Masterkure 101

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Acrylic, water-based, concrete curing compound

Description of Product Standards

MASTERKURE 101 is a solvent-free, acrylic, water- MASTERKURE 101 meets the requirements of
based emulsion, suitable for spray application to ASTM C309 Type 1 Class B
freshly poured concrete.
The resultant film retains sufficient moisture in the The recommended rate of application is 0.22ltr/m2.
concrete to ensure full hydration of the cement; This corresponds to that at which MASTERKURE
essential for optimum strength development. 101 has been tested, and at which it attains the
Membrane-cured concrete is typically harder and claimed degree of curing efficiency. In favorable
exhibits a dust-free surface with a reduced conditions, such as shaded interior surfaces,
incidence of drying shrinkage cracks. adequate curing can be achieved with extended
coverage rates.
Primary Uses
As a more effective and economical alternative to Subsequent Surface Finishes
Hessian, water and polythene curing regimes. Cement renders can be applied directly over
Suitable for use on all concrete surfaces. MASTERKURE 101 cured surfaces providing it is
ensured there is no surface laitance, dirt, oil or
Advantages grease on the surface. Surfaces must be well
Eliminates the need for water cleaned if they are left for long periods unprotected.
Single application
Reduces drying shrinkage RHEOMIX bonding slurries must be utilised to bond
High curing efficiency subsequent finishes. Please refer to BASF’s
Reduced labour costs Technical Services Department for approved mix
Water-based designs.
If renders of greater thickness than 1cm are to be
Packaging applied, bond tests should be carried out to
MASTERKURE 101 is available in 210ltr drums.
determine the proposed bonding method and
Typical Properties surface preparation that is required.
Appearance: White liquid For floor areas appropriate surface preparation is
Specific gravity: 0.95 to 1.00 required dependant on the type of floor finish being
Flashpoint: Not applicable applied.
Finished film Please refer to BASF technical department for
Clear opaque film
Drying time 2 hours 15 minutes at appropriate recommendation.
ASTM C309: 25ºC
Unit moisture loss 2
Specification Clause MASTERKURE 101
0.024 g/cm Where indicated, concrete shall be cured by
(after 7days)
Sprayability Sprayable application of MASTERKURE 101, acrylic-based
Dry to Touch 02:20 hr emulsion manufactured by BASF Egypt or similar
Strength% from control 96.8 g/cm approved; to the following specification:
(after 7days)
Specification type:
ASTM C309: Type 1 Class B
MASTERKURE 101 is to be applied strictly in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Shelf life is up to 1 year when stored under cover,
out of direct sunlight and protected from extremes
of temperature.

Health and Safety

As with all chemical products, care should be taken,
during use and storage, to avoid contact with eyes,
mouth, skin and foodstuffs. Treat splashes to eyes
and skin immediately. If accidentally ingested, seek
medical attention. Re-seal containers after use. Use
in well-ventilated areas and avoid inhalation.

Field service, where provided, does not constitute
supervisory responsibility. For additional
information, contact your local BASF representative.

BASF reserves the right to have the true cause of

any difficulty determined by accepted test methods.

Quality Statement
All products manufactured by BASF Egypt, or
imported from BASF affiliate companies world-wide,
are manufactured to procedures certified to conform
to the quality, environment, health & safety
management systems described in the ISO
9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:1999

12/07 BASF-EG

* Properties listed are only for guidance and are not

a guarantee of performance.

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