9IG w3 L3 Simplifing

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-Daily Lesson Plan-

Teachers Name: Subject: Mathematics Grade: 9 IG

Date: Time: 45 minutes Topic: Simplify expression

Learning Objectives:

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New Vocabulary: Resources:
Time Teacher Action Pupils’ Action /
Pupils’ Learning
Introduction to Lesson:
5 Min. ENGAGE /Testing prior Knowledge: Students will share their
1. Students will be able to simplify algebraic expressions by ideas about the topic from
combining like terms. their background
2. Students will be able to use the distributive property to knowledge
simplify expressions.
Main Part of Lesson:
20-25 Min. STUDY/Applying the theory: -Students will start working
1. Introduction (5 minutes) with the teacher in the
- Ask students if they know what it means to simplify an guided practices
expression. -Students will start doing
- Review the definition of simplifying an expression as combining the test of the skill they
like terms and using the distributive property. learned during a less guided
-this will be applied by pair
work or group work
-we can use the technique
( think-pair then share )
Practice (10 minutes): Teacher will assess student
10 Min. 2. Demonstration understanding through
- Project a simplifying expressions worksheet on the board. classroom discussion and
- Walk through a few examples of combining like terms and individual problem-solving
using the distributive property to simplify expressions. assessments on handouts

RECAP/ Wrapping up the lesson: Will ask students to

3. Guided Practice (10 minutes) summarise the main points
- Have students work in pairs to solve an assignment on the of the lesson.
worksheet with the teacher's assistance.
- Encourage students to check their work with their partner.

4. Independent Practice (15 minutes)
- Distribute dice to each student and have them roll it.
- Using the numbers.

Homework opportunities: Pupil Support: Extension Activities:

Check for myimathonline H.w Solve more Past papers on teams Prove all those relations at home

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