talk’ actually spreads the impossible important that you do the role play,
‘ideal’. Instead, we should celebrate not the young people). Alternatively,
what makes us all unique and what set up the girls’ body talk video and/or
our bodies can do! boys’ video.
• Activity 2: Copy and cut out the
Body Talk comments, and stick them
around the meeting place. Ideally,
prepare to play some music to inspire
It’s important that body confidence during this activity
young people don’t use (see page 10).
body talk themselves, even • Optional: prepare to display the Body
during an activity or role play. Talk definition and Top Tips.
Only the Facilitators should say
these types of comments. This
is to prevent young people
from reinforcing beauty
standards further.
Resources provided:
• Role plays (alternatively, girls’ body talk
and/or boys’ video)
• Body Talk comments and guidance.
Resources needed:
• Journals
• Pens
• Timer
• If possible, a device and speakers to
show videos and play songs.
It’s important that:
Session 4
1. Body Talk
5. Briefly discuss:
Why is body talk a problem?
How does body talk make people feel?
6. Emphasise that we shouldn’t take part
in body talk and can challenge it to stop
beauty standards spreading. Share these Listen for
Top Tips:
“It spreads beauty standards
by continuing to talk about how
• Highlight the “body talk” and say we look and comparing us to an
that you won’t take part in it. ‘ideal’.
Eg “What you just said is actually
body talk and this kind of conversation It makes people feel judged,
spreads unfair beauty standards. It’s not good enough and need to
boring and I’m not getting involved.” change how they look.
• Explain why the body talk comment It makes us think that our looks
is unhelpful and how it spreads the are the most important thing
‘ideal’ image. about us – we’re so much more
Eg “Comparing ourselves to beauty than that!”
standards makes us feel bad.”
• Change the focus from talking
about people’s looks to celebrating
what their bodies can do and all the Ignoring
things that make them who they body talk
are. completely doesn’t
Eg “Remember how much [that body challenge beauty
part] helps you every day. You’re so standards and can
much more than how you look – you’re make people feel
funny, kind and that’s why we’re friends.” worse.
Session 4
It’s important that:
You emphasise that a great
way to boost body confidence
is by trying new things that
1. Gather together with the Journals. challenge what we believe.
2. Introduce that Salma spends at
least 20 minutes per day worrying
about her looks – this adds up to
10 days worrying per year!
3. Their task is to write or draw a day
of confidence-boosting activities
for her to do instead of worrying.
For example, hold a photoshoot with
friends posing naturally (with no
filters!), wear her favourite clothes,
think about kind things her friends
have said about her (not about her
looks), use her body in a fun way (eg
dancing, swimming, making art).
4. After 10 minutes, anyone who
wishes to can share their activity
Home Challenge:
My Challenges
Choose two things from the
My Challenges list in your Journal that
you could do. Make a promise to do both
in the next week.
The other replies, “No it doesn’t, it makes my face look round.” [BODY TALK!]
The first one responds, “Oh you’re not serious? It makes your face look thinner and your
cheekbones really stand out.” [BODY TALK!]
Note: The group may think this is a compliment but it actually spreads the beauty standard
‘ideal’ of a thin person with defined cheekbones.
One says, “You’re as light as a feather! Be careful out there today – it’s windy and you
might get blown away.” [BODY TALK!]
The other responds, “Well, at least I’m not fat.” [BODY TALK!]
Note: These are all comparisons to male beauty standards of being tall, broad but toned
(not fat), strong and muscly.
Body Talk comments
Duma Duma
“I really don’t want my skin Message “She’s so beautiful.
to get darker when we’re I wish my skin was as
out today, so let’s go to the light as hers.”
mall instead of going outside.
Salma To Salma
“I can’t buy this dress, it makes “You look so good –
me feel too fat.” have you lost weight?”
Body Talk Guidance
To Duma’s friend:
“I’m sad that you’re worrying about
your skin when we should be focused
on spending the day laughing together!”
To Duma:
“You look different to her and that’s OK.
Comparing yourself to her is just making
you feel bad.”
To Amir’s friend:
“Hey – this is body talk and we
have no right to comment on
others’ bodies no matter what
we’re saying.”
To Amir:
“You’re wasting precious time
comparing how you look to
other people, instead of just
enjoying yourself.”
To Jessie’s friend:
“Likes don’t matter. What does
matter is how much fun we
had at the beach that day!”
To Jessie’s family:
“Spots are a totally normal part of growing
up - drawing attention to them makes
people feel like spots aren’t okay.”
To the friends:
Don’t you think it’s sad that she
felt the pressure to shave her
To the boy:
“Why is that any of your business? Everyone’s
hair is different and that’s good because
otherwise the world would be boring!”
To Salma:
“Fat isn’t a feeling! If we say we feel
fat, it is often that we actually feel
uncomfortable. Also, there’s nothing
wrong with being fat, it’s more important
how you feel in the dress and whether
you can dance in it.”
To Salma’s family:
“Do you realise you’re saying that
you can only be beautiful if you’re
thin? All bodies are good bodies –
whatever size they are.”
Session 5
Time: 1 hour
Key Message • Remind everyone to bring in their
Journal with their completed Home
We have the power to build a world
where everyone feels free to be • Warm-up: Select a body confidence
themselves! Every action, no matter song to play (see page 10).
how big or small, will improve other • Activity 1: Write Session 1, Session 2,
people’s body confidence and our Session 3, Session 4 at the top of four
own. flipcharts. Stick up around the space.
• Activity 2: Copy and cut out the
Inspirational Action cards, then hide
around the space. Ensure everyone
has a copy of the Take Action Project
Plan in their Journals.
Resources provided:
• Inspirational Action cards
• Take Action Project Plan example
Resources needed:
• Flipchart and pens
• Sticky tack
• A device and speakers to play
It’s important that:
Session 5
b) One action for your chosen
2. Plan the Change Groups can take action
individually or in groups.
6. Encourage them to think
carefully about the FBM
message they want to tell their
1. Objective: To use all their confidence people. Prompt them to think
rejecting beauty standards to help about the issue they’re most
other people do the same! affected by.
1. Congratulate everyone on
committing to take action and
joining the global movement
to make the world more body
2. Decide on a deadline (one or two
weeks) for everyone to complete
their action, and write it in their
Journals. On this date, they will
come together to celebrate their
achievements and share how
their projects went. Encourage
everyone to tag #freebeingme if
they post on social media.
3. Introduce the Action on Body
Confidence programme, for
anyone who has completed
FBM and wants to take even
bigger action to challenge beauty
standards in their community or
the wider world!
Home Challenge:
Take Action
Carry out your Take Action project and
get ready to share how it went.
Fashion Show
“I love how your face lights up when you talk about or do …”.
“Say no to body talk – who says we should all look a certain way?!”
Body Talk
Post on social media
Social media
Fashion Show
Write and share a petition
You are
Display body confident messages on mirrors
Take Action Project Plan example
I pledge to take action for myself by:
Practising the mirror challenge every day for two weeks.
& Share
After everyone has taken action, organise a group celebration and badge ceremony.
Your group is powerful. They
should shout loud and proud about
what they have achieved:
FBM Badge Finish Survey
Join groups around the world who Taking part is optional. If you choose
to complete the survey, this means you
are sharing their understanding,
agree for your leader to use and share this
feelings and actions on the topic of information(they won’t share your name) and
body confidence! help WAGGGS understand if FBM is working.
Complete the FBM Badge Survey on your
own and then give it to your leader. Age: Initals:
7. When you don’t feel good about your looks, what do you do to help yourself feel better?
8. Draw or colour in this scale to show how much you agree with this statement:
0 10
10. What did you enjoy the least in Free Being Me?
11. What type of action(s) did you or your group take in Session 5? Select all that apply.
12. Overall, what do you think of Free Being Me? Please circle your answer:
Your group may also wish to take part in other WAGGGS programmes to explore further
some of the topics raised in Free Being Me:
Girl Powered Nutrition – Surf Smart – If you use Voices Against Violence
Having learned about all technology and the – By improving body
the things your body can internet, find out more confidence, we’re working
do, find out about how about media literacy and towards a more gender-
to keep yourself happy staying safe online. equal world. Learn
and healthy with good about how violence also
nutrition. https://www.wagggs.org/en/ disproportionately harms
girls and young women.
what-we-do/girl-powered- https://www.wagggs.org/
nutrition/gpn-online-training/ en/what-we-do/stop-the-
Co-Creation Team:
The Free Being Me activity packs were co-created with valuable contributions
from around the world:
Free Being Me (FBM) is an
educational programme that
promotes a world free from
appearance-related anxiety.
FBM first began in 2013, developed in partnership
with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl
Scouts (WAGGGS), the Dove Self-Esteem Project
(DSEP) and the Centre of Appearance Research (CAR).
Since then, an incredible six million Girl Guides and
Girl Scouts in 80 countries have improved their body
confidence and helped other people do the same.
This updated, more representative and interactive
version of Free Being Me will support four million
other Guides and Scouts to lead a movement towards
a world free from body insecurities. We can’t wait to
see what your group will do!