NT47 Fruits of The Spirit
NT47 Fruits of The Spirit
NT47 Fruits of The Spirit
the Spirit
The Bible encourages us to examine our souls to see if we are in the faith. Just like a tree, we are told the
various fruits we should look for on our “soul trees.” The passage describing these fruits is found in
Gala�ans 5.
Key Points:
• We should grow Fruits of the Spirit.
• We should learn to iden�fy Fruits of the Spirit.
• We should live by the Spirit.
Lesson Guide
Talk about fruit. What kinds are your favourites and what types aren’t? Look at photos of fruits and the
different places they grow. Some have pits, and others are covered with many �ny seeds. Some are big, and
some are li�le. There is a broad spectrum of colours and flavours.
Lay out a collec�on of fruit on the table. You should include fruits familiar and popular in your family, but
also some that are different, and your child has never eaten. Examine the outsides of the fruits and talk
about the differences. Ask the child to pick a characteris�c and sort the fruits into piles using that
characteris�c. E.g. If the child chooses skin, he should sort the fruit into piles of thin skins (apples, cherries,
and peaches) vs. thick skins (watermelon, banana, and pineapple). Cut open the fruits and look at the
insides. Sort the fruit again. Pits vs. no pits, etc. Also, provide a familiar fruit that is bad. Talk about how you
can tell it is bad from the outside and the inside. Discuss what made it bad. Was it worms, ro�enness, or a
Just as we can iden�fy fruits we eat; we can learn to iden�fy spiritual fruit in our lives. Read through verses
22 and 23 of Gala�ans 5. If possible, memorize them together. You may even set them to a simple tune and
sing them or create pantomime gestures to help solidify them in your child’s mind. For example, create a
heart with your hands (love) , then move them up to push the corners of your mouth up (Joy), thumb up
(goodness), tap your wrist where a watch would be (pa�ence), and then so on.
Set out a piece of tape or string on the table to create two sides. Give the child a stack of cards, pictures, or
drawings of various situa�ons (a child hi�ng someone, someone yelling, a child sharing, etc.) Explain that
each of the pictures represents a fruit in a person’s life. Our ac�ons are our fruit. Ask the child to place the
picture on the side of good fruit or bad fruit. You may also have them iden�fy which good fruit is shown in
each picture.
Talk about ways that we grow good fruit in our lives. One important way is to ask God to help us grow good
fruit. Talk about ways that farmers make certain that their crops grow strong such as removing weeds or
watching for pests. Explain that we need to tend our souls, just as a farmer cares for his crops.
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The fruits of the Spirit cards
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Reward badges
Encourage your child to collect the badges below by displaying the fruits in the
ac�ons throughout the week. Hand them on a branch or piece of string.
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Games and Activities
Prepare a fruit salad
This is a food prepara�on ac�vity. For ingredients,
use nine different fruits to represent the Fruit of the
Spirit namely:
Love, joy, peace, pa�ence, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
The idea is to have a fruit represent each Fruit of the
Spirit. (Apples, Oranges, Pears, Bananas, Kiwis etc. )
Prac�ce coun�ng to nine with your child.
Fruit Sor�ng
This ac�vity is perfect for li�le kids to learn about
the Fruit of the Spirit and exercising their fine
motor skills and eye coordina�on at the same
We can do this ac�vity by using 6 (or more) pairs
of fruits
1 good apple, 1 not so good apple (unfresh)
1 pear, 1 not so good pear
and so on…
Use real fruits, or plas�c ones (you can use a li�le
black paint for the bad fruit)
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Fruit-bearing Trees
This is a music and movement ac�vity. Here we explore and pretend to be trees that bears the Fruit of the
To do this ac�vity, first pretend to be seeds, Slowly, the warmth of the sun, just like the
curl up as small as possible on the floor. warmth of God’s love, shines upon us. Slowly
grow and pretend to be growing plants
(everyone may sit or kneel and pretend to
have grown a li�le).
Next, God’s grace showers us just like the rain Finally, stretch out arms just like the branches
that trickles upon us. Pretend to grow full and of the tree.
stand up.
Sway arms like branches pretending to have grown fruits, too (ask children what fruits they grew, some
may have grown bananas, or grapes etc.). Also think of the Fruit of the Spirit; Love, Joy, goodness etc.
Repeat as desired.
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Circle the good fruit
Cross out the bad fruit
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Which fruit is in each jar?
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Match the letter
with the first letter of the fruit
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Count the fruit
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3D Fruit of the Spirit
YouTube: h�ps://youtu.be/_v7DOTJIcEo
What to do
Colour the template page Cut out strips and punch Fix together with split-pin.
or print onto coloured holes onto both ends.
paper. Attach leaves to top.
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the Spirit
Fruit of
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Worship Time
Recommend worship songs. Not produced by Trueway Kids. YouTube
Videos to be used for personal use only.
Fruit of the Spirit Song for Kids
Fruit of the Spirit
Fruit of the Spirit is not..
Pray and ask God to help you grow
good Fruits of the Spirit in your life.
Thank Him that He helps us do so.
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