Chachi Ingles

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This was the day of my birth where my father Marcelo, my mother Estela and
my brothers, Mauricio and Alex were waiting for me. My mom told me that
when they celebrated birthday. I had so much fun that I didn't have enough
time for the day. They were happy moments because I shared with my friends.
On that day, my mother made me the cakes that I liked the most because they
were related to the different cartoons. Later, she hired me baseball clowns
where we didn't have much fun, there were chizitos, candy sticks, soda, and
other ones of my best.
moments of the birthday were at night where my grandparents, uncles,
cousins and friends of my parents would get together, my grandfather would
have the barbecue, which for me was the best

-24th and 25th of Christmas-

This date is important because those days we traveled to Pinto or Lobos, we

spent these holidays, we met my cousins and gamers all day until my mother
called us to take a bath because dinner time was approaching and Afterwards
we waited for Santa Claus with a lot of euphoria, it was the best of the night
because we were waiting for our favorite toys and I also enjoyed the exquisite
things that were eaten for these holidays, my favorite were the agarpiñadas;
The nice thing about these parties was that my relatives stayed at the table
until dawn and we played in the dark and had a lot of fun.
The next day (December 25) we got up late, we went into the pool after having
lunch and in the afternoon we returned to our house.

-December 31 and January 1-

This date is very special to me because in my house there was a double

celebration because the 31st is my mother's birthday. Of course we started at
the earliest for the entire organization; to begin!!! My aunt Monica was the one
who made the birthday cake, of course my mother was waiting for it because it
was exquisite, then we made longer tables for the birthday celebration and the
wait for the new year, it was quite an event and happiness for the family, again
We met cousins and enjoyed the pool. and the good thing about this double
celebration is that they stayed a few more days and my house was a crowd
where we laughed and played with both my cousins and my uncles, brothers
and of course my parents.

-December 18, 2022 world champions-

Since I can remember, in the conversations that my relatives had they always
talked about the World Cups, I very much did not understand what they were
talking about because they talked about World Cups and players from the years
1970, 1980, 1990... but I couldn't understand that euphoria that they
transmitted, but as the years went by I really understood that emotion because
every time I played Argentina strange things happened to my chest, but that
was nothing more... When the 2022 World Cup was being talked about and the
Argentine team qualified to go Qatar, in I understood the emotion that my
family members felt at that moment. That World Cup I gave myself the
pleasure of getting excited about the anthem, the players and of course the
cup; that's when I began to value my beloved Argentina.


Esta fecha la elegí como una de las más importantes porque es parte de la
historia antigua Argentina a travez de uno de los personajes más
representativos del ser Nacional.Jose Hernandez.

Esta celebración se realiza en varios pueblos del país donde representantes de

distintos agrupaciones tradicionalistas desfilaban caballos y espectáculos de
música y bailes típicos. Cuando era más chicos en el colegio nos hacían
participar de los bailes y teníamos que vestirnos como en ésas epocas
también. Realizabamos distintos trabajos acorde a esta fecha donde hacían
participar a nuestros familias y compartíamos en esas horas especiales que
teníamos en la clase,mates,torta fritas...un lindo recuerdo ! porque se aprendia
los valores culturales y sociales


Cuando terminaban las clases sentía la sensación de frescura por el

comienzo,sabía que en el mes de Enero soliamos de vacaciones y pude
conocer las maravillosas Cataratas del Iguazú,las montañas y tuve el enorme
placer de conocerr el mar.

Fue algo que no lo podía creer,la brisa fresca que se siente en ese lugar.
Jugabamos a correr hacia el agua,enterrarnos en la arena,jugabamos al tejo,fue
inolvidable,las noches son tan frescas que llegaba el día siguiente hacía tanto
calor que lo único que pensabas era ir a la playa. En cambio las montañas es
totalmente distinta,era apreciar un belleza que no tenía eplicaciones que
solamente Dios lo había creado no había otra.

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