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Planmeca Promax: Device Tool

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Planmeca ProMax ®


Device Tool
The manufacturer, assembler and importer are responsible for the safety, reliability and
performance of the unit only if:
- installation, calibration, modification and repairs are carried out by qualified
authorised personnel
- electrical installations are carried out according to the appropriate requirements such
as IEC 60364
- equipment is used according to the operating instructions.
Planmeca pursues a policy of continual product development. Although every effort
is made to produce up-to-date product documentation this publication should not be
regarded as an infallible guide to current specifications. We reserve the right to make
changes without prior notice.
Publication number 10031558 Revision 20
Released 8 April 2024
Table of contents

1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Starting Device Tool......................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Purpose of calibrations..................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Configuring imaging system network................................................................................................3
1.4 Capturing test exposure................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Setting Reconstruction PC parameters............................................................................................ 6
2 Dimax sensor calibration............................................................................................................................ 8
2.1 Panoramic beam.............................................................................................................................. 8
2.1.1 Beam check..................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.2 Flat field calibration........................................................................................................ 11
2.1.3 Ball phantom test........................................................................................................... 13
2.1.4 Results and report..........................................................................................................16
2.2 Cephalometric beam...................................................................................................................... 17
2.2.1 Beam check................................................................................................................... 17
2.2.2 Flat field calibration........................................................................................................ 19
2.2.3 Results and report..........................................................................................................21
3 ProCeph sensor calibration...................................................................................................................... 22
3.1 Beam check....................................................................................................................................22
3.2 Flat field calibration.........................................................................................................................24
4 3D sensor calibration................................................................................................................................ 26
4.1 Smartpan calibration.......................................................................................................................28
4.1.1 SmartPan without MultiView calibration......................................................................... 28 Beam check............................................................................................... 28 Flat field calibration....................................................................................31 Ball phantom test....................................................................................... 32 Results and report..................................................................................... 34
4.1.2 SmartPan with MultiView calibration.............................................................................. 35 Beam check............................................................................................... 35 Flat field calibration....................................................................................39 Ball phantom test....................................................................................... 39 Results and report..................................................................................... 42
4.1.3 SmartPan with MultiView calibration (only 3D Max).......................................................42
4.2 3D beam check...............................................................................................................................46
4.3 Flat field 3D calibration................................................................................................................... 47
4.3.1 In case bad map image is unsuccessful........................................................................ 49
4.4 C-arm and elbow arm cogs calibration........................................................................................... 50
4.4.1 Enabling cogs calibration............................................................................................... 53
4.4.2 Angle sensors................................................................................................................ 53
4.4.3 Calibrating C-arm cogs.................................................................................................. 53
4.4.4 Checking/calibrating Elbow arm cogs............................................................................ 57
4.4.5 Checking cogs gear ratios..............................................................................................60
4.5 3D geometry calibration..................................................................................................................61
4.5.1 C-arm symmetrical (Tooth/Teeth calibrations)............................................................... 62
4.5.2 C-arm symmetrical on left ear pos................................................................................. 64
4.5.3 C-arm symmetrical on right ear pos............................................................................... 65

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool

Table of contents

4.5.4 Elbow arm offset............................................................................................................ 66

4.5.5 Elbow arm symmetrical (Teeth calibration).................................................................... 67
4.5.6 Braces calibration...........................................................................................................68
4.6 Manual blemish marking.................................................................................................................69
5 ProFace calibration...................................................................................................................................74
5.1 Before ProFace calibration............................................................................................................. 74
5.1.1 Attaching sensor............................................................................................................ 74
5.1.2 Selecting ProFace sensor.............................................................................................. 74
5.1.3 Required tools................................................................................................................ 75
5.2 ProFace calibration.........................................................................................................................75
5.2.1 If ProFace calibration fails..............................................................................................84
5.3 ProFace calibration with manual camera adjustment.....................................................................85
5.4 Acquiring test image....................................................................................................................... 94
5.5 Troubleshooting ProFace calibration..............................................................................................96
5.5.1 Spikes in ProFace image............................................................................................... 96
5.5.2 Upper and/or lower edge of ProFace image is fragmented........................................... 97
5.5.3 Dark vertical stripe in ProFace image............................................................................ 98
5.5.4 Nose and forehead show too dark in image...................................................................98
5.5.5 ProFace image is distorted............................................................................................ 99
5.5.6 Holes in ProFace images............................................................................................. 100

Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

1 Introduction

1 Introduction
This manual describes how to use the Device Tool for ProMax (shortly
Device Tool) application with the Planmeca ProMax X-ray units (with or
without cephalostat).

This manual is valid for Device Tool software revision 5.5.4 or later.

To display the Device Tool software version, click on the Info > About button
on the opening screen.

For updating the imaging system (i.e. X-ray unit, Reconstruction PC, Device
Tool and Didapi) software versions, use the Imaging System Updater, see
instructions in the Imaging System Updater manual.

With the Device Tool for ProMax, it is possible to perform the following tasks:
• Calibrate Planmeca ProMax X-ray units
• Carry out Planmeca ProMax 3D quality assurance (Q/A) tests
For more information, see the Device Tool QA manual.
• Configure imaging system network settings
The Device Tool for ProMax can be used with all Planmeca ProMax X-ray
unit models and cephalostats:
• ProMax 2D
• ProMax 3D s
• ProMax 3D Classic
• ProMax 3D Plus
• ProMax 3D Mid
• ProMax 3D Max
• Dimax (scanning) cephalostat
• ProCeph cephalostat.

The calibrations should be performed by qualified service technician only.

Read this manual carefully before using the Device Tool application.

The instructions for the necessary mechanical adjustments of the X-ray unit
are described in the X-ray unit's technical manuals. The technical manuals
should be used in conjunction with this manual.

The display values shown in this manual are only examples and should not
be interpreted as recommended values unless otherwise stated.

Refer to the X-ray unit manuals for availability of specific features.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 1

1 Introduction

1.1 Starting Device Tool

Before you begin

Switch on the X-ray unit and the workstation with the Device Tool.

1. Start the Device Tool for ProMax.
• Windows: Click Start and select Planmeca > Device Tool for ProMax.
• macOS: From Applications, select Planmeca > Device Tool for
2. Click Start Calibration button.

1.2 Purpose of calibrations

• Beam check
The beam check is done to check that the collimation is correctly
adjusted in order to target the beam to the desired area.
• Flat field calibration
The flat field calibration is done to detect the radiation source form and
intensity at the sensor plane, to detect sensor pixel response for the
radiation source and to detect pixel behaviour variations at the given
imaging conditions to produce applicable X-ray image.
• Geometry calibration
The geometry calibration is done to calculate and optimize the X-ray
units geometry in the imaging environment.
• Ball phantom test
The ball phantom test is done to check that the X-ray beam, the patient
support table and the scara arm are correctly adjusted.
• ProCeph calibration
The calibration is done to check that the collimation is correctly adjusted
in order to target the beam to the desired area. With ProCeph sensor the
collimator must be visible in the calibration image.
• ProFace calibrations
• Chessboard calibration

2 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

1 Introduction

The chessboard calibration is done to calibrate the camera system

for optimal image, to set the colour balance of the cameras and to
calculate camera positions and geometry in the imaging system.
• Overlay calibration
The overlay calibration is done to ensure the correct alignment of the
ProFace image on top of the CBCT image.
• Camera adjustments
Camera adjustment consists of laser and LED adjustments.
The laser adjustment is done to set recognition level for laser line.
The LED adjustment is done to produce natural tone texture to
patient skin.

1.3 Configuring imaging system network

About this task

With Device Tool, it is possible to modify imaging network settings, manage
some Reconstruction PC (Reco PC) tasks and check some imaging device
related information.

1. Start Device Tool.
See section "Starting Device Tool" on page 2.
2. Click Manage Imaging System button.
3. Select the Network Configuration tab.
The Network Configuration tab shows the devices and systems for

3.a. Select the unit which network settings you want to modify by
clicking the appropriate button.

3.b. Modify the network settings.

If the connection icon is displayed as red, make sure that the IP/
hostname is correct and that all cables are connected correctly.
Then press the Test Connection button.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 3

1 Introduction

3.c. Click the Apply button to save the changes.

If needed, press the Reset button to discard changes and return to
the original settings.
4. Select the Software Configuration tab.

By clicking the Get Info button, you can view device's SW version and
serial number.
By clicking the Reboot button in the Reco PC field, you can restart the
Reco PC.
By clicking the Get Calibrations button in the Reco PC field, you can
download and save the calibration data stored to the Reco PC, e.g. for
backup or to be restored after Reco PC hardware or operating system

This function does not include ProFace calibration data, only SmartPan
and 3D calibration data.

By clicking the Send Calibrations button in the Reco PC field, you can
upload existing calibration data to the Reco PC, e.g. to be restored after
Reco PC hardware or operating system upgrade.
By clicking the Open Didapi Configuration button, you can open the
Didapi configuration tool, for more information on the tool, see Didapi
configuration tool manual.

4 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

1 Introduction

5. Select the ProTouch Desktop Server Configuration tab.

• ProMax IP
The X-ray unit's IP address is visible in the field, you cannot change
the IP address but test the connection with the X-ray unit by clicking
the Test Connection button.
• ProTouch Desktop IP
The currently set ProTouch Desktop IP is visible in the filed, you can
change the IP address by modifying the IP address in the field and
clicking the Set IP Address.

The ProTouch Desktop application is available only on Windows
operating system.
6. To get back to the main view, click the Back To Main button.

1.4 Capturing test exposure

Before you begin

The X-ray unit must be calibrated before capturing test exposures.

Do not use this function for real patient exposures.

About this task

With the Device Tool, it is possible to capture 2D Panoramic or 2D
Cephalometric test exposure for test or troubleshooting purposes. The image
is visible only in the display, it is not sent or stored to any database.

1. Start Device Tool.
2. In the main view, click the Image Capture, move mouse pointer over
2D item and choose Panoramic or Cephalometric for the type of test

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 5

1 Introduction

3. The Device Tool connects to the X-ray unit, Connecting... and Waiting
for Ready messages are displayed.
4. Select exposure mode (panoramic or cephalometric) and select
exposure parameters in the X-ray unit control panel.
5. Click Done.
6. After the Waiting for Exposure message is visible on the screen, press
the exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

7. After capturing the test exposure, Device Tool calibrates the image for
viewing, Calibrating Image message is visible in the screen.
8. The test exposure is displayed.

From the test exposure you can roughly estimate if the X-ray beam, the
patient support table and the scara arm are correctly adjusted.
For more information on adjusting the X-ray beam, the patient support
table and the scara arm, refer to the X-ray unit’s technical manual.

1.5 Setting Reconstruction PC parameters

About this task

With Device Tool, it is possible to set some Reconstruction PC (Reco PC)
The parameters you can enable or disable are the following.
• Beam Hardening
This setting enables the beam hardening and cone beam artefact
removal function in the Reco PC.
• Motion Detection
The Motion Detection setting in Reco PC enables patient movement
analysis from taken volume during patient imaging. Imaging software/
Romexis reports detected patient movement during the reconstruction

6 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

1 Introduction

The Motion Detection setting in Reco PC does not correct or adjust
patient movement, it only advises on the analysis findings. The licensed
CALM feature corrects patient movements.

1. Start the Device Tool.
2. In the main view, click File and select Reco settings.

3. Enable desired options, tick the boxes accordingly.

4. Click OK.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 7

2 Dimax sensor calibration

2 Dimax sensor calibration

This chapter applies only to 2D X-ray units.

2.1 Panoramic beam

2.1.1 Beam check

Before you begin

The X-ray beam must be mechanically adjusted before starting the beam
check, refer to the X-ray unit’s technical manual.

1. Start Device Tool (if not yet running).
See section "Starting Device Tool" on page 2.
2. Click Start Calibration button.
3. Check the values in the Device Settings fields, and click Next.
The Device Tool automatically interrogates the X-ray unit configuration
and fills the Device Settings fields. To change the X-ray unit to be
calibrated, modify the IP address in the Manage Imaging System

8 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

2 Dimax sensor calibration

4. On the Mode Selection screen select Panoramic from the Imaging Mode
drop-down menu, and check the necessary calibration tasks.
If you select all Beam Check, Flat Field and Ball Phantom calibrations,
the tasks will be performed automatically one after another.

Selecting Beam Check will automatically change the settings of the X-ray
unit. Do not change the settings on the X-ray unit control panel manually.
5. Click Next.
The software automatically connects to the X-ray unit and initializes
the exposure. Connecting... and Initializing exposure messages are
The X-ray unit will automatically go to the ready state.
6. After the Waiting for Exposure message is visible on the screen, press
the exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

The Receiving Image window will be shown during the exposure.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 9

2 Dimax sensor calibration

7. As a beam check result, the Device Tool displays two figures.

In the left figure, a full beam image result is displayed, and in the right
figure, a magnification of the top and bottom edges of the beam are

The collimation is correctly calibrated when the bright area of the beam
is inside the smaller green box and the dispersion of the beam starts
outside of the box. The dispersion of the beam again should not exceed
the bigger green box.
The Device Tool calculates if the collimation is correctly calibrated and
shows the result as GOOD or WARNING text in the middle of the figure.
The dashed green line indicates the calculated beam edges.

10 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

2 Dimax sensor calibration

The example output in the figure below shows an acceptable calibration


If the beam check image is acceptable (marked with GOOD),

informational pop-up window is displayed (an example in the figure

If the beam check image is not acceptable (marked with WARNING),

pop-up windows with instructions are displayed.

Check that the radiation beam can be seen entirely on the image
receptor. The radiation beam should not exceed the receptor.

If the beam check image is not acceptable

• Readjust the beam position as described in the X-ray unit’s technical
Then take another beam check exposure by clicking Capture button.
• If the radiation is not shown on the image receptor(s), calibrate the
X-ray unit again and take another exposure.
8. After successful beam check, click Next.

2.1.2 Flat field calibration

Before you begin

The sensor calibration must be performed with all X-ray unit's covers on.

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2 Dimax sensor calibration

1. Click Next on the beam check image window.
The flat field calibration starts. The software automatically connects to
the X-ray unit and initializes the exposure. Connecting... and Initializing
exposure messages are displayed.
The X-ray unit will automatically go to the ready state.
2. After the Waiting for Exposure message is visible on the screen, press
the exposure button to take the exposure.
The normal resolution exposure is taken first.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.
The Receiving Image window will be shown during the exposure.
After exposure the image will be automatically calibrated.

3. Click Next.
4. When the calibration is finished, click Done.

The X-ray unit automatically goes to the Ready state and takes the
enhanced resolution exposure.

After exposure the image is calibrated.

12 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

2 Dimax sensor calibration

5. When the calibration is finished, click Done.

The Device Tool window displays the images.

6. Check that the calibration image is evenly grey.

If flat field calibration image is not acceptable
• Recalibrate the sensor.
• If recalibration does not help, check that the X-ray unit, Reco PC, Device
Tool and Didapikit are all from the same imaging package.
• Check correct software versions from the imaging package's technical

2.1.3 Ball phantom test

1. In the Device Tool, when you click Next on the Flat Field image window,
and if the Ball phantom option was selected, the Connecting... and
Waiting for Ready messages are shown.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 13

2 Dimax sensor calibration

2. Attach the ball phantom to the patient support table.

The ball phantom (part number 30011904) is included in the X-ray unit

Ensure that the phantom is tightly attached to the patient support table.
3. Click Done.
4. After the Waiting for Exposure message is visible on the screen, press
the exposure button to take the exposure.
The normal resolution exposure is taken first.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

The Exposure and Calibrating Image windows will be shown during the
After exposure the image will be automatically calibrated.
5. The image with results is shown in the Device Tool window.
Example of a successful ball phantom test in the figure below.

14 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

2 Dimax sensor calibration

If ball phantom test image is not acceptable
Example of a failed ball phantom test in the figure below.

Follow the instructions given in the Device Tool window to correct the
problems. The following figure shows an example of the instructions.

• [X1-X2] and rear ball distance

Adjust the patient support arm to change the ball phantom symmetry.
For more information on rear ball adjustment, see the X-ray unit’s
technical manual.
• Ball roundness
Adjust the shoulder arm to make the centre ball more round. For more
information on ball roundness adjustment, see the X-ray unit’s technical

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 15

2 Dimax sensor calibration

Analysis failure
If the Device Tool is not able to analyse the ball phantom image at all, the
following notification is displayed.

• Check that the ball phantom is correctly attached to the patient support
• If the problem remains, use Romexis to capture the image and analyse it
with the Romexis Measuring Tool to find out the problem.
• Re-calibrate the X-ray unit.
If the layer is not set to 0 mm, the following notification is displayed.

For more detailed instructions on how to adjust the ball phantom related
settings, refer to the X-ray unit’s technical manual.

2.1.4 Results and report

1. In the Device Tool, Results window will appear when you click Next.
In addition to some general information, the calibration results are listed
in the Results view.

2. Select the images included to the report and add comments, if

3. Click Create Report button to create a report file.
4. The report opens in web browser.

16 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

2 Dimax sensor calibration

2.2 Cephalometric beam

2.2.1 Beam check

Before you begin

The X-ray beam must be mechanically adjusted before starting the beam
check, refer to the X-ray unit’s technical manual.

1. Start Device Tool (if not yet running).
See section "Starting Device Tool" on page 2.
2. Click Start Calibration button.
3. Check the values in the Device Settings fields, and click Next.
The Device Tool automatically interrogates the X-ray unit configuration
and fills the Device Settings fields. To change the X-ray unit to be
calibrated, modify the IP address in the Manage Imaging System

4. On the Mode Selection screen select Cephalometric from the Imaging

Mode drop-down menu, and check the necessary calibration tasks.
If you select both Beam Check and Flat Field calibration, the tasks will
be performed automatically one after another.

Selecting Beam Check will automatically change the settings of the X-ray
unit. Do not change the settings on the X-ray unit control panel manually.
5. Click Next.
The software automatically connects to the X-ray unit and initializes
the exposure. Connecting... and Initializing exposure messages are
The X-ray unit will automatically go to the ready state.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 17

2 Dimax sensor calibration

6. After the Waiting for Exposure message is visible on the screen, press
the exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

The Receiving Image window will be shown during the exposure.

The beam check image appears automatically after the exposure.

A Detailed view of the upper part of the active area

B Detailed view of the lower part of the active area
7. Check that the radiation beam can be seen entirely on the image
receptor in all three images.

The radiation beam should not exceed the receptor.

• If the beam check image is not acceptable, readjust the beam

position as described in the X-ray unit’s technical manual.
Then take another beam check exposure by clicking Capture button.
• If the radiation is not shown on the image receptor (one or more),
calibrate the X-ray unit again and take another exposure.
8. After successful beam check, click Done.

18 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

2 Dimax sensor calibration

2.2.2 Flat field calibration

1. Attach cephalostat calibration tool (part number 10004246) to the right-
hand ear post holder (near the sensor head).

1 Cephalostat calibration tool

2 Second primary collimator
2. Make sure the second primary collimator is in its position.
3. Make sure the sensor is attached to the sensor connector.
4. Remove the nasal positioner and the ear posts from their holders.
5. Click Next on the beam check window.
The software will automatically connect (Connecting.. window) to the
X-ray unit and initialise the exposure (Initializing exposure window).
The X-ray unit automatically goes to the ready state.
6. After the Waiting for Exposure message is visible on the screen, press
the exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

The Receiving image window will be shown during the exposure.

After the exposure the image will be calibrated.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 19

2 Dimax sensor calibration

7. Click Done when the Calibration Finished window appears.

The image from the exposure is shown in the Device Tool window.
8. Check that the triangle on the image is even and without any
White color/area on the lower left corner is normal, as long as it is not
visible on the final image after pressing the OK button, and image is

In case the triangle is not evenly shaped, it can be slightly edited. When
finished select OK and then Yes.

The calibration image is shown in the Device Tool window.

While editing the shape of the triangle the sensor is simultaneously
If the evenly shaped triangle cannot be reached, the primary collimator
or second primary collimator must be adjusted in vertical direction. Refer
to the X-ray unit’s technical manual.

20 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

2 Dimax sensor calibration

2.2.3 Results and report

1. In the Device Tool, Results window will appear when you click Next.
In addition to some general information, the calibration results are listed
in the Results view.

2. Select the images included to the report and add comments, if

3. Click Create Report button to create a report file.
4. The report opens in web browser.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 21

3 ProCeph sensor calibration

3 ProCeph sensor calibration

This chapter applies only to X-ray units with Planmeca ProCeph cephalostat.

3.1 Beam check

Before you begin

Before starting the calibration make sure that the ProCeph sensor is
correctly attached to the X-ray unit. For detailed information see Planmeca
ProCeph Cephalostat user’s manual.

1. Start the Device Tool.
See section "Starting Device Tool" on page 2.
2. Click Start Calibration button.
3. Select ProCeph as sensor type from the Sensor Type drop-down menu.
The Device Tool automatically interrogates the X-ray unit configuration
and fills the Device Settings fields. To change the X-ray unit to be
calibrated, modify the IP address in the Manage Imaging System

4. Click Next.

22 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

3 ProCeph sensor calibration

5. Select Cephalometric from the Imaging Mode drop-down menu and click
Next. .

6. After the Waiting for Exposure message is visible on the screen, press
the exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

When Beam check is completed the following window appears.

The beam is correctly collimated when a fade-out area of 2-3 mm is seen
in each border of the image. The collimator should also be straight.

To better visualise the collimation, select the Adjust levels tool.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 23

3 ProCeph sensor calibration

Adjust the histogram until you can clearly see the collimation.

• If the beam check image is not acceptable, readjust the beam

position as described in the X-ray unit’s technical manual.
Then take another beam check exposure by clicking Capture button.
• If the radiation is not shown on the image receptor (one or more),
calibrate the X-ray unit again and take another exposure.
7. After successful beam check, click Done.
You can now proceed to flat field calibration by clicking Next.

3.2 Flat field calibration

1. After the Waiting for Exposure message is visible on the screen, press
the exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

Hold down the exposure button until the end of exposure.

When exposure is completed the message Calibration Finished window

2. Click Done.
The collimator should not be seen in any Flat field exposure. If the
collimator is visible adjust the collimator again in beam check.

24 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

3 ProCeph sensor calibration

By scrolling down the image list you can view the detailed data of
• The calibrated image shown first should be evenly grey.
• The five flat field exposures are shown after the calibrated image: the
first one is taken with the lowest mA value and the last one with the
• The bad pixel image is shown last.
3. Scroll down to Bad map image.
If you see more than10 bad rows or more than 10 bad columns, increase
the Threshold for Linear Flat Field (%) value. The Threshold for Linear
Flat Field (%) value should be low enough to detect all the bad pixels but
not too low to trigger bad pixels from noise.
4. To view the results click Next.
5. To create a report check the images you would like to add to the report.
6. Fill in comments in the Add Comments field if necessary.
7. When finished, click Create Report.

The report opens in web browser.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 25

4 3D sensor calibration

4 3D sensor calibration
This chapter applies only to 3D X-ray units.

3D sensor types
In the table below, the sensor options for different 3D X-ray unit models are

X-ray unit model Sensor type

ProMax 3D with 3D v1 sensor 3D v1
ProMax 3D with 3D v2 / 3D Classic v4 / 3D Classic v5 sensor 3D v2
ProMax 3D s with 3D s / 3D s v4 / 3D s v5 sensor 3D s
ProMax 3D Mid with Mid v2 / Plus v4 / Plus v5 sensor 3D v2
ProMax 3D Mid with Mid v3 / Mid v4 / Mid v5 sensor 3D v3
ProMax 3D Max 3D MAX

All sensor types can be equipped with ProFace camera, except 3D v1

In the following figures, there are each sensor type illustrated.

3D Mid (v3/v4) sensor (active area 15 x 15 cm)

3D v2 / 3D Classic v4 / 3D Plus v4 sensor (active area 13 x 13 cm)

26 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

3D v1 sensor (active area 13 x 13 cm)

3D v2 sensor (active area 13 x 13 cm)

3D s / 3D s v4 sensor (active area 8 x 13 cm)

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 27

4 3D sensor calibration

Make sure that you have selected the correct sensor type in the X-ray
unit's technical settings 3100 Unit Configuration menu before starting the

4.1 Smartpan calibration

4.1.1 SmartPan without MultiView calibration

The instructions in this section applies only for 3D X-ray units with SmartPan
feature with MultiView option deactivated. Beam check

Before you begin

The Reconstruction PC must be switched on and network connection

About this task

The exposure values used for 3D calibrations (flat field and geometry) and
Q/A test will be set during the beam check process.

1. Attach the sensor to the X-ray unit and remove all calibration tools.
2. Start Device Tool (if not yet running).
See section "Starting Device Tool" on page 2.
3. Click Start Calibration button.
4. Check the values in the Device Settings fields, and click Next.
The Device Tool automatically interrogates the X-ray unit configuration
and fills the Device Settings fields. To change the X-ray unit to be
calibrated, modify the IP address in the Manage Imaging System

28 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

5. On the Mode Selection screen, select SmartPan as Imaging Mode

and Beam Check SmartPan, Flat Field SmartPan and Ball Phantom
SmartPan calibration tasks. Click Next.

6. After the Waiting for Exposure message is visible on the screen, press
the exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

7. As a beam check result, the Device Tool displays two figures.

In the left figure, a full beam image result is displayed, and in the right
figure, a magnification of the top and bottom edges of the beam are

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 29

4 3D sensor calibration

The collimation is correctly calibrated when the bright area of the beam
is inside the smaller green box and the dispersion of the beam starts
outside of the box. The dispersion of the beam again should not exceed
the bigger green box.
The Device Tool calculates if the collimation is correctly calibrated and
shows the result as GOOD or WARNING text in the middle of the figure.
The dashed green line indicates the calculated beam edges.
The example output in the figure below shows an acceptable calibration

If the beam check image is acceptable (marked with GOOD),

informational pop-up window is displayed (an example in the figure

The example output in the figure below shows a failed calibration result.

30 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

If the beam check image is not acceptable (marked with WARNING),

pop-up windows with instructions are displayed (an example in the figure

To adjust the beam position:

• Readjust the beam position and take another beam check exposure
by clicking Capture button.
• Adjust the collimation and C-arm rotation in the menu 3260
Collimator Calibration.
If the radiation is not shown on the image receptor (one or more),
calibrate the X-ray unit again and take another exposure.
For detailed description of the adjustments, see the X-ray unit’s technical
8. After successful beam check, click Done. Flat field calibration

1. After successful Beam check and Waiting for Exposure message is
visible on the screen, press the exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

2. Wait until all frames from five different mA steps are captured.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 31

4 3D sensor calibration

3. After successful calibration the the results of the calibration appear.

Example below. Ball phantom test

1. When you click Next on the Flat Field image window, and if the Ball
Phantom option was selected, the Device Tool continues to the ball
phantom test.
The Device Tool connects to the X-ray unit, Connecting... and Waiting
for Ready messages are displayed.
2. Attach the ball phantom to the patient support table.
The ball phantom (part number 30011904) is included in the X-ray unit

Ensure that the phantom is tightly attached to the patient support table.
3. Click Done.
4. After the Waiting for Exposure message is visible on the screen, press
the exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

After the exposure (Exposure window) the image is calibrated

(Calibrating Image window).

32 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

5. The image, along with results, displays in the Device Tool window.
The following figure shows an example of a successful ball phantom test.

If ball phantom test image is not acceptable
The following figure shows an example of a failed ball phantom test.

Follow the instructions given in the Device Tool window to correct the
problems. The following figure shows an example of the instructions.

• [X1-X2] and rear ball distance

Adjust the patient support arm to change the ball phantom symmetry
(rear ball adjustment).
• Ball roundness

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 33

4 3D sensor calibration

Adjust the shoulder arm to make the centre ball more round (ball
roundness adjustment).
• Analysis failure
If the Device Tool is not able to analyse the ball phantom image at all,
the following notification is displayed.

• Check that the ball phantom is correctly attached to the patient

support table.
• If the problem remains, use Romexis to capture the image and use
Romexis Measuring Tool to find out the problem.
• Re-calibrate the X-ray unit.
• If the layer is not set to 0 mm, the following notification is displayed.

For more detailed instructions on how to adjust the ball phantom related
settings, refer to the X-ray unit’s technical manual. Results and report

1. In the Device Tool, Results window will appear when you click Next.
In addition to some general information, the calibration results are listed
in the Results view.

2. Select the images included to the report and add comments, if

3. Click Create Report button to create a report file.
4. The report opens in web browser.

34 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

4.1.2 SmartPan with MultiView calibration

The instructions in this section applies only for 3D X-ray units with SmartPan
feature with MultiView option activated.

For SmartPan with MultiView calibration of Planmeca ProMax 3D Max X-ray

unit, see section "SmartPan with MultiView calibration (only 3D Max)" on
page 42. Beam check

Before you begin

The Reconstruction PC must be switched on and the TCP/IP connection

About this task

During the SmartPan calibration, two beam check operations are completed.
One for the narrow beam and one for the wide beam. The aim of the
calibration is to adjust collimation of both beams so that the radiation beam
is spread entirely on the active image area.

The exposure values used for 3D calibrations (flat field and geometry) and
Q/A test will be set during the beam check process.

1. Attach the sensor to the X-ray unit and remove all calibration tools.
2. Start the Device Tool.
3. Click Start Calibration button.
4. Check the values in the Device Settings fields, and click Next.
The Device Tool automatically interrogates the X-ray unit configuration
and fills the Device Settings fields. To change the X-ray unit to be
calibrated, modify the IP address in the Manage Imaging System

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 35

4 3D sensor calibration

5. On the Mode Selection screen, select SmartPan as Imaging Mode

and Beam Check SmartPan, Flat Field SmartPan and Ball Phantom
SmartPan calibration tasks. Click Next.

6. After the Waiting for Exposure message is visible on the screen, press
the exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

The calibration procedure includes two beam checks.

7. After the Waiting for Exposure message is visible on the screen, press
the exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

36 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

8. As a beam check result, the Device Tool displays two figures.

In the left figure, a full beam image result is displayed, and in the right
figure, a magnification of the top and bottom edges of the beam are

The collimation is correctly calibrated when the bright area of the beam
is inside the smaller green box and the dispersion of the beam starts
outside of the box. The dispersion of the beam again should not exceed
the bigger green box. This applies for both the narrow and the wide
beam calibration.
The Device Tool calculates if the collimation is correctly calibrated and
shows the result as GOOD or WARNING text in the middle of the figure.
The dashed green line indicates the calculated beam edges.
The example output in the figure below shows an acceptable calibration

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 37

4 3D sensor calibration

If the beam check image is acceptable (marked with GOOD),

informational pop-up windows are displayed (an examples in the figure

The example output in the figure below shows a failed calibration result.

If the beam check image is not acceptable (marked with WARNING),

pop-up windows with instructions are displayed (an example in the figure

38 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

To adjust the beam position:

• Readjust the beam position and take another beam check exposure
by clicking Capture button.
• Adjust the collimation and C-arm rotation in the menu 3260
Collimator Calibration.
For detailed description of the adjustments, see the X-ray unit’s
technical manual.
If the radiation is not shown on the image receptor (one or more),
calibrate the X-ray unit again and take another exposure.
9. After successful beam check, click Done. Flat field calibration

About this task

After successful Beam check, continue to the flat fiel calibration.

1. After the Waiting for Exposure Start message is visible on the screen,
press the exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

2. Wait until all frames from five different mA steps are captured.
3. After successful calibration the Finished Successfully window appears.
The results of the calibration appear. Ball phantom test

Before you begin

For Planmeca ProMax 3D Max X-ray units, perform the ball phantom test
using Romexis.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 39

4 3D sensor calibration

1. In the Device Tool, the Connecting... and Waiting for Ready messages
are displayed when you click Next on the Flat Field image window, and if
the Ball Phantom option was selected.
2. Attach the ball phantom to the patient support table.
The ball phantom (part number 30011904) is included in the X-ray unit

Ensure that the phantom is tightly attached to the patient support table.
3. Click Done.
4. After the Waiting for Exposure message is visible on the screen, press
the exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

After the exposure (Exposure window) the image is calibrated

(Calibrating Image window).

5. The image with results is shown in the Device Tool window.

Example of a successful ball phantom test in the figure below.

If ball phantom test image is not acceptable

40 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

Example of a failed ball phantom test in the figure below.

Follow the instructions given in the Device Tool window to correct the
problems. The following figure shows an example of the instructions.

• [X1-X2] and rear ball distance

Adjust the patient support arm to change the ball phantom symmetry
(rear ball adjustment).
• Ball roundness
Adjust the shoulder arm to make the centre ball more round (ball
roundness adjustment).
• Analysis failure
If the Device Tool is not able to analyse the ball phantom image at all,
the following notification is displayed.

• Check that the ball phantom is correctly attached to the patient

support table.
• If the problem remains, use Romexis to capture the image and use
Romexis Measuring Tool to find out the problem.
• Re-calibrate the X-ray unit.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 41

4 3D sensor calibration

• If the layer is not set to 0 mm, the following notification is displayed.

For more detailed instructions on how to adjust the ball phantom related
settings, refer to the X-ray unit’s technical manual. Results and report

1. In the Device Tool, Results window will appear when you click Next.
In addition to some general information, the calibration results are listed
in the Results view.

2. Select the images included to the report and add comments, if

3. Click Create Report button to create a report file.
4. The report opens in web browser.

4.1.3 SmartPan with MultiView calibration (only 3D Max)

Before you begin

The Reconstruction PC must be switched on and the TCP/IP connection

About this task

During the SmartPan calibration, two beam check operations are completed.
One for the narrow beam and one for the wide beam. The aim of the
calibration is to adjust collimation of both beams so that the radiation beam
is spread entirely on the active image area.

Before taking any patient exposures, all 3D sensor calibrations must be
carried out.

42 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

1. Attach the sensor to the X-ray unit and remove all calibration tools.
2. Start the Device Tool.
See section "Starting Device Tool" on page 2.
3. Click Start Calibration button.
4. Check the values in the Device Settings fields, and click Next.
The Device Tool automatically interrogates the X-ray unit configuration
and fills the Device Settings fields. To change the X-ray unit to be
calibrated, modify the IP address in the Manage Imaging System

5. On the Mode Selection screen select the SmartPan as Imaging Mode

and Beam Check SmartPan calibration task. Click Next.

The X-ray unit will automatically go to the ready state (Waiting For
6. After the Waiting for Exposure Start message is visible on the screen,
press the exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

The calibration procedure includes two beam checks.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 43

4 3D sensor calibration

7. After the Waiting for Exposure Start message is visible on the screen,
press the exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

The calibration procedure includes two beam checks.

8. As a beam check result, the Device Tool displays two figures.

In the left figure, a full beam image result is displayed, and in the right
figure, a magnification of the top and bottom edges of the beam are

The collimation is correctly calibrated when the bright area of the beam
is inside the smaller green box and the dispersion of the beam starts
outside of the box. The dispersion of the beam again should not exceed
the bigger green box. This applies for both the narrow and the wide
beam calibration.
The Device Tool calculates if the collimation is correctly calibrated and
shows the result as GOOD or WARNING text in the middle of the figure.
The dashed green line indicates the calculated beam edges.
The example output in the figure below shows an acceptable calibration

44 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

If the beam check image is acceptable (marked with GOOD),

informational pop-up windows are displayed (an examples in the figure

If the beam check image is not acceptable (marked with WARNING),

pop-up windows with instructions are displayed.
If the beam check image is not acceptable:
• Adjust the collimation in the technical settings menu 3261 Panoramic
Collimation Calibration.
For detailed description, see the X-ray unit’s technical manual.
• After adjusting, take another beam check exposure by clicking
Capture button.
9. After successful beam check, click Next.

10. By clicking Create Report button in the Results view, the Device Tool
creates a calibration result report.
The report opens in your web browser.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 45

4 3D sensor calibration

4.2 3D beam check

Before you begin

After SmartPan calibrations, wait at least 10 minutes (to let the sensor cells
to stabilize) before continuing to the 3D calibrations.

1. Start Device Tool (if not yet running).
See section "Starting Device Tool" on page 2.
2. Click Start Calibration button.
3. Check the values in the Device Settings fields, and click Next.
The Device Tool automatically interrogates the X-ray unit configuration
and fills the Device Settings fields. To change the X-ray unit to be
calibrated, modify the IP address in the Manage Imaging System

4. On the Mode Selection screen, select 3D as Imaging Mode and select

the desired calibrations.
By clicking Select all button all calibrations will be performed
automatically one after another. All you need to do is to change the
calibration tool when needed.

Selecting Beam Check 3D will automatically change the settings of the
X-ray unit. Do not change the settings on the X-ray unit control panel

46 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

5. After the Waiting for Exposure Start message is visible on the screen,
press the exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

6. The beam check image will appear in the window.

7. Check that there is no dark edges visible in the image.

If the beam check image is not acceptable:
• Readjust the beam position and take another beam check exposure
by clicking Capture button.
• Adjust the collimation and C-arm rotation in the menu 3260
Collimator Calibration.
If the radiation is not shown on the image receptor (one or more),
calibrate the X-ray unit again and take another exposure.

We recommend that you first adjust the collimator so that the beam is
slightly too narrow and low (clear dark edges in the beam check image)
and then gradually adjust the beam wider and higher until you reach the
edges of the active area (no dark edges in the beam check image as
shown above).

For detailed description of the adjustments, see the X-ray unit’s technical
8. After successful beam check, click Done.

4.3 Flat field 3D calibration

Before you begin

After SmartPan calibrations, wait at least 10 minutes (to let the sensor cells
to stabilise) before continuing to the 3D calibrations.

Make sure that the Reconstruction PC is switched on and network
connection works.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 47

4 3D sensor calibration

About this task

The exposure values used for flat field calibration will be set during the beam
check process, i.e. beam check must be done before flat field calibration.

Selecting Flat Field 3D will automatically change the settings of the X-ray
unit. Do not change the settings on the X-ray unit control panel manually.

1. Click Next on the beam check image window and select Flat field
The X-ray unit will automatically go to the ready state (Waiting For
2. After the Waiting for Exposure Start message is visible on the screen,
press the exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

After calibration the following window appears. The program will

calculate the calibration data and then automatically move to 2x2 binning
calibration (not with 3D V1). The X-ray unit will automatically go to the
ready state.
With the Planmeca ProMax 3D Max perform binning with 1x1, 2x2 and

3. After the Waiting for Exposure Start message is visible on the screen,
press the exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

48 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

4. Click Done.
After successful calibration the window shown below appears.

The window showing the calibration results appears. To view all images
on both sides scroll down the images.
• The calibrated image shown first should be evenly grey.
• The five Flat field exposures are shown after the calibrated image:
the first one is taken with the lowest mA value and the last one with
the highest.
• The bad pixel image is shown last. The image stack on the left
window is taken with 1x1 binning and the image stack on the right
with 2x2 binning.
5. Scroll down to Bad map image.
The bad map image is used to check if the collimation is successful.
The collimation should not be seen in any of the images and the bad
pixel map should be almost black with a few bad pixels and a few bad
columns and/or rows.
The Threshold for Linear Flat Field (%) value should be low enough to
detect all the bad pixels but not too low to trigger bad pixels from noise.
If you see more than10 bad rows or more than 10 bad columns, increase
the Threshold for Linear Flat Field (%) value, see section "In case bad
map image is unsuccessful" on page 49.

4.3.1 In case bad map image is unsuccessful

About this task

In case bad map image is unsuccessful adjust the blemish threshold for
linear value. The blemish threshold defines which pixel is defined as blemish

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 49

4 3D sensor calibration

(bad). If pixels value in flat field image differs more than [blemish threshold]
% from the flat field images average value, the pixel is marked as blemish.
Too many blemishes may also be due to saturating sensor. It may also be
due to collimator adjustment.

1. Select Settings from the File menu in the Device Tool main page.

2. Enter value to the Blemish Threshold for Linear Flat Field (%) field.

The value can be adjusted between 2% and 7%. The default value is 2,
and should not be changed without any good reason.

4.4 C-arm and elbow arm cogs calibration

Depending on the X-ray unit model, some of the calibration phases in
this chapter are not performed, the Device Tool shows which phases are
performed with the X-ray unit in question.

50 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

The following figure shows the cogs calibration process.

C-arm and elbow arm cogs calibration is needed only when you have
performed changes in the X-ray unit’s C-arm, shoulder arm or elbow arm
mechanics, for example, part replacements.
If no mechanical changes have been made to the X-ray unit’s C-arm,
shoulder arm or elbow arm mechanics, continue calibrations from section
"3D geometry calibration" on page 61.

If you do calibrate the C-arm and elbow arm cogs, it must be done before 3D
geometry calibration.

The calibration process is as follows:

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 51

4 3D sensor calibration

• If no mechanical changes have been made to the X-ray unit's C-arm,

shoulder arm or elbow arm mechanics, proceed to section "3D geometry
calibration" on page 61.
• If cogs calibration is needed, select cogs calibration in Device Tool as
instructed in section "Enabling cogs calibration" on page 53.
• If you perform both C-arm and elbow arm cogs calibration and the
results are successful, proceed to section "3D geometry calibration" on
page 61.
• Perform C-arm cogs calibration as instructed in section "Calibrating C-
arm cogs" on page 53.
• If you perform C-arm cogs calibration and results are successful,
proceed to section "Checking/calibrating Elbow arm cogs" on page 57.
• If you perform C-arm cogs calibration and Device Tool finishes with
• Adjust the C-arm rotation movement as instructed in section
"Calibrating C-arm cogs" on page 53 (sub-section "Adjusting C-arm
rotation movement").
• Press Retry button in Device Tool.
• Repeat the process until Device Tool returns a successful result.
• Proceed to elbow arm cogs calibration.

Remember to perform scara arm calibrations / position sensor calibration
(depending on the X-ray unit) after the full cogs calibration process, if
any of the calibrations result in warnings.
• Perform elbow arm cogs calibration as instructed in section "Checking/
calibrating Elbow arm cogs" on page 57.
• If you perform elbow arm cogs calibration and the results are successful
but C-arm cogs calibration returned a warning, perform scara arm
calibrations / position sensor calibrations (depending on the X-ray unit);
otherwise proceed to section "3D geometry calibration" on page 61.
• If you perform elbow arm cogs calibration and Device Tool shows a
• Adjust the elbow arm rotation movement as instructed in section
"Checking/calibrating Elbow arm cogs" on page 57 (sub-section
"Finished with warnings -result".
• Press Retry button in Device Tool.
• Repeat the process until Device Tool returns a successful result.

Remember to perform scara arm calibrations / position sensor
calibration (depending on the X-ray unit) after the cogs calibration
process, if any of the calibrations result in warnings.
• Repeat the full cogs calibration; both C-arm cogs calibration and
elbow arm cogs calibration should return successful results.
• Once the cogs calibration succeeds, the calibration process
automatically proceeds to 3D geometry calibration; see section "3D
geometry calibration" on page 61.

52 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

4.4.1 Enabling cogs calibration

1. Select Settings from the File menu in the Device Tool main page.

2. Check the option Start Geometry Calibration with Cogs Adjustment and
click OK.

4.4.2 Angle sensors

Make sure that the angle sensors are calibrated as described in the X-ray
unit’s technical manual.

4.4.3 Calibrating C-arm cogs

1. Attach the geometry calibration platform (part number 10029539) to the
adapter on the patient support table.

Use the steady adapter (part number 10001293) and not the adjustable

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 53

4 3D sensor calibration

If calibrating the 3D Max with ProFace, add a heightening piece
(part number 10031692) to the geometry calibration platform before
connecting it to the adapter.

Heightening piece 10031692

2. Make the geometry phantom available.
Select a suitable geometry phantom according to the following list.

Geometry 10027096
phantom for 3D s, 3D Classic, 3D Plus and 3D Mid X-ray units

3D Max geometry phantom 10021621

for 3D Max X-ray unit
3. Position the geometry phantom in the calibration platform’s front position.

1 Geometry calibration platform

2 Geometry phantom in front disc position

54 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

Ensure that the geometry phantom is vertical and in full contact with the
platform (no gaps) and that the front line is in line with the mark on the
platform, that is, the notches on the phantom are directed downwards
and the lowest ball on the phantom is directed forwards.

The X-ray unit will automatically go to the ready state (Waiting For

Selecting Geometry 3D will automatically change the settings of the
X-ray unit. Do not change the settings on the X-ray unit control panel
4. Press the exposure button to take an exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

The calibration process will take a couple of minutes.

If the calibration was successful the Finished Successfully window appears.

Successful calibration

X-ray unit model Acceptable scan angle values

3D s, 3D Classic -200.0 ± 0.10 degrees
3D Plus, 3D Mid -200.0 ± 0.05 degrees
3D Max -210.0 ± 0.05 degrees
After successful calibration proceed to Elbow arm cogs check/calibration
according to the instructions given in section "Checking/calibrating Elbow
arm cogs" on page 57.

Finished with warnings

The Finished With Warnings window will appear if the calibration was not
successful. The calibration is not successful when the scan angle is outside
the accepted range.
Adjusting C-arm rotation movement

You need a password to gain access to technical settings. The password
needs to be entered each time the X-ray unit is switched on. The password
is 1701.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 55

4 3D sensor calibration

1. Enter the C-arm ratio calibration mode.

If you’re using ProTouch, enter the C-arm ratio calibration mode as
Select 3200 Calibrations > 3250 Scara Arm > 3250 Scara Arm Cog

2. Adjust the rotation movement of the C-arm so that the scan angle is as
near as possible to the value -200.0.
• If the scan angle shown on the Geometry Calibration screen is
greater than -200.0 degrees (e.g. -199.7), increase the C-arm
rotation movement by touching the Up Arrow / + button.
• If the scan angle shown on the Geometry Calibration screen is
less than -200.0 degrees (e.g. -200.3), decrease the C-arm rotation
movement by touching the Down Arrow/ - button.
Increasing or decreasing the C-arm cogs value by 0.1 will change the
scan angle value by approximately 0.1 degrees.
3. Accept the new value and exit the calibration mode by touching the
green check-mark button.
4. Perform geometry calibration again as described above.

After modifying the value for C-arm cogs (in menu 3252) you must restart
the X-ray unit and calibrate the angle sensors as described in X-ray unit’s
technical manual for the changes to take effect. After this the C-arm cogs
check must be performed again.

If you are performing cogs calibration, you can perform angle sensor
calibration at the end of adjustments. For more information on cogs
calibration, see section "C-arm and elbow arm cogs calibration" on page

56 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

If the calibration could not be performed the Calibration Failed window will

Calibration failed

This will happen if the geometry phantom or the laser beams are not in the
correct position or if the X-ray unit has not been adjusted and calibrated as
described in the previous sections.
Check the following:
• Check that geometry phantom is in correct position and not upside down.
• If calibrating the 3D Max with ProFace, check that the heightening piece
(10031692) is used with the calibration platform.
• Check that the distance between patient support table and the sensor is
• Check the 2D calibration with a ball phantom image.
• Carry out sensor position / scara arm calibration and run again the 3D

4.4.4 Checking/calibrating Elbow arm cogs

About this task

Note, this phase is performed only with 3D Plus, 3D Mid and 3D Max X-ray

1. Click the Next button.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 57

4 3D sensor calibration

2. Position the geometry phantom on the geometry calibration platform as

shown on the figure below.

Ensure that the geometry phantom is vertical and in full contact with the
platform. The beam of the tomographic side light must hit the line at side
of the geometry phantom.
3. Press the exposure button to take an exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

The calibration process will take a couple of minutes.

Successful calibration
If the calibration was successful the Finished Successfully window appears.
The scan angle must be within the accepted range of -359.4 ± 0.05 degrees.
After successful calibration perform Geometry calibrations according to the
instructions given in section "3D geometry calibration" on page 61.
Finished with warnings -result
If the scan angle is outside the accepted range the Finished with warnings
window will appear.
1. Adjust the rotation movement of the elbow arm as described below.
2. Enter the elbow arm ratio calibration mode by selecting Technical > 3200
Calibrations > 3250 Scara arm > 3252 Scara arm cog adjustment.

58 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

You need a password to gain access to the technical settings. The
password needs to be entered each time the X-ray unit is switched on.
The password is 1701.
3. If the scan angle shown is greater than -359.35 degrees, you will have to
increase the elbow arm rotation movement by touching the + button on
the 3252 Scara arm cog adjustment display.
4. If the scan angle is less than -359.45 degrees, you will have to decrease
the elbow arm rotation movement by touching the - button on the 3252
Scara arm cog adjustment display.
Increasing or decreasing the elbow arm cogs value by 0.1 will change
the scan angle value by approximately 0.1 degrees.
5. Accept the new value and exit the calibration mode by touching green
checkmark button.
6. Perform elbow arm check again.

If you changed the value for elbow arm cogs (menu 3252) you will have
to restart the X-ray unit and calibrate the angle sensors as described in
the X-ray unit’s technical manual. After this the elbow arm cogs check
must be performed again.

If you are performing cogs calibration, you can perform angle sensor
calibration at the end of adjustments. For more information on cogs
calibration, see section "C-arm and elbow arm cogs calibration" on page

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 59

4 3D sensor calibration

Calibration failed
If the calibration could not be performed the Calibration Failed window will

This will happen if the geometry phantom or the laser beams are not in the
correct position or if the X-ray unit has not been adjusted and calibrated as
described in the previous sections.
Check the following:
• Check that geometry phantom is in correct position and not upside down.
• If calibrating the 3D Max with ProFace, check that the heightening piece
(10031692) is used with the calibration platform.
• Check that the distance between patient support table and the sensor is
• Check the 2D calibration with a ball phantom image.
• Carry out sensor position / scara arm calibration and run again the 3D

4.4.5 Checking cogs gear ratios

About this task

The tape material of the traction belt located on the elbow arm has been
changed. The X-ray units with serial number RPX 235922 or greater,
manufactured after March 2006, are equipped with the new traction belts.
Because the traction belt with the new tape is slightly thicker than the old
one, the correct gear ratio can be selected. The correct ratio has been set
at the factory, but it has to be checked and changed if necessary, when
replacing the traction belt.

1. Enter the calibration mode.
1.a. Touch the service spanner on the Main display.
1.b. Touch Technical and enter password (1701).
1.c. Touch 3200 Calibrations > 3250 Scara Arm > 3250 Scara Arm
Cog Adjustment.

60 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

2. Select Elbow-Arm Cogs.

3. Change the ratio value with plus (+) and minus (-) buttons.

4. Change the ratio value with plus (+) and minus (-) buttons.
The value 336.58 is for the old traction belt and the value 335.65 is for
the new traction belt.

Accept the new values with the green check mark. The X-ray unit must
be switched off and on after changing the ratio values. After switching
the X-ray unit on again, the angle sensors must be calibrated.

4.5 3D geometry calibration

The flat field calibration must be done before geometry calibration.

Geometry calibration must be done with all X-ray unit covers attached.

Depending on the X-ray unit model, some of the calibration phases in
this chapter are not performed, the Device Tool shows which phases are
performed with the X-ray unit in question.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 61

4 3D sensor calibration

Depending on the X-ray unit model, the geometry phantom must be
repositioned between exposures, the Device Tool shows when repositioning
is needed.

If any of the calibrations is not successful but you have to adjust the cogs,
perform the adjustments described in Device Tool QA manual.

The Reconstruction PC must be switched on and the network connection
must work.

4.5.1 C-arm symmetrical (Tooth/Teeth calibrations)

1. Attach the geometry calibration platform (part number 10029539) to the
adapter on the patient support table.

Use the steady adapter (part number 10001293) and not the adjustable

If calibrating the 3D Max with ProFace, add a heightening piece
(part number 10031692) to the geometry calibration platform before
connecting it to the adapter.

10031692 Heightening piece

2. Make the geometry phantom available.
Select a suitable geometry phantom according to the following list.

Geometry for 3D s, 3D Classic, 3D Plus and 3D Mid X-ray units

phantom 10027096

62 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

3D Max geometry phantom for 3D Max X-ray unit

3. Position the geometry phantom in the calibration platform’s front position.

1 Geometry calibration platform

2 Geometry phantom in front disc position

Ensure that the geometry phantom is vertical and in full contact with the
platform (no gaps) and that the front line is in line with the mark on the
platform, that is, the notches on the phantom are directed downwards
and the lowest ball on the phantom is directed forwards.

The X-ray unit will automatically go to the ready state (Waiting For

Selecting Geometry 3D automatic will automatically change the settings
of the X-ray unit. Do not change the settings on the X-ray unit control
panel manually.
Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

Press the exposure button to take an exposure.

The calibration process will take a couple of minutes.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 63

4 3D sensor calibration

The following window appears if the calibration was successful. The

scan angle tolerance is ±0.1.

5. Click Next and to move on to C-arm symmetrical left ear pos. geometry

4.5.2 C-arm symmetrical on left ear pos.

Before you begin

Note, this phase is performed only with ProMax 3D Plus, 3D Mid and 3D
Max X-ray units.

About this task

After clicking Next on the Finished Successfully window the Waiting For
Ready window appears.

1. Move the geometry phantom to the left ear position and perform the

2. Press the exposure button to take an exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

The calibration process will take a couple of minutes.

64 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

The following window appears if the calibration was successful. The

scan angle tolerance is ±0.2.

3. Click Next button and perform the C-arm symmetrical right ear pos.
geometry calibration.

4.5.3 C-arm symmetrical on right ear pos.

Before you begin

Note, this phase is performed only with ProMax 3D Plus, 3D Mid and 3D
Max X-ray units.

About this task

After clicking Next on the Finished Successfully window the Waiting For
Ready window appears.

1. Move the geometry phantom to the right ear position and perform the

The following window appears if the calibration was successful. The

scan angle tolerance is ±0.2.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 65

4 3D sensor calibration

2. Click Next button to proceed to the elbow arm offset geometry


4.5.4 Elbow arm offset

Before you begin

This phase is performed only with ProMax 3D Plus, 3D Mid and 3D Max
X-ray units.

1. Position the geometry phantom on the calibration platform as shown on
the figure below.

2. Ensure that the geometry phantom is vertical and in full contact with the
After clicking Next on the Finished Successfully window the Waiting For
Ready window appears. The X-ray unit will automatically go to the ready

Selecting Geometry 3D will automatically change the settings of the
X-ray unit. Do not change the settings on the X-ray unit control panel
3. Press the exposure button to take an exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

The calibration process will take a couple of minutes.

If the calibration was successful the Finished Successfully window
appears. The tolerance is ±0.1.
4. Click Next button, remove the geometry phantom and geometry
calibration platform from the patient support table.

66 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

4.5.5 Elbow arm symmetrical (Teeth calibration)

Before you begin

This phase is performed only with ProMax 3D Plus, 3D Mid and 3D Max
X-ray units.

1. Position the geometry phantom on the front place of the geometry
calibration platform

Do not change the settings on the X-ray unit control panel manually.
2. Press the exposure button to take an exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

The calibration process will take a couple of minutes.

3. The elbow arm calibration should be successful.

If the calibration is not successful, check the following:
• Check that geometry phantom is in correct position and not upside
• If calibrating the 3D Max with ProFace, check that the heightening
piece (10031692) is used with the calibration platform.
• Check that the distance between patient support table and the
sensor is correct.
• Check the 2D calibration with a ball phantom image.
• Carry out sensor position / scara arm calibration and run again the
3D calibrations.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 67

4 3D sensor calibration

4.5.6 Braces calibration

Before you begin

This calibration is made only if the braces option is in use.

1. Position the geometry phantom on the front place of the geometry
calibration platform

Do not change the settings on the X-ray unit control panel manually.
2. Press the exposure button to take an exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

The calibration process will take a couple of minutes.

3. The braces calibration should be successful.

If the calibration is not successful, check the following:
• Check that geometry phantom is in correct position and not upside
• If calibrating the 3D Max with ProFace, check that the heightening
piece (10031692) is used with the calibration platform.
• Check that the distance between patient support table and the
sensor is correct.
• Check the 2D calibration with a ball phantom image.
• Carry out sensor position / scara arm calibration and run again the
3D calibrations.

68 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

4.6 Manual blemish marking

About this task

The manual blemish marking tool can be used to mark bad pixels or
blemishes in the images manually, if the automatic flat field calibration was
not able to mark all the pixels correctly.

Flat field calibration must be completed before you can start the manual
blemish marking process.

1. Start Device Tool (if not yet running).
See section "Starting Device Tool" on page 2.
2. In the Manage Imaging System window click the Get Info button under
the below 3D Sensor.
The sensor serial number is displayed in the Log window.

The serial number can also be found on the sensor.
3. Start the manual blemish marking tool, click the File menu and select
Manual blemish marking.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 69

4 3D sensor calibration

The following screen opens.

4. Click the Load Bad Map button.

The appearing drop-down menu displays all sensors which have been
used for imaging.
5. Select the appropriate sensor (serial number checked earlier) and
desired bad map (resolution/PAN, SmartPan) from the list.

In the appearing bad map screen, the bad pixels marked automatically
during the flat field calibration shows as a white pixels.

6. Load reference image.

• If marking 1x1, 2x2 or 4x4 bad pixels, click Load Raw Frames button.
• If marking SmartPan bad pixels, click Load SmartPan Raw Frames

70 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

7. Select appropriate frameset.

The images will be displayed in the menu according to the date and time
of exposure.

The frameset opens in Raw Frames tab. Browse images with horizontal
scroll bar.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 71

4 3D sensor calibration

8. Mark bad pixels.

If you can now see a bad pixel or a line in the raw frames, but it is not
marked as white pixel/line on a bad map, you can mark it manually.
The image selected in the Raw Frames tab is automatically updated to
Bad Map tab.

• To mark bad pixels in the images click Mark as Bad Pixel button.
• To undo the bad pixel marking click Mark as Good Pixel button.
• To mark the entire bad columns or rows right-click on the image and
select from the opening menu the appropriate option.

9. To import the image on top of the pixel map click the Show Raw Frame

When selected bad map and reference image are not the same size the
Width and Height values show in red. Use reference images taken with
the same sensor and resolution.

72 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

4 3D sensor calibration

10. To save the bad pixel map to Reco PC click Save Map to RecoPC
When the bad pixel map has been successfully saved the following
window appears.
11. Click OK.

After saving the bad pixel map, do not carry out the flat field calibration
again, since it overrides the manually made changes to the bad pixel

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 73

5 ProFace calibration

5 ProFace calibration
5.1 Before ProFace calibration

5.1.1 Attaching sensor

The ProFace sensor is attached and removed in the same way as a normal
3D sensor.
See the X-ray unit user’s manual for detailed instructions.

5.1.2 Selecting ProFace sensor

About this task

Follow the steps below to enable the ProFace sensor in the X-ray unit, if not
yet enabled.

1. Enter Technical settings.
1.a. Touch the service spanner on the main display.

1.b. Select the Technical tab and enter password 1701.

2. Select 3100 Unit Configuration > Sensor Type.

3. Select appropriate sensor type according to the X-ray unit and sensor,
see the following table.

Planmeca X-ray unit Sensor type select

ProMax 3D with 3D v2 / 3D Classic v4 sensor 3D v2 ProFace
ProMax 3D s with 3D s / 3D s v4 sensor 3D s ProFace
ProMax 3D Mid with Mid v2 / Plus v4 sensor 3D v2 ProFace
ProMax 3D Mid with Mid v3 / Mid v4 sensor 3D v3 ProFace
ProMax 3D Max with 3D v3 / 3D Max v4 3D MAX ProFace

74 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

5 ProFace calibration

5.1.3 Required tools

The required tools for calibration include ProFace chess calibration tool,
geometry calibration platform, ProFace phantom and heightening piece (for
ProMax 3D Max).

5.2 ProFace calibration

Before you begin

During ProFace imaging a pulsating signal is emitted.

Perform ProFace calibration with all the covers attached to the Planmeca
ProMax X-ray unit.

1. Attach the ProFace chess calibration tool (100295575) to the adapter on
the patient support table so that the chessboard grid points forward.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 75

5 ProFace calibration

When calibrating ProMax 3D Max X-ray unit, check that the spacer block
(chin support heightening piece, part number 10031692) is positioned
between the patient support table and the chess calibration tool to
elevate the chessboard to correct height.
2. Start Device Tool.
See section "Starting Device Tool" on page 2.
3. Click Start Calibration button.
4. Check the values in the Device Settings fields, and click Next.
The Device Tool automatically interrogates the X-ray unit configuration
and fills the Device Settings fields. To change the X-ray unit to be
calibrated, modify the IP address in the Manage Imaging System

5. On the Mode Selection screen, select the 3D imaging mode. Click Select
none button (1) and select ProFace calibration task (2), and click Next.

Note that with the ProMax 3D s and 3D Classic X-ray units, only
ProFace Overlay, C-arm Symmetrical and ProFace Camera Adjustment
calibrations are available.

76 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

5 ProFace calibration

6. Follow the instructions given in the Device Tool screen, and click
Continue button when enabled to start automatic camera adjustment.
The calibration starts with chessboard calibration.

7. Click OK to continue to the camera head calibration stage.

If the Device Tool notices that the camera head calibration is already
made for the sensor (that is, the camera head calibration files exist) the
camera head calibration stage is skipped, only the results are shown as
in the next step.

To force the Device Tool to carry out the camera head calibration,
enable the Force ProFace Camera Head Calibration option from the
Device Tool settings menu, File > Settings.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 77

5 ProFace calibration

8. After a successful (PASS) camera head calibration, click Yes to save

and view the calibration results.

If the camera head calibration is not successful (FAILED), see further

instruction in section "If ProFace calibration fails" on page 84.

78 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

5 ProFace calibration

9. Click Next to continue to the camera rotation calibration stage.

10. After a successful (PASS) camera rotation calibration, click Yes to save
and view the calibration results.

If the camera rotation calibration is not successful (FAILED), see further

instruction in section "If ProFace calibration fails" on page 84.
11. Remove the ProFace chess calibration tool.
12. Attach the Geometry calibration platform (10029539) to the adapter on
the patient support table.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 79

5 ProFace calibration

13. Position the ProFace phantom (10029903) to the platform front position
so that the phantom images point forward (opening of the phantom at

When calibrating ProMax 3D Max use spacer block (chin support
heightening piece, part number 10031692) to elevate the ProFace
phantom to correct height.

During the calibration phase, do not change the position of the ProFace
phantom on the platform.

80 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

5 ProFace calibration

14. Click Next to continue the ProFace calibration.

15. Click OK to continue to the overlay autocalibration sequence (1/3).

16. After the Waiting for Exposure Start message is visible on the screen,
press the exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 81

5 ProFace calibration

17. Wait until the fitting completes and click the Yes button to save and view
the calibration results.

18. Click Next to continue the overlay autocalibration (2/3) and after the
Waiting for Exposure Start message is visible on the screen, press the
exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

82 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

5 ProFace calibration

19. Wait until the fitting completes and click Yes to save and view the
calibration results.

20. Click Next to continue the overlay autocalibration (3/3), and wait until the
fitting completes and click Yes to save and view the calibration results.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 83

5 ProFace calibration

21. Click Next, when the overlay autocalibration is ready. The calibration
results will be shown in the following window.

Note that with the ProMax 3D s and 3D Classic X-ray units, only
ProFace Overlay, C-arm Symmetrical and ProFace Camera Adjustment
calibration results are available.
If the calibration is not successful (FAILED), see further instruction in
section "If ProFace calibration fails" on page 84.
22. Click Next to move to the results and to create a report.

5.2.1 If ProFace calibration fails

Do the following if the calibration fails:
• Check that the protective glass on the camera and laser windows are
• Perform the calibration in the dark, as sometimes the fluorescent light
in the room affect calibration. In chessboard calibration the geometry
is calibrated, which means that blinking lighting does not necessarily
disturb the actual scan.
• Verify that the protective covers are attached to the X-ray unit.The
covers need to be on for optimum result.
• Verify that the chessboard is clean and that there are no scratches on its
• Verify that the ProFace sensor is firmly attached and reattach the sensor
if necessary.
• Verify that the X-ray unit is steady.
• Adjust the exposure time for LED and laser using the Device Tool
Lowering the “Exposure Value” usually provides improved results. For
more information, see section "ProFace calibration with manual camera
adjustment" on page 85.
• Verify that the two green laser lights from the sensor are overlapping, so
only one green line is visible on the chessboard.
• Verify that the 3D sensor software is up to date.
• Contact your local representative for further assistance.

84 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

5 ProFace calibration

5.3 ProFace calibration with manual camera adjustment

About this task

Carry out the ProFace calibration with manual camera adjustment option
only if the ProFace calibration in the previous section (with auto-adjustment)
did not succeed.

Before you start ProFace calibration with manual camera adjustment option,
carry out the preparations described in section "Before ProFace calibration"
on page 74, if not yet done.

Perform the ProFace calibration with all the covers attached to the X-ray

During the ProFace imaging a pulsating signal is emitted.

1. Start Device Tool.
See section "Starting Device Tool" on page 2.
2. Select Settings from the File menu in the Device Tool main page.

3. Activate Use Manual Adjustments in ProFace Calibration option and click


Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 85

5 ProFace calibration

4. Attach the ProFace chess calibration tool (100295575) to the adapter on

the patient support table so that the chessboard grid points forward.

When calibrating ProMax 3D Max X-ray unit, check that the spacer block
(chin support heightening piece, part number 10031692) is positioned
between the patient support table and the chess calibration tool to
elevate the chessboard to correct height.
5. Click Start Calibration button.
6. Check the values in the Device Settings fields, and click Next.
The Device Tool automatically interrogates the X-ray unit configuration
and fills the Device Settings fields. To change the X-ray unit to be
calibrated, modify the IP address in the Manage Imaging System

86 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

5 ProFace calibration

7. On the Mode Selection screen, select the 3D imaging mode. Click Select
none button (1) and select ProFace calibration task (2), and click Next.

Note that with the Planmeca ProMax 3D s and 3D Classic X-ray

units, only ProFace Overlay, C-arm Symmetrical and ProFace Camera
Adjustment calibrations are available.
8. Adjust the length of exposure by using the arrows at the bottom of the
The longer the exposure the lighter the image.
If there is saturation in the image the message Saturated pixels on red
appears on the screen.
The LED image should be as bright as possible without the chessboard
grid becoming saturated. Saturation (red areas) outside the chessboard
grid is acceptable however.

9. Adjust the laser beam below saturation.

The lasers' (green line) should be differentiated from the surface of the
chessboard as much as possible. There should be only one visible green
line in the laser image. There is also a detected laser line (white line) in
the image which should be aligned equally with the green line.
10. Next, adjust the lasers as bright as possible so that first the laser line
saturates slightly (red dots outside the green line) and then decrease the

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 87

5 ProFace calibration

laser parameter step by step until the laser line doesn’t saturate at all.
Few saturated pixels around the laser line is OK.

11. Click Next.

The X-ray unit drives the C-arm to imaging start point and the LEDs of
the ProFace camera light up.
12. Click OK to continue to the camera head calibration stage.

If the Device Tool notices that the camera head calibration is already
made for the sensor (that is, the camera head calibration files exist) the
camera head calibration stage is skipped, only the results are shown as
in the next step.

To force the Device Tool to carry out the camera head calibration,
enable the Force ProFace Camera Head Calibration option from the
Device Tool settings menu, File > Settings.

88 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

5 ProFace calibration

13. After a successful (PASS) camera head calibration, click the Yes to save
and view the calibration results.

14. Click Next to continue to the camera rotation calibration stage.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 89

5 ProFace calibration

15. After a successful (PASS) camera rotation calibration, click Yes to save
and view the calibration results.

If the camera head calibration is not successful (FAILED), adjust the

LED and laser parameters and perform the chessboard calibration again.
16. To save calibration results, click Yes.

Clicking Yes will override the previous calibration.
17. Click Next to proceed to overlay phantom calibration.
18. Remove the ProFace chess calibration tool.
19. Attach the Geometry calibration platform (10029539) to the adapter on
the patient support table.
20. Position the ProFace phantom (10029903) to the platform front position
so that the phantom images point forward (opening of the phantom at

When calibrating ProMax 3D Max use spacer block (chin support
heightening piece, part number 10031692) to elevate the ProFace
phantom to correct height.

During the calibration phase, do not change the position of the ProFace
phantom on the platform.

90 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

5 ProFace calibration

21. Adjust brightness so that the phantom has natural tone in the camera
If the value is too high the phantom appears pale and if it is too low the
phantom appears dark. Saturation outside the phantom is OK.

22. Click Next.

23. Adjust the lasers as bright as possible so that first the laser line on the
phantom saturates slightly (red dots are visible in the phantom area of
the green line).
24. Decrease the laser parameter step by step until the laser line does not
saturate at all. Saturation around the laser line is OK.

25. Click Next.

26. Click OK to continue to the overlay autocalibration sequence (1/3).
27. After the Waiting for Exposure Start message is visible on the screen,
press the exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 91

5 ProFace calibration

28. Wait until the fitting completes and click the Yes button to save and view
the calibration results.

29. Click Next to continue the overlay autocalibration (2/3) and when the
Waiting for Exposure Start message is visible on the screen, press the
exposure button to take the exposure.

Radiation is generated when the exposure button is pressed. Take
adequate protection measures.

92 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

5 ProFace calibration

30. Wait until the fitting completes and click the Yes to save and view the
calibration results.

31. Click Next to continue the overlay autocalibration (3/3), and wait until
the fitting completes and click the Yes to save and view the calibration

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 93

5 ProFace calibration

32. Click Next, when the overlay autocalibration is ready.

The calibration results will be shown in the following window.

Note that with the ProMax 3D s and 3D Classic X-ray units, only
ProFace Overlay, C-arm Symmetrical and ProFace Camera Adjustment
calibration results are available.
To improve the ProFace fitting result re-adjust overlay laser (Steps 23
- 25) and perform the overlay calibration again. If assessment on X-ray
fitting fails, check the phantom positioning and verify that image slices of
the phantom have acceptable data containing no artefacts causing faulty
33. Click Next to move to the results and to create a report.

5.4 Acquiring test image

About this task

Take a test image from the ProFace phantom after every calibration. To
acquire a test image, perform the following steps.

1. Attach the 3D platform to the adapter on the patient support table.
2. Position the ProFace phantom on the platform in front position so that
the phantom images point forward.
3. Select combined 3D and FaceScan from the X-ray unit.
4. Select the correct exposure settings and parameters as listed in the
following table.

ProMax 3D ProMax 3D ProMax 3D

ProMax 3D s ProMax 3D Max
Classic Plus Mid
Program Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth
Volume size 80 mm + 50 mm 80 mm + 80 mm 100 mm + 90 mm
Resolution Normal
kV 90
mA 10
FaceScan ON

94 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

5 ProFace calibration

5. Select Go 3D from ProMax.

6. Press the exposure button to take the images.

CBVT volume and ProFace (blue line) should be automatically aligned
with each other.

7. Check that Face data is correctly aligned with CBVT volume by scrolling
the image layers in Axial Sagittal and Coronal views.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 95

5 ProFace calibration

5.5 Troubleshooting ProFace calibration

5.5.1 Spikes in ProFace image

Cause Fix
Green object or hair inside Remove hair form patients face and/or
ProFace imaging area. all green objects from around the X-ray
Laser parameter is set too To lower the parameter see section
high. "ProFace calibration with manual camera
adjustment" on page 85.
ProFace camera is not in Contact Planmeca AfterSales.

96 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

5 ProFace calibration

5.5.2 Upper and/or lower edge of ProFace image is fragmented

Cause Fix
The lasers are Increase the lasers slightly see section
adjusted too low. "ProFace calibration with manual camera
adjustment" on page 85.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 97

5 ProFace calibration

5.5.3 Dark vertical stripe in ProFace image

Cause Fix
ProFace LED-light is damaged. (Check that both Contact
lights are switched on/off at the same time LED Planmeca
is always on when sensor power is on or LED is AfterSales.
always off).

5.5.4 Nose and forehead show too dark in image

If nose and forehead show too dark in the image, place a lamp in front of the
patient so that more light comes onto patient’s face.

98 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

5 ProFace calibration

5.5.5 ProFace image is distorted

Cause Fix
Patient has moved Guide the patient to stay still during Face
during the Face Scan. Scan and take a new Planmeca ProFace

The texture image can be removed from the ProFace image by selecting
Surface from the Rend Mode menu. The distorsion shows more clearly in the
surface image.

Calibration manual Planmeca ProMax Device Tool 99

5 ProFace calibration

5.5.6 Holes in ProFace images

Cause Fix
Laser Adjust the lasers in the region where you want to
adjustment is capture the image. The lasers showing in red on
too low. the head band does not affect the image quality
and thus it does not need to be considered when
adjusting the lasers. Chessboard calibration is not
necessary, instead adjust as described in section
"ProFace calibration with manual camera adjustment"
on page 85.

100 Planmeca ProMax Device Tool Calibration manual

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tel. +358 20 7795 500 | fax +358 20 7795 555 | [email protected] | www.planmeca.com

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