EJAP Volume 6 Number 2
EJAP Volume 6 Number 2
EJAP Volume 6 Number 2
Animal Production
Aims and Scope: The Ethiopian Journal of Animal Production is a peer reviewed journal publishing original basic and
applied research articles, short communications, technical notes, review articles dealing with livestock and livestock
related issues. Although the journal focuses on livestock production in Ethiopia, papers from similar agro-ecological
regions of the world are welcomed.
Editor-in-Chief: Azage Tegegne, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI),
P.O. Box 5689, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Associate Editor: Fesseha Gebreab, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Addis Ababa University,
P.O. Box 34, Debre Zeit, Ethiopia
Assistant Editors: Alemayehu Mengistu
P.O. Box 62291, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior
permission of the publisher.
Study on Age at First Calving, Calving Interval and Breeding Efficiency of Bos
taurus, Bos indicus and their Crosses in the Highlands of Ethiopia
Million Tadesse, Tadelle Dessie, Gifawesen Tessema, Tamirate Degefa and Yohanis
Development of Prediction Equations to Estimate Potential Fertility of Tropical
Dairy Bulls: Obsevation in India
Ulfina Galmessa and V. S. Raina .....................................................................................................17
Study on Sexual and Fattening Performance of Partially Castrated Horro Rams
Takele Kumsa, Gemeda Duguma, Fikru Terefe, Ulfina Galmessa and Yohannes
Lifetime Production and Reproduction Performances of Bos taurus x Bos indicus
Crossbred Cows in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia
Kefena Effa, B. P. Hegde and Tesfaye Kumsa .................................................................................37
Breeding Scheme Based on Analysis of Community Breeding Objectives for Cattle
in North-western Ethiopia
Zewdu Wuletaw, Workneh Ayalew and Johan Sölkner....................................................................53
Handling and Microbial Load of Cow's Milk and Irgo - Fermented Milk Collected
from Different Shops and Producers in Central Highlands of Ethiopia
Zelalem Yilma and Bernard Faye.....................................................................................................67
Effect of Phytase Enzyme Supplementation of Maize Based Broiler Diets on
Growth Performance, Availability of Minerals and Economic Benefits
Halima Hassen and S.S. Chauhan....................................................................................................83
Short Communication: Early Pregnancy Diagnosis in Cows Using Germination
Responses of Different Crop Seeds to Urine Treatment
Alganesh Tola, GebreEgziabher GebreYohannis, Mulugeta Kebede, Gizaw kebede,
Chernet Asfaw, Jiregna Dessalegn and Ulfina Galmessa ...............................................................93
Feature Article: Getting the Incentives Right: Concerns Associated with
Expansion of Cattle Export Markets in Ethiopia
Workneh Ayalew ...............................................................................................................................99
Information for Contributors............................................................................................... 105
Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 1-16
Million Tadesse1, Tadelle Dessie2, Gifawesen Tessema3, Tamirate Degefa1 and Yohanis
1Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Centre, PO Box 32, Debre Zeit, Ethiopia
2International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), P. O. Box 5689 Addis Ababa,
3Holetta Agricultural Research Centre, PO Box 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Data collected from 1968 to 1999 on age at first calving, calving interval and
breeding efficiency from Asella, Debre Zeit and Holetta were used for this study.
The breed group included in the study were Holestin Friesian, crossbred of
Holstein Friesian and Jersey with local breeds (Arsi, Boran, and Barca). The effect
of year, season, herd, parity and genetic group and partitioning of the later into
additive and non-additive effects were analysed. Results indicate that the effect of
breed, herd and season of birth significantly (P<0.05) affected age at first calving.
For calving interval, all factors except season were significant (P<0.05). Mean age
at first calving was significantly (P<0.05) shortest (32.22 months) for F3 (½ J × ½
L) and longest (55.44 months) for (¼ HF × ¾ L) crosses. Mean calving interval
were significantly (P<0.05) shorter (371.44 days) for (¾ J × ¼ L) and longest 516
days for 7/8 HF × 1/8 L. Breeding efficiency was significantly (P<0.05) highest
(102%) for F3 (½ J × ½ L) crosses and lowest (67%) for ¼ HF × ¾ L. Individual
additive and heterosis effects on age at first calving were significant (P<0.05) and
estimated at -7.9 and -11, 34 months, respectively. The individual additive,
individual heterosis, maternal additive, maternal heterosis and maternal
recombination were significant (P<0.01) on calving interval and estimated at
104.77, -72.38, -51.89, -62.66 and -168.25 days, respectively. Breeding decisions
aiming to increase herd productivity should be determined not only by lactation
milk yield but also by reproductive performance of animals under the production
Keywords: reproductive performance, Bos taurus, Bos indicus, crosses,
Million Tadesse et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 1-16
The indigenous cattle of Ethiopia are well adapted to the environment in
the tropics. This is from the fact that they possess a high degree of heat
tolerance and resistance to most of endemic diseases. However, their potential
for milk production is poor. One way of improving tropical cattle regarding
milk production is by crossbreeding with Bos taurus (or European type) dairy
breeds. Such crossbreeding of European dairy breeds with indigenous cattle in
tropical areas has been widely used as method to combine the high milk yield of
exotic breeds with the adaptability of local breeds. Apart from the additive
contribution of each breed to meet those requirements, there are also large non-
additive heterosis effects in milk yield and reproductive traits which combine to
give a large advantage in total productivity to the first generation (F1) of these
crosses (Cunningham and Syrstad, 1987). However, much of this heterosis
seems to be lost in subsequent generation (Syrstad, 1989), thus wasting some of
the genetic potential of such crosses. In a review of dairy cattle crossbreeding
experiments in the tropics, Syrstad (1989) concluded that most of the decline in
productivity from F1 to F2 generations was due to loss of heterozygosity, i.e.
dominance effects were the most important contributor to heterosis, with
perhaps a small negative effect of recombination on reproductive traits. In
crossbreeding herds, improvement can be effected by two methods: (1)
maximising heterosis and heterosis retention through optimal use of breed
combinations and breeding systems, and (2) through utilisation of additive
genetic values of the component breeds. In both methods the challenge is to
separate the additive and non-additive contribution and partition of the later
into within-locus (dominance) and between-locus (epistatic) contributions
(Mackinnon et al., 1996). In this study data from crossbreeding experiments in
herds located in the highlands of Ethiopia were used to: (1) evaluate the
environmental and genetic effect on age at first calving, calving interval and
breeding efficiency of crossbred dairy cows; (2) identify a breed combination
which provides an optimal performance; and (3) determine breed additive and
non-additive effects and their interaction with herd (environment).
Million Tadesse et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 1-16
plateau about 275 km south east of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Its altitude is 2000
m.a.s.l. and received an average annual rainfall of 1300-1350 mm.
Crossbreeding at Asella station was started in 1967/68 with the objective of
producing F1 heifers consisting of 1/2 Bos indicus and 1/2 Bos taurus genes.
The F1 would later be upgraded to produce animals with varying proportions
of Bos taurus genes (CADU, 1970). Holetta Research centre is located in
highland area about 50 km west of the capital, Addis Ababa town.
Crossbreeding involving HF and Jersey with local Boran and Horro breeds to
produce different crossbred animals ranging from 25% to 75% of both HF and
Jersey has been underway for more than 40 years.
Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Centre is located at an elevation of 1900
m.a.s.l. An average annual rainfall was 851 mm with daily mean
temperature varying from 9 to 27°C and an overall mean of 19.1°C. The
Debre Zeit dairy herd were established during 1971. In 1972, 28 Barca
heifers were bought from Eritrea and were mated to Barca bulls to generate
station-born heifers. Subsequently, both parental cows and their first female
offspring were assigned to (Holstein Friesian (HF) bulls to generate up
graded animals of different Holstein Friesian inheritance. Breeds included in
the study were as follows.
Beeed Code Acronym
HF Holstein Friesian
L Local zebu breeds (Boran, Arsi and Barca),
1/4HF×3/4L (25% Holstein Friesian ×75% Local)
F1 (½ HF× ½ L)) (50% Holstein Friesian ×50% Local),
F1 (½ J× ½ L) (50% Jersey ×50% Local)
F2 (½ HF× ½ L) {(1/2 Holstein Friesian ×1/2 Local),×(1/2 HF×1/2 Local)}
F2 (½ J× ½ L) {(1/2 Jersey ×1/2 Local),×(1/2 Jersey ×1/2 Local)}
F3 (½ HF× ½ L) {{(1/2 Holstein Friesian ×1/2 Local),×{(1/2 Holstein Friesian ×1/2 Local)× (1/2 Holstein Friesian
×1/2 Local)}}
F3 (½ HF× ½ L) {(1/2 Jersey ×1/2 Local),×{(1/2 Jersey ×1/2 Local)× (1/2 Jersey ×1/2 Local)}}
5/8HF×3/8L (62.5% Holstein Friesian ×37.5%Local)
5/8J×3/8L (62.5% Jersey ×37.5% Local)
3/4HF×1/4L (75% Holstein Friesian ×25% Local)
3/4J×1/4L (75% Jersey ×25% Local)
(3/4H×F1/4L)2 {(75% Holstein Friesian ×25% Local)× (75% Holstein Friesian ×25% Local}
(3/4J×1/4L)2 {(75% Jersey ×25% Local) (75% Jersey ×25% Local)},
7/8HF×1/8L (87.5% Holstein Friesian ×12.5%Local)
1/4HF×1/4J×1/2Local (1/4% Holstein Friesian ×1/4% Jersey ×1/2 Local),
5/8HF×2/8J×1/8L (5/8 Holstein Friesian ×2/8 Jersey ×1/8 Local)
5/8J×2/8HF×1/8L (5/8 Jersey ×2/8 Holstein Friesian ×1/8 Local)
Data analysis
Least squares analysis of variance was carried out using General Linear
Model (GLM) procedures of SAS (2000). Three models were used for data
analysis, the first model (model 1) was used to compare among breed groups
Million Tadesse et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 1-16
with respect to age at first calving, calving interval and breeding efficiency.
The second model (model 2), multiple regression analysis was used to estimate
contribution of individual and material additive genetic effects, heterosis,
recombination loss and interaction of additive and heterosis with environment
(herd). For comparison among breed groups (model 1) the effects included in
the model were herd of cow, breed group, lactation number, season and year
(season and year of birth for age at first calving and season and year of calving
for calving interval and breeding efficiency). The years of calving/birth ranged
from 1969 to 1999 and were grouped into 4 periods each period consisting of 8
years; Period 1 included from 1969 to 1975, period 2 from 1975 to 1982, period
3 from 1983 to 1989 and period 4 from 1990 to 1999.
For season of birth and calving, months of the year were classified into 3
seasons based on rainfall distribution; dry season from October to February,
short wet season from March to May and long wet season June to
September. Five Parities of dam were considered consisting of the first
through fifth.
Statistical model for data analysis
Model 1 for comparison among breed groups:
yijkl = µ +Hn+ Li + Sj +Pk + Bl +eijkl, where:
yijkl = Age at first calving, calving interval and breeding efficiency of an
individual animal with lactation I, in season j, year groups k of breed group
L and in herd n.
µ = underlying constant common to all animals
Hn = the effect due to nth herd of cow (n=1…3)
Li = the effect due to the ith lactation number (i = 1...5) for calving interval
and breeding efficiency
Sj = the effect due to jth season (J=1...3) season of birth for age at first calving
and season of calving for calving interval and breeding efficiency
Pk = the effect due to the kth year group of birth/calving (k = 1...4) year group
of birth for age at first calving and year group of calving for calving interval
and breeding efficiency
Bl = the effect due to the lth breed group (l = 1...19)
eijkl = random error effect.
Million Tadesse et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 1-16
Breeding efficiency is used for comparisons among breed groups with respect
to their suitability / adaptability. It is a measure based on the regularity of
calving and the age at which cows first calve. If an animal calves late for the
first time its maintenance costs as a fraction of total costs tend to increase
and its life time production tends to decrease (Kiwuwa et al., 1983). The
following method was used for evaluation of breeding efficiency (BE):
BE = {(N-1)390 + 960} / (age at each calving)
Where, N-1 = the number of calving intervals with N calving; 390 = is the
upper limit of desirable calving intervals (days); 960 = is the upper limit of
age at first calving (days). The estimated coefficients were expressed as
Model 2 for estimation of crossbreeding parameters:
yijkl = µ + Li +Sj + Pk +Hn+gIX1 + hIX2 + gMX3 + hMX4 + RIX5 + RMX6 +
(gI×Hi )+ (hI ×Hn )+eijkl
µ = intercept (general level of local breed)
Hn = the effect due to nth herd of cow (n=1…3)
Li = the effect due to the ith lactation number (i = 1...5)
Sj = the effect due to jth season of birth and calving (1...3).
Pk = the effect due to the kth year group (k = 1...4)
gI = individual genetic effect.
hI = individual heterosis effect.
gM = maternal additive genetic effect.
hM = maternal heterosis effect.
RI = individual recombination effect.
RM = maternal recombination effect.
X1 = proportion of genes from Holstein Friesian.
X2 = proportion of maximum individual heterosis.
X3 = proportion of genes from Holstein Friesian in dam.
X4 = proportion of maximum maternal heterosis.
X5 = proportion of maximum individual recombination effect.
X6 = proportion of maximum maternal recombination effect.
Million Tadesse et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 1-16
Million Tadesse et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 1-16
Herd effect
Heifers at Debre Zeit herd were produced the first calf significantly (P<0.05)
at younger age (37.38 months) followed by heifers at Asella herd (41.35
months), while heifers at Holetta herd calved significantly at older age (48.46
months). Mean calving interval was significantly (P<0.05) longer (467 days) at
Holetta herd, while the difference between Asella and Debre Zeit herds was
not significant. This difference in age at first calving and calving interval
across herd attributed to the difference in management (feed, health and
Million Tadesse et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 1-16
Million Tadesse et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 1-16
Table 2. Least square means of breed group effect on age at first calving (AFC), calving interval
(CI) and breeding efficiency (BE)
AFC (Months) CI (Days) BE (%)
No Mean S.e No Mean S.e Mean S.e
L 5 43.77dcb 4.2 204 419.52h 11.63 84cd 2.2
HF crosses
1/4HF×3/4L 13 55.44a 2.7 8 429.04fe 49.37 67e 3.4
F1 (1/2HF×1/2L) 48 35.91fe 1.3 226 438.90fe 10.49 93b 3.3
F2 (1/2HF×1/2L) 28 41.91dcb 1.8 100 494.66ba 15.45 88c 1.7
F3 (1/2HF×1/2L) 14 45.60b 2.6 23 457.01dc 29.08 84cd 2.6
5/8HF×3/8L 45 44.36b 1.5 77 466.52dc 17.70 87c 1.8
3/4HF×1/4L 83 40.77dcb 1.2 211 479.23cb 12.92 87c 1.4
(3/4HF×1/4L)2 inter se 11 45.32b 2.7 21 438.72fe 29.97 89c 2.7
7/8HF×1/8L 62 516.66a 21.68 85c 1.9
HF 8 42.59dcb 3.2 77 479.74cb 17.26 80d 2.6
Jersey crosses
F1 (1/2J×1/2L) 15 38.61e 2.5 92 417.02 16.35 94b 1.8
F2 (1/2J×1/2L) 23 44.43b 2.1 83 486.09ba 17.03 89c 1.9
F3(1/2J×1/2L) 8 32.22g 3.3 5 429.03fe 60.50 102a 4.6
5/8J×2/8L 12 39.74dcb 2.8 22 377.09j 30.07 95b 2.9
3/4J×1/4L 6 46.91b 3.8 16 371.44j 34.62 96b 3.0
(3/4J×1/4L)2 inter se 4 34.25fe 4.6 7 440.52ed 51.19 96b 4.4
1/4HF× 1/4J×1/2L 45 43.42cb 1.8 73 447.78dc 18.56 87c 1.9
5/8HF×2/8J×1/8L 9 40.07dc 3.1 12 450.27dc 39.75 94ba 3.3
5/8J×1/4HF×1/8L 11 44.95b 2.9 18 472.91cb 32.88 86c 3.2
Means within a column followed by different superscripts are significantly different
Million Tadesse et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 1-16
the 75% (3/4HF×1/4L) crosses. The relatively longer calving interval for
grade HF crosses indicate problem with adaptation in tropical
environmental condition. Similar longer calving interval of 525 days was
reported for (7/8HF ×1/8 L) crosses in crossbreeding HF with local breed at
Asella dairy farm (Kiwuwa et al., 1983). Gebeyhu Goshu (1999) also reported
longer calving interval for grade dairy HF cows and Boran crosses at cheffa
dairy farm, Ethiopia. The relatively longer age at first calving for F3 (1/2
HF× ½ L) and calving interval for F2 (½ HF×½ L) crosses can be ascribed to
unfavourable parental breakdown of epistatic combinations which have been
built up in the parental populations (Syrstad, 1989).
Jersey crosses: The breed group F2 ( ½ J× ½ L) Jersey crosses had
significantly (p <0.05) longer age at first calving (by 5.82 months) and longer
calving interval (69.07 days) but had lower breeding efficiency (5%) than the
F1 ( ½ J× ½ L) crosses. The F3 (½ J× ½ L) crosses produced the first calf
significantly earlier (by 12.21 months) and had significantly shorter calving
interval (57.06 days) than F2 (½ J× ½ L). The F3 (½ J× ½ L) had also better
breeding efficiency by 8% than F1 (½ J× ½ L) and by 13% than F2 (½ J× ½ L).
Similar longer calving interval was reported for F2 crosses than F1 in
crossbred of local with exotic at Haringhata, India (Bala and nagarcenkar,
1981). Parmar et al., (1980) also reported longer calving interval for F2 than
F1 in crossbreeding between Hariana and Jersey at Haringhata, India. The
longer calving interval of inter se mated of at 75% (3/4J×1/4L)2 breed group
compared to their parent might be related to recombination losses (epistatic
Three breed crosses: The three way crosses (5/8J×2/8HF×1/8L) had
significantly (P<0.05) longer age at first calving than (5/8HF×2/8J×1/8L).
The difference in age at first calving between (1/4HF×1/4J×1/2L) and
(5/8J×2/8HF×1/8 L) was not significant. The difference in calving interval
among three way crosses was not significant. Breeding efficiency was
significantly (P<0.05) higher for (5/8HF×2/8J×1/8L) while the difference in
Breeding efficiency between (5/8J×2/8HF×1/8L) and (1/4HF×1/4J ×1/2L) was
not significant.
The difference in age at first calving between F1 (½ HF× ½ L) and F1 (½ J× ½
L) crosses was not significant, while the breed group produced by inter se
mating at 50% F3 (½ J× ½ L) and 75% (3/4J×1/4L) of Jersey inheritance had
significantly (P<0.05) shorter age at first calving than the breed group
Million Tadesse et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 1-16
Million Tadesse et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 1-16
Interaction effect
Results on interaction of both additive and heterosis effect with herd are
presented in Table 4. The difference between pure Bos Taurus and Bos indicus
breed (breed additive effect) were estimated to 115.83± 84 days at Asella herd,
111.54± 91 days at Debre Zeit herd and 86.93±97 days at Holetta herd.
Interaction of heterosis with herd was significant (P<0.05) and estimated to be
negative 132 days at Asella herd, -43 days at Debre Zeit herd and -41 days at
Holetta herd. The Average performance of a group of animals is determined by
the genetic capacity and by the environmental conditions in which the animals
are kept. The genetic and environmental components interact when genetic
differences between animals are larger in one environment than in another.
Both, additive and heterosis effects can vary with environmental level. Rich
and Bell (1980) demonstrate experimentally in Drosophila that the percentage
of heterosis can be more than twice as much in a nutritionally poor
environment than under good nutrition. This large and significant difference in
Million Tadesse et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 1-16
breed additive and heterosis effect across herd in this study is attributed to the
environmental differences (differences in feeding, breeding and climate) in
which the animals are kept.
Table 4. Interaction effects of additive and heterosis by herd on calving interval
Interaction Asella Debre Zeit Holetta
Additive by herd 115.83±84a 111.54±91ba 86.93c±97c
Heterosis by herd -132±55a -43±49b -41b±50cb
Means within a column followed by different superscripts are significantly different
The shorter age at first calving, calving interval and better breeding
efficiency of F1 than F2 of both HF and Jersey crosses with local breed indicate
the superiority of F1 over other crosses. The pure HF breed and grade animals
had longer age at first calving, calving interval and lower breeding efficiency
indicating problems with adaptability in tropical environment. In most cases
the Jersey crosses had shorter age at first calving and calving interval and had
better breeding efficiency than the Holstein Friesian crosses indicating the
suitability of Jersey crosses in tropical environment than HF crosses. The
Individual heterosis effect was more important compared to individual breed
additive effect and this vary with environmental and management level as
indicated by significant difference in breed additive and heterosis effect across
herd. Based on breeding efficiency which combine both age at first calving and
calving interval and significant and large heterosis effect the optimum breed
combination is about equal proportion of exotic and local inheritance, however
to maintain heterosis advantage obtained in F1 generation back crossing F1
female with pure exotic bull to produce 75% or alternatively mating F1 female
with 75% exotic inheritance bull to produce 62.5% exotic inheritance is the
best strategy. In general, breeding decisions aiming to increase herd
productivity will be determined not only by lactation milk yield but also by
reproductive performance of animals and the environment at which the
animal kept.
Ababu Dekeba, 2002. Evaluation of performance of Boran cows in the production of
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Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 17-28
This study was conducted with the aim of developing prediction equations to
estimate potential fertility of breeding bulls at an early age at Artificial Breeding
Complex of the National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, India in 2002. Data
were collected on body size and testicular measurements from 12 Sahiwal and 28
Karanfries dairy bulls. Multiple regression equations were constructed to predict
scrotal circumference (SC), paired testis volume (PTV), total testis weight (TTWT)
and body weight (WT) from age, linear body size (chest girth and height) and
testicular measurements. Results indicate that testis characteristics can be
predicted from body size measurements of animals. Significant advantages of
testicular measurements like SC, testis length (TL) and testis width (TW) were
discovered to reasonably predict PTV and TTWT, which have direct relationship
with the capacity to produce spermatozoa. SC was best predicted from heart girth
(G), body weight from G and age of the animal, PTV from SC, TL and TTWT and
TTWT from TL and TW. Multiple regression equations were constructed and best
models were presented for each parameter. These models indicate the potential
fertility of a bull, based on measurements of testis size, and this facilitate culling
decisions at an early age before investing money, labor, time and space in rearing
Keywords: Bull selection, body size, testicular measurements, prediction
The productive capacity and physical appearance of animal populations can
be changed by selective breeding. Man improves his livestock by limiting the
reproduction of inferior animals and by choosing superior animals for mating
Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]
Ulfina Galmessa and V. S. Raina/ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 17-28
to produce the progeny which constitute the next generation (Banerjee, 2002).
Selection for higher milk yield in indigenous cattle breeds through culling of
inferior cows and selection of young bulls on dam's yield and body
conformation is the origin of animal breeding (Falvey and Chantalakhana,
1999). Sire selection, on average, has a greater impact on the genetic
improvement of a herd than most producers realize. Because the sire is more
likely to produce a higher number of calves in his lifetime compared to a cow,
and has the potential to contribute a larger portion of the genes to the herd.
The association between body measurements and testicular characteristics
has long been used to predict the potential fertility performances of a bull. So
it could be advantageous if such traits like testes weight and volume which
have direct relationship with the capacity of that particular animal to
produce spermatozoa are reasonably predicted from simple, easy and
accurate live measurements of the animal. This paper presents the best
selected prediction equations for estimating potential fertility tropical dairy
bulls using the relation of body weight and testicular measurements of a
Ulfina Galmessa and V. S. Raina / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 17-28
Ulfina Galmessa and V. S. Raina/ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 17-28
Ulfina Galmessa and V. S. Raina / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 17-28
Ulfina Galmessa and V. S. Raina/ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 17-28
Table 1. Coefficients of forward stepwise regression analysis using age (months) and weight (kg),
girth (cm) and height (cm) to predict scrotal circumference (cm)
Breed Step Traits b±S.E. R2 Value (%)
Sahiwal I Girth 0.204 ± 0.010 72.0
Ulfina Galmessa and V. S. Raina / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 17-28
Prediction of Total Testis Weight, TTWT (g) from age, body weight
and Testis size Measurements
In the stepwise regression analysis to predict total testis weight from age,
body weight and testicular measurements, it was observed that step 1 alone
could account for 88.5% and 90.8 % of the variation in testes weight, in
Sahiwal and KF bulls, respectively. But step 2 seems to be the best fit model
as inclusion of length to width increased the coefficients of determination from
0.885 to 0.963 in Sahiwal bulls and from 0.908 to 0.948 in KF bulls. Overall,
SC was found to be best predicted from heart girth (G), body weight from G
and age of the animal, PTV from SC, TL and TTWT and TTWT from TL and
TW (Tables 4 and 5).
Ulfina Galmessa and V. S. Raina/ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 17-28
Table 3. Coefficients of forward step wise regression analysis using age (months), weight (kg) and
testicular size (cm) to predict paired testicular volume, PTV (cm) in KF bulls
Prediction of PTV1
Prediction of PTV2
Ulfina Galmessa and V. S. Raina / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 17-28
Table 4. Coefficients of forward stepwise regression analysis using age, weight and testis size to
predict TTWT (g) in Sahiwal bulls
Step Traits b ± S.E. R2 Value (%)
I Width 129.246 ± 3.785 88.5
Table 5. Coefficients of forward stepwise regression analysis using age, weight and testis size to
predict TTWT (g) in KF bulls
Step Traits b ±SE R2 Value (%)
I Width 29.216 ± 2.302 90.8
Even though age as the third most useful independent variable in prediction
of TTWT was included in step III of the stepwise regression analysis, it could
not influence the accuracy of prediction much. The stepwise analysis
continued up to step 5 by including SC and body weight in steps 4 and 5,
respectively. But the increases in coefficients of variation were not
significant in both breeds. Hence, model II was taken as the best prediction
Ulfina Galmessa and V. S. Raina/ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 17-28
The partial correlation coefficient between body weight and age was higher
causing further forward regression analysis with the increment of 4.9% and
1% in R2 values in Sahiwal and KF bulls, respectively. When age was
included in step II, significant partial correlation (P<0.01) was observed
between body weight and height and then in step III all the three
parameters were included. But the increase in R2 value was very
insignificant indicating Model II as the best prediction equation for body
weight in Sahiwal. As the increase in coefficient of determination was not
statistically significant after the first step of the analysis, model one alone
was found sufficient for KF breed to predict weight based on the chest girth
measurement. This finding is advantageous in that the measurement of
girth is easy and applicable without any infrastructure barrier. The
availability of the weighing scale for livestock in general and that of larger
Ulfina Galmessa and V. S. Raina / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 17-28
This study has shown the possibility of predicting body weight from easily
measured body measurements like chest girth and height. Chest girth was
also found to have high correlation with scrotal circumference, which
otherwise is difficult to measure at least in some bulls. It also showed the
advantages of testicular measurements like scrotal circumference, testis
length and testis width, in reasonably predicting paired testicular volume and
testis weight, which have direct relationship with the capacity of that
particular animal to produce spermatozoa. Bull selection has a greater impact
on the genetic improvement of a herd than usually realized by livestock
producers. As a bull determines the fate of many individual females and calves
by contributing a larger portion of the genes to the herd, selection of bulls is a
first prerequisite in improvement of farm animals. In this study the potential
fertility of a bull was predicted from a combination of direct and indirect
measurements of testis size. Body measurements provided an indirect
estimate testis size. Accordingly several equations were developed and best
models were presented. These models help to predict potential fertility of bulls
so as to facilitate culling decisions at an early age. These decisions help reduce
costs of bull management, in terms of labour, space and time. The study has
high relevance under Ethiopian condition as the methodology is simple to
apply even at on-farm condition. Based on this, a similar research is in
progress at Bako Agricultural Research Center to test the method on Horro
bulls and their crosses. Since these correlations of testis size measurements
Ulfina Galmessa and V. S. Raina/ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 17-28
Bailey, T. L., Hudson, R. S., Powe, T. A., Riddell, M. G., Wolfe, D. F. and Carson, R. L.
1998. Caliper and Ultrasonographic Measurements of Bovine Testicles and a
mathematical formula for Detecting Testicular Volume and Weight in Vivo.
Theriogenology, 49: 581-194.
Draper, N. P. and Smith, H. 1981. Applied Regression Analysis. 407p. London (UK);
John Wiley & Sons. Inc.
Fields, M. J., Burns, W. C. and Warnick, A.C. 1979. Age season and breed effects on
testicular volume and semen traits in young beef bulls. J. Anim. Sci., 48(6): 1299-
Podany, J. 1964. Testicular biometry in bull. Proc. V. nter. Congr. Anim. Reprod.,
Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 29-36
Takele Kumsa1, Gemeda Duguma1*, Fikru Terefe1, Ulfina Galmessa1, and Yohannes
Thirty, nine-month old, fully castrated, partially castrated (unilateral) and entire
Horro rams (10 of each) were used to evaluate the fertility status of partially
castrated rams as compared to entire rams and to compare feed intake, weight
gain and fattening performance of partially castrated rams with entire and fully
castrated rams. Four rams from each sex group were sacrificed for carcass
measurements at the end of the experiment. Besides, four other rams from each of
partially castrated and entire were assigned to mating for fertility test. Feed
intake was not significantly (p>0.05) different between the three sex groups.
Initial live weight and treatment significantly (p<0.05) affected final live weight,
total gain and average daily gain. Slaughter weight significantly (p<0.05)
influenced carcass weight, forequarter and hindquarter, blood, skin and tail.
Treatment had no significant (p>0.05) effect on most carcass traits measured
except on viscera full and viscera empty (p<0.05). No significant (p>0.05)
difference was observed in fertility between partially castrated and entire ram
lambs. However, partially castrated rams had similar fat deposition as intact rms.
Yet partially castrated rams were similar to fully castrated rams in weight gain
performance. They performed equally well as those of entire rams in terms of
fertility. However, the evidence generated does not show a particularly useful
advantage of partial castration, and further investigation is suggested also using
another type of partial castration.
Keywords: Horro rams, partially castration, sexual and fattening
Partial castration (castrating only one testis) has been practiced since long
ago for it’s various advantages. The growth rate, feed conversion efficiency,
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Takele Kumsa et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 29-36
and carcass traits of partially castrated rams and bulls fall between entire and
fully castrated animals (Rakesh, 1981). Partial castration is also recommended
for its economic advantage as the animals take less time to recover and be
fattened earlier under fattening conditions thus minimizes cost and time for
maintenance. More over based on observation study conducted at Bako
partially castrated rams were also found to be sexually fertile and comparable
to entire rams.
Full castration has a depressive action on weight gain and it favors more fat
deposition (Demisse et al, 1989; Thys, et al., 1989). Thus, in countries where
fat has a moderate demand, partial castration is advocated. From the
information available, partial castration has many biological and economical
advantages. It favors growth and better-feed conversion efficiency than full
castration and more fat deposition than entire ones and adequate male
fertility level as entire rams. This study was, therefore, carried out to
compare the fertility, live weight gain and fattening performance of partially
castrated Horro rams with entire and fully castrated rams of the same breed.
Takele Kumsa et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 29-36
about three month. Feed intake and refusals were recorded daily. They were
weighed at the beginning of the experiment and fortnightly there after until
the end of the trial. Water was provided twice a day.
Four rams from each sex group were slaughtered for carcass measurements
at the end of the trial. They were fasted over night and weighed before
slaughtering. Carcass and non-carcass components were weighed
immediately after slaughter. Besides, four other rams from each of partially
castrated and entire rams were mated to twenty-four Horro ewes (24
ewes/ram) for fertility test. The ewes were allocated to the different rams at
random, based on their parity and live-weight. Number of services per
conception and number of lambs born per ewe joined were considered for
comparison of fertility between partially castrated and entire rams.
Herdsmen recorded observed and recorded services during the day.
The General Linear Models of the Statistical Analysis System (SAS, 1996)
was used in the analysis of the data to determine the effects of treatments
(sex groups) on experimental measurements. Initial body weight was
included as a covariate in the analysis of body weight; treatment was the
only independent effect in the analysis of carcass traits. Analysis was also
done for ram’s fertility in terms of number of service per conception and
number of lambs born per ewe joined.
Takele Kumsa et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 29-36
Table 2. Least squares means (±SE) of body weight of Horro rams as affected by treatments.
Source Overall mean T1 T2 T3
Wt2 (Kg) 20.6 20.4 ± 0.17 20.8 ± 0.19 20.8 ± 0.17
Wt3 (Kg) 21.7 21.4 ± 0.33 21.8 ± 0.37 21.9 ± 0.33
Wt4 (Kg) 22.7 22.3 ± 0.45 22.7 ± 0.69 23.0 ± 0.59
Wt5 (Kg) 23.6 23.3 ± 0.45 24.3 ± 0.50 23.5 ± 0.44
Wt6 (Kg) 24.5 24.2 ± 0.67 25.2 ± 0.74 24.1 ± 0.65
Wt7 (Kg) 25.8 24.7 ± 0.50a 27.1 ± 0.56b 25.9 ± 0.49ab
Wt8 (Kg) 26.5 25.6 ± 0.55a 27.5 ± 0.62b 26.7 ± 0.54ab
Total gain (Kg) 7.7 6.7 ± 0.55a 8.7 ± 0.62b 7.8 ± 0.54ab
Average daily gain (Kg) 0.07 0.06 ± 0.01a 0.08 ± 0.01b 0.07 ± 0.01ab
T1= Fully castrated rams, T2= partially castrated rams and T3= Entire rams.
Different superscripts in a row denote significant differences between effects at P =0.05.
In the current study, partially castrated rams had higher average daily gain
and final body weight than fully castrated rams. Though not significant, the
relatively higher average daily gain and final body weight of partially
castrated rams as compared to fully castrated rams might be attributed to
the feed intake. Partially castrated rams had higher feed intake than fully
castrated and entire rams, though not significant (p>0.05). Owen (1976) also
reported that higher concentrate intake resulted in an increased growth
No reports on performance of partially castrated rams could be found in the
literature either for Horro sheep or the other indigenous sheep breeds of the
country for possible comparison. However, according to Sibanda et al. (1989)
Takele Kumsa et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 29-36
Trt= treatment, SWt= Slaughter weight, CWt= carcass weight, DP= Dressing percentage, FQ= forequarter, HQ= hindquarter,
VE= visceral empty, VF= visceral full, BLD= blood, KF= kidney fat, OF= omental fat, TW= tail weight. EMS= Error mean square.
Takele Kumsa et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 29-36
Different superscripts in a row denote significant differences within effects P =0.05. Abbreviations as indicated in Table 3.
Table 5. Analysis of variance of NOS and NLB as affected by service sire treatment.
Mean squares of:
Sources Df
Treatment 1 0.02469NS 0.09877NS
R2 (%) 1 1.82 3.67
CV (%) 35.32 69.40
EMS 13.56 26.81
NOS= Number of service per conception and NLB= Number of lambs born per ewe joined.
EMS= Error mean squares. NLB-Number of lambs born per ewe joined.
Takele Kumsa et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 29-36
Table 6. Least squares means of NOS and NLB as affected by service sire treatment.
Overall mean 1.2 0.8
Service sire
Entire 1.2 ± 0.08 0.9 ± 0.11
Partially castrated 1.2± 0.06 0.8 ± 0.08
Abbreviations as indicated in Table 5
The results of the study confirmed that partially castrated rams are
equivalent to entire (non-castrated) rams in growth performance but superior
to fully castrated animals. They were equally important as those of entire
rams in terms of fertility. In terms of fat deposition difference was not
significant among the three treatments. The study has not shown the
advantage of partial castration in terms of fat deposition over the intact
animals. Therefore partial castration is not a recommendable practice.
However, the current study has used a unilateral type of partial castration as
opposed to a short-scrotum (pushing the testis into the groin) type of partial
castration. Future work may need to consider the effect of the latter type of
partial castration.
The authors wish to thank Mr. Berhanu Soboqa and Mr. Berhan Feleke for
their assistance in flock management and data collection during the study
Fourie, A.J and Heydenryich, H.J. 1982. Phenotypic and genetic aspects of production
in the Dohne Merino I. The influence of non-genetic factors on production traits.
S. Afr. J.Anim. Sci. 12: 57-60.
Takele Kumsa et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 29-36
Gemeda Duguma, Takele Kumsa, Ulfina Galmessa and Solomon Abegaz. 2002. The
effect of age and sex on growth performance and carcass characteristics of Horro
lambs In: proceedings of the 10th National Conference of Ethiopian Society of
Animal Production. 22-24 August 2002. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Louca, A., Economides, S. and Hancock, J. 1977. Effects of castration on growth rate,
feed conversion efficiency and carcass quality in Damascus goats. Anim. Prod. 24:
Nagy, I., Solkner, J., Kumlosi, I. and Safar, L. 1999. Genetic parameters of
reproduction and fertility traits in Hungarian Merino Sheep. J. Anim. Breed.
Genet. 116: 399-413.
Notter, D.R., Kelly, R.F and Mc Claughert, F.C. 1991. Effects of ewe breed and
management system on efficiency of lamb production. 2. Lamb growth, Survival
and Carcass characteristics. J. Anim. Sci. 69: 22-23.
Owen, J.B. 1976. Factors influencing the pattern of Growth and Development in lambs.
Sheep Production. Bailliere Tindall. Pp 66.
Raghavan, G.V. 1988. The influence of sex on goat meat production. P 63-71. In
Devendra, C. (ed). Goat meat production. In Asia proceedings of workshop held in
Tando Jam Pakistan. 13-18 March 1980.
Rakesh Kumar, Amres Kumar and Harpal Singh. 1981. Note on body weight gain and
carcass yield following castration in goats. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 51 (8): 792-794.
SAS. 1996. SAS User’s Guide, Statistics. Statistical Analysis Systems Institute, Inc.,
Cary, North Carolina.
Sibanda, S., Kiwanka, V. B and Smith, T. 1989. Effect of sexual condition and dietary
protein level on feedlot performance of lambs in Zimbabwe. P 261-274. In: Wilson,
R.T and Azeb, M. (eds). African Small Ruminant Research and Development.
ILCA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Solomon Abegaz and Gemeda Duguma. 2000. Genetic and Phenotypic parameters of
growth, reproductive and survival performance of Horro sheep at Bako
Agricultural Research Center. Research Fellowship Report. International
Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Thys, E., Hardouin, J. and Verhulst, A. 1989. Influence of partial and total castration
on the growth and feed conversion performances of Poulfouli rams of the Far
North Cameroon. Rev Elev Med Vet Pays Trop. 42(2):267-74.
Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 37-52
Lifetime reproduction and production records of 170 Boran crossbred cows
belonging to six genetic groups that were born between 1974 and 1995 at the
Holetta Agricultural Research Center (HARC) were used in this study. The
genetic groups were F1 Friesian x Boran (F1FBo), F1 Jersey x Boran (F1JBo), F2
Friesian x Boran (F2FBo), F2 Jersey x Boran (F2JBo), 75% Friesian inheritances
(FxBoF), and 75% Jersey inheritances (JxJBo). Reproductive traits studied were
age at first calving (AFC, n=170), calving interval (CI, n=844) and days open (DO,
n=844). Productive traits studied were lactation milk yield (LMY, n=1011) and
lactation length (LL, n=1010). Fixed effects included in the model were birth year,
birth season, calving year, calving season and parity. The overall least square
means (s.e) was 43.20 (0.84) months for AFC, 200.13 (25.55) days for DO and
481.30 (25.73) days for CI. AFC was significantly affected (P<0.01) by genetic
groups and birth year. However CI and DO were not affected by any of the fixed
effects considered. The overall least square means (s.e) was 1919.60 (103.21) liters
for LMY and 360.76 (16.11) days for LL. Both traits were significantly affected
(P<0.05) by genetic groups, birth year, calving year and parity. In general, F1
crosses produce significantly more average LMY of 2150.03(1.92) liters and had
longer LL of 365.01(12.56) days as compared to F2 crosses with average LMY and
LL of 1553.96(106.35) liters and 346.30(16.52) days, respectively. Likewise
average AFC, DO and CI were 41.39 (1.92) months, 189.16(19.13) days and
469.25(20.27) days, respectively for F1 crosses. However, AFC, DO and CI were
found to be 49.02(0.9) months, 213.26(26.56) and 494.36(26.75) days, respectively
for F2 crosses. Therefore, results showed that when productive and reproductive
performances were simultaneously considered, F1 crosses were superior to the
second-generation crosses in all the traits considered.
Keywords: lifetime, lactation length, lactation milk yield, age at first calving
and calving interval
Kefena Effa et al./ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 37-52
Two different types of factors are responsible for the differences between
individual animals within a breed. First, there are environmental factors such
as climate, nutrition, health and overall management. Second, there are
genetic factors, which are due to the genes received from the two parental
The genetic and environmental factors interact, so that the total variations
between animals are equal to the sum of the effects of the entire
environment and genetics, and the interaction between them (Syrstad,
Poor productive and reproductive performances of cattle breeds, which are
indigenous to tropical climates, have mainly originated from influences of
these two factors. On one hand, they have poor inherent genetic potential to
produce sufficient milk and on the other hand, the natural environments in
which they survive are stressful and as a result, even if milk production
potential exists, they cannot perform to their maximum capacities.
Several reports (Kiwuwa et al., 1983; Beyene Kebede, 1992; Sendros
Demeke, 2002) showed that cattle breeds indigenous to Ethiopia are
characterized by extended age at first calving, which ranges from 3½ to 4
years, longer calving interval and inter-calving period. Lactation milk yield
also hardly exceeds 600 liters in a shorter lactation length of less than 200
On the other hand, improved dairy breeds imported to tropical environments
showed unsatisfactory result compared to their performances in their home
environment. Study conducted by Vaccaro (1973, 1974a, 1975a, 1990), Mason
(1974), Nagarcenkar (1982), Taneja and Bhat (1986) confirmed that the
performances of temperate breeds imported to tropical climates showed
disappointing results such as low growth rate, high mortality rate of calves
and low fertility of the cows.
As a result, crossbreeding of improved breeds of Bos taurus with the
indigenous cattle of the tropics (Bos indicus) was popularized as an option to
improve milk production potential of tropical breeds. Review works have
been done in several tropical countries by a number of expatriates
(Buvanendran and Mahadevan, 1975; Vaccaro, 1973; McDowell, 1985b) and
all unanimously concluded that crossbred cows have marked superiority over
indigenous cattle breeds in dairy traits.
Kefena Effa et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 37-52
Kefena Effa et al./ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 37-52
As the cows were kept for experimental purposes of various natures, there
were no stringent culling procedures. Calves were immediately separated
from their dams after birth and fed colostrum for five days. Bucket feeding of
whole milk continued until weaning at 98 days of age. Two weeks from birth,
calves were supplemented with additional hay and concentrate. Calves
consumed a total of 260 liters of milk until weaning and further maintained
in a calf-rearing pen until six months. After six months of age, female calves
joined the breeding herd and were bred when they attained body weight of
above 230kg.
Table 1. Mating design and genotype produced in the breeding programs †
Sire genotype Dam genotype Progeny produced
F Bo F1 FBo
J Bo F1JBo
F1JBo F1JBo F2 Bo
F F1FBo 3/4F:1/4Bo
J F1JBo 3/4J:1/4Bo
†Bo = Boran; F = Friesian; J = Jersey; F1FBo = F1 Friesian x Boran; F1JBo = F1 Jersey x Boran; F2 Bo = Friesian x Boran F2; F2JBo = Jersey
x Boran F2; 3/4F:1/4Bo = 75% Friesian inheritances; 3/4J:1/4Bo = Jersey inheritances.
F1FBo 44 278 278 44 234 234
F1JBo 44 299 299 44 256 256
F2FBo 27 144 144 27 117 117
F2JBo 31 148 148 31 117 117
¾ F:¼ Bo 11 54 54 11 45 45
¾J:1/4Bo 13 88 88 13 75 75
Total 170 1011 1010 170 844 844
†LMY= lactation milk yield, LL= lactation length, AFC= age at first calving, CI= calving interval, DO= days open
Kefena Effa et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 37-52
Kefena Effa et al./ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 37-52
Productive performances
The overall LMY and LL for the genetic groups was 1919.6 (103.21) liters
and 360.76 (6.11) days, respectively. Genetic group and parity were detected to
be significant (P< 0.05) sources of variation in both traits. Lactation milk yield
(LMY) and LL were also highly influenced (P<0.001) by birth year and calving
year (Table 3). However, the effect of calving season was not significant
(P>0.05). Crosses with 75% Friesian inheritance were found to be more
productive per lactation though did not produce significantly more LMY than
the F1 crosses. However, they produce more LMY as compared to F2 crosses
and crosses with 75% J inheritance (Table 4).
Table 3. Least squares means analysis of variance of different genetic groups of Boran crossbred
cows by fixed effects †
Traits Genetic groups Birth year Calving year Calving season Parity Birth season
LL (days) * *** *** NS * -
LMY (days) *** *** *** NS ** -
AFC (months) ** ** - - - NS
CI (days) NS NS * NS NS -
DO (days) NS NS * NS NS -
†LL = lactation length; LMY = lactation milk yield; AFC = age at first calving; CI = calving interval; DO = days open; NS (p>0.05); * = p<0.05;
** = p<0.01; *** = p<0.001 and - = fixed effect in a column was not used to analyze trait in a row
Kefena Effa et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 37-52
Table 4. Least squares means (s.e.) of LMY and LL of Boran crossbred cows by genetic groups,
calving season and parity based on lifetime records
Effects LMY (s.e.) (liters) LL (s.e.) (days)
Genetic groups
F1FBo 2149.67 (85.86)a 359.11 (13.46)b
F1JBo 2150.39 (75.42) a 371.00 (11.67)b
F2FBo 1765.25 (111.4) b 360.41 (17.3)ab
F2FBo 1342.66 (101.3)c 332.19 (15.73)c
3/4F:1/4Bo 2342.90 (136.9)a 392.66 (21.61)a
3/4J:1/4Bo 1766.77 (108.3)b 349.17 (16.94)b
Calving season
Dry season 1900.92 (80.01) 358.35 (13.26)
Short rainy 1910.72 (88.15) 365.28 (14.02)
Rainy season 1947.18 (91.81) 358.64 (13.11)
1 1833.26 (72.61)a 367.79 (11.37)a
2 1993.37 (64.14)a 375.40 (10.07)a
3 1974.91 (71.90)a 355.42 (11.29)a
4 2035.54 (89.62)a 384.77 (14.02)a
5 2022.69 (113.63)a 369.30 (17.70)a
6 1965.48 (136.11)a 373.14 (21.25)a
7 1946.98 (168.73)a 349.61 (26.27)a
8+ 1584.62 (194.43)b 310.62 (30.35)b
Overall mean 1919.60 (103.21) 360.76 (16.11)
CV 0.3953 0.3311
Means with the same superscript within columns are not significantly different from each other (P>0.05)
Reproductive performances
The overall least squares means (s.e.) for AFC (months) CI (days) and DO
(days) for the entire genetic group was 43.20 (0.84), 481.30 (25.73) and 200.13
(25.55), respectively. Genetic group had significant influence on AFC (P<0.01)
where as CI and DO were not influenced by any of the fixed effects considered
(P>0.05). F1JBo and crosses with 75% Friesian inheritance had shorter AFC
than the second generation crosses (Table 5).
Though the fixed effects considered had no significant influence (P>0.05) on
CI and DO, least squares means analysis of variance showed a progressive
improvement in CI and DO with the advancement in parities. At earlier
parities, all the cows had longer CI and DO than the later parities.
Though the overall effect of birth year and calving year were significant
sources of variation for all reproductive traits (P<0.05), no clear trend was
found except for AFC. Graph 1 showed that almost constant AFC was
observed during the early periods of crossbreeding program and the longest
AFC was observed during the years of 1981 through 1984.
Kefena Effa et al./ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 37-52
Table 5 Least squares means (s.e) of reproductive performances of Boran crossbred cows by genetic
groups, calving season and parity based on lifetime records
Effects Reproductive performances
Genetic groups AFC (months) DO (days) CI (days)
F1FBo 44.02 ( 0.72)b 195.24 (21.55) 474.25 (21.70)
F1JBo 38.76 ( 0.60)c 183.08 (16.71) 464.21 (18.84)
F2FBo 49.80 ( 0.96)a 206.10 (27.73) 486.46 (27.92)
F2FBo 48.24 (0.84)a 220.41 (25.40) 502.56 (25.57)
3/4F:1/4Bo 38.52 (1.44)c 227.42 (33.52) 509.55 (33.75)
3/4J:1/4Bo 39.72 (1.08)c 168.55 (26.42) 450.30 (26.60)
Calving season
Dry season - 183.56 (20.06) 465.08 (20.20)
Short rainy - 207.66 (22.24) 488.87 (22.40)
Rainy season - 209.18 (22.62) 489.97 (22.78)
1 - 242.87(16.70)a 520.80(16.81)a
2 - 218.83(14.64) a 496.14(14.75)a
3 - 202.45 (17.25) a 483.94 (17.37) a
4 - 210.82 (22.21) a 491.62 (22.37) a
5 - 200.25 (28.53) a 482.37 (28.73) a
6 - 184.45 (35.86) a 468.76 (36.11) a
7 - 185.38 (43.50) a 462.82 (43.80) a
8+ - 156.01 (50.08) b 439.00(50.42) b
Overall 43.20 (0.84) 200.13 (25.55) 481.30 (25.73)
CV 0.2169 0.7511 0.33
Means with the same superscript within columns are not significantly different from each other (P>0.05)
The overall mean of LMY observed in the present study for Boran crosses is
within the ranges of LMY reported by different authors. Schaar et al. (1981),
Alberro (1983), Kiwuwa et al. (1983) and Chernet et al. (1999) reported LMY of
1885, 2031, 1977 and 1478 liters, respectively for different crossbred cows in
Ethiopia. As expected, variability in these reports and the present findings
could perhaps stemmed from dam breed differences that comprised the
crosses, agro-ecological variations or management differences implemented by
individual farms. In addition, LMY in the reports is entirely based on few
records, which may not clearly reflect actual lifetime performances.
Higher productivity per lactation obtained in crosses with 75% Friesian
inheritances could be due to relatively longer lactation length observed in
this cross and/or it may have arisen from high proportion of Friesian genes
as Friesians are known for high milk production. For instances, Million
Tadesse, (2001); Million et al. (2004) reported that LMY increased as the
proportion of Holstein Friesian blood increased from 0 to 15/16. In this study,
though the level of LMY in 75% Friesian inheritances is relatively better
than the rest of genetic groups, it was realized to be unsatisfactory. This
Kefena Effa et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 37-52
indicates that raising the level of exotic inheritance (upgrading) alone would
not improve LMY unless the level of management is simultaneously
The relatively better productive performance noticed in F1 crosses of both
Friesian and Jersey is consistent with several other reports. McDowell
(1988b) revised crossbreeding results from 25 countries of the tropics
involving 57 genetic groups, 15 native breeds and 7 European breeds and
reported that F1 crosses had considerable benefits. They calved earlier,
yielded more milk (147%), were milked for more days, and had slightly
shorter calving interval. Other researchers (e.g. Kiwuwa et al., 1983;
Vacarro, 1973; Beyene Kebede, 1992) also reported the superiority of F1 over
the rest of genetic groups.
The consistently better rank of F1 crosses could be attributed to maximum
heterotic effect obtained by crossing the two diverse populations. Apparently,
lower LMY exhibited by F2 crosses in the present study might be in part due
to reduction in hybrid vigor as explained by McDowell (1988b) and Falconer
and Mackay (1996). On the other hand, lower selection intensity of F1 bulls
or cows for the production of F2 crosses because of small population size may
have resulted in low LMY. Besides, the decline in performance from F1 to F2
or backcross generation in tropical environments could be due to
recombination losses than other factors (McDowell 1985; Cunningham and
Srystad 1987; Srystad, 1989).
In addition to genetic factors, reproductive traits are mainly affected by
environmental factors (climate, nutrition, health and other factors which are
not of genetic origin). Relatively poor performances in measure of
reproductive efficiencies such as AFC, DO and CI observed in this study
(Table 5) could be attributed to the fact that level of management practices
that could support optimum performances in these traits was unmet at the
The overall least square means for AFC, CI and DO in this study were longer
than the voluntary waiting periods of each trait. This expected to affect the
lifetime productivity and, therefore, profitability of diary cows. A study
conducted by Mukasa-Mugerwa (1989) also revealed that the lifetime
productivity of a cow is influenced by age at puberty, age at first calving,
inter-calving period and calving interval.
Kefena Effa et al./ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 37-52
Several reports (Kiwuwa et al., 1983; Enyew Nigussie, 1999; Tawah et al.,
1999; Sendros Demeke, 2002) showed that the effect of birth year on AFC
and calving year on CI and DO were significant for grazing animals under
tropical conditions. The trend of influence was, however, irregular and not
similar for all traits. In this study too, the inter-annual variation on
reproductive traits may indicate a failure to maintain uniform management
practices over the years.
Shorter AFC observed in the present study for Jersey crosses is in agreement
with most other reports (Beyene Kebede, 1992; Sendros Demeke, 2002).
However, shorter AFC noticed in crosses with 75% F inheritances was
inconsistent with most of the results reported under tropical conditions. This
could be attributed to the smaller sample size in this study and/or due to the
faster growth rate in the early traits of Friesian breeds as the level of
inheritance increased. Though there were no significant differences in CI
and DO, high variability has been observed in these traits.
The relative superiority of F1 crosses in all traits compared to their F2
crosses are reported in several studies. Buvanendran et al. (1981); McDowell,
(1985b); Tawah et al. (1999) and Sendros Demeke (2002) noted that F1
crosses ranked first in all the traits considered. In particular, decline in
performance from F1 to F2 and later generations are common phenomenon
because of reduction in heterozygosity in F2 (McDowell, 1985b; Syrstad,
Both CI and DO showed a decreasing tendency with advancing lactation
number even though they were not influenced by any of the factors
considered in the study. Several reports (Silva et al., 1992; Tawah et al.,
1999; Saha et al., 2000) noted that CI and DO tended to decrease with
increases in the number lactation completed. Though there is no hard fact to
justify this trend, results suggest that reproductive efficiency of dairy cows
show tendency of improvement with increasing lactation number.
In general, results of this study showed that F1 crosses in particular, that of
Jersey were superior in all production and reproduction traits considered.
Second generation crosses were inferior in all the traits studied.
Productivity per lactation was high for crosses with 75% Friesian
inheritance. However, they completed fewer numbers of lactations in their
Kefena Effa et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 37-52
lifetime, which has a negative impact on the total lifetime milk yield.
Therefore, improvement in the level of overall management has to be
considered before designing to increase the level of Friesian inheritance.
In Ethiopia, where there is no clear crossbreeding program, careful decision
should be made in selecting appropriate exotic breed and the level of their
inheritances. In addition, the crossbreeding program should take into
account of dairy production systems and available resources since these
factors influence the types of crossbred cow to be maintained.
1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994
Birth year
420 DO
DO and CI
210 CI
1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000
Calving year
Figure 2.Yearly variation of calving interval (CI) and days open (DO)
Kefena Effa et al./ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 37-52
Birth year
DO and CI
CI (d)
Calving year
Figure 4.Yearly variation of calving interval (CI) and days open (DO)
The authors are grateful to the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research
/Agricultural Research and Training Project (EIAR/ARTP) for funding this
study as a scholarship grant to the first author. The devotion of Dr. Sendros
Demeke in creating the breeding database is highly appreciated. We also
thank the staff of Holetta Dairy Research Program for their devotion in this
long way research process.
Alberro, M. 1983. Comparative performance of F1 Friesian × zebu heifers in Ethiopia.
Anim. Prod. 37: 247-252.
Kefena Effa et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 37-52
Beyene Kebede. 1992. Estimation of Additive and Non-Additive Genetic effects for
Growth, Milk Yield and Reproduction Traits of Crossbred (Bos taurus x Bos
indicus) Cattle in the Wet and Dry Environments in Ethiopia. Ph.D. Dissertation,
Cornell University, USA.
Cunningham, E. P. and Syrstad, O. 1987. Crossbreeding Bos indicus and Bos taurus for
milk production in the tropics. Animal Production and Health Papers. 68. FAO.
Rome, Italy.
Enyew Nigussie. 1999. Reproductive performances and herd life of crossbred dairy
cattle with different level of European inheritance in Ethiopia. Proceeding of 7th
National Conference of the Ethiopian Society of Animal Production (ESAP), May
26-27, 1999. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Pp. 65-74.
McDowell, R .E. 1985. Crossbreeding in tropical areas with emphasis on milk, health
and fitness. J. Dairy Sci. 68:2413.
McDowell, R .E. 1985b. Meeting constraints to intensive dairying in the tropical areas.
Cornell Int. Agri. Mimeo. No.108. Cornell Univ. Ithaca, New York University of
Florida Press, Gainesville, Florida, USA. P.459.
McDowell, R.E. 1988b. Strategies for genetic improvement of cattle in the warm
climates. Proceeding of the 2nd National Livestock Improvement Conference
(NLIC), February 24-26, 1988, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. pp. 61-73.
Kefena Effa et al./ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 37-52
Million Tadesse, Tadelle Dessie, and Egbert, K. 2004. Genetic and non-genetic effects
on productive and reproductive parameters of Arsi cattle and their Holestein
Friesian crosses in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Animal Production 1 (4): 70-79.
Mohammed Yusuf, Anders, O., Asfaw Tolessa, Tegene Alemayehu, and Tsehay
Biadgilgn. 1987. Performance of dairy cattle research at research and dairy co-
operative farms in the Arsi region of Ethiopia. Proceeding of the 1st National
Livestock Improvement Conference (NLIC), February 11-13, 1987, Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia. pp. 66-72.
Nagarcenkar, R. 1982. Breeding for dairy production in the tropics. World Congress on
Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. 5:414.
Saha, S., Majumder, S. c., Pyne, A. K., Maitra, D. N. and Ray, S. K. 2000. Age at first
calving and calving interval of crossbred cattle in West Bengal. Indian Vet. J.
77(9): 803-804.
SAS. (Statistical Analysis System Institute). 1999. SAS guide for personal computers,
version 6. SAS Institute, Kary, NC.USA.
Sendros Demeke, Beyene Kebede, Tesfaye Kumsa, Taye Bekure and Hailu G/Mariam
1987a. Preliminary results of cattle crossbreeding (European × Zebu) studies. I.
Milk production performances of F1 cows. Proceeding of the 1st National Livestock
Improvement Conference (NLIC), February 11-13, 1987, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Pp. 61-66.
Sendros Demeke, Beyene Kebede, Tesfaye Kumsa, Taye Bekure and Hailu Gebre
Mariam. 1987b. Preliminary results of cattle crossbreeding studies. II. Growth
performance of European × zebu crossbred calves. Proceeding of the 1st National
Livestock Improvement Conference (NLIC), February 11-13, 1987, Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia. Pp. 73-76.
Sendros Demeke. 2002. Genetic Factors Affecting Milk Production, Growth, and
Reproductive Traits in Bos taurus × Bos indicus Crosses in Ethiopia. PhD Thesis.
Kefena Effa et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 37-52
Silva, H. M., Wilcox, C. J., Thatcher, W. W., Beker, R. B. and Morse, D 1992. Factors
affecting days open, gestation length and calving interval in Florida dairy cattle.
J. Dairy Sci. 75: 288- 293.
Syrstad, O. 1989. Dairy cattle crossbreeding in the tropics. Livest. Prod. Sci. 23:97-106.
Syrstad, O. 1990. Dairy cattle crossbreeding in the tropics: the importance of genotype
× environment interactions. Livest. Prod. Sci., 24:109-118
Taneja, V. K. and Bhat, P. N. 1986. Milk and beef production in tropical environment.
3rd World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. 9:73.
Tawah, C. L., Mbah, D .A., Messine, O., Enoh, M. B., and Tayna, V. N. 1999.
Crossbreeding cattle for dairy production in the tropics: effect of genetic and
environmental factors on the performance of improved genotypes on the
Cameroon highlands. Anim. Sci. 69:58-68.
Vaccaro, L. P. De. 1973. Some aspects of the performance of purebred and crossbred
dairy cattle in the tropics: Part I. Reproductive efficiency in females. Anim. Breed.
Abstr. 41:12
Vaccaro, L. P.De. 1975a. Some aspects of the performance of purebred and crossbred
dairy cattle in the tropics. Part 3. Growth, sizes and age at first calving in Brown
Swiss, Jersey and their crosses. Anim. Breed. Abst. 43:493.
Vaccaro, L. P. De. 1990. Survival of European dairy breeds and their crosses with zebu
in the tropics. Anim. Breed. Abtr. 58: 476-494.
Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 53-66
Knowledge of traditional animal breeding practices and techniques is important to
develop sustainable genetic improvement schemes under smallholder settings.
Unfortunately, inadequate attention has been given to the investigation of these
practices. This knowledge gap leads to the setting up of unrealistic breeding goals
in the design of livestock genetic improvement programs, the consequences of
which can endanger the conservation of indigenous animal genetic resources. This
study was conducted to study the existing cattle breeding practices of the study
area, and to outline priority areas of intervention for genetic improvement of the
indigenous cattle breed types based on farmer trait preferences. A rapid field visit
had been conducted to outline sampling framework based on types of cattle breed
types, which was used as the basis for the selection of six sample sites. The actual
survey included focus group discussions and administration of a semi-structured
questionnaire on 20 to 30 representative sample households. Results showed that
the indigenous cattle in the study area have multipurpose functions and were
preferred mainly for their adaptive traits, including resistance to disease, drought
tolerance and low feed requirements. Almost all respondents (98%) employed pure
breeding of their local cattle types. In females, the selection criteria are coat color,
body size, size of udder and teats and length of the naval flap. However,
importance of each of the different traits varies with sites. Farmers have strong
desire to improve their indigenous genotypes, and suggested different goal traits
for genetic improvement. Based on this, community/village-breeding scheme is
proposed, taking into account milk production, adaptation and longevity as goal
traits, as the first step for genetic improvement of the indigenous cattle breeds.
Keywords: breeding objectives, breeding scheme, indigenous cattle, Gondar,
Zewdu Wuletaw et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 53-66
The traditional animal production in Africa is mainly characterized by
subsistence production and it is the largest farming sector in terms of numbers
of farmers. It includes pastoral as well as crop-livestock systems in semi arid
and wet and cool highlands and landless (requiring little land) production
system (Jahnke, 1982; Rege et al., 2001). Despite the importance of the
subsistence sector, no breeding objective suitable to the system is currently
available (Rege et al., 2001; Amer et al., 1998). However, natural selection has
resulted in animals that are tolerant to prevalent diseases and parasites.
Traditional animal breeding efforts and techniques are important, but more
information is needed regarding the breeding population that exists in the
system. This background information should precede any major
interventions (Cunningham, 1992). Characterization and utilization of local
indigenous breeds as stated by Hall (1992) should be considered whenever
development of animal production system is discussed. Indigenous genotypes
may well be adequate and able to respond sufficiently to reasonable
economic improvements in the low-input smallholder production system
(Workneh et al., 2003). Over many generations indigenous breeds have
evolved to perform various functions under local conditions. Unfortunately,
inadequate attention has been given to evaluating these resources or to
setting up realistic and optimum breeding goals for their improvement. As a
result some of the animal genetic resources of Africa are endangered and,
unless urgent concerted efforts are taken to characterize and conserve, these
resources may be lost even before they are described and documented (Rege
and Lipner, 1992).
A coherent and comprehensive breeding program suited to the existing
production systems (decentralized breeding program) is required to guide
stakeholders in the sustainable management of animal genetic resources.
Failure to create effective genetic improvement program for subsistence type
of farming may accentuate any decline in the number of indigenous breeds
with the added disadvantage of being replaced by other production systems
which might not be sustainable in the long run. Knowledge on traditional
breeding practices and cattle goal traits are crucial if sustained genetic
improvement is to be in place. The objectives of this study were to explore
cattle trait preferences in the study area, outline priority areas of
intervention for genetic improvement of the identified indigenous cattle
Zewdu Wuletaw et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(1) - 2006: 53-66
breed types based on farmer trait preferences, and investigate the existing
breeding practices.
Zewdu Wuletaw et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 53-66
Zewdu Wuletaw et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(1) - 2006: 53-66
cows are also used for traction. This appears to be due to shortage of male
animals. Especially in Semien and Wegera areas using horses for traction on
light soils is common tradition. According to the sample farmers the
contribution of the latter as power animal is so significant. On average,
horse traction is estimated to cover around 35-40 % of the traction
requirement of the area. It seems that the ox is giving way to the horses to
be used as a traction animal thus leaving more land for cows to graze. This
may pave a road for the creation of specialized breeds and/or gives better
opportunity for dairy breed improvement. Similar event was observed in
Europe at the end of 18th century (Mason and Buvanendran, 1982).
Table 1. Reported frequency of purposes for keeping cattle (percentage)
Purposes Semein Wegera Dembia Fogera Western lowlands Monastery
Income 28.1 27.1 21.2 27.9 30.1 40.0
Meat 16.6 23.6 18.2 16.6 23.1 0.0
Milk 40.1 54.7 57.9 60.0 62.0 7.0
Manure 26.6 25.8 28.9 27.8 27.6 3.0
Reproduction 26.4 35.3 26.9 22.7 25.7 23.0
Draft 93.5 78.4 75.9 50.0 54.5 27.0
Zewdu Wuletaw et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 53-66
cattle in the very cool and highland areas high. In addition to these, milk
production (mostly quality, taste), reproduction (related to asset and social
values), and body conformation were identified as important cattle traits.
The order of preference of these traits varied considerably between sites
(Table 2).
Table 2. Reported frequency of cattle trait preferences (percentage)*
Reason for preference Semein Wegera Dembia Fogera Western .Monastery
Zewdu Wuletaw et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(1) - 2006: 53-66
respondents from lowland areas, flies are more attracted to plain coat colour
pattern of their cattle, and hence they do not prefer plain coat colour.
Furthermore, coat colour preferences influence market prices of cattle and
this becomes more important in light of the relative significance of cash
income generating functions of cattle (Table 1). These preferences for coat
colour pattern actually match the observed patterns in sample herds,
whereby mixed colour were more common than solid plain colour in the low
and mid altitude areas. Another important trait, probably the most
important in all sites, is body size (Table 3), which comprises body length,
height and pelvic width. In this case also relatively small size is preferred in
the very cool highland areas and larger animals are preferred in the rest of
the sites. This is purely associated with the available feed reserves.
The importance of colour and fertility is high in Semien Mountains, Wegera
and the western lowlands, whereas low in Dembia and Fogera (Table 3). The
relative importance of sizes of udder, teats and naval flap tends to increase
as we go down from highland to lowland areas. This might be related to the
emphasis given to milk since the traits are assumed to be milk traits.
Table 3. Reported frequency of traits used to select breeding female (percentage)
Selection traits Semein Wegera Dembia Fogera Western lowlands
Breeding objective
Development of any genetic improvement strategy requires description of
production environment, setting appropriate breeding objective, selecting
traits to be improved based on their influence on returns and costs to the
producer and consideration of stockholders. In addition, available
infrastructures and organizational set up established in the target area have
to be considered. Thus, designing a breeding program needs decision on a
series of such interacting components. Similar approaches were followed by
Sölkner et al. (1998), Amer et al. (1998) and Rege et al. (2001).
Production system, stakeholders and infrastructures of the study area
The production system of the study area is basically subsistence-oriented
production system, and not market-oriented. As reported by the farmers, feed
Zewdu Wuletaw et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 53-66
shortage and animal diseases are the most important limiting factors. Lack of
marketing facilities was also mentioned. There is no performance or pedigree
recording. Farmers live with low level of education. The typical herd sizes are
small; there are no farmers’ associations specifically equipped for livestock
development. The involvement of other stakeholders (non-governmental
organizations and government bodies) in genetic improvement of local
indigenous cattle genotype was very minimal or none. Infrastructures such as
artificial insemination services are established for some of the mid and high
altitude districts though frequent shortage of liquid nitrogen and lack of
trained manpower are constraints of the service delivery system.
Goal traits for genetic improvement in the study area
The goal traits, which are used in designing of the upcoming breeding
program, should logically be based on preferred traits identified by farmers
(Table 4). Only few traits that represent breeding goal, easy to measure,
heritable are considered. Traits, if not easily measured, must have a high
genetic correlation with measured indicator trait, and desirable economic
value, either as a marketable commodity or as a means of reducing production
costs. Previous works done by Sölkner et al. (1998) and Rege et al. (2001) used
similar approaches.
Some of the farmers’ preferred traits (Table 4) have low heritability values
and others, like post weaning growth and mature body weight, have
contradictory role to the existing management system, as such traits need
better management and require additional feed, which may compound the
already existing problem. One of the adaptive mechanisms of local
indigenous cattle in stressful tropical environment is to keep their body size
small (Payne, 1990; Hegde, 2002). So care should be taken to ensure that the
traits selected are those of real economic importance to the farmers. Thus
both traits (post weaning growth and mature weight) are excluded.
Improvement on the growth performance through selection should aim at
having faster growth but not oversized animals. High growth rate will
produce cows that require heavier body weight to achieve puberty. This can
prolong the age at first calving, thereby further increasing the already
extended age at first calving. Reports by Hegde (2002) and Rege at al. (2001)
also gave similar justification for not considering high growth rate.
Female fertility is also suggested by farmers for improvement. Reproductive
rate in most tropical breeds of cattle is low. Yet, this trait is very important
Zewdu Wuletaw et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(1) - 2006: 53-66
Zewdu Wuletaw et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 53-66
Table 4. Frequency (%) of reported traits for genetic improvement of indigenous cattle
Traits Semein Wegera Dembia Fogera Western lowlands Monastery
Zewdu Wuletaw et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(1) - 2006: 53-66
Zewdu Wuletaw et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 53-66
to Open Nucleus Breeding System (ONBS), which is heavily criticized for its
relevance and the possible environment by genotype interaction effect. This
village breeding scheme is based on the transfer of selected bulls within
communities under the direct supervision of the organized groups. Continual
monitoring of the suggested breeding program should be an integral part of
this breeding program too.
This scheme is believed also to offer a powerful approach to overcome the
structural problem of small herd size. It requires simple organizational set
up and minimum technical backstopping. This scheme is probably the only
method suited to the existing situation and could enable genetic
improvement of local indigenous cattle breeds of the study area. It is hoped
that the use of untested bulls for natural mating in the participating herds
leads to a substantial reduction in the time lag required for dissemination of
the genetically superior animals.
Amer, P. R., Mpofu, N., and Bondoc, O. 1998. Definition of breeding objectives for
sustainable production systems. In: Proc. 6th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livestock
Prod. 25: 97-104.
Davis, G. P. 1993. Genetic parameters for tropical beef cattle in northern Australia. a
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DOA. 2002. (Department of Agriculture for North Gondar). Annual progress reports,
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FAO. 1999. (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). The global
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Hall, S.J.G. 1992. Conservation of livestock breeds. In: Rege, J.E.O. and Lipner, M.E.
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2002. Integrating genetic improvement into livestock development in medium to
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Ponzoni, W.R. 1992. Genetic improvement of hair sheep in the tropics. Animal
Production and Health Paper 101 (A). FAO, Rome, Italy. p 168.
Rege, J.E.O., Kahi, A.K., Okomo-Adhiambo, M., Mwacharo, J. and Hanotte, O. 2001.
Zebu cattle of Kenya: Uses, performance, farmer preferences, measure of genetic
diversity and options for improved use. Animal genetic resources research 1. ILRI
(International Livestock Research Institute) Nairobi, Kenya. p. 103.
Rege, J.E.O. and Lipner, M.E. (eds.). 1992. African Animal Genetic Resources: Their
Characterization, Conservation, and Utilization, Proc. Res. Plan. Workshop, 19-21
Feb. 1992, ILCA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. p. 164.
Scarpa, R., Erik, S.K., Ruto, E., Kristjanson, P., Radeny, M., Druker, A.G. and Rege,
J.E.O. 2002. Valuing indigenous cattle breeds in Kenya: An empirical comparison
of stated and revealed preference value estimates.
(www.ilri.cgiar.org/research/proj4/angr/article9)seen on 28/12/03
Smith, C. 1988. Genetic improvement of livestock, using nucleus breeding units. World
Anim. Rev. 65:2-10.
Syrstad, O. and Ruane, J. 1998. Prospects and strategies for genetic improvement of
the dairy potential of tropical cattle by selection. Trop. Anim. Hlth. and Prod. 30:
Smith, A.B. 1980. Domesticated cattle in the Sahara and their introduction into West
Africa. In: Williams, M.A.J. and Faure, H. (eds). The Sahara and the Nile.
Balkeme, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Pp. 449-503.
Zewdu Wuletaw. 2004. Zewdu Wuletaw (2004). Indigenous cattle genetic resources,
their husbandry practices and breeding objectives in North-western Ethiopia.
MSc. Thesis. Alemaya University of Agriculture, DireDawa, Ethiopia
Zumbach, B. and Peters, K.J. 2002. Sustainable breeding programs for smallholder
dairy production in the tropics. In: Proc. 7th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livestock
Prod, August 19-23, 2002, Montpellier, France.
Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 67-82
Microbial analysis preceded by a survey was conducted to study the handling and
the microbial properties of milk and Irgo - Ethiopian fermented milk. One-
hundred-twenty-four producers (109 small-scale producers, 12 large-scale
producers and 3 research centers) were interviewed for the survey. A total of 32
(milk=16 and Irgo=16), samples collected from different dairy product shops and 3
producer groups (small-scale, large-scale and research center) in the central
highlands of Ethiopia were tested for their microbial properties (counts of aerobic
mesophilic, coliforms and lactic acid bacteria) using standard classical methods.
Milk samples collected from five different dairy product shops had mean aerobic
mesophilic, coliform and lactic acid bacterial counts of 6.97, 5.4 and 6.81 log cfu
mL-1, respectively. Irgo samples had mean aerobic mesophilic, coliform and lactic
acid bacterial counts of 7.1, 4.47 and 6.89 log cfu mL-1, respectively. Mean aerobic
mesophilic, coliform and lactic acid bacterial counts of milk sampled from all
sources were 8.38, 6.57 and 7.68 cfu mL-1, respectively. The values recorded for
Irgo were 8.11, 4.82 and 6.7 cfu mL-1, respectively. The highest aerobic mesophilic
bacterial counts of 8.63 and 8.40 log cfu mL-1 were observed in milk and Irgo
samples respectively collected from large scale farms. The highest coliform counts
recorded for milk and Irgo sampled from large scale farms were 6.82 and 5.40 log
cfu mL-1, respectively. These high microbial counts indicate the importance of
microbial contamination. The isolation and identification of emerging pathogens
such as Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 deserve a due consideration.
corresponding author current
Zelalem Yilma and Bernard Faye / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 67-82
The safety of dairy products with respect to food-borne diseases is of great
concern around the world. This is especially true in developing countries
where production of milk and various dairy products takes place under rather
unsanitary conditions and poor production practices (Mogessie Ashenafi,
A commonly used procedure to measure the sanitary quality of milk is to
estimate its bacterial content. The number of bacteria in aseptically drawn
milk varies from animal to animal and even from different quarters of the
same animal. On average, aseptically drawn milk from healthy udders
contains between 500 and 1000 bacteria mL-1. High initial counts (more than
105 bacteria mL-1) are evidence of poor production hygiene (O'Connor, 1994).
In proportion to the numbers present, existence of coliform bacteria in milk
and milk products is suggestive of fecal contamination and unsanitary
practices during production, processing, or storage (Richardson, 1985).
In Ethiopia, dairy processing is generally based on Irgo (Ethiopian
fermented milk) where the fermentation is natural, with no defined starter
cultures used to initiate it. Raw milk is left either at ambient temperatures
or kept in a warm place to ferment. The souring is brought through the
proliferation of the initial milk flora, with microbial succession determined
by chemical changes in the fermenting milk (Mogessie Ashenafi, 2002).
Understanding the microbial properties of this fermented product is
therefore vital to encourage development of industrial dairy processing.
Lactic acid bacteria that mainly produce lactic acid from carbohydrates such
as lactose are involved in the fermentation. They are widespread and include
the genera Lactococcus and Lactobacillus. Lactococcus lactic subsp. lactis
and Lactococcus lactic subsp. cremoris grow rapidly in milk, especially above
20°C. So milk turns sour if kept uncooled and losses heat stability (Walstra
et al., 1999).
Most of the milk produced in Ethiopia is marketed to the consumers without
being pasteurized or subjected to any quality standard and 98% of the
annual milk is produced by subsistence farmers who live in rural areas
Zelalem Yilma and Bernard Faye/ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 67-82
Zelalem Yilma and Bernard Faye / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 67-82
Zelalem Yilma and Bernard Faye/ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 67-82
Zelalem Yilma and Bernard Faye / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 67-82
Handling of dairy products
Hygiene during milking. The three research centers considered, and
about 79% of SS and 91% of LS producers, respectively reported to wash the
udder of the cow before milking. However, about 52% of SS and 58% LS
producers, respectively used collective towel to clean the udder or they didn’t
clean at all and 47% of SS and 33% of LS producers used river and/or bore hole
water to clean the udder and milk utensils (Table 1). A few of these producers
filtered the water, while most of them used the water without any treatment
(Table 1).
Treatment of milk. Forty-five % of SS producers consumed milk without
any treatment, while, filtration before sale was reported to be the only type
of treatment by about 67% of LS producers (Table 2).
Preservation of dairy products. Over 70% of the SS producers kept dairy
products at room temperature before consumption or marketing, while LS
producers and RC kept dairy products either in refrigerator when products
stayed long time or at room temperature when products were disposed
immediately after production (Table 3). Organoleptic properties of dairy
products are the commonly used quality tests. LS producers kept both milk
and Irgo longer as compared to the other producer groups (Fig. 1).
Zelalem Yilma and Bernard Faye/ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 67-82
Table 1. Frequency distribution of milking related hygienic practices taken by three producer
groups in central Ethiopia
Hygienic practice Small-scale Large-scale Research Center
Freq.* % Freq. % Freq. %
Udder washing
Washing udder before milking 86 78.9 12 90.9 3 100
Washing udder after milking 10 9.2 - - - -
No hygienic practice 13 11.9 - - - -
Total 109 100 12 100 3 100
Use of towel
Collective towel 28 25.7 1 8.3 - -
Individual towel 52 47.7 5 41.7 3 100
With bare hand 16 14.7 6 50 - -
No hygienic practice 13 11.9 - - - -
Total 109 100 12 100 3 100
Source of water
Tap 58 53.2 8 66.7 3 100
River 14 12.8 - - - -
Bore hole 37 33.9 4 33.3 - -
Total 109 100 12 100 3 100
Treatment of water
Heating 58 53.2 6 50 3 100
Filtration 14 12.8 - - - -
No treatment 37 33.9 6 50 - -
Total 109 100 12 100 3 100
Treatment Small-Scale Large-Scale Research Center
Freq.* % Freq. % Freq. %
Pasteurization - - 1 8.33 1 33.3
Boiling 52 48 - - -
Fermentation 8 7 - - -
Filtration - - 8 66.67 2 66.7
No treatment 49 45 3 25 - -
Total 109 100 12 100 3 100
Fermented milk
Pasteurization - - 1 8.3 - -
Boiling - - 1 8.3 - -
Fermentation 102 93.6 4 33.3 3 100
No practice 7 6.4 6 50 - -
Total 109 100 12 100 3 100
Zelalem Yilma and Bernard Faye / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 67-82
Condition of keeping
Dairy product In refrigerator In water At room temp. No practice1
Freq.2 % Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % Freq. %
Small-scale 7 6.4 25 23 77 70.6 - - 109 100
Large-scale 6 50 - - 6 50 - - 12 100
Research center 6 66.7 - - 1 33.3 - - 3 100
Fermented milk
Small-scale 7 6.4 4 3.7 91 83.5 7 6.4 109 100
Large-scale 6 50 - - - - 6 50 12 100
Research center 2 66.7 - - 1 33.3 - - 3 100
refers to the absence of the practices (e.g. 7 of the small-scale farmers interviewed did not ferment milk, they rather disposed the fresh
milk), 2Frequency
Table 4. Least squares means (± s.e.) of microbial counts of milk for dairy product shops and
different producers
Producer Dairy
Variable product
SS LS RC Mean C.V% L.S.D SL shops
No. of observation 5 3 3 11 5
AMBC, log cfu mL-1 8.34±0.17 8.63±0.23 8.18±0.23 8.38 4.8 0.70 NS 6.97±0.28
Coliform, log cfu mL1 6.68±0.18a 6.82±0.23a 5.76±0.23b 6.57 6.30 0.71 * 5.41±0.04
LABC, log cfu mL-1 7.82±0.183ab 7.16±0.236b 7.16±0.236b 7.68 5.33 0.72 * 6.81±0.21
Means with different superscripts within the same raw are significantly (P<0.05) different SS=Small-scale, LS=Large-scale, RC=research
center, C.V.=Coefficient of variation, LSD=Least Significant Difference, SL=significance level , AMBC=Aerobic Mesophylic Bacteria Count,
LABC=Lactic Acid Bacteria Count, NS=Non significant, *=P<0.05
Titrable acidity of milk and Irgo samples collected from DPS was 0.27 and
0.87%, respectively. Samples of Irgo collected from SS, LS and RC had a
titrable acidity of 0.85, 0.67 and 0.95%, respectively, while values observed for
milk were 0.3, 0.34 and 0.21%, respectively. Milk might have been kept long at
Zelalem Yilma and Bernard Faye/ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 67-82
Producer Dairy
Variable product
SS LS RC Mean C.V% L.S.D SL shops
No. of observation 5 3 3 11 5
AMBC, log cfu mL-1 8.14±0.26 8.40±0.34 7.77±0.34 8.38 7.2 1.02 NS 7.1±0.28
Coliform, log cfu mL-1 4.22±0.168b 5.40±0.217a 5.22±0.217a 6.57 7.80 0.66 * 4.47±0.40
LABC, log cfu mL-1 6.71±0.232 6.91±0.301 6.49±0.301 7.68 7.80 0.91 NS 6.89±0.21
Means with different superscripts within the same row are significantly (P<0.05) different SS=Small-scale, LS=Large-scale, RC=research
center, C.V.=Coefficient of variation, LSD=Least Significant Difference, SL=significance level , AMBC=Aerobic Mesophylic Bacteria Count,
LABC=Lactic Acid Bacteria Count, NS=Non significant, *=P<0.05
Shelf-life of milk (hour) and Irgo (day)
Small-scale Large-scale Research center Mean
Fig. 1. Shelf-life of milk and Irgo before consumption and/or sale under different production
Handling of dairy products
The sanitary measures taken by the producers during handling of milk and
milk products at different stages were generally substandard. This holds true
particularly for small-scale and large-scale producers where the use of
collective towel for udder cleaning was common and most of this former groups
responded not to treat surface water before use. The organoleptic properties of
products used as a quality test by most SS producers doesn't guarantee the
absence of pathogenic organisms. The sanitary procedures practiced for
Zelalem Yilma and Bernard Faye / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 67-82
Zelalem Yilma and Bernard Faye/ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 67-82
Milk sampled from DPS and the three producer groups had proved high level
of contamination with CC of 5.41 and 6.57 log cfu mL-1, respectively. CC of
>100 cells/mL of raw milk shows that the production condition is unhygienic
and the products are unsafe for consumption (Ingalls, 1998). The high AMBC
and CC obtained in this study might be attributed to poor hygienic handling
practices leading to initial contamination and/or related to udder infections,
the case of which needs further investigation. Coliforms are inhabitants of
the intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals and most of them are classified
in the genera Escherichia, Enterobacter, Klebsiella and Citrobacter.
Application of the test for coliforms is intended to measure the quality of
practices used to minimize bacterial contamination of dairy products. Such
tests are also conducted following pasteurization to detect bacterial
contamination of milk, cream and other processed dairy products
(Richardson, 1985).
The higher CC of milk samples obtained for SS and LS farms as compared to
RC might be due to differences in hygienic measures taken during
production. Although LS farms produce milk, they also collect a considerable
amount from SS producers. This could justify the similar results obtained for
these two producers. Coliforms could contaminate milk from manure,
bedding materials, contaminated water, soil and inadequately cleaned
milking utensils (Lampert, 1975; Kalogridou-Vassiliadou, 1991). According
to the survey result, around 34% and 33% of SS and LS producers used bore
hole water for cleaning the udder before milking and for washing milk
utensils. About 34% of SS and 50% of LS producers, respectively, used the
water without any treatment. This type of management obviously renders
further contamination possible. Of course, it is not practical to produce milk
that is always free of coliforms. Their presence in raw milk may therefore be
tolerated. However, if present in large numbers, say over ten coliform
organisms per milliliter of pasteurized milk, it means that the milk was
produced under improper procedures (O'Connor, 1994; Walstra et al., 1999).
The reason for the low CC of fermented milk samples for SS producers as
compared to LS producers and research centers is not clear as their acidity
was similar. However, variations in holding time at ambient temperature
practiced by the different producers could be accountable. Fekadu Beyene
(1994) reported ≥ 8.6 log cfu mL-1 of AMBC for fermented milk sampled from
Southern Ethiopia. CC of >4.4 log cfu mL-1 were also reported for fermented
milk samples by the same author. Tarik Kassaye et al. (1991) reported
Zelalem Yilma and Bernard Faye / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 67-82
Zelalem Yilma and Bernard Faye/ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 67-82
The sanitary measures taken at different stages in the dairy chain of the
study area were generally unsatisfactory and cause deterioration and
contamination of the products. Adequate sanitary measures should be taken at
all stages from production to consumption. These include measures at the level
Zelalem Yilma and Bernard Faye / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 67-82
of the cow, the personnel, milking and processing equipment, milking and milk
handling environment, cleaning water, and all other things that come in
contact with dairy products from farm to table. Variations in microbial
qualities of dairy products produced by various producers were observed.
Dairy products sampled from different dairy product shops and producer
groups had high counts of aerobic mesophilic and coliform groups of bacteria.
Further investigation is recommended to identify contaminants at species
level. Such an effort to identify emerging pathogens like Enterohemorrhagic
Escherichia coli O157:H7 deserve particular concern.
The financial support of the French embassy in Ethiopia and the
International Foundation for Science (IFS) is appreciated. The authors are
also beholden for the facilities and services provided by the Holetta
Agricultural Research Center of EIAR and the ILRI Debre Zeit Research
Bekele Godefay and Bayileyegn Molla. 2000. Bacteriological quality of raw cow’s milk
from four dairy farms and a milk collection center in and around Addis Ababa.
Berl. Munch. Tierarztl. Wochenschr. 113: 276-278.
Duteurtre, G. 1998. Compétitivité prix et hors-prix sur le marché des produits laitiers
d'Addis Abeba (Éthiopie). Thèse de Doctorat en Agro-Économie. Ministère de
l'Agriculture – Ecole Nationale Supérieure, Agronomique de Montpellier (ENSA-
M). CIRAD-EMVT (Montpeliier) – ILRI (Addis Abeba), 353 p.
Eyasu Siefu and Fekadu Beyene. 2000. Microbiological quality of raw and pasteurized
goat's milk. Proceedings of the 7th annual conference of the Ethiopian Society of
Animal Production (ESAP), 26-27 May, 1999, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, pp. 410-418.
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ILCA. 1993. The investigation of techniques and systems for milk processing and
preservation. International Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA), Addis Ababa,
Ingalls, W. 1998. Milk Quality and Factors Influencing the Production of High Quality
Milk. West Agro, Inc., Kansas City. Retrieved on June 10 2006 at
Kurwijila, R. L., Hansen, K. K., Macha, I. E., Abdalah, K. and Kadigi, H. I. S. 1992.
Milk bacteriological quality in Morogoro dairy herd. Afr. Livest. Res. 2: 59-67.
Lampert, M. 1975. Modern Dairy Products. Food Trade Press Ltd., London.
Mahari Tetemke, Birhanu Abegaz Gashe. 1990. A survey of the microflora of raw and
pasteurized milk and the sources of contamination in a milk processing plant in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. J. Dairy Res. 57(2): 233-8.
Mogessie Ashenafi and Fekadu Beyene. 1993. Effect of container smoking and cleaning
on the microflora and keeping quality of raw milk from a dairy farm in Awassa,
Ethiopia. Tropical Science 33:368-376.
Mogessie Ashenafi. 1995. Microbial development and some chemical changes during
the making of Irgo, a traditional Ethiopian fermented milk. Bull. Anim. Hlth
Prod. Afr. 43: 171-176.
Mogessie Ashenafi. 2002. The microbiology of Ethiopian foods and beverages: A review.
SINET: Ethiop. J. Sci. 25(1):97-140.
Omore, A., Arimi, S., Kaugethe, E., McDermott, J., Staal, S., Ouma, E., Odhiambo, J.,
Mwangi, A., Aboge, G., Koroti, E. and Koech, R. 2001. Assessing and managing
milk-born health risks for the benefit of consumers in Kenya. Smallholder Dairy
(R&D) Project (SDP), Nairobi, Kenya. 46 p.
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Richardson, G. H. 1985. Standard methods for the analysis of dairy products. 15th
edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C., USA.
SAS. 2001. SAS User’s guide version 8.2. Statistical Analysis System (SAS). Inc., Cary
North Carolina, USA.
Savadogo, A., Ouattara, C. A. T., Savadogo, P. W., Barro, N., Ouattara, A. S. and
Traore, A. S. 2004. Identification of exopolysaccharides-producing lactic acid
bacteria from Burkina faso fermented milk samples. Afri. J. Biotechnol. 3(3): 189-
Tarik Kassaye, Simpson, B. K., Smith, J. P. and O’Connor, C. B. 1991. Chemical and
microbial properties of Ititu. Milchwissensch. 46: 649-653.
Teshager Semereab and Bayleyegn Molla. 2001. Bacteriological quality of raw camel
(Camelus dromedarius) milk in Afar region (Ethiopia). J. Camel Pract. Res. 51:
Tsehay Reda. 1998. Milk processing and marketing options for rural small-scale
producers. Proceedings of the 6th National Conference of the Ethiopian Society of
Animal Production (ESAP), May 14-15, 1997. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, pp. 61-67.
Walstra, P., Geurts, T. J., Omen, A., Jellema, D. and Van Boekel, M. A. J. S. 1999.
Dairy Technology: Principles of milk properties and processes. Marcel Dekker,
Inc., New York.
Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 83-92
A study was conducted to evaluate the role of phytase-2500 enzyme on growth
performance; ash percentage, calcium and phosphorus contents of toe and tibia
bones; and on the economic benefits of its addition to a maize based broiler
chicken diets. Seventy-two New Hampshire broiler chicks were used and
distributed randomly into four different treatment groups using a Completely
Randomized Design (CRD), with three replicates of six chicks each. Phytase
enzyme at the levels of 0(T1), 200 (T2), 400 (T3) and 600 (T4) Units/kg diet were
added. The supplementation of broiler diet with phytase enzyme significantly
improved body weight gain (905.87 to 1078.51 gm), reduced average feed intake
(2656.99 to 2021.53 gm) and improved the feed conversion efficiency (2.94 to 1.87).
Phytase enzyme addition significantly improved the ash, calcium and phosphorus
contents in the toe and tibia bones, and increased the net profit to Rs. 13.59 (T3)
Key words: Bone minerals, enzyme, maize diet, performance, Poultry, profit
About two-third of the phosphorus in poultry feeds of plant origin is found
as phytate-phosphorus, which has low availability to simple-stomached
animals. Phytate is a compound that occurs naturally in many foods derived
from plants (Paul and Soutugate, 1978; Maga, 1982). There are anti-
nutritional factors that hinder the availability, digestibility, absorption and
utilization of nutrients in poultry feeds. These have depressive effects on the
digestion of protein, carbohydrate, and in the utilization of minerals and
vitamins. Of these, phytic acid is ubiquitous in plant-derived feeds in the form
of phytate (Lange et al., 2000).
Phytate has been recognized as a toxic nutrient because it binds various
essential metals and also reduces their availability for absorption in the diet
Halima Hassen and S.S. Chauhan/ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 83-92
Halima Hassen and S.S. Chauhan/ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 83-92
through the joint between the second and third tarsal bones from the distal
end were collected, separately, yielding two samples of toes per pen. The
samples of toes were dried to constant weight at 1000C and then ashed in a
muffle furnace at 6000C for 4 hrs. The tibia samples, after oven-drying, were
cleaned from all adhering soft tissue. The bone samples were then extracted
for about 8 hrs in a soxhlet apparatus using petroleum ether, and ashed at
6000C for 4 hrs in a muffle furnace. The ash obtained was solubilized with
hydrochloric acid (1:1, V/V) and made up to volume in a 100ml volumetric flask
using distilled water.
Table 1. The composition of the experimental diet *
Ingredients Percent
Maize 42
Deoiled soybean meal 22
Deoiled rice bran 12
Rice polish 10
Jwala fish 7
Mineral mixture 1
Lime stone 3
Molasses 3
Total 100
*- Feed additives provided per 100kg diet: Vitamin AB2D3K, 10 gm; Vitamin B- complex, 20 g Neftin-200, 50 gm; other vitamins, 200 gm;
Check ‘O’ Tox, 200 gm; Liveroline, 100 gm and Meridot, 50 gm.
Chemical analysis
Representative samples for the determination of the dry matter and crude
protein contents of poultry feeds and their excreta were taken and analyzed
according to AOAC (1990) procedures. Acid insoluble ash determinations were
performed after ashing the samples and treating the ash with hydrochloric
acid (1:1, V/V) (Gupta et al., 1992). Phosphorus was analyzed calorimetrically
after digestion of the sample with hydrochloric acid according to the method of
Gupta et al. (1992). Gross energy was determined using the chromic oxide
method (O‘Shea and Maguir, 1962), phytate-phosphorus content (Haugh and
Lantzsch, 1983) and calcium with the help of GBC Avanta 1.33 version Atomic
Absorption Spectrophotometer.
Statistical analysis
The experiment was conducted in Completely Randomized Design (CRD)
with four treatments comprising four phytase levels each replicated three
times. The data obtained was statistically analyzed using MSTAT-C computer
software (1989). Significance of mean differences was tested using (Duncan,
Halima Hassen and S.S. Chauhan/ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 83-92
1955) The Duncan’s multiple range test. partial budgeting was used to analyze
the benefits of phytase supplementation on the maize based broiler diets.
Halima Hassen and S.S. Chauhan/ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 83-92
Phytase level (U/kg diet) Body weight gain (gm/bird) Feed intake (gm/bird) Feed conversion efficiency
0 905.87d 2656.99a 2.94a
200 1021.32b 2339.51b 2.30b
400 1078.51a 2021.53d 1.87d
600 959.66c 2076.61c 2.17c
Mean 991.34 2273.66 2.32
SEM± 2.89 2.27 0.02
LSD 15.13** 11.89** 0.09**
Values with different superscript within a column differ significantly at 1 %(**), 5 %(*)
Halima Hassen and S.S. Chauhan/ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 83-92
U/kg soybean or corn meal had improved the toe ash percentage from 4 to
18% (Yi et al., 1996).
The addition of phytase also increased (P< 0.05) the calcium content in the
left toe. This improvement was noted to be the highest in T2 (200 U
phytase/kg diet), followed by T3 (36.08%), T4 (35.82%). Lowest value was
recorded in T1 (32.22%). Statistically, there was no difference between T1, T3
and T4. The contents of Ca in the right toes were lower than the left ones
except for T3, where the Ca content in the right toe was higher (47.14%). No
statistical difference was observed among T2, T3 and T4 in case of Ca
contents of the right toe.
Table 3. Effect of varying levels of supplemental phytase enzyme on the mineral content broilers
Halima Hassen and S.S. Chauhan/ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 83-92
Economic analysis
Economic analysis showed significant (P< 0.01) variation between the
treatment groups. The highest economic benefit (Rs. 53.93) was noted for T3,
followed by T2 (Rs .51.06), and T4 (Rs. 47.98). The lowest benefit (Rs. 49.57)
was recorded for the control group. Based on a value of Rs. 50/kg live weight
for a broiler, and a feed cost of Rs. 8/kg, the cost of feed intake was Rs. 21.27,
18.72, 16.17 and 16.61 for T1, T2, T3 and T4, respectively. These values were
statistically different (P<0.01). The cost of phytase (based on Rs. 480/kg) in the
different treatments was Rs. 0.00 for T1, 0.09 for T2, 0.15 for T3 and 0.24 for T4.
On the basis of the above calculations, net profit of Rs.8.23, 13.59 and 7.11
per bird, were recorded for T2, T3 and T4 respectively. Hence, the highest
Halima Hassen and S.S. Chauhan/ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 83-92
profit was from the group on T3. Gulam (2002) reported the influence of
feeding enzyme supplemented rations on the profit per broiler was to be Rs.
2.80 compared to the control group in a 12-day trial.
Table 5 Effect of varying levels of supplemental phytase enzyme on overall costs and benefits of
broiler production
Cost of
Cost of chick Cost of feed Gross cost
Phytase level phytase Gross profit Net profit
(Rs 50/kg live intake (Rs.)
(U/kg diet) (Rs 480/kg (Rs.) (Rs/broiler)
wt.) (Rs 8/kg feed)
0 45.29d 21.27a 0.000d 21.27a 24.02d 0.00 d
200 51.06b 18.72b 0.090c 18.81b 32.25b 8.23 b
400 53.93a 16.17d 0.150b 16.32d 37.61a 13.59 a
600 47.98c 16.61c 0.240a 16.85c 31.13c 7.11 c
Mean 49.57 18.20 0.12 18.32 31.26 7.24
SE± 0.15 0.02 0.002 0.019 0.15 0.15
LSD 0.76** 0.09** 0.095** 0.095** 0.83** 0.83**
Values with different superscript within a column differ significantly at 1 %(**),
AOAC.1990. Official methods of analysis. 15th edn. Association of Official Analytical
Chemists. Washington, D.C.
Arun Babu, M.P. and Devegowda, G. 1997. Effect of fiber degrading enzymes in diet on
performance of boilers. Indian J. Poult. Sci. 32(3): 207-211.
Bedford, M.R. 2000. Exogenous enzymes in monogastric nutrition: Their current value
and future benefits. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. 86(1-2): 1-13.
Broz, J.; Oldale, P.; Perrin-Voltz, A.H.; Rychen, G.; Schulze, J. and Nunes, C.S. 1994.
Effect of supplemental phytase on performance and P utilization in broiler
chickens fed low phosphorus. British Poult. Sci.35: 273-280.
Cabahug, S.; Ravindran, V.; Selle, P.H. and Bryden, W.L. 1999. Response of broiler
chickens to microbial Phytase supplementation as influenced by dietary phytic
acid and non-phytate phosphorus contents. I. Effects on bird performance and toe
ash. British Poult. Sci. 40: 660-666.
Duncan, D. B. 1955. Multiple range and multiple F-test, Biometrics. 11: 1-42.
Engelen, A. T.; Van der Heeft, F.C.; Randsdorp, P.H.G. and Smit, E.L.C. 1994. Simple
and rapid determination of Phytase activity. J. AOAC Int. 77: 760-764.
Gulam, A.B. 2002. Effect of feeding enzyme(s) supplemental ration on the performance
of broilers. Poult. Punch. 18(4): 48-52.
Halima Hassen and S.S. Chauhan/ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 83-92
Gupta, P.C.; Khatta, V.K. and Mandal, A.B. 1992. Analytical techniques in animal
nutrition. Directorate of Publication, Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar,
Haugh, W. and Lanthzseh, H.J. 1983. Sensitive method for the rapid determination of
phytate in cereals and cereal by products. J. Sc. Food Agric. 34: 1423-1426.
Jongbloed, A.W.; Kemme, P.A. and Mroz, Z. 1993. The role of microbial Phytase in pig
production. In: Boessinger, M. (eds). Enzymes in animal nutrition. Kartause
Ittingen, Thurgau, Switzerland. pp. 173-180.
Kornegay, E.T.; Denbow, D.M.; Yi, Z. and Ranivdran, V. 1996. Response of broilers to
graded levels of microbial Phytase added to maize soybean meal based diet
containing 3 levels of non phytatic phosphorus. British J. Nutri. 75: 839-852.
Lange, C.F.M.-de; Nyachoti, C.M.; Verstegen, M.W.A.; Moughan, P.J. and Visser
Reyneueid, M.I. 2000. The significance of anti-nutritional factors in feedstuffs for
monogastric animals.:Feed evaluation, principles and practices. Wageningen, The
Maga, J.A. 1982. Phytate: Its chemistry, occurrence, food interactions, nutritional
significance and methods of analysis. J. Agric. Food Chem. 30: 1-9.
Paul, A.A. and Southgate, D.A.T. 1978. The composition of foods. 4th edn. London.
McCance and Widdowson. P. 307.
Qian, H.; Kornegay, E.T. and Denboul, D.M. 1996. Phosphorus equivalence of microbial
phytase in Turkey diets as influenced by calcium to phosphorus ratios and
phosphorus levels. Poult. Sci.75: 69-81.
Sebastian, S.; Touchburn, S.P.; Chavex, E.F. and Lague, P.C. 1996. The effects of
supplemental microbial phytase on the performance and utilization of dietary
calcium, phosphorus, copper and zinc in broiler chickens fed corn soybean diets.
Poult. Sci.75: 729-736.
Halima Hassen and S.S. Chauhan/ Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 83-92
Simons, P.C.M.; Versteegh, H.A.J.; Jongb, K.D.; Wolters, M.G.E.; Beudeker, R.F. and
Verschoor, G.J. 1990. Improvement of phosphorus availability by microbial
phytase in broilers and pigs. British J. Nutr. 66: 525-540.
Tanveer, A.; Shahid, R.; Muhammad, S.; Ahsan-ul, H. and Zia-ul, H. 1999. Effect of
microbial phytase produced from a fungus Aspergillus niger on bioavailability of
phosphorus and calcium in broiler chickens. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. 83(2000):103-
Yi, Z.; Kornegay, E.T. and Denbow, D.M. 1996. Effect of microbial phytase on nitrogen
and amino acid digestibility and nitrogen retention of Turkey poults fed corn-
soybean meal diets. Poult. Sci. 75: 979-990.
Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 93-97
Bako Agricultural Research Center, P.O. Box 03, west Shoa, Ethiopia
This study tested pregnancy in cows using differences in germination rates of five
crops (maize, wheat, barely, field pea and sorghum) mixed with urine from 3
inseminated and 5 non-inseminated cows. Germination was tested using 25, 50,
75 and 100 % diluted urine There was no germination in 100 and 75% urine in
both cases. At 50% dilution, urine from pregnant cows inhibited germination of all
crops, but urine from non-pregnant cows inhibited germination of barely, wheat
and sorghum and favoured germination of maize and field pea The result showed
that germination was affected (P < 0.001) by treatment and crop type only. The
study indicated that the test could be performed starting from one month of
pregnancy using maize and field pea at 50% urine dilution and field pea, sorghum
and wheat at 25% urine dilution. Further detailed studies are required, including
other species of farm animal, to develop application methods of this simple
technology at smallholder farm conditions.
It is important to make the right pregnancy diagnosis as soon as possible
after insemination so that non-pregnant animals can be observed more closely
for heat (Heinonen, 1989). Pregnancy diagnosis in cattle is often done by rectal
palpation requires skill and experience and is performed two months after
breeding. The ideal pregnancy test would be one that is inexpensive, accurate
and easily applicable that could be implemented under farm conditions as
early as 17-19 days post breeding. There was an attempt by ancient Egyptians
to diagnose pregnancy in cattle using a test that relies on the differential
response in germination and shoot growth of wheat and barley seeds to the
urine of pregnant and non-pregnant cows (Veena and Narendranath, 1993)..
Alganesh Tola et al./ Eth. J. Anim. Prod.6(2) - 2006: 93-97
The objective of this study was to test the validity of the technology in Horro
cows using different crops
The germinated seeds were counted from week one and percentage
germination calculated and the data were transformed to their arc-sign
equivalent. The General Linear Model of the Statistical Analysis System
Alganesh Tola et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 93-97
(SAS, 1996) was used for data analysis. To determine the stage of pregnancy
at which the method could be used to test pregnancy, data collected from
pregnant cows were reduced to four (T1, T3, T5 and T7). The data were then
transformed back to percentages .
Alganesh Tola et al./ Eth. J. Anim. Prod.6(2) - 2006: 93-97
germination (Veena and Narendranath (1993). Thus, from this study it can
be concluded that maize can serve as a good indicator of pregnancy using
50% diluted urine and field pea, sorghum and wheat at 25% urine dilution
starting from first month of pregnancy.
Table 2. Least square mean (±SE) germination percentage of five crops using different treatments
Source N Transformed Percent germination
Mean ± SE Mean ± SE
Treatments 8 *** ***
100% urine from pregnant cow 3 0 ± 1.81 e 0 ± 0.1 e
100% urine from non pregnant cow 5 0 ± 2.34 e 0 ± 0.17 e
75% urine from pregnant cow 3 0.9 ± 1.81 e 0.2 ± 0.10 e
75% urine from non pregnant cow 5 0 ± 2.34 e 0 ± 0.17 e
50% urine from pregnant cow 3 10.9 ± 1.81 d 3.6 ± 0.10 d
50% urine from non pregnant cow 5 2.9 ± 2.34 e 0.26 ± 0.17 e
25% urine from pregnant cow 3 41.4 ± 1.82 b 43.7 ± 0.10 b
25% urine from non-pregnant cow 5 27.4 ± 2.34 c 21.1 ± 0.17 c
Tap water 6 69.6 ± 1.43 a 87.9 ± 0.06 a
Distilled water 6 70.2 ± 1.34 a 88.5 ± 0.06 a
Crop type *** ***
Barely 8 18.9 ± 1.40 c 105 ± 0.06 c
Field pea 8 20.3 ± 1.40 bc 12.0 ± 0.06 bc
Maize 8 23.3 ± 1.40 b 15.6 ± 0.06 b
Sorghum 8 18.7 ± 1.40 c 10.3 ± 0.06 c
Wheat 8 30.5 ± 1.40 a 25.8 ± 0.06 a
Month 8 *** ***
1 8 21.85 ± 1.03 b
2 8 19.60 ± 1.03 b
3 8 25.53 ± 1.03 a
Treatment X crop interaction *** ***
Means in a column within a group followed by different superscripts vary significantly (*** P<0.01)
Table 3. Analysis of variance for the effect of different stages of pregnancy on germination
Alganesh Tola et al. / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 93-97
Heinonen, M.1989. Pregnancy diagnosis. Artificial Insemination in Ethiopia, Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia. 99.
SAS (Statistical Analysis Systems), 1996. SAS Institute Version 6.0 SAS Inc, Cary, NC,
Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 99-103
Workneh Ayalew
Intrenational Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), P.O. Box 5689, Addis Ababa,
Incentives drive positive change and continued excellence in all walks of
life. Various actors in livestock markets, not least cattle keepers, also see to
their additional benefits that accrue to them from their participation in the
expanding domestic and export markets. Official data from the Ministry of
Agriculture and Rural Development as well as the Ethiopian Customs
Authority on the volume and diversity of Ethiopian agricultural exports show
unprecedented rises in the size of exports of livestock and livestock products in
recent years. The rapidly expanding livestock exports generate greater
revenues to the millions of livestock producers and the national economy in
general. But the sudden surges in off take raise three issues. First, there are
concerns on whether these expansions are sustainable at least in the long
term. Second, there are serious concerns about the effects of rising off takes on
supplies of replacement breeding stock and plough oxen. Third, there is a
growing concern about escalations of prices of meat and live animals in the
local market.
During the 2005/06 fiscal year, the total revenue from official exports was
close to Birr 350 million, a nearly three fold rise from that of 2004/05, most
of which was in the form of chilled goat and sheep meat and live cattle
(Figure 1). Yet, the contribution of livestock to the total national export
earnings, even during this fiscal year, could reach only a mere 5% (Figure 2).
When these are compared with available estimates on the potential off take
made available in 2003 by the former Livestock Marketing Authority, there
is still a lot more room for expansion and diversification. Based on the
estimated national off take rates of 10% for cattle, 38% for goats, 35% for
sheep and 6.5% for camels pastoral areas of the country alone, which
according to official sources have traditionally been supplying up to 95% of
export livestock, could produce 734 thousand heads of beef cattle, 5.4 million
goats, 2.3 million sheep and 78 thousand camels per annum. When these are
compared to the current demand in the Middle East, they meet only half of
Workneh Ayalew / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 99-103
the demand for goats and sheep, 42% for beef and 82% for camel meat,
whereas the live beef cattle supplies are well over the demand (144%),
requiring new markets outlets. This being the potential for export, the actual
performance has remained very low, leaving most (55 to 85%) of the
projected livestock off take for the unofficial cross-border export and the
domestic market. The unofficial cross-border livestock export of live animals
and skins & hides was estimated in 2003 by the former Livestock Marketing
Authority to worth over US$100 million, which is about two and half times
more than total export earnings in the whole of 2005/6 fiscal year, the best
annual export performance so far.
Recently, Ethiopian exports of livestock products, especially chilled meat,
have expanded both within and outside the Middle East. Apart from Egypt,
which is emerging as a major meat export market, exports now reach West
Africa, parts of Europe and even the Far East. The challenge now is getting
easy access to sufficient numbers of good quality meat animals even from
pastoral areas. Livestock traders are therefore exploring particularly cattle
market opportunities in hitherto underutilized highlands. So much so that
because of the attractive market prices, it is feared that the smallholder
cattle keepers may give away too many of their young oxen and bulls at risk
of compromising their short-term needs for traction and breeding bulls. In
other words, current market prices may offer greater incentives in the short-
term than the longer-term advantages of retaining inputs for traction and
breeding. A more rational approach to understanding the incentives is to
consider whether plough oxen and breeding bulls generate better livelihood
security in their traditional service functions than in their alternative role as
sources of beef. The case of breeding bulls can be more intriguing: if the
cattle keepers get the right incentives for raising genetically superior
breeding bulls that can serve not just their own herds but also those of their
wider community, then the added benefits in owning a high-value genetic
material will also come into picture. Individual cattle keepers in both
pastoral and highland areas do make management choices in this regard to
maximize their net aggregate incomes.
Workneh Ayalew / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 99-103
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2005/6
Figure 1: Size of official livestock export (Million Birr) by year (complete data missing for year
T o t a l n a t i o n a l e x po r t
T o t a l a g r i . e x po r t
Li v e & M e a t
M e a t e x po r t
L i v e a n i m a l e x po r t
Figure 2: Contribution of livestock to total agricultural export during first 9 months of this fiscal
Workneh Ayalew / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 99-103
Workneh Ayalew / Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(2) - 2006: 99-103
served by limiting access to markets. Oxen in any case are productive only
for a small part of the year while continuing to share the scarce feed
resources for the rest of the year. The logic of individual farmers in keeping
plough oxen throughout the year should be explained by their inability to
bear the cost of getting oxen traction services during the peak work, i.e. the
incentives of keeping them in house are higher than purchasing the service
as needed when almost everybody else also needs it. At the time when oxen
are already scarce, a more sustainable solution would be to search for
alternative sources of traction power.
The desire for maintenance of adequate breeding animals at community
level is seen both an individual as well as community development goal.
However, the direct costs of maintaining breeding animals should ideally be
off set by immediate and medium term benefits for individual breeders.
Individual livestock keepers will have to be convinced of the merit of raising
and keeping superior breeding animals. In other words, it is the benefits that
accrue to the producers that justify the maintenance of breeding stock, and
not the longer term need for genetic conservation, a concern not necessarily
shared by individual livestock keepers. It is therefore the additional market
incentives coming with expanding export markets that encourage individual
livestock keepers and communities to raise and maintain superior
performing breeding stock that cater for market demand. Limiting
participation in export markets, as implied by the widespread fears arising
from the growing off takes, does not serve the purpose of conservation, if not
become counter-productive. To be consistent with the free-market economic
policy of the country, we need to get the incentives right to the range of
actors participating in the under-performing livestock sector.
These issues were taken up in a panel discussion hosted by the Ethiopian
Economics Association on 12 June 2006 during its International Conference
on the Ethiopian Economy. The panel discussion on “Sustainability issues in
diversification and rise of agricultural exports in Ethiopia” was jointly
organized by the Ethiopian Association of Agricultural Professionals (EAAP),
the Ethiopian Society of Animal Production (ESAP), the Ethiopian Society of
Agricultural Economics (ESAE) and the Ethiopian Crop Science Society
(ECSS). The discussion reached a consensus that the issues be raised in
similar forums to sensitise the range of relevant stakeholders at national
and regional levels.
Eth. J. Anim. Prod. 6(1)- 2006: xx-xx
In order to co-ordinate such efforts and to streamline the research and development agenda, The
Ethiopian Society of Animal Production (ESAP) has been operational since its establishment in
1985. ESAP has created opportunities for professionals and associates to present and discuss
research results and other relevant issues on livestock. Currently, ESAP has a large number of
memberships from research, academia, and the development sector. So far, ESAP has successfully
organised about 10 annual conferences and the proceedings have been published. The ESAP
Newsletter also provides opportunities to communicate recent developments and advancements in
livestock production, news, views and feature articles. The General Assembly of the Ethiopian
Society of Animal Production (ESAP), on it’s 7th Annual Conference on May 14, 1999, has resolved
that an Ethiopian Journal of Animal Production (EJAP) be established. The Journal is intended to
be the official organ of ESAP.
The Ethiopian Journal of Animal Production (EJAP) welcomes reports of original research
data or methodology concerning all aspects of animal science. Study areas include genetics and
breeding, feed resources and nutrition, animal health, farmstead structure, shelter and
environment, production (growth, reproduction, lactation, etc), products (meat, milk, eggs, etc),
livestock economics, livestock production and natural resources management. In addition the
journal publishes short communications, critical review articles, feature articles, technical notes
and correspondence as deemed necessary.
To serve as an official organ of the Ethiopian Society of Animal Production (ESAP).
Serve as a media for publication of original research results relevant to animal production in
Ethiopia and similar countries and contribute to global knowledge
To encourage and provide a forum for publication of research results to scientists, researchers
and development workers in Ethiopia
Research articles
Research articles based on basic or applied research findings with relevance to tropical and sub-
tropical livestock production.
Information for Contributors
Short communications
Short communications are open to short preliminary reports of important findings; normally not
more than 2000 words. They may contain research results that are complete but characterized by a
rather limited area or scope of investigation, description of new genetic materials, description of
new or improved techniques including data on performance. They should contain only a few
references, usually not more than five and a minimum number of illustrations (not more than one
table or figure). Abstract should not be more than 50 words.
Review articles
Review papers will be welcomed. However, authors considering the submission of review papers
are advised to consult the Editor-in-Chief in advance. Topical and timely short pieces, news items
and view points, essays discussing critical issues can be considered for publication
Feature articles
Feature articles include views and news on the different aspects of education, curricula,
environment, etc will be considered for publication after consulting the Editor-in-Chief. Areas for
consideration include education, society, indigenous knowledge, etc.
Technical notes
Technical notes relate to techniques and methods of investigation (field and laboratory) relevant to
livestock production. Notes should be short, brief and should not exceed one page.
Letters on topics relevant to the aims of the Journal will be considered for publication by the
Editor-in-Chief, who may modify them.
Frequency of publication
Once a year (May)
Guidelines to Authors
The Ethiopian Journal of Animal Production (EJAP) publishes original articles of high
scientific standard dealing with livestock and livestock related issues. Reviews on selected topics
on livestock research and development appropriate to Ethiopia and other similar countries will
also be considered for publication. Short communication and technical notes are also welcome.
Manuscripts should be written in English, double spaced throughout and should be on one side of
an A4 sheet. Authors are advised to strictly stick to the format of the journal. Submit three copies
of manuscript and each page should be numbered. An electronic form in Word format should also
accompany the manuscript. The disk should be clean from viruses, and should be labelled clearly
with the authors’ names and disk file name. Manuscripts submitted to the Editorial Office will be
duly acknowledged. All articles will be sent to at least two reviewers (within or outside the
country) selected by the Editorial Board and will be reviewed for relevance to the journal,
scientific value and technicality. Rejected papers will be returned to the author(s) immediately.
Accepted papers will be returned to the author with the comments of the reviewer(s) for further
improvement of the manuscript. EJAP has no page charge.
Proofs will be sent to the author. Typeset proofs are not checked for errors. Thus, it is the
responsibility of the primary author of each paper to review page proofs carefully for accuracy of
Information for Contributors
citations, formulae, etc. and to check for omissions in the text. It is imperative that the authors do
a prompt, thorough job of reviewing the returned proofs to ensure timely publication. Authors are
instructed to return the proofs to the Editorial Office within 15 (fifteen) days of receipt. Senior or
corresponding authors will be provided with 25 (twenty-five) offprints free of charge for each
published articles.
Headings: Title of the paper should be in upper and lower case. Main headings should be in upper
and lower case, centre.
Sub-headings: First sub-headings, flush left, separate line, capitalize main words; second sub-
headings- flush left, same line as text, capitalize first word, followed by period; third sub-heading –
flush left, same line as text, capitalize first word, italics followed by a dash.
Title: The title should be concise, specific and descriptive enough to contain key words or phrases
including the contents of the article. A short running title of less than 50 characters should also be
Author and institution: The name(s) of author(s) and the institution(s) with which they are
affiliated, along with the addresses, should be provided. Corresponding author should be identified
in case of more than one author.
Abstract: Research or applied articles should have an abstract of no more than 300 words. The
abstract should state concisely the goals, methods, principal results and major conclusions of the
paper. Incomplete and uninformative descriptions should not be used. The use of acronyms is
discouraged. Keywords of up to five words should be included.
Introduction: This part should be brief and limited to the statement of the problem or the aim of
the experiment, justification and a review of the literature pertinent to the problem.
Materials and methods: The techniques and procedures of the research, the conditions under
which the study was conducted and the experimental design are described under this heading.
Relevant details about the animal should be given and the statistical design should be described
briefly and clearly. Data should be analyzed and summarized by appropriate statistical methods;
authors should examine closely their use of multiple comparison procedures. A measure of
variability, e.g., standard deviation or standard error must be provided when reporting
quantitative data. If standard methods of investigation and analysis are employed appropriate
citation suffice.
Results: The summary of major findings and assessments of the investigation are given in this
section. The results can be presented using tables, illustrations and diagrams.
Information for Contributors
Tables: Tables are numbered consecutively in arabic numerals (e.g., Table 1) and should bear a
short, yet adequately descriptive caption. Avoid using vertical and/or horizontal grid lines to
separate columns and/or rows. Metric units are clearly to be shown, abbreviated in accordance with
international procedure. Footnotes to tables are designated by lower case which appear as
superscripts in appropriate entries. Tables should be compatible with column width viz. 140 mm,
and should be presented on separate sheets, and grouped together at the end of the manuscript.
Their appropriate position in the text should be indicated and all tables should be referenced to in
the text.
Illustrations and diagrams: These should be inserted into the text using any suitable graphics
programmes. Freehand or typewritten lettering and lines are not acceptable. Authors are
requested to pay attention to the proportions of the illustrations so that they can be accommodated
in the paper without wastage of space.
Figures: Figures should be restricted to the display of results where a large number of values are
presented and interpretation would be more difficult in a Table. Figures may not reproduce the
same data as Tables. Originals of figures should preferably be A4 size, of good quality, drawn or
produced on good quality printer and saved in a separate file. There should be no numbering or
lettering on the originals. Numbering and lettering, which must be kept to an absolute minimum,
should be legibly inserted on the copies. Vertical axes should be labelled vertically. A full legend,
describing the figure and giving a key to all the symbols on it, should be typed on a separate sheet.
The symbols preferred are: ▲,■ ○ ∎, but + and x signs should be avoided. Figures should be
numbered consecutively in arabic numerals (e.g., Figure 1), and refer to all figures in the text.
Photographs: Should be original prints and suitable for reproduction. They should be unmounted
with lettering clearly indicated on overlays or photocopies. For composites, photographs should be
unmounted and a photocopy enclosed to indicate the required measurement. Magnification should
be given in the legend or indicated by a scale or bar. They should be numbered as part of the
sequence of Figures. If several plates or coloured photographs are submitted, the authors may be
asked to the cost of reproducing them.
Discussion: The reliability of evidence (result), comparison with already recorded observations
and the possible practical implication is discussed.
Conclusion: Authors are encouraged to forward conclusion (two to three brief statements) from
the study summarising the main findings and indicating the practical implications of the findings.
References: Cite references by name and date. The abbreviation et al should be used in the text
where more than two authors are quoted. Personal communications and unpublished work should
be cited in the text only, giving the initials, name and date. They should not appear in the list of
references. All references should be listed alphabetically. References should be selected based on
their relevance and the numbers should be kept to a minimum. Journal names should be
abbreviated according to the World list of Scientific Periodicals.
Ethiopian names should be in direct order, i.e., the full first name followed by the father’s name
and should not be abbreviated. E.g. Zinash Sileshi and not Sileshi, Z.
(Tesfu Kassa and Azage Tegegne, 1998).
(Alemu Yami and Kebede Abebe, 1992; Alemu Gebre Wold and Azage Tegegne, 1995; Zinash et
Information for Contributors
Journal article:
Zerbini, E., Takele Gemeda, Azage Tegegne, Alemu Gebrewold and Franceschini, R.
1993. The effects of work and nutritional supplementation on postpartum
reproductive activities and progesterone secretion in F1 crossbred dairy cows in
Ethiopia. Theriogenology 40(3):571-584.
Crosse, S., Umunna, N.N., Osuji, P.O., Azage Tegegne, Khalili, H. and Abate Tedla.
1998. Comparative yield and nutritive value of forages from two cereal-legume
based cropping systems: 2. Milk production and reproductive performance of
crossbred (Bos taurus x Bos indicus) cows. Tropical Agriculture 75 (4):415-421.
Steel, R.G.D. and Torrie, J.H. 1960. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. McGraw-
Hill Book Co., Inc., New York.
Chapter in a Book
Zerbini, E., Takele Gemeda, Alemu Gebre Wold and Azage Tegegne. 1995. Effect of
draught work on the metabolism and reproduction of dairy cows. In: Philips,
C.J.C. (ed.), Progress in Dairy Science. Chapter 8. CAB International. pp. 145-
Paper in Proceedings
Alemu Gebre Wold, Mengistu Alemayhu, Azage Tegegne, E. Zerbini and C. Larsen.
1998. On-farm performance of crossbred cows used as dairy-draught in Holetta
area. Proceedings of the 6th National Conference of the Ethiopian Society of
Animal Production (ESAP), May 14-15, 1998, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, pp. 232-240.
Follow standard procedures.
All measurements should be reported in SI units. (e.g., g, kg, m, cm)
Information for Contributors
Information for Contributors
Information for Contributors
Andinet Branch
Mailing Address
Three copies of the manuscript along with an electronic form on a diskette (Word
format) should be sent to:
Information to Subscribers
Subscription rates for one year (one issue), including airmail, are as
Local Foreign
Institution 50 (Birr) 25 (US$)
Individuals 25 (Birr) 10 (US$)
All business correspondences about subscriptions, back issues, single
copies, change of address and claims for missing issues should be sent
The Editor-in-Chief
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C/o ESAP Office
P.O.Box 80019
Addis Ababa; Ethiopia;
Tel: (+251-11) 115 83 39
Members of the Executive Committee of ESAP