Research Article: Trifluoromethanesulfonic Anhydride in Amide Activation: A Powerful Tool To Forge Heterocyclic Cores
Research Article: Trifluoromethanesulfonic Anhydride in Amide Activation: A Powerful Tool To Forge Heterocyclic Cores
Research Article: Trifluoromethanesulfonic Anhydride in Amide Activation: A Powerful Tool To Forge Heterocyclic Cores
Research Article
Trifluoromethanesulfonic anhydride is a powerful reagent for the activation of a wide range of functionalities.
Among them, the electrophilic activation of amides is a compelling approach to access heterocycles under mild reaction
conditions. Herein, we outline the most recent achievements in the construction of heterocycles via amide activation
with trifluoromethanesulfonic anhydride.
Spring 2021 l No. 186 TCIMAIL
Scheme 1. Amide activation with Tf2O and formation of different reaction intermediates.
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Intermolecular Annulations
The activation of amides opens the doorway to a
broad range of external nucleophiles. The nucleophilic
addition of a nitrile 18 to the in-situ formed nitrilium
ion 17 led to the formation of a new nitrilium species
19 (Scheme 3A). [12,13] In presence of an N-vinyl or
N-aryl moiety, Movassaghi showed that this reactive
intermediate further underwent an electrocyclisation
event, convergently yielding pyrimidine derivatives 20.
Similarly, the reaction with alkynes 22 or enol-ethers
23 proceeded with formation of corresponding cations
followed by cyclisation and aromatization to pyridine
and quinoline derivatives 24 (Scheme 3B).[14–16]
Spring 2021 l No. 186 TCIMAIL
TCIMAIL No. 186 l Spring 2021
Scheme 5. Intramolecular cyclisations initiated by activation of tertiary amides. A: lactones by rearrangement of ethers. B: lactones by attack of
alcohol derivatives. C: benzazepinones with alkenes. D: base dependent regio-selective formation of pyrimidines. E: oxazolium ions in absence of
Compared to the aforementioned secondary amides, 6-membered lactones 51. Complementary to this work,
the activation of tertiary derivatives with triflic anhydride the direct use of alcohols or ether derivatives 54, non-
in presence of a weak nucleophilic base typically forms amenable to sigmatropic rearrangement, produced the 5-,
keteniminium ions as reactive intermediates. Our group 6- and 7-membered heterocycles 55 (Scheme 5B).[23]
investigated the reactivity of tertiary amides 49 carrying For this approach, the absence of the usual base was
an inbuilt ether moiety (Scheme 5A).[22] After formation crucial to avoid formation of elimination products.
of intermediate 50, the reaction favoured the nucleophilic The competition between the [2+2] cycloaddition
attack of the ether oxygen and formation of oxonium and nucleophilic pathways with alkenes was further
ion 52. The intermediate subsequently underwent a investigated by De Mesmaeker and coworkers with
[3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement, leading to intermediate 53. α-aminoamides 56 (Scheme 5C).[24] In presence of an
Further hydrolysis resulted in functionalised 5- and electron-withdrawing substituent on the amino nitrogen
Spring 2021 l No. 186 TCIMAIL
56, the [2+2] cyclisation was favoured. With electron- α-Umpolung of Amides with Triflic Anhydride
neutral or -donating substituents on 56, amide activation
promoted the nucleophilic attack of the styryl group and In all presented cases above, the electrophilic
ultimately yielded benzazepinones 58. activation of amides yields a highly electrophilic amide
carbon. Under suitable conditions, this reactivity can also
Additionally, the susceptibility of keteniminium ions be transferred to the usually nucleophilic α-carbon. This
towards intramolecular capture was showcased in the concept was recently investigated by our group in the
synthesis of 3-amino-thiophene derivatives [25–27] and α-Umpolung of amides (Scheme 6). Following activation
aminoimidazo-pyrimidines 60 and 61 (Scheme 5D).[28] with triflic anhydride, the keteniminium intermediate
In the latter reaction, the nature of the base played a can be intercepted by a pyridine-N-oxide derivative 65,
paramount role in the regioselectivity. The authors forming the adduct 66. It is noteworthy that this species
hypothesised that the 2-fluoropyridine-promoted reaction possesses electrophilic character at what was formerly
kinetically favoured the cyclisation to pyrimidine 60. the α-carbon to the amide functionality in the starting
On the other hand, 2,6-difluoropyridine primary acted amide 64. Postulated fragmentation to the epoxide 67
as a buffer for the in situ generated triflic acid and thus allows attack at the α-carbon by triflate ion. In contrast
supported the formation of the thermodynamic product to the starting amide 64, the resulting reactive key
61. Our group further investigated the role of the pyridine intermediate 68 is now susceptible toward nucleophiles
base during regio- and chemoselective cyclisation of at the α-position, opening up a broad range of new
amide 62 to bicyclic alkoxy oxazolium ions 63 (Scheme transformations.
5E).[29] To our surprise, the addition of a base suppressed
the reaction and only starting material was recovered. In
stark contrast, the absence of base quantitatively yielded
the desired heterocycle.
Our group utilised this electrophilic Umpolung of In absence of the competing N-oxide, the transformation
amides for an intramolecular, metal-free C-C coupling involved migration of the sulfonyl group, consequently
reaction (Scheme 7A). [30] As opposed to previously yielding imidazole derivatives 72 as the final products.
discussed transformations originating from a Friedel- In a similar fashion, using 1,4,2-dioxazol-5-ones (as
Crafts-like cyclisation, the activation of amide 70 and both Umpolung-reagent and nucleophilic substrate), an
subsequent Umpolung by lutidine N-oxide resulted in C-C alternative direct synthesis of amino-oxazole scaffolds 77
coupling at the α-carbon, ultimately affording a broad was achieved (Scheme 7C).[32]
range of pyridinone and isoquinolinone derivatives 71.
By taking this concept further, arylalkylazides 79
Further investigation revealed that the absence of an were investigated as Umpolung reagents and nucleophiles
internal nucleophile in nitrile solvents leads to a different to forge heterocycles. In presence of a bulky, weak
reaction mode (Scheme 7B).[31] Instead of the formation nucleophilic base, such as 2,4-dichloroquinoline, addition
of the triflate intermediate, the in-situ formed epoxide of arylalkylazide 79 resulted in a domino cyclisation
was attacked by the ubiquitous solvent, resulting in the event (Scheme 7D).[33] Depending on the chain length of
annulation product 74. By exchanging acetonitrile to the azides, 6- or 7-membered cyclic amidiniums 80 were
alternative nitriles, a broad palette of amino oxazoles accessible. By interchanging the arene functionality with
could be synthesised. Additionally, the employment of an other nucleophiles such as ketones or esters, an efficient
N-sulfonyl functionality at the amide α-position resulted synthesis of functionalised oxazines/oxazinones 82 was
in a mechanistically intriguing rearrangement sequence. achieved.
TCIMAIL No. 186 l Spring 2021
The electrophilic activation of amides with triflic
anhydride provides a mild and sustainable approach to
forge heterocyclic cores. Depending on the nature of the
amides and the presence or absence of base additives,
highly reactive intermediates in form of vinyl- triflates,
nitrilium ions or keteniminium ions are accessible. Each
Scheme 7. Heterocycle formation by Umpolung of amides.
of these species offers new pathways for functionalisation
A: pyridinone and isoquinolinone derivatives by C-C coupling.
B: imidazoles and oxazoles via nitriles. C: oxazoles with and annulation, leading to a wide palette of heterocycles.
1,4,2-dioxazol-5-ones as the Umpolung-reagent. D: cyclic amidiniums By using suitable reacting partners, such as N-oxides or
and oxazine derivatives with azides and cascade cyclisation. azides, the α-Umpolung of amides is enabled. This in turn
opens the door to an array of powerful transformations,
Miscellaneous including C-C bound formation, α-oxidation and
mechanistically intriguing rearrangement reactions. The
In addition to the discussed methodologies, the breadth of recent examples of heterocycle formation
mild activation of amides with triflic anhydride also highlights the utility of triflic anhydride for electrophilic
allows unusual reactivity en route to heterocycles. amide activation and outlines its potential for the future
In an example from our own work, the presence of a discovery of further, hitherto unknown transformations.
phthalimide functionality on the α-branched amide 83 led
to an unexpected rearrangement reaction with acetonitrile
(Scheme 8). [34] In contrast to the usual conditions,
2,6-di-tert-butylpyridine (DTBP) was used as a base. We
hypothesized that this base would not add to the activated
amide, thus favouring cyclisation to 84. A nucleophilic
attack followed by deprotonation of acetonitrile might
then afford intermediate 85. Subsequent ring opening to
86, followed by 7-membered ring closure and hydrolysis
resulted in novel heterocyclic scaffolds 87.
Spring 2021 l No. 186 TCIMAIL
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TCIMAIL No. 186 l Spring 2021
Haoqi Zhang
B.Sc., M.Sc.
Margaux Riomet
Nuno Maulide
Professor, Ph.D.
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