TCM Organ Pathologies (2013)
TCM Organ Pathologies (2013)
TCM Organ Pathologies (2013)
into nose
LUNG Qi Def Yin Def Dryness Lung Heat Damp-Phlegm Phle Phlegm- Cold Phlegm-Dry Phlegm-Fluids
gm- Obstructing
▪ Chronic ▪ Prolon ▪ Pathog ▪ Pathog ▪ Sp Qi or ▪ Wind ▪ Wind cold ▪ Yin defC
physical activity
cough or ged enic enic Yang heat invasion – leading to causing SP/KD
Asthma cough dryness Heat Deficiency invasi yang loss of fluid yang deficiency
▪ Insufficiency ▪ Heat ▪ Stomach ▪ Pathoge ▪ Recurrent EPIs on deficiency
▪ Excess Excessive
of Qi
Yin DefC nic ▪ Excess eating ▪ Smok ▪ Excess eating of
eating of dairy or
s which greasy foods
invades ▪ Wind heat Cold🡪H or raw, cold, ing eating of dairy or
exces dairy, greasy foods
LU ▪ Wind eat (in greasy foods
s cold/raw
▪ Prolon dryness Lu) eatin foods
drynes ▪ Wind heat g of
s hot
Feeble ▪ Dry ▪ Dry Cou ▪ Chronic Bark ▪ Cough ▪ Dry cough –
SYMPTOMS Cough with
production of
cough or cough cough gh, cough in ing with difficult to white watery
Asthma (with with Ast bouts coug productio expectorate sputum
SOB, < exertion small little hma
▪ Profuse
h n of small amounts SOB
Gurling in chest
Yellow Profuse
amounts sputum white- of sputum
Low/hoarse voice Chest
▪ Sputum
of sticky watery
Fatigue sputum, sticky sputum yellow sputum oppression
▪ Chest feeling
▪ Phlegm in
blood too sputum/ that is or green
Spontane sticky purulent w easy to sputum Heaviness of
tinged) throat oppression
ous to blood expectorat that is the head
▪ Dry feeling
sweating cough Thirst e (chronic foul Fogginess of
▪ Small
Dizziness mouth up
Sore throat
bronchitis smellin thought Dizziness
Cold feeling
▪ Dry nose
and ) g amounts of
Aversion to cold Cough due to a
throat Aversio ▪ White- Asthma phlegm in scare
Pale face and throat
▪ Aftern
throat dry
▪ Chest pain
n to pasty Heav
Watery or heat throat
oon complex
fever ▪ Dry skin (int) ion
y ▪ Heavy head
thin/clear feelin
▪ Malar flush ▪ Thirst Chest pain ▪ Foggines
sputum ▪ Heavy g in
Catches cold easily ▪ Night ▪ Hoarse voice Constipation feeling in the the s of
sweats chest chest thought
▪ No heat Scanty
▪ Heat ▪ Clogge SOB ▪ Wheezing
sensation concentr
ated d up ▪ Pale-dry
in 5 feeling
Centres urine complex
▪ SOB ion
▪ Dislikes
TONGUE ▪ Pale ▪ Red body Pale with a
▪ Red body ▪ Red ▪ Thick ▪ Red ▪ Swollen, ▪ Swollen,
thick sticky
▪ Thin, white coating w dry ▪ Thin coat body, sticky body sticky, white dry, sticky white coating
coat or thin white with a coat coating Thin and
little ▪ Yellow coat coating thick, slippery or soggy
coasting sticky or wiry
and yellow
maybe coating
crack or
▪ Weak or empty ▪ Rapid ▪ rapid ▪ rapid ▪ slippery or ▪ rapid ▪ slow ▪ thin slippery
(esp. in rt cun and and weak and and and
position) thread threa floating slippe slipp
y dy ry ery
Receives food and drink from the small intestine and extracts fluids from it
LARGE LI Damp heat LI Heat LI Heat LI Qi Cold invading LI LI Cold LI dryness LI Collapse
INTESTI Obstructi Stagnation
NE ng
▪ Excessive ▪ Excessive ▪ Wind ▪ Emotio ▪ Chronic exposure ▪ Chronic exposure ▪ Dry and ▪ Excessive
consumption consumpt cold or nal to cold weather to cold weather warm physical
of hot and io n of hot wind heat strain – with abdomen with abdomen climates work
▪ Irregular diet ▪ SP and ST
greasy goods foods anger, exposed exposed
▪ Pathogenic
(lamb, frustrati
▪ Sitting on ▪ Excessive habits
beef, on
summer alcohol) cold, wet consumption of – late at night,
raw and cold in a hurry Ddx: Sp Qi
heat, damp Ddx Lv/ St/ surfaces for
▪ Dryness of ST
and heat long periods foods
LI Qi (prolapse)
stagnation ▪ Usually from SP
yang Def
Abdominal pain Constipati FEVER – Abdomi Sudden Loose stools – ▪ Dry stools – Chronic
duck droppings difficult to
on with high or nal abdominal pain
Prolapse of
Diarrhea with pain
dry stools tidal distensio
Blood and Burning
(afternoo n with ▪ Constipation anus
n) pain Feeling of cold Hemorrhoids
mucous in sensation pain ▪ Dry mouth
Constipatio (<press)
Cold sensation Borborygmi
the stools in the
n Constipatio ad throat Fatigue
Burning mouth
Burning n in the Pale urine ▪ Dizziness post
sensation in Burning abdomen
the anus and
sensation cold limbs ▪ Yellow, scanty n
in the
Diarrhea swelling
anus Sx urine Cold limbs
in the
with yellow
anus Sweating aggravat No appetite
watery ed by
stools Dark on the
mood Desire of
Offensive scanty
urine Vomiting warm drinks
stool odor Desire
-no sweating Thirst
Thirst with for
no desire to Delirium abdomi
drink nal
Scanty e
deep Mental fatigue
Fever sweating
▪ Red body ▪ Red body ▪ Red ▪ Either ▪ Thick white ▪ Pale ▪ Dry, red or ▪ Pale
coating pale body
▪ Yellow ▪ Thick
body normal
with or without
sticky coat yellow thick slightly coating
or dry red on
brown, yellow sides
dry coat or
PULSES ▪ Deep and weak ▪ Thin ▪ Deep thin
▪ Rapid ▪ Full ▪ Deep ▪ Wiry in ▪ Deep and wiry
and and and rear and weak
slipper rapid full position
y and
STOMACH Yin Def Qi Def Fire Qi Qi Cold Damp Heat Food Blood Stasis
Stagnation Rebelling Retention
▪ irreg diet ▪ irregular ▪ excessive ▪ irreg ▪ emotion ▪ exterior ▪ excess ▪ irregular ▪ other
and eating diet and consumpti diet : cold diary food organ
habits eating on of hot and anxiety invasion and fried intake patholog
habits and eating and foods ies
▪ esp eating ▪ excess ▪ voraci
greasy habits worry
late at night ▪ under ive ▪ emotional ous
eating ▪ emotio intake strain – eating
(diet) ▪ emotio nal of raw anger,
frustration ▪ eating
nal strain and
▪ chro food
depress cold
nic ion food that is
dise hard to
ase digest
▪ Hunger ▪ Discomf ▪ Burning ▪ Epigas ▪ Nausea ▪ Sudden ▪ Epigastric ▪ Fullness ▪ Severe
with desire ort in sensation in tric ▪ Vomiting pain in pain and and pain stabbing
to eat the the pain the fullness in epigastric
constantly epigastri epigastrium with ▪ Belching epigastri epigastri pain (<
▪ Heavin
(not um distent um um night, <
▪ Sour ▪ Hiccups ess
voracious) ion feeling pressure)
▪ Lack regurgitation feeling ▪ Sour
▪ Fever or of ▪ Belching regurgitati ▪ Nausea
▪ Empty and *usually ▪ Dislikes ▪ Facial pain
afternoon appe seen with on
uncomforta ▪ N+v ▪ Vomiting
fever tite other pressure ▪ Nasal
ble feeling ▪ Anorexia – blood,
▪ Hiccups pathologie on
▪ Constipation ▪ Absent in the ST congestion similar to
s present abdome ▪ Vomiti
(dry stool) taste n or thick coffee
▪ Thirst with ▪ Irritability e.g. LV Qi
sensation discharge ng ground
▪ Dry mouth a stagnati ▪ Like undiges
▪ Fatigue in No poo sx on with ▪ Thirst w/o
and throat preference s ted
the for cold ST Qi desire to food
▪ Dry vomiting war
morning drinks rebellin drink
mth ▪ Hesitan
and hiccups g
▪ Weaknes ▪ Foul breath ▪ Nausea
▪ Vomiting t bowel
▪ Uncomforta
▪ Voracious
s of the or clear ▪ Feeling of movem
ble sensation limbs ent
fluid heat
in the appetite and
stomach ▪ Loose stools
easily ▪ < after ▪ Dull- ▪ Foul breath
hungry ingestin yellow
▪ Scanty urine ▪ Belching
▪ Swelling g cold complex
▪ Thirst with foods ion ▪ Insomnia
and pain
drinking in and
or ▪ Sticky
small sips vomiting
ulceration taste in
▪ Feeling of of the mouth
fullness after away
eating ▪ Constipation
▪ Prefere
▪ Scanty nce for
yellow warm
▪ Dry red ▪ Pale ▪ Red ▪ No ▪ No ▪ Thick ▪ Red with ▪ Thick coat ▪ Purple
▪ Without coating ▪ Thick changes with sticky
or red coat yellow
yellow sides in coat
coat central
▪ rapid and ▪ empty ▪ weak and ▪ wiry ▪ tight on ▪ deep, ▪ slippery ▪ Full ▪ Wiry
thready maybe (esp in deep, often in R RT slow, and and
floating right slow guan middle and rapid slipp
guan) positi position tight ery
on (guan)
SPLEEN Qi Def Yang Def Qi sinking Failing to Cold Damp heat invading Blood Def
control Blood damp
▪ poor ▪ same as for ▪ Same as SP Qi DefC ▪ Same as SP ▪ Excessive ▪ Excessive ▪ Poor nutrition
nutrition Qi DefC Qi DefC consumption of consumption of (irregular habits,
▪ Standing for
(irreg raw and cold greasy and sweet low protein, low
▪ excessive prolonged
habits, raw good food meat and grain
cold foods) consumpti periods intake)
▪ Wading in water ▪ Alcoholic drinking
on of cold
▪ over thinking ▪ Over thinking
herbs or being caught
▪ prolonge in the rain ▪ Prolonged exposure
d ▪ Residing in a to dampness
exposure damp enviro ▪ Chronic disease
▪ chronic
▪ Poor appetite ▪ SP Qi ▪ SP Qi DefC plus ▪ Purpura ▪ Lack of appetite ▪ Fullness and ▪ Poor appetitie
DefC distention in the
▪ Abdomin ▪ Bearing down ▪ Bloody stool ▪ Fullness and ▪ Mild abdominal
plus epigastrium and
al sensation in the distention in the abdomen distention - <
▪ Sallow or ▪ Hematuria
distention ab region epigastrium and after eating
(< after bright- ab ▪ Hunger with no
▪ Prolonged diarrhea ▪ Menorrhagia ▪ Loose stools
eating) white desire to eat
or ▪ Heaviness of
▪ Loose stools complexi ▪ Prolapse of any ▪ Fatigue
metrorrhagia the head and ▪ Bitter taste in
on organ (mainly
▪ Fatigue ▪ Blood spots body the mouth ▪ Lassitude
▪ Cold limbs ST, uterus,
anus, and under the ▪ Stickiness of ▪ Nausea and vomiting ▪ Depression
▪ Spontane
▪ Chilliness vagina) tongue the mouth ▪ Stickiness in the mouth
ous ▪ Weakness of the limbs
sweating ▪ Edema ▪ Frequency and ▪ Loose stools that ▪ Heaviness in the body
▪ Apathy urgency of are sticky ▪ Thin body
▪ Loose urination ▪ Thirst with no desire
▪ Pale face stools (with ▪ No thirst ▪ Amenorrhea or
▪ Easily startled to drink
digested ▪ White scanty periods
▪ Anorexia ▪ Dull-pale ▪ Loose stools
food) ▪ Insomnia
▪ Emaciation complexi discharge with offensive
on odor and
▪ Weakness ▪ Lassitude stickiness
▪ Pale lips
of the ▪ Cloudy urination ▪ Lassitude
▪ Burning sensation
in the anus
▪ Scanty dark
yellow urine
▪ Fever
▪ Pale ▪ Pale swollen ▪ pale ▪ pale ▪ thick white ▪ yellow sticky coat ▪ pale with thin,
sticky coat dry coating
▪ Thin ▪ White
white smooth or
coat wet coat
▪ weak or empty ▪ weak and deep ▪ weak and thin ▪ weak and thready ▪ slow and slippery ▪ rapid and slippery ▪ choppy or thready
▪ often slow
HEART Qi Def Yang Def Blood Def Yin Def Fire Blazing Blood Stasis Qi stagnation Vessel Phlegm Fire Phlegm
Obstruction harassing misting mind
CAUSES ▪ Poor ▪ Same as Qi ▪ Prolonged ▪ Same as blood ▪ Mental ▪ Insufficienc ▪ Emotional ▪ Emotional stress ▪ Mental ▪ Congenital in
constitution DefC illness DefC depression y stress – – depression children
of heat grief anger,
▪ Prolonged ▪ Hemorrhage ▪ Ext. ▪ Phlegm ▪ Phlegm
LEADS blood and anxiety, anxiety,
illness/sev TO ▪ Poor pathogen yang worry accumulati accumula
ere HEART production turning to on in the tion in
disease heat inside ▪ Men ▪ Excess body the body
YANG of blood
COLLA the body tal dairy or
▪ Congenti CHF px
PSE ▪ Emoti irrita fried foods Autism, Ment
al ▪ Interior schizophrenia
(cyanosi onal tion ally
defC/sen heat ▪ Excess
s of lips, issues retar
ility excess ▪ Exposur physical
hidden disturb ded
e to cold work
pulse)- ing
ER mind
SYMPTO Palpitations Heart Qi Palpitations ▪ Malar flush Palpitations ▪ Palpitations Palpitations Palpitations Mental Mental
M restlessness
SOB, < Mental
DefC + (changing (all the confusion
S Distentio
▪ Low grade ▪ Stabbing
exertion Chills location) time; w restlessness Unconscio
or pain in n or
Low/ cold afternoon on) the heart oppressio Depression Bitter taste usne ss
horse (trouble fever Thirst
region n in the
in the morn Letha
voice Chest falling (may chest
▪ Dry mouth rgic
Fatigue pain
asleep) radiate to Depression feeling
and throat shoulder disturbed
Exces and
Feeling SOB – r
(local) or lt arm) of sleep
▪ 5 centre
ous Bright- sive
ulcers lump in the
inability to lie Easily startled
dream heat ▪ Feeling of down
sweating pale throat
Incoherent Rattling
s sensatio Mental constrictio
Dizziness face SOB
Poor n
restless n in the speech or sound in
Pale face memory ▪ Night sweats ness chest Pale or
Aphasia throat
complexion pricking
Dizziness Agitated ▪ Cyanos Mutterin
▪ Insomnia in the
Water Startin
Anxiety (trouble Insomnia is of the mediastin g to
y or staying lips and Poor appetite um oneself
Red face
Purple lips,
asleep, nails (talk) walls
ear startled Weak and
Dark Mental
sputu EMERG face and Mutterin
Dull- throughout cold limbs
m urine or nails confusion or g to self
the night)
pale blood in Pain worse depression
comple urine purple lips Introve
cold xion
with cold Irratio rted
easily Bitter exposure nal manner
Pale lips taste in Expectoratio behav
the mouth iour
n of phlegm
Tendency to
only in the
morning Feelin
(ddx hit or scold
g of
Lv all ppl
day) ness
Dislike of ed
speaking laughter,
Cold hands crying
▪ Pale ▪ Pale, ▪ Pale and ▪ Red body ▪ Red ▪ Dark ▪ Mild ▪ Purple on the ▪ Red ▪ Thin
swollen thin
▪ Thin, ▪ Little or with purple or pale- sides in the ▪ Sticky sticky
▪ White, ▪ Thin redder dark purple front coat
white no coat yellow
white tip purple
coating smooth ▪ Swollen coat ▪ Maybe
coat ▪ Rep tip spots on
or wet with swollen
coating with red the
tongue sticky body
▪ Deep
extending to
tip maybe
▪ Wea ▪ Weak ▪ Weak ▪ Rapid ▪ Fill and ▪ Thready ▪ Empty – ▪ Wiry ▪ Wiry ▪ Slippery
k or and and and and over choppy or and ▪ Often slow
empt deep thread thread hesitant flowing in knotted slippe
y ▪ Often y y or with the L cun ▪ Slippery – if ry
slow missed phlegm is
beats strong
PERICARDIUM Heat Qi Stagnation Blood stasis
* think periods
CAUSES ▪ Wind heat invasion – goes ▪ Emotional Strain ▪ Emotional strain
nutritive Qi level
Ddx Ht Qi Stagnation EMERG
Pale complexion
▪ Red and dry ▪ Mildly pale-purple ▪ Dark purple
without coating on sides at front everywhere or only
on sides at front
▪ Thready and rapid ▪ Empty ▪ Choppy,
▪ May overflow in L cun wiry or
Full Heat in SI Qi Pain Qi Tied/ Obstructed/ Deficient and Cold
No palp’n
▪ Excessive ▪ Excessive ▪ Excessive consumption ▪ Excessive consumption of
consumption of cold of cold and raw foods cold and raw food
anxiety Ddx Ht and raw foods Ddx Sp Yang
▪ Factors which
cause LV Qi Stag
Mental restlessness Lower ab twisting Severe abdominal pain - Ab pain
▪ Rapid and full ▪ Deep and wiry ▪ Deep wiry ▪ Deep, slow and weak
URINARY BLADDER Damp Heat Damp cold Deficient and Cold
(Kd Yang Def)
CAUSES ▪ pathogenic Damp accumulation ▪ pathogenic damp accumulation ▪ Excess sex
▪ exogenous damp heat invasion ▪ exogenous damp cold invasion ▪ Exogenous damp cold invasion
or cold
▪ excessive consumption of hot greasy foods
▪ Excess physical exercise
SYMPTOMS ▪ Frequent and urgent urination ▪ Frequent and urgent urination ▪ Frequent pale ad copious urination
▪ Incontinence
▪ Burning or urination ▪ Difficult urination – stopping midstream ▪ Enuresis
▪ Difficult urination ▪ Heaviness feeling in hypogastrium ▪ Lower back ache
and urethra ▪ Dizziness
▪ Dark yellow or turbid urine
▪ Pale and turbid urine ▪ Nocturia
▪ Hematuria ▪ White urethral discharge
▪ A feeling of cold
▪ Sand in the urine
▪ Fever
▪ Thirst
▪ Back pain
▪ Red with a sticky yellow coat ▪ White sticky coating at the root ▪ Pale and wet
▪ rapid and thready ▪ weak and deep ▪ floating, empty and rapid ▪ thready and weak ▪ tight, weak, ▪ Tight, weak, deep
and deep
LIVER Qi Stagnation Lv Fire Blazing Blood Def Yin Def Qi Rebelling Blood Stasis
CAUSES ▪ Emotional problems ▪ Long standing ▪ ▪ Emotional problems ▪ Emotional Stress ▪ Qi stagnation
Poor nutrition (protein)
emotional problems
▪ Pathogenic attack ▪ Lv Qi Stagnation ▪ Eating in a hurry, ▪ Cold
▪ Excessive alcohol, ▪ Emorrhage under stress or under
▪ Febrile d/o ▪ Heat
fried foods, meat emotional strain
▪ Prolonged Lv Qi Stag which injures
▪ Chronic dz
▪ Normal or light purple ▪ Red tongue ▪ Small, pale tongue ▪ Dry red tongue ▪ red sides in ▪ Purple esp on sides
▪ Yellow coat ▪ White coat
▪ Wiry ▪ Wiry or rapid and thready ▪ Wiry, weak, thready ▪ Wiry, thread, rapid ▪ Wiry ▪ Wiry or firm
LIVER (2) Yang Rising Wind agitating Wind Agitating Damp heat in LV & GB Stagnation of Cold
Within d/t extreme Within d/t Yang in the LV
heat rising
▪ Extreme heat ▪ Liver rang ▪ Sp Qi DefC ▪ Exogenous
CAUSES ▪ Water not nourishing wood
generating wind – rising pathogenic cold
▪ LV & KI yin DefC ▪ Excessive consumption
exogenous heat or generating
▪ Anger and anxiety of greasy and sweet ▪ LV Qi stagnation
wind entering the wind
blood level foods
▪ LV yin DefC
▪ Alcoholic drinking
▪ LV yang rising
▪ Long-term LV Qi
▪ High temp ▪ Sudden ▪ Fullness and distention in ▪ lower
S/SX ▪ Vertigo
unconsciousn the chest and abdominal
▪ Tinnitus ▪ Convulsions
ess hypocondrium cramping
▪ Neck rigidity
▪ Headache (vertex)
▪ Convulsions ▪ Loss of appetite ▪ fullness and
distention and pain in the
eyes ▪ Limb tremors ▪ Deviation of eye ▪ Bitter taste in the mouth
distention of the
▪ Flushes complexion hypogastrium
▪ Opisthothonos and mouth
▪ Nausea and vomiting ▪ pain and distention
▪ Hemiplegia
▪ Red eyes
▪ Coma (severe cases) ▪ Stickiness in the mouth of the testes and
▪ Irritability
▪ Aphasia or scrotum
▪ Anger palpitations ▪ Heaviness in the body ▪ straining of the testes
difficult speech
▪ Insomnia ▪ Dizziness ▪ Some diarrhea ▪ contraction of
▪ Excessive dreams or the scrotum
▪ Poor memory ▪ contraction of
▪ Irregular bowel movements
▪ Soreness and weakness the labia in
in low back and knees ▪ Thirst with no desire women
to drink ▪ pain alleviated
▪ Loose stools with by warmth
offensive odor and
▪ Lassitude
▪ Jaundice
▪ Red ▪Deep Red with a ▪Peeled red and ▪Red ▪Pale
▪ May not have coat thick yellow deviated
▪Sticky yellow coat ▪Thick white coat
▪ Wiry and strong or ▪Rapid strong and wiry ▪Floating and weak ▪Wiry and slippery ▪wiry
thready and rapid or wiry and rapid
▪rapid ▪strong or tight
Gallbladder Damp heat in GB (same as LV) Deficient Qi Dampness
▪Sp Qi DefC ▪Due to the character of the patient ▪External dampness
▪Excessive consumption of greasy and ▪Excessive consumption of dairy,
sweet foods greasy, fatty foods
▪Alcoholic drinking
▪Long-term LV Qi stagnation
▪Fullness and distention in the chest ▪Dizziness ▪Jaundice
and hypochondrium ▪Blurred vision ▪Dull-yellow sclera and skin
▪Loss of appetite
▪Floaters ▪Hypochondriac pain
▪Bitter taste in the mouth
▪Nervousness ▪Fullness and distention
▪Nausea and vomiting
▪Timidity ▪Nausea
▪Stickiness in the mouth
▪Easily startled ▪Vomiting
▪Heaviness in the body
▪Lack of courage/initiative ▪Inability to digest fats
▪Some diarrhea or constipation
▪Indecision ▪Turbid urine
▪Irregular bowel movements
▪Signing ▪Lack of thirst
▪Thirst with no desire to drink
▪Waking early in morning ▪Sticky taste
▪Loose stools with offensive odor
▪Restless dreams ▪Dull headache
and stickiness
▪Lassitude ▪Feeling of heaviness
▪Vaginal discharge
▪Vaginal itching
▪Red ▪Pale or normal ▪Thick, sticky white coating
▪Sticky yellow coat ▪Or unilateral coating
▪Wiry and slippery ▪weak ▪Wiry and slippery