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International Journal of Food Science and Biotechnology

2018; 3(1): 23-32

doi: 10.11648/j.ijfsb.20180301.14

Physico-chemical Properties and Sensory Attributes of

Butter Produced from Peanut, Crayfish and Ginger
Afolabi Saheedat H.1, Okache Thomas A.2, Eke Michael O.1, Alakali Joseph S.1, *
Department of Food Science and Technology, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria
Department of Food Science and Technology, Federal University Dutsin Ma, Katsina, Nigeria

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To cite this article:

Afolabi Saheedat H., Okache Thomas A., Eke Michael O., Alakali Joseph S. Physico-chemical Properties and Sensory Attributes of Butter
Produced from Peanut, Crayfish and Ginger. International Journal of Food Science and Biotechnology. Vol. 3, No. 1, 2018, pp. 21-32.
doi: 10.11648/j.ijfsb.20180301.14

Received: June 12, 2017; Accepted: June 21, 2017; Published: January 29, 2018

Abstract: Butters were produced from blends of peanut (100%), peanut and crayfish (80:20), peanut and ginger (90:10) and
peanut. crayfish and ginger (70:20:10). The 100% peanut butter served as the control. The effects of the substitution on the
proximate composition, amino acid profile and mineral content of the butter were investigated. Results showed that the
proximate parameters increased insignificantly (p>0.05) with addition of ginger, but crude protein and carbohydrate increased
significantly (p<0.05) with addition of crayfish. When incorporated with 10% ginger and 20% crayfish, there was significant
increase (p<0.05) in crude protein, crude fat and carbohydrate. The essential and non-essential amino acids contained in the
butter decreased significantly (p<0.05) upon incorporation of ginger but increased significantly (p<0.05) when crayfish was
incorporated. Sensory attributes such as aroma and appearance increased significantly (p<0.05). Conclusively addition of
crayfish into the butter significantly improved its nutrient composition while ginger enhanced sensory attributes of the butter.
Keywords: Butter, Crayfish, Ginger, Peanut, Physico-chemical

containing high lysine content which makes it a good

1. Introduction complement for cereal. The proximate composition of mature
Groundnut or peanut (Arachis hypogea) is a plant which groundnut seeds in per 100 g edible portion is reported to be;
belongs to the family of plants called Fabaceae [16]. moisture (6.5 g), protein (25.8 g), lipids (49.2 g),
Botanically, groundnut is a legume although it is widely carbohydrate (16.1 g), dietary fibre (8.5 g), calcium (92 mg),
identified as a nut and has similar nutrient profile with tree magnesium (168 mg), phosphorus (376 mg) and iron (4.6 mg)
nuts [21]. This annual plant is generally distributed in the [32]. However, peanut contains some anti-nutritional factors
tropical, sub-tropical and warm temperate areas and such as phytic acid, condensed tannins, trypsin and amylase
represents the second most important legume in the world inhibitor, that may limit its usage and nutritional value.
based on total production after soybean [32]. Peanuts make Peanuts and its derivatives are often classified as street
an important contribution to the diet in many countries. food which satisfies essential need of the urban population
Peanut seeds are a good source of protein, lipid and fatty by being affordable and available. Peanut seeds are eaten
acids for human nutrition [21]. Peanut-containing foods have raw, boiled or roasted, made into butter or paste and are
high consumer acceptance because of their unique roasted used for thickening soups [14]. Peanut butter is made by
peanut flavour. Peanuts are continually applied for the grinding dry roasted groundnuts into a paste [26]. Peanuts
preparation of new and improved food products. A large are also used as major ingredients in the formulation of
proportion of peanut production in the world is destined to weaning food with other cereals such as sorghum, corn, and
domestic foods such as peanut butter, snack products, millets because of their high protein and omega 6 fatty acid
confections and roasted peanut products. Peanut constitutes a contents [25]. In Nigeria, the use of marketed peanut butter
major annual oilseed crop and a good source of protein in the confection of sauce is very popular among the urban
population [10].
24 Afolabi Saheedat H. et al.: Physico-chemical Properties and Sensory Attributes of Butter
Produced from Peanut, Crayfish and Ginger

Although, the primary purpose of spices is to impart flavor Table 1. Blend Formulation.
and piquancy to food, the medicinal, antimicrobial and Sample A B C D
antioxidant properties of spices are also exploited. Ginger Peanut 100 90 80 70
(Zingiber officinale) is a perennial herb, with rhizome rich in Ginger - 10 - 10
the secondary metabolites such as phenolic compounds Crayfish - - 20 20
(gingerol, paradol and shogaoal), volatile compounds
2.4. Proximate Analysis of Peanut Butter
(zingiberene and bisabolene) and monoterpenoids
(curcumene and citral) [7]. Previous studies have Proximate analysis for each peanut butter product was by
demonstrated that plant extracts and isolated compounds [8] Official methods. The percentage of moisture, crude
from Z. officinale possess strong antioxidant, antibacterial, protein, fat, ash and carbohydrate were estimated as follows;
antifungal, anticancer and anti-inflammatory effects [23].
Crayfish are small fresh water crustaceans that can be found 2.4.1. Moisture Content
in many parts of the world. These distinctive invertebrates Two grams of each sample were weighed in duplicate into
are rich protein sources and serve as good protein Petri dishes of known weights and covered immediately. The
supplements in our diets [19]. They are proximately dishes were transferred into an electric oven (model: TT-
composed of 13.86% ash, 58.14% protein, 1.28% crude fibre, 9053, Techmel & Techmel USA) at 103±2°C for 3-5 hours.
89.92% dry matter and 2.87% gross energy [4]. This study is The samples were removed at regular intervals from the oven
therefore set to investigate the effects of ginger and crayfish and placed in a desiccator to cool for 15 mins prior to
addition on the physico-chemical quality and sensory weighing. Samples drying and weighing were repeated until
attributes of peanut butter. constant weights were recorded. The loss in weight from the
original weight was reported as the moisture content.
2. Materials and Methods 2.4.2. Crude Protein
Essentially, 0.2 gram of each sample was weighed,
2.1. Source of Raw Materials
wrapped in whatman filter paper (No. 1) and placed in a
Peanut, ginger, crayfish, salt and spices (calabash nutmeg) Kjeldahl digestion flask. 10ml of concentrated H2SO4 and
were purchased from Modern market, Makurdi – Benue State. 0.5g of catalysts mixture (Na2SO4 + CaSO4 + SeO, 10:5:1
All chemicals and reagents used were of analytical grade and w/w) were added to the materials in the flask. Four pieces of
purchased from credible scientific chemical suppliers. anti-bumping granules were added and the mixture digested
by heating on a Kjeldahl digesting apparatus for 3 hours until
2.2. Sample Preparation the liquid turned light green. The digested sample was cooled
and diluted with distilled water to 100ml in a standard
The peanut seed (Red Boro specie), ginger and crayfish
volumetric flask. Aliquots (10ml of the diluted solution) and
were subjected to pre-treatment and blended as shown in
10ml 45% NaOH solution were placed into Markhama
Table 1.
distillation apparatus and distilled into 10ml of 2% boric acid
2.2.1. Preparation of Roasted Peanut Seed containing 4 drops of bromo cresol green/methyl red
Peanut seed was subjected to pre-treatment, the seeds indicator until about 70ml of distillate were collected. The
where cleaned and sorted for bad seeds, after which it was distillate was titrated with standardized 0.01M HCl to grey
roasted at 116 degrees for 20 minutes, another cleaning and coloured end point. The percentage nitrogen was then
selection was done to remove the skin. calculated.

2.2.2. Preparation of Ginger Powder 2.4.3. Crude Fat

Ginger roots were collected, cleaned, sorted and sliced to The Soxhlet Solvent extraction method was employed.
2cm and dried in the oven at 60 degrees after which it was Essentially, 2g of each sample was weighed into the
milled and sieved using 0.6mm sieve to get the ginger extraction thimble. The thimble was then plugged with cotton
powder. wool and placed in the Soxhlet apparatus fitted with a flat
bottom flask which was filled to about three quarter of its
2.2.3. Preparation of Crayfish Powder volume with petroleum ether of boiling point of 45°C. The
Crayfish was collected and it was winnowed and preheated extraction was carried out for a period of 4 – 8 hours. The
in the oven for few seconds, milled and sieved using 0.6mm petroleum ether was removed by evaporation on a water bath
sieve to get the crayfish powder. while the extractives in the flask were dried in electric oven
at 800°C for 30mins followed by cooling and weighing.
2.3. Formulation for Butter Preparation
2.4.4. Crude Fibre
The roasted peanut seed was milled with the ginger and
The fibre contents were determined from 2g portion of
crayfish powder in the ratios shown in Table 1 for
each product. In this method, oils and other non-polar
homogenization using attrition mill, it was allowed to cool
substances in each sample were exhaustively extracted with
and packed in hermetically sealed containers.
petroleum ether (b.p. 45°C). The residues were digested in
International Journal of Food Science and Biotechnology 2018; 3(1): 21-32 25

1litre flask with 200ml concentrated sulphuric acid and 2.6. Amino Acid Profile
filtered through the California Buchner system. The insoluble
matter was washed with boiling water until it was free from The amino acid profile in the sample was determined using
the acid. The residue was then washed back into the flask methods described by [8]. The peanut butter sample was
with 200ml of 0.3N NaOH followed by boiling for 30mins. dried to a constant weight, defatted, hydrolyzed, evaporated
The flasks were allowed to stand for 1min after which the in a rotary evaporator and loaded into the technicon
content was filtered immediately through a filtering cloth. sequential multi-sample Amino Acid Analyzer (TSM). The
The insoluble material was then transferred into 100ml sample was defatted using chloroform/methanol mixture of
beaker using boiling water and was washed with 1% HCl and ratio 2:1. About 4g of sample was put in extraction thimble
again with boiling water to free it from acid. The insoluble and extracted for 15 hours in soxhlet extraction apparatus.
material was then finally washed with diethyl ether. The 200mg of ground sample was weighed, wrapped in whatman
resulting material was transferred to a dish (previously filter paper (No. 1) and put in the kjeldhal digestion flask.
ignited, cooled and weighed) and dried at 100°C for 2 hours Concentrated sulphuric acid (10ml) was added. Catalyst
followed by cooling in a desiccator and weighed. The dried, mixture (0.5g) containing sodiumsulphate, copper sulphate
cooled and weighed residue was then transferred in muffle and selenium oxide in the ratio of 10:5:1 was added into the
furnace and incinerated at 600°C for 4 hours followed by flask to facilitate digestion. Four pieces of anti-bumping
weighing. The percentage crude fibre content was calculated. granules were added.
The flask was then put in kjeldhal digestion apparatus for 3
2.4.5. Ash Content hours until the liquid turn light green. The digested sample
The ash content of each sample was determined by the [8] was cooled and diluted with distilled water to 100ml in
official method. A silica dish was heated to 600°C, cooled in standard volumetric flask. Aliquot (10mls) of the diluted
desiccators and weighed. Then 5g of the sample was weighed solution with 10ml of 2% boric acid containing 4 drops of
into the silica dish and transferred to the furnace. The bromocresol green/methyl red indicator until about 70ml of
temperature of the furnace was allowed to reach 525°C distillate was collected. The distillate was then titrated with
before placing the dish in it. The temperature was maintained 0.01 N hydrochloric acid, to grey colour.
until whitish grey colour was obtained indicating that all the
organic matter content of the sample had been burnt off. 2.7. Sensory Attributes of Peanut Butter Incorporated with
Each dish was then removed from the furnace and placed in a Crayfish and Ginger
desiccator to cool prior to weighing. Ash content was then The peanut butter samples were kept in the sensory
calculated. laboratory for sensory evaluation, A 9-point Hedonic scale
2.4.6. Carbohydrates Determination (where 1 = dislike extremely, 9 = like extremely) was used to
Carbohydrate was calculated by difference as reported by rate the sensory attributes of appearance, taste, aroma, texture
[24] and overall acceptability of the Products. Each Panellist was
presented with four different samples. A sachet of drinkable
% carbohydrate = 100% - (% protein + %ash + %moisture water and carrot were also given for mouth rinsing and taste
+ % fibre + % fat) (1) removal respectively in-between evaluation of samples [24].
2.5. Mineral Analysis 2.8. Statistical Analysis
The minerals content of the products were determined by Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 16
the [8] method using 2g of the oven dried sample of each statistical software package was used for the statistical
peanut butter ashed at 600°C in a muffle furnace. The analysis of all the data. Similarities and differences amongst
resultant ash was transferred into 250ml glass beaker and data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA).
120ml conc. HNO3 and 10ml H2O2 added. The mixture was Duncan multiple range test (DMRT) was used for mean
heated at 90°C for 1 hour, cooled and filtered using glass separation and significance was accepted at 5% probability
wool. The filtrate was transferred into a 250ml volumetric level.
flask and made up to the mark with deionised water. After
gentle shaking to mix, 2ml were pipetted into 250ml flask 3. Results and Discussion
and diluted to the mark with deionised water. Stock solution
of 1000mg/kg of Mg, Ca, K and Fe were prepared using 3.1. Proximate Composition of Peanut Butter Incorporated
deionised water. From stock solution working standard with Crayfish and Ginger
solution of 100mg/kg the elements were prepared by dilution
with deionised water. Dilution comprising 0.4, 1.0, 1.5 and The result of the proximate composition of peanut butter
2.0 mg/kg of each element were made with deionised water incorporated with crayfish and ginger is presented in Table 2.
and together with the test sample were analysed using an The moisture content of the peanut butter increased
atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Concentrations of the insignificantly when ginger (sample B), crayfish (sample C),
elements in the test samples were then calculated. and a combination of both ginger and crayfish (sample D)
were incorporated into the peanut butter. The moisture
26 Afolabi Saheedat H. et al.: Physico-chemical Properties and Sensory Attributes of Butter
Produced from Peanut, Crayfish and Ginger

content of the 100% peanut butter was 6.23±0.06%, this was hydroscopic nature of peanut which makes it pick up
slightly below the value (6.27±0.03%) reported by [22]. The moisture readily even at extremely low water activities. The
result showed that, the incorporation of 10% ginger into the incorporation of 20% crayfish into the peanut butter also
peanut butter resulted in marginal increase (p˃0.05) in increased the moisture content of the peanut butter
moisture content of the butter from 6.23±0.06% to insignificantly from 6.23±0.06% to 6.31±0.1%. In a similar
6.27±0.11%. Other authors [22] reported that although ginger manner, the incorporation of both ginger and crayfish into
is very watery when harvested, it losses a large quantity of peanut butter increased the moisture content to an
water during drying and readily becomes powdered when insignificant level as [22] had earlier reported. Their research
ground and as such cannot account for increase in the attributed such insignificant difference in moisture content
moisture content of a food when it is added to food. The following the incorporation of ginger and crayfish to the dry
reason for the increase in moisture could be because of the nature of the ginger and crayfish.
Table 2. Proximate Composition of Peanut Butter Incorporated with Crayfish and Ginger.

Parameters (%)
Moisture 6.23±0.06a 6.27±0.11a 6.30±0.10a 6.31±0.1a 0.22
Crude protein 25.50±0.44a 25.70±0.52a 31.10±0.61b 31.98±0.63b 1.05
Crude fat 42.20±0.10a 42.53±0.41a 43.53±0.59a 43.70±0.40b 0.80
Crude fibre 2.08±0.11a 2.10±0.05a 2.15±0.05a 2.20±0.10a 0.15
Ash 2.60±0.13a 2.70±0.27a 2.80±0.44a 2.90±0.36a 0.60
Carbohydrate 21.39±0.30a 20.70±0.61a 14.12±0.07b 12.87±0.56c 0.82

Values are means of duplicate determination ±Standard Deviation

Mean with different superscript row wise are significantly different (p<0.05)
Key: A= Control (Peanut) 100% B= 90% Peanut, 10% Ginger, C= 80% Peanut, 20% Crayfish.
D= 70% Peanut, 10% Ginger, 20% Crayfish, LSD= Least Significant Difference

The crude protein content of the butter increased to an slightly increased the crude fat content of the butter from
insignificant level when 10% ginger was incorporated but the 42.20±0.10% to an insignificant level of 42.53±0.41%. This
increase became significant when 20% crayfish was result does not agrees with the findings of [29] who
incorporated into the butter. In the same manner, undertook the proximate analysis of ginger and came out
incorporation of both ginger and crayfish (sample D) with a conclusion that ginger had little or no fat content.
increased the protein content of the butter significantly. The Substitution of peanut with 20% crayfish also led to
crude protein analysis showed that, peanut butter is a good insignificant (p˃0.05) increase in crude fat content, however,
source of protein. The protein content of 100% peanut butter the fat content in crayfish substituted butter (43.53%) was
obtained in this study was 25.50±0.44%. This was lower than slightly higher than the value (42.53%) in ginger substituted
the value (27.53±0.06%) reported by [2]. The variation in butter. Similar report of insignificant increase in the fat
values could be due to variety used and growing conditions. content of ogi upon the incorporation of crayfish was given
Substituting peanut with 10% ginger did not create a by [6]. The incorporation of both ginger and crayfish into the
significant difference (p˂0.05) in the protein content of the peanut butter increased the crude fat content of the peanut
peanut butter. This result agrees with the findings of [29] butter to a slightly significant level of 43.70±0.40%. This
who reported in his work on the nutritional composition of significant increase is as a result of the fat content of crayfish.
ginger powder that ginger contains a very negligible amount The crude fibre and ash content of the peanut butter
of proteins. Substituting peanut with 20% crayfish however showed an insignificant increase in all the samples. The
resulted in significant increase (p˂0.05) in the protein content crude fiber content of the butter was low (2.08±0.11%). This
of the peanut butter as its protein content increased from is due to the low cellulose content of peanuts [2]. The result
25.50±0.44% to 31.10±0.61%. Several researchers and showed that, the addition of ginger into the peanut butter
scholars like [30] had earlier established that crayfish insignificantly increased its fibre content from 2.08±0.11% to
contains 58.14% protein and is highly nutritious. The 2.10±0.05%. This increase was best explained by [29] when
incorporation of ginger and crayfish into the peanut butter he reported that ginger like other rhizomes had high cellulose
significantly increased the protein content from 25.50±0.44% and a high crude fibre content of 10.36%. The addition of
to 31.98±0.63%. Ginger is low in proteins and crayfish is the crayfish to the peanut butter insignificantly increased its
only protein contributor to the peanut butter in sample D. crude fibre content from 2.08±0.11% in 100% peanut butter
The crude fat content of the peanut butter also recorded an to 2.15±0.05% in 20% crayfish substituted butter. [30] had
increase that was not significant in sample A, B and C. The earlier explained that crayfish has low fibre content when
increase was however, significant in sample D. Peanut butter they carried out its proximate analysis. The incorporation of
had a high crude fat content of 42.20±0.10% which is in ginger and crayfish into the peanut butter insignificantly
conformity with the report of [20] who had reported that (p˂0.05) increased the crude fibre content of the butter from
peanut butter contained crude fat in the range of 40 – 49%. 2.08±0.11% in 100% peanut butter to 2.20±0.01% in butter
The incorporation of ginger into the butter (sample B) substituted with the combination of ginger and crayfish.
International Journal of Food Science and Biotechnology 2018; 3(1): 21-32 27

However, this increase brought a significant difference range of 20-32% of total carbohydrate reported by [10] for
between sample B where only ginger was incorporated and groundnut varieties. The incorporation of ginger and crayfish
sample D where both ginger and crayfish were incorporated. into the peanut butter had varying reduction effects on the
This result shows that, the high cellulose ginger and crayfish carbohydrate content of the peanut butter. When ginger was
was responsible for the increase in the fibre content of the incorporated, the carbohydrate content of the butter
butter. insignificantly decreased from 21.39±0.30% to 20.70±0.61%.
Peanut butter contained low ash (2.60±0.13%). This result By the incorporation of crayfish, the protein content of the
compares favourably with the report by [20] that most butter butter was increased and its carbohydrate content significantly
is low in ash content. The result also shows the low mineral decreased to 14.12±0.07%. [10] noted that, in the combination
content of nuts as reported by [21]. The incorporation of of two or more food products where the protein content is
ginger into the peanut butter insignificantly (p˂0.05) increased, the carbohydrate content of such foods tend to
increased its ash content from 2.60±0.13 to 2.70±0.05%. The decrease due to the displacement of carbohydrate molecules by
failure of ginger to significantly increase the ash content of the protein molecules. The findings of [10] also explains what
the peanut butter can be attributed to the severe grinding of was observed in sample D where both ginger and crayfish
the dried ginger during processing prior to incorporation into were incorporated into the peanut butter and a significant
the peanut butter which must have rendered the available difference was created by a decrease in its carbohydrate
minerals prone to destruction during the ashing process. [35] content from 21.39±0.30% to 12.87±0.56.
Explained that food products tend to contain less ash when
grinded than when ashed in their pure solid state. Also, the 3.2. Essential Amino Acid of Peanut Butter Incorporated
addition of crayfish to the peanut butter increased the ash with Crayfish and Ginger
content of the butter to 2.80±0.44% but the effect was not Table 3 shows the result of the essential amino acid
significant. This result agrees with [30] who also reported analysis. The isoleucine, leucine, lysine and valine content of
that although crayfish contains an appreciable amount of the butter decreased significantly (p≤0.05) when 10% ginger
minerals, its incorporation in a food product does not was incorporated and increased significantly (p≤0.05) when
significantly affects the ash content of the food. In sample D 20% crayfish was incorporated. The incorporation of both
where ginger and crayfish were both incorporated into the ginger and crayfish also increased the isoleucine, leucine,
peanut butter, the ash content insignificantly increase from lysine and valine content of the butter significantly. The
2.60±0.13% to 2.90±0.36%. butter’s methionine and phynylalanine contents reduced
The carbohydrate content of pure peanut butter (sample A) significantly when 10% ginger was incorporated but
and that of sample B could not show any significant difference. remained insignificantly different when crayfish and a
A significant decrease in the carbohydrate content was mixture of crayfish and ginger was incorporated. The
however observed in sample C and in sample D. Like other threonine content of the peanut butter showed no significant
varieties of butter, peanut butter had a considerably high total difference in all the samples.
carbohydrate content of 21.39±0.30% which is within the
Table 3. Essential Amino Acids Profile of Peanut Butter Incorporated with Crayfish and Ginger.

Amino Acids (mg/g protein)
Isoleucine 31.90± 1.10c 30.00±1.00d 35.90±1.10a 33.90±1.00b 1.90
Leucine 67.80±1.00bc 66.30±1.00c 72.80±1.00a 69.20±1.00b 2.00
Lysine 36.50±1.00c 33.50±1.50d 42.00±1.00a 39.00±1.00b 2.10
Methionine 10.40±1.20a 8.60±0.40b 10.70±1.00a 10.20±1.00a 1.30
Phylalanine 44.00±1.00c 43.10±1.00c 51.00±1.00a 47.5±1.10b 2.10
Threonine 28.70±7.00a 27.20±1.10a 31.8±1.00a 30.40±1.00 6.30
Histidine 24.00±1.40bc 23.00±1.00c 25.40±2.00a 26.00±1.00a 2.30
Valine 38.30±6.20 36.00±1.00b 43.00±1.00a 40.10±1.00ab 6.10

Values are means of duplicate determination ± Standard Deviation

Mean with different superscript row wise are significantly different (p< 0.05).
Key: A= Control (Peanut) 100%, B= 90% Peanut, 10% Ginger, C= 80% Peanut, 20% Crayfish.
D= 70% Peanut, 10% Ginger and 20% Crayfish, LSD= Least Significant Difference

Essential amino acids are not synthesized by the body, as relatively good amounts of 31.9±0.11% isoleucine,
such; they are supplied to the body by food. Seven (7) 67.8±0.10% leucine, 36.5±0.10% lysine, 44.0±0.10%
essential amino acids were considered in the present study, phynylalanine, 28.7±0.7% threonine, and 24.0±1.40%
these are isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, histidine and 38.3±0.62% valine except for methionine which
phynylalanine, threonine, histidine and valine. These was contained in small amounts (10.40±1.20). The high
essential amino acids were selected based on earlier reports essential amino acid content of peanut butter is as a result of
by [27] that they are the commonest in peanut butter. Peanut the high protein content of the butter. This result compares
butter contained all the analysed essential amino acids in favourably with that of [15] who reported that, peanut butter
28 Afolabi Saheedat H. et al.: Physico-chemical Properties and Sensory Attributes of Butter
Produced from Peanut, Crayfish and Ginger

is rich in all essential amino acids except for methionine ginger. Thus, in some essential amino acids like isoleucine,
where the amount is considerably low. The authors also leucine, lysine, phynylalanine, histidine and valine contained
reported that, leucine is the predominant essential amino acid in the butter, the increase created a significant difference
in peanut butter as has also been found in this study. while in other essential amino acids like methionine and
Incorporation of ginger into the peanut butter resulted in a threonine the increase could not make a significant
significant reduction (p˂0.05) of isoleucine content by from difference. This antagonistic activity was also reported by [5]
31.9±0.11% to 30.0±0.10%. [17] reported that incorporation when he incorporated 10% ginger and 10% grasshopper
of rhizomes into meals results to a reduction in their essential powder in a broiler diet. The fact that peanut butter
amino acid contents. In this work, isoleucine was reduced incorporated with ginger and crayfish meet the 27% essential
from 31.9±0.11% to 30.0±0.10%, leucine from 67.8±0.10% amino acids requirement as stipulated by NAFDAC confirms
to 66.3±1.0%, lysine from 36.5±1.0% to 33.5±1.5%, that, peanut butter incorporated with ginger and crayfish is a
methionine from 10.4±1.2% to 8.6±0.4%, phynylalanine good source of essential amino acid and can be depended on
from 44.0±1.0% to 43.1±1.0, threonine from 28.7±0.7% to for the supply of essential amino acids to the body except for
27.2±1.1%, histidine from 24.0±1.4% to 23.0±1.0% and methionine which is contained in a relatively low quantity
valine from 38.3±6.2% to 36.0±1.0% creating a significant and must be supplemented for proper growth as it is very
difference in each case. essential in small mammals.
Conversely substitution of peanut with 20% crayfish
resulted in significant increase (p˂0.05) in all the essential 3.3. Non-essential Amino Acid of Peanut Butter
amino acid content in the prepared butter. The increase in the Incorporated with Crayfish and Ginger
content of essential amino acid could be attributed to the The result of the non-essential amino acids of peanut
widely established fact that crayfish contains high amounts of butter incorporated with crayfish and ginger are presented in
protein. [24] stablished that crayfish and grasshoppers Table 4. Result shows that the alanine, glutamic acid, aspartic
contain high amounts of essential amino acids and their acid, glycine, histidine and proline content of the peanut
incorporation into human or broiler diet increases the butter decreased significantly (p<0.05) when 10% ginger was
essential amino acid content of the diet significantly. An incorporated but increased significantly as 20% crayfish and
antagonistic activity was observed when the peanut butter a mixture of ginger and crayfish were incorporated into the
was incorporated with both ginger and crayfish. The ginger butter. On the other hand, the cystine, serine and tyrosine
having little or no essential amino acid imposed a reducing content of the peanut butter was not significantly (p>0.05)
effect on the essential amino acid content of the butter while affected when 10% ginger was incorporated but was
crayfish with high essential amino acid content opposed the significantly increased when 20% crayfish and a mixture of
activity of the ginger by offering an increase in the essential crayfish and ginger was incorporated into the butter. The
amino acid content of the butter. As a result of the arginine content of the butter was significantly reduced as
antagonistic activity, the essential amino acid content of the 10% ginger, 20% crayfish and a mixture of ginger and
peanut butter increased but not as much as when only crayfish was incorporated.
crayfish was incorporated due to the reducing effect of the
Table 4. Non-Essential Amino Acids Profile of Peanut Butter Incorporated with Crayfish and Ginger

Amino Acids (mg/g protein) A B C D LSD

Alanine 39.00±1.00c 36.40±1.00d 45.00±0.30a 41.00±1.00b 1.40
Arginine 100.40±0.20a 96.10±1.10c 99.00±1.00b 97.00±1.00c 1.50
Aspartic acid 114.30±0.20b 110.10±0.10c 126.00±0.40a 116.10±1.10b 2.10
Cystine 12.40±1.00b 12.40±5.30b 13.80±1.00a 13.80±0.40a 1.00
Glutmic acid 183.00±1.10c 173.40±2.10d 195.00±1.10a 187.00±1.10b 2.20
Glycine 49.90±1.10c 46.00±1.10d 57.10±1.10a 55.00±1.00b 2.10
Proline 36.00±0.40b 33.00±0.40c 39.40±1.00a 37.00±1.10a 1.20
Serine 47.00±1.00b 46.40±1.40b 49.90±1.00a 48.80±0.20a 2.10
Tyrosine 29.80±6.00a 31.40±1.00a 34.70±1.00a 29.80±1.00a 5.40

Values are means of duplicate determination ±Standard Deviation

Mean with different superscript row wise are significantly difference (p<0.05).
Key: A= Control (Peanut) 100%, B= 90% Peanut, 10% Ginger, C= 80% Peanut, 20% Crayfish D= 70% Peanut, 10% Ginger, 20% Crayfish, LSD= Least
Significant Difference

These non-essential amino acids are synthesized in the serine, 29.80±6.0% tyrosine) were higher than those reported
body and the amount obtained from food only acts as a elsewhere for tiger nut, melon seeds and pumpkin seeds [9].
supplement. The non-essential amino acid values recorded This suggests that, peanut butter is not only high in essential
for peanut butter in Table 4 of this study (39.00±1.0% amino acids but also in non-essential amino acids.
Alanine, 100.40±0.20% Arginine, 114.30±0.2% Aspartic The incorporation of ginger into the peanut butter brought
acid, 12.40±1.0% cystine, 183.00±1.1% Glutamic acid, about a decrease in all its non-essential amino acid content
49.90±1.1% Glycine,, 36.00±0.40 proline, 47.00±1.0% and such decrease created significant differences in all the
International Journal of Food Science and Biotechnology 2018; 3(1): 21-32 29

non-essential amino acids except in cystine, serine and amino acid content of the butter positively by donating its
tyrosine where the differences were not significant. [17] had own non-essential amino acid content. The result was that,
in their separate works agreed that the addition of rhizomes the butter had an increased amount of some non-essential
in meals result to a decrease not only in its essential amino amino acids like alanine, aspartic acid, cystine, glutamic acid,
acids content but also in its non-essential amino acid content. glycine, proline, serine and tyrosine at significant levels.
[1] explained that, ginger contains some non-polar Although these increase occurred at significant levels, it was
compounds of high electro negativity which readily reacts not as high as was observed when only crayfish was
with the polar molecules of non-essential amino acids incorporated due to the antagonistic activities of the ginger
binding them together and causing a decrease in their which weakened the non-essential amino acids increasing
bioavailability. [13] also shared a similar view but added that, effect of the crayfish. A significant decrease in the arginine
the reaction of the non-polar ginger compounds and the polar content of the butter was also observed since crayfish has no
molecules of amino acid are influenced by geographical arginine content [30] to counter the binding activity of the
locations relating to temperature. The authors explained that ginger molecules. The incorporation of crayfish into peanut
the reaction is faster at high temperature regions and lower at butter made the butter richer in non-essential amino acids.
low temperature regions. This result compares favourably with the conclusions of [33]
In sample C where crayfish was incorporated, several that crayfish is rich in protein and its incorporation into foods
changes occurred in the non-essential amino acids contained increases its nutritional quality by increasing both its
in the butter. The concentration of amino acids like alanine, essential and non-essential amino acid content.
aspartic acid, cystine, glutamic acid, glycine, proline, serine
and tyrosine were significantly increased indicating that 3.4. Mineral Composition
crayfish is rich in such amino acids to have created a The result of the mineral content of peanut butter
significant difference in their content. [34] had earlier done incorporated with crayfish and ginger is presented in Table 5.
the non-essential amino acid content analysis of crayfish and The result showed that zinc content of the peanut butter
reported that, crayfish is rich in the aforementioned non- increased at significant levels as ginger, crayfish and a
essential amino acids. A significant difference was also mixture of both were incorporated into the butter. On the
observed in the arginine content of the butter when crayfish other hand, the iron content of the butter increased at
was incorporated, the arginine content reduced from insignificant levels as ginger, crayfish and a mixture of
100.40±0.2% to 99.00±1.0%. This decrease is an indication ginger and crayfish were incorporated into the butter. A
that crayfish contains a negligible or no amount of arginine. significant increase in the magnesium content of the peanut
[34], [30] in their separate amino acids analysis of crayfish butter was seen in all samples while the potassium content of
reported that, crayfish contained a very small amount of the butter decreased significantly upon the incorporation of
arginine (if any) such that it cannot be detected by any 10% ginger but increased significantly when 20% crayfish
analytical method. and a mixture of ginger and crayfish were incorporated into
As reported in the analysis of essential amino acids, an the butter. The butter’s phosphorous content decreased
antagonistic activity occurred when ginger and crayfish were continuously at significant levels when ginger, crayfish, and
incorporated into the peanut butter. As usual, the ginger with a mixture of ginger and crayfish were incorporated into the
non-polar substances tend to react and bind with the polar peanut butter. This is shown in Table 5.
molecules of the amino acids while crayfish, rich in non-
essential amino acids [19] tried to affect the non-essential
Table 5. Mineral Content of Peanut Butter (mg/100g) Incorporated with Crayfish and Ginger.

Mineral Elements
Zinc Iron Magnesium Potassium Phosphorous
A 2.02±0.01d 2.33±0.04a 71.61±0.62 b 661.4±0.10d 28.35±0.99a
B 2.26±0.12C 2.90±0.52a 79.71±0.50a 655.0±0.00c 25.14±0.24b
C 2.42±0.10b 2.94±0.50a 79.79±0.24a 671.1±0.60b 23.29±0.10c
D 2.84±0.10a 2.68±0.30a 79.22±0.21a 698.6±0.80a 23.63±0.70c
LSD 0.21 0.72 0.80 0.91 1.20

Values are means of duplicate determination + Standard Deviation

Mean with different superscript column wise are significantly difference (p<0.05).
Key: A= Control (Peanut) 100%, B= 90% Peanut, 10% Ginger, C= 80% Peanut, 20% Crayfish
D= 70% Peanut, 10% Ginger and 20% Crayfish, LSD= Least Significant Difference

Zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium, and phosphrous were and phosphorous contents of most peanut butter were
selected and analysed for because they are the dominant 2.50mg/100g, 2.83mg/100g, 84.07mg/100g, 702.01mg/100g
minerals in peanut seeds used for producing the peanut and 36.12mg/100g respectively, which are much higher than
butter. The result showed that, the mineral composition of the the 2.02mg/100g, 2.33mg/100g, 71.61mg/100g,
peanut butter was low as compared to reports of other 6661.40mg/100g and 28.35mg/100g respectively obtained in
researchers [11]. Reported that, the zinc, iron, magnesium this study. Several researchers have attributed variations in
30 Afolabi Saheedat H. et al.: Physico-chemical Properties and Sensory Attributes of Butter
Produced from Peanut, Crayfish and Ginger

the mineral content of the same variety of groundnut to ginger. The result agrees with the report by [9] that ginger is
different factors. [12] attributed such various in the amount high in magnesium. The incorporation of crayfish into the
of mineral binding anti-nutrients such as phytates, oxalates butter significantly increased its magnesium content to
and saponins, explaining that, these anti-nutrients form 79.79±0.24mg/100g. This significant increase in the
insoluble complexes with the minerals and reduce their level magnesium content of the butter was also observed when
of bioavailability and their concentration in the soil where the both ginger and crayfish were incorporated into the butter.
groundnut is cultivated go a long way in determining the The potassium content of the pure peanut butter was
mineral composition of the groundnut. 661.4±0.1mg/100g. This potassium content of the butter was
Peanut butter contained 2.02±0.01mg/100g zinc and the significantly reduced (p˂0.05) to 655.0±0.0mg/100g when
incorporation of ginger into the peanut butter significantly ginger was incorporated into the butter. However, the
affected its zinc content by increasing to 2.26±0.12mg/100g incorporation of crayfish into the peanut butter created a
indicating that ginger also contained an appreciable amount significant increase in its potassium content from
of zinc as reported by [29]. The incorporation of crayfish into 661.4±0.1mg/100g to 671.1±0.6mg/100g. This result means
the butter also significantly increased its zinc content to that, crayfish on its own contains an appreciable amount of
2.42±0.10mg/100g. The peanut butter’s significant increase potassium and contain little or no anti-nutrient that could
in zinc content when ginger and crayfish were separately attack the potassium content of the peanut butter [30]. In
incorporated in samples B and C and also when both ginger sample D where both ginger and crayfish were incorporated
and crayfish were incorporated in sample D. A significant into the peanut butter, the potassium content of the butter was
increase from 2.02±0.01mg/100g to 2.84±0.10mg/100g considerably increased to 698.6±0.8mg/100g thus creating a
occurred due to the high zinc content of both ginger and significant difference in the potassium content of the butter.
crayfish. The content of phosphrous in 100% peanut butter was
Iron is required in the body for the synthesis of 28.35±0.99mg/100g. This concentration of phosphorous in
hemoglobin and myoglobin which are oxygen careers in the the butter was significantly reduced to 25.14±0.24mg/100g
blood and muscles respectively. The daily iron requirement when 10% ginger was incorporated into the butter. In a
for men and non-menstruating and pregnant women is 18mg. similar but more drastic manner, the phosphorous content of
The iron content of 100% peanut butter was low the butter was reduced to 23.29±0.1mg/100g when 20%
(2.33±0.04mg/100g) and falls short of the 3.00mg/100g crayfish was added creating a significant difference in the
reported by [31] to be present in the butter from other nuts. phosphorous content of the butter. This result alternates the
The incorporation of ginger into the peanut butter increased findings of [4] that crayfish is adequately composed of
its iron content from 2.33±0.04 mg/100g to 2.90±0.52 phosphorous and its incorporation in a meal may not have a
mg/100g but such increase could not make a significant significant decreasing or increasing effect on the meals
difference in the iron content of the butter. [28] Similarly, phosphorous content. The incorporation of both ginger and
reported that the addition of ginger to low iron content meal crayfish into the peanut butter created even more significant
did not have a significant effect on the iron content of the difference in the phosphorus content of the butter. The
feed. The incorporation of crayfish also increased the iron phosphorus content dropped from 28.35±0.9mg/100g to
content of the peanut butter to 2.94±0.50mg/100g but failed 23.63±0.7mg/100g. This result is in disagreement with those
to create a significant effect on its iron content. [28] also of [3], [18] who in their separate works incorporated ginger
incorporated crayfish in their animal feed formulation and and crayfish into ogi and arrived at the same conclusion that
concluded that crayfish significantly improved the nutritional it had no effect on the mineral quality of the ogi.
value of the feed in many ways but not in terms of its iron
value. When both ginger and crayfish were incorporated in 3.5. Sensory Properties of Peanut Butter Incorporated with
the peanut butter (sample D), the iron content of the butter Crayfish and Ginger
still increased at an insignificant level. The sensory attributes of peanut butter incorporated with
The magnesium content of the peanut butter was ginger and crayfish evaluated were appearance, taste, aroma
71.61±0.62mg/100g. The addition of ginger to the peanut and overall acceptability as presented in Table 6.
butter significantly increased the magnesium content of the
butter. This might be due to the high magnesium content of
Table 6. Sensory Attributes of the Peanut Butters.

Sample Appearance Taste Aroma Overall acceptability

A 7.05c 6.85b 6.90b 7.00a
B 8.00a 6.75c 7.80a 6.45b
C. 7.65b 6.55d 6.95b 6.50b
D. 7.80ab 6.95a 7.60a 7.15a
LSD 0.24 0.03 0.31 0.20

Key: A= Control (Peanut) 100%, B= 90% Peanut, 10% Ginger, C= 80% Peanut, 20% Crayfish
D= 70% Peanut, 10% Ginger and 20% Crayfish, LSD = Least Significant Difference
International Journal of Food Science and Biotechnology 2018; 3(1): 21-32 31

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