The Use of Design Thinking

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l%TheUseof fli



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". global companies that
rvn. Possibly, this is due to the high success of big and

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The Or
Basically, d.esign thinking is a constant process of trying to find innovative
solutions to problems through deep understanding and empathy of the target Int
user. It seeks to develop complete understanding of the people involved in the collectiv
problem through solution-based approach and not those common problem-solving and indr
methods. besign thinking offers a means of digging that bit deeper to disclose ways Artificial
of improving user experiences. thinking
Usually, design thinking involves the process of questioning. Simply, said
process involves enquiring about the problem, enquiring on the assumptions, Desi
ind enquiring on what the implications would be. Ideas are usually formed by and inno
brainstorming sessions in order to re-structure the problem in human-centric ways. thinking
Simon ot
Solving problems requires performing the appropriate type of research, forming
seven ma
prototypes and testing the products and/or services to discover new aPProaches in that came
satisfying users'needs. This thinking also involves experimentation and trying out
concepts and ideas. Anol
Airbnb made use of design thinking from the human insights that people The desi6
wanted to share and leverage their assets, hence the birth of "shared economy". SUCCCSS O.
Apple did design thinking and made the phone a remote control of everyone's lives. {irbnb. T
Due to the fact that design thinking is problem-solving oriented, it becomes striking
outside t
not only for corporations but also to entrepreneurs, who want to run customer- :nd is pro
oriented businesses and provide the best products to their clients'
-lesign thi
Here are some of the principles about design thinking to wit:
The Der
1.. Human-centricity and Empathy - This is about providing solutions to problems
that focuses on human needs and user response. In reality, the drivers of The H
innovations are people and,not merely technology. Hence, the process should ;esign thir
really contain a step that considers the shoes of users and relate to them with 1an seque
genuine empathy.
2. Collaboration -The purpose of design thinking is to form a pond of perspectives
and ideas. These ideas shall be used in innovation. Design thinking works well
with diverse composition of teams who would cooPerate with each other.
J. ldeation - Ideation is a core design thinking principle at the same time a step in
the design thinking pfocess. The focus of design thinking is to come up with
as many ideas and potential solutions as possible. As a step, participants are
encouraged to produce many ideas without first considering the quality.
4. Experimentation and lteration - Ideas are turned into prototypes. Said prototypes
are tested and feedback from users are taken. Design thinking is a continuous
and repetitive process to discover mistakes and defects of the initial versions
until getting the preferred form of the proposed solution.
5. Abias towards Action -Designthinking is an applied and practical solution-based
method that is more focus on action rather than on discussion. This method
favors a face-to-face engagement through "going out in the field". Instead of
discussing on the possible solutions, these solutions are turned into concrete - cn/Copyright

prototypes and tested out in the real world. Source:hfl

The Use of
:: :'
Design Thinking
The Origins of Design Thinking
target In the 50s and 60s onwards, design-thinking emerged because of the issues of
in the collective problem solving of signifiJnt societa"l chan[es by engineers, architects
;olving and industrial designers at that time. In his 1969 book "T]re Sciences of the
e ways "r'ttiU"athinking
Artihcial", Herbert A. simon first mentioned about design as a way of
thinking. A cognitive scientist and Nobel Prize laureate, Sim'on since then contributed
numerous ideas in the principles of design thinking.
v, said
,ptions, Design thinking begun to combine the humary technologicaf strategic needs
ned by and innovation technology in the 1970s. Across a wide .u.,g" of industrie"s, design
c \\rays. thinking since then continues to be explored and enhanced particularly in business.
iimon outlined the first formal models of the design thinking process consisting of
i.even major stages.In_the 21st century, there are many varianis of design thinklng
rches in
hat came out with different number of stages in the pio."rs.
ing out
Another famous aeslsf thinking model was that of the five-stage design
- Lrnking model suggested by the Haiso-Plattner Institute of Design
people ,il
.re design thinking Process has become popular because it was Itrategic to the
';ccess of many prominenf international companies such as Google,
:'s lives. A"pple and
rrbnb. These otganizations have applied design thinking to remarkible effect.
striking This
r-rtside the box thinking" is now taught at distinguished universities
Lstomer- worldwide
C is promoted not only in business but to all types of organizations.
The five-stage
.sign thinking would be the model that wil bL used in t'irls book.

-he Design
Thinking Process F
rroblems ;
The Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford provides a five-step process in l-
rir-ers of l{
,s shouid 'rgn thinking' In reality, the process follows a flexible and non-linear fashloru rather
with :'. sequential steps. The process often occurs in parallel
rem and be repeated iteratively. ;
orks well
a step
: up with

pants are
I versions

is method
Lrstead of Figure 2 The Design Thinking process
r concreE 'ght holder: Teo Yu Siang and lnteraction
Design Foundation. Copyright terms and licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0/

It can be seen in Figure 2that there is always feedback coming from the earlier Ont
step. Information is taken continuously in order to have a deep knowledge of the intervier
problem and the solutions. There is an unending loop so that the designer can gain
insights constantly, produce new ways of seeing the product and its likely uses and The
understand deepty the users and their problems. that cou,
the empe
The five phases of Design Thinking, according to, are as follows: perspecti
four mair
Empathize: Research About lJsers' Needs

Using research, the first step in the design thinking process allows to obtain 1. Say
understanding of the people who experience a problem before designing a solution som
to serve them. Empathy describes the ability to put oneself in another person's shoes fron
to really see the world through people's in a given context or situation. It involves bad
observing, engage to understand their experiences and motivations and immersing
2. Win
in the physical environment of users who will be affected by the design. Since
I design thinking is a human-centered design process, it needs empathy to s.:in real
insight into users and their needs and the problems that underlie the development
{ of a particular product and/or service. During this phase, the designer seeks to set
aside their assumptions and gather genuine insights about the user. In building
empathy, designers can produce products which truly satisfy the users and make
their lives easier. 3. Do _.
be wl
Here are some key empathy-building methods to gain a deeper understanding possil
of the users'pulse: 4. Feel _

1. Empathy interuiews - The objective of the interview is to find out as much
insight as possible using an open conversation. The most effective way of an
t interview is constantly asking "why?" even if the answer has already been Define: Stat
\ given. Storytelling is encouraged here and also be attentive to nonverbal cues.
2. lmmersion and Obseraation - Users should be observed in their natural The firs
his needs ar
t. environment or immersed in a certain situation while they are in action.
Photographing or videoing could be done in observation to identify users'
in the Empa
needs, motivations, or challenges that they are not conscious of and which
in a human-
Stage. The pr
they could not express. Users could be observed here as they act naturally.
generate tanl
3. Extreme Users -'Usually the extreme users are the ones sought to re-structure
the problem and discover fresh insights. The reason is that the needs of extreme Here are
users are usually intensified that could heip solve the problem. Compared to Process:
average users, they find workarounds to existing problems.
1. Strengther
4. Ask zuhat, horu, and why in uriosity - The what, how, and why of users' behavior needs are
must always be considered. This line of questioning can lead the observation
into more abstract user motivations. The "what" question shall give details 2. Eliminate l
of what action has taken place. The "how" question considers the manner the proble
of completion of the action that happened in the "what". With the "why", 1. Searchthe c
educated guesses could be formed about the user's motivations and emotions into oppor
as he completes the action. 1. Enquiry of
about the a

The Use o'

Deslgn Thinkirg 'rking
earlier One method that can be used to record efficiently the information from the
t'if the interview is the empathy maP.
m gain The empathy map helps gather and organize the data from the interview
,eS and
that could lead to surprising insights. There would be lots of discoveries once
the empathy map has collated the unmet needs, frustrations, improvement areas,
perspe-ti.r"s, assumptions and beliefs coming from someone's head. There are
four main components of the empathy map namely:

o obtain 1.. Say - This quadrant covers what the user says loudly in an interview or
solution some other usability study. Ideally, it contains precise and direct quotes
n's shoes from research. An example is "I am loyal to jollibee because I never have a
inr-o1ves bad experience."
rr-nersing 2. Think - This quadrant captures what the user is thinking throughout the
.-r. Since experience. Here, there shoutd be special attention paid to what users
,tr',fn feal think, but may not be eager to articulate. Often, they are hesitant to share
elopment their thoughts because they are uncertain, uncomfortable, well-mannered, =fll
-ks to set or scared to tell others something. For instance, a usel's thought could be !r fll

r br-rilding expressed as "This is really frustrating'"

and make
J. Do - This quadrant encomPasses the actions the user undergoes. This could
be what the user physically does and how the user goes about doing it.
Possibiy the user "Shops around to compare prices".
erstanding qJ
4. Feel - This quadrant contains user's emotional state such as his worries,
excitement about a certain experience. This is often represented by an F

rt .1S ffil1Ch adjective such as "confused of too many contradictory prices". ,"-
3 l\'av of an
readY been Define: State Users'Needs and Problems
verbal cues' ;"
The first step towards defining a problem is to find who the user is, what is
reir natural ius needs and then develop insights from the answers. Said step has been done :i
'e it-i action' lr the Empathize Stage. Then the actionable design problem statement is defined
:ntifY users' -n a humin-centered manner to club all the answers together in the Empathize
f and which Stage.Thepurposeofthisproblemstatementistoestablishthecoreproblemsand
naturallY' tenerate tangible and actionable ideas to solve the problems.
I re-structute thinking
F{ere are some guidelines in generating the question under the design
ds of extreme
: . )CESS:
ComPared to
. Strengthen the good- In design thinking, all the positive aspects of the customers'
sers'behavior needs are intensified.
re observadon
- Eliminate the bad - With design thinking, all the bad components witnessed in
ll oive details the problem are taken out.
rs the manner - Search the opposite - Using design thinking, the problem needs to be transformed
th the "wht'', into opportunity.
. and emoti
Enquiry of the Assumptions - This step in dr.sigin thinking consists of enquiring
about the assumption at hand.
5. Pinpoint the Unanticipated Resources - Having design thinking, some other
resources not stated by the customer can be sought on how they can be controlled.
6. Form an Analogy - Design thinking also includes the manner of creating
relationships between the problem at hand and unqonnected images.
7. Breakdown the Problem into Pieces - This is where again analysis comes into
picture for a short while before the problem definition can be synthesized. The
points discussed from'empathize' section can be broken down into elementary
fragments to make the work easier.

Ideate: Challenge Assumptions and Construct Ideas

In this stage, designers are prepared to start generating ideas. The concrete
background of knowledge from the first two stages means anyone can begin to "think
outside the box". Here entrepreneurs may now look for alternate ways to view the
problem and pinpoint innovative solutions to the problem statement created.

There are numerous ideation techniques such as Brainstorm, Brainwrite,

Worst Possible Ide4 and SCAMPER. In order to encourage free thinking and
to magnify the problem space, Brainstorm and Worst Possible Idea sessions are
normally used. I

1. Brainstorm - This is a more relaxed and informal way of solving a problem
using imaginative thinking. Often times, these thoughts and ideas seem a bit
rf rr.l
$azy. These ideas are original and creative solutions to a problem. Some of
these ideas may even trigger more ideas. Brainstorming gets people released
: tina
their ideas by shaking their heads without the usual way of thinking.

2. Brainwrite - Thisis a serial process of asking participants to write down their

ideas about a specific question or problem on sheets of paper. Each participant
passes his ideas on to someone else, who reads the ideas and adds new ideas.
The process repeats that would last from 10 to 15 mi4utes. Once the sheets'are
L. collected, they are posted for discussion.

3. Worst Possible ldea - This is a technique where members of the team look for
the worst solutions in ideation periods. This is a reverse way of examining
their ideas, contest assumptions and obtain insights in discovering great
ideas. In this way it would strengthens creativity and boosts the confidence
- t-: :r,
of team members.

4. SCAMPER - The SCAMPER method is a concept that aims to look for solutions
to problems. The SCAMPER technique is more engrossed on the process of
discovering unfamiliar and innovative solutions to problems. The goal of also
is improving a product or service. Actually, SCAMPER stands for an acronym
and each letter stands for one thinking technique:
a. Substitute - A designer may look for something to replace that will result
in improvements of concept, product, service or process. Possibly, this
could be a trial and error process to test which among the alternative
works better or could be best.

The Use:r
Design Think -q

b, Combine - sometimes, the solutions are already at hand and not really :
something new. An idea might not work alone, but a combination of $
some ideas, processes or products could work best. .t
c. Adapt - often, there is already the right solution to a problem, but still
unknown yet. Sometimes, an idea could solve one or *-o.e problems.
d. Modifu - At times, exaggerating a situation or problem could offer a new
insight or added value. This could help isolate which among the part of
process or concept is vital.
e. Put to another ase - This is making the idea or concept works into a different
use compared to what is originally planned.
e f . Eliminate - In the same process like the Lean Six Sigma, this concerns

k eliminating waste due to inefficient processes. Removing ineffective

e procedures could reform them.
g. Reuerse -This is doing things that are completely against the original
purpose in order to see something from a different angle.

Prototype: Start to Form Solutions ;I
Aprototype is a low-cosf scaled-down quick working sample of entrepreneurial
ideas for new products or particular featuies found in these products. Ii ls a taster E#
rn of what will ultimately become a finished product. A prototype shows how a -fr
:it U#
product will work and look like. Though" not all prototypes will develop into 3rl
of a final product. Prototypes can be in different shapes and sizes from paper to .rfr
ed sketches all the way to completely well-designed interactive prototypes. (j

This stage is an experimental one to validate ideas and to develop reaction to

eLr iorm more and more prototypes for interaction. The purpose here ii identifying |-il
rnt the best.likely sblution for each of the problems identified from the first t-hree US
as. stages. The solutions are applied within the prototypes. One by one, they are :< ,1

are examined. After examination they are either accepted, enhanced and re-inspected, I:*
:r rejected depending on the users'. experiences. At the end'of this step, most likely rfl,
:1-re designer has a better idea of the product's limitations and problems. Here the _-e
,iesigner will also have the big picture of how the actual users shall interrelate
. ith the finished product.
ne Iere are some of the benefits about prototyping:

1. Timely feedback - Collecting feedback is an important feature of the product

on5 building process. Reviews at every step of the product development such
sot as adding new features or designing parts of the product can be collected
atso using prototyping. Feedback could reveal what works for the market or
l\.ln what could not.
Prompt changes saae time and cost - At the end, changes could be in the form of
sl& drastic restructuring, assumption and revision. Essentially, having an initial
ttb model prepared makes possible the preferred changes promptly. This way
lti'rc early changes may reach the designer's goals earlier with less or no investment
or effort at all.

3. Validation prior to deoelopment - Before getting into final development, there Process
would be several discussions in between repetitive changes using prototyping. problen
Said repetitive process ensures to build easier what in reality is needed. chance l
4. User research and user testing - It is vital to identify potential user and gather
ideas to serve them best. This could only be attained using prototyping. The Por
Actually, the crucial intention of constructing a prototype is user testing. User
testing shall reveal how the product would become functional and valued by Storie
can inspir
the final user. Ideas and insights can be gained concerning how actual users
would use the product and make improvements of the pain points. be used ir
structure i

There are numerous types to prototyping. It is always essential to choose the experience
right type to a product which suits into some constraints such as time and resource. tool in the

1. Low fidelity - This consists of paper prototypes that are used in the early Actua
stages that are constantly improved during the process. This prototyping of the rep,
makes improvements easy and fast. The focus here is the system not the outer Stories anc
appearance which makes it more open to improvements depending on the experiencer
user feedback. However, as the product becomes complex, these low fidelity bring to te
{ program/ o
I prototypes become ineffective in keeping up with these design complexities.
I 2. Medium fidelity - This prototype concerns the product that is made with
I At eacl
I practical functionalities based on storyboard and user situations. described t
3. Highfidelity-Often,theseprototypesaremistakenforthefinalproduct,because feedback ab
i be used in rr
they look closely like the would-be actual end :product. These prototypes
may provide the most convincing experience of the product having the real when using
functionalities. This is perfect for discussing the complex components of a about
lhe p.
product but expensive and time consuming. test made br

Essentially, a prototype is the foundation for what will become the minimum Usually
viable product (MVP). An MVP is a minimum viable product that was born out
1. Dt
of the lean mentality pioneered by Eric Ries from his book "The Lean Startup".
After any hypotheses have been tested using prototyping and acquired evidence
of a concept, an MVP can be created. Before promoting the MVP, review again
and again the created prototypes to address those bigg6st product assumpti6ns. 2. Plr
An MVP is also a better way to present a product to potential investors. It will give Prr
them a better impression of the product than a prototype. inI
Test: Try Solutions Out gr(
3. Sto
The complete product is tested in real life environment using the best b"E
solutions in the previous step. The results that are produced out of the test are par
normally use to redefine one or identify further problems. Designers can go ma,
back to the previous step to make repetitions, adjustments and improvements to
consider alternative solutions. Here a deeper understanding of the product and Storytelling
its users could be possible
In order
Here the stakes are high. If the final users are contented with the product, -lserinvolverr
then it will go into production. While if the end users are not huppy, then the .torytelling is
,pplied using

The Use of : -;e of

Design Thinking ::. Thinking


the {eedback and then reframe the


process is reiterated in addition to integrating

problem. Testing is the opportunity fo"r useis to
try out the prototype' It is the :!l
i.g. gather finale process data'
chance for the designer to'observe on pulpose and


ther The Power of StorYtelling

User Stories are about specific events of real people and
their respective lives. that
can inspire opportunities, ideas and solutio.ti. th"t"
dby stories offer actual details to
is the core of the
lSCIS be used in picturing solutions to certain problems. storytelling
events as a complete
structure and funct%ns of every human being to connect
it an important and effective
;*p*i;"." through time. Hence, storytelling makesand services.
ie the tool in the course of design process of both products
is the foundation
Actually storytelling is a vital instrument for feedback' Feedback
the problem'
early of the repetitive pro."J, of prototyping that m3f solving
and repositioning of
]'Ping Stories and prototypes are usually'int"r"*orr".r. Explanation
rn the
could drir'rg a host .oi possible analyses and
to test fresh solltions prior to completely committing
program, or service.
to a
policy' a
rities. *#
At each steps in the design process, the events and lessons experienced are -#
e u'ith 'storytelling offers the opportu:rity of hearing HH
described through storytelHnlg. -
or see how the product could ItJ
feedback about the product froi the consume-rs' mouth
problems that consumers face -J [']

iecause be used in real iife. in the design process, the essential

This knowledge {-}
totvPes *fr"r.r rriog a product o, u ,".irri." are known througkrstoryteiling'
lhe real about the problems are reflected in the formulation of
the solution based from the E
rts of a test made bY the consumers' F
.. ll:

Usually, every story has the following elements: :ir

immum is the concern of
lorn out 1. Domainlwat - This is the definition of the topic that
,tartup". thestory.Inthedesignprocess/itcanbetheproblemofaconsumerthat E ili

:r-tdence should be resolved'

:u- again 2. PtayersllMo - These are the people involved in a story.
In the design
mptions. ProCeSS/themainplayeristhep".,o.'uwhorepresentsthedemographic
There could be
rvill give information of the consumer #ho fu."t the experiences'
groups o. thos" employees that directly communicate
with the customers'
story namely the
3. Story flow/How - There are three main chapters for each
is problem that could be
ihe best b",g, *iaai", and end. In every storyr.there
Process' Issues
p# "f if;'" middle stage which is the target in the in the story'
re test are
may arrse that may beJound before the main event
rs can go
ements to
Storytelling in the Design Process
or-lr-rct and
must be a
In order to form a solution that is human and user-centered, there process/
user involvement in the design thinking process.
Hence, all throughoutthe
Storytelling can be
re product, storyteliing is used with a d'istinct "tug. goal for each stage'
r, then the applied using the following stePs:

- JSe of
:rlen Thinking
to be
and convergent thinking' The Storytr
,l fne Double Diamond is a process that use both the divergent relate
issue morawidelyor deeply (divergent think-
rl tr,vo OiamonO" ,"pr"r"ni , pro"*., of thinking). Divergent thinking solves problem by
.l ing) and then taking focused action (convergent reveal
por"ibt" solutions to identify the on-e'that is best' While convergent thinking
I proposing multiple solution to a problem' So here in.Double Diamond
I concentrates on finOing tfre "inite Oe.tconfine the idea' ln this model the process happens
i ideas are qenerated, then refine and to best

;;;#,;n"n in" proor"m is defined and when the solution is formed' In
and invorves tarking and ev
| , . uno"rstand _The time first diamond herps peopre define. what the probrem is
who are part of the issues' the star
I to and spending with people
in a
il :. Define -The understanding from the discovery phase can help describe the challenge of the s
.1 oitt"rent manner. designr
*The second diamond inspires people to offer multiple alswers to the
I 3 Develop
problem, trying io nnO motivation fiom eisewhere and co-designing with a variety of diverse
PeoPle providr
scilutions in a limited way' discarding
I +. Deliver - Delivery inctudes experimenting different how th
il irrose tnat are noi feasible and refining the ones that
will work.
a practi

Pr':*l*m $Flts Sai$li*n SpilcB Solutio
I Pr;
i the pro<
i be used
their ev

DoLLL 0r3.1.,r,'d L)*tl*a |rocase Happin
*l$\$silin$ to deliv
The mar
Probl+rr Sp{afls Sokrli0r *$a*4,1 camPus
very fan
-'J unseen
those in
One can
part in t
tncpirarioil realistic
to portra
pto"""t.irdopted from the Design Council and IDEO)
Problem Framing ,:rinking a1
deals with exploring :raking iru
Basically, this step comes early in the design process that
that nebds a soiution' Here storytelling
the problem [o know exactly the concern
ir-i"a to identify the prtblem using qualitativetogether with the
data from consumers'
consumers who
several session rrlr'rg rtorytelting can be scireduled
from these sessions need , the caus
possess the persona"characterist"ics. The data gathered

he use oT
. :eof
Design Thinking
:- ihinking
to be analyzed to form a comprehensive knowledge concerning the problem.
Storytelling is very vitai to empathize with consumerJwith their pioble#s
as they
relate their pain points. Here the persona empathy map could be
constructed to
reveal the feelings and experience of the consumers.

Solution Framing

In the solution.definition and prototyping stages, the designer need to test

irng and evaluate a number of pcissible iolutions tJ obtiin the best ,lol.rtio.r
urr"a or.,
the-standpoint of the user. Storytelling is used in this stage to confirm
rna the efficiency
of the solution by creating a two-wayiommunication with the consumer.
Here the
designer must know if the solution ieally works best for the consumer.
li ,1" p.rototyping 9tep, consumers after trying the solution may be able to
provide feedback to the-designer using storytelling. ihe designer is abie
iing to witness
how the consumers use of the piototype sol-ution. In tf,is way, he can create
a practical analysis of the recommended solutions to the
problem. ,-!
Solution Implementation
Practicallyspeaking in the design thinking process the consumer feedback
.the product about
or the service can be collected as bliis fo, improvement. Storytelling
can l-'
be used as an instrument to discover how the end product is used
by consume"rs in tl
fheir everyday lives' From the feedback sessions,'the information gathered could
become useful in enhancing a better version of the product in the
future. t-;
A good example of the use of storytelling happened with the Coca-Cola,s )-
Happiness Machine campaign. It featured a cocl-cota vending machine
to deliver astonishing 'doses" of happiness to unsuspiciois colege students.
converted i-
The machil" ylt placed in the center & the student caflteria at the rd
eueens, Ny,
campus of St. John's.University. The apparently typical Coke machi""lro*"if,ir-rg
very familiar to most people was in complete sighiof five intentionally
unseen cameras. The candid camera angles capture the joy and haipiness }
those in the video. The video reveared un-pretentior, ,rrpiisb and
dehgit on the
students' faces when they interacted with the Coca-coia ,Happiness"Machine.
One can also observe the generosity that arises as they gathered together
to be
part in that moments of happiness. There was really ,o*Etnmg rr"ry"hr*un
realistic about it. It was such a simple yet convincing concept. Coca Cola was
t IDEO to portray what is really important and that is "life's simple pleasures,,.
Observation and Insights

- -Collecting information about the target consumer is a vital part of the design
thinking approach. Knowing what customers think or feel is the initial step towards
xploring making innovative products and services that they want and need.
:lsumers. Once faced with a problem, the first thing to do is not to discover a soiution
lers who immediately. Instead, the mindset must be to isk a question that might
get closer
lns need to the cause of the problem or back-up an advance-".,t. There are severai research

reUse of
T1e trse ol
,:::r Thinking
uesrgn I htnhtng
the most popular of Observati
techniques to gather insights about the needs of people and
which ire observation and interview' Based
which are generative :,bservatior
In research, there are thfee types of research that can be use
research. In generatiae research' trcw
researcfu evaluative research, and validating-are
opportunities are identified and- the needs discovere.d' In eaaluatiae research' I ornae
ways in
fd"aUa.t on experiments are collected and these are applied in repetitive I

ord", to progress. The focus of both generative and evaluative researches

known as
are new
ideas and more on the future. while aalidating research also I

market research is purposely for understanding what is presently happening' l2.Ac

thinking'-Being a I s. n",
Curiosity is the core element in digging deeper into design
way they are'
keen observer is vital to be curious ot t^o*l.g why things l4.ob
way Being curious is a
why things seem not to work or why people aclthe they_do'
I s. ncr
through observation'
mindset tirathelp inbetter understand-inrof the things around
and observation I o. eu,
Observatio., *uku, a person look into the finer points. Curiosity
asiumptions to understand.what is
must wgrk hand-in-hand by inquiring about Itrin
unknown. With curiosity, empathy fo; both the people and systems in place can
relationships with
I be obtained. Curiosity ftlipt i, *uti"g connectiont uttd deepen
people to see problems from different angles'
I focus of
I g. r",
1 on the other hand, insight development is a very challenging one' The
I observation and insights is q:uite different. Observation centers
on raw data that are
excluding interpretation'
I purposely gatheredTro- #hut has been heard and seen
Source: httl

I After observation comes insight. Insight is not an idea but it.helps to..produce
resulting from
t new idea. Insight is an interpietation 6f an interesting information An imp
of human behavior :ollected du
interview and 6bservation data that offers new understanding
! a
t a pattern that .t was in 19
or attitude that could initiates opportunities. such insight reveals
I identifies the needs of those people being observed' Sroup. This
I ;ounter inte
Take for instance, the everyday task of floo1 ::amework i
t mopping. Procter & Gamble m-ade observations. of
L., p"opi" ieaning floors. From the observation, generated
It stand
irrrigl',tt such is people do not like washing floor with
nr]i\{+,:::::rri(\\i .'\usf ,iitlr!r.!
wat6r using *op u.,d water does not help in eliminating

dirt. HencE, from these insigt-rts 4 new product with rt(tivit

. the brand name Swiffer was born' The Swiffer brand {itrqrat trnt

is a waterless mop that cleans surfaces easier and

conveniently. The researchers here were able to identify
the unexpected pattern the troublesome moppin-g with
Source: water u.d u product that makes mopping easier' Frol 1
need of
different angle, coming from those meanignful insights"Siven the primary
avoiding mJssy and diity water was resolved because of Swiffer
Developing observation as a skill needs a lot of practice. The more
new insights could be
practices arl m"ade, the most likely that more meiningful
developed to create innovative solutions to problems'

I he use or ;e of
Design Thinking :- rhinking


lar of Observation Techniques t.

Based from the perspective of Spradley, here are the nine dimensions for I

rative observational purposes:

, new
;enrch/ $rMErI$loryE SESORIPtrOR
avs in
'enew 1. Space the physical lay-out of the place/s
2. Actor the range of people involved

3. Activity a set of related acts people do/or activities that happen

ieing a
e\' are/ 4, Object the physical things that are present
>us is a
5. Act single actions that PeoPle do
rvhat is
6. Event a set of related activlties that people carry out
7. Time the sequencing of events that takes place >,fi
ace can .g!
ps rvith B. Goal the things people are trying to accomplish

9. Feeling the emotions felt and exPressed l*'l

focus of
that are Table 4 Dimensions for Observation
retation. Source: https:/i1t7yvw.researchgate.neUfigure/Nine-observational-dimensions-spradley-1979-lbl1
produce P.
ng from An important and helpful tool to use for classifying and construing observations :1
>ehavior collected during rrr"r rer"ulch field studies and usability testing efforts is theA_EIOU. t-
:ern that It was in 1991. thut Ri.k Robinson and his team developed AEIOU at the Doblin
Group. This was done while making a study of the large data about the over-the-
counter interaction at McDonald's restaurants. The grouP ended up with the AEIOU
of floor ri
framework after clustering and categorizing these data' h
Llrons of
,enerated It stands for the five dimensions namely:
oor with l. Actiaity - This comprises
4r:sl liir*i*,r{hr {.ir.riir irir IlNt
minating actions and behaviors with
tuct with ,{ulir,itirx l"'rjril s rinlr l
specific goals in mind, and'
ier brand the processes executed to
rsier and accomplish them.
o identifY
ping with
:r. From a
r- need of

; could be

re Use of
:s gn Thinking
i!sn:!:\!, h
O$INF irl: 2. Enaironment - It details
iri:nrlirqrremtnt fi:nj{,{t .Es}}r r
the overall context and L
li*Bqr*l is${$$!i$!!s i' {:li}fti$,s{ii$\$ llrrLt !,i*r
characteristics of the space
l':1.. i.rr\$liir & r{ l-rhr {nri rtr where activities are being ill'

l'11 ]r\(!rs" lp*r"yF\ *s+ i!Hrii n.tsLil


Source: robofacts.files.wordpress. com/

rtiLs liBr*tsr$li
ili\:N| id: hrtrr: $hiri X!! 3. Interaction - It consists of Inte:
Ir:ttrae tinns Prr*i+tt: ,oi*lt , both interpersonal and needs, fc
{ person-artifact interactions.
T {.irs{$slir:nFrr$$l{tn$f\}l,t$r$atilrilN iir{srNti*t<r**'ritcr gatherinl
I d ",.t .,.,, .:., ,rt. ^ rr t<.r5 J.s{r Proximity and space may observati
I also play a significant role observan
I within these relationships.
,i Mos
Rlq.*rr-rq:q ii?*ix n:l +sl n$:+j*l F$iqj$ feedback.
in additi
is really tJ

Source: Intervier

are inexpe
the answe
lu&r htstut{rrnr
tirnlt$ ir:' : 4. Objecf - This sets the items will ask.I
lJriai sh**r &*:

tlhj*r:ts Pflii{qr g_Nn}r within the environment 1. Make

{+r{{ril! rr1tq,Si.$t.r'Fvsin.,,,t.a lexr*{r.&.j},r\<,nt{i1{
', and how they are used. It the cr
is essential to note both the' talk p
fundamental and minor
2. The in
uses of objects and how
people connect them to do
[ !rffest{ i;.]r,}rr q r*,f **.*, ..,*.. their activities.
,l|l!- 1$i{rii \i\'$:t{ii.}$ r$ i${ (Ntiiiii'{\il the in
3. Concei
He mi
Source.: robofacts.files.wordpress. com/ 4. Ask op
by "y,
and m

The Use of --e Use of

Design Thinking i:s gn Thinking

It details *t*lj ll**tt'tiuk' *r$R}}i*i f}alti flh{ts sit - This includes the
5. llser
rtert and Urruvs Prej{{t Nss* i
people within the
environment that are

the space llrE{rEl li$FrqsiBlB i {}{urs$t.iNiu i,lf{{t* {l ts*, ls lxultt'ti

are being ,,1\ !s ;! plsrni sir! li. rr1$triviiitiei.'i being observed. The k"Y
information comprises their
values and biases, behaviors,
needs and relationshiPs.
Lll{&t}its. l**tuirx xirli +}**sl itdt{s
: l-k[ nl idirilit]'r.d ie..F]* ilitv]! {$l i

: Source:

consists of Interviewing is an important tool to identify and emphatize with customers' :'il1
;onai and needs, form freJr ideas and find out new opportunities. This is another way of
nteractions. gathering data by the designer. This approach could be a sub-stitute.or support to
sPace may 5br"rrutior,. An expert inteiviewer should be open-minded, a skilled listener, a keen
rirrcant role observant, flexxible and exhibits patience. i-i
.atronshiPs. t
ght after purchase for
feedback. However, entrepreneurs also interview people for ideas and insights
in addition to the identifiaction of needs during the design thinking process. )-
Interviewing during this time ensures that the product and/or service being created ,n
is really the need of the customers. t-
':rterview Techniques
,nrerviews are used to get information about user experiences. Said interviews
:re inexpensive and easy to c-onductby anyoneby just asking questions and recording .I

the answers. An interviewer may prepare a script or make iist of questions that he a
r.vill ask. Here are some rerninders to have a sucCessful and informative interview:
sets the items
environment 1. Make the interoiewee relaxed - The interviewer must dress in a manner similar to
r are used. It the customerss being interviewed. He may offer some drinks and have a little
note both the' talk prior to the start of the interview.
and minor 2. The interuiew should be on time and heading in the right direction - The interviewer
cts and how should prepare some scripts as reference which can be useful to provide focus
rct them to do when uiti"g questions. With p."pured scripts it will mean less time to conduct
S. the interview.
3. Concentrate on the customer and not on documentatioin -The interviewer must always
focus on the conversation with the customers to make the discussion flowing.
He may bring with him a recorder, so that all things could be documented.
4. Ask open ended questions - The inierviewer must not ask questions answerable
by,,yes,' or,,rro)'.Open-ended questions are those which require more thought
and more than a simple one-word answer.

-e Use of
l:slgn Thinking ffi
5. Listen, refrnin from talking - The interviewer ought to be attentive to what is being likely
said by the customers. He needs to keep his questions short and impartial. Do easy tc
not fill the space during the pauses made by the customers.
6. Encourage but not influence - The interviewer should avoid saying things that Experin
may direct the customers into something. He must only show little signs of
encouragement such nodding his head or merely smiling.
"lea or hv
7 . Follow onesfeelings and drill dowiz - Sometimes there is a need to make clarifications
in order to examine something in depth. The interviewer may ask follow-up > a staterr
questions such as why and what else.
B. Repeat to cont'irm - For very significant topics, the interviewer should try In th,
reiterating back what the person said. He can occasionally get two interesting
results through this. Firstly any misinterpretation could be corrected. Secondly, :- aioritv r

any slight difference with the true opinion can be realized and changed into a .-.,tiatir,-es
more refined answer. -..1\'e\pel
-:.rion in
9. Thank the customer at the end of the prlcess - Politely, the interviewer should show
appreciation for the time and effort given by the customers. This is also the -,:lll€ 3 St
, ::;hnolc
chance for the customers to ask questions of their own.
{ T-
1,, rL
lt -tr-
Effective Interview Questions for Designers - -- D--;
i Di1>.
I A good questions provides the type, quality and quantity of informationneeded.
A designer may opt to decide to use the type of questions that he will use and how
he will formulate those questions. Here are some basic but very effective types:
,- -- E

L.Open-ended questions boost people to mirror and disclose what is essential for
them. These type of questions consent people to expand on what is comfortable
for them with-restri-tions, instead of qualifying their thoughts. Open-ended
questions can be used to discover opportunities, outlooks, and the causes. Here
are some types of open-ended questions according to Michael J. Marquardt,
author of Leading with Questions, which are:
b. Exploratiae -Thistype of question tries to compel opening out new viewpoints
and disclosing other areas. (How do you find. , ..?)
c. Affectioe - This way of queltioning could make known people's feelings \:: anrl
around something . (How is yorrr impression of ....?)
d. ReJlectiuel This manner of asking question boosts further explanation. (lhat
in your opinion causes...?)
e. Probing - This means of asking question calls for a deeper analysis. (Can you
explnin hozo. . .?)

f. a kind of question that searches for ihe origins of a problem.

Analytical - This
(lMat nre the rensonsfor...?)
g. Clarifying-Thisquestionaidsinsupportingandpreventingmisinterpretations.
(So, lhnt means ..?)

2.Closed questions demand for exact answers. Most of the times it is a yes or no
questions. Sometimes, they oblige the respondent to choose an answer from a
given se! or to agree or disagree with a certain statement. Closed questions are

s62X The Use a:
W Design Thinking

likely to center on facts or the what, when, where questions that are typically
)emg 4
l. Do easy to respond to'

i that Experiments
ns of
Experiment is an approach of approving or disproving the soundness oj an
idea or hypothesis. Ceriainty, there mirst be i clear objective that is
doable and the
rti.ons reliable. On the other hand, a hypothesis
outcomes from this experimlnt ought to be
\\--uP is a statement of assumption that is tested using research and experiments'

d try In the field of entrepreneurship, experimentation is trying something new,

obs"rrri.,g the results, g"tti.rg lessoni from the results and trying it over
again' For
>ndly, majority"of entreprenErrr, It is through experimentation that new innovations,
food venture
into a iniiiatives, ideas and opportunities are ievealed. Entrepreneurs in the
menus. Those in the
may experiment with.".ip"r and flavors to come up with new
fashionindustry may poriiuty experiment with designs, fabrics and distributions
create a stylish'brand. A concept prototype may perhaps be a good
experiment for
so the
a technology comPany ;T
In the real world, it is always a practice to do experiments and it is always E#
done. Basically there are three types of experiments, which are:
eeded. Here entrePreneurs try new experiences like going
1,. Trying out new experiences- Hfr
d how in order
to other countries, working for several businesses or learning new skills -e li

to create new business ideas. {..!

rial for 2. Taking apnrt products, prlcesses and ideas - In this type of experiment entrepreneurs E
oriable try taiing things apart and then later place them back.together. This represents U
-ended inquisitive, .r"itir" and disruptive entrepreneurial mindset. P.
s. Here
3. Pilot experiment is a small-scale study
Testing ideas through pilots and prototypes -

directed towards"evaiuating the viability of a product or service' A prototype
has been discussed as an rinpolished. version of a product or concept
that is
vpoints made before the Pilot testing.

[eelings Art and Science Applied to EntrepreneurshiP

t. (Wat Entrepreneurship is both an art and a science. The fact that entrepreneuls
up with new ideas that most often are worthless to others makes entrepreneurship
an art. Entrepreneurs imagine and create somethin-g that no one else
did' As an art,
you ideas
an entrepleneur must havle a creatiVe thinking skill to, make some ingenious
.and make the entrepreneurial Process a great s.rc.est. Crea[ivity is the indispensable
i.""aril." of ingenuity and cun be the prime means to the founding of new firms
more efficiency
and to create enhancements in current pioducts of the company for
and competitiveness in the market. With creativity a business could plan
interesting strategies that offer gain to the entrepreneurs'

'es or no science, on the other hand, calls for combining new information
into prevailing
r from a models, or adding new models to a superior body of knowledge. An entrepleneur
tions are

The Use of
esrgn 'l'ial l1B
continually challenging his assumptions, construct on what he already knows and
constantly makes adjustments to stay relevant in his environment.

A combination of creativity and technology in the activities of entrepreneurship Kadam,

to commercialize the idea ,r*.irtud to proiucts and services is useful to make Retrir
stronger the entrepreneurship. The scientific element of entrepreneurship may make articl
or break the foundation of any company. \Iallr-a,
The scientific method was used by tech giants such as Lfber or Facebook. \\-t\-\\-
Facebook, for example, originally released their site only with Harvard students.
Later itwas opened for students from all universities. After two years, Facebook was
availabie toeveryone else. Likewise, Uber did the same thing. The service was tested
initially with the founders'friends. After a few months, the ipp was launched in San
Francisco then later to other large cities in the United Statei. After three years, the
startup raised enough money to grow globally. Today it is present in more than 600
cities in 80 countries.
i Here is the proper way to make use of the scientific method so that an Scott, R. 1

entrepreneur can ensure his success. litps:/i'rr,-

) 1.. Ask a question - An entrepreneur when trying to create a product must know
his customers. The main aspect of any business is to solve the problem of his
II customers' Though often times he already has the idea, but he needs to know
f exactly what problem he is solving. Hence, the entrepreneur should ask his
t customersif theywould be interested to buyhisparticular product and/or service.

i 2. Research about subiecf - After

knowing the problem, the entrepreneur must source
out information lhrough research irorn potential customers and competitors.
The entrepreneur must find his target urdi"nce and discover what makes them
l tick using surveyr.focus group discussion (FGD) or look for existing market
I research. He needs also to make research about his competitors to knori how he
can differentiate himself from them with his unique rrir" proposition.
L., 3. Creste a hypothesis - An entrepreneur form hypotheses to formalize his
assurnptions. Heneeds to repetitively test, challenge andimprovehis hypotheses
to come up with an accurate and functional business model.
4. Experiment to hypothesis- Here the idea is tested, possibly using simple
survey or it could be presented to a group of beta testers.
5. Assess data and conclude- The results of experiments should be concretely and
objectively measured, There should be a-solid conclusion of the hypothesis.
The data obtained from the experiments ought to be reviewed create a final
6. Publish results and call others to expand -
For an entrepreneur, it is nice to receive
feedback on what he has discovered. Customers could be invited to know
what they think and use their criticism to make a product better. There is no
perfect product or service. An entrepreneur can achieve closer to perfection by
reviewing and refining his business.

The Use c'

Design Thinki-i

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