HRM - Google Ori

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In performing our assignment, we had to take the help and guideline of some respected
persons, who deserve our greatest gratitude. The completion of this assignment gives us much
pleasure. We would like to show our gratitude Dr Shazwani Binti Mohd Salleh, Lecturer of
Human Resources Management, from Universiti Teknologi Mara, Cawangan Kedah for giving us
a good guideline for assignment throughout numerous consultations. We would also like to
expand our deepest gratitude to all those who have directly and indirectly guided us in writing
this assignment.

In addition, we thank God for giving us good opportunities and health throughout this
assignment. Without all of this, we might not be able to prepare this assignment better.

Many people, especially our classmates and team members which is Haneesha Gomez
Binti Mohd Hafiz Gomez, Azimah Binti Azizan, Anis Natasha Binti Azmi, and Izyanie Arissa
Binti Amran who have made valuable comment suggestions on this assignment which gave an
inspiration to improve our assignment. We thank all the people for their help directly and
indirectly to complete our assignment.


1 Executive Summary

2 Company Profile

3 SWOT Analysis

4 Corporate Strategy

5 Business Strategy

6 Human Resources Strategy

7 Reference

8 Appendix

As we know Google is one of the most popular company in the world and
many people use Google as a platform in surfing for information. Thus, our
group choose the Google Company because this company has a lot of
achievement compared to others and could provide us a lot of information.
Google is a multinational, publicly-traded organization built around the
company's hugely popular search engine. Google's other enterprises include
Internet analytics, cloud computing, advertising technologies, and Web app,
browser and operating system development.


2.1 Details of company name and logo

Google’s company started at 1995 when two graduate students, Sergery Brin and Larry
Page met. They were Ph.D. students at Stanford University. In 1996, Brin and Page decided to
collaborate on a research project that was to eventually become the Google search engine. The
previously google name’s is Back-Rub. Google's other enterprises include Internet analytics,
cloud computing, advertising technologies, and Web app, browser and operating system

2.2 Mission, vision and values.

The company official mission statement is "To organize the world’s information and
make it universally accessible and useful." The name of the ‘Google’ was inspired by the
mathematical term, "googol." The name was given based on the number ‘1’ followed by zeros by
Milton Sirotta. It was when Milton Sirotta 9 years old. Milton’s uncle was mathematician named
Edward Kasner. He helped popularize the term in the book and the title of the book is
“Mathematics and Imagination”.

2.3 Company background

From that Sergery and Larry decided to choose the name of teir engine as “Google”. This
based on the variation of this mathematical term because it related to the enormity of the task of
organizing the immense amount of information that was available on the internet. Backrub is the
old names for the search engine until Larry Page and Sergey Brin rebranded the company a
Google, Inc. All of the misspellings of Google’s URL are all owned by Google, Inc. As the
example such as, and According to Pew
Research Center survey in 2013 the percentage of the users using Google to search information
about themselves is approximately 56%. Google began as an online search firm but nowadays
Google offers more than 50 internet services and products. It started from e-mail and online
documents creation to software for mobile phones and tablet computers. The Google’s broad
product portfolio and size make it one of the top four influential companies in the high- tech
marketplace, along with Apple, IBM, and Microsoft. Now google is a term that everyone uses to
search the information. The application that Google update such as Gmail, Google Apps and
Chrome and Google Books make everyone in the world do work easier.

3.1 Strengths

Google is No. 1 search engine in the world. As of July 2018, it has 86.28% of the global
market share of the internet search engines (Statista, 2018). It is far ahead of its nearest
competitors such as Bing, Yahoo, and Baidu. According to many analysts, the biggest strength of
Google lies in the fact that it is the undisputed leader in search engines.

 Market Leader in Search Engines

Perhaps the biggest strength of Google is that it is the undisputed leader in search engines,
which means that it has a domineering and lion’s share of the internet searches
worldwide. Google has more than 65% of the market share for internet searches and the
competitors do not even come close to anywhere that Google does.

 Ability to Generate User Traffic

Google is a household brand in the world, its ability to drive internet user traffic is
legendary, and this has helped it become one of the most powerful brands in the world.
Indeed, Google averages more than 1.2 Billion hits a month in terms of the unique
searches that users perform on the site. This gives it an unrivaled and unparalleled edge
over its competitors in the market.

 Revenue from Advertising and Display

Its revenue model wherein it garners humungous profits through partnerships with third
party sites has held the company in good stead as far as its ability to mop up resources and
increase both its top-line as well as bottom-line is concerned. This is another key strength
of the company that has helped it scale greater heights.

 Introduction of Android and Mobile Technologies

The last of the strengths discussed here relates to its adoption of Android and Mobile
technologies, this has resulted in it becoming a direct competitor of Apple as far as these
devices, and operating systems are concerned.

3.2 Weaknesses

Many critics argue that Google’s over dependence on advertising is a problem even though it
is the company’s main source of income. They argue that should there be any dip in advertising
revenues, it may cost Google very dearly.

Google has been criticised over a number of issues. Censorship of search results, anti-trust
violations, anti-competitive practices and patent infringement are some of the major concerns that
have been raised over the years by many people and organizations.

 Excessive Reliance on Secrecy

Google does not reveal its algorithm for searches or even its basic formula as far as
internet searches are concerned leading to many experts slamming the company for being
opaque and hiding behind the veneer of secrecy. However, in recent years, Google has
taken steps to redress this by providing a bare bones version of its unique search engine

 Falling Ad Rates
In recent years and especially in 2013, the company has been faced with declining
revenues from ads and as a result, the profitability of the company has taken a hit. This is
partly due to the ongoing global economic slowdown and partly because of competitors
snapping at its heels in a more aggressive manner. Indeed, Apple has already taken steps
to garner search engine revenues in its devices and hence, Google must be cognizant of
the challenges that lie ahead.

 Overdependence on Advertising
Google’s business model relies heavily on advertising and the numbers reveal that it gets
more than 85% of its revenues from ads alone. This means that any potential dip in
revenues would cost the company dearly (literally as well as metaphorically). The point
here is that Google has to devise a more robust business model that embraces e-commerce
and mobile commerce along with its current business model that is based on ad revenues

 Lack of Compatibility with next generation devices

Another weakness for Google is that it is not compatible with many next generation
computing platforms including mobile and tablet computers and this remains an area of
concern for the company.

3.3 Opportunities

A company such as Google has financial might, market knowledge, and experience to
diversify into other areas of business. Google has very good acquisition capabilities and histories
(as reflected by its purchase of YouTube) and can benefit further from exploring acquisition

Google sees long-term opportunities in its healthcare company Verily and self-driving car
unit Waymo. In fact, selling self-driving cars is an exciting opportunity for Google. Google also
sees further growth opportunities in Cloud Computing, hardware, and YouTube.

 Android Operating System

Perhaps the biggest opportunity for Google lies in its pioneering effort in providing the
Android OS (Operating System) which has resulted in its becoming a direct competitor to
Apple and Samsung.

 Diversification into non-Ad Business Models

As discussed earlier, the company has to diversify into non-ad revenues if it has to remain
profitable and current indications are that it is adapting itself to this as can be seen from
the push towards commercial transactions using its numerous sites like Google Books,
Google Maps etc.
 Google Glasses and Google Play

The introduction of Google Glasses and Google Play promises to be a game changer for
Google and this is a significant opportunity that the company can exploit. Indeed, this
very aspect can make the company take the next evolutionary leap into the emerging
world of nano-computing.

 Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing remains a key opportunity for Google as it is already experienced in

providing storage and cloud solutions. Indeed, if not anything, it can move into the
enterprise market using the cloud-computing paradigm.

3.4 Threats

Threat is the last element to address in the SWOT analysis of Google. Google faces a number
of challengers in different fields. Its key challengers are Facebook, Amazon, and Apple.
Facebook has over 2 billion active monthly users. Therefore, many companies now-a-days prefer
Facebook to Google for their advertising campaigns. Likewise, many people go directly to
Amazon to shop which reduces the number of product search queries Google can process.

 Gender bias
A Google memo published by its employer James Damore highlighting its diversity
policy has sparked a strong debate regarding the issue of gender bias and free speech in
the company.

 Alteration of information
Google has received criticism over its alleged collaboration with China over censored
search engine project.

 Antitrust Controversies
Google has been involved in antitrust controversies for years by both US and EU

Google’s corporate strategy mainly focuses on advertising as its business niche. To

support its excellence in this niche, Google has tried to learn a lot of information about its
customers so that it can customize its advertisements to meet the needs of its customers. Indeed,
if the company acquires a lot of information regarding its customers, it is able to fine-tune its
adverts to reach the right customers. Through this strategy, it may equally be easy for the
company to charge more money for its adverts.

Part of the evidence of Google’s commitment to this strategy manifests in its commitment
to give its users free accounts, thereby giving it an opportunity to scan these accounts and identify
keywords that it can use to customize its advertisement messages to reach its customers.
Therefore, while it is important to acknowledge the complexity of Google’s company strategy, it
is also important to understand that Google’s strategy stands out in a larger strategic framework
of selling highly targeted advertisements.

Google has pursued many corporate strategies that have baffled many analysts. Industry
observers have seldom understood some of its actions. For example, Google invested billions of
dollars in developing the popular Android operating system only to sell it for a paltry sum of
money. This action has prompted some observers to say that Google has failed to match the
success of other competitors in the mobile market because Android is the dominant global
Smartphone platform and yet, the company gave away the product almost freely. A tech analyst,
Roger McNamee says Samsung has made a lot of money by developing Smartphones that use the
Android platform. Consequently, Samsung is raking in billions of shillings by using a mobile
platform (android) that Google Inc. spent a fortune to develop.

Nonetheless, beneficiary companies have not sidelined Google in the Android

phenomenon. Its decision to give away the android platform is part of a larger strategy of
maintaining and focusing on its advertising revenue model. Indeed, says, “People who use
Android phones, for example, are highly likely to use Gmail, Google Maps, Google Docs, the
Chrome web browser, Google’s search engine and maybe even Google+”. This way, Google still
dominates the mobile market.

Through the dominance of Google apps in the Android platform, we can see how Google
cleverly preserves its advertising model in the fast-growing mobile market. Some experts say that
Google understands the bigger picture in the mobile phone market because the money lies in the
web apps that characterize the mobile market and not the devices (mobile phones). Certainly, as
the markets for smart phones continue to increase, the web services that characterize the devices
will be worth more money than the devices.

Besides Google’s advertising strategy, the company has strived to ensure that it remains a
market leader in futuristic technological interventions. From the above dynamic, it is easy to see
how Google has positioned itself in the tech world by introducing products that may exploit
future market opportunities. This strategy supports the fact that Google’s corporate strategy is
also innovative and precise. The company is therefore undisturbed by its current challenge of
rivaling existing brands like Microsoft because its strategy is fixed on exploiting future market

Google is number one platform search engine in the world. Apart from being one of the most
valued companies, the brand is also known for technological innovation and has retained the
lion’s share in online advertising. Google’s growth comes from its competitive advantage which
arises from technological innovation. Technological innovation brought google to the position of
the industry leader. The company has brought several innovative products apart from the fastest
search engine. Three important strategies that can help a company build a source of competitive
advantage has outlined by Michael E. The strategies called as a generic strategy.

There are three components in generic strategies which are cost, leadership and differentiation
focus. The generic strategy adopted by Google for building a source of competitive advantage is
differentiation. It involves differentiating your products and services from your competitors. As
we know the main service that Google is known as search engine. To be compared from all the
other search engines, Google’s is not just the fastest but also the smartest. Apart from the fastest
search engine, Google has brought products and services that for a broad target market. It made
up of individuals, professionals and organizations. Google brought the Chrome browser and other
several products and services including cloud-based services and products for developers’ use.
The Google’s mission is to bring all the world’s information online. It aims make internet to be
enriching experience. The service provided by Google can be online. Through technological
innovation, Google rules the web world and this is how it be differentiated the products and
services from the competitors. Google company also proved through the exceptional in
management of using human capital. Google being good because its continuous focus in
technological innovation.

Human capital and its management has become more important than ever in the 21st
century. Google has proved that it relies upon innovation in every aspect of its business, even
HRM. It has established an employee centred culture at whose core is employee empowerment.
The HR function is a strategic partner at Google and it has focused on benefiting the company’s
core operations by hiring and retaining only the best.

Google’s success is based on its high quality human resources. The company generally
emphasizes smartness and excellence among its employees. Google’s human resource
management also includes carefully selected strategies, methods, and techniques for recruitment
and selection, and for the retention of high quality workers. The firm’s recruitment practices and
selection process ensure an adequate workforce. The retention programs at Google are designed
to retain excellent employees. These programs also attract employees to the firm. The company is
now one of the best places to work. This popularity and positive perception indicates the success
of the firm’s human resource management in recruitment, selection, and employee retention.

The human resources management strategy on Google Company is google requirement

process. Human resource policies begin from great hiring’s. Every year more than 2 million
applicants apply to secure a job at Google. The main focus of Google’s recruitment policy is to
have the right person in the right position. Recruiters focus on hiring staff that is highly talented
and culturally compatible. Culture plays an important role when it comes to hiring new people.
How culturally compatible you with Google decides and how well you will perform once you are
inside. The role of culture and cultural compatibility has also been highlighted by research. The
more culturally compatible are the employees, the higher will be the overall productivity of an
However, the recruitment process is not so straightforward. Instead, the applicants have to
be through a lengthy and complicated process. The budget for recruitment at Google is also high.
Productivity matters at Google and so there is a lot of investment behind hiring each new
employee. It tests several things before recruiting. To some, it may appear too complicated but
then things are complicated inside technology companies and it is also why their turnover rates
are higher compared to other industries. Surviving the pressure is not possible for everyone and
in this sense Google is not wasting money by spending on recruitment. The way Google does it
has also become a lesson for other players in the industry.

Next is selection process. The most significant criteria used in Google’s human resource
management for the selection of applicants are smartness, creativity, drive for excellence, and
alignment with the organization. The company does not use work experience as a major criterion
for selection. These criteria are based on the firm’s goal of maximizing innovation to support its
broad differentiation strategy.

There are different processes used for the selection of applicants at Google. However, in
general, the company’s selection process involves background checks, preliminary screening, on-
the-job tests, and interviews. Google’s human resource management uses different procedures
and steps for the various positions in the organization. For instance, on-the-job tests are generally
used for positions that are more frequently filled through absorption of interns and trainees.

Beside, Google’s employee retention programs. Google’s compensation packages are the
main HRM tool that the company uses for retaining high-quality human resources. The
company’s compensation packages are competitive and above average. For example, Google
provides high salaries and wages. In addition, employees get free meals and other incentives and
benefits. The typical design of the company’s offices emphasizes fun and creativity, which attract
and retain creative and innovative workers. Google’s human resource management uses coaching
and mentoring to retain and develop employees with leadership potential.

Furthermore, training and development. HR policies target employee satisfaction and

empowerment. Employee loyalty is very difficult to obtain in today’s era. It holds true especially
in the case of tech companies. If Google is investing more than average, then it is to retain its
precious talent. The task would be difficult if Google was not investing in each employee sitting
inside its offices. So, apart from hiring great talent, the focus is on managing it tactfully.

Google employees are offered tremendous opportunities to learn and grow. Professional
development opportunities offered to all employees include classes on individual and team
presentation skills, content development, business writing, executive speaking, delivering
feedback, and management or leadership. Free foreign language lessons, including French,
Spanish, Japanese, and Mandarin are also sponsored by Google.

Given the prominence of engineers at Google, particular attention is paid to providing

unique development opportunities for this group. An Engineering training group, engEDU,
provides orientation and training classes, mentoring, career development, and tutorial services –
all programs built by and for engineers. Google has also expanded its global learning and
development team during the last year and is creating new leadership development programs to
help develop and support Google’s future leaders

Next, the list of benefits and perks to the Google is to inspire jealousy in others. These
perks are a critical part of Google’s HR strategy and designed in a manner to inspire motivation,
collaboration and innovation. The benefits which is Flexible work hours, casual dressing, onsite
medical care, pets allowed, free gourmet meals, drinks and snacks, onsite gyms, death benefits
and others. So, for someone working at Google, his job can be a highly rewarding experience.
These benefits are designed to manage a very high level of motivation and dedication. Its
compensation packages are larger than the industry average and they also include stock plans.
The secret of Google’s success is its innovative work culture. Its culture drives innovation
and performance which is exemplary and a source of inspiration for others. It is a successful
company that knows how to value its human capital. Its facilities and perks are matchless.
However, if the turnover rate is high then HR in technology companies is really a challenging
area. By investing in HR, Google has generated attractive results. It is satisfied with its
employees and their contribution to making Alphabet a success.

In conclusion, I have learned that to have a successful business we need to be a step ahead
from our competitors and have unique attributes that can gain us a competitive advantage like
what Google do. Thus, based on our research from what the Google company has done, strategy
that Google used has made Google a strong company and vital to everyone as they rely on
Google. This is especially in technology because Google Company focus on technology. Besides
that we know a lot of function that Google Company provide.


1. Fitzpatrick, Alex (September 4, 2014). "Google Used to Be the Company That Did
'Nothing But Search'". Time.
2. Telegraph Reporters (September 27, 2019). "When is Google's birthday – and why are
people confused?". The Telegraph.
3. Griffin, Andrew (September 27, 2019). "Google birthday: The one big problem with the
company's celebratory doodle". The Independent.
4. Wray, Richard (September 5, 2008). "Happy birthday Google". The Guardian.
5. "Company – Google". January 16, 2015. Archived from the original on January 16, 2015.
Retrieved September 13, 2018.
6. Fitzpatrick, Alex (September 4, 2014). "Google Used to Be the Company That Did
'Nothing But Search'". Time.
7. Telegraph Reporters (September 27, 2019). "When is Google's birthday – and why are
people confused?". The Telegraph.
8. Griffin, Andrew (September 27, 2019). "Google birthday: The one big problem with the
company's celebratory doodle". The Independent.
9. Wray, Richard (September 5, 2008). "Happy birthday Google". The Guardian.
10. Schneider, L. (2019, June 25). Company Profile and Job Information for Google.
11. Hosch,W.L.&Hall,M.(2019,July18).GoogleInc.Retrieved

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