Reviewer - Immunohematology - Part 1
Reviewer - Immunohematology - Part 1
Reviewer - Immunohematology - Part 1
Review of Immunology
The study of how the body defence itself against Blood Group Antibodies – Key Points
infections & diseases Are stimulated by exposure to foreign
Immune system = defence ministry antigens in the environment, or by
transfusion or pregnancy
Antigens and Antibodies Are usually IgM and/or IgG
BLOOD GROUP ANTIGENS: immunoglobulins
Present (predominantly) on red blood cells Anti-A and anti-B are expected antibodies
Present in plasma (or serum) All non-ABO antibodies are unexpected
Diego DI Lutheran LU
ABO A, B A, B, O A, B, O, AB
Antigens, Genes and Phenotypes
KEL K, k K, k K-k+; K+k+; K+k- or
K-1,2; K1,2; K-1,2
Blood Group Antigens – Key Points
FY Fya, Fyb Fya, Fyb Fy(a+b+); Fy(a+b-);
P P1 P1, P2 P1, P2
Record results
dogs alive by transfusion of blood from other dogs.
Antigen-Antibody Reactions – Key Points
Two types of tests are used to demonstrate 1667 Jean-Baptiste Denis in France and Richard
group antigen-antibody reactions Lower in England separately report successful
• IgM antibodies are used (or detected) transfusions from lambs to humans. Within 10 years,
by direct agglutination tests
• IgG antibodies are used (or detected) transfusing the blood of animals to humans becomes
by indirect prohibited by law because of reactions.
antiglobulin tests
The indirect antiglobulin test (IAT) utilizes
antihuman globulin (AHG) reagent, 1795 In Philadelphia, American physician Philip Syng
otherwise known as Coombs serum Physick, performs the first human blood transfusion,
ABO Typing although he does not publish this information.
Expected Reactions
1818 James Blundell, a British obstetrician, performs
RBCs + Plasma +
the first successful transfusion of human blood to a
Type Anti-A Anti-B A1 RBCs B RBCs patient for the treatment of postpartum hemorrhage.
Using the patient's husband as a donor, he extracts
O 0 0 + +
approximately four ounces of blood from the
A + 0 0 + husband's arm and, using a syringe, successfully
1628 English physician William Harvey discovers the 1873-1880 US physicians transfuse milk (from cows,
circulation of blood. Shortly afterward, the earliest goats, and humans).
known blood transfusion is attempted.
1939/40 The Rh blood group system is discovered by 1943 P. Beeson publishes the classic description of
Karl Landsteiner, Alex Wiener, Philip Levine, and transfusion-transmitted hepatitis.
R.E. Stetson and is soon recognized as the cause of
the majority of transfusion reactions. Identification of 1945 Coombs, Mourant, and Race describe the use of
the Rh factor takes its place next to the discovery of antihuman globulin (later known as the “Coombs
ABO as one of the most important breakthroughs in Test”) to identify “incomplete” antibodies.
the field of blood banking.
1947 The American Association of Blood Banks
1940 Edwin Cohn, a professor of biological chemistry (AABB) is formed to promote common goals among
at Harvard Medical School, develops cold ethanol blood banking practitioners and the blood donating
fractionation, the process of breaking down plasma public.
into components and products. Albumin, a protein
with powerful osmotic properties, plus gamma 1949-1950 The US blood collection system includes
globulin and fibrinogen are isolated and become 1,500 hospital blood banks, 46 community blood
available for clinical use. John Elliott develops the centers, and 31 American Red Cross regional blood
first blood container, a vacuum bottle extensively centers.
used by the Red Cross.
1950 Audrey Smith reports the use of glycerol
1940 The United States government establishes a cryoprotectant for freezing red blood cells.
nationwide program for the collection of blood.
Charles R. Drew develops the “Plasma for Britain” 1950 In one of the single most influential technical
program — a pilot project to collect blood for developments in blood banking, Carl Walter and W.P.
shipment to the British Isles. The American Red Cross Murphy, Jr., introduce the plastic bag for blood
participates, collecting 13 million units of blood by collection. Replacing breakable glass bottles with
the end of World War II. durable plastic bags allows for the evolution of a
collection system capable of safe and easy preparation
1941 Isodor Ravdin, a prominent surgeon from of multiple blood components from a single unit of
whole blood. Development of the refrigerated recognized.
centrifuge in 1953 further expedites blood component
therapy. 1962 The first antihemophilic factor (AHF)
concentrate to treat coagulation disorders in
1953 The AABB Clearinghouse is established, hemophilia patients is developed through
providing a centralized system for exchanging blood fractionation.
among blood banks. Today, the Clearinghouse is
called the National Blood Exchange. 1962 In the US, there were 4,400 hospital blood
banks, 123 community blood centers and 55
Mid-1950s In response to the heightened demand American Red Cross blood centers, collecting a total
created by open-heart surgery and advances in trauma of five to six million units of blood per year.
care patients, blood use enters its most explosive
growth period. 1964 Plasmapheresis is introduced as a means of
collecting plasma for fractionation.
1957 The AABB forms its committee on Inspection
and Accreditation to monitor the implementation of 1965 Judith G. Pool and Angela E. Shannon report a
standards for blood banking. method for producing Cryoprecipitated AHF for
treatment of hemophilia.
1958 The AABB publishes its first edition
of Standards for a Blood Transfusion Service (now 1967 Rh immune globulin is commercially introduced
titled Standards for Blood Banks and Transfusion to prevent Rh disease in the newborns of Rh-negative
Services). women.
1959 Max Perutz of Cambridge University deciphers 1969 S. Murphy and F. Gardner demonstrate the
the molecular structure of hemoglobin, the molecule feasibility of storing Platelets at room temperature,
that transports oxygen and gives red blood cells their revolutionizing platelet transfusion therapy.
1970 Blood banks move toward an all-volunteer blood
1960 The AABB begins publication donor system.
of TRANSFUSION, the first American journal wholly
devoted to the science of blood banking and 1971 Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) testing of
transfusion technology. In this same year, A. Solomon donated blood begins.
and J.L. Fahey report the first therapeutic
plasmapheresis procedure — a procedure that 1972 Apheresis is used to extract one cellular
separates whole blood into plasma and red blood cells. component, returning the rest of the blood to the
1961 The role of platelet concentrates in reducing
mortality from hemorrhage in cancer patients is 1979 A new anticoagulant preservative, CPDA-1,
extends the shelf life of whole blood and red blood
cells to 35 days, increasing the blood supply and 1996 HIV p24 antigen testing of donated blood
facilitating resource sharing among blood banks. begins. Although the test does not completely close
the HIV window, it shortens the window period.
Early 1980s With the growth of component therapy,
products for coagulation disorders, and plasma 1997 U.S. Government issues two reports suggesting
exchange for the treatment of autoimmune disorders, ways to improve blood safety, including regulatory
hospital and community blood banks enter the era of reform.
transfusion medicine, in which doctors trained National Blood Data Resource Center founded by
specifically in blood transfusion actively participate in AABB to collect, analyze and distribute data on all
patient care. aspects of blood banking and transfusion medicine.
1981 First Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 1998 HCV lookback campaign — a public health
(AIDS) case reported. effort to alert anyone who may have been exposed to
the hepatitis C virus (HCV) through blood
1983 Additive solutions extend the shelf life of red transfusions before July 1992 so they can receive
blood cells to 42 days. medical counseling and treatment if needed.
1987 Two tests that screen for indirect evidence of 2002 West Nile virus identified as transfusion
hepatitis are developed and implemented, hepatitis B transmissible.
core antibody (anti-HBc) and the alanine
aminotransferase test (ALT). 2002 Nucleic acid amplification test (NAT) for HIV
and HCV was licensed by the Food and Drug
1989 Testing of donated blood for human- Administration.
Tlymphotropic-virus-I-antibody (anti-HTLV-I)
begins.. 2003 First-ever National Blood Foundation forum
unites leaders in blood banking and transfusion
1990 Introduction of first specific test for hepatitis C, medicine
the major cause of “non-A, non-B” hepatitis.
2003 FDA issues final guidance regarding “Revised
1992 Implementation of testing donor blood for HIV- Recommendations for the Assessment of Donor
1 and HIV-2 antibodies (anti-HIV-1 and anti-HIV-2). Suitability and Blood and Blood Product Safety in
Cases of Known or Suspected West Nile Virus
1892 James Blundell of England
1901 Karl Landsteiner (ABO)
2003 First West Nile Virus-positive unit of blood 1902 Von Decastello & Sturli (AB)
1914 Hustin (Sodium Citrate)
intercepted. 1915 Lewisohn (min.amt. of Na. citrate)
1916 Rous & Turner (citrate dextrose
2003 Guidance on Implementation of New Bacteria sol’n)
1941 Dr. Charles Drew
Reduction and Detection Standard issued. 1943 Loutit & Mollison (ACD)
1957 \Gibson (CPD sol’n)
Right shift- decreases Hb affinity to oxygen, more oxide
2004 AABB receives $2.4 Million CDC grant to
release to tissue—
reduce transfusion-transmitted HIV in Africa and
Increase 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (formerly 2,3-
South America. diphosphoglycerate/2,3- DPG) level
Left shift- increases Hb affinity to oxygen, less oxide
2005 FDA clears apheresis platelets collected with release to tissue—
certain systems for routine storage and patient Decreases 2,3-biphosphoglycerate (2,3-BPG)
transfusion up to 7 days when tested with a microbial
detection system release test. BLOOD BAGs
Single BB- collection, storage, transfusion of whole
2005 FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Double BB- separation of red cell & plasma.
Research publishes compliance program guidance for Triple BB- separation of red cell, platelet
inspection of human cells, tissues, and cellular and
Quadruple BB- separation of red cell, cryoprecipitate
tissue-based products (HCT/Ps). & plasma.
Mendelial Principle INNATE/ ADAPTIVE/
Law of Independent Assortment Natural immunity Acquired immunity
The law of independent assortment says that genes (Primary): (Secondary):
for different traits segregate independently of each non specific specific
other. It means that separate traits are separately fast takes time
inherited. This is because during meiosis the more effective
chromosomes line up randomly before the cell
divides, allowing for gamete formation. - first line of defence o The second line of
o fast, non specific defence
Law of Dominance o examples: oprotect the body against a
The law of dominance says that there are a. physical repeated attack by the same
dominant and recessive traits. Dominant traits are barriers, agent ( eg. Vaccination)
defined as whichever phenotype is expressed in an b. biochemical o specific, takes time but more
organism that is heterozygous for the trait. effectors effective
(complement) o Eg: lymphocytes
Law of Segregation
The law of segregation says that everyone has two and antibody formation
versions (called alleles) for each trait—one from
each parent—and that these alleles segregate
randomly (see independent assortment) during
1ST LINE 2ND LINE 3rd LINE strum
Skin Phagocytic Lymphocytes Artifi Infusion x / short
leukocyte cial of
Mucous Antimicrobial Antibodies serum/pl
membrane proteins asma
Secretion Inflammatory Memory cells injection
of skin & response
Double (-) Stage- lacks CD4 & CD8
1ST LINE Double (+) Stage- expresses CD8 & CD4 antigens
Toll-like receptor- main feature of innate; pattern
recognition that recognize pathogen associated ANTIGENS
molecular patterns; to signal immune system that Factors affecting immunogenicity macromolecular
invaders are already present! size
Cytokines- plays an important role in innate chemical composition
immunity. molecular complexity
ability to processed & presented w/ MHC molecules
2nd LINE
EPITOPE- combined with antibody HAPTEN
phagocytosis- produces cytokines
molecules carrier molecules complete antigen
Complement system- classical, alternative, lymph.
pathway, cell lysis
*Inflammatory Response- for tissue damage. Increases
Autoantigens- produced by Ag of self
blood flow, blood vessel permeability
- react with Ag on pt’s own cells
RUBOR- redness
(autoimmune reaction) & with same Ag
on cells of other individuals
TUMOR- swelling
DOLOR- pain
Alloantigens- produced as result of immune stimulation
FUNCTIO LAESA- loss of function
with Ag of the same species (human to human)
eg; transfusion or pregnancy
React with foreign Ag not present on pt’s own RBC
T lymphocyte B lymphocyte Ab produced from Ag of other species eg; vaccination
Produce cytokines Produce antibody
intracellular extracellular -Mount an immune response is linked to a group of
pathogen pathogens molecules originally referred to as HUMAN
2 TYPES OF ADAPTIVE IMMUNITY -The French scientist Dausset, gave them this , first
Mode of Antib Imme Durat defined by discovering an antibody response to
Acquisiti ody diate ion of circulating WBC.
on prod Respo Imm -These antigens “MHC” determined whether
uce nse une transplanted tissue is histocompatible & thus
by Resp accepted/recognized as foreign & rejected.
Host onse -MHC molecules are found on all nucleated cells in the
ACTI Natur Inf. / x long body.
VE al -Gene coding for MHC molecules in humans are found
Artifi Vacc. / x long in SHORT ARM OF CHROMOSOME 6.
CLASS I CLASS II CLASS activation complement complement
III if conditions activator
Gene Loci HLA-A, HLA-DP, C2, are optimal
HLA-B, HLA-DQ, C4A, Placental optimum 37̊C 4̊C
HLA-C HLA-DR C4B temperature
Chain α chain Α chain Number of antigen 2 10
structure β chain β chain site
Cell All nucleate APC & B Not
distributio cell cell expressed
Function Presentation Presentation Code for
of antigen of antigen C4,
to CD8 + T to CD4 + T Factor B,
cell cell TNF
IgM: first Ig to appear
ANTIBODIES LAG no antibody detected
is a specifically reactive immunoglobulin (Ig) produced LOG antibody titer increased arithmetically
in response to immunogenic stimulus (foreign) PLATEU stabilize
DECLINE PHASE antibody catabolize
Immuno: because of their function Ig- 15 days before antibody appears in serum
Globin: because of their nature (composition)
COMPARISON OF IgG & IgM IgE- triggers allergic responses of immediate type (Type
CHARACTERSTIC IgG IgM I HSR) through release of chemical mediators.
Clinical Significance Causes in Usually does -responsible for mounting immune response
vivo not cause in against parasitic infections. (mast cells)
hemolysis vivo
due to hemolysis
antibody IgG vs. IgM Antibodies
coating RBC
Size Monomer Pentamer Protein IgG IgM
Serum conc. Found in Found
largest conc. relatively Characteristic Immune Natural
Of all Ig in small
plasma amounts Stimulus Protein Carbohydrate
Complement Can activate Very good
Blood Group weight 900 kDa
Complement binding Rarely Yes
Antigen binding
2 10
Placental Transfer Yes No
present in BLOOD in an inactive form Blood group serology
can be activated by multiple pathways the study of antigenic molecules present on
when activated undergo a serious of reactions
various cellular & soluble components of whole
activation of C3 protein = results in cell lysis
blood, together with Abs and lectins recognize
1. Intermolecular Binding Forces- responsible
for non-covalent bond.
2. Antibody Properties
FUNCTIONS: Affinity: strength of interaction between
antigen and antibody’s binding site at one
1. Enhances phagotcytosis
individual site.
2. Antibody function
Avidity: used to express binding strength of a
3. Clears immune complexes in blood
multivalent antigen with antisera produced in
4. Kills microbes by cell lysis
5. Causes the increased in vascular immunized individual.
Monovalent- antibody binds & complex is
6. Enhances platelet aggregation
7. Enhance smooth muscle contraction formed known as EPITOPE.
Multivalent- binding of one or more antigen-
8. Aids in viral neutralization
binding site on antibody molecule to more
CLASSICAL PATHWAY- activated by IgM/IgA. than one antigenic determinant.
ALTERNATIVE PATHWAY- activated by microbe
surface molecules. *Antigenic determinant of stimulating antigen-strong
LECTIN PATHWAY- activated by mannose/other
sugar on microbe surface.
(Initiation, amplification, membrane attack) *Cross-reacting antigen-affinity not as strong.
3. Host factors- includes nutritional status, (special type of agglutination), precipitation,
hormones, genetic inheritance, age, race, sex, agglutination inhibition and hemolysis.
physical activity level, environmental exposure -In vitro reaction in an artificial environment
and occurrence of disease or injury. such as in a test tube, microplate, or column.
Fy (a+b-) exhibits a stronger reaction with anti- combining sites and a lack of agglutination is an
Fya antiserum than a person whose phenotype is indicator of (+) reaction.
Fy (a+b+).
Kidds and Duffy the Monkey (Rh) eat lots of -Involves HAPTEN that are complexed to
M&Ns. proteins. The hapten-protein conjugate is then
Kidds- Jka, Jkb attached to a carrier particle.
Duffy- Fya, Fyb ---COAGGLUTINATION---
Rh- C, c, E, e name given to systems using bacteria as inert
MNSs- M, N, S, s particles to which antibody is attached.
5. ph- most antibodies bind red blood cell at Staphylococcus aureus is the most frequently used
optimum pH 6.5-7.5 because it has a protein on its outer surface called
-acidic pH enhances reaction with anti-D, anti- PROTEIN A.
M, and anti-Pr.
6. Temperature- warm reactive antibodies are CRYSTALLIZABLE PORTION OF ANTIBODY
reactive at 37̊C- IgG MOLECULES LIKE IgG.
-cold reactive antibodies react at room *PROTEIN A absorbs Fc portion of the
temperature IgM. antibody.
-It is based on competition between particulate
and soluble antigens for limited antibody-
INDIRECT- in vitro sensitization (SERUM as the O A B AB
Asian 40% 28% 25% 7%
Black 51% 26% 19% 4%
Caucasian 45% 40% 11% 4%
Hispanic 57% 31% 10% 2%