Wilson 1984
Wilson 1984
Wilson 1984
Current processes for upgrading bitumen from Athabasca oil sands produce synthetic crudes which are
high in aromatics and deficient in hydrogen. As a consequence, middle distillate fractions derived from
these syncrudes produce diesel fuels of low cetane number and jet fuels which are hydrogen deficient.
Results obtained from bench-scale hydrotreating experiments indicate that quality fuels may be
produced from Athabasca syncrudes. Middle distillate fractions from this source were subjected to high-
severity hydroprocessing in a continuous-flow reactor unit using conventional hydrotreating catalysts
which were pre-sulphided by a mixture of Hz/H& Aromatic hydrogenation at high temperatures and
pressures was affected by the approach to thermodynamic equilibrium, however, at lower temperatures,
in some cases virtually 100% saturation was achieved and treated fractions were found to meet cetane
number and jet fuel smoke point requirements. Data treatment in the present study includes a model for
the hydrogenation kinetics and correlations between aromatic carbon and fuel combustion properties.
Synthetic crude oil is presently produced in Canada from hydrotreating (which followed delayed coking in the
two commercial operations which process bitumen from commercial process) but the product still did not meet the
Athabasca oil sands in northern Alberta. In both plants Canadian cetane number specification for diesel fuel.
the synthetic crude is produced by upgrading the bitumen This study was carried out to investigate effects of
through coking processes and further refining by severe additional hydroprocessing on the product quality, parti-
hydrotreating. cularly its diesel ignition and smoke point properties. The
The hydrotreating removes sulphur, nitrogen, and also aim was to establish the extent of conversion required to
hydrogenates olefins and some aromatics. The extent of enhance the fuel combustion quality and also to correlate
aromatic saturation is a function of the process severity. cetane ratings and smoke point values for various fuels
Much of the middle distillate produced from Athabasca with their aromatic content. It was also necessary to
oil-sand syncrudes remains highly aromatic. Diesel fuels evaluate the activity of the hydrotreating catalyst since the
which are produced from highly aromatic feedstocks have literature contains little work on catalyst selection for
poor ignition qualities and jet fuels from these sources saturating aromatics in this type of feedstock. The catalyst
cause overheating in turbo engines resulting in increased activity was compared by elucidating the reaction ki-
maintenance costs. netics. Finally, the effect of the thermodynamic equilib-
Blending of synthetic with conventional crudes is the rium on the aromatic saturation process was investigated
current practice for accommodating unconventional and the optimum operating conditions were established
feedstocks in refinery operations. The amount blended is a to be used as a basis for future work.
function of the total product mix. Canadian refineries are
usually limited to a synthetic crude intake of between 20
and 30% and middle-distillate fuels are usually the
limiting factor. The feedstock was a middle distillate fraction cut from a
Additional hydroprocessing of the synthetic distillates synthetic crude oil produced by delayed coking of Athab-
may be an acceptable alternative for producing quality asca bitumen. The properties of the feedstock are given in
fuels. Adding hydrogen to saturate aromatics in con- Table 1. Three different commercial catalysts were used for
ventional distillates and converting them to naphthenes hydroprocessing the feed; these were typical hydrotreat-
has been practiced by refineries for some time. It is ing catalysts, i.e., COO-MOO&-A1203, NiO-Moo,/
important to note that although saturation of aromatics y-A1,OJ and NiO-WO,/y-A1,OJ. The properties of the
may improve the hydrogen/carbon ratio of synthetic catalysts are presented in Table 2.
distillates, the disproportion of paraffins in these fuel A detailed description of the hydrotreating system has
sources is a fundamental problem. Increasing the naph- been published previously’. Experimental runs were
thene content by conversion of aromatics may only carried out using a bench-scale continuous-flow reactor
marginally improve the combustion properties of a operating in the up-flow mode. Liquid feed and hydrogen
fuel. For example, the aromatic content of the feedstock were mixed, passed through a pre-heater and then over a
used in this study was reduced significantly by severe fixed bed of catalyst in a 316 stainless steel 0.305 x 0.025 m
@ 1984 Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd
190 FUEL, 1984, Vol 63, February
Upgrading of middle distillate fractions of a syncrude: M. F. Wilson and J. F. Kriz
pressure was also varied in the range 7.00-17.3 MPa.
Table 1 Properties of middledistillate feedstock
Experimental runs were performed at temperatures of
Relative density (15/l 5°C) 0.836 34@-44O”C,liquid space velocities of 0.75-2.25 h-’ and a
Carbon (wt%) 87.5 hydrogen flow rate of 530dm3 (hydrogen) drne3 (feeds-
Hydrogen (wt%) 12.5 tack) (3000 scf bbl-l). The reactor system was maintained
Sulphur (wt%) 0.06
Nitrogen (ppm) 54
at steady-state conditions for 1 h prior to and 2 h during
Average molecular weight 201 the period in which product was collected.
% Aromatic carbon by 13C n.m.r. 14.3 The hydrotreated product was analysed for aromatic
Cetane number 36 carbon content by 13C n.m.r. analysis using a Varian XL-
Distillation (D86) 200 spectrometer. Sulphur content was analysed by the
Initial b.p. “C 142
10% 181
Wickbold technique and carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen
50% 232 analysis was carried out using a Perkin Elmer 240 B
90% 283 analyser. The average molecular weight of the feedstock
Final b.p. 333 was determined with a Knauer vapour pressure osmo-
meter. The catalyst total pore volume was determined
with a Micromeritics Model 910 mercury porosimeter.
The mean reactor residence time for aromatic saturation
Tab/e 2 Catalyst properties
was calculated from a knowledge of the total voidage of
Catalyst the catalyst bed, the hydrogen flow rate and the average
molecular weight of the feed. Complete vaporization of
COO-MOO&-Al,03 Cyanamid Aero Trilobe HDS-20
feed on contacting the catalyst bed was assumed.
Containing: 10.8 wt% MO and 3.9 wt% Co Based on operating conditions determined from the
Surface area: 230 mz g-l
Pore volume: 0.43 ml g-l
work on reaction kinetics, samples of fuel were generated
Extrudates of 2.5 mm average diameter by continuous processing and tested to evaluate their
combustion quality. Cetane numbers were determined
Cyanamid Aero HDS-9A using a standard Cooperative Fuels Research test engine.
Containing: 11.7 wt% MO and 2.5 wt% Ni A standard smoke point test (one of the jet fuel quality
Surface area: 170 m2 g-l indicators) was also performed.
Pore volume: 0.39 ml g-l
Extrudates of 1.5 mm average diameter
NiO-WO,ly-A1,03 Katalco Sphericat NT-550
z 44O'C /
6 a
0.82 360°C 360 380 400 420 4. 3
380°C Temper&we ( “C )
0.81 Figure 2 Effect of liquid hourly space velocity (LHSV) on
aromatics saturation over sulphided nickel-tungsten catalyst,
Pressure 17.3 MPa. A, LHSV 2.25; B, LHSV 1.75; c, LHSV 1.25;
D, LHSV 0.75
0.80 440°C
Liquid space velocrty (K’)
Figure 1 Plots of relative density of hydrotreated product vs
liquid space velocity for sulphided a, cobalt-molybdenum and b,
nickel-tungsten catalysts
li 3 I I I 1 b 1 I I I I
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (rnin)
Figure 5 Pseudo-first-order reversible kinetics for aromatics saturation over sulphided a, cobalt-molybdenum and b,, nickel-molybdenum
catalysts, 0, 340°C; A, 360°C; l . 38OC; 0, 400°C. Pressure 17.3 MPa
1.5 1.6
103/T (OK-‘)
Figure 7 Arrhenius plot of pseudo-rate constants for aromatics
saturation. A, Ni-W; l , Ni-Mo; 0, Co&lo
16 .O-
980 I
. .
z I
t\ I
L . I
.o -
36 38 40 42 44 4 .o -
Cetane number