The Case For Orchestration of Cloud Infrastructure
The Case For Orchestration of Cloud Infrastructure
The Case For Orchestration of Cloud Infrastructure
of Cloud
How Intelligent and Automated Resource
Provisioning Enables Business Agility
An agile business demands an agile infrastructure. Orchestration is a key
step toward an efficient, cost-effective, cloud-ready data center built on
software-defined infrastructure (SDI). Orchestration can reduce costs and
increase efficiency through intelligent, automated resource allocation across
your compute, storage, and network infrastructure. That means fewer human
touch points and faster, more efficient service deployment. Discover how
Intel® technology built into solution platforms from leading software vendors
and open-source developers delivers orchestration capabilities for SDI to
accelerate deployment of enterprise clouds.
of business as well as
Intel® Technology enterprise IT. Intel based
capabilities to manage
shared platform resources
applications run on trusted
servers and virtual machines
Foundation: platforms expose telemetry (such as L3 cache and system whose configurations have
data so automation tools
Silicon + Software and application software
memory) dynamically across
compute, networking,
not been altered. Integrity is
verified remotely using Intel
can make better decisions and storage. TXT and Trusted Platform
Intel’s silicon and software
about provisioning, Module (TPM) technology on
innovations are the
resource allocation, service • Intel® Trusted Execution Intel Xeon processors.
foundation of a growing
tiering, and quality-of- Technology (Intel® TXT)
portfolio of solutions that are
service levels to drive data (available in the Intel Xeon • Snap is an open-source
helping data centers move
center efficiency. processors E5 and E7 families) platform-telemetry
to SDI and dynamic, policy-
measures and verifies that framework that improves
based, on-demand services.
Key telemetry-related virtual servers boot into intelligent use of data center
technologies include: “known good states,” enabling infrastructure in cloud
Beyond workload-
security automation and environments by enabling
optimized silicon for
• Intel® Resource Director compliance monitoring. exceptional data center
SDI-based data centers,
Technology (Intel® RDT) scheduling and workload
Intel also offers key
(available in the Intel® • Intel® Cloud Integrity management through access
platform technologies
Xeon® processor E5-2600 Technology (Intel® CIT) to underlying telemetry
and software capabilities
v4 product family) provides works with the OpenStack* data and platform metrics.
that enhance the value of
orchestration and automation platform to ensure that cloud
Intel architecture to lines
Intel technologies’ features and benefits depend on system configuration and may require enabled hardware, software,
or service activation. Performance varies depending on system configuration. No computer system can be absolutely
secure. Check with your system manufacturer or retailer, or learn more at
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*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
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