Print-And-Go Lesson Plans With Stories, Activities, Crafts, and More!
Print-And-Go Lesson Plans With Stories, Activities, Crafts, and More!
Print-And-Go Lesson Plans With Stories, Activities, Crafts, and More!
ages 3-5
stories, activities, crafts, and more!
I’m SO thankful you’ve downloaded this resource! I pray these activities
engage your little learners and let them have fun as you teach them from
God’s Word! There is no better way to spend your time.
About me:
I’m Jessica, a teacher-turned-homeschooling mama
to three little ones. I am passionate about integrating
the Bible into all areas of life and helping my children
see evidence of God’s handiwork everywhere. You
can find me at
About the resource:
This resource was created to help busy parents, teachers, and Sunday
School leaders teach little children important stories and concepts from the
Bible in an age-appropriate and accurate way.
On the lesson plan pages you’ll find the objective, the Bible verse I have
chosen for the unit, the materials you’ll need, and then detailed ideas to
simplify your planning and save you time! There are a lot of games, crafts,
and activities included to give you options. You know your kids best. You don’t
need to do everything; instead pick and choose the activities that will meet
their needs and engage your learners. Some teachers pick a couple activities
to do in one morning while others spend a whole week on this resource and
spread the activities over several days.
This download is in a series of Preschool
Bible Lessons - each resource is fun, easy to
understand, and engaging for little minds!
Every lesson can be done in any order
and/or independently of the others. Each of
the resources include Bible stories, crafts,
games, song suggestions, learning activities,
Bible memory verses, etc. Some of the
activities will start to look familiar as they
follow a similar pattern to build consistency
and familiarity into your child’s learning.
Click here to read more about the BUNDLE.
Preschool Bible Lessons ages 3-5
who is Jesus?
Objective: The children will learn who Jesus is. Materials Needed:
They will learn that Jesus came to Earth from • crayons
heaven and died on the cross for our sins. • scissors
• glue
Bible Verse: John 14:6 “Jesus answered, "I am the
• dot markers/circle stickers
way and the truth and the life. No one comes to
• construction paper
the Father except through me.”
Have the students sit in a circle. Ask the students to name their favorite super hero. Talk about the
character traits of a hero (brave, selfless, strong, honest, etc.) Ask them what a super hero’s job is?
(to save people). Then show the class a Bible and ask them to tell you what it is and what it is about.
Remind them that the entire Bible points to the incredible story of Jesus, the Son of God, who came
to Earth to save the people from their sins.
Read the story: Who is Jesus? As you read the booklet the students can color the pictures in their
own black and white version of the story (full page or half-page). Or, if you’d prefer you can send it
home to complete later.
After the story:
• Why did Jesus have to leave heaven? (He was on a rescue mission and came to Earth to fix the
broken relationship between God and people).
• Where was Jesus born? (Bethlehem)
• When Jesus was born, did the people recognize Him for who He was? (No they did not)
• Did Jesus come to Earth as a grown-up? (No, he came as a baby and grew up like a normal boy)
• What was Jesus’s message? (Believe in God, turn from your sins, and you will be saved!”
• Did everyone like Jesus’s message? (No)
• After Jesus died on the cross, what happened three days later? (He rose again!)
• As followers of Jesus, what is our job? (to love Him, to tell others about Jesus, and to live in a
way that honors God).
John 14:6 “Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through me.”
Today’s Bible verse is from the book of John in the New Testament. The verse reminds us that Jesus
is the ONLY way to heaven. When we put our trust in Him we can live eternally with God.
Let’s practice this Bible verse again (repeat several times).
• Jesus Loves Me • He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
• This Little Light of Mine • I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
• Trust and Obey • There is Power in the Blood
Preschool Bible Lessons ages 3-5
who is Jesus?
Page # ACT I V I T I ES:
6-14 Who is Jesus? story booklet - COLOR
15-23 Who is Jesus? story booklet – BLACK AND WHITE
24-28 Who is Jesus? story half-page booklet for students to color - BLACK AND WHITE
Jesus Grows Up Booklet
Give each student a copy of the activity pages and have them color and cut out the pictures of Jesus
throughout His life. Glue each picture on the correct page of the booklet. On each page trace the
important word and the number on the tab at the top. Cut out each page and assemble in order to
create a booklet (staple or glue the left-hand side of each page). Be careful to cut around the numbers
on the top to create tabs.
Growing Like Jesus Activity
Read the Bible verse at the top of the page: Luke 2:52 “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor
33 with God and man.” Tell the students that when they follow Jesus, they can grow in God, just like He did!
Talk about the three categories that the verse mentions: wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man
and walk them through the activities that correspond with each category.
Bingo/dot marker activity: J is for Jesus
34 Have the students use a bingo marker or circle stickers to fill in the dots on the letter J to help them
remember the letter that starts the name Jesus.
J is for Jesus Handwriting Page
35 Have the students trace the capital J and the lowercase j, as well as the word “Jesus”. Next have them
circle the J in the letter jumble and then trace and color the heart to remind them that Jesus loves them.
Game suggestion: Jesus Says
Play this fun version of Simon Says, but instead talk about the importance of obeying Jesus.
Bingo/dot marker activity: 33
36 Have the students use a bingo marker or circle stickers to fill in the dots on the number 33 to help them
remember that Jesus lived on the Earth for 33 years.
Number 3 activities
Talk with the students about the importance of the number 3. (There are 3 persons in the Trinity and
37 Jesus was dead for 3 days before He rose again). Then have the students complete the 6 activities:
color the number 3, color 3 crosses, trace the number 3 and the word three, draw 3 circles, fill in the
number 3 on the ten frame, and circle 3 hearts.
Game suggestion: Jesus Thinks You’re Special
Set up chairs in a circle, one less than the number of students. Play some music (or sing “Jesus Loves
Me”) and when you stop the music, tell the students to sit down. Bring up the one student who doesn’t
get a seat and tell them how special they are to Jesus and one character trait you’ve seen in them that
you admire. Ask the other students to say something kind about the child.
Jesus Loves __________ Craft
38 Give the students the activity page and have them write or trace their name on the line. Have them
color Jesus and the heart. Then cut and glue a picture of the student and place it on the heart.
Preschool Bible Lessons ages 3-5
Page #
who is Jesus? ACTIVITIES:
Game Suggestion: Act out the Bible story is Matthew 19 when the little children were invited to come to
Jesus. Have one adult play Jesus and sit down on a chair. Have the children gather in a group and walk up to
Jesus, smiling and waving. Then have another adult act as a disciple and try to block the children from
reaching Jesus. Have ”Jesus” put up a hand and speak the words from Matthew 19:14, “Let the little children
come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Have the kids
surround “Jesus” and remind them that the Bible tells us that Jesus loved little children.
Jesus Loved the Little Children Tracing Practice
Have them trace the lines to connect Jesus to the little children He loved. Then color the pictures.
Heaven to Earth and Back Again Tracing Practice
Have the students trace the important words (heaven and Earth) and then trace the lines to show the path
Jesus took from heaven to Earth and back again.
Optional whole group activity: Tell the students that one side of the room is Heaven and the other side is
Earth. As you talk about the journey Jesus took from Heaven to Earth and back to Heaven, have them walk
across the room. Tell the children that Jesus has promised to come back to Earth one day.
Names of Jesus Coloring Page
Give the students the activity page and read through the names of Jesus. It’s okay if the children don’t
fully understand the titles. It’s still important to introduce the names/concepts to them. Have them color in
the letters for the different names of Jesus.
Rainbow Crosses Coloring Page
42 Give each student a copy of the activity page and help them to color each cross according to the color
labeled in the middle.
Give each student the activity page and read the text at the bottom: “The cross was Jesus’s way of
saying, ‘I love you’ to all people.” Remind the students that Jesus loves them dearly and He demonstrated
43 this love by dying on the cross. Help the students cut out the letters UOYEVOLI and glue them on the top
of the page in the correct order to spell I LOVE YOU.
Optional whole group activity: Cut apart the letters and hide them around the room. Send the students to
hunt for them and unscramble them on the white board where you have drawn a cross.
Describing Jesus
44 Tell the students to think about what they have learned about Jesus and what He is like. Read each
character trait word and help the children to decide if it describes Jesus or not.
I am the Light of the World Craft
Read John 8:12 to your children: “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the
world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Have the students color Jesus, the light, and the world. Then help them to cut out the pictures and glue them
on a piece of construction paper: glue the title on the top, the picture of Jesus below it, and then the light in
one hand and the Earth in the other.
46-47 John 14:6 Bible verse poster and John 14:6 Bible verse cards (10 per page)
Closing: Jesus is the Son of God, the Messiah, or Savior of the world! Jesus came to Earth on a rescue
mission to die for our sins so that we can all have the opportunity to live forever in Heaven with God. Let’s
pray and praise Jesus for who He is and what He did for us. We also need to remember our job: to love
Jesus, to tell others about Him, and to live our lives in a way that honors God.
I have
to share!
I will
I have
to share!
I will
Jesus as a baby.
Jesus as a boy.
Name: ____________________________
Jesus as a man.
Jesus in heaven.
Name: ____________________________
in favor with God and men I know that Jesus loves me!
Here’s what my family/class thinks of me:
Who is Jesus?
Name: ____________________________
is for
Who is Jesus?
Name: ____________________________
is for
j j j j j j j j j j
Jesus is the Son of God!
Who is Jesus?
Name: ____________________________
>>Number <<
• The number is important when we’re learning about Jesus.
• There are persons in the trinity: God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
• After Jesus died, he was buried for days and then He rose again!
Who is Jesus?
Name: ____________________________
Trace the lines to draw the path Jesus took. Color the pictures.
one day
2 5
Who is Jesus?
Name: ____________________________
of of
Who is Jesus?
Name: ____________________________
Who is Jesus?
Name: ____________________________
I am the light of the world
Joh n 8:12
Color each picture.
Cut out and glue the title on the
top of a piece of construction
paper. Then glue Jesus
underneath the title. Glue the
lightbulb in on hand and the
globe in the other.
Jesus answered, "I am the Jesus answered, "I am the
way and the truth and the way and the truth and the
life. No one comes to the life. No one comes to the
Father except through me.” Father except through me.”
John 14:6 John 14:6
Terms of Use:
• This packet is for personal use in one classroom only. The information,
activities, and images included are copyrighted. You may not reuse or sell
any portion of this download. You may not distribute or post online
• If you have a coworker who would enjoy this product, you may purchase
additional licenses at a discounted price.
• If you use this resource, you are welcome to post about it on your blog
and/or other social media sites. I ask that you link back to my TPT store
and/or tag me @joyinthejourneyteaching.
• You can e-mail me with any questions: [email protected]
Credits: The fonts, borders, clip art, and other images used in this resource are from: