Laboratory Monitoring of Mother, Fetus, and Newborn in Hemolytic Disease of Fetus and Newborn
Laboratory Monitoring of Mother, Fetus, and Newborn in Hemolytic Disease of Fetus and Newborn
Laboratory Monitoring of Mother, Fetus, and Newborn in Hemolytic Disease of Fetus and Newborn
FC in HDFN, Fetus and Newborn Determining the Actual Clinical Course, Doppler
Agglutination techniques are informative in most cas- Ultrasonography MCA-PSV for Non-Invasive
es, but by supplementing with FC more detailed and Prediction of Fetal Anemia
semiquantitative information [50] can be produced also Maternal alloantibodies and fetal expression of the
in unexpected urgent cases of suspected HDFN where di- corresponding RBC antigen is the prerequisite for HDFN.
agnosis is initially uncertain. Determination of fetal and However, a large variation in clinical impact is observed
newborn antigens and direct antiglobulin test (DAT)- with identical laboratory findings. Even in the same wom-
positive RBCs can be made impossible or inconclusive by an clinical variation occurs from one antigen-positive fe-
access to a limited volume of sample, small surviving pop- tus to another despite an unchanged alloantibody titer
ulations of fetal cells after multiple IUTs, and due to weak [53]. Supplementary modalities of monitoring are needed
fetal expression of antigens [51]. FC enables quantifica- to determine the actual clinical consequence of the allo-
tion of subpopulations, for example several populations immunization.
of distinct RBC phenotype in cases of mixed populations Measurement of MCA-PSV is the golden standard for
of donor and patient cells, enabling measurement of the non-invasive prediction of fetal anemia. Mari et al. [11]
survival of the infant’s own RBCs, as well as donor RBCs. showed that a cut-off of 1.5 multiples of median on Dop-
In Figure 2, we present an example of serial monitor- pler ultrasound measurement of MCA-PSV has 100%
ing of various parameters of a severely anemic newborn, sensitivity with a false-positive rate of 12% in the predic-
with hemoglobin (Hb) at birth of 6.3 g/dL (3.9 mmol/L). tion of moderate to severe anemia in the non-hydropic
The RhD-positive woman unexpectedly delivered an ane- fetus. Timely identification of significant fetal anemia is
mic infant in GA 38 weeks. Upon investigation after de- the basis for therapeutic intervention with intrauterine
livery, the mother had an allo-anti-E, titer of 2,048. The blood transfusion or delivery, depending on GA and
anti-E developed between the 1st trimester antibody thereby preventing fetal demise.
screening and delivery. The newborn was DAT positive.
Immediately after birth the newborn was given a trans- The Newborn in HDFN
fusion with compatible donor RBCs, and again on day 10 When the fetus becomes a newborn it might still be suf-
and day 26 in accordance with guidelines for treatment of fering from anemia and the other pathophysiologic conse-
quences of the persisting maternal antibody [54] present in supplying K-negative RBC components for premeno-
the newborn. In most cases the fetal RBCs will carry ma- pausal women in Denmark. Matching has been extended
ternal antibodies detectable by the DAT. We routinely de- to routinely encompass Rhc and E in some countries [3].
termine the titer of free alloantibody in the plasma of the A study on the effect of matching donor and recipient
newborn and determine the fetal blood group antigen tar- in IUT indicates that an efficient prevention of alloim-
geted by the maternal antibody. The latter is routinely done munization (64%) can be achieved by an extended phe-
to assess the quality of laboratory work. FC-based mea- notypic match: C, c, E, K, Fya, Jka, S [55]. Another study
surement of fetal versus donor cells is decided in each case. in ordinary transfusion recipients demonstrated that
The laboratory should be aware of the importance of matching for C, c, E, K, Jka could prevent 78% of immu-
information being shared with the team of neonatologists nizations, and enhanced matching for C, c, E, K, Fya, Jka,
providing postnatal care for the newborn. It should be Cw improved prevention to 83.4% of immunizations [56].
remembered that laboratory investigation of the mother We have implemented matching for IUT for C, c, E, K,
might still be relevant and can yield valuable information, Fya, Jka with a pragmatic view for the available supply.
for example examination for antibodies, phenotype, de- However, our extensive genotyping of donors helps mak-
termination of titers, fetomaternal hemorrhage, especial- ing matches possible by access to ample donor genotype
ly in the RhD-positive women who have not been tested information [57].
since the 1st trimester. Platelet transfusion seems to be a source of alloimmu-
nization that could be taken into consideration. Small
Further Preventive Measures to Avoid amounts of RBCs in the platelet component are enough
Alloimmunization to immunize. We administer RhIg if, for logistical rea-
Prevention of alloimmunization due to transfusion in sons, D-positive platelet or plasma components must be
girls and women of premenopausal age, or under the age given to a female RhD-negative recipient of premeno-
of 50 years, has been implemented in some countries by pausal age.
matching a limited number of RBC antigens. Basic match-
ing of ABO and RhD blood groups is supplemented by
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