Understanding Capital Structure in Flower Farms Va
Understanding Capital Structure in Flower Farms Va
Understanding Capital Structure in Flower Farms Va
Article in Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension Economics & Sociology · August 2023
DOI: 10.9734/ajaees/2023/v41i92101
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This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. All authors read and approved the final
Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/AJAEES/2023/v41i92101
Received: 28/05/2023
Accepted: 30/07/2023
Original Research Article
Published: 07/08/2023
A study on 120 flower farmers was made in the district Varanasi to analyze the farm structure and
investment patterns of the selected farms. A multistage stratified purposive cum random sampling
procedure was adopted for the study. Findings reveal that the overall average cropping intensity on
sample farms was found 213.04%. Among the overall cropping pattern of the crops in the study
Assistant Professor;
Teaching Associate;
Research Scholar;
*Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected];
Asian J. Agric. Ext. Econ. Soc., vol. 41, no. 9, pp. 766-773, 2023
Singh et al.; Asian J. Agric. Ext. Econ. Soc., vol. 41, no. 9, pp. 766-773, 2023; Article no.AJAEES.103700
area, the percentage of rose was 8.57 and marigold was found 11.12 percent. Per farm investment
on farm, structure was highest on small size group of farms i.e., Rs. 750644.34 followed by
marginal size group of farms which found the money value of Rs. 463367.02 respectively showing
the direct relation to farm size.
Singh et al.; Asian J. Agric. Ext. Econ. Soc., vol. 41, no. 9, pp. 766-773, 2023; Article no.AJAEES.103700
study on capital structure and investment in Distribution of cultivated land owned by different
flower farms in District Varanasi, coupled with a size group of sample farms revealed that 47.64
comparison with socioeconomic studies in % of cultivated land was owned by 75.00 of
tropical agricultural territories of Latin America, marginal size of farms. Table 1 also revealed that
holds immense potential for generating valuable 52.36 % of area (land) were owned by 45 of
insights, facilitating economic growth, and small size group of farms.
informing policy decisions for the agricultural
sector in both regions. The result is also showing in the Fig. 1.
Singh et al.; Asian J. Agric. Ext. Econ. Soc., vol. 41, no. 9, pp. 766-773, 2023; Article no.AJAEES.103700
components of farm asset structure are farm structure was highest on small size group
buildings, machinery & implements and livestock of farms i.e., Rs. 750644.34 followed by marginal
which constituted 70.42 %, 17.09 % and 12.49 % size group of farms which found the money value
of total asset value, respectively on the basis of Rs. 463367.02 respectively. It was concluded
of overall average. Per farm buildings, machinery that per farm investment on sample farm were
& implements and livestock came to Rs. showed the direct relationship with size of
407394.41, Rs. 94800.18 and Rs. 68901.43 holding, whereas component wise investment on
respectively on the basis of basis. Table marginal and small farm did not show any
4 revealed that per farm investment on definite trend.
75 72.78 No. Of farmers
80 66.23
Net Cultivated land
60 45
Average size of Holding
20 0.88 1.61 1.15
Marginal Small Total
cropping intensity (%) 208.07
Gross Cropped Area 3.35 Over All
1.15 Small
Net Cultivated Land(ha) 1.61
0.88 Marginal
No. of Farmers 45
Singh et al.; Asian J. Agric. Ext. Econ. Soc., vol. 41, no. 9, pp. 766-773, 2023; Article no.AJAEES.103700
Table 4. Per farm investment on different size group of sample farms (Rs.)
Singh et al.; Asian J. Agric. Ext. Econ. Soc., vol. 41, no. 9, pp. 766-773, 2023; Article no.AJAEES.103700
3.5.2 Per hectare investment on different size influencing investment decisions, such as
group of farms technological upgrades, infrastructure
development, or expansion to new markets.
Investment on different size groups of farms on Understanding these factors can assist farmers
per hectare basis depicted in Table 5. On an in making prudent investment choices [9]. It can
overall average per hectare investment was help identify the barriers to investment and
found Rs. 5039353.42, which was recorded entrepreneurship in the flower farming industry,
higher marginal farms Rs. 526553.43, followed potentially leading to policy recommendations
by small Rs. 466238.72 and respectively. It aimed at fostering a conducive business
concluded that per hectare investment on farm environment.
assets at different size group of farms had
inverse relationship with holding size. The study's findings can have direct implications
Agricultural sectors, including flower farming, for District Varanasi's economy, as it can
play a crucial role in the economic development contribute to the sustainable growth of the flower
of rural areas [3,4]. The study can shed light on farming industry, generate employment, and
the capital structure of flower farms, analyzing boost income levels. Improved economic
the proportion of debt and equity used to finance conditions in the region can lead to enhanced
operations [5,6]. living standards, better access to education and
healthcare, and overall socio-economic
Identifying the optimal capital structure for flower development.
farms can lead to improved financial
performance and increased profitability [7]. A comparison with tropical agricultural territories
Understanding the sources of capital can help in Latin America allows for a broader
farmers make informed decisions regarding understanding of agricultural practices and
investment and expansion. The study can also economic dynamics in different regions [10,11]. It
highlight the challenges farmers face in can reveal similarities and differences in the
accessing financial resources, which can inform capital structure, investment patterns, and overall
policymakers and financial institutions about the financial performance of flower farms in Varanasi
need for targeted support to boost the and Latin America [12,13,14]. The insights drawn
agricultural sector [8]. from this comparative analysis can provide
valuable lessons and best practices that can be
Investigating the investment patterns of flower adapted and applied in both regions, promoting
farms can provide insights into the factors cross-learning and knowledge exchange [15,16].
Singh et al.; Asian J. Agric. Ext. Econ. Soc., vol. 41, no. 9, pp. 766-773, 2023; Article no.AJAEES.103700
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4. CONCLUSION 2021:25-1, 1-11.
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