Revitalizing Duck Lake Essay

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Revitalizing Duck Lake: Strategies for

Environmental Growth and Sustainable

Community Benefits
Judy Zhang

Figure 1: Image of Duck Lake taken on 2024.05.30

I. Introduction of the Duck Lake

1.1 Brief Overview of Duck Lake Ecosystem

Duck Lake, a water body between the Middle School and High School campuses at WAB, is in a critical
state. The continuous influx of sewage, chemicals, and other waste has transformed it into a cesspool of
pollution, emitting unbearable odors. This pollution has posed severe environmental challenges for the flora
and fauna in and around Duck Lake, compelling species like ducks, birds, and other wildlife to seek refuge
in cleaner waters. Introducing fountains and pipes has marginally improved the water quality, but the
situation remains dire (Western Academy of Beijing). Duck Lake receives various inputs, including natural
surface runoff, non-point source pollution, leaking septic systems, atmospheric deposition, groundwater, and
nutrients introduced through wildlife activities. These inputs interact within the lake ecosystem through
evaporation, nutrient cycling, photosynthesis, and decomposition. As a result of these processes, the lake
exhibits outputs such as outflow, deposition to sediments, and nutrient export. Understanding and managing
these inputs, processes, and outputs are crucial for maintaining the health and balance of the Duck Lake
ecosystem (“North American Lake Management Society (NALMS).”)(Michelle Gordy).

1.2 Importance of Assessing Its Health

Duck Lake, once heavily polluted by surrounding communities and restaurants, is now being investigated
for its health and sustainability. The Fund for Education and the Environment of Duck Lake (FEED) was

launched at the WAB Gala in 2016 to invest in the cleanup of the lake. The project, a testament to the power
of collaboration, involves government agencies, local businesses, and community members, all united in
their aim to address environmental challenges. Duck Lake is an essential educational ecosystem for WAB,
providing students with an immersive learning environment and fostering environmental stewardship ( "鸭

子湖保护小组:Duck Lake Project"). The cleanup project aimed to restore the lake's health, give the
students a firsthand experience of the positive impact of collective action and ecological responsibility and
enhance their environmental education. The effectiveness of cleanups and water filtration systems in
maintaining abiotic factors, such as pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and turbidity, will be
evaluated to determine the success of the cleanup efforts and identify areas for improvement. The goal is to
implement strategies that enhance the environment of Duck Lake, promote sustainability in the ecosystem,
and engage the surrounding community in conservation efforts.

1.3 Purpose of Study

The study's goal is to identify the problem and propose strategies and actionable recommendations to
revitalize the environment of Duck Lake, drive sustainability in the ecosystem, and bring tangible benefits to
the surrounding community.

II. Current Health of Duck Lake Ecosystem

2.1 Abiotic Observations

The lake's clarity and green color indicate high levels of algae or other organic matter in the water, likely
due to nutrient pollution or excessive sunlight promoting algal growth. This can be caused by nutrient
pollution or excessive sunlight, which promotes algal growth. Fountains suggest efforts are being made to
increase the dissolved oxygen levels in the lake. Dissolved oxygen is essential for the survival of aquatic
organisms, as it is required for respiration.

pH Levels:

pH is an essential indicator of a water body's chemical, physical, and biological changes. It measures the
acidity or alkalinity of the water on a scale from 0 to 14, with seven being considered neutral. pH is crucial
because it affects the chemical processes in natural water and can indicate changes in water quality and
pollution levels. pH is an essential factor in water toxicity. A change in pH can alter the concentrations and
forms of toxic chemicals in water ("The Importance of Monitoring and Maintaining the PH of Lake Water -").

The pH levels across different locations and depths of the duck lake range from 8.16 to 9.02. These pH
values indicate that the water in the lake is slightly alkaline. The average pH across all measurements is
approximately 8.6.

Shore, Surface, or Depth Location Coordinates pH

Surface J2 8.33

Depth I2 9.02

Depth J2 8.95

Shoreline C1 8.4

Shoreline A3 8.92

Surface I2 8.16

Dissolved oxygen (DO) Concentrations:

The dissolved oxygen (DO) test, which measures the amount of oxygen in water, is crucial for the survival
of aquatic organisms. By indicating the ecosystem's health, this test can help prevent reduced biodiversity
and potential harm to sensitive species. For instance, low dissolved oxygen levels can be a warning sign,
prompting immediate action to protect the ecosystem (United States Environmental Protection Agency,
"Indicators: Dissolved Oxygen").

The dissolved oxygen concentrations vary significantly across different areas of the lake. This is because the
fountains planted in certain regions resulted in higher dissolved oxygen levels. Surface areas also generally
exhibit higher dissolved oxygen levels, with an average of about 8.5 mg/L, while depths and specific
shoreline locations show lower dissolved oxygen levels, with about 5.5 mg/L.

Shore, Surface, or Depth Location Coordinates DO2 (mg/L)

Surface J2 7.8 mg/L

Depth I2 0.05 mg/L

Depth J2 0.02 mg/L

Shoreline C1 7.5 mg/L

Depth J3 13.78 mg/L

Shoreline A2 0.05 mg/L

Surface I2 10.1 mg/L

Figure 2: Image of Duck Lake’s fountains


Conductivity measures water's ability to pass an electrical current. It is influenced by inorganic dissolved
solids such as chloride, nitrate, sulfate, and phosphate anions or sodium, magnesium, calcium, solid, and
aluminum. Conductivity can provide information about water's dissolved substances, chemicals, and
minerals. Higher conductivity levels may indicate higher amounts of impurities in the water ("5.9

The conductivity levels of Duck Lake remain relatively consistent across the lake, with an average of
approximately 680 µS/cm. This indicates a consistent presence of dissolved substances and minerals in the

Shore, Surface, or Depth Location Coordinates Conductivity (µS/cm)

Surface J2 664 µS/cm

Depth I2 664 µS/cm

Depth J2 664 µS/cm

Shoreline C1 664 µS/cm

Depth J3 742 µS/cm

Shoreline A2 664 µS/cm

Surface I2 664 µS/cm


Turbidity is a measure of water clarity and the amount of suspended material in the water that affects the
passage of light. Suspended materials include soil particles, algae, plankton, microbes, and other substances.
Turbidity can impact water temperature, clog fish gills, reduce fish disease resistance, lower growth rates,
and affect egg and larval development. It can occur due to soil erosion, waste discharge, urban runoff,
excessive algal growth, and sediment disturbance (US EPA, Office of Water, "5.5 Turbidity").

Turbidity levels vary across the lake, with surface areas generally exhibiting lower turbidity (average of
approximately 9.9 NTU) compared to depths and specific shoreline locations, which show higher turbidity
(average of roughly 16.3 NTU).

Shore, Surface, or Depth Location Coordinates Turbidity (NTU)

Surface J2 0.2 NTU

Depth I2 25.8 NTU

Depth J2 3.9 NTU

Shoreline C1 16.2 NTU

Shoreline A2 8.52 NTU

Surface I2 18.5 NTU

Nitrates Concentrations:

Nitrates are a form of nitrogen in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Excess nitrates can cause hypoxia (low
dissolved oxygen levels) and be toxic to warm-blooded animals at higher concentrations. Nitrate levels can
affect dissolved oxygen, temperature, and other water quality indicators (United States Environmental
Protection Agency, "5.7 Nitrates").

The nitrates' concentrations remain consistent across different lake areas, with an average of approximately
12.5 mg/L, indicating a balanced nitrogen cycle within the ecosystem. This consistent level of nitrates may
indicate a stable presence of nitrogen compounds in the water, contributing to the overall nutrient balance of
the ecosystem.

Shore, Surface, or Depth Location Coordinates Nitrate (mg/L)

Surface J2 12.5 mg/L

Depth I2 12.5 mg/L

Depth J2 12.5 mg/L

Shoreline C1 12.5 mg/L

Depth J3 12.5 mg/L

Shoreline A2 12.5 mg/L

Surface I2 12.5 mg/L

2.2 Biodiversity analysis

The lake was surrounded by lush green vegetation on both sides, with many plants. Invertebrates, such as
snails, were found in the grassy areas, likely attracted to the moist ground after rainfall. Mosquitoes were
more prevalent in areas with taller grass, while moths hid in slightly taller bushes and emerged when
disturbed. Koi fish, mostly around 10 cm in size, were observed in the lake, along with one larger fish
measuring about 30 cm. Reed plants on the lake's shores provided habitat for various fly species, and
dragonflies were occasionally seen. Seaweeds were also floating on the lake's surface, with long lengths
indicating their roots were anchored at the bottom.

Simpson's Diversity Sampling:

The test uses a quadrant to count the species within a specific area, providing an overall idea of the
ecosystem's biodiversity. The quadrants were randomly placed in multiple areas along the shoreline,
allowing for the identification of different plants and creatures. This sampling method estimates the overall
biodiversity without the need to individually measure and count every organism present, which would be
impractical (Glen, "Simpson’s Diversity Index: Definition, Formula, Calculation").

The result was 0.044 (low biodiversity). Out of the recorded data, the dominant species were insects. The
most commonly found insects were ants, which were counted 24 times. Rorippa palustris and Malva
neglecta are the most common plants found in Duck Lake and are counted ten times.

Silver carp, grass carp, and Koi fish were the most recorded fish species in the lake. Silver carp are native to
China and help filter water by eating plankton and debris ("Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys Molitrix) |
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service"). Furthermore, koi fish can help control water quality by filtering expelled
materials from lakes and grinding food with powerful teeth at their throats. It is commonly found in streams
where grass carp, which are native to China, can be found.

BMI (Benthic Macroinvertebrates) Test:

The purpose of the test is to assess the biodiversity and ecological health of the lake ecosystem. Benthic
macroinvertebrates are reliable indicators of water quality and ecosystem conditions because they have
different tolerances to pollution and respond to human disturbance in predictable ways. By studying the
composition and abundance of other taxa, scientists and environmental professionals can gain insights into
the overall health and functioning of the lake ecosystem (“Benthic Macroinvertebrates (BMI’s)”).

High-tolerance insects, such as scuds, roundworms, sowbugs, and mayflies, are prevalent in ecosystems and
account for 61% of the total insect count. These insects, with a tolerance level above five, are the most
dominant in the population.

Meanwhile, those with a tolerance level equal to or below 5, including dragonflies, beetles, stoneflies, and
craneflies, comprised only 3% of the total. The insects with medium tolerance levels had moderate counts—
not too low nor too high. Thus, these trends support that the higher the tolerance level, the more familiar a
species is. Since insects with high tolerance levels are more versatile, their reproduction rate is probably
higher since they are adaptable to harsh environments. Thus, they have a large population.

III. Factors Affecting Duck Lake Ecosystem Health

3.1 Human activities

Waste from school students and teachers can contribute to introducing nutrients and pollutants into the lake.
If not properly managed, this waste can lead to eutrophication, a process characterized by excessive plant
and algal growth due to increased nutrient availability. Eutrophication can result in harmful algal blooms,
harming the lake ecosystem, including fish kills and oxygen depletion, leading to unhealthy or dying
wildlife. WAB must implement proper waste management practices to prevent eutrophication in Duck Lake.

3.2 Excessive Algae Growth

Excessive nutrient inputs, such as those from waste and runoff, can lead to exaggerated algae growth,
contributing to pollution and potentially harmful algal blooms. These blooms can release toxins into the
water, threatening aquatic life and even human health if the water is used for recreation or drinking. This
process is also known as eutrophication. Nutrient excess can cause more serious problems, such as low
oxygen levels in water. Severe algal growth blocks the light needed for plants, such as seagrasses, to grow
(US Department of Commerce). It is essential to properly manage waste and control nutrient inputs to
prevent eutrophication and its negative consequences for lake ecosystems.

IV. Suggestions for Improvement

4.1 Implementing water quality monitoring programs

Implementing water quality monitoring programs at Duck Lake would be beneficial. Regular monitoring of
water quality parameters such as pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and nutrient concentrations can provide
valuable data on the health of the lake ecosystem. By monitoring water quality over time, intervention and
management actions can be implemented promptly (“Why Monitoring Water Quality Is Important”). This
data can also be used to track the effectiveness of any implemented management strategies and inform future
decision-making processes. The public should also be aware of the importance of water quality monitoring
in fostering community involvement and protecting Duck Lake for future generations (“Water Quality”).

4.2 Establishing protected areas for wildlife

Establishing protected areas within and around Duck Lake can contribute to the sustainability of the lake
ecosystem. Protected areas provide habitats for wildlife, support biodiversity, and help maintain the lake's
ecological balance. The lake's overall health and resilience can be enhanced by preserving and managing

these areas. Furthermore, protecting areas can also help regulate human activities threatening the lake's
ecosystem, such as pollution or overfishing. With this proactive approach, Duck Lake can remain a healthy
and thriving environment for wildlife and future generations. By creating and maintaining these protected
areas, we can help ensure the survival and abundance of fish populations, including both native and
migratory species (“Discover the Abundant Wildlife of Lake: A Fascinating Exploration | Twin Creeks”).
Aquatic plants, such as submerged and shoreline vegetation, are also vital to the lake ecosystem. These
plants provide essential habitats and food sources for many marine animals, including fish, insects, and
amphibians. They help maintain water quality by reducing nutrient runoff and sediment erosion.
Establishing protected areas can help preserve and promote the growth of these vital aquatic plants,
supporting the overall health and balance of the lake ecosystem (“Lakes”).

V. Conclusion
Duck Lake has a healthy ecosystem with a slightly alkaline pH, stable nitrate concentrations, and varying
dissolved oxygen levels. However, dissolved oxygen levels and turbidity variations suggest potential spatial
and depth-related changes, possibly influenced by temperature, photosynthesis, respiration, and local
environmental disturbances. The stable nitrate concentrations suggest a balanced nutrient cycle, supporting
the lake's ecosystem by providing essential nutrients for aquatic organisms. The fluctuating turbidity levels
may indicate localized disturbances or variations in sediment and particulate matter, requiring further
investigation to assess their impact on the lake's health.

A healthy ecosystem supports diverse species, including plants, animals, and microorganisms. Biodiversity
is essential for maintaining the stability and resilience of ecosystems, as different species play unique roles
in ecological processes. Preserving biodiversity helps ensure the long-term survival of various species and
the ecosystem's overall health. It is also essential for human well-being. These services include the provision
of clean air and water, nutrient cycling, pollination of crops, regulation of climate, and the provision of food
and raw materials. Ecosystem services contribute to human livelihoods, economic activities, and overall
quality of life.

In conclusion, understanding and addressing the factors affecting the Duck Lake ecosystem, including
human activities and natural processes, is essential for preserving its health and biodiversity and its
numerous benefits to the environment and human well-being.

VI. Citations

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