Handbook For Joyful Learning in School
Handbook For Joyful Learning in School
Handbook For Joyful Learning in School
Design & Layout : Laxmi Print India, 556, GT Road, Shahdara, Delhi-110032
(Several internet resources have been referred for the images, facts and cartoons used in this handbook,
only for educational purposes. All such sources and the creators of those images and cartoons are also
gratefully acknowledged).
National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 aims for India to have an
education system by 2040 that is second to none. With the quickly
changing employment landscape and global ecosystem, it is becoming
increasingly critical that children not only learn, but more importantly
learn how to learn. Education thus, must move towards less content and
more towards learning about how to think critically and solve problems,
how to be creative and multidisciplinary, and how to innovate, adapt, and
absorb new material in novel and changing fields. Pedagogy must evolve
to make education more experiential, holistic, integrated, inquiry-driven,
discovery-oriented, learner-centred, discussion-based, flexible, and, of
course, enjoyable (NEP 2020) .
Patrons :
• Sh. Ramesh Pokhriyal ’Nishank’, Minister of Education, Government of India
• Sh. Sanjay Dhotre, Minister of State for Education, Government of India
• Ms. Anita Karwal, IAS, Secretary, Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of
Education, Government of India
Review :
• Sh. D.T.S. Rao, Deputy Commissioner(Retd.), Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
• Dr. Vasanti Thiagrajan, Principal, Shishya School, Hosur
• Dr. Henna Racch, Principal, GIIS , Abu Dhabi
• Dr. Anju Bhutani, Principal, Bhartiya Vidyabhavan, Nagpur
• Dr. Manisha Tyagi, Principal, Sawai ManSingh School, Jaipur
Curtain Raiser:
We are Back Again!
Got it?
Some serious theory, now!
Joyful Learning is the mode of learning in
which learners are given opportunities to
experience emotions of surprise in delightful
ways, nurture their curiosity, while interacting
with meaningful content through a supportive
community of classmates / peer group and
Yes, indeed.
Now, we shall understand some
science behind joyful learning.
Uday ji!!!
1st, there is no shortcut to success.
2nd, I study and research through various
available sources; internet, books, my own
experiences, my observations.
1. Krashen, S. (1982). Theory versus practice in language training. In R. W. Blair (Ed.), Innovative approaches to language
teaching (pp. 25–27). Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
2. Christianson, S.A. (1992). Emotional stress and eyewitness memory: A critical review. Psychological Bulletin, 112(2), 284–
Improved motivation Students become self-motivated to explore ideas and concepts and
put their best efforts to express their learning.
Joy acts as an intrinsic driving force to direct learning towards
meeting objectives.
Engaged learners If lesson plans are designed in such a way that students participate
actively in the learning process, Learning is not only a fun-filled
exercise but evokes other aspects associated with learning process
like taking pride, brainstorming, asking questions and reflective
Learners are actively involved in the learning process, enjoy their
learning, make connections with themselves and the world around
them and construct meaning in their own contexts.
Authentic Learning Joyful learning lessons are built around learning experiences that let
learners relate to their local environment and their past knowledge
and experiences through activities like plays, stories, songs, art,
music and drawings.
Encouraged autonomy and Joyful learning accentuates self-directed learning ability among
control learners as learners enjoy their learning and the learning is implied
instead of imposed.
In a joyful learning classroom, traditional chalk-talk methods of
teaching are replaced with experiences that are personalized to needs
and interests of learners, focused towards process more than the
product and value individual expressions and reflections of learners.
Impact of joy on the overall learning can be summed up as
Joy, as an important component of true learning, encompasses
collaboration, connection, sharing and pride.
For an instance, emotions like joy, pride and curiosity are
evident in a classroom where children learn about fractions,
parts of a flower, molecules through activities like paper
folding, poems and theatre respectively.
3.1.4. Collaboration:
Collaboration is the ability to effectively work together with others. This skill involves working
together while taking actions respecting others’ needs and perspectives and contributing to and
accepting the finale. Collaboration helps to develop interest and fun in the teaching learning
process. It effectively broadens the cultural, social, and environmental boundaries and helps a
child to understand social and environmental concerns better.
3.1.5. Communication:
Communication refers to the ability to express one’s opinions, desires, needs, apprehensions etc.
oneself appropriately, verbally and non-verbally.
3.2.2 QAXP:
Under this strategy, class will be divided in groups of four. Student 1 from first group will ask
question. Student 2 from the same group will answer the question. Student 3 will add to the response
of student 2 without repeating anything what student 2 had already told. Student 4 will tell question
and response of student 2 and 3 by paraphrasing it. Topic for the question will be chosen by both
students and facilitator together. Topics can be chosen on the level of problems faced by learners.
3.12. DRTA:
Directed Reading Thinking Activity is a comprehensive activity in which teacher will read a text
and ask children to make question and do predictions. Students will read further to see if their
predictions are correct or not. This activity can be done in groups, on individual basis or in whole
class depending on the topic and teacher
4.1.2. Personalize
One of the objectives of joyful learning is to ensure that learners with varied abilities meaningfully
interact with the educational content individually, as well as in group.
In order to achieve this objective, it is crucial that learning experiences are tailored according to
diverse needs and abilities of learners.
One size- fits-all based experiences totally mutilate the core objective of joyful learning, that is, to
make learning an enjoyable and interesting experience for all learners, irrespective of their abilities
and learning styles.
When students are given choices in the way they study or express their learning, stress level
diminishes and students are able to direct their learning at their own pace, without fear of failure.
Ms. Rita Baweja*, Environmental Science teacher of grade 2, wants to teach ‘types of plants’ to her
students. To make the lesson interesting, she weaved a variety of joyful learning experiences for her
students. The lesson in her class progressed as follows:
She took students on a walk of the school garden, there she asked students to observe different
plants on parameters like name of the plant, long/short, soft stem/hard stem, need support/don’t
need support. She asked students to draw a table with these column headers and ask names of
plants from the gardener in the school. She then took students on the nature walk and instructed
them to do the activity in 30 minutes of time. After 30 minutes, students returned to the classroom.
The teacher conducted a bundling activity where she asked students to one by one speak about
the plant they had observed, and she kept on writing details under different columns: herbs,
shrubs, creepers, climbers and tree. She then collated students’ findings under these categories.
Carrying forward the same activity, Mathematics teacher taught students to make a Tally
table describing numbers of plants observed belonging each category; how many herbs, how
many shrubs etc. were found by students. She then explained how they can represent the tally
information through a bar-graph showing numbers of plants being observed from each category
as part of garden walk activity.
Next day, Ms. Rita reiterated features of herbs, shrubs, creepers, climbers and trees in relation
to what students had observed during garden walk. Some students also shared that they had
similar plants in their homes and in neighbourhood. The teacher asked them to create a Graphic
Organizer of any one plant they had in their home or in neighbourhood and present it in the
On the same day, in sculpture class, students learnt to make clay models of different types of
plants on the basis of features they have studied. Students were asked to make clay models of any
one type of plant and capture even minute but important details also in their clay models (like
providing support in case of climber, hard and bushy stem of shrub) using different sculpture tools.
The teacher intervened during creation of models and while students were giving their models
a finishing touch. It was decided that these models will be exhibited during class PTM (Parent
Teacher Meeting) in the coming week. The activity engaged students actively and students had
4. http://ssakarnataka.gov.in/pdfs/int_lep/nk_report.pdf
Children, in this approach, learn at their own pace and formation of group changes according the
activity being done by children. The learning ladder shows the progress of the child. This is a step
towards Competancy Based Education.
The role of teacher is of a facilitator of learning who plans all tasks/milestones and assists students
in picking up their learning cards and form peer-supported and participatory learning groups. The
teacher is also required to mark students’ progress on learning ladder (the progress chart) and help
slow learners understand and complete their task.
This chapter delineates the lesson plan exemplars having integration of various subjects. Various chapters
of different subjects, but having similar themes, have been integrated to carry out the joyful teaching and
Let’s have a look:
Mapping of skills/competencies/attitudes:
Questioning Technique/s to be Used: probing questions, closed ended questions and open-
ended questions
Learning objectives: By the end of the topic, the learners will be able to:
• identify and name different birds.
• relate and apply understanding of numbers in real life.
• develop sensitivity towards birds amongst his peers, seniors and other members of the school.
Nature 1 • Facilitator will take the children for a nature walk and ask them
Walk(MATH) to collect as many as twigs as they can.
• Once all the children come back in the classroom facilitator will
divide them into group of four each. Each group will be provided
with a blank paper folded into half.
Each group will be asked to count the twigs collected by them in
Write the numeral on the first one-half side of the given paper if
they know.
Now s/he will ask them to make a group of tens of the twigs and
then write the numeral on the other half side and compare if they
are getting the same number?
• This activity will help learners understand that each number is
nothing but the group of few tens and ones and numeral for the
same is easily generated if ones know the number of tens and ones.
Recite a Rhyme 1 • To introduce the poem, the facilitator will take two hand puppets
(EVMS) of birds and recite the poem- Two little dicky birds.
Two little dicky birds
sitting on a wall,
one named Peter
and one named Paul.
Fly away Peter and fly away Paul.
• The facilitator will tell the students that the two birds have come
to their class today to tell their story.
• We, birds feel very nice when we fly high above in the open sky.
We can see the beautiful gardens, rivers, tall trees, beautiful and
colourful earth. But we feel sad when we see the garbage lying
here and there, huge and tall buildings, smoke and pollution.
• Anticipated Oho moment as they will realize that we as humans
are filling our Earth with garbage.
Dreams (EVMS) 1 • The facilitator will ask the students to share their feelings how
they would feel if they were a bird.
• The students will share their feelings in front of their friends.
Origami bird 1 • The facilitator will provide the students with origami sheets and
(ENGLISH) each student will make a bird using paper folding, under the
guidance of the facilitator. Anticipated AHAA moment, the
students will enjoy making bird using origami sheet)
• Later the facilitator will recite the poem ‘Once I saw a little bird’
with proper modulation.
Playing with 2 • Facilitator will divide the class into groups with two- three member
concrete objects each to make approximately 10 groups. Now she will randomly
(MATHS) give each group pencils/ crayons/ erasers/ keeping in mind the
numbers 51 to 60.
• Now she will ask each group to make bundles of 10 each of the
objects given to them. She will then ask following questions to
each group one by one-
1. How many groups of tens they can make?
2. Is there any object left?
3. What are these left objects called?
4. Can you tell the numeral for the same?
5. Is their number is same as another group?
6. Which is greater?
• Facilitator will write the responses of all groups one by one and
generate the counting 51 to 60 in sequence.
• In a same manner, the counting 61 to 70 will be taken up followed
by the exercise in the book.
Describe 3 • The facilitator will write the new words on the board and ask the
the picture students to read them aloud again and again. The facilitator will
(ENGLISH) show a cutout of a parrot and a crow and ask the students to the
special features of the birds. The students will share their responses
based upon the colour of feathers and the beak.
Playing with 4 and 5 • Facilitator will provide the ice-cream sticks to each child keeping
concrete objects in mind the numbers 71-80 first
(MATH) • Now she will ask each child to make bundles of 10 each and tie
them with a rubber band. She will then write the number 70 on the
board ask :
How many tens and ones are there in 70?
Which number they think will come after it?
• S/he will then ask the children who has 7 tens and 1 one?
• Children with 7tens and 1 one will stand up.
• S/he will continue the same till 80 and write the numbers on the
board as well in the sequence.
• Students will go around the class to look bundling for different
• In a same manner the counting 81 to 90 will be taken up followed
by the exercise in their book.
Related Exercise 2 • The students will attempt the related exercises given at the back of the
(English) lesson under the guidance of the facilitator.
Brainstorming 2 • The facilitator will ask the students to brainstorm and share the feature
(EVMS) of birds, how birds are different from other animals. The student’s
responses will be marked on the board. The anticipated student’s
responses will be – birds have beak, they can fly, they have feathers,
they are small etc.
• The facilitator will summarise the various points and explain to the
students that birds are small animals which have wings and can fly. The
facilitator will ask few closed ended questions to the students like,
Q1. Name the birds that you have seen around your house.
Q2. Name a bird which has colourful feathers.
Q3. Name the national bird of India.
The students will share their responses.
• The facilitator will show PPT/pictures/cutouts of birds and the students
will try to identify and name the different birds.
Enactment (Hindi) 2 • v/;kfidk Nk=ksa dks Qsjhokys dk vfHku; djus ds fy, IkzksRlkfgr djsxhA
• (Anticipated AHAA moment, the students will enjoy playing the
role of a hawker)
• rRi'pkr~ ikB vke dh Vksdjh dk iBu o y;c} :Ik ls dforkokpu
Read a chapter 3 • The facilitator will do the model reading of the lesson ‘Mittu and the
(ENGLISH) yellow Mango’ from the text book. The students will attentively listen
and underline the new words.
Role Play 3 • The facilitator will enter the class with a box containing hanging
(ENGLISH) placards of parrot and crow, an inflated balloon and an artificial mango.
The facilitator will ask the students to volunteer for role-play activity.
The students can use the props provided by the facilitator.
Audio Visuals 3 • The facilitator will proceed the topic of birds and its home by sharing
(EVMS) that just like human, birds too need a house to be safe and protected and
to keep their eggs and young ones safe. Most of the birds make their
nest on tree branches or roof tops. Birds lay their eggs in the nest and
keep their young ones safe in the nest till the time they learn how to fly.
• The facilitator will show a video to the students using the given link -
• The facilitator will sensitize the students not to disturb the birds in the
nest and motivate the students to plant more trees as they are a home to
birds which are our flying friends.
Read and 4 • ikB ykyw vkSj ihyw dk iBuA vF;kfidk mPp Loj esa ikB dk mPpkj.k djsaxhA rRi'pkr~
Recite(Hindi) Nk= ikB eSa Hkh dk ,d Loj esa iBu djsaxsA var esa Nk= ikB ij vk/kkfjr vH;kldk;Z
Role Play 6 • The facilitator will guide the students to do a role play activity and
(English) paying emphasis on the importance of trees for birds and animals. The
students will sit in groups made by the facilitator and discuss how to
present the role play. At the end each group will present their play in
front of the other groups.
Visuals (MATH) 7 • The facilitator will start the day by showing a video.
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TgLtF3PMOc
• After the video, facilitator will ask the learners to sing the counting
• Learners will write the counting under HTO in their note books. 51 to
Pause and Ponder 7 • The facilitator will ask the students to share how we can show our care
(EVMS) and affection towards birds. The student’s responses will be marked
on a chart paper. The chart paper will be placed on the soft board. The
expected student’s responses will be planting more trees, do not disturb
or tease the birds, keeping bird feeder and water bowl, etc.
Show and tell, bird 8 • Facilitator will divide the class into groups of four each. Cut outs of
fun (MATH) birds and packets of bindis will be kept at one side of the teacher’s
desk. Group needs to display the number given to them by bundling the
bindis on birds. On each bird not more than 20 bindis can be pasted.
Time given for the activity will be 15 minutes.
• Each group will decide their leader, resource person, timer and
• Task- Show the number given
• Facilitator will write few numbers from 51 to 100 on few chits and
keep them in a bowl.
Leader of the group will pick one chit and tell the number to his group
Resource person will bring the cutout of the birds and bindis.
Summative Assessment
Thus, this lesson plan covers 01 topic of EVMS, 02 topics of English, 01 topic of Maths and 05 topics of
Hindi. It uses a variety of joyful activities with several AHAA moments and diverse ways of assessments.
Similar process has been followed in the subsequent suggestive exemplars.
Find blue and green in 1 • The facilitator will divide the class into groups and will
me! (EVMS) provide them each with a big circle representing Globe/ Earth.
Then s/he will ask them to look at the globe and try to color
the water as blue and the land as green. S/he will also tell them
to draw black outlines for the countries and continents if they
want. This activity will help them observe the globe and use
their understanding to create the Earth. It will help them have
a fair understanding of the fact that more than 70% of earth is
covered with water.
• S/he will provide them with a sheet to create a boat with paper
folding. The whole process of creating the boat will be taken
step by step and the students will follow the instructions and
create their own boats. Then the students will be taken to the
school pool where they will float their boats in the water. The
students will be excited to perform this activity. Then the
teacher will ask, ‘Could they float their boat in the classroom?’
The students’ response would be ‘No’. Then the teacher will
ask ‘Why? What is required to float a boat?’ The response
would be, “We need water for the boat to float.”
• Anticipated Ahaa… moment as the students will feel happy
to see that they could create a boat and boat requires water to
• Once the facilitator enters the class, all the students will share
their experience of floating paper boats in the water. The
facilitator will use their responses and ask them ‘What if we
don’t have enough rain/water?’
Wonder Wall (HINDI) 1 • cPps [ksy f'k{kd ds lkFk esa iSsd d{kk ls okfil vk,A cPpksa us vkrs gh ihus
dk ikuh dk ek¡xk rks v/;kfidk mUgsa vuqefr nsnhA v/;kfidk us muls iwNk
fd vki dks ikuh dh vko';drk D;ksa iM+h rks cPpksa us crk;k fd vHkh ge
ckgj [ksydj o nkSM+ yxkdj vk jgs gSa ftlds dkj.k gesa I;kl yx jgh
gSA v/;kfidk us ;gha ls viuh ckr vkjEHk dh fd gekjs vykok ikuh dh
vko';drk vkSj fdl & fdl tkuoj dks gksrh gS tks fcuk ikuh ds thfor
ugha jg ldrs \
• pkj & pkj ds lewg esa cPpksa dks fcBk,axs vkSj og lkspdj dkx+t ij fy[ksaxs
tSls & eNyh] exjePN] Ogsy] vkDVksil vkfn vkSj bUgsa cksMZ ij isLV djsaxsA
• fQj v/;kfidk cPpksa ls iwNsaxh fd ,sls dkSu & dkSu ls ikS/ks o tkuoj gSa tks
de ikuh esa Hkh thfor jg ldrs gSa A v/;kfidk cPpksa ds lkFk jsfxLrku esa
ik, tkus okys tkuojksa ds fo’k; esa ppkZ djsaxhA
Audio Visual 3 • The facilitator will show them a video on uses of water.
(ENGLISH) • Video link on uses of water
Think pair and 3 • Then the facilitator will divide the class in pairs and ask
share(ENGLISH) students to go through the reading.
• Guided practice – Read the given passage
• Uses of water
• We all use water for drinking, washing, cleaning, cooking,
and growing food — making it the most precious resource for
survival. All water that we use comes from rain which fills
local lakes, rivers, streams or underground aquifers, depending
on your city and state. We use water in the following ways.
• Household Uses
• Common household works consume a lot of water in bathing
and toilets, washing machines and kitchen sink. Much of our
freshwater resources are also used for watering lawns, flower
beds, and vegetable gardens, as well as washing cars and filling
swimming pools.
Concentric Circles 3 • dfork dk jkspd <ax ls okpu fd;k tk,xkA ml ds ckn v/;kfidk cPpksa
(HINDI) dks nks xksys esa ¼ckº; o vkarfjd½ vkeus & lkeus [kM+k djds Hkko&Hkafxekvksa
ds vuqlkj dfork dk lLoj okpu djsaxsA rRi'pkr~ v/;kfidk ,d fMCcs
esa dfork ls lEcfU/kr dqN rqdkUr “kCn fy[kdj iphZ j[k nsaxhA vc
ckº; xksys esa [kM+k cPpk vius lkeus [kM+s cPps ds fMCcs ls ,d iphZ
fudkysxk vkSj ,d u;k rqdkUr “kCn vkarfjd xksys okys cPps dks nsxk tSls
• vc blh izdkj Øe'k% bl izfdz;k dks nksgjk;k tk,xkA bl fdz;kdyki ds
}kjk cPpksa us rqdkUr 'kCn lh[ks
Enact a story and 3 • The facilitator will create 4 groups in a class and would
Make lemonade ask them to read the story (Village fair), discuss it amongst
(MATH) themselves and demonstrate or enact the chapter in front of the
class. Each group will come up with an act based on the story.
• Then the teacher will provide them with lemons, sugar and
salt. The students will mix all the ingredients in a big bowl,
then add water and prepare lemonade in the class. Then the
facilitator will provide them big glasses and ask the students to
fill them with lemonade. The students will tell they could only
fill 20 glasses and that would not suffice for all the classmates,
then the facilitator will provide them small glasses and they
could fill further make 40 glasses with it. So, all students will
be able to get lemonade.
• Anticipated Ahaa. Moment as they make lemonade and
everyone would have it.
• This activity will develop their understanding that large vessel
can hold more quantity and small vessel can hold less quantity.
Quiz time (EVMS) • The students will be divided in groups and will be asked
riddles, or questions and the students will play quiz and answer
questions like:
Close me if I am not in use. (tap)
I am very deep. People fill buckets of water from me using
rope. (well)
Boats sail in me. (water bodies like rivers, lakes)
I have holes in my body, kids love to use me during bath.
Nature Walk (HINDI) 2 • cPpksa dks ckgj eSnku esa ysdj tk,axs vkSj jsrhyh t+ehu ij dqN dne pyus dk
vuqHko djus ds fy, dgsaxs mlds ckn d{kk esa vkdj v/;kfidk cPpksa ls iwNsaxh fd
D;k os dy fn;k x;k x`gdk;Z <wa<dj yk, gSaA dqN cPpksa us dgk gk¡ thA x+kft+;kckn
@ Hkksiky @ jsfxLrku ds fp= ns[krs gq, iwNsaxs&
• fp= ns[kdj txg crk,a ;g dkSu lh txg dk fp= gS\ & jsfxLrku
• jsfxLrku es agesa D;k fn[kkbZ nsrk gS \
• jsfxLrku dk tgkt fdls dgrs gSa \
• Å¡V dk fp= fn[kkdj mldaas ckjs esa ppkZ &
• Å¡V ikuh dks dSls cpkrk gS\
• rc v/;kfidk cPpksa dks ikB ls voxr djk,axh vkSj
• dfork dk jkspd <ax ls okpu fd;k tk,xkA
Enlist (HINDI) 2 • The facilitator will take a class discussion on plants and animals
seen in the deserts and then the students will write three names each
in their notebooks and they will even paste pictures of those as a
home assignment.
Drawing is 3 • Facilitator will discuss various sources of water and will also create
fun(EVMS) a scene using sources of water. Students will make a connection
with real life experiences and will draw a related composition. They
will colour it to add to its aesthetics. The students will feel happy to
create the drawing. Their work would be displayed in the classroom
for others to observe and appreciate.
Creative Writing 4 • v/;kfidk lEiw.kZ ikB dh ppkZ djasxh rFkk cPps ikB ds ek/;e ls ikuh ds lnqi;ksx
(HINDI) o laj{k.k ds fo’k; esa vius fopkj fy[ksaxsA
Learning Engagement: 5 • The facilitator will ask the students to record water consumption in
Analysis(MATH) their family for two days to see how much water they use every day.
The measurement will be done with a jug at home. The follow up
exercise will be taken as --- Find out different ways in which you
can reduce water usage and stop its wastage.
• The students will write their answers on a coloured A4 size sheet
and will pin them up in their class. This activity will remind them
time to time of what they can do to reduce wastage of water.
Gallery Walk(Math) 6 • The students will bring their charts to school after the survey,
highlighting the following:
Use of water at home (picture or descriptions)
Vessels through which water is used/ taken
Ways or moments where water is not used judiciously and
the suggestion for the same (can be discussed with parents or
• Then all the charts brought by the learners will be displayed in the
class and they will have a gallery walk.
• It will be followed by their reflection on the activity/ its learning
and any one suggestion which they liked from their others’ chart
during Gallery walk.
• English: Rain
Presentation –Just a 7 • Students will be given a topic, “Water is our friend, and we need
minute to save it.”
• The students will be given 20 minutes of time to think and then
speak for at least a minute or so to share the views related to the
topic. They could derive the details from the reference reading and
audio - visual shown to them during the class.
Slogan March 8 • The students with the guidance of the facilitator, will hold their
banners and will take out a rally or slogan march in the school
premises. They will speak out the slogans and spread awareness in
the society to use water smartly. Then they will be asked to write
their reflection in their notebooks.
Slogan March(EVMS) • The students will be asked to write their reflection of the
slogan march in their notebooks.
Formatives/Unit test • EVMS: Checklist- Do’s and Don'ts for saving water.
• Math: Worksheet on capacity check and more less
• Hindi: Creating Graphic Organizer on why camel is the
ship of the desert.
• English: Recitation time: Any poem on Rain
• Unit test paper
Teacher Interventions • Guiding them with folds during creating boat with paper
• While attempting comprehension passage.
Summative Assessment
Mapping of skills/competencies/attitudes:
• Think pair and share,
• brain storming,
• picture writing,
• family tree,
• share the story,
• crack the customs,
• interview with grandparents
• paragraph writing
Learning objectives:
By the end of the topic, the learners will be able to:
Understand the importance of family
Understand the structure of the family and customs followed in a family
Identify and use different devices of measuring length (ruler, metre rod, inch tape)
Identify and describe different ways of measuring weight (pan balance, weighing balance, spring
Apply measurement techniques to measure length and weight of objects correctly
Understand the importance of family and different types of families
Create clay models of weighing bars representing their family members in their decreasing order of
Compare objects and family members on the basis of their height and weight
Value family as an important source of strength, support and happiness through discussion with their
Draw, describe and do 2 • The facilitator, as a facilitator, will share about his/her
the dab (EVMS) family ( members in the family and what do they do) and
then s/he will ask students to draw a picture of their family
(in the form of cartoon drawings or stick figures) in their
notebook and complete the information in the table given
below. One row has been filled in as sample data
• My Family Record
Read and Relate (My 2 • The facilitator will conduct one round of model reading
Silly Sister) (English) of the lesson ‘My Silly Sister’ in the class with correct
pronunciation, punctuation and stress. The facilitator will
further discuss and explain the lesson. Then students will
be divided into groups and each group will be asked to
read the chapter and answer questions given in Talk Time
of the chapter. The students would collate their responses
of questions in groups and share them with the facilitator
and the facilitator would discuss them with the students.
• Paragraph Writing
• The students would be asked to write a paragraph on
their sibling and how do they share their relationship with
their sibling. The paragraph can be titled with captivating
• Students completing the activity within the stipulated time
will inform about the same by doing bingo, hi five or any
other joyous gesture.
• Ahaa moment …for all those students whose estimations
will be very close to exact measurement.
• Students will then compare their measurement with their
friends and answer questions given on page 51 of textbook.
Rule and Ruler(Math) 3 • Facilitator will initiate few activities given on Page
47 of the textbook such as how many steps etc. before
introducing ruler and its units.
• The facilitator will recall the home assignment given
on day 1 when student measured length of arms of their
family members using hand span. Facilitator will help
students further understand how to use the ruler correctly.
Students will measure length of few things ex- dice, leaf,
wax colour etc. They will find out few things which are 10
cm long or fall between 10 cm and 20 cm and will draw
them. (Pg 48, 49).
Catch the context 4 • The facilitator will divide students in groups and then ask
clues(English) them to find out difficult words from the chapter ‘My Silly
Trace the shortest 5 • The facilitator will discuss activity given on Page 52, ‘
route (MATH) Gibli and the Grains’ and demonstrate how to find shortest
route. Thereafter, referring to chapter ‘Bahadur Bitto’
of Hindi, the facilitator will tell students to imagine that
‘Bitto’ from Hindi Chapter ‘Bahadur Bitto’ has to go to a
temple as a custom in her family. There are three possible
ways to reach the temple and students will find the shortest
route by measuring the distance in centimeter using ruler.
The following image will be printed on paper and will be
distributed to all students in the class.
Route A ________cm
Route B _________cm
Route C __________cm
Shortest Route : Route ______
Chunk Reading 6 • The facilitator will read and explain the lesson ‘My
(English) Brother’ from the textbook and learners will be asked to
work in groups to recreate the text.
Word Chain 7 • The facilitator will accumulate all keywords in the chapter
(ENGLISH) through students’ responses and write them on the board.
Then the facilitator will introduce Word Chain game
wherein students will be divided into groups and will
be given one keyword each. Students in each group will
frame a sentence using the keyword given to them. The
facilitator will assign time limit for this activity and each
child in the group will represent one word of the sentence
formed by the group. Students can be asked to make small
placards representing their word. Once the time limit will
lapse, the teacher will speak aloud “Lock the chain” and
quickly students carrying placard of words in group will
stand in correct order to represent their sentence and lock
their hands together. The quicker the group will stand in
correct order of words to form sentence with the given
keyword with their hands locked, the more points they
would score in the game (Anticipated Ahaa moment
….). The facilitator can set scores according to time taken
by students in forming chain of words (for example if time
Fire in the 7 • The facilitator will introduce the game Fire in the mountain
mountain(EVMS) – the learners will form a circle and one child will stand
in- between, they will all move in circle shouting fire in
the mountain run run run. The child in the centre will call
any number like 3, 4, 6 the learners will form group as per
the numbers. The learners who will be left have to move
out from the game. The game will be repeated till only few
children are left in the circle.
After the game facilitator will ask the learners few
questions like-
How did you feel when you join a group of required
How did you feel if you could not join any group?
Do you like to be with people?
The facilitator, on the basis of students’ responses will
build the understanding that just like there can be many
types of groups, there can be different types of families
like Nuclear family, Joint family
• Small family / Nuclear family
A family consisting of a pair of adults and their children is
called small family or nuclear family.
• Big family / Joint family / Extended family / Un-divided
Joint family or big family is large in size consisting of
members of 3 or more generations such as grandparents,
parents, siblings, uncles, aunts and cousins living together
in one home.
Question hour 8 • The facilitator will divide students into groups and then
(English) ask them to discuss question answers of the chapter. Each
group will be given one question and once all have framed
their answer, the facilitator will discuss them in the class
and thereafter students will note them in their note book.
Create and 8 • The facilitator will divide the class into groups of five,
Communicate(EVMS) assigning one family story (given on pages no 140 to 143)
to each group and time to read the story. After reading the
story, each group will draw a family tree of the family of
their story on the floor of the classroom (using chalk/sketch
pen) and stand according to the family tree position. Each
student of the group will represent one family member of
the story and stand in that position in the family tree. Once
Think pair and share 2 • Students in pairs would think about the topic ‘My vacation
(HINDI) at my grandparent’s home’ and then share their reflection
with their peers. To make the activity successful facilitator
should allot time duration for thinking and reflection and
then for discussion among peers.
Pause and ponder 3 • The facilitator will ask nick names of all students and then
ask them to discuss with their seat partner about ways in
which they are like their family members. Students would
then read the story ‘Anwari’s Family’ given on Page 27
and answer the questions that follow (on Page 28).
• Students would also ponder over questions given under
‘Think and Write’ given on page 28 and discuss them
with their peers.
My Inspiring Corner 4 • Referring to page 28 of the textbook, the facilitator will ask
(EVMS) students what they have learnt from their family members
and from whom? The facilitator will label four corners of
the classrooms with family titles like ‘father/grandfather’,
‘mother/grandmother’, ‘brother’, ‘sister’. When the
facilitator will signal the activity, all students will move
towards corner representing family member who has
inspired them and from whom they have learnt some virtues
and skills. The teacher will set time for allowing students
to move to their respective corners. When all students
will move to their inspiring corners, they will discuss the
anecdote (incidents) when they learnt some skill or virtue
from their family member among groups of their inspiring
corners. Each inspiring corner group will make a web chart
listing learning from that family member. Once all groups
have created their web charts (within the stipulated time),
the facilitator will display them on the board and read aloud
what all learnings students would have acquired from
their family members. (students sharing their anecdotal
stories with their group members can turn out to be an
ahaa moment in their learning)
Make meaning from 4 • The facilitator will divide the class in groups for each
the muddle(ENLISH) question given on page 84 and 85 of the textbook. Each
group will be asked to find answers to each question
(so for seven questions seven groups can be made). The
facilitator will set the time limit for completing the task
and after the time limit has lapsed, the teacher will ask
each group to share their answers. The facilitator will keep
writing answers on the board as shared by each group and
will check them through discussion with students at the
end. In this manner, answers of all the questions will be
derived from students through facilitator support while
encouraging group learning.
Helping Hand 4 • The facilitator will ask students to express their reflection
(ENGLISH) on how they help their family members at home, then they
will share their reflection with the whole class.
Measure with Meter 4 • The facilitator will bring a meter rod in the class and a
(MATH) day before the lesson, ask students to bring a small rope
or ribbon. The facilitator will divide students in groups
of four and will make meter ropes (as explained on page
53 of the textbook) for all groups. Groups will then be
instructed to complete exercises given on page 54 and 55
of the textbook using meter ropes. Page 56 will be given as
independent practice for home.
Near and Far (Math) 6 • The students will read ‘Trip to Agra’ based on it, they
will be given a map to analyse which places are nearer or
farther from main railway station after studying the map
carefully Pg. 57. They will also attempt exercise given on
page no.58.
Group and Gossip 6 • Students will be divided in groups and they will gossip
(EVMS) about the funny incident as shared by their grandparents.
They will then be asked to write their feelings on incidents
shared by their peers in one or two sentences on an A4 size
sheet that will be shared per group. These reflections will
then be collated from all groups and summarized by the
Crack if you catch the 6 • The facilitator will pass the ball on which questions will be
ball (HINDI) pasted in the form of slips pasted across the circumference
of the ball. Both open and closed ended questions can be
covered in this activity. The slips will be colour coded and
the facilitator will throw the ball towards students (the ball
to be used in this activity should be very light in weight
and not too big). The student catching the ball will read
the question as per the colour code given by the facilitator.
Once the student will answer the question pasted on the
ball, the ball will be sent back to the facilitator and will
then be thrown at some other student.
(a variation of this activity could be sequential passing
of the ball from one student to another to check their
understanding about the lesson)
Brainstorming 7 • The facilitator will ask students to take out their pencil
(MATH) box, lunch box, water bottles and any book and keep them
on their table. The facilitator will then ask students to take
pencil box in one hand and a book in another and check
which one is heavier. Similarly, they will be asked to take
their water bottle (filled with water) in one hand and their
Share your story 8 • The facilitator will ask students to share any story their
(HINDI) family members had shared with them in which they
battled any situation with courage and determination. The
facilitator will ask students to write about that incident
in their words on A4 size sheet. Once all students will
complete the activity, the facilitator will pin up all their
work on display around the classroom and will ask students
to take a round of the classroom and read stories shared by
their peers.
Picture Writing 10 • The facilitator will read pages 103,104 and 105 of Chapter
16 ‘Games people play’ of Looking Around textbook. The
students will complete exercises given on pages 106 and
• 108 and 109 will be given as home assignment
Fun with Family 10 • The facilitator will ask students one by one what fun they
have with their family during free time. Students will be
guided to speak about games that they play with their
family members. The discussion will then be steered about
activities enjoyed by family members. The facilitator
will first share about own family members and interests
pursued by them and then will ask students to write about
them as given on page 110 of Looking Around textbook.
EVMS • Table on describing family, page 28, web chart , page 29,
question answers on page no 141, 142 and 143
Summative Assessment
Mapping of skills/competencies/attitudes:
Learning Engagements for Active Learning: Dictogloss , Concentric circles, Reciprocal reading,
Role play, Graffiti Board, Think-Pair-Share, audio-
video ,PPT.
Graffiti wall 1 • Students will paste /draw or write about what does the term
(Integrated EVMS) ‘culture’mean to them. Learners will create a collage or GO’s on ¼
sheet and paste it on the graffiti wall.
Move the Circle 1 • Facilitator will bring a big hoopla to class. With the help of big
(Integrated Math) wool/thread she will help learners to measure the circumference
of it.Then, she will divide the circumference in various ratios like
3 equal parts .Further the facilitator will give the concept of pie
chart/ chappati chart to the learners.
Integrated English 2 • The learners will recite the poem ‘Hiawatha’ with appropriate
intonation and expression.
• They will understand the idea conveyed by the poem.
• They would communicate the central idea by writing it down or
with pictorial illustration
Integrated Hindi 2 • Class will be divided into groups according to states like mRrj izns'k]
xqtjkr] iatkc] caxky jkT; ds uke ls cPpksa dks lewg esas ck¡Vdj mudh Hkk’kk
esa lfCt;ksa ds uke ls voxr djkuk tSls & vkyw dks cVkVk ]I;kt dks dk¡nkA
Anticipated aahaa moment – Students will be surprised to
know about the different names of the same vegetables .
• Students will enjoy presenting the group wise stalls of different
state- food along with dressed in the attire of that particular state
and learning some common slogans or phrases in that state’s
language-which would create fun and frolic in the surroundings,
and will also enjoy yummy delicacies of different states brought by
their friends. Ahaa! Yummy food, fun with languages- vannakam,
tame kem chho.., aja assa panjabi pakwana tayiaar kithe hana..
khamba gani sa padharo mahre rangilo rajasthan ma… asalaam
Jig Saw (Integrated 3 • Class will be divided into group of 5 students each. Each group
math) will choose any one state of India out of the selected states (based
Paired Interviews 4 • Students will discuss the answers with their partners and try to
(Integrated EVMS) explore the changes and different answers .Facilitator will discuss
with the students and help them in finding the answers.
Talk with an expert 5 • Facilitator will invite two people from the parent community. a)
(Integrated EVMS) a builder b) a grandparent. They will explain different ways in
which houses were built then and now, materials and equipment
used, need for doing so.
Integrated PSPE 5 • Students will be taken to the ground. They will play games like
Kho-Kho and Kabbadi.
• Round 1: Students will play the games without setting rules.
• Round 2: Students will set the rules before playing and discuss it
with the coach also.
Aim is the game 6 • The facilitator will show a video of the famous episode from
(Integrated English) ‘Mahabharata’-the shooting test of the Pandavas and Kauravas and
encourage them to infer the lesson learnt. This would also bring
into the discussion on ‘Arjuna Awards’ the highest award bestowed
on a sportsperson.
Dictogloss (Integrated 7 • Reading of the excerpt given in the book from the chapter -
English) Nasruddin’s Aim. A Silent Reading to shortlist key words : [skill,
defending, stung, remark]
• Focus on the meanings of these words during discussion and model
reading. This will make learners concentrate on listening and
understanding the text.
• Summarize and narrate the story in your own words while using all
the key words. [in groups of four or five]
Dictogloss (Integrated 7 • Reading of the excerpt given in the book from the chapter – MUFT
Hindi) HI MUFT. A Silent Reading to shortlist key words.
• Focus on the meanings of these words during discussion and model
reading. This will make learners concentrate on listening and
understanding the text.
• Summarize and narrate the story in your own words while using all
the key words. [in groups of four or five]
Presentation 8 • Each student will present the flash cards and speak two-three lines
(Integrated EVMS) about the festival.
Circle circle 2 • Various art forms will be discussed in the class and a video
(Integrated math) will be shown to the students on – warli , madubani etc
A data will be given to the students about various art forms
and students will create a pie chart of the data given to
Then Now
Festivals celebrated
Games played
Home task- Changing 3 • Students will attempt the exercises in the textbook.
Home task – Changing • Students will attempt the exercises in the textbook.
Home Task 7 • Students will ask their parents about any one festival that they
celebrate on the given pointers.
Name of the festival.
Why do we celebrate?
Costumes we wear.
What special dishes are prepared and why?
• Students will prepare flash cards.
Home Task – Eating 8 • Students will attempt the exercises in the textbook.
Home Task ( Food and 9 • Facilitator will ask the learners to prepare any one dish being
Fun) prepared on the festivals for the class party next day.
Teacher Inventions 9 • Students will prepare a PPT on any two festivals and
give a detailed explanation about it. The learners will be
encouraged to form their own groups with classmates
having common mother tongue.
• They would be given some preparation time to prepare a
skit /song/dance with mother tongue being their means of
• The facilitator will let the learners infer mother tongue is
the first language learnt.
Day 12,13,14 Students will present a cultural program. Each student can choose to represent a particular
state. Facilitator will group the students according to the choices made by them. They
will prepare a theatrical presentation to represent the chosen state.
Also, a food fare will be organized where they can present the cuisine of the chosen
Picture priorities 1
(Integrated EVMS)
Pose, pause, Bounce 1 • Facilitator will discuss with the students ‘’Eat green to
(Integrated English) keep green.’’ If we eat green -fruits and vegetables then
their peels, which are actually a waste can be used further
as they are biodegradable .Whereas if we eat junk like
chips their waste (wrappers) will create harmful effects as
they are non-biodegradable.
Simulations 2 • Facilitator will discuss that apart from taking balanced diet,
(Integrated math) regular exercise is very important for our body. Facilitator
will take the students for yoga session as it enhances our
flexibility, strength, coordination.
Health Care 4 • The students are now aware that health and hygiene go
(integrated Math) hand in hand .Facilitator will discuss that though we try our
level best to keep our body healthy and fit but still at times
we fall sick and need to be hospitalized . As the expenses
of hospitals are too high so people these days prefer to take
Mediclaim policies which help them financially. S/he will
also talk about the benefits of taking policy followed by a
research assignment.
• Learners will be asked to do a survey that-
“How many of your neighbors have taken the Mediclaim
policy?”(Learners will go and talk to 10 of their neighbors
and collect data).
Taste for Tongue- 5 • The students are aware of the four basic tastes.
Integrated EVMS • They will open their fruit box/lunch box and write down
the food item and the corresponding taste against it.
Through ICT 2 • Facilitator will show a video related to sanitation and cleanliness.
• Followed by a discussion on –
Remembering those days. An incident from Mahatma
Gandhiji’s life (from NCERT chapter – Who will do this
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan or Swachh Bharat Mission-a
nation-wide campaign in India for the period 2014 to 2019
that aims to clean up the streets, roads and infrastructure
of India's cities, towns, and rural areas.
Fan and Pick 3 • Facilitator will write few questions on the fan cards which will
be picked by the students one by one and will be subsequently
answered by the other students -
Diseases caused due to dirty surroundings.
Diseases caused by mosquitoes –
Malaria – its diagnosis, symptoms,treatment and preventions.
(Chapter from NCERT book- A Treat for Mosquitoes).
Picture Study 3 • Facilitator will show a picture of street food market. Learners in
group of 4 will discuss and write their observations. Facilitator
will discuss about-
Diseases caused due to housefly
(Chapter from NCERT book- A Treat for Mosquitoes)
Preventions of diseases caused due to contaminated food and
Vocab Spin Wheel 4 • The facilitator will divide the class into groups of four each.
The learners will be provided with the new vocabulary words
from the text ‘Wonderful Waste’. They will design a spin wheel
relating to the vocabulary words taken from the text. They will
refer to the example given below. The word should be used to
reflect the theme ‘Health and Hygiene’.
Example: Serve
Meaning to give food or drink to someone during a meal.
Synonym- Dish up
Sentence- The meal was served to the guest.
Reference to the story- The cook served the new dish prepared
from the vegetable bits to the guest in the kingdom which is
now a traditional dish Avial in Kerala.
Enactment by the learners
Pocket a letter 4 • The learners will write a letter to their cousin/friend encouraging
(Integrated Hindi) him/her to initiate a ‘best out of waste’ project in his/her school/
locality. The learners would also mention how they created
artifacts from waste material and contributed to “Swachh
Bharat Abhiyaan”, reducing the waste in the surroundings and
promoting ‘health and well being’ of the fellow citizens.
• Ahaa! Moment. as the learner will mention that he/she has
collected all plastic bottles from the flats in the society and
used them to create an artifact for the exhibition.
• The facilitator will show a video on the launch of ‘swachh
bharat abhiyan by our honorable prime minister.
Link : https://youtu.be/2qDMK0woMNU
Bar Graph (Integrated 5 • Based on the data collected by the students on the health
math) policies, facilitator will divide the class in groups of 5. The
groups will include learners from different locality .Learners
will share their gathered data and make a bar graph/ line graph
and try to infer about the locality where people are more aware
of mediclaim policies.
Taste buds 6 • Facilitator will distribute a large printout of tongue with all
taste areas marked. The students in their table group will write
the food item they have brought against the specific taste area.
• The learners will write one-lines on which taste bud is used the
most by all the table groups.
Integrated Math 7 • Facilitator will show a video to the students about the
area of few sports activity (https://www.youtube.com/
• Then she will ask to learners to find the standard area required
for any 4 sports.
Good food, Good 8 • Video on food pyramid will be shown in the class.
health (ICT) https://youtu.be/0KbA8pFW3tg
• The facilitator will explain the importance of good and healthy
food and the consequences of not taking healthy diet. (NCERT
chapter – From tasting to digesting)
• Probing question-
“There are many people in our country who do not get proper
food. What are the reasons for this?
• Think Pair Share
Learners in pair will think and discuss the reasons why some
people do not get proper food. They will take turns to share
their views.
Graphic organizer 2 • Learners will make a web chart on the ways of preventing the
diseases caused due to mosquito bite.
Teacher Interventions • Facilitator will provide a blank wheel divided into four sections.
Ask the learners to write 4 things in each section.
• I know the factors that contribute to healthy living.
• Factors I feel can also be added to the list.
• Things I found difficult to understand.
• Resources I could use to know more about the topic.
• Learners will complete this wheel and give to facilitator.
Facilitator will then try to help them to explain the topics which
they found difficult or they want to add on.
• The facilitator will provide prompts and clues for making the
assignments student friendly
• Facilitator will observe and provide remedial and extra classes
to help those who may find it difficult to understand any part of
the chapter
Extending the Lesson Further • Creating healthy plate : Learners will prepare a healthy plate or
diet chart for themselves and their family members on an n A4
sheet. They can either draw/paste pictures or can simply write
the name of the food items that should be included in the plate
or diet chart. Each learner will paste their chart on the class
board. A class discussion will be held thereafter.
Summative Assessment
Learners will design a health magazine based on research conducted on at least three different
individuals of different age group and work nature.
* Questionnaire for interviewing the individuals based on their eating habits , diseases they have
suffered in the recent past because of their eating habits
* Categorization of their diseases/ ailment if any under communicable / Non- communicable category
* Vaccination program they have undergone with evidence of the same
*A venn-diagram/ compare contrast chart to compare eating habits of any two individual. Learner can
take into account two individuals with healthy/unhealthy diet and lifestyle.
* Planning a program for the individuals with unhealthy habits to streamline their meals.
( program might include guest lecture by dietician / nutritionist on importance of health meal, its
effect on digestive system and other organs and future possible serious ailments they might suffer
* The health magazine should conclude with an article on-
“ Healthy mind lives in a healthy body”
Mapping of skills/competencies/attitudes:
Competencies: Skills:
Critical Thinking Life Skills:
Communication Thinking skills
Collaboration Self-awareness, problem solving. Decision making
Creativity Critical thinking Creative thinking
Social skills
Interpersonal relationships
Effective communication
Emotional skills
Managing feelings/emotions
Dealing with stress
Core Values : Social Responsibility and Accountability
towards the natural resources, EnvironmentalAwareness and
Appreciation, Problem - Solving Approach towards energy
conservation, Taking Leadership Initiatives, Respecting each
other, Cooperative Group tasks, Citizenship, Character
Learning objectives:
By the end of the topic, the learners will be able to:
By the end of the topic, the learners will be able to:
Sensitize the people and encourage energy conservation.
Drawing and interpretation of bar graph and pictograph.
Need and use of solar energy.
Hindi 2 • Dictoglass
• Nk=ksa dks pkj&pkj ds lewg esa foHkkftr fd;k tk,xkA v/;kid ikB ds
egRoiw.kZ va”kksa dks izkFkfedrk ds vk/kkj ij iBu djsaxsa vkSj Nk= bl nkSjku
egRoiw.kZ “kCnksa vkSj okD;ka”kks dks fy[ksaxsA
• rRi”pkr v/;kid funsZ”k nsaxs fd&
• lewg A ikB dk ,d Hkkx crk,xk ftls lewg B }kjk vkxs tkjh j[kk tk,xkA
• xqqi C d{kk ds fy, dqN egRoiw.kZ ç'u j[ksaxs k
• vkSj xzqi D la{ksi essa çLrqr djsxsA
• f'k{kd x| dks l{aksi essa crkus ds fy, d{kk essa ç'uksrjh ysaxsA
• lHkh lewg bl xfrfof/k ds ek/;e ls “kCndks”k Kku esa of`n~/k ds lkFk&lkFk
lw;Z] isM+ &+ ikS/ks o izd`fr dk vkuan ysaxsA ;g fØ;k Nk=ksa ds fy, (Ahaa
Moment) gksxhA lewg esa cSBs fo|kFkhZ fu/kkZfjr va”k dk ikBu djsaxsaA
• fu/kkZfjr vuqPNsn ij ppkZ djsxasA
• la{ksi esa ikB dk lkj crk;k tk;sxkA ikB dk iqu% Lej.k djokus ds fy,
Dictoglass dk iz;ksx djrs gq, lkSj ÅtkZ ,oa Ik;kZoj.k iznw’k.k ij fopkj
izLrqr djaxsA v/;kid Nk=ksa ds Lej.k gsrq fuEufyf[kr fcanqvksa ij izdk”k
• lkSj ÅtkZ ds lkekU; thou esa mi;ksx ij ppkZ dh tk,xhA
• lkSj ÅtkZ ds vU; L=ksr ds laca/k ij ppkZ dh tk,xhA
• Nk= lkSj ÅtkZ ds egÙo dks le>rs gq, mlds izfr ldkjkRed lksp dks
fodflr djsaxsA
• Nk=ksa us mRlkgiw.kZ <ax ls xfrfof/k dks iw.kZ fd;kA
The students will depict their understanding of various land forms by showing a role play on all the three
land forms.
The role play will include the renewable resources present on these land forms and how they are useful
to us.
• collection and representation of data using tally marks
• drawing and interpretation of pictograph
• drawing and interpretation of bar graph
Learners will discuss and attempt the questions asked in the textbook based on theirunderstanding.
The children will attempt the exercises given at the back of the chapter.
• Physics
The facilitator will now divide the students in a group of 4 to make
a poster on the given topic “Why do we need to conserve energy?”
The students will collaboratively work, realize the need of energy
conservation and creatively design the poster leading to the AHAA
moment! .
The learners will therefore realize that energy needs to be conserved
to preserve the resources for longer use and “the change needs to start
with their own lifestyle choices. “The learners will be asked to make
changes in their energy use and encourage others to do the same for
future benefits.
5.6.4 Summative Assessment (How will the facilitator check that learning objectives have been
Topic : Topic:
• Science: Ch18- wastewater story
Ch 5 – Acid, Bases and Salt
• SST : Geography: Ch :5 Water
• Civics: Ch 2, Role of Government in health
• Maths : Ch 11- Perimeter and Area
• Hindi: Chapter 19, vkJe dk vuqekfur O;;
Mapping of skills/competencies/attitudes:
Learning Engagements for Active Learning: • Nature walk, chart, live objects in the classroom,
Visual artwork, Simulations, Brainstorming,
Bundling, Graffiti Board, Cover puzzles
Learning objectives:
By the end of the topic, the learners will be able to:
• identify how different pollutants pollute land, enter the various sources of water and the role human
activities play in increasing pollution
• describe the various stages of treating wastewater
Science 1 • Simulation/Brainstorming
An initiation through the video (without the sound) will help
the learners identify the various kinds of waste thrown into the
environment through various human activities.
Alternatively, the students can be taken near a water body/dump
yard and asked to check the kinds of waste they can see around
They are grouped (4-5) and asked to note down some waste products
that can cause severe damage to the environment/ some that can be
reused/ biodegradable.
Maths 1 • Classification
The facilitator will show a variety of objects (after the students
have discussed) in the classroom and handover a few slips to the
students and ask them to classify it under the heads of perimeter
and area. (This will help the students in case they are not able to
identify some real-life examples).
Hindi • Mind-mapping
The students are aware of ‘Swacch Bharat Abhiyan’. The facilitator
gives a few points about the disciplined life of Gandhiji and his
thought on cleanliness. The students are asked to sit in groups of
six and think ways of minimizing use of resources at individual
This will be discussed in the class in groups.
The facilitator may follow it up by a passage or dialogue writing.
This is a prelude to the lesson, ‘vkJe dk vuqekfur O;;’. (reducing
waste and using resources carefully)
Math 3 • Hands-on
• The facilitator will ask the students to bring bread/cut-out (similar
to a parallelogram. It will be cut into two triangles and the area
measured by taking the formulae ½ *base* altitude. Then it will be
multiplied by two and area of the parallelogram worked out. They
will check for accuracy.
• They will also check the same considering the bread as a rectangle
and check the difference
• (Anticipated AHAA moment: The students will find that the
measure of the parallelogram can be found by combining the
areas of two triangles. They will also come to know that if the
area of parallelogram and that of a rectangle will be similar or
Geography 5 • KWL
• The facilitator asks the students to collect a few things like sand,
pebbles, an old transparent box, few objects that can used as huts
and recreate how a Tsunami occurs.
• From this, she will ask the children,
a. What do you observe?
b. What do you know?
c. What did you learn from the experiment?
d. What more would you like to know?
Facilitator will discuss the terms like neutralization, acid, base, indicator etc. after practical. Facilitator
will assure that each group gives one correct definition after discussion by guiding them.
4. DRTA exercises
5. Mobiles
6. Scripts for nukkad-natak
7. Questionnaires formed for skype session or visit to the waste treatment plant
Formatives/Unit test • Research work can be taken as a formative assessment by the facilitator.
• Script writing for the role-plays to sensitize people around can form a
way of assessing student’s learning.
• Contribution of waste management at school level can form a part of
formatives for continuous and comprehensive evaluation.
• Unit tests: Subject wise (25 marks) to check conceptual understanding.
Extending the Lesson • Students will involve themselves in Conserve water campaign in which
Further all the groups will work in tandem and execute various measures in daily
life to conserve water/ recycling waste.
• Own a small water body and take onus of its maintenance through
• The students of Grade 7 can start a ‘Saptahik-patrika’ at the school level
with contribution from various class levels to promote judicious use of
recyclable products. Actual pictures of students to appreciate efforts form
a part of the weekly/monthly in-house journal.
Summative Assessment
Mapping of skills/competencies/attitudes:
Learning objectives:
By the end of the topic, the learners will be able to:
• Recognize the factors which have brought the changes in the society
• Analyze the transitions which lead to changes.
• Describe force, pressure and friction and its significance in life
• Infer the causes which bring change scientifically and socially both
• Examine the effect of friction on moving objects
• Analyze that friction impedes the movement
• (Brainstorming)
• Science : Force and Pressure
• The facilitator will show few pictures to the learners and will ask
• Each group then presents it to the whole class and makes notes of
• Day 2 : Learning engagement 5 – (Blindfolded in pair - touch and
• Math :Visualizing solid shapes
• Two children will be made blindfolded. Blindfolded pair of
children will be made to touch an object from different sides (TOP,
SIDE,BACK, BOTTOM) but not as a whole and will be asked to
guess the shape of those sides as square,rectangle, circle etc.) .
Further they will be asked to guess the object. They might guess it
same or different depending on their perception.
• The facilitator can use the objects available in the class or she can
arrange it from elsewhere also.
• It will be an anticipated AHAA moment for the children as they
will feel great if both the children guess it correct and they all will
enjoy it also.
• A discussion followed by this activity will make them understand
that when they touched the object, it appeared to be 2D but actually
it was a 3D object.
• Discussion on 2D &3D shapes.
Hindi 3 • Dictogloss
• Hindi : Chapter 2 - yk[k dh pwfM+;k¡
An open ended question will be asked from the students. Children will be asked to think about it from all
possible perspectives.
What do you mean by Change? Why does it occur?
Every student will write the answer on an A4 sheet and put the answer on the class boards
Science 4 • Dictogloss/discussion)
• Force and Pressure
• Reading and explanation of the chapter contd.
• The facilitator will make children perform simple experiments with the
help of balloons and water, so that they deduce the facts about pressure.
• Facilitator will ask few probing questions also so that learners deduce the
facts of pressure.
• Why water balloons hurt more when thrown from a greater height?
• Why water guns have small holes and not big?
Hindi 5 • Dictogloss
• Hindi : fpfV~B;ksa dh vuwBh dgkuh
• The class will be divided into groups of 4-5 students each. Dictogloss
will be followed by the group wise presentation the next day.
6 9
• After the discussion the facilitator will make them sit collaboratively
(heterogeneous groups) and ask them to mention atleast 5 such situations
where they observe the difference in the impact as force and pressure are
applied. Students will be given a choice to do it in the form of drawing,
text, performing art/role play. They will also show it in a tabular form.
Science 6 • (Brainstorming)
• Science :Friction
Why is heat produced when we rub our hands?
Have you ever thought that why vehicle slows down when brakes are
Why is it difficult to walk on a smooth and wet floor?
Why do we fall when we step on a banana peel?
What causes wear and tear of tyres of moving vehicles?
Why are wheels used to move heavy luggage easily?
• The facilitators will form groups and asked children to brainstorm on
the above probing questions. Followed by the brainstorming session
the facilitator will ask each group to share their findings with the other
Math 6 • Brainstorming)
• Math : Visualizing Solid Shapes
• Related exercises in the lab.
• Through discussion the facilitator will also emphasize that what we see
is depends on our perception also. E.g.when it rains, some of us feel very
happy while few of us feel as if the sky is sad and crying today.
• The facilitator will throw a question: Playing mobile games is ok for us
as children but our parents do not like it. Why?
History 6 • Dictogloss
• The Making of the National Movement: 1870s--1947
• Dictogloss will be followed by a discussion. The discussion will make
the children understand the need and progression towards nationalism.
They will be asked to show it on a timeline/flowchart collaboratively.
E.g. Triple Talaq, Article 370 were the changes wanted by our society
since long but they are implemented now. Why?
• With the help of these probing questions, the facilitator will derive the
need of law and justice associated with a change.
Hindi 7 • Dictogloss
• Hindi : tgk¡ ifg;k gS
• ikB ds }kjk cnyko ds ldkjkRed vko';drk ds izfr tkx#d djk;k tk,xkA
• The learners will discuss and write an article on an A4 sheet and put it on
the board of the class.
• The facilitator will encourage the learners to cite such example which
they experienced in the society.
• The learners are asked to observe the pictures given above carefully as a
group (collaboratively)
• (To bring a change in the position of an object, we apply force as we
intend to change its position. To change the position correct amount of
force is required. Putting pressure at appropriately to perform a certain
task as per our requirement is another dimension to it. Friction plays a
major role in bringing a change or in completion of a task. Friction needs
to be reduced/overcome to perform a task.
• Based on the above clues and the pictures the learners will reflect upon.
It will be an integration of scientific approach of force, friction, pressure
and social reforms and changes. . The presentation can be in the form of a
role play/ visual art/ video making/ppt/song/poem/article writing/mime/
performing art.
• The facilitators will facilitate the process so as to bring the best out of
their learners.
• The parents will be invited for the show where children will display /
perform their work. It will be in the form of a gallery walk and the show
in the auditorium. Parents will be asked to write their feedback after the
show which is going to be motivating and encouraging for the students.
Extending the Lesson Further • Think of a change which you want to bring in the society.
Discuss the phases of its implementation. How will you legalise
• https://bit.ly/2mdCc0s
Summative Assessment
The Board, vide Circular No. Acad-34/2020 dated 14th May, 2020, has urged the school heads to ensure
implementation of Competency Based Education by creating such learning environments that enable
students to engage in meaningful learning processes. As mentioned in the said circular, Competency
based teaching and learning can be pursued through various methods which are experiential in nature
to make learning joyful. But the closure of the schools due to COVID-19 Pandemic and lack of face
to face interaction may pose challenges in adopting varied methods of teaching to achieve the desired
level of learning. Therefore, in the context of the present situation and for the long-term development
of capabilities and competencies in the learner, such experiential methods need to be adopted which can
be easily implemented and focus their efforts on learning and its outcomes. This also means utilizing
resources that are around the students when they are at their homes. Kitchen is one such resource.
6.1. The Kitchen is a Laboratory outside School, a Space for Learning:
Someone has rightly said, “the kitchen is a laboratory, and everything that happens there has to do with
science. It's Biology, Chemistry, Physics.Also there's History and art; Mathematics and Economics too”.5
This all seems true when we see the components of our kitchens; when we see the spices we taste, the
weighing scales we use, the flame of the gas stove that burns in different colours, the firewood we use in
the traditional Kitchens, the different types of fuels we use in the Kitchen all will prove that the Kitchen
is a Laboratory both the letter and spirit.
The biggest and unseen challenge of COVID 19 has given an opportunity to find innovative solutions for
learning. The lockdown has redefined the roles of parents and schools. These times have re-discovered
and re-established the roles of homes as learning spaces. And even more importantly, it has re-ignited the
focus on learning becoming a habit, a lifestyle that is integrated into every aspect of our daily lives, and
not just something that can be done only at a school.
These lockdown times have given an opportunity of using Kitchen as an interesting space to learn while
staying indoors; of utilizing kitchen as a readymade laboratory to learn a plethora of subjects and concepts.
Kitchen can be used for the empowerment and wellbeing of individuals and families; for promoting the
values of caring, sharing, accepting responsibility, communication, reflection budgeting and planning.
It can help learners to envision and uncover those unrealized possibilities and potentials in the familiar
domain of their own homes.
We shall highlight using kitchen as a learning space, a laboratory in today’s time, when the school
laboratories are closed. In fact, Kitchen is that space of our home where we gather our energy for the entire
day, through the food prepared; where we learn the most important life skills for survival, i.e. cooking;
where we also learn Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Technology through classification, organization,
quantities, proportions, thermal conductivity, chemical reactions, audits, optimization, hygiene, timing,
nutrition, and many more; where we learn about interdependence, collaboration and joy of working with
other individuals.
Critical Thinking, Creativity • Mixing and matching different ingredients; learning and applying
& Innovation, Collaboration, the sciences behind kitchen processes.
Communication • Creating new items; working together with parents/ siblings or
even alone under the guidance of someone.
Social and Cross- Cultural • Learning about cuisines of various states and countries.
Problem Solving • Creation of new recipes according to the financial condition and
family preferences.
Recently, the Twitter has been quite amused by the ‘dal’ glossary prepared by a mother for her son during
the lockdown; indeed an innovative use of kitchen for languages.
This particular example has actually made us realize once again that it all depends upon the perspective;
perspective brings about the change, positive or negative. The mother in this particular case has made use
of real-life readily available resources, a resource that is found in every house: the kitchen.
Kitchen can actually be used in learning multiple subjects. Take a look at the following suggestive list of
scholastic and co-scholastic areas that you can learn through your kitchens:
7. https://www.academia.edu/31635366/Cooking_as_Pedagogy_Engaging_the_Senses_through_Experiential_Learning
accessed on 28 July 2020
8 https://www.academia.edu/10956304/The_Future_of_Food_Studies_2015_?email_work_card=thumbnail accessed on
9th August 2020
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5. You can also ask your difficulties here.
For teachers, Artham resource materials include lesson plans, instructional guides,
assessment tools, professional development materials, and teaching aids. These
materials are well researched and created according to 2023-24 NEP and NCERT
For students, resource materials can include textbooks, study guides, homework
assignments, reference books, online learning platforms, and educational videos. These
materials can be obtained from school libraries, educational publishers, online
resources, and teachers.
Both teachers and students can also benefit from Artham educational resources which
are free and openly licensed educational materials that can be used and shared for
teaching and learning. Artham resource material include textbooks, courses, lesson
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every resource.