Issue of Shares

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When a company issues shares, it is usually been done by taking the money from the shareholders in installments.
When a company floats its shares for subscription by the general public, the interested investors first need to apply
for the shares by paying the requisite amount of application money. So the first installment is known as share
application money. Subsequently the company allots the shares to applicants and makes the second install due,
which is known as share allotment money. The installments thereafter are known as call money (first call/second
call) and the last installment is known as final call money.

Shares may be issued at a price which is expressed as

(a) At par: Issue price and the actual price (face value) of the shares are same.
(b) At a premium: Issue price is higher than the actual price (face value)

Journal entries for issue of shares

Particulars Debit (Rs) Credit (Rs)
For collection of application money.
Bank a/c
To Share Application a/c
Transfer of application money to share capital.
Share Application a/c
To Share Capital a/c

If there is excess application received, it can be dealt in two ways

(a) Refund
Share Application a/c
To Bank a/c

(b) Pro-rata allotment (i.e. the shares are allotted proportionately and the
excess money received in application is utilized toward the money due in
subsequent installments.
Share Application a/c
To Share Allotment a/c
To Share call a/c (if needed)
For allotment money due
(a) At par
Share Allotment a/c
To Share Capital a/c

(b) At a premium
Share Allotment a/c
To Share Capital a/c
To Securities Premium a/c

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(Accounts &Commerce Tuition)
For allotment money received
Bank a/c
To Share Allotment a/c
If any shareholder fails to pay the money due on allotment, it is known as
calls in arrear. In such a case the entry for application money received will
Bank a/c
Calls in arrear a/c
To Share Allotment a/c
For call money due
Share first/second/final call a/c
To Share Capital a/c
For call money received
Bank a/c
Share first/second/final call a/c
If there is calls in arrear
Bank a/c
Calls in arrear a/c
Share first/second/final call a/c
For when a certain shareholder pays his subsequent installment money
along with his current installment, it is known as call in advance. The entry
in that case will be
Bank a/c
To Calls in advance a/c
And subsequently when the install for which advance has been paid falls
due, the entry is
Calls in advance a/c
To Share first/second/final call a/c
The shares for which there has been a default in payment, the directors can
forfeit them.
The entry for forfeiture is
(a) for shares initially issued at par
Share capital a/c Called up value
To Calls in arrear a/c Amt. unpaid
To Share forfeiture a/c Amt. paid

(b) for shares initially issued at a premium

Share capital a/c (Excluding Premium) Called up value
Securities premium a/c (only if premium remains unpaid) Premium
To Calls in arrear a/c Amt. unpaid
To Share forfeiture a/c (Excluding Premium) Amt. paid

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For re-issue of forfeited shares
(a) for shares initially issued at par or at premium
Bank a/c Re-issue price
Share forfeiture a/c Disc. on re-issue
To Share capital a/c Face value

The unutilized portion of share forfeiture account is the profit on re-issue

which is to be transferred to capital reserve
Share forfeiture a/c
To capital reserve a/c

3 S.A. CLASSES Ph: 9874484733

(Accounts &Commerce Tuition)

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