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Can you maintain a happy household and still finish a

model? Kevin Kuster shows you how with Tamiya’s

1/48 scale Hetzer and a three-day weekend!

Hetzer Holiday
The busy weekend diary of a husband/father/model builder
By Kevin Kuster

don’t have time to build.” weekend. I picked the weekend of July 4th (So it was
“Somehow I never finish any model I start.” a three-day weekend, who’s counting?) and set down
“Someday I’ll get around to building that (insert kit some ground rules.
name here).”
If you or any of your modeling pals have ever
1. I would build the model straight out of the box.
made statements like these, I have a suggestion for
2. I would keep a time line for all three days, as well
you. Take a look at Tamiya’s new line of 1/48 scale
as a model-building time line.
armor models.
3. I wouldn’t work on any other model projects until
After purchasing the Hetzer (kit No. 32511), I
the Hetzer was completed.
wanted to side-step all of the little problems that seem
to prevent so many of us from completing a model.
I decided I would build and paint the entire kit in one And it went something like this ...

36 FineScale Modeler December 2005

1/48 Scale | Armor | How-to

Saturday July 2, 2005 1

3:30 to 4:34 p.m.
Drove to my local hobby store to purchase my tank and shop
around. (As we all know, this isn’t a hobby, it’s an addiction. In
addition to the Hetzer, I purchased a 1/72 scale Eduard Fokker,
paints, primer, and sandpaper. Total bill: $44.32)

5:35 to 6:14 p.m.

Construction of the Hetzer begins with the road wheels and sus-
pension. The kit comes with a wonderful cast-metal lower hull
that adds a great deal of weight and a feeling of quality to the
model. The only reason this task took so long was that I had to
fill three flash holes on the rear of all eight road wheels.

6:15 to 6:24 p.m.

Fed my 14-month-old son, Kaedin, and put him down for the
night. (How does a guy so small pack away so much food?) 2

6:25 to 7:02 p.m.

Although I attached the tracks as shown in the instructions, I
would later regret not having painted the road wheels and tracks
before I attached them.

7:03 to 7:11 p.m.

Watched TV. (Beware, this activity is modeler’s Kryptonite.)

7:12 to 8:07 p.m.

The parts for the upper hull went together easily and had so
much detail I couldn’t help wondering, “Tamiya has to recreate
this in 1/35 scale ... don’t they?”
8:08 to 9:41 p.m.
Ate dinner and chatted with the wife. (The entire time I was
talking to her I tried not to think about what kind of camouflage
scheme I was going to paint. Hmmm ... three-color or two-color
ambush scheme? “Of course I’m listening honey! I’m sorry, what
did you say?”)

9:42 to 10:50 p.m.

After test fitting the side skirts, and the upper and lower hull, I
opted not to glue any of these in place to allow for easier paint-
ing. After building the machine gun, muffler, and tools, I decided
not to attach them right away, either. Since I had never worked
on a metal-and-plastic hull, I decided to prime the entire tank to
make it all one color, 1. Although I’m not a big believer in using
primer on my models, I was worried that once I applied my over-
all base coat, there might be a color shift between the light-gray
metal lower hull and the yellow-plastic upper hull. 7:36 to 9:00 a.m.
Painted the entire lower hull and road wheels Tamiya dark yellow
10:51 to 11:22 p.m. (XF-60). I sprayed every other wheel with Gunze Sangyo
Watched the first half of the movie “Troy.” (Is it just me, or do mahogany (No. 84), 2.
men look funny fighting in skirts? Somehow I couldn’t see Patton
or MacArthur commanding troops that way.) 9:01 to 10:20 a.m.
Ate breakfast, showered, and drove to Victoria’s Secret. (Yep,
11:23 p.m. that’s right! I have bridged the impossible. Modeling and
Went to sleep and dreamt of two- and three-color ambush Victoria’s Secret can be combined! You’ll see in a minute.)
10:21 a.m. to 12:14 p.m.
Sunday July 3, 2005 After spraying the entire upper hull with Gunze Sangyo mahog-
6:33 to 7:35 a.m. any, I covered the tank with a fishnet stocking from Victoria’s
Fed my son his first bottle of the day, then played “Old Secret, 3, to create my camouflage pattern, 4. I sprayed the
McDonald” over and over again. stocking with a light coat of 3M Spray Mount so it would stick

December 2005 www.finescale.com 37


5 to the tank and not move while I painted. (Although I don’t have
any historical reference for this particular camouflage scheme, I
also don’t believe the Germans ever produced and painted an
entire tank in three days.)

12:15 to 1:14 p.m.

I decided to take a break from the workbench and tend to my
garden. (I’m no Martha Stewart, but I know how to plant a

1:15 to 2:29 p.m.

Since I wanted to add a little texture to the muffler, I decided to
use a product called Instant Rust. I slowly built up the texture
and then added the rust color. Once I achieved the look I was
going for, I brushed on a touch of Mig Weathering Powders’
light-rust pigment powder. The powders help to create a dried-
and-worn look.

6 2:30 to 3:01 p.m.

Lunch. (No MRE’s for me. My wife is a great cook, and I have
the waistline to prove it.)

3:02 to 3:25 p.m.

Painted all of the tools with Vallejo black (No. VC950) then dry-
brushed them with SnJ polishing powder. When applied gently,
SnJ polishing powder gives “metal” tools a wonderful worn-and-
weathered look.

3:26 to 10:40 p.m.

Went to my parent’s house to celebrate my mom’s birthday. (To
this day, my mother still claims she’s “21 and never been kissed.”)

10:41 p.m.
Fell asleep thinking, “Maybe I could start that Eduard Fokker kit
tomorrow ... you know, like a little break ... No! Focus! Must fin-
ish this project! Must finish this project!”

38 FineScale Modeler December 2005

Monday July 4, 2005 Apparently the baby threw up on the dog, and from the look on
6:45 to 9:11 a.m. my wife’s face, it was somehow my fault.
Fed and played with my son. (Is anyone starting to see a pattern
here?) 4:40 to 6:30 p.m.
Applied Mig pigment powders and Hudson & Allen Studios
9:11 to 11:17 a.m. mud to the road wheels and the underside of the hull. The crosses
Road wheels! I had to paint each wheel (and all of the tracks) by were applied with Tech Star masks and Tamiya flat black. Finally,
hand with Vallejo black. I highly recommend that you paint the I applied a light touch of SnJ polishing powder to the tracks.
wheels before you put the tracks on. I kept getting black paint
where I didn’t want it, and had to spray over my many mistakes. 6:30 to 9:00 p.m.
Although I would like to think all of the fireworks erupting in
11:17 a.m. to 2:04 p.m. my neighborhood are to honor me for finishing my project, I
For my post-shading, I sprayed the outer edges of each panel line must admit I think the Fourth of July has something to do with
and groove with what I call a “dirty spray.” This consists of a it. Twenty or more years ago I might have put a Black Cat fire
50/50 mix of Tamiya red brown (XF-64) and Tamiya flat black cracker in the Hetzer just to see it go up in flames, but nowadays
(XF-1), sprayed at a ratio of 40/60 percent paint to thinner. I get a lot more satisfaction knowing that I’ve actually finished a
Applying this “dirty spray” not only gives the tank a weathered model! Now where’s that Fokker? FSM
look, it also adds dimension to the finish, 5.
The author would like to thank his wife and baby son for being so
2:04 to 2:35 p.m. understanding and indulging him on his three-day building binge.
Since overall oil washes tend to darken the entire finish, I decided
that I would only add a small, concentrated “pin wash” to selected
areas. I thinned Vandyke brown oil paint 80 percent with Meet Kevin Kuster
Turpinoid and applied it with a No. 0 brush, 6. Kevin Kuster is a
senior photography editor
2:35 to 3:00 p.m. at Playboy magazine. He
I lightly dry-brushed the highest areas on the tank. Following the lives in Chicago with his
dark wash with some dry-brushing really brings out all of the lit- wife, Kerri, and their 14-
tle details. month-old son, Kaedin.
This is his first piece for
3:00 to 4:30 p.m. FineScale Modeler.
I am interrupted by loud commotion in the other room.

Not many armor-modeling projects involve a trip to

Victoria’s Secret. Clever building techniques made
Kevin’s knockout 1/48 scale Hetzer a fun weekend

December 2005 www.finescale.com 39

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