Renal Failure Copy 1
Renal Failure Copy 1
Renal Failure Copy 1
Ms.Sherly. K
Reg. No: 301613452
A Dissertation Submitted to
The Tamil Nadu Dr. M. G. R. Medical University,
Chennai – 32.
Ms.Sherly. K
A Dissertation Submitted to
The Tamil Nadu Dr. M. G. R. Medical University,
Chennai – 32.
Ms.Sherly. K
Coimbatore – 23.
Associate professor,
Coimbatore – 23.
Certified that this is the bonafide work of Ms. Sherly.K, Texcity College of Nursing,
Coimbatore-23, submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of
Master of Science in Nursing to The Tamilnadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University,
Chennai. Under the Registration No: 301613452
College Seal
Texcity College Of
Nursing Podanur Main
Road Coimbatore-23.
I praise and thank the shepherd of my glorious life; the Supreme Being for the
opportunity has given me and the abundant blessings that have bestowed me
thoughtful the course of this study.
“Praise the bridge that carried you over” I am obliged to The bridge of
research Mr.ANNASSAMY, M.Sc (Biochemistry), M.Phil., PGDBI., who helps in
research and biostatistics without which the course of work would have been
“Ideas shape the course of history”. My sincere thanks to all the experts who
had given the content validity, ideas and suggestions to shape this study.
I convey my thanks to our computer staff MS. SUMAYA B.Sc (CS) Texcity
College of Nursing, Coimbatore for helping me to prepare power point presentation in
our study.
I express my sincere thanks to all the research participants for their kind
cooperation which gave me a fruitful end of this study.
“Life is a journey and your words have been a guiding light throughout” I
dedicate this work to my lovable husband and my kids for their unconditional love,
care, supporting prayers and encouragement which planted the confidence on me to
complete this task successfully.
“Things do not happen, Things are made to happen”. I thank one and all who
directly and indirectly helped in the successful completion of this dissertation.
Objectives :
H1: There will be a significant difference between pretest and post-test level
of knowledge and attitude scores regarding lifestyle modifications among
patients with chronic kidney disease.
One group pretest and posttest experimental research design. 40 samples were
selected using non-probability convenient sampling. A structured Knowledge
questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge and modified Likert Scale was used
to assess the attitude. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the
The study findings revealed that the structured teaching programme regarding
lifestyle modifications improved the knowledge and thereby modified the favorable
attitude of chronic kidney disease patients.The obtained ‘t’ value for comparison of
knowledge score at p<0.05 was 16.87and the obtained ‘t’ value for comparison of
attitude scores at p<0.05 level was 18.87. There was a positive correlation found
between the knowledge and attitude scores in the pre-and post test. The study also
revealed that that there was an association between the pretest level of knowledge
scores and the education, but, other variables like age, sex, religion, occupation.
Income, marital status, type of family, dietary pattern, duration of disease, personal
habits, associated illness were not associated with the pretest level of knowledge
scores. Further, there was no association found between pretest level of attitude scores
with the selected demographic variables.
Health is the extent of continuing physical, emotional, mental, and social ability
to cope with “ones” environment. Good health is harder to define than bad health because
it must convey a more positive concept than the mere absence of disease, and there is a
variable area between health and disease. Health is defined as a state of complete
physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
(WHO, 1946).
National kidney foundation (2015) stated that chronic kidney disease is also
known as a chronic renal disease where the progressive loss in renal functions over a
period of months or years. The symptoms of worsening kidney function are non-specific
and might include feeling generally unwell and experiencing a reduced appetite. People
with diabetes, high blood pressure are having more chance of developing chronic kidney
disease and its complications.
The incidence of chronic kidney disease and its consequences are increasing
throughout western and developing world. The world foundation for renal care estimated
that by the year 2020, over 1 million people will be required to provide care for
approximately 1,4million people receiving dialysis, and approximate 1.2 million are with
functioning transplants. Chronic kidney disease is a gradual and progressive loss of the
ability of the kidneys to function normally.
Linda (2013) stated that kidney insufficiency and early kidney disease are treated
based on symptoms with a restricted diet and fluid intake, medication and careful
monitoring for the onset of serious problems that initiation of dialysis. In later available
may return the patient to a nearly normal state of health.
Lewis (2013) described that chronic kidney patient needs to make changes in their
diet, including limiting fluids, eating a low-protein diet as recommended, restricting salt,
potassium, phosphorous, and other electrolytes. The purpose of this dietary pattern is to
maintain a balance of electrolytes, minerals, and fluid in patients.
Ann,, (2012) said that chronic kidney disease of an individual is maintained
by diet, exercise and day to day activities. As a result of technological development, the
lifestyle, obesity, smoking, poor diet, and lack of exercise for people in the modern
country has changed a lot. There is a remarkable change in food habits as well as physical
activities. So the kidney disease can be controlled by various measures like adopting a
healthy diet, medication, exercises, engaged in relaxation technique like yoga and
Bracken, (2014) stated that the kidney is one of the major vital organs. The
proper function of the urinary system is essential for the normal functioning of the body.
Diseases of the kidneys are currently the leading cause of the death throughout the
country. Chronic kidney disease is a progressive, irreversible, deterioration in the renal
function in which the bodies ability to maintain metabolic and fluid-electrolyte balance
fails, resulting in azotemia or uremia. In the early stage of renal impairment, symptoms
may be minimized through hemodialysis and regulation of diet, control of fluid intake,
and use of medication, as renal function worsens these treatments become insufficient.
Suresh C. D (2015) stated that chronic kidney disease is a global threat to health
in developing countries. In India, 90% of patients are not able to afford the cost. Over 1
million people worldwide are alive on dialysis or with a functioning graft. The incidence
of chronic kidney disease as doubled in the last 15 years.
George (2012) reported that the prevalence of the end-stage renal disease has
increased worldwide, with the common causes which are hypertension and diabetes and
associated with large increases in cardiovascular risk. Most of the deaths from
cardiovascular diseases are caused by the chronic kidney disease. So the early
identification and reduction of chronic kidney diseases have become a vital public health
Sanmugam (2014) started that the average global prevalence of treated end-stage kidney
disease, dialysis, and transplant patient were 280,215 and 65 patients per million
respectively. In India, th and transplant patients were 70.60 and 10 patients were per
million, respectively. This number is increasing globally at a rate of 7%every years.
Buke (2016) stated that modification of lifestyle habits like smoking cessation,
exercise, moderate alcohol consumption, and weight loss in obese people will slow the
progression of chronic kidney disease. Diet is considered 0ne of the treatment of chronic
kidney disease. Dietary advice includes information about energy, protein, sodium
phosphate, potassium, and fluid. The overall aim is to prevent malnutrition,
hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, and obesity and to aid in the treatment of
hypertension and alleviate the uremic symptom, a balanced healthy diet to meet
individual nutritional requirements
Therefore the above fact and studies created an insight in the investigator`s mind.
By improving the knowledge regarding lifestyle modification on chronic kidney disease,
the incidence of complication could be reduced. It may enhance the changes in the health
care delivery system. The overall aim of the present study is to assess the effectiveness of
video assisted teaching programmed on knowledge and attitude regarding lifestyle
modification among patients with chronic kidney disease.
A Study to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on
knowledge and attitude regarding lifestyle modification among patients with chronic
kidney disease at selected hospital Coimbatore.
H1: There will be a significant difference between pretest and post-test level of
knowledge and attitude scores regarding lifestyle modifications among patients
with chronic kidney disease.
H2: There will be a significant correlation between the pre-test level of
knowledge and attitude scores regarding lifestyle modifications among patients
with chronic kidney disease.
H3: There will be a significant correlation between the post-test level of
knowledge and attitude scores regarding lifestyle modifications among patients
with chronic kidney disease.
H4: There will be a significant association between pretest level of knowledge
and attitude scores regarding lifestyle modifications among patients with chronic
kidney disease with their selected demographic variables.
1.6.1 Effectiveness
In the study, it refers to the extent to which the structured teaching programme on
knowledge and attitude regarding lifestyle modifications among patents which chronic
kidney disease which is able to produce the desired effect as measured in terms of gain in
test knowledge score and attitude score.
It refers to the teaching programme delivered with the help of PPT and a booklet
regarding the lifestyle modifications among patients with chronic kidney disease. It
includes medication, diet, exercise, and hypertensive management, glycemic control and
smoking cessation of alcohol, relaxation technique, and prevention of complication and
follows up.
1.63 Knowledge
1.6.4 Attitude
It refers to the feeling and belief of the day to day activities of a patient with
chronic kidney disease on lifestyle modifications, which is explored by the scores of
attitude questionnaire.
1.6.5 Chronic kidney disease
Chronic kidney disease refers to decreased kidney function and or kidney damage
persistent for at least 3 months. Kidney dysfunction is indicated by a glomerular filtration
rate of less than 60 ml/min/1.73m 2. While kidney damage most frequently is manifested
as increased urinary albumin excretion.
The lifestyle modification involves in the area of medication, diet, exercise and
hypertensive, glycemic control, and smoking cessation, avoidance of alcohol, relaxation,
technique, prevention of complication and follow up,
Chronic kidney disease patients may not have adequate knowledge and attitude
regarding lifestyle modifications,
Education will enhance the knowledge and attitude of chronic disease patients
regarding lifestyle modifications.
Knowledge and attitude of the chronic kidney disease patient were
assessed only through the verbal responses structured interview schedule,
which may be selectively to various factors like inhibition of self-
This study assessed only the chronic kidney disease patient knowledge
and attitude, actual practice was not observed.
This study will enable the investigator to improve the knowledge of the chronic
kidney disease patients and find out the personnel compelling motivators for change in
their attitude.
The conceptual framework of the study was decided from modified Roy's
adaptation model (1979). Roy points out adaption was a dynamic state of equilibrium
involving both high and low response brought by person triggered stimuli. It involves an
open system in which stimuli enters from the environment and changes the behavior of a
person to adopt condition.
Input consists of stimuli which can come from the environment or within a
person. In this study demographic variables age, sex, religion, education, occupation,
marital status, family type, dietary pattern, duration of illness, personal habits, associated
illness and the knowledge and attitude of lifestyle modifications of chronic kidney
an adaptive model. Physiological function, self-concept, role function, and
interdependence are involved in adaptation.
Physiologic Function
It involves the body’s basic needs for the patient. Here it refers to diet restriction
like low sodium, potassium, protein and phosphorous diet, fluid restriction, control of
blood pressure and control of blood sugar.
Self Concept
Self-concepts are about belief and feeling of their body image. It involves
maintaining kidney function and preventing complication.
Role Function
This involves the behavior of a person which depends on how a person interacts
with the researcher and family members in a given situation. Here the patients interact
with the researcher and family members.
The output is the outcome of the system. In this study, output refers to changes in
knowledge and attitude adapting measure for lifestyle modification. If he or she adapts
the system he or she gains adequate knowledge and favorable attitude. If he or she
maladapted the system he or she haS inadequate knowledge and an unfavorable attitude.
If the patients have a lack of knowledge and attitude after the teaching programme the
process is again reassessed and the redirected process is continued.
Figure 1.1: Modified Conceptual Frame Work Based on Roy’s Adaptation Model (1992)
"Man can learn nothing except by going from the known to unknown"
-Claude Bernard
A literature review surveys scholarly articles, book and other sources relevant to a
particular issue, area of research or theory, and by doing so, providing a description,
summary and critical evaluation of these works, Literature review is designed to provide
an overview of the source which has explored which researching a particular topic and
demonstrate to readers, how the research fits into larger field of study (Labaree, 2013)
2.1 Section – A: Literature related to the overall view of chronic kidney disease
2.2 Section – B: Literature related to the lifestyle modifications of chronic kidney disease
a gradual decline in renal function, leading to an increase in serum creatinine level which
is progressive irreversible. Human kidneys serve to convert more than 1700 Liters of
blood per day into about I liter of highly specialized concentrated fluid called urine. The
kidney excretes the waste products of metabolism, precisely. Regulates the body’s
concentration of water and salt, maintains the appropriate acid. The balance of plasma
and serves as an endocrine organ, secreting such hormones as erythropoietin, rennin, and
Ilangovan (2012) stated that a chronic kidney disease is a major public health
problem. Chronic diseases are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in India and other
low and middle-income countries, 60% of all deaths occur worldwide due to chronic
disease. In India, 521 million deaths occur due to chronic kidney disease in the year 2008
Clyne (2011) stated that patients with chronic kidney disease have a markedly
progressive decrease in physical function. The causes of chronic kidney disease are
disease. Chronic kidney disease is found in approximately 20% to 25% in the general
population. The chronic kidney disease rate was increased 3 times higher in hospitalization
among chronic kidney disease. By 2020, more than 750,000 people in the United States
will need dialysis for kidney failure. So there is a need for preventive measures in CKD
Ajay. K. Singh (2012) conducted across 'sectional study among 5588 subjects
from 13 academic and private medical centers all over India, about tepidemiology and
risk factors of chronic kidney disease. The study revealed that the prevalence of chronic
kidney disease is 79.5% in the chronic kidney disease group had proteinuria and that
George Thomas (2009) stated that aging is the most common risk factor for the development of high blood
pressure and diabetes as well as chronic kidney disease. Nearly one billion people worldwide have high
Niina Sandholm (2015) conducted a study to detect genetic variants that might predispose diabetic women
to kidney failure. Their initial study included 3652 Finnish patients with type 1 diabetes. The researchers
identified a genetic variant on chromosome 2 that linked with kidney failure in women with type I diabetes
but not in men. Additional analysis revealed that also linked with kidney failure in diabetic women in the
United Kingdom, the United States, and Italy. So the study concluded that diabetic women with the risk
variant had a nearly two-fold increased risk of developing kidney failure compared with diabetic women.
Swarna Soman (2016) conducted a descriptive study to assess the role of depression in quality of life among
patients undergoing renal substitutive therapy. A total of 123 patients over 19 who were undergoing renal
substitutive therapy were evaluated. A self-structured instrument and Beck depression inventor was used to
assess the data on quality of life and depression. The patient's metabolic state was measured by medical and
laboratory tests. The result showed that the highest score (65%) in patients with chronic disease belonged to
social functioning dimensions and mental health. The study concluded that patients undergoing renal
2.2 Section – B: Literature related to lifestyle modifications of chronic
kidney disease
counseling on quality of life and renal function in patients with chronic kidney disease.
The sample size was 84, quality of life was measured by means of Short Form-36. The
education and counseling program focused on behavior style, including exercise and diet
issues and also the cessation of smoking and alcohol consumption. The result concluded
that patients with chronic kidney disease positively improved their health-related quality
of life and some renal functions after the education and counseling.
Suja Abraham (2012) conducted a study to assess the quality of life of patients
on hemodialysis. Fifty patients were selected for the study and randomly divided into two
groups, control, and test. Counseling was given to the test group of patients. There was an
increase in score in all the four domains (physical, psychological, environmental and
social) among the test group and compared with the control group. They found that the
controlgroup. The study findings demonstrate that patient counseling plays an important
role in improving the quality of life by changing theirpsychological thinking and bringing
centers and clinics in Tabriz, Iran. Demographic data and questionnaire about lifestyle in
nutrition, stress, physical activity, and smoking were used to collect the data. The results
revealed that physical activity was higher in outpatients whereas smoking was higher in
dialysis patients, nutrition and stress were equal in both groups. The study concluded that
steps to lifestyle modification were needed for patients with chronic kidney disease.
program on patients with moderate chronic kidney disease. Components included 150
minutes per week of moderate intense exercise as well as group behavior and lifestyle
study, only 4500 of patients could achieve their age-predicted exercise capacity. Those
who participated in the program for 12 months were significantly fit with an 11%
receiving usual care. The result showed that the standard care reduces chronic kidney
in chronic kidney disease. The sample size was 15,368. Physical activity obtained by a
questionnaire, the inactivity was present in 13.500 of the non-chronic kidney disease and
28.00 of the chronic kidney disease groups. The study concluded that the physical
inactivity is associated with increased mortality in chronic kidney disease and nonchronic
kidney disease populations. The increased physical activity might have a survival benefit
mineral and bone disorder levels with chronic kidney disease. The total sample size was
50. 36 (80%) were to have low calcium levels and 39 (86.67%) were to have high
phosphorus levels. The result revealed that low calcium and high phosphorus levels are
found in patients with chronic kidney disease. So the study concluded that mineral and
bone disorder is more common among chronic kidney disease patient and patients need to
depression among chronic kidney disease patient in Taiwan, the total sample size
was270, structured questionnaire was used for the study that shows the prevalence of
depression were 22.6 %. The results are concluded that chronic kidney disease patient
disease and preventing the progression of renal disease. In this study, patients with the
chronic renal disease were selected, the quasi-experimental research design was adopted.
A structured teaching program was given to the patients. The structured teaching program
included the following, treating disease worsening conditions like diabetes mellitus,
hypertension, anemia etc, and smoking cessation, sodium and potassium restriction,
antihypertensive therapy etc. The study report showed that these therapies were effective
in preventing the progression of kidney disease in this selected samples.
Thomas. N (2015) conducted a study to assess the knowledge on self-care management among the patients
with diabetes at risk of chronic kidney disease. In this study, 15 patients who are at high risk of progressive
kidney disease were interviewed. A descriptive research design was utilized. The most important finding
from the interview was that most people had an inadequate understanding of the possible risk of kidney
Erick (2014) conducted a study to assess patients knowledge regarding risk factors, methods which slow
progression and complications of chronic kidney disease, on 50 patients. 58% were hypertensive and 16%
had a family history of chronic 270, a structured questionnaire was used for the study that shows the
prevalence of depression were 22.6 %. The results are concluded that chronic kidney disease patient with a
Kuroki. A (2012) conducted a study on the management of chronic kidney disease and preventing the
progression of renal disease. In this study patients with the chronic renal disease were selected, the quasi-
experimental research design was adopted. A structured teaching program was given to the patients. The
structured teaching program included the following, treating disease worsening conditions like diabetes
mellitus, hypertension, anemia etc, and smoking cessation, sodium and potassium restriction,
antihypertensive therapy etc. The study report showed that these therapies were effective in preventing the
Thomas. N (2014) conducted a study to assess the knowledge on self-care management among the patients
with diabetes at risk of chronic kidney disease. In this study, 15 patients who are at high risk of progressive
kidney disease were interviewed. A descriptive research design was utilized. The most important finding
from the interview was that most people had an inadequate understanding of the possible risk of kidney
Erick (2012) conducted a study to assess patients knowledge regarding risk factors, methods which slow
progression and complications of chronic kidney disease, on 50 patients. 58% were hypertensive and 16%
had a family history of chronic kidney disease, hypertension (36%), diabetes (32%) and smoking (10%) were
selected less frequently. 90% of the participants thought that chronic kidney disease increased the risk of
death but few thought that chronic kidney disease increased the risk of hypertension, heart attack, and stroke.
The study concluded that education is important to prevent risk factor and complications.
Harjo Kaur (2017) conducted a study on the feasibility of a structured group education session to improve
self -management of blood pressure in people with chronic kidney disease, the sample size was 80, and
evidence-based structure group educational intervention was given. The study revealed that the structured
Ford (2009) conducted a quasi-experimental study to find out the effect of diet education knowledge of
hemodialysis patient with hyperphosphatemia among 63 dialysis patient in the outpatient dialysis center in
the southern state, USA. Structured teaching was given regarding diet management. The results showed that
the patients who receive extra education monthly showed positive changes which were beneficial in reducing
hyperphosphatemia. The study concluded that an educational intervention can bring about a desirable
Mehmet (2012) conducted a study to assess the knowledge of medication for chronic kidney disease among
chronic kidney disease patients and to evaluate the impact of education on their knowledge of medication.
The study population consisted of 90 patients were randomized into 2 groups. Baseline medication
knowledge of these patients was assessed by using medication knowledge questionnaire developed for the
study. The result showed that medication knowledge of the chronic kidney disease patients was extremely
poor regarding the name, indication and dosage regimen of their medication. The study concluded that the
need for the continued education for the chronic kidney disease patient for the better understanding of the
Mason. J (2015) conducted a study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted educational intervention in
chronic kidney disease management. The total sample size was 100. The quasi-experimental research design
was applied. A structured educational intervention was given through video. The study result showed that
there was a significant improvement in knowledge and attitude among chronic kidney disease patients. The
study concluded that video-assisted educational intervention was effective in chronic kidney disease patients.
Apple. L. J (2013) conducted a study to evaluate the effectiveness of the video teaching programme on
lifestyle modifications in controlling blood pressure among chronic kidney disease patients. A total of 60
chronic kidney disease patients with hypertension were selected and quasi-experimental research design was
utilized. The education on lifestyle modifications included increased physical activity, reduced salt intake,
decreased potassium and reduced fat and cholesterol intake and overall health pattern. The result reported
that the video-assisted teaching programme on lifestyle modification was found to be effective in controlling
-Oscar Wilde-
The methodology is the way to solve the problem systemically that includes the step of
procedure and strategies of the data (Polit and Beck). It includes research approach, research
design, the setting of the study, population, sampling size and sampling technique, criteria for the
selection of the sample, description of the tool, content validity, reliability, pilot study, data
collection procedure and plan for data.
The quantitative research approach was selected to assess the effectiveness of structured
teaching programme on knowledge and attitude regarding lifestyle modifications among patients
with chronic kidney diseas .
One group pretest, the post-test design was adopted for the present study.
Q1 X Q2
The study was conducted among patients with chronic kidney disease in Balaji
hospital, Coimbatore, which is a 150 bedded Hospital, consists of 6 bedded dialysis units
with the outpatient coverage of 150 patients per day. This is a well-equipped hospital for
kidney disorder patients with inpatient and outpatient department.
The population of the study includes patients with chronic kidney disease who are
attending the outpatient department during the period of data collection.
Non -probability convenient sampling technique was used for selecting the samples.
Table 3. 1: Grading of Attitude, Level
Positive statements Negative statements
Attitude (Questions No.1, 2, 3, 5, 7, (Questions No. 4, 6, l4)
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)
Strongly agree 5 1
Agree 4 2
Undecided 3 3
Disagree 2 4
Strongly disagree 1 5
The tool was given to 5 experts in the field of nursing and medicine for content
validity. All comments and suggestion given by experts were duly considered and
corrections were made after discussion with the research guide. The modifications were
incorporated in the preparing of final tool.
3.11.2 Reliability
The reliability of the tool was obtained by the Spearman split half method to make
sure the reliability of the tool. The value of knowledge scorer was 0.93 and for attitude,
score was 0.9. This tool was highly reliable.
knowledge and attitude. Structured teaching programme was given for 45 minutes and
the post-test was conducted on the 7thday. The post-test score showed a significant
increase in the knowledge and attitude regarding the lifestyle modifications among
patients with chronic kidney disease. The pilot study revealed that the present study was
feasible to conduct.
Formal permission was obtained from the Managing Director of Balaji Hospital,
The study was carried out for a period of four weeks from 1 st January 2018 to30th
January2018. Confidentiality and anonymity of the subjects were maintained. Informed
consent was obtained from the respondent and the respondent was selected on the basis of
the selection criteria.
On the first day, demographic data were collected by a structured questionnaire and
pre-test was conducted to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding lifestyle
modifications among patients with chronic kidney disease by using a questionnaire. After
the pre-test, structured teaching was given for 45 minutes about lifestyle modifications
among patients with chronic kidney disease. The patients were encouraged to clarify their
doubts. Post-test was conducted on the 15thday by using the same questionnaire to assess
the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on improving the knowledge and
attitude regarding lifestyle modifications. At the end of the session, booklets were
distributed to the patients, those who have participated in the teaching programme.
the relationship between knowledge and attitude of reading lifestyle modifications among
patient with chronic kidney disease and the χ 2 test was used to find out the association
between the selected demographic variables with the pre-test knowledge and attitude
Research was conducted after the approval of the research committee and the
hospital. The nature and purpose of the study were explained to the authorities of Balaji
hospital, Coimbatore. Oral consent was obtained from the participants. Assurance was
given to the study samples that the anonymity of each individual was maintained strictly.
Figure 3.3 The schematic representation of Research Methodology
This chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of the data collected from
patients with chronic kidney disease in St. Mary's Hospital, Coimbatore regarding
lifestyle modifications.
The findings, based on the descriptive and inferential statistical analysis tabulated
as follows
Section- II: Description of statistical value of pretest and post-test knowledge scores
Section – III: Description of statistical value of pretest and posttest attitude scores
Section – IV: Correlation of pretest and posttest knowledge and attitude scores regarding
kidney disease.
Section-VI: Association of selected demographic variables with pre-test scores of
kidney disease.
Table: 4.1 Frequency and percentage distribution of samples with the selected
Demographic variables
Frequency Percentage
S.No Demographic variable (f) (%)
1 Age
a) 21-30 years 2 5
b) 31-40 years 8 20
c) 41-50 years 14 35
d) >51 years 16 40
2 Sex
a) Male 28 70
b) Female 12 30
3 Religion
a) Hindu 31 77.5
b) Muslin 6 15
c) Christian 3 7.5
4 Education
a) Illiterate 2 5
b) Primary 18 45
Secondary 12 30
Graduate/diploma 8 20
5 Occupation
a) Unemployed 10 25
b) Self-employed 8 10
c) Government employee 5 12.5
d) Private employee 11 27.5
e) Coolie worker 06 15
6 Income
a) < Rs. 5000 10 25
b) Rs. 5001 - 15000 9 22.5
c) Rs. 15001 - 25000 11 27.5
d) >Rs - 25001 10 25
7 Marital status
a) Married 34 85
b) Unmarried 4 10
c) Others 2 5
8 Types of family
a) Joint family 12 35
b) Nuclear 28 65
9 Dietary pattern
a) Vegetarian 6 15
b) Non vegetarian 34 85
10 Body built
a) Thin 10 25
b) Moderate 20 50
c) Obese 7 17.5
d) Very obese 3 7.5
11 Duration ofdisease
a) 1-5 months 0 0
c) 1 1-15 months 14 35
12 Personal habits
a) Alcohol 10 25
b) Smoking 9 22.5
d) Tobacco chewing 0 0
13 Associated illness
a) Diabetes 11 27.5
b) Hypertension 15 37.5
c) Cardiovascular disease 8 20
d) Obesity 0 0
Table 4.1 1 shows the description of demographic variables of chronic kidney
disease patient.
Among the respondents, 2 (5%) were aged between 21-30 years, 8 (20%) were aged
between 3- 40 years, 16(40%) were aged between 41-50 years, 14 (35%) were >50 years
of age.
Regarding gender, the respondents 28(70%) were males and 12(30%)were
Considering the religion, 31(77.5%) were Hindu, 6(15%) were Muslims and
3(7.5%) were Christian.
Regarding education, 2(5%) were illiterate, 18(45%) had primary education,
12(30%) had secondary education and 8(20%) were graduates and diploma holders.
Regarding occupation 10 (25%) were unemployed, 8 (20%) were self-employed,
5(12.5%) were government employees, 11 (27.5%) were private employees and 6(15%)
were coolie workers.
Regarding the monthly income of the family 10 (25%) were earning more than
Rs. >5000, 9 (22.5%) were earning between Rs. 5001-15000, 11(27.5%) were earning
between Rs. 15001-25000, 10 (25%) were earning more than Rs. 25001.
Regarding marital status 34 (85%) were married, 4 (10%) were unmarried, 2(5%)
were others.
Regarding the type of family 12 (30%) were belongs to the joint family, 28 (70%)
belonged to a nuclear family.
Regarding dietary pattern 6(15%) were vegetarian, 34(85%) were non vegetarian.
Regarding body built 10(25%) had a thin body built, 20(50%) were moderately built,
7(17.5%) were obese and 3(7.5%) were very obese.
With regards of the duration of chronic kidney disease in 1-5 months were no
cases, 5(12.5%) were having during of 6-10 months, 14(3500) were having during of 11-
15 months, 21 (52.5%) were having during of 16-24 months.
About personal habits 10(25%) were having a habit of alcohol, 9(22.5%) were
having a habit of smoking, 7(17.5%) were having habits of alcohol and smoking, no one
is having a habit of tobacco and 14(35%) were none of the above.
Regarding associated illness 1 1(27.5%) respondents were having diabetes,
15(37.5%) were having hypertension, 8(20%) were having cardiovascular disease, no one
is having an obesity-associated illness and 6(15%) were coming under none of the above
21-30 years
31- 40 years
40% 41- 50 years
35% 50 years
20% 20%
21-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years 50 years
4.1.1 A Bar diagram Showing distribution of demographic Variables according to the Age
70% Male
Male Female
4.1.2 Bar diagram Showing distribution of demographic Variables according to the Sex
78% Hindu
70% Christian
20% 15%
10% 8%
Hindu Muslim Christian
4.1.3 Bar diagram Showing distribution of demographic Variables according to the Religion
45% Illitrate
40% Primary
35% Secondary
Illitrate Primary Secondary Graduate/Diploma
4.1.4 Bar diagram Showing distribution of demographic Variables according to the Education
30% Unemployed
25% Self employed
Government employmee
20% Private employee
15% 15%
Unemployed Self employed Government Private employee Cooli
4.15 Bar diagram Showing distribution of demographic Variables according to the Occupation
< Rs. 5000
Rs. 5001 - 15000
Rs. 15001 - 25000
>Rs - 25001
< Rs. 5000 Rs. 5001 - 15000 Rs. 15001 - 25000 >Rs - 25001
4.1.6 Bar diagram Showing distribution of demographic Variables according to the Income
90% 85%
10% 5%
Married Unmarried Others
Marital Status
4.17 Bar diagram Showing distribution of demographic Variables according to the marital status
Joint family
Nuclear family
Joint family Nuclear family
Type of family
4.1.8 Bar diagram Showing distribution of demographic Variables according to the Type of family
Table 4.2: Mean, standard deviation and t” value of Pre-test and Post-test knowledge
S.No Knowledge Mean SD ‘t’ value Level of significance
Table 2 shows that the mean score of knowledge in pre-test was 15.77 and
post-test was 22.82. The calculated ‘t' value 16.87 at df (39) was greater than the table
value at 0.05 level of significance. It reveals that there was a significant difference
between the pre-test and post-test knowledge scores. So the results are concluded that
22.82 Pre test
Post test
Pre test Post test
Figure 4.2.1 Distribution of Pretest and Post Test Knowledge Mean Scores Regarding Life Style Modification Among Patients with Chronic
Table 4.3Mean, standard deviation and t” value of Pre-test and Post-test attitude
S.No Attitude Mean SD ‘t’ value Level of significance
Table 3 shows that the mean score of attitude on the pre-test was 41.25 and the post-
test score was 53.8. The calculated ‘t' value 18.87 at df (39) was greater than the table
value at 0.05 level of significance. It reveals that there was a significant difference
between the pre-test and post-test attitude scores. So the results are concluded that
53.8 Pre test
Post test
Pre test Post test
Figure 4.3.1: Distribution of Pre-test and Post Test Attitude Mean Scores Regarding Life Style Modification Among Patients with Chronic
Correlation of pretest scores of the knowledge and attitude regarding life style
Table.4.4 : Mean, standard deviation and correlation of pretest scores of the knowledge
and attitude regarding life style modification among patients with chronic kidney disease
Table. 4shows that there was a positive correlation between the knowledge and
Table. 4. 5Mean, standard deviation and correlation of post test scores of the knowledge
and attitude regarding life style modification among patients with chronic kidney disease.
Table 5 shows there was a positive correlation between knowledge and attitude in
pretest and post-test. Compare with pre-test, the post-test ‘t' score is increased. It shows
that parents developed adequate knowledge and favorable attitude after the structured
teaching programme.
2 Sex
a. Male 12 16 1 0.78
b. Female 7 5
3 Religion
a. Hindu 15 16
b. Muslin 1 5 2
c. Christian 2 1
4 Education
a. Illiterate 0 2
b. Primary 5 13 3
c. Secondary 6 6
d. Graduate/diploma 8 0
5 Occupation
a. Unemployed 5 5
b. Self-employed 3 5 4 1.35
c. Government employee 3 2
d. Private employee 6 5
e. Coolie worker 2 4
6 Income
a. < Rs. 5000 5 5
b. Rs. 5001 - 15000 4 5 3 1.9
c. Rs. 15001 -25000 4 7
d. >Rs - 25001 6 4
7 Marital status
a. Married 15 19
b. Unmarried 2 2 2 2.34
c. Others 2 0
8 Types of family
a. Joint family 7 5 1 2.20
b. Nuclear 12 16
9 Dietary pattern
a. Vegetarian 3 3 1 0.95
b. Non vegetarian 16 8
10 Body built
a. Thin 5 5
b. Moderate 11 9 3 3.22
c. Obese 3 4
d. Very obese 0 3
11 Duration ofdisc\ease
a. 1-5 months 0 0
b. 6-10 months 2 3 3 0.13
c. 11-15 months 7 7
d. 16-24 months 10 11
12 Personal habits
a. Alcohol 6 4
b. Smoking 1 8
c. Alcohol and smoking 4 3 4 6.1
d. Tobacco chewing 0 0
e. None of the above 8 6
13 Associated illness
a. Diabetes 6 5
b. Hypertension 8 7
c. Cardiovascular disease 2 6 4 1.93
d. Obesity 0 0
e. None of the above 3 3
Table. 4. 6 shows the association of knowledge with demographic variables with pretest
knowledge score on lifestyle modification among patients with chronic kidney disease.
The obtained "χ2” value of education was 13.45 at 4 (df) significant at 0.05 level. It
shows that there was an association between education score with a knowledge score of
the pre-test. The other variables like age, sex, religion, occupation. Income, marital
status, type of family, dietary pattern, duration of disease, personal habits, associated
among patients with chronic kidney disease with selected demographic variables.
2 Sex
a. Male 15 13 1 0.46
b. Female 5 7
3 Religion
a. Hindu 16 15
b. Muslin 3 3 2 0.25
c. Christian 2 1
4 Education
a. Illiterate 0 2
b. Primary 9 9 3 2.50
c. Secondary 6 6
d. Graduate/diploma 5 3
5 Occupation
a. Unemployed 3 7
b. Self-employed 3 5
c. Government employee 3 2 4 2.73
d. Private employee 8 3
e. Coolie worker 3 3
6 Income
a. < Rs. 5000 4 6
b. Rs. 5001 - 15000 6 3
c. Rs. 15001 -25000 3 8 3 5.25
d. >Rs - 25001 7 3
7 Marital status
a. Married 17 17
b. Unmarried 3 1 2 3.0
c. Others 0 2
8 Types of family
a. Joint family 6 6 1 0
b. Nuclear 14 14
9 Dietary pattern
a. Vegetarian 2 4 1 0.76
b. Non vegetarian 18 16
10 Body built
a. Thin 4 6
b. Moderate 12 8 3 4.39
c. Obese 4 3
d. Very obese 0 3
11 Duration ofdisc\ease
a. 1-5months 0 0
b. 6-10months 4 1 3 2.22
c. 11-15 months 7 7
d. 16-24 months 9 12
12 Personal habits
a. Alcohol 6 4
b. Smoking 5 4 4 1.78
c. Alcohol and smoking 4 3
d. Tobacco chewing 0 0
e. None of the above 5 9
13 Associated illness
a. Diabetes 4 7
b. Hypertension 7 8
c. Cardiovascular disease 4 4 4 3.52
d. Obesity 0 0
e. None of the above 5 1
*significant Table 4.7
It reveals that the age, sex, religion, occupation, income, marital status, type of family, body
built, duration of chronic kidney disease, personal habits, associated illness obtained had no
The first objective of the study was to assess the level of knowledge and attitude
regarding life style modifications among patients with chronic kidney disease
The pre-test score of knowledge was 15.77 and post-test was 22.82. The pretest
score of the attitude was 41.25 and post-test was 53.8. It shows a significant difference in
pretest and post-test scores. It implies that there were an inadequate knowledge and
attitude on lifestyle modifications among patients with chronic kidney disease.
A study was conducted by Tamizuddin (2010) showed that 55% of the persons
with chronic kidney disease had inadequate knowledge and attitude regarding lifestyle
modifications and prevention of complication among patients with chronic kidney
display and booklets were distributed. The structured teaching programme consists of
aspects like diet therapy, exercise therapy, relaxation techniques, avoidance of alcohol,
smoking preventingcomplication. The duration of the teaching programme was 45
minutes and it was found to be effective and they communicated and clarified their
doubts related to lifestyle.
The third objective was to assess the effectiveness of video assisted structured
teaching programme on the level of knowledge and verbal responses structured
interview schedule for attitude regarding lifestyle modifications among patients with
chronic kidney disease.
The pre-test means score for the knowledge was 15.77 and post-test mean score
Was 22.82. Thereby the 't' value of knowledge was 16.87. The pre-test mean score for
attitude was 46.3 and the post-test mean score was 57.1. Thereby the ‘t’ value for attitude
was 18.87.
Both the ‘t’ value obtained from knowledge and attitude were higher than the
table value at 0.05 level of significance. This reveals that there was a significant
improvement in knowledge and attitude about lifestyle modifications among patients with
chronic kidney disease. This, in turn, reveals that the structured teaching programme was
concluded that structured educational intervention was effective in improving knowledge
and attitude among chronic kidney disease patients
The fourth objective of the study was to find out the correlation between knowledge
and attitude regarding life style modifications among patients with chronic kidney
The Karl Pearson's Correlation Coefficient ‘r' was used to find out the relationship
between knowledge and attitude regarding lifestyle modifications among patient with
chronic kidney disease. The ‘r' value of pre-test is + 0.67 and post-test is +0.73. It reveals
that there is an improvement in knowledge which significantly influences the attitude of
the chronic kidney disease patients.
The fifth objective of the study was to find out the association between knowledge
and attitude regarding lifestyle modifications among patients with chronic kidney
disease with selected demographic variables.
A similar type of study was conducted by Chow. W. L (2011) to find out the
knowledge of chronic kidney disease among primary care patients. It reveals that there
was no significant association between selected demographic variables and level of
knowledge regarding the chronic kidney disease.
6.1.1 Objectives
the level of knowledge and verbal responses structured interview schedule for
To find out the correlation between knowledge and attitude regarding lifestyle
To find out the association between knowledge and attitude regarding lifestyle
demographic variables.
6.1.2 Hypothesis:
H1: There will be a significant difference between pretest and post-test level of
and attitude scores regarding lifestyle modifications among patients with chronic
kidney disease.
and attitude scores regarding lifestyle modifications among patients with chronic
The obtained ‘t’ value for comparison of knowledge score at p<0,05 level was
The obtained 't’ value for comparison of attitude score at p<0.05 level was
The correlation between knowledge and attitude in pre-test regarding lifestyle
lifestyle modifications among patients with chronic kidney disease was + 0.73
chronic kidney disease and other variables like age, sex, religion, occupation,
income, marital status, education, family type, dietary pattern, body built,
income, marital status, education, family type, dietary pattern, body built,
disease patients. The post-test score of knowledge and attitude were highly
hypothesis is accepted.
knowledge and attitude score in pre-test and post-test. Results Show that the
improvement in knowledge which develops the favorable attitude towards the
The χ2 test was used to find out the association between selected demographic
patients with chronic kidney disease. The result revealed that the educational
variables were not associated with pre-test knowledge score. The demographic
The findings of the study have implications for various areas of nursing practice,
The nursing curriculum is a mean through which future nurses are prepared.
The nursing curriculum should include the training for students related to the
6.3.1 Nursing Practice
The study can emphasize on improving the knowledge and attitude regarding
programmes, nurses can be motivated to learn and practice the lifestyle modifications for
The nursing administrators should be able to motivate and initiate the health
This study can be the baseline for the further studies to build upon. Research
Researches can be done with the help of the teaching programme in various
The limited sample size places a limitation on the generalization of the study
The researcher could not use randomized sampling technique in this study.
Knowledge and attitude of chronic kidney disease patient were assessed only
This study assessed only the chronic kidney disease patient knowledge and
A similar study can be done to assess the stress level of chronic kidney disease.
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Unpublished Thesis
teaching program on knowledge 0 care givers regarding care of the clients with
I have enclosed,
1. Statement of the problem, objectives and hypothesis
2. Demographic data
3. Research tool
4. Teaching module
I request you to go through the items and give your valuable suggestions, modifications.
additions and deletions, if any, in the remark column.
Thanking you,
e. Content coverage
a. Logical sequence
b. Continuity
c. Integration
a. Is suitable to subjects
Expert is requested to go through the following evaluation criteria and check list
prepared for the demographic variable there are three columns given for the response and
facilitate suggestions in the remarks column given.
This is to certify that the tool developed by Ms.Sherly., M.Sc., Nursing student of
Texcity college of nursing for dissertation “The effectiveness of video assisted teaching
programme on knowledge and attitude regarding lifestyle modifications among patients
with chronic kidney disease in Balaji Hospital, Coimbatore”. and the study is edited for
English language appropriateness by Mrs.Muthumalini Alice,M.A
(English).,B.Ed.Texcity College of Nursing Coimbatore.
Demographic Variables
Read the following questions carefully and give ( / ) your answers in a given options
1) Age
a) 21-30 years
b) 31-40 years
c) 41-50 years
d) >51 years
2) Sex
a) Male
b) Female
3) Religion
a) Hindu
b) Muslim
c) Christian
4) Education
a) Illiterate
b) Primary
c) Secondary
d) Graduate/diploma
5) Occupation
a) Unemployed
b) Self employed
c) Government employee
d) Private employee
e) Coolie worker
6) Income
7) Marital status
a) Married
b) Unmarried
c) Others
8) Types of family
a) Joint family
b) Nuclear
9) Dietary pattern
a) Vegetarian
b) Non vegetarian
10) Body built
a) Thin
b) Moderate
c) Obese
d) Very obese
a) 1-5 months
b) 6-10 months
c) 1 1-15 months
d) 16-24 months
a) Alcohol
b) Smoking
d) Tobacco chewing
a) Diabetes
b) Hypertension
d) Obesity
Read the following questions carefully and give () in a given box for correct answers.
a) Liver
b) Heart
c) Brain
d) Kidney
a) The inability of the kidney to excrete waste product from the blood
a) Irreversible
b) Reversible
c) Curable
d) Treatable
4) The prevalence of chronic kidney disease greater among
a) Men
b) Women
d) Children
a) Diabetic
b) Inherited condition
a) Cardiovascular disease
b) Obesity
c) Diabetic
b) Antihypertensive
c) Calcium supplement
d) Lipid agent
a) Nausea. vomiting
b) Back pain
d) Edema
a) Breathing difficulty
b) Chest pain
c) Joint pain
d) A cough
Diagnostic Evaluation
a) Blood test
b) Urine test
c) USG abdomen
d) CT scan
11) The most common diagnostic test for chronic kidney disease
b) MRI
c) Renal biopsy
d) CT scan
a) Analgesics
b) Diuretics
c) Anti-inflammatory drug
d) Antibiotics
a) Antihypertensive
b) Anti lipids
c) Diuretics
15) Dialysis is
a) Medication
b) Dialysis
c) Kidney transplant
Life Style Modifications for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Diet
a) Restricted or avoided
a) Orange
b) Mango
c) Grapes
d) Apple
19) Salt intake by the chronic kidney disease patient per day is.
a) 9-12g/day
b) 12-14g/day
c) 5-12g/day
d) 2-3g/day
a) Cheese
b) Milk
c) Beans
d) Egg yolk
21) The fluid intake by the patient with chronic kidney disease is
c) 1000-2000 ml /day
d) 2000ml/day
22) Taking fluid more than 1000 ml/day by the chronic kidney disease patient may lead
a) Edema
b) Breathing difficulty
23) Chronic kidney disease patient need to do exercise per day for
a) 1 to 2 hours
b) 5 minutes
c) 5-10 minute
d) 20-30 minute
a) Swimming
b) Cycling
c) Skipping
d) Walking
Relaxation Techniques
a) Music therapy
b) Yoga
c) Do the exercise
a) Blood pressure
b) Joint pain
c) Blood cholesterol
d) Sleep
a) Anemia
b) Fracture
c) Skin Rashes
d) Taking antibiotics
Kindly go through each item of the questionnaire carefully and indicate your response by
placing ( / ) mark in the box
Response Score
S.No Items
1 Chronic kidney disease is progressive and
2 A common cause of chronic kidney disease are
hypertension, diabetes mellitus and
3 Edema, puffiness of face are the signs
ofdeterioration in the health status
4* Blood urea, creatinine level will be normal in
case of kidney disease patient
5 Dialysis is one of the treatments for chronic
kidney disease
6* The total amount of fluid per day will not be
calculated based on the previous day's output
7 Monitoring daily intake output of chronic
kidney disease patient is important
8 Physical activities like walking, cycling are best
activities rather than watching TV
9 Yoga and meditation are relaxation techniques.
10 Monitoring ideal body weight and monitoring
blood is important for chronic kidney disease
11 One of the important problems for chronic
kidney disease is anemia
12 Taking iron-rich diet like green leafy vegetables
helps to prevent the anemia
13 Smoking will increase the risk of damaging the
renal artery
14* Excessive consumption of alcohol can maintain
the normal blood pressure.
*Negative statement
Strongly agree 5
Agree 4
Undecided 3
Disagree 2
Strong disagree 1
Scoring key
Scoring Key
Strongly agree 5
Agree 4
Undecided 3
Disagree 2
Strong disagree 1
Strongly agree 1
Agree 2
Undecided 3
Disagree 4
Strong disagree 5
After completion of video assisted teaching the patient will have increased knowledge in the life style modifications of chronic kidney
Specific Objective
At the end of the video assisted Teaching programme the patient will be able to
Kidney disease result when the kidney cannot remove the body’s metabolic wastes or perform
their regulatory function. The substances normally eliminated in the urine accumulated in the body
fluid as a result of improved renal excretion leading to disruption in endocrine and metabolic
Kidney lie in the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity, each on the either side of the vertebral 4
column behind the peritoneum and below the diaphragm, they extend from the level of the 12th
vertebrae receiving some protection from the lower ribcage. The right kidney is usually slightly
lower than the left, probably because of the considerable space occupied by the liver.
Kidneys are bean shaped organs about 1cms long, 6cm wide, 3cm thick and weight 150gm. There
are three tissues which can be distinguished when longitudinal section of the kidney is vied with
naked eyes.
The Nephron
The nephron consist of a tube at one end the other end opening in to a collecting tubule. The
closed or blind end is indented to form a cup shaped glomerular capsule which almost completely
encloses a network of arterial capillaries. The glomerular capsule remainder of the nephron is about
Simple filtration
Selective re-absorption
Lewis, 2010
Chronic kidney disease involves progressive, irreversible loss of kidney function. It defined as
either the presence of kidney damage or OF R <60 nil/min for 3 month or longer
Lewis, 2010
Other things that can lead to chronic kidney disease include: kidney diseases and infections,
Long-term use of medicines that can damage the kidneys. Examples-NASIDS, such as
lbubrufen, celecoxib.
Smoking. alcohol
Clinical Manifestation
Appetite loss
Weight loss
Bone pain
Breath odor, easy bruising, bleeding, or blood in the stool excessive thirst, frequent hiccups
Shortness of breath
Sleep problems, such as insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and obstructive sleep apnea
Diagnostic Evaluation
History collection Family history, medication history
Renal ultrasound estimate the duration of chronic kidney disease, urine flow, any blockage, findout
BUN, serum creatinine and creatinine clearance level to estimate the glomerular filtration rate
Medical Management
High Blood Pressure Medications : People with chronic kidney disease may experience
worsening high blood pressure. Medications to lower the blood pressure commonly
chronic kidney disease often experience high levels of bad cholesterol, which can increase the risk of
heart disease.
red blood cells, which may relieve fatigue and weakness associated with anemia.
Medications to Relieve Swelling : People with chronic kidney disease will have edema in the
arms and legs, as well as high blood pressure. A diuretic helps maintain the balance of fluids
in the body.
Medications to Protect Your Bones : Calcium and vitamin D supplements to prevent weak
bones and lower the risk of fracture. Take medication to lower the amount of phosphate in the
Dialysis artificially removes waste products and extra fluid from the blood .Types of dialysis
Peritoneal dialysis
Surgical Management
Kidney transplant
Transplant is a one of the option for end stage kidney disease. Kidney transplant involves
surgically placing a healthy kidney from a donor into the body. Transplanted kidneys can
Low-sodium diet aim to keep the daily sodium intake less than 1,500 milligrams.
recommended for blood pressure and the sodium level 2-3 mg per day.
Canned vegetable
Tomato sauce
(Avoid Protein Rich Foods -Milk and milk products, nuts, egg)
If the patient with chronic kidney disease take restricted amount of protein. Daily intake of protein
diet for chronic kidney disease patient 0.8 g to 1.0 g of protein per kilogram of the body.
Chicken drumstick
Chronic kidney disease patients, generally take 800 to 1,000 milligrams (mg) of phosphorus a
meat) Popcorn
Calcium supplement helps to prevent bone disease and Vitamin D to control the balance of calcium
Drink a restricted amount of oral fluid .Too much fluid will leads to shortness of breath.
Chronic kidney disease patient fluid need per day is equal to previous amount of urine output
plus 500ml. It includes tea, coffee, milk, rasam, butter milk ,do not eat much foods that
contain a lot of water, such as soup, ice cream , melon, tomatoes
Poultry Safflower
Canola oil
Advice the patient to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, and low-fat dairy foods.
Advice the patient to take anti hypertensive drugs like angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), beta blockers, and calcium channel blockers
as per doctors order.
Advice the patient to check the HbAlC test at least twice a year.
Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, also called cardiovascular disease can damage the
Eat Right : Eat foods low in fat and cholesterol, Eat foods that are high in fiber. Limit
Live Healthy : Exercise, keep a healthy weight, don’t smoke or use tobacco.
Manage high Blood Pressure : High blood pressure can make the cardiovascular disease
worse and also causes kidney disease. A normal blood pressure is less than 120/80 mm Hg.
Prevention of Anemia
Advice the patient to take iron supplementation and erythropoiesis stimulating drugs.
Chronic kidney disease patient affected with bone disease with pain in the back and joint due to
Injury Prevention
Advice to avoid chances for fall due to increase susceptibility to fracture of bone.
Advice the patient to take calcium supplement or calcium diet like milk to maintain the
stability of bone
Smoking allow other toxins into the body and harms every organ of the body. Some of the possible
ways smoking is though to kidney are by, :
Avoid – Alcohol
Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol will cause the blood pressure to rise, as well as raising
Lose weight if you are overweight. Being overweight makes the kidneys work harder. Losing
Advice the patient to avoid self medication it will affect the kidney function.
Fistula Care
Advice the patient to clean the site and the catheter with antiseptic solution.
Assess for any signs of infection in the site such as tenderness, color changes or any odor
Explain to the patient to inform the physician if he /she are having any pain or discomfort in
Importance of exercise
Increases your hematocrlt and hemoglobin levels which necessary for oxygenation all the
Reduces stress
Advice the patient to take deep breathing exercise if there drug anxiety
The patient can go for walk in the morning and evening
Advise for flexion and extension of the extremities to reduce complication in joint such as
Choose an activity that is both convenient and enjoyable, whether it is floor exercise, walking,
swimming or bicycling. Exercise should be a minimum of three days per week. During the first
week, exercise five minutes each session, then adds one or two minutes per session each week until
you gradually work up to one half hour. For weight control and increased benefits. try longer walks
Do not exercise under any of these conditions Stop exercising if you feel any of the
The person should be assisted if he is not able to cany out the normal activity
Patient should take adequate rest in between the activity to reduce chances of fatigue
Relaxation Technique
> Advice about the importance of ventilation of feelings about his condition > Advice for practicing
divertional activities like watching T.V, reading news paper , chatting with
Prevention of Complication
Advice to monitor blood pressure regularly ‘r Monitor the blood sugar level
Explain about the action, dosage side effects of the prescribed drug
Explain about the renal failure and its incidence, prognosis and treatment.
Advise that he /she should restrict the intake of protein according to the creatinine clearance
in the blood.
Advise the patient to restrict the fluid intake according to the edema in the body
Advise the patient to report to the physician if he/she feels immense fatigue, headache, and
Advise the patient should be aware about the intake output monitoring
Chronic kidney disease patients have to know about their condition and knowledge about life style