Exercise 9-15
Exercise 9-15
Exercise 9-15
Use the Text Tool to add text to the speech bubbles. Give the text
different looks depending on what they're saying. Feel free to add
more bubbles if you need it.
2. Open the picture in Photoshop. What are the men talking about? You decide! Use the
Text Tool to type their dialogue into the speech bubbles. Use different fonts, sizes and
colors where needed. Read how under Text Tool in the Tools chapter.
Add more bubbles if you want to by Selecting a bubble, copy it, and paste it. Use the
Transform function and the Move Tool to make it look like you want it.
Exercise 10
3. The picture consists of eight layers: seven things and one background. Your task here
is to move the things around and use the Transform function to put them where you
think they should be, and make them look the way you want.
4. Put the diver out in the water. Use the Eraser Tool set on a medium Opacity to make
him look like part of him is below the water's surface.
Exercise 11
2. Use a Selection Tool to carefully select the iris and pupil of an eye on the girl to the
left (that's the "inside" of the eye, the ring of color and the black dot).
3. Now set the Selection Type to Add To Selection and select the other eye as well. Read
more on Selection Types under Selection Tools: Basics and Fancy Tricks in the Tools
4. Use the Color Balance function to change the color of the girl's eyes. When you're
done, turn off the selection by Deselecting it.
5. Repeat this procedure with everything in the picture. Use different Selection Types on
your selection where it fits. When you use Color Balance, try switching between
Shadows, Midtones and Highlights. This will give you some very different results.
Exercise 12
1. Save the pictures crop1.jpg, crop2.jpg and crop3.jpg to your folder. Open them in
2. Use the Crop Tool on the three pictures to cut them the way you think they'll look the
Exercise 13
Increase the picture's Canvas Size -- that's the area you can use
tools on -- and add some more things to it.
2. As you can see the picture is of a remarkably pretty house, but I couldn't fit
everything I wanted in it! I wanted a flag pole, a cat, the sun and some clouds, but they
just didn't fit.
Use the function Canvas Size to increase the picture's work area and paint the things I
couldn't fit in. Read how in the chapter Change A Picture's Canvas Size. Feel free to add
things of your own as well.
Exercise 14
2. As you can see the picture has a lot of scratches on it. That's not good. Try to remove
them by using the Clone Stamp Tool on them. Read more about this odd but useful tool
in the Tools chapter. Try to make the picture look as "undamaged" as possible. A few tips
• Use small brushes, not much larger than the scratch you're trying to repair.
• Feel free to use the Smudge Tool to smoothen out whatever sharp edges and lines that
might pop up around your fixes. Remember to use small brushes here too, and keep it
fairly weak, or things may come out looking a bit strange.
Exercise 15
Use the Dodge, Burn, Spinge, Blur, Sharpen and Smudge Tools
to make the picture look different.
2. Use some, or all, of the tools listed above on the picture. There's nothing that's in
need of fixing, but you can use the tools to make the picture look better -- or just
different. Try them all out to see how they work.
3. Make the background blurry by using the Blur Tool. You might have to create a
Selection around the girl to make sure that she won't be affected by this. And if you
create a selection around the girl you will have to Invert it so that everything but the girl
becomes selected.... Desaturate the background using the Sponge Tool.
Sharpen the details on the girl. Remember to take it easy here, the Sharpen tool works
quick and strong and might ruin it for you.