Close To Allah

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Grade 7 Tawheed

The Concept LOVE to ALLAH

Mohamat Taufik, M.Ed


01 02 03 04

Before we Sholawat Checking Now we

start the Start by Attendance ready to start
lesson lets Basmallah
pray together
Dua Before Class
Be Kind And listen to your Teacher

Do not open your laptop

before my direction.

Keep the classroom tidy

Focus and enjoy the


Mention the chapters that you

have learnt?

What for we learn Tawheed?

The students are able to gain clear
understanding of definition of SHIRK

The students are able to mention the

Lesson Objective Categories of SIRK.

Students will be able to mention the some

reasons or proof from quran regarding the
Social and Psychological
Psychological Value Value (Advantages)
Talking about the and Building a character of
relationship between humanity and strengthening
psychology and the Qur'an as AMBAK faith, as well as a solid
a solution to life, of course tawhid towards worship of
it is in line with the holy
book of the Qur'an. The
(advantages) Allah

purpose of the Qur'an was

revealed to regulate the
interests of individual life,
as well as to function as a
guide and differentiator
between right and wrong.
Opening (5 Minutes)

Delivering Vocabularies (10 Minutes)

Today’s activities Explaining (30 minutes)

Q & A (20 minutes)

Memorizing the Verses (20 minutes)

Quiz (20 Minutes)

Closing (5 Minutes)
Mind Map

Reminds of the
Rightly guided to Straight Compassion essential
straight path. Path & Mercy characteristics of

You alone we
worship and ask for Day of To remind us of the
help. judgment day of judgment.
Guide book for
Look at the Pictures!

What can you see from those pictures?

Closeness to Allah:
The Essence of Islamic
In Islam, developing a strong connection and closeness to Allah (God) is the
foundation of one's spiritual journey. This nearness to the Divine is essential for
finding inner peace, guidance, and the ultimate purpose of life.
Understanding Tawakkul: Reliance on Allah
1 Placing Trust in Allah 2 Letting Go of Control 3 Cultivating Patience
Allah Control
Tawakkul is the concept of Tawakkul involves Tawakkul requires
concept of wholeheartedly surrendering one's affairs unwavering patience, as
wholeheartedly trusting affairs to Allah, recognizing as one learns to accept
trusting and relying on recognizing that He is the Allah's wisdom and timing,
Allah, believing in His plan the ultimate decision- timing, even in the face of
plan and ultimate wisdom. maker and source of all of challenges.
wisdom. outcomes.
The Blessings of Closeness to Allah
Spiritual Fulfillment Divine Guidance Eternal Rewards

A strong relationship with Allah Nearness to Allah opens the Cultivating closeness to Allah
Allah brings a profound sense of doors to receiving His wisdom, Allah paves the way for attaining
sense of inner peace, blessings, and guidance in attaining the ultimate reward of
contentment, and purpose to navigating life's challenges. reward of Paradise in the
to one's life. Hereafter.
Practical Steps to Increase Closeness to
Closeness to Allah
1 Consistent Dhikr
Regularly engaging in the remembrance of Allah through various forms of dhikr, such
as reciting the Qur'an and glorifying His names.

2 Sincere Supplication
Dedicating time to make heartfelt and humble du'as (supplications) to Allah,
Allah, expressing one's needs and gratitude.

3 Reflective Contemplation
Spending time in contemplation and reflection on the signs of Allah's power,
power, wisdom, and mercy in the universe and one's own life.
The Power of Dhikr: Remembrance of Allah

Grounding the Heart Spiritual Rejuvenation

Engaging in dhikr helps calm the mind, focus the Remembering Allah through various forms of
focus the heart, and foster a deep connection dhikr provides a spiritual rejuvenation and
connection with the Divine. strengthens one's faith.

Prophetic Example Repelling Shaitaan

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Dhikr helps protect one from the whispers and
him) emphasized the importance of dhikr as a and temptations of Shaitaan (Satan),
as a means of closeness to Allah. strengthening one's spiritual resilience.
Overcoming Obstacles to Closeness
with Allah
Overcoming feelings of unworthiness or doubts about one's ability to draw closer to
draw closer to Allah.

Worldly Distractions
Minimizing the pull of material pursuits and maintaining focus on the spiritual
spiritual journey.

Lack of Discipline
Cultivating consistency and perseverance in spiritual practices to deepen the
the connection with Allah.
The Transformative Power of Tawbah

Seeking Forgiveness Turning Towards Allah Cultivating Humility

Tawbah, or sincere repentance, is Tawbah involves a genuine Tawbah requires humility and
repentance, is the gateway to commitment to turning away acknowledging one's
restoring one's connection with from sins and returning to the shortcomings, paving the way for
with Allah and seeking His mercy. path of righteousness. for Allah's forgiveness and
mercy. guidance.
Embracing the Path of Closeness to Allah
Strengthen Your Tawakkul Cultivate a Habit of Dhikr Commit to Sincere Tawbah

Trust in Allah's plan and Regularly remember and glorify Seek forgiveness and turn to
wisdom Allah to Allah

Let go of control and surrender Find spiritual rejuvenation Embrace a life of righteousness

By embracing these principles, one can embark on a transformative journey of drawing closer to Allah, finding true
peace, purpose, and eternal success.
Ask me some Questions please
What we have learnt today?

Think up how you get closer to Allah? Why do we have to losing Allah’s Love?

What are the benefits ?

The verse above seems to be telling us not to forget
who we really are and our obligations as his
creation. Allah always asks us to ask him because he
is the one who gives.
Previous Chapter

02 Kinds of Allah Attributes

Next Week Plan Quiz
03 Questions
Closing Statement

Tidy up and ready Alhmdallah and Thank and Apologize

For the next lesson. Kafarotul majlis

‫والسالم عليكم‬
Thank You

" The path to paradise will become easier for those who take the path of
seeking knowledge, and Allah will make the path easy for them."

(HR. Muslim)
Thank You

" The path to paradise will become easier for those who take the path of
seeking knowledge, and Allah will make the path easy for them."

(HR. Muslim)

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