Forrester Total Economic Impact of Microsoft Azure IaaS
Forrester Total Economic Impact of Microsoft Azure IaaS
Forrester Total Economic Impact of Microsoft Azure IaaS
JUNE 2023
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Microsoft commissioned Forrester Consulting to five representatives with experience using Azure
conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study and IaaS. For the purposes of this study, Forrester
examine the potential return on investment (ROI) aggregated the interviewees’ experiences and
enterprises may realize by deploying Azure IaaS.1 combined the results into a single composite
The purpose of this study is to provide readers with a organization that is a global conglomerate with $4
framework to evaluate the potential financial impact billion in annual revenue and 20,000 employees.
of Azure IaaS on their organizations. Prior to using Azure IaaS, these interviewees noted
To better understand the benefits, costs, and risks how their organizations’ on-premises infrastructure
associated with this investment, Forrester interviewed costs were high and kept IT staff busy maintaining
the environment, including hardware. The legacy
environment was not backed up in the cloud. The
underlying network had limited resiliency, which
raised worries about downtime and penalties such as
Year 3 reduction in
lost revenue. The time-consuming and costly process
infrastructure costs of provisioning new infrastructure in an on-premises
environment lacked the flexibility to innovate and to
quickly respond to the changing needs of the
before, conferring additional flexibility without Azure IaaS features unlock revenue from new
compromising on security and compliance or and improved offerings. Over the course of the
compatibility with hybrid and multicloud three-year analysis, this benefit has a value of
environments. Key results from the investment, $5.2 million.
regardless of the operating system environment
Unquantified benefits. Benefits that provide value
contemplated, include cost savings on infrastructure,
for the composite organization but are not quantified
enhanced services, and a cloud-ready stance with an
in this study include:
enhanced ability to migrate workloads and optimize
infrastructure for business needs. • Increased innovation and reduced technical
debt. After the investment in Azure IaaS, the
composite can run a variety of workloads with
Quantified benefits. Three-year, risk-adjusted less technical debt and greater efficacy, leading
present value (PV) quantified benefits for the to greater innovation. Testing capabilities expand
composite organization include: and could be conducted in parallel, and the
• Avoided legacy infrastructure costs. With composite can spin up or spin down a variety of
Azure IaaS, the composite organization saves on services that enable a faster time to market and
storage, compute, networking, and other services solutions tailored to business needs.
by avoiding investment in hardware and software • Improved security. In the face of increasing
and reducing the real estate footprint associated cyberattacks, the composite organization enjoys
with its legacy, on-premises environment. Over improved security as a result of its investment in
the course of the three-year analysis, this benefit Azure IaaS.
is valued at $6.8 million.
• Better compliance for global operations.
• Freed up to 80% of time spent on Azure IaaS supports key security strategies and
infrastructure maintenance for more strategic compliance with regulations across geographies
tasks. Adopting Azure IaaS reduces the need for for the composite. The composite could entrust
FTEs to maintain the on-premises environment at sensitive, regulated workloads to Azure IaaS.
the composite and its hardware. The composite
reallocates the staff to more interesting and • Improved employee experience. For the
strategic work. The time savings over the course composite organization, Azure IaaS is a key
of the three-year analysis is valued at $2.8 component in supporting remote work for
million. employees. Shifting from self-managing
infrastructure to infrastructure as a service frees
• Eliminated 90 minutes of downtime through employees from rote maintenance tasks, allowing
greater reliability. The stability of the Azure IaaS them to spend more time on more interesting and
cloud and the ability to avoid downtime allows the strategic tasks.
composite to avoid lost revenue. Over the course
of the three-year analysis, the value of this • Improved sustainability. The composite
benefit is $1.9 million. organization realizes greater efficiencies and a
reduced carbon footprint using Azure IaaS
• Realized new income streams through Azure compared to legacy on-premises infrastructure.
IaaS capabilities. The innovation Azure IaaS
enables is a catalyst for the composite Costs. Three-year, risk-adjusted PV costs for the
organization to realize new income streams. composite organization include:
Benefits (Three-Year)
Avoided on-premises
infrastructure costs
Avoided legacy
infrastructure management $2.8M Reallocate 80% of infrastructure FTEs
FTE costs
Designed a composite organization based on
characteristics of the interviewees’
Before adopting Azure IaaS, interviewees noted their
“I don’t want to continue in the
organizations managed their own infrastructure. The
data center business. I don’t
interviewees noted how their organizations struggled
with common challenges, including:
want to continue having human
capital to manage my
• Significant infrastructure costs. IT costs
infrastructure. If I can get that
related to existing data centers and ongoing
operations were significant for the interviewees’
infrastructure as a service, that’s
companies, whether they were internal or my preference.”
outsourced. Hardware was a significant
Senior director of IT architecture,
expenditure, and labor costs for maintenance
were high. Maintaining infrastructure distracted IT
financial services
teams from more strategic work.
Total Benefits
Ref. Benefit Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total
Avoided on-premises
Atr $1,872,000 $2,574,000 $3,963,960 $8,409,960 $6,807,273
infrastructure costs
Avoided legacy infrastructure
Btr $810,000 $1,101,600 $1,555,200 $3,466,800 $2,815,222
management FTE costs
Avoided lost revenue from
Ctr $765,000 $765,000 $765,000 $2,295,000 $1,902,442
improved reliability
Income from new Azure IaaS
Dtr $1,275,000 $2,550,000 $2,550,000 $6,375,000 $5,182,382
dollars, we’re roughly looking at $5 million in Risks. Benefits realized may vary based on the
savings [since we adopted Azure IaaS].” following factors:
• A CIO in the public sector detailed the cost • Workload needs and IaaS offerings selected.
savings enabled by Azure IaaS: “[In Year 1, we]
• Existing infrastructure costs and the extent
were able to save around 20% by moving into the
legacy or on-premises infrastructure must be
Azure IaaS. And that transpired into a million-
maintained going forward.
dollar savings just on the infrastructure side.”
Results. To account for these risks, Forrester
Modeling and assumptions. For the composite
adjusted this benefit downward by 10%, yielding a
organization, Forrester assumes the following:
three-year, risk-adjusted total PV (discounted at 10%)
• Infrastructure costs at the composite are $5.2 of $6.8 million.
million in Year 1, growing 10% each year to
support corporate expansion.
• This interviewee also noted the ability to Results. To account for these risks, Forrester
configure the infrastructure as needed and adjusted this benefit downward by 15%, yielding a
deploy quickly was important to their three-year, risk-adjusted total PV of $5.2 million.
organization’s ability to generate new offerings
Dt Income from new Azure IaaS offerings D1*D2*D3 $1,500,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000
Interviewees mentioned the following additional
“[In] a business that changes
benefits that their organizations experienced but were
not able to quantify:
quickly, a lot of times —
especially in the legacy days of
• Increased innovation and reduced technical
being on-premises — the
debt. Azure IaaS makes it possible for the
business would request a certain
interviewees’ organizations to reduce technical
debt. Interviewees’ companies could easily,
size server and then realize that
quickly, and cost-effectively test out new services we actually didn’t need that
or deploy new features, even those that require much, but you had already paid
high-performing infrastructure. According to a for it. In Azure, you’re spinning it
senior manager of technology at a construction up, they try it, and then you can
company: “It’s game changing. It just allows you
spin it down or even increase it if
to deliver to the business faster and more
you have to.”
efficient services. You can try things before you
deploy, and that just gives the business a lot Senior manager of technology,
more input in what you are providing to them for construction
a service.”
possible, increasing efficiency and effectiveness features, such as the ability to spin up
of releases and deployments. virtual workloads and the ability to
configure remote desktops, went a long
A CIO in the public sector noted: “Our
way in supporting remote work as a key
development cycle is much more effective than
part of enhanced employee experience
before. We have better development test
during the COVID-19 pandemic and
environments on an ad hoc basis. We are so
beyond. According to a senior manager of
agile now, so we can have multiple projects
technology at a construction company: “If
running at the same time and that all transpires
there is a big workload, we can click a
into less people. We can quickly set up and turn
button and spin up more resources.
off the new server environment, for example.”
During the pandemic, that was a really big
• Improved security. Multiple interviewees factor, because our workforce was
mentioned improved security as an objective of working remote, and we were able to just
their investment in Azure IaaS. Adopting Azure spin up more resources to be able to
IaaS was key to improving cybersecurity posture handle that.”
in the face of increasing cyberattacks. A VP of IT
▪ More interesting work. With Azure IaaS,
operations at an IT company noted: “[Azure IaaS]
IT staff at the interviewees’ organizations
is very beneficial for the network perspective
spent less time patching and maintaining
since it has been achieving Zero Trust and
legacy infrastructure, and more time on
microsegmentation if possible. [It’s been
new, more interesting tasks in the Azure
beneficial for users] being able to use our
IaaS environment.
services anywhere, anytime.”
• Improved sustainability. Azure IaaS was an
• Better compliance for global operations.
important part of sustainability strategies,
Azure IaaS supports key security strategies and
rendering operations more efficient and less
compliance with regulations across geographies.
carbon-intensive than legacy on-premises data
Interviewees whose companies are in regulated
centers. A CIO at a manufacturer said: “We
industries could entrust sensitive workloads to
compared the CO2 accounting from our existing
Azure IaaS. With Azure data centers in nearly all
data center versus comparable compute on
regions, Azure IaaS was well suited to global
Azure. And now, since recently, we have gotten a
operations. A senior manager of technology at a
lot better in the FinOps space and we feel that
construction company said: “It’s mostly the user
we’re also making progress on running a cloud
experience, just because with the latency — with
much more efficiently than a traditional data
Azure IaaS — they don’t need to come all the
way back to headquarters for our on-premises
services, so they’re closer to the resources FLEXIBILITY
depending on the Azure region that they’re in.” The value of flexibility is unique to each customer.
• Improved employee experience. Azure IaaS There are multiple scenarios in which a customer
helped the interviewees’ organizations deliver a might implement Azure IaaS and later realize
high-quality employee experience, including: additional uses and business opportunities, including:
Total Costs
Ref. Cost Initial Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total
Azure implementation
Etr and initial workload $611,800 $0 $0 $0 $611,800 $611,800
migration costs
Ongoing Azure costs
Ftr and additional workload $0 $1,343,100 $1,614,800 $1,893,100 $4,851,000 $3,977,860
Total costs (risk-
$611,800 $1,343,100 $1,614,800 $1,893,100 $5,462,800 $4,589,660
ONGOING AZURE COSTS AND ADDITIONAL of the subscriptions that we have that does not
WORKLOAD MIGRATION run 24/7 would run us about $15,000 a month
Evidence and data. The interviewees noted that and the way that we have the servers configured
their organizations implemented multiple workloads to shut down during specific times and be
on Azure IaaS over time, first migrating existing available for very specific time zones, we’ve got
workloads and later implementing workloads on that cost decreased down to about $8,500 a
Azure IaaS at outset. Some interviewees noted their month.”
organizations ran some workloads on a hybrid basis. Modeling and assumptions. For the composite
Workloads on Azure IaaS included networking, organization, Forrester assumes the following:
storage, compute, and management and security
• The composite organization uses a variety of
services. Resources were optimized to run only when
needed (e.g., within operating hours within a virtual machines to support the Azure IaaS
particular geography) and the interviewees’ workloads, including D-series and E-series, HBv4
organizations received a discount through the for high-performance computing, reserved
Microsoft Hybrid benefit. instances, and services such as Microsoft
Defender for Cloud and Active Directory.
• Interviewees described a reduction in the amount
of labor needed to maintain infrastructure using • To support ongoing migrations — both lift-and-
IaaS compared to an on-premises environment, shift and virtualization — the composite
as well as a shift away from maintenance of organization purchases Express Route and
physical infrastructure toward other tasks as incurs additional migration costs.
needed to maintain the Azure IaaS workloads. • As more workloads are migrated and the Azure
• Interviewees optimized various licensing, IaaS environment grows, the number of staff
maintenance, and migration tasks. Examples managing increases from three in Year 1 to five
included one described by a senior manager of in Year 3.
technology at a construction organization: “One
Risks. Costs realized may vary based on the • Ability to optimize based on usage.
following factors:
Results. To account for these risks, Forrester
• The number and complexity of migrations. adjusted this cost upward by 10%, yielding a three-
year, risk-adjusted total PV of less than $4 million.
• Compensation for the IT staff managing the
Azure IaaS environment.
$10.0 M
$8.0 M
These risk-adjusted ROI, NPV,
$6.0 M
and payback period values are
$4.0 M
determined by applying risk-
adjustment factors to the
$2.0 M unadjusted results in each
Benefit and Cost section.
-$2.0 M
-$4.0 M
Initial Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
ROI 264%
Costs consider all expenses necessary to deliver the RETURN ON INVESTMENT (ROI)
proposed value, or benefits, of the product. The cost
category within TEI captures incremental costs over A project’s expected return in
the existing environment for ongoing costs percentage terms. ROI is calculated by
associated with the solution. dividing net benefits (benefits less costs)
by costs.
Flexibility represents the strategic value that can be
obtained for some future additional investment
building on top of the initial investment already made. DISCOUNT RATE
Having the ability to capture that benefit has a PV
that can be estimated. The interest rate used in cash flow
analysis to take into account the
Risks measure the uncertainty of benefit and cost time value of money. Organizations
estimates given: 1) the likelihood that estimates will typically use discount rates between
meet original projections and 2) the likelihood that 8% and 16%.
estimates will be tracked over time. TEI risk factors
are based on “triangular distribution.”
1 Total Economic Impact is a methodology developed by Forrester Research that enhances a company’s
technology decision-making processes and assists vendors in communicating the value proposition of their
products and services to clients. The TEI methodology helps companies demonstrate, justify, and realize the
tangible value of IT initiatives to both senior management and other key business stakeholders.