GHM 2023vol5 No1 pp33-39
GHM 2023vol5 No1 pp33-39
GHM 2023vol5 No1 pp33-39
Original Article
DOI: 10.35772/ghm.2022.01038
Abstract: Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is defined as pneumonia occurring after the first 48 hours of
intubation and mechanical ventilation and is the most frequent hospital-acquired infection associated with intensive care
unit (ICU) admissions. Herein, we defined a novel VAP bundle including 10 preventive items. We analyzed compliance
rates and clinical effectiveness associated with this bundle in patients undergoing intubation at our medical center.
A total of 684 consecutive patients who underwent mechanical ventilation were admitted to the ICU between June
2018 and December 2020. VAP was diagnosed by at least two physicians based on the relevant United States Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention criteria. We retrospectively evaluated associations between compliance and VAP
incidence. The overall compliance rate was 77%, and compliance generally remained steady during the observation
period. Moreover, although the number of ventilatory days remained unchanged, the incidence of VAP improved
statistically significantly over time. Low compliance was identified in four categories: head-of-bed elevation of 30-
45º, avoidance of oversedation, daily assessment for extubation, and early ambulation and rehabilitation. The incidence
of VAP was lower in those with an overall compliance rate of ≥ 75% than its incidence in the lower compliance
group (15.8 vs. 24.1%, p = 0.018). When comparing low-compliance items between these groups, we found a
statistically significant difference only for daily assessment for extubation (8.3 vs. 25.9%, p = 0.011). In conclusion, the
evaluated bundle approach is effective for the prophylaxis of VAP and is thus eligible for inclusion in the Sustainable
Development Goals.
Global Health & Medicine. 2023; 5(1):33-39.
and the effectiveness of the specific bundle approach modified the bundles implemented in studies conducted
presented herein remains unclear. In the present study, by the US Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
we comprehensively examined the preventive efficacy of and the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine
a VAP prevention bundle consisting of ten items that had (12,13) based on the current evidence base and an
been implemented at our medical center. evolving clinical situation (14,15). For example, we
added "maintenance of adequate cuff pressure (20-
Materials and Methods 30 cmH2O)", "use of a tracheal tube with aspiration
of subglottic secretions", and "early ambulation and
This study was approved by the ethical review rehabilitation" items to the bundle.
board at the National Center for Global Health and Bundle compliance rates were calculated using the
Medicine on September 10, 2021 (approval number: VAP care bundle sheet included in patients' medical
NCGM-S-004300-00). The requirement for written records and were entered into database software
informed consent was waived due to the retrospective (FileMaker Pro, version 19, Claris International Inc.
design of this study. This work was conducted in Cupertino, CA, USA) for subsequent analyses.
accordance with the principles of the Declaration of
Helsinki (as revised in 2013). Statistical analyses
Patient selection and diagnosis of VAP Differences in categorical variables were analyzed
using Chi-square tests, whereas continuous variables
All patients who were admitted to the general ICU at were analyzed using t-tests. All cumulative survival
our institution between June 2018 to December 2020, curves were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method.
were older than 20 years of age, and received intubated Intergroup differences were evaluated using log-rank
mechanical ventilation for more than 48 hours were tests.
eligible for inclusion. We included 1,903 patients who The VAP incidence was calculated by dividing the
were admitted to our ICU. number of VAP cases by the total number of ventilator-
We use the following artificial respirators at days and multiplying the result by 1,000 (1). Hypothesis
our department: the Dräger Evita ® Infinity V500 testing regarding differences in the incidence of VAP
(Dräger, Lübeck, Germany) and the Nihon Kohden® was conducted to compare the pre- and post-intervention
HAMILTON-G5 (Nihon Kohden, Tokyo, Japan). In VAP incidence rates using z-scores. We considered two-
addition, was the Taper Guard® Evac (Medtronic, Dublin, sided p-values of < 0.05 as the threshold for statistical
Ireland) the tracheal intubation tube used herein; this significance. All statistical analyses were performed
tube uses subglottic suctioning. using the R statistical software (ver. 3.0.2, The R Project
VAP was evaluated based on the diagnostic criteria for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. http://www.
for clinically defined pneumonia delineated by the
United States (US) Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (1). The infection control team, radiology Results
department, and ICU physicians at our medical center
screened suspected cases of VAP, and the supervising Among the 1,903 included patients, 684 (36%) received
ICU specialist made a final diagnosis of VAP based on mechanical ventilation. The clinical characteristics of
chest imaging test results, clinical signs/symptoms, and the patients in the intubation and non-intubation groups
laboratory findings. We evaluated the severity of all VAP are shown in Table 1. The intubation group included 406
patients using sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) (59%) men and the median age at the time of admission
scores at ICU admission and on ICU discharge (11). was 64 years (standard deviation, ± 17 years). The
patients in the intubation group had mean SOFA scores
Bundle implemented at our institution of 7.1 ± 3.4 on admission and 4.9 ± 3.8 at discharge,
respectively. The median length of patients' ICU stays
T h e VA P p r e v e n t i o n b u n d l e e v a l u a t e d i n t h e was 8.2 ± 7.0 days. Forty-eight patients died in the ICU
current study consisted of the following ten items in the intubation group and the overall mortality rate was
(Supplemental Figure S1); i) hand hygiene, ii) 7.0%.
head-of-bed elevation (30-45º), iii) oral care with The reasons for ICU admission are described in
cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), iv) avoidance of Table 1. In the intubation group, gastrointestinal surgery
oversedation, v) proper breathing circuit management, exhibited the highest frequency (181 patients, 26.5%),
vi) appropriate maintenance of endotracheal tube followed by cardiovascular surgery (114 patients,
cuff pressure, vii) closed system and subglottic 16.7%). In terms of types of admission, emergency
suctioning, viii) daily assessment for extubation, ix) surgery exhibited the highest frequency (369 patients,
early ambulation and rehabilitation, and x) peptic ulcer 53.9%), followed by scheduled surgery (184 patients,
and deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis. We 26.9%).
Global Health & Medicine. 2023; 5(1):33-39.
Compliance rates for the VAP bundle and the VAP decreased from 2018 to 2020. The total VAP incidence
incidence was 31.5 per 1,000 ventilator-days during the observation
period (Figure 2B).
The compliance rate for each item is shown in Figure
1. In our ICU, we routinely implement several items as Prophylaxis effects based on compliance rates for the
part of our standard of care: hand hygiene (i), oral care VAP bundle
with CPC (iii), proper breathing circuit management
(v), appropriate maintenance of endotracheal tube cuff Table 1. Characteristics of ventilated and non-ventilated
pressure (vi), and peptic ulcer and DVT prophylaxis (x). patients, June 2018 to December 2020
The compliance rate was 100% for each item. Non-
Variable Intubated
Subglottic suction (vii) was not implemented in intubated
only a few emergency surgery cases, and hence this
Patients receiving MV, n 684 1,219
preventive measure achieved a compliance rate of 92.6%. Male sex, n (%) 406 (59.3) 779 (63.9)
Conversely, we could not implement early ambulation Age, mean ± SD 63.9 ± 17.2 66.9 ± 14.5
and rehabilitation (ix) effectively, and the compliance SOFA score on ICU admission, mean ± SD 7.1 ± 3.4 2.3 ± 2.1
SOFA score at ICU discharge, mean ± SD 4.9 ± 3.8 1.6 ± 1.9
rate for this preventive measure reached only 5.8%. The
ICU length of stay (days), mean ± SD 8.2 ± 7.0 2.7 ± 1.6
compliance rates for the remaining three measures (ii, iv, ICU mortality (%) 48 (7.0) 7 (0.6)
and viii) were each approximately 50%. Reasons for these
findings included restrictions on therapeutic management, Underlying disease, n (%)
Gastrointestinal surgery 181 (26.5) 484 (39.7)
decreased levels of consciousness, and unstable vital
Cardiovascular surgery 114 (16.7) 105 (8.6)
signs. The total compliance rate for the ten measures Respiratory surgery 5 (0.7) 294 (24.1)
comprising the VAP prevention bundle was 77.0%. Neurosurgery 240 (35.1) 144 (11.8)
Ventilator-days and VAP incidence in the intubation Other surgery 13 (1.9) 24 (2.0)
Emergency and critical care medicine 26 (3.8) 2 (0.2)
group are shown in Figure 2. In Japan, ventilator-
Internal medicine 51 (7.5) 24 (2.0)
days increased considerably in April 2020 due to the Cardiovascular medicine 51 (7.5) 142 (11.6)
coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. This time period Pediatrics 3 (0.4) 0 (0)
represented the start of the pandemic in Japan and
Type of admission, n (%)
the uptick in this metric might have occurred due to
Scheduled surgery 184 (26.9) 934 (76.6)
evolving surveillance and treatment methods. However, Emergency surgery 369 (53.9) 117 (9.6)
the number of ventilator-days was almost unchanged in Coronary intervention 21 (3.1) 104 (8.5)
every other month, and the median number of ventilator- Medical 110 (16.1) 64 (5.3)
Trauma 41 (6.0) 15 (1.2)
days was 6.17 days (Figure 2A).
Although VAP incidence varied each month (ranging ICU, intensive care unit; MV, mechanical ventilation; SD, standard
from 0.0 to 96.2 per 1,000 ventilator-days), it gradually deviation; SOFA, sequential organ failure assessment.
Figure 1. Compliance rate of the VAP bundle. SBT, spontaneous breathing trial; DVT, deep vein thrombosis.
Global Health & Medicine. 2023; 5(1):33-39.
According to the total compliance rate of 77.0% reported group. We observed statistically significant differences
above, the 684 patients who required mechanical in the proportion of VAP occurrence between the two
ventilation were divided into two groups using a cut-off groups (p = 0.02, Figure 3A).
value of 75%. The evaluated clinical outcomes included Moreover, 11 patients (2.9%) died in the high
the incidence of VAP, as shown in Table 2, as well as compliance group, in contrast with 37 (12.4%) who died
associated mortality rates. in the low compliance group (p < 0.001, Figure 3B).
Regarding total compliance rates, the high Relationships between the incidence of VAP and the
compliance group comprised 385 patients (56%) with a bundle items with low compliance rates (ii, iv, viii, and
compliance rate of ≥ 75%, whereas the low compliance ix) are presented in Figure 4.
group comprised 299 (44%) with a compliance rate of < Only daily assessment for extubation (viii)
75%; 61 (15.8%) developed VAP in the high compliance demonstrated statistically significant differences
group, in contrast with 72 (24.1%) in the low compliance with regard to the proportion of VAP cases; the high
compliance group included 252 patients (37%) and
the low compliance group included 432 (63%). A
total of 21 patients (8.3%) developed VAP in the high
compliance group, whereas 112 (25.9%) developed
VAP in the low compliance group (p = 0.011, Figure
4C, Table 2). No other items exhibited statistically
significant differences.
Table 2. Clinical outcomes as relevant to the ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) prevention bundle evaluated at our
medical center
Ventilator- VAP incidence
VAP bundle items Patients (n) VAP (n) ICU-days VAP (%) p-value*
days (per 1,000 MV days)
Total compliance
High (compliance ≥ 75%) 385 61 9.13 6.49 15.8 24.4
Low (compliance < 75%) 299 72 6.91 5.74 24.1 42.0
Gatching up the bed to 30-45º
High (compliance ≥ 75%) 330 60 9.34 6.59 18.2 27.6
Low (compliance < 75%) 354 73 7.06 5.77 20.6 35.7
Avoidance of oversedation
High (compliance ≥ 75%) 378 61 7.89 5.59 16.1 28.9
Low (compliance < 75%) 306 72 8.49 6.88 23.5 34.2
Daily assessments for extubation
High (compliance ≥ 75%) 252 21 6.65 4.10 8.3 20.3
Low (compliance < 75%) 432 112 9.04 7.37 25.9 35.2
Early ambulation and rehabilitation
High (compliance > 0%) 76 27 16.17 13.67 35.5 26.0
Low (0% compliance) 608 106 7.16 5.23 17.4 33.3
Total 684 133 8.16 6.17 19.4 31.5
ICU, intensive care unit; MV, mechanical ventilation. *Generalized Wilcoxon test.
Global Health & Medicine. 2023; 5(1):33-39.
Figure 3. Proportion of VAP occurrence according to the compliance rate. (A) Proportion of VAP patients, (B) Survival
probability. VAP, ventilator-associated pneumonia.
Figure 4. Proportion of VAP occurrence according to the preventive item. (A) Gatching up the bed, (B) Avoid oversedation, (C)
Daily assessments for extubation, (D) Early ambulation. VAP, ventilator-associated pneumonia.
Global Health & Medicine. 2023; 5(1):33-39.
77%. This higher compliance rate led to a lower VAP bundle approach in the intubated patients evaluated
incidence. Moreover, a subgroup analysis of the four herein. We plan to enact these preventive measures at our
measures with the lowest compliance rates showed that medical center using this VAP bundle. This approach was
only daily assessment for extubation (item viii) was effective for the prophylaxis of VAP and is hence eligible
statistically significantly different between compliance for inclusion in our Sustainable Development Goals.
groups. Prior studies have reported that early extubation
is difficult in older patients as well as in patients in poor Funding: This work was supported in part by the
general condition and/or with consciousness disorders International Health Research and Development Fund
due to brain injury (19,20). Invasive surgery for older from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in
patients and those with cerebrovascular disease may Japan (Grant No. 20A01) and by the Projects for Global
lead to prolonged intubation, even at our institution. In Extension of Medical Technologies (TENKAI Projects).
these cases, tracheostomy and aggressive nutritional These funders had no role in the design, conduct, or
management may reduce the occurrence of VAP (21,22). reporting of this work.
We would also like to consider tracheostomy for long-
term management in future research. Conflict of Interest: The authors have no conflicts of
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Supplementary Data
Supplemental Figure S1. Graphic symbol of ten items in VAP bundle. VAP, ventilator-associated pneumonia.