MegaCast 401

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MegaCast® 401 Solutions

Multi-purpose admixture for cementitious systems. Waterproofs and improves mortars. Bonding agent.

Adheres well to brick, glass, asphalt, wood, expanded

DESCRIPTION polystyrene and most building materials.

MegaCast 401 is a (SBR) styrene-butadiene co- polymer latex Prolonged corrosion protection.
specifically designed for use with cement compositions. It is Proven performance.
used in mortar and concretes as an admixture to increase resis- Similar thermal expansion and modulus properties to
tance to water penetration, improve abrasion resistance and concrete (unlike resin mortars and primers).
durability. It is used with cement as a reliable water-resistant Non-toxic. Can be used with potable water.
bonding agent. More economical than epoxy or polyester resin mortar.

WATER RETAINING The use of MegaCast 401 synthetic latex in cement-based slur-
ries and mortars compensates for many deficiencies in the
Concrete repair.
mixes without detracting from their inherent strength and prop-
Floor screeds and toppings.
External rendering.
Waterproofing and tanking. MegaCast 401 has been developed specifically for use with
Fixing slip bricks and tiles. Portland cements. As ordinary mortar dries out, voids are left
Corrosion protection of steel. which make it permeable and weaker. When MegaCast 401 is
Polymer modified concrete added, the MegaCast 401 particles bind together to form con-
tinuous films and strands - these stitch the opposite sides of the
TYPICAL APPLICATIONS CONCRETE REPAIR voids together and block up the spaces, thus increasing
strength and resistance to water penetration. MegaCast 401
Spalled concrete, repairing floors, beams and precast slabs combined with cement produces an excellent adhesive; each
component compliments the properties of the other in this re-
Abrasion resistant and non-dusting floors, underlay for special COMPOSITION
finishes, mild chemical and effluent-resistant floors.
MegaCast 401 is a milky, white liquid, produced from styrene
and butadiene by high pressure emulsion polymerisation. The
EXTERNAL RENDERING latex consists of microscopic particles of synthetic rubber dis-
Waterproof, weatherproof and frost resistant render. persed in an aqueous solution. MegaCast 401 modified mixes
may be slightly darker than corresponding unmodified mixes.
Basements, lift pits, inspection pits, water towers, liquid tanks, MegaCast 401 is supplied in 20 and 200 litre containers.
effluent tanks and swimming pools.
Unless otherwise stated typical properties are based on a 3:1
Bedding tiles, fixing or re-fixing slip bricks, bonding new concrete sand/cement mix in which 10 litres of MegaCast 401 per 50kg
to old. of Type I OPC cement has been incorporated.Remove all lai-
Polymer Modified Concrete ACI 548.3 tance, oil, grease, mould oil or curing compound from con-
crete surfaces using wire brush, scabbler or other equipment
ADVANTAGES as appropriate. Ensure that reinforcing steel is clean and free
from grease or oil; remove scale and rust. When repairing spall-
Earlier hardening. ed or damaged concrete, ensure that the concrete has been
Improved flexibility. cut back to sound material.
Greatly reduced shrinkage.
Prevents bleeding. PROPERTIES*
Lower water-cement ratio.
Increased durability and toughness. Wet down absorbent surfaces, such as concrete, brick, stone,
High resistance to water penetration. etc., ensuring that they are saturated but free of surface
water. Prepare a bonding slurry of 1½ to 2 parts cement
Good abrasion resistance.
to 1 part MegaCast 401, mixed to a lump-free creamy, con-
Good frost resistance and resistance to salt permeation.
sistency. Using a stiff brush, work the bonding slurry well into the
Good resistance to many chemicals and to mineral oil. damp surface, ensuring that no pinholes are visible. Do not
Excellent adhesion to steel and concrete. apply bonding slurry at a thickness in excess of 2mm.
MegaCast® 401 Solutions

Multi-purpose admixture for cementitious systems. Waterproofs and improves mortars. Bonding agent.

If a second coat is necessary, it must be applied after the first MIXING

Mixing should be preferably be carried out in an efficient con-
+Compressive strength: crete mixer - where available a pan type mixer, such as a
Creteangle, is recommended. Hand mixing is only permissible
Freeze thaw resistance: Water vapour permeability: when the total weight of the mix is less than 25kg.
40N/mm² dependent on cement used and workability.
Excellent. Charge the mixer with the required quantity of sand and
cement and premix for approx. 1 minute. Add the MegaCast 401
Less than 4gm/m²/24hr, through an 11mm thick test piece.* and mix for 2 minutes only, to avoid excessive air entrapment.
is touch dry. The second coat must be applied at right angles to
the first to ensure complete coverage. Finally, without delay, add the water slowly until the required con-
sistency is achieved. Owing to the strong plasticising
(Approximately 20 litre of MegaCast 401 mixed with 50kg properties MegaCast 401, rapid thinning can occur - avoid
of OPC Type I cement will give a creamy slurry which adding excessive water!
will cover 20 square metres of substrate dependent on
surface texture and Adhesion: Excellent to concrete,
steel, brick, glass, etc. thickness applied.)
Co-efficient of thermal expansion: Apply the bonding slurry to the prepared surface and then apply
-20°C to +20°C: 12.8 x 10-6 the MegaCast 401 render into the wet bonding slurry.
-20°C to +60°C: 12.9 x 10-6
Apply MegaCast 401 modified mortars in coats at a maximum
MATERIALS FOR MasterCast 141 MODIFIED thickness of 6mm per coat. Greater thickness can lead to
MIXES slumping. Several coats can be applied in fairly rapid succes-
sion, usually within 15 to 30 minutes of the previous coat. Close
Chemical resistance: Resists mild acids, alkalis, sulphates, the surface using a wooden float or steel trowel.
chlorides, urine, dung, lactic acid, sugar, etc.
Another method is to let the first coat of render dry overnight
Sand and apply another slurry coat before applying the second coat
Sand should be sharp washed, well graded and free from exces- of render. For further details refer to the "Guidelines and Rec-
sive fines. For general use select a BS 882 C&M (previously ommendations using MegaCast 401 ".
Zone 2) sand. For
Resistance to water under pressure -30m head: SCREEDS AND TOPPINGS, APPLIED
Excellent - no water through a 15mm thick test piece.*
rendering, select a sand complying with BS 1199 TO HORIZONTAL SURFACES:
Table 1.
Screeds, patches, etc., based on MegaCast 401 modified ce-
Cement ments, can be laid to any thickness from 60mm down to 6mm
Indicated strengths are typical. Variation in cement used and minimum. After mixing, the MegaCast 401 modified mix
workability can give increased strengths. should be placed over the still wet bonding slurry, well compact-
MegaCast 401 added at 10 litre / 50kg cement. ed and struck off to level. It may then be trowelled to the re-
quired finish using a wooden float or steel trowel
Note: Whenever screeds are being laid over existing con-
Surfaces to which MegaCast 401 is to be applied should be crete surfaces, it is important that expansion joints in the
clean, sound and free of deleterious substances. sub-floor are carried through the MegaCast 401 modified
mix. This wrapped in polythene sheet into the joint..
MegaCast 401 is compatible with all types of OPC, sulphate
resisting Types II and V.
The strong plasticising action of MegaCast 401 greatly reduces Correct curing of MegaCast 401 modified mixes is important.
the water cement ratio for any given workability. Moisture cure for 24 hours and then allow to dry out slowly.
(Note that initial curing is necessary to provide good curing con-
MegaCast 401 ditions for the hydration of the Portland cement, then the Iatex
Standard dose is 5 litres per 50kg of cement. For more de- mortar must be allowed to dry out to permit the latex particles
manding situations, such as exposure to chemicals or wear, to join together to form the continuous films and strands.)
10ltr per 50kg of cement is recommended.
MegaCast® 401 Solutions

Multi-purpose admixture for cementitious systems. Waterproofs and improves mortars. Bonding agent.

WATCHPOINTS The material shall be used in bonding slurries at the rate of

approximately 1 volume of MegaCast 401 to 1½ to 2
volumes of OPC
1. Never apply MegaCast 401modified mixes or concrete cement and in cementitious mixes at the rate of 5 or 10 litres
to a bonding slurry that has been allowed to dry out. per 50kg cement, as recommended in the manufacturer's litera-
2. Always use fresh, cool cement and sharp, clean, well ture.
graded aggregate, free of excessive fines.
3. Keep mixing time to a minimum - see recommenda- STORAGE
4. Until the user becomes familiar with its workability the Store under cover, out of direct sunlight and protect from ex-
appearance of a MegaCast 401 modified mix is decep- tremes of temperature.Failure to comply with the recommended
tive; when of correct consistency it may appear to be too storage conditions may result in premature deterioration of the
dry. However, it will be found that it can be compacted product or packaging.
and trowelled satisfactorily. Avoid using excessive water.
5. Trowelling should proceed with the work. Do not over-
trowel and avoid retrowelling. Protect from too rapid SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
drying out prior to trowelling.
Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged contact with skin.
EQUIPMENT CARE During application always wear gloves and appropriate clothing
to minimise contact. In case of contact with eyes, immediately
All tools should be cleaned with water immediately after use. If flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Should skin
delayed, use of soap and coarse wire wool may help. Solvents contact occur, wash immediately with soap and water. Seek the
such as white spirit can be used to remove partially hardened advice of a physician should symptoms persist.
Field service, where provided, does not constitute supervisory
For all normal use the standard dose of 5ltr of MegaCast responsibility.
401per 50kg cement is adequate.
For extreme conditions and/or when adhesion, waterproofing,
water vapour resistance or chemical resistance are critical,
the dosage should be increased to 10ltr of MegaCast 401 per
50kg cement. For this higher dosage, the extra water addition
required is low and, therefore, use of wet aggregate may result Composition A milky, white styrene butadiene
in excessive workability. copolymer latex, specifically made
for use with Portland cement.

The recommended levels should not be exceeded. Gross over- Specific gravity 1.01.
dosage at an acceptable workability is not likely, but will result Mean particle size 0.17 micron.
in an increase of the polymer properties to the detriment of the
Butadiene content 40 +/- 1% by weight of
compressive strength. MegaCast 401 polymer.

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