In digital system design, the usage of memory elements is unavoidable. In some of the systems, data can
be pre-stored in a constant memory. Memory elements can be used as temporary storage of intermediate
data. Memory elements can also be used to realize any logic function.
In this tutorial, realization of different types of memory blocks using Verilog is discussed. Though there
are only 2 types of memory block exists, we divided memory blocks into four types according to their
usage. Those are
1. Controlled Register
2. Single port Read Only Memory (ROM)
3. Single port Random Access Memory (RAM)
4. Dual port memory elements
Controlled Register
Controlled registers can be considered as basic elements of larger memory blocks. It has a Control Enable
(CE) input along with reset, preset inputs. When CE is high, data is loaded or data is written into this
control register and output is remain unchanged until any change in CE input. The usage of control
registers is useful when we want to store a data vector or a scalar data. This saves the limited numbers of
inbuilt memory blocks. The block diagram of a control register is shown below.
Read Only Memory (ROM) is a constant memory. The usage of this type of memory is obvious. ROM
can be used to hold initial data for a system to start. A simple Verilog code for a single port ROM is
shown below. Here initial data are loaded in the array locations using the case statement. The en input is
sometimes optional but it is preferred to use en input to disable the memory block when not in use.
input clk,en;
always @ (addres)
case (addres)
always@(posedge clk)
end else
Single port Random Access Memory (RAM)
Random Access Memory (RAM) blocks are used to store data temporarily in digital system. In a single
port RAM, writing and reading can be done through one port only. It has one en input and we input.
When en and we are both high, data are written into RAM and if en is high but we is low, reading through
RAM can be done. The block diagram and Verilog code of a RAM block is shown below.
module ram(clk,addres,data_in,en,we,data_out);
input clk,en,we;
input[2:0] addres;
input[7:0] data_in;
always@(posedge clk)
data_out = data_out;
The recent technology has developed dual port memories. Now it is possible to access the same address
locations through two ports. Dual port memories have simplified many problems in designing digital
systems. Both ROM and RAM can be of dual port. The block diagram of a true dual port RAM is shown
The dual port memories have separate control line for both the ports. The various modes of a typical true
dual port RAM is shown below. In the mode 1, writing of data is possible through both the ports but not
on the same location. In mode 3, data can be read through both the ports even from the same address
location. In mode 2 and 3, one port is busy in writing while another port is reading data.
input clka,clkb,ena,wea,enb,web;
input[2:0] ada,adb;
input[7:0] ina,inb;
initial begin
outa = 8'b00000000;
outb = 8'b00000000;
always@(posedge clka)
outa = mem[ada];
outa = outa;
always@(posedge clkb)
outb = mem[adb];
outb = outb;
Similarly Dual Port ROM is also possible. The simple block diagram of a Dual Port ROM is
Higher capacity memory blocks can realized using low capacity memory blocks by cascading. Realization
a 32×8 ROM using 8×8 memory blocks is shown below.
Fig. 6: Realization 32×8 ROM using 8×8 ROM (4 numbers)
A general question arises in mind that how the dual port RAMs are realized. A conceptual diagram of a
simple Dual Port RAM having only 4-bit memory is shown below.
In a true Dual Port RAM writing can be done through both the ports. Also it has separate clock, en and
we signals for separate port. In case of simple Dual Port RAM writing is done through port A and reading
can be done through both the ports.
*More on memory blocks will be discussed in the post on FPGA implementation of digital systems.