AIFF Letter - Unauthorised Football Tournaments
AIFF Letter - Unauthorised Football Tournaments
AIFF Letter - Unauthorised Football Tournaments
Circular No:35 vtsfoN 2047
Ref: AIFF/MA 120241 37 8/
Dated: 19 )une2024
Att Member Associations of AIFF
Dear Sir/Madam,
in lndia
We are here to inform you that, in the AIFF Executive Committee meeting hetd on June 6, 2O24, at
NGE, Kotkata, there was a discussion on the issues faced by State Associations from varlous
unauthorized or unregistered footbatt tournaments happening in their states. The discussion
resutted in the fottowing strong recommendations for att the MAs: the state, district, ctub, or academy shoutd ftag these issues to AIFF, and simuttaneousty
any of
to the state, then the state shoutd take strong action against those players, coaches, or referees
found to be guitty, as per the constitution and other bytaws of the respective State Association'
3. Att MAs are advised to devel.op and impl.ement their own tournament registration
poticies' lf any
organization or private body intends to conduct a tournament in a particutar district or state, they
need to reach out to their respective district and/or state association for due permission or
registration that can be accepted on the fottowing conditions :
Thank you for taking note of the above. We request you to imptement the above at the earl'iest.
Yours Sincer.
M. Satyanaray6n
Acting Secretary Genera[,
CC: Mr. Katyan Chaubey, AIFF President
Football House, Sector 19, Phase 1, Dwarka, New Dethi - 110 075 . Tet : +97 77 25308200 . Fax :0tI 25308234,25308236
Emait :[email protected] . Website . Twitter: . https://www.facebook.comfihelndianFootbattTeam/