Focus On Ag (6-24-24)
Focus On Ag (6-24-24)
Focus On Ag (6-24-24)
Most of the affected region have received 150 to 200 percent or more, of their normal rainfall amounts since
late April, with even higher levels of above normal rainfall during the month of June. Some locations have
received 5-10 inches of rain or more during the week from June 15-21, with more expected in future days. Most
soils in the region are totally saturated and drainage systems are at capacity, so any amount of excessive rainfall
can quite rapidly result in considerable standing water in crop fields. In most areas of Southern Minnesota,
Northern Iowa, and Eastern South Dakota, the primary crop loss has been to existing crops that had already
been planted once or twice in 2024; however, there are some farm operators had not completed their 2024 corn
and soybean planting prior to the heavy rainfall events in June.
As of June 19, prior to the heavy rainfall events of June 20-22, the University of Minnesota Southern Research
and Outreach Center at Waseca had received over 7 inches of rainfall during the month of June, which
compares to a normal average June rainfall of 5.32 inches. From April 1 through June 19, the Waseca location
had received over 19 inches of precipitation, which is approximately 8 inches above the normal precipitation
during that period. The U of M Southwest Research and Outreach Center at Lamberton recorded 9.94 inches of
precipitation from May 1 through June 17, prior to the heavy rainfall that has occurred since that time, which
was 67 percent above the normal precipitation for the early portion of the growing season. Several locations in
Southern Minnesota and Northern Iowa have now received June precipitation amounts that are among the
highest ever and have had total precipitation amounts since May 1 st that are 2-3 times the normal amount for
that period.
In addition to the crop loss from the excess precipitation, another major concern that is developing as a result of
the frequent heavy June rainfall events is the loss or lack of available nitrogen for the growing corn. Much of
the nitrogen fertilizer for the 2024 corn crop was applied last Fall or early this Spring, prior to planting. Soil
nitrogen losses increase substantially during heavy rainfall events early in the growing season, such as have
occurred in the past few weeks. Many corn plants have developed very shallow root systems, which have not
been able to access the nitrogen that is deeper in the soil profile. In some cases, farmers planned to side dress
the nitrogen after planting, but have been unable to do so due to the continual saturated field conditions. As a
result of these situations, there may be a need for supplemental nitrogen applications to maintain normal crop
Another concern with the persistent wet field conditions is timely herbicide applications for weed control.
Producers that were relying totally on post-emergence herbicides for weed control have had difficulty getting
these products applied in a timely fashion, which is resulting in strong weed pressure in some fields. We have
already passed the time window for allowable applications of dicamba herbicide in soybeans, as well as for
some other post-emergence herbicides used in corn and soybeans. Producers should contact their agronomist or
crop consultant for further considerations regarding additional nitrogen for the 2024 corn crop, as well as for
late season post-emergence herbicide options for this year’s crop.
The month of June has featured normal or above normal temperatures in most portions of the Corn Belt. As of
June 19, the accumulated growing degree units (GDU’s) at the Waseca Research Center since May 1 totaled
706 GDU’s, which is approximately 8 percent ahead of normal. In areas that have avoided the heavy rainfall
events and crop loss in June, the adequate moisture and favorable growing conditions have allowed for rapid
development of corn and soybeans in many areas of the Upper Midwest.
The weekly USDA Crop Condition Report on June 17 listed 72 percent of the U.S. corn crop and 70 percent of
the U.S. soybean crop as “good to excellent”; however, that crop rating has declined in the past couple of weeks
due to developing dryness in portions of the Eastern Corn Belt and the Central Plains States. The “good-to-
excellent” crop ratings for Minnesota were 71 percent for corn and 70 percent for soybeans, with only 3 percent
of the corn and 2 percent of the soybeans rated as “poor”. The Minnesota numbers could likely decline in the
coming weeks, following the frequent heavy rainfall events during June in the primary corn and soybean
production areas in Southern Minnesota. The June 17 “good-to-excellent” crop ratings in Iowa were at 74
percent for both corn and soybeans, while Nebraska was at 81 percent for corn and 79 percent for soybeans, and
South Dakota was at 78 percent for corn and 75 percent for soybeans.
Crop producers will need to decide if replanting corn or soybeans this late is a viable option. Corn could likely
only be used as livestock feed, and soybeans planted around July 1 in Southern Minnesota may only have a
yield potential of about 30-35 bushels per acre. The 2024 crop insurance Spring prices were $4.66 per bushel
for corn and $11.55 per bushel for soybeans. Current prices for December corn futures are near $4.50 per
bushel, and near $11.00 per bushel for November soybean futures. At those price levels with an 85 percent crop
insurance policy, a producer with a 200 bushel per acre APH corn yield would start collecting crop insurance
indemnity payments at a final 2024 corn yield of approximately 176 bushels per acre and with a 60 bushel per
acre APH soybean yield, indemnity payments would be initiated at a final 2024 soybean yield of approximately
53 bushels per acre.
Producers need to report prevented planted and replant acres need their crop insurance agent. The insurance
agents can also be a good resource regarding final planting dates, prevented planting options, and replant
considerations. Kent Thiesse, Farm Management Analyst, has prepared an information sheet titled: “Late and
Prevented Planting Options for 2024”, which contains details on prevented planting and replant requirements
and considerations. To receive a copy of the information sheet, please send an e-mail to:
[email protected].
Every producer’s situation is different regarding late and prevented planting options, as a result, the best option
will vary considerably from farm-to-farm, depending on differences in yield potential and insurance coverage.
Farm operators should contact their crop insurance agent, agronomist, and farm management advisor to assist
with making decision. The choice that is made could result in a difference of thousands of dollars in the
potential insurance coverage.
Note --- For additional information contact Kent Thiesse, Farm Management Analyst, Green Solutions
Phone --- (507) 381-7960; E-mail --- [email protected]