Analytic Number Theory
Analytic Number Theory
Analytic Number Theory
Colloquium Publications
Volume 53
Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
Preface xi
Introduction 1
Chapter 1. Arithmetic Functions 9
§1.1. Notation and definitions 9
§1.2. Generating series 10
§1.3. Dirichlet convolution 12
§1.4. Examples 13
§1.5. Arithmetic functions on average 19
§1.6. Sums of multiplicative functions 23
§1.7. Distribution of additive functions 28
Chapter 2. Elementary Theory of Prime Numbers 31
§2.1. The Prime Number Theorem 31
§2.2. Tchebyshev method 32
§2.3. Primes in arithmetic progressions 34
§2.4. Reflections on elementary proofs of the Prime Number Theorem 38
Chapter 3. Characters 43
§3.1. Introduction 43
§3.2. Dirichlet characters 44
§3.3. Primitive characters 45
§3.4. Gauss sums 47
§3.5. Real characters 49
§3.6. The quartic residue symbol 53
§3.7. The Jacobi-Dirichlet and the Jacobi-Kubota symbols 55
§3.8. Hecke characters 56
Chapter 4. Summation Formulas 65
§4.1. Introduction 65
§4.2. The Euler-Maclaurin formula 66
§4.3. The Poisson summation formula 69
§4.4. Summation formulas for the ball 71
§4.5. Summation formulas for the hyperbola ' 74
§4.6. Functional equations of Dirichlet L-functions 84
§4.A. Appendix: Fourier integrals and series 86
Chapter 5. Classical Analytic Theory of L-functions 93
§5.1. Definitions and preliminaries 93