Lesson 7-8

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Field Meods

Module 4: quantitative methods

Defining Surveys and Experiments The Population and Sample
Follow the type of design with characteristics of the
Survey Design population and sampling procedure
Provides a quantitative description of trends, attitudes, Essential aspects to describe in a research plan:
and opinions of a population by studying a sample of The Population
that population Identify the population in the study
Help researchers answer three questions: State the size
Descriptive questions Questions of access arise here
Questions about relationships between variables Sampling Design
Questions about predictive relationships between Identify of its single-stage or multistage
variables over time (clustering)
Clustering: impossible to compile a list of the
Experimental Design elements composing the population
Systematically manipulates one or more variables in Single-stage sampling: has access to names in
order to evaluate how this manipulation impacts an the population and can
outcome of interest sample the people
Both designs share a common goal of helping Type of Sampling
researchers make inferences about relationships among Identify the selection process for participants in
variables your sample
Systematic Sample: Can have precision-
equivalent random sampling
Lesson 7: Components of a Survey Method Plan Choose a random start on a
list and select every X
The Survey Design numbered person on the list
First parts of the survey method plan section introduces Nonprobability sample: Respondents are chosen
readers to the survey's rationale and basic purpose based on their
Start by describing the rationale for the design convenience and
Identify the propose of survey research availability
primary purpose: answer a question
Indicate why the survey method is the preferred
approach for the study
acknowledge the advantages of survey designs
Indicate the survey's specific design
will it be cross-sectional or longitudinal
Specify the form of data collection
make sure to identify the following types:
Personal Interviews
Group Administration

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