Alliteration Lesson Plan

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Kellye Orihood General Education Student Teaching Placement II, Winter 2013 Lesson Plan Grade Level Subject

Area Lesson Topic Unit Theme Standards Addressed Learning Objectives Into 2 English-Language Arts Alliteration Carousel Reading 3.4: Identify the use of rhythm, rhyme, and alliteration in poetry. Students identify alliteration used in a picture book and create examples of their own. Create alliteration anchor chart: write the word, definition, and a few examples. Read The Z Was Zapped by Chris Van Allsburg. After the first few pages, pause before completing each sentence. Call on volunteers who wish to try and finish the sentence. Students write alliteration sentences on their whiteboards. Teacher checks upon completion. Students then transfer their sentences to a booklet and illustrate to make a silly read. Student can take the individual sentences created in his/her book and piece them together to form a story. Teacher reviews alliteration booklets upon completion. Nancy, Reece, Christopher: Provide sentence frames where students have to fill in the noun. ______________ eats eggs. _________________ kisses kangaroos. ______________ paints pictures. _________________ hugs hippos. ______________ sleeps soundly. _________________ likes lions. ______________ makes money. __________________ collects cats.

Through Beyond Assessment Differentiation

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