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Vol. 6, No.

1, Juli 2023
Available at:
Journal of Islamic Comunication
https://ejournal.unida.gontor.ac.id/index.php/sahafa/ P-ISSN : 2622-3449
http://dx.doi.org/10.21111/sjic.V6i1.10104 E-ISSN : 2622-4313

Countering the Spread of LGBTQ+ in Post Covid-19 Era

Aulia Putri Meidina1, Siti Nur Laili Rahmawati2

Universitas Gadjah Mada


Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Mojokerto

Bulaksumur, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman, D.I Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia


Jalan Gajah Mada No.100, Mergelo, Balongsari, Magersari, Kota Mojokerto, Jawa Timur, 61314 ,Indonesia

[email protected],[email protected]

The LGBTQ+ phenomenon has been increasingly spreading in society lately, especially on social media,
where campaigns and support for the normalization of this phenomenon are easily found, even among the
majority Muslim population in Indonesia. However, based on Islamic teachings, such behavior is considered
deviant and should be condemned. One of the efforts to contain the spread of this phenomenon is carried
out by the Instagram account @taulebih.id, an Islamic sexuality education platform. This research aims to
understand the message packaging strategies in the content uploaded by @taulebih.id. The research utilizes
Phillip Mayring’s qualitative content analysis method, based on the Tarbiyah Jinsiyah theory proposed by
Nasih Ulwan. During the month of June 2022, @taulebih uploaded content related to countering LGBT+ in
various forms, including single posts, carousel posts, and reel videos with anti-LGBTQ+ topics. The messages
are presented in the form of comics, depicting snippets of daily interactions within families and classrooms.
The language used is adapted to everyday usage. Each content also includes references such as journals,
books, or articles to strengthen the credibility of the conveyed message. In general, @taulebih takes a stance
against LGBTQ+ by delivering firm messages, yet in a friendly manner, and making efforts to embrace those
who are perceived as deviating.

Keywords: Content Analysis; Instagram; LGBTQ+; Tarbiyah Jinsiyah;

Diterima: 6-6-2023 Disetujui: 18-7-2023 Dipublikasikan : 23-7-2023

Melawan Penyebaran LGBTQ+ di Era Pasca

Fenomena LGBTQ+ belakangan semakin merebak di masyarakat. Terutama di sosial media,
kampanye dan dukungan terhadap normalisasi fenomena tersebut kian mudah dijumpai bahkan di
kalangan masyarakat mayoritas muslim Indonesia. Dimana seharusnya, berdasar kan nilai ajaran
Islam, perilaku tersebut termasuk menyimpang dan sudah semestinya dibendung. Salah satu
upaya membendung persebaran tersebut dilakukan oleh akun Instagram @taulebih.id, platform
pendidikan seksualitas Islam. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui strategi pengemasan pesan
dalam konten yang diunggah oleh @taulebih.id. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis konten
kualitatif Phillip Mayring dengan bersandar pada teori Tarbiyah Jinsiyah yang dikemukakan oleh
Nasih Ulwan. Didapati selama bulan Juni 2022 dan Juni 2023, @taulebih mengunggah konten terkait
kontra LGBT+ dalam beragam bentuk, antara lain single post, carousel post, dan reel video dengan
topik kontra LGBTQ+. Pesan dikemas berupa komik, dengan menampilkan cuplikan interaksi sehari-

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2 | Aulia Putri Meidina, Siti Nur Laili Rahmawati

hari baik di dalam keluarga maupun ruang kelas. Sementara bahasa yang digunakan menyesuaikan
untuk konteks penggunaan sehari-hari. Di setiap konten juga dilengkapi sumber referensi seperti
jurnal, buku, atau artikel untuk memperkuat kredibilitas pesan yang disampaikan. Secara umum @
taulebih mengambil posisi kontra terhadap LGBTQ+, dengan penyampaian yang tegas namun
ramah dan berupaya merangkul mereka yang terindikasi menyimpang.

Kata-kata kunci: Analisis Konten; Instagram; LGBTQ+; Tarbiyah Jinsiyah;

INTRODUCTION classified as having a high intensity in

The existence of the LGBTQ+ accessing social media. Based on the We
community in Indonesia has been Are Social (2022) report, Indonesia is in 10th
growing lately. Efforts to organize the place in the list of countries with the highest
movement have been initiated since 1982 average social media usage time, which is
by establishing Lambda Indonesia. In 197 minutes or around 3.2 hours per day.
the following years, despite experiencing Social media, with its borderless
setbacks, the organization even opened a characteristics, is a beneficial tool for
number of branches in the regions. Based the LGBTQ+ community to interact
on the Indonesian National LGBT Report with each other, provide support and
(2017), there are two national network advocacy, organize and campaign for their
organizations and 119 organizations spread movements to the wider community. So
across 28 provinces in Indonesia. Various that the campaigns and education carried
independent survey institutions, domestic out by the LGBTQ+ community from other
and foreign, state that their number reaches countries can easily enter Indonesia. For
3% of the total population (Harahap: 2016). example, through the Pride month which
This proves that the LGBTQ+ phenomenon is celebrated every June. Its emergence
which was once considered taboo, now began in 1969, in which year the Stonewall
tends to be considered as part of the uprising occurred in Manhattan, which
lifestyle of modern society whose existence was the starting point for the liberation of
is increasingly understood, and has even the gay movement in the United States.
received acceptance and support from Even though it was originally only done
some Indonesian people. in the United States, various countries
In addition to the era of globalization, are now celebrating the commemoration,
the presence of social media also has a including the LGBTQ+ community in
significant influence on the development of Indonesia. Apart from going through
this phenomenon in Indonesia. Social media the community, LGBTQ+ activists are
makes it easy for people to access and share also actively campaigning individually,
information anytime and anywhere. Thus, especially through their social media
it is not surprising that the LGBTQ+ wave accounts. Many names have emerged
was originally better known as a trend in and become influencers or Instagram
liberal countries, but now it has become a celebrities (selebgram) with thousands to
global phenomenon, including Indonesia. millions of followers. Among them are
Considering that Indonesian people are Ragil Mahardika who married a man from

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Germany, Lucinta Luna, Milen Cyrus, will not be swept away by the existing
and Dena Rachman who are transgender LGBTQ+ movement. These activities can
figures, and Gita Savitri, who is classified as be carried out through the medium of
an ally (heterosexual woman but strongly Islamic religious education from an early
supports the existence of LGBTQ+). age in a comprehensive and integrative
Seeing the thriving growth of manner involving families, schools and
the LGBTQ+ community in Indonesia, the community. Next, the method of
where the majority of the population is Islamic religious education can be done in
Muslim, is certainly unfortunate. Bearing various ways. Reflecting on the strategies
in mind, based on Islamic Criminal of the LGBTQ+ community, which have
Law, homosexuality (liwāṭ), which is recently used social media to spread their
synonymous with the LGBTQ+ community, understanding, education with counter
is classified as a grave sin, because it is narratives should also apply this strategy.
contrary to religious norms, moral norms, The goal is to be able to balance the
and also contrary to sunnatullah (God’s existing narrative ‘battle’. Or even more
Law/natural law) and human nature aggressively, so it can counter the spread
(human nature) ( Zuhdi: 1991). A number of pro-narrative content that has flooded
of verses in the Qur’an which prohibit the social media timelines of Indonesian
homosexuality and characterize it as a society. As a fact that even though we are
very heinous act (fahishah), exaggeration, currently entering the post-Covid era,
and transgression, include QS. al Syu’ara where physical interactions have begun
165-166, al-Naml 54-55, al-Ankabut 28-29, to be allowed, people’s intensity in using
and al-A’raf 80-81. The Indonesian Ulema social media has actually increased. It is
Council (MUI) then also forbade this proven, based on the We Are Social report,
behavior by issuing Fatwa Number 57 of the number of active social media users
2014 concerning Lesbians, Gays, Sodomy in Indonesia was 191 million people in
and Obscenity. Because this behavior is January 2022. That number has increased
not only contrary to Islam, but also the first by 12.35% compared to the previous year
and second Pancasila precepts, as well as of 170 million people.
the 1945 Constitution, especially Article The challenge is taken by the Instagram
29 paragraph 1 and Article 28 and Law account @taulebih.id, an Islamic-based
Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. sexuality education platform founded
Apart from forbidding this behavior, the by Zhafira Aqyla, an Indonesian young
fatwa also proposed rehabilitation services woman who is studying for a master’s
for the homosexual people and asked the degree at Harvard University. Discussing
government and society not to allow this sexual education, one of the issues raised
deviant behavior to develop in society. by @taulebih.id is LGBTQ+. Since its
Therefore, it is important to intensify beginning of the activity in 2021, there has
education and counter-narrative campaigns. been a number of content showing counter
The goal is so that the younger generation narratives against the movement. Although
of Indonesia, especially Muslim youth, it has been only a year, the existence of

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the account has grown with more than 83 sex that is agreed upon by both parties on
thousand followers and received much the basis of consensual sex without any
appreciation from various national figures. consideration of right or wrong based on
The choice of the Instagram social media Islamic law. Based on CSE’s point of view,
platform is also considered appropriate, homosexuality is legal and LGBTQ+ is a
especially if you look at the We Are Social normal phenomenon. So it is important
report which says Instagram is the most for the Indonesian people, especially
used application after Whatsapp (88.7%), Muslims to be able to understand the
with a percentage of 84.8%. differences between the two and choose the
Meanwhile, regarding the framework right concept of sex education according
of sexual education in Islam, one of them was to Islamic teachings and the identity of
initiated by a 20th century Islamic thinker, the Indonesian nation which is based on
Abdullah Nasih Ulwan. The figure who Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
obtained a Doctorate degree from al-Sand Therefore, it is interesting to find out
Pakistan University in 1982 wrote a book more about how counter-LGBTQ+ narrative
entitled Tarbiyat al-Aulâd fi al-Islâm which messages are packaged and conveyed
discusses sexual education (al-tarbiyah al- through content uploaded by @taulebih.id
jinsiyyah) as one of the 7 (seven) aspects of so that they can educate the public about
Islamic-based sexual education regarding
Islamic Education (Islamic tarbiyah). Nasih
LGBTQ+ issues. In addition, in the future,
Ulwan defines sex education in Islam as
it is hoped that the results of this research
teaching, awareness, and explanation to
can add insight to educators and social
children from the time they begin to be able media activists who are involved in efforts
to reason on issues related to sex, instincts to counter the spread of the LGBTQ+
(desires), and marriage so that when they movement in Indonesia.
grow up and understand various life issues,
they recognize what is permitted and what LITERATURE REVIEW
is prohibited, and they implement Islamic In the framework proposed by
behavior as a daily moral (Ulwan:2012).
Abdullah Nasih Ulwan, sex education
When compared to Comprehensive
should be provided according to the age
Sexuality Education (CSE) initiated by
and developmental stage of the child.
Unesco, tarbiyah jinsiyah is considered
These stages include: (1) the stage of tamyiz
more suitable to be implemented for
(differentiation), ages 7-10, where children
Indonesian people, especially Muslims.
are taught about seeking permission and
Because it does not only provide insight
modesty in observing things; (2) the stage
into sexual and reproductive health issues,
of murahaqah (transition), ages 10-14,
but the proponents of CSE also work
under the SRHR (sexual and reproductive where children are taught to avoid various
healthy right) agenda which is basically forms of sexual stimulation; (3) the stage
offering uncontrolled forms of sexuality in of baligh (puberty), ages 14-16, where
the sharia scales (Lottest: 2013). In CSE, it children learn about the etiquette of sexual
introduces the concept of consensual sex, relations in preparation for marriage; (5)

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the stage after baligh or the youth phase, teachings that are not contrary to the
during which children acquire knowledge values and moral principles of Pancasila
about the etiquette of practicing chastity and Indonesian culture, is important to be
until they are able to get married (‘Ulwan, further promoted. This can also be achieved
1976). Ulwan’s perspective emphasizes that by utilizing social media. Research by
sex education should be given to children Kalia (2013) suggests that social media can
from an early age, tailored to their cognitive be utilized as an innovative medium in
abilities and needs. education. Especially since the Covid-19
In practice, sex education has pandemic, the use of social media has
undergone transformation. In Indonesian become increasingly significant. We Are
society, this topic was previously considered Social reported that the number of active
taboo. However, efforts are now being social media users in Indonesia reached 191
made to break down such understanding, million people in January 2022. Compared
considering that, on the other hand, to the previous year, this figure has
technological advancements continue to increased by 12.35% from a total of 170
unfold, leading to the unstoppable spread million people. Therefore, it is essential
of information. The younger generation, to make the most of social media to
who tend to be more tech-savvy, become support sex education by disseminating
targets of LGBTQ+ activism, which has content with educational, informative, and
become increasingly prominent on social beneficial messages.
media. Social media serves as a platform
that provides space for anyone to present RESEARCH METHODS
themselves, interact, collaborate, share, Data collection techniques in this
communicate, and form virtual social study used a qualitative approach. The
networks with other users (Nasrullah, author collects data through observation of
2015). Interactions that take place in the object of research. There are two types
the online realm are not restricted by of data to be collected in this study, namely
values and norms (Sugihartati, 2014). primary and secondary data. Primary data
Furthermore, social media has proven is generated by looking at the Instagram
to shape public opinions, attitudes, and account @taulebih.id, while secondary
behaviors (Ardianto, 2011). Thus, it can be data comes from theories about tarbiyah
said that anyone can share any content on jinsiyah, especially Nasih Ulwan’s view,
social media. With such characteristics, the as well as a comprehensive analysis of the
LGBTQ+ community will certainly not miss findings of the primary data
the opportunity to spread their beliefs and While the data analysis technique
gain public sympathy. This phenomenon, was carried out using a qualitative content
which was initially more prevalent in analysis model by Philipp Mayring. In
Western countries, is now spreading in Philipp Mayring’s analysis a criterion is
Indonesia. formulated from the definition, derived
As a countermeasure, sex education, from the theoretical background and the
particularly based on Islamic values and

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research questions determine the aspects of based on Instagram’s age rules, which are
the textual material that have been classified. 12 years and over. The material content
With the stages, first, create a research presented can be used by teachers at
question. Second, do data collection, with school; parents in teaching their children;
documentation. The research focuses on the a brother to his sister; and a wider variety
sexual education content which is directly of parties. In general, this platform can be
related to countering the LGBTQ+. Thus, used by anyone who wants to study sexual
the researcher specifically looked into posts education. However, in some cases the
uploaded by @taulebih.id during the Pride content is specific to Muslims because of
month in June 2022 and June 2023. the perspective used.
Then, the researcher classifies those Taulebih uses various reference
posts into several categories. There are sources to present its content. These
feed carousel, and reels story. Next, is to reference sources include the Koran and
re-examine by taking note of the general Hadith, books on sexual education, related
characteristics of the post, including the articles, practitioners of Islamic sexual
visual illustration and writing. And lastly, education, and others. In addition, a number
the researcher interprets the result of re- of materials also refer to the Comprehensive
examining to dig deeper into what lies Sexual Education/CSE education
behind the visual and writing presented. curriculum initiated by UNESCO. Such as
content materials relating to sexuality and
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION anatomy, reproductive physiology, puberty
Taulebih as a Counter Sexual Education menstruation, reproduction, modern
Platform for LGBTQ+ contraception, pregnancy and childbirth
and STIs, HIV/AIDS, and others which
Taulebih is a sexual education platform
are considered not to contradict Islamic
that exists on social media Instagram.
teachings and adapted to the socio-cultural
This platform uses an Islamic perspective
context of Indonesian society. Due to the
in presenting its content. Initially, this
fact that a lot of the material in CSE by
platform was created as a response to
Unesco, when viewed as a whole, contains
anxiety over the lack of sexual education in
a number of topics that violate Islamic
Indonesia. The Taulebih platform addresses
teachings. Among them is the concept
concerns about the knowledge crisis and
of sexual diversity and consensual sex.
serves as a bridge between two important
Where if implemented, the consequence
concepts, namely, sexual education and
of teaching the concept is that it allows
Islam. Taulebih tries to educate the public
acceptance of a number of deviations,
about the frequent miss-conceptions about
including the existence of LGBTQ+ people.
sex education.
Thus, with regard to the issue of LGBTQ+
The Taulebih platform was first
which has many pros and cons, Taulebih
launched on Instagram social media with clearly shows their position. Tau lebih is
the username @taulebih.id 1 November on the opposite side and does not support
2021. The target audience is adjusted any form of movement that promotes

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the LGBTQ+ lifestyle. Taulebih is against et al., 2021), material on Islamic sexual
and does not support any movement education consists of the manners of asking
that promotes the LGBTQ+ lifestyle. This for permission at three times, the ethics
platform further promotes the attitude of of seeing a muhrim, thaharah, avoiding
humanizing humans who experience same children from sexual stimuli, laws during
sex attraction by helping and guiding them puberty and puberty, marriage and sexual
to return to their natural sexuality. relations, isti’faf or maintaining self-
This counter attitude is shown by the respect, and sexual problems.
account @taulebih.id by making many posts Knowledge of matters of sex, instinct,
related to LGBTQ+ issues, especially in June. and marriage is extensive. Especially
The month has been campaigned globally if we enter into the context of the
as Pride Month, a month-long observance LGBTQ+ phenomenon. This behavior
dedicated to celebrating the LGBTQ+ has actually been taught in Islamic rules.
community around the world. So that what The phenomenon of homosexuality has
is done by Taulebih is a form of effort to always existed. However, nowadays the
block (counter narrative) the onslaught of number is increasing. In the past, acts
LGBTQ+ promotional content carried out of homosexuality were carried out in
by the community. @taulebih.id tries to be secret, people were ashamed to show it.
consistent by creating counter-LGBTQ+ Homosexuality is seen as a disease that
content which is uploaded almost every day must be treated(A.N. Ulwan & Hathout,
during the month. In general, the forms of 1996). The oldest incident of homosexuality
messages related to LGBTQ+ issues can be occurred during the time of Prophet
divided into messages in feed and carousel Lut AS. There are many verses in the
posts, posts in stories, and video reels. Koran about Prophet Lut and the sin of
homosexuality that happened to his people.
Tarbiyah Jinsiyah, Narrative Against Besides homosexuality, lesbians are also
LGBTQ+ in Content @taulebih.Id prohibited(A.N. Ulwan & Hathout, 1996).
Tarbiyah jinsiyah is an effort to Socially, homosexuality is seen as
teach, raise awareness and provide a personal tendency. From a legal point
information about sexual problems given of view, homosexuality is an individual
to children. This effort is carried out freedom(A.N. Ulwan & Hathout, 1996). Fiqh
since the child understands the problems scholars have different views regarding
of sex, instincts and marriage. So that the punishment of homosexuality, some
stipulate the death penalty or other types
children can understand life’s affairs,
of punishment determined by the court.
behave Islamically and not follow lust and
However, all books of Fiqh agree that
hedonistic ways (Jauhar et al., 2021). When
homosexuality is a sin and a crime(A.N.
a child enters adolescence, it is hoped that
Ulwan & Hathout, 1996). So, whatever
he will know what is lawful and what is
the reasons for justification, LGBTQ+ is
unlawful(A.N. Ulwan & Hathout, 1996). an act that cannot be based on an Islamic
According to Professor Ulwan in (Jauhar perspective.

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The @taulebih.id account includes posts entitled “Same Sex Attraction (SSA)”,
those who carry out Jinsiyah tarbiyah “Knowing the nature of child sexuality”,
activities. In the context of the LGBTQ+ “Intersex in the Islamic view”, “What is
issue, there are many posts that contain Mukhannats”, “Homosexuality ”, and
education about sexual orientation, such as several other posts.

Table 1. List of @taulebih.id post contains of Tarbiyah Jinsiyah in the Context of LGBTQ+

Date Post Type Title

June, 16 2023 Feed Do’a sebelum berhubungan seksual
June 21, 2023 Reels Video Suka sesama jenis tidak sama dengan LBGTQ+
June 21, 2022 Carousel What if I like the same sex?
June 21, 2022 Carousel Get to know the nature of child sexuality
June 17, 2022 Carousel Apa itu Mukhannats
June 16, 2022 Carousel Surrogacy alias Sewa Rahim
June 16, 2022 Video reels About homophobia
June 13, 2022 Carousel I›m a boy or a girl
June 11, 2022 Carousel Why should small children sleep separately?
June 9, 2022 Carousel I›m Muslim but I like same-sex friends
June 8, 2022 Carousel What is transgender
June 6, 2022 Carousel Addressing LGBTQ+
June 3, 2022 Carousel Same Sex Attraction (SSA)
June 2, 2022 Carousel What is homosexual?

Source: Research Results, 2022

Problems about sexuality cannot be balanced between fikriyah (mind), ruhiyah
separated from education about faith. This (spirit), and jasadiyah (body).
is because faith education is an education Knowledge of sexuality must be based
that binds students to the principles of on knowledge of the basics of Shari’a. Some
faith since they have an understanding, of @taulebih.id’s posts related to LGBTQ+
familiarizes them with the introduction include arguments as a basis for them,
what are posts about Homosexuals? Which
of the pillars of Islam, and teaches them
equates the argument of QS. Yasin 36; the
about the principles of Sharia so that they
post “Responding to LGBTQ+” includes
can distinguish between good and bad (S.
the arguments of QS. An-Nahl verse 11,
A. N. Ulwan, 2006). According to Ulwan QS. Al-Araf verse 33; the post “Factors for
in (Usman, 2018), each Children need the Emergence of Homosexuality” includes
guidance and advice so they can walk HR. Bukhari no. 5885; the post “What is
straight. Sunnatullah has outlined, that transgender” includes a QS. An Nisa 119),
development child’s personality should and other posts.

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Table 2. Posts by @Taulebih.Id about Sex Education in the Context of LGBTQ+ which
Include Religious Propositions

Date Title Information

June 25, 2023 Ih Kok laki-laki suka warna pink Meme
June 25, 2022 Islamic parenting to prevent Incorporating Hadith HR Bukhari,
LGBTQ+ Abu Daud, Ahmad
June 16, 2022 Surrogacy alias Sewa Rahim Attached QS Al-Kahfi verse 46, QS.
Luqman verse 14
June 14, 2022 Intersex in the Islamic view Include QS An Nisa verse 1
June 11, 2022 Why should small children sleep Incorporating HR Abu Daud
June 9, 2022 I’m Muslim but I like same-sex Hadith Book of Ad Da’awaat, QS Az
friends Zumar 53, Hadith of Imam Nawawi,
and Hadith of Book of Salat 317
June 8, 2022 What is transgender Include QS An Nisa 119
7 June 2022tau Factors for the Emergence of HR Muslim, HR Abu Daud, HR
Homosexuality Bukhaari
June 6, 2022 Addressing LGBTQ+ Qs An Nahl 11, Qs Al Araf 33
June 4, 2022 History of the Prophet Lut AS An Name 54-55
June 2, 2022 What is homosexual? QS Yasin 36,

Source: Research Results, 2022

Submission and Packaging of Contra- the account @taulebih.id uses clear terms,
LGBTQ+ Narrative Messages by @taulebih.id without using metaphors or censorship.
Some vocabulary written according to clear
According to Ulwan, when the
biology and academic terms. For example,
Prophet was still alive, male and female
believers were never ashamed to ask all such as a penis, vagina, scrotum or empty
questions, including personal matters scrotum, sex hormones, sexual experience,
such as sex life. So that they can know the pornography, sexuality, homosexuality,
teachings and provisions of God’s law. transgender, intersex, and others. This is
When a woman wants to ask the Prophet, more appropriate when compared to the
she can convey directly or through the use of terms to connote a number of these
intermediary of the Prophet’s wives. The terms. For example, penis is replaced with
historical fact shows that the discussion the term ‘bird’ or ‘dick’ and vagina with
about sexuality is not a taboo. However, it the term ‘pee’ or ‘pussy’, and so on. Some
should be acknowledged and respected(A. people choose to use these terms to disguise
N. Ulwan & Hathout, 1996). scientific terms that are considered too
In posts that contain knowledge vulgar. In fact, the use of scientific terms is
related to LGBTQ+ and related matters,

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10 | Aulia Putri Meidina, Siti Nur Laili Rahmawati

more appropriate because it helps children not to support any type of activity and
to get to know their body parts in universal support related to LGBTQ+. However,
language, and does not instill negative their narrative choices do not encourage
perceptions of their own bodies. acts of hatred. Taulebih prefers to use
Apart from using scientific language, polite language, and encourages action
some content related to LGBTQ+ also to embrace and help people who have
uses Arabic terms such asmukhannats, orientations and interests that are not in
mutarahhilah, anddeaf. For example, as found accordance with their nature. This can be
in a post entitled “What is Mukhannats”. seen from the posts entitled “Responding to
As Islamic law is synonymous with Arabic, LGBTQ+”, “I am Muslim but I like same-sex
this use emphasizes that the same issues are
friends”, “Responding to LGBT+ content
also discussed in Islam. So that the solution
shows”, “What if I like same-sex friends?”,
to this problem can also be found in Islam.
and several other posts.
Furthermore, according to Abdullah
Nasih Ulwan, sexual education should Meanwhile, related methods that are
receive special attention from educators often used in sex education are awareness,
based on age phases. Where every age level warnings, and bonds (Saputra, 2016). First,
has a level of knowledge and knowledge the awareness method is used because if
about sex education that must be possessed. children are given an explanation from
When children enter puberty or adolescence, a young age about social decay and
children are given education about the moral decadence, understanding and
manners of having sexual intercourse. awareness will prevent the free expression
This is because the child has entered of sexual desires. This free depiction of
adolescence. Then the next phase is youth. sex can be through cinemas, magazines,
At this time, the child is given lessons on newspapers, various television and radio
how to perform isti’faf (keeping oneself shows, fashions, distribution of nude
from reprehensible actions), if he is not yet
posters and dens of prostitution both covert
able to marry. (Saputra, 2016).
and overt (Saputra, 2016)
The jinisiyah tarbiyah material
The two warning methods are giving
contained in the account post @taulebih.
children an idea about the nature of
id consists of various education based on
the dangers that arise from wild sexual
each of its phases. However, regarding
desires (Saputra, 2016). The three bonding
LGBTQ+ posts specifically for adolescent
methods. If a child is bound by various
phase children. This is because the material
ties of belief, spiritual, thought, historical,
is already related to sexual relations with
social, and sports from prepubertal age
all forms of orientation that deviate from
until he reaches adolescence and becomes
Islamic rules. There are Instagram rules
a young man then no doubt, he will grow
against a minimum age limit of 12 years.
up with faith that is educated with piety. In
Indirectly this also affects the content which
fact, he will have a robbaniyah creed that
is more specifically for teenage users.
will lift him from ignorance, help him from
In the message delivered, @taulebih.
lust and straighten him to the path of truth
id clearly placed their position, which is and guidance (Saputra, 2016). In posts by

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Countering the Spread of LGBTQ+ in Post Covid-19 Era | 11

the account @taulebih.id, the method of sex (SSA) ”. Messages in a single feed provide
education that is often used is awareness concise, clear, and easy-to-understand
and warnings about how LGBTQ+ is information in a short amount of time.
regulated in Islam. The bonding method In addition, there is a single feed post
is not used. The Reach and Power of social containing information about IG Live
media has limitations in this regard. entitled “Tea Time with Taulebih”. The IG
Next, regarding packaging, messages Live raised the theme “If Someone Comes
are conveyed in various forms, including in Out to You” by inviting presenters from
the form of written and comic narrations in child and youth practitioners. Through
the carousel mode, posters and memes in a Live Instagram, discussion of a topic can be
single feed, video reels, live Instagram, and carried out more deeply related to an issue
story interactions. During June 2022, it was by involving parties who are competent in
recorded that 33 contents were uploaded to their fields.
the feed feature and 22 uploaded to stories. Meanwhile, in the form of stories,
The uploaded feed posts are in the form of there are 22 posts. These posts consist
a carousel consisting of 25 posts, four single of reposts/re-uploads of posts that have
posts, and four video reels been uploaded in the feed and interactive
In carousel-shaped posts, various poll posts. In the interactive poll post, @
taulebih.id conducts a poll to find out the
materials are uploaded, such as matters
knowledge of followers on several issues,
related to miss-conceptions of concepts,
including homosexuality, environmental
terms related to LGBTQ+, related Islamic
factors in relation to sexual orientation,
history, and how to respond to LGBTQ+ Islam prohibits men from sleeping in
in various situations. At the end of the the same bed. And others. This scheme
slide for the majority of carousel content, presents Tauplus as an interactive account
@taulebih.id attaches reference sources for followers, which indirectly is also one
in the form of books and various other of Taulebih’s strategies in social media
articles. Inclusion of this referral source marketing. Thus, the engagement of
adds credibility to the content. This shows Taulebih will increase, thus increasing the
that Taulebih is not original in compiling reach of the spread of the message and in
the messages they convey. In the midst the end Taulebih will be better known.
of a flood of information like today,
Islamic Perspective on Sex Education
knowing the sources of content consumed
Environment Against LGBTQ+
is important. This is useful for content
readers/consumers to do fact-checking and Sex Education Environment according
avoid hoaxes. to Prof. Abdullah Nashih Ulwan is family,
In single feed posts, the account @ because family is the first school for
taulebih.id uploads illustrative images children. Families have an obligation to
related to reactions to LGBTQ+, namely in teach children about sexual education
the posts “This One’s Okay, That One Skip (Jauhar et al., 2021). The family environment
First”, “SSA vs LGBTQ+”, and “Muslim is the first educational environment.
Attitudes towards Same Sex Attraction The family is the first for children to get

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12 | Aulia Putri Meidina, Siti Nur Laili Rahmawati

education and guidance. The family is the Some of @taulebih.id’s posts related
main educational environment because to LGBTQ+ show the background of family
most of a child’s life is in the family, so that illustrations. Like the conversation between
the education most children receive is in the mother and child in the post “What is
family (Haryanti & Lie, 2021). pride?”, conversation in a family in the
Parents are obliged to teach values​​ post, ”The History of the Prophet Luth AS”.
and morals based on religious teachings to In general, Taulebih more or less explores
their children. Parents are very influential
other environments as representatives
on children’s development, because
of other educational environments such
children are white paper that is ready to
as schools and the community. This is
be scratched with any color from their
because almost all of the backgrounds
parents (El-Qudsi, 2012). Every child has a
social, biological, intellectual, psychological and illustrations shown are only the
and sex life. In their social life, every child family environment as one of the parties
must be involved with various parties, such responsible for sexual education. However,
as parents, teachers, friends, neighbors no other environment has been shown
and adults (Usman, 2018). Thus, the sex in the form of a school environment, a
education environment consists of parents, community that is also responsible for
teachers, friends, neighbors, and adults. sexual education.

Table 3 Posts by @taulebih.id which show the environment for sex education,
especially for LGBTQ+ issues

Date Title Information

June 30, 2022 The story of Fatimah, Comic illustration of the story of an intersex person.
an intersex child Overall the post describes the dialogue in the family,
between father, mother and children.
June 28, 2022 E n v i r o n m e n t a l An explanation of how the environment influences
influences on LGBTQ+ LGBTQ+ behavior
June 25, 2022 Islamic parenting to There is an illustration of a family picture and an
prevent LGBTQ+ explanation of how to choose an environment that
influences the pattern of origin to avoid LGBTQ+
June 25, 2022 My friend is part of the Comic illustration of a conversation between two
LGBTQ+ community friends who are having a conversation, who admits
that he is bisexual
June 18, 2022 Responding to shows Comic illustration of a mother and child conversation about
with LGBT+ content how to respond to shows that contain LGBT+ content
June 15, 2022 I like girls Comic illustration of a mother and child conversation
about the conditions when children are attracted to
the same sex

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June 11, 2022 Why should small Comic illustration consisting of a father, mother
children sleep and two children about why siblings have to sleep
separately? separately
June 8, 2022 What is transgender Illustration of a comic conversation of a father and a
son 9about transgender in an Islamic p10erspective
June 8, 2022 The influence of the Explanatory video about the influence of the family
family environment on environment on personality
June 4, 2022 History of the Prophet A comic illustration of a family consisting of a father,
Lut AS mother and son who are talking about the history of
the Prophet Luth AS done by the Sodomites
June 1, 2022 What is pride? Comic illustration of mother and daughter
conversation about celebrationpride month

Source: Research Results, 2022

CONCLUSION Posts @taulebih. related to LGBTQ+

Taulebih is an Islamic sexual education issues can be divided into messages on feed
platform. The platform clearly shows their and carousel posts, posts on stories, video
position on LGBTQ+, which has many reels, and IG Live videos. During the Post
pros and cons. Taulebih is against and Covid 19 era, especially in June 2022, 33
does not support any form of movement contents were uploaded on the feed feature
that promotes the LGBTQ+ lifestyle. This and 22 uploads on the story. Posts in the
platform promotes humanizing people who form of carousel consist of 25 posts and
experience same sex attraction by helping 4 single posts uploaded on the Instagram
and guiding them to return to their natural feed. In addition, the @taulebih.id account
sexuality. Taulebih uses various reference also uploaded 4 video reels with LGBTQ+
sources to present its content. These include themes. The account actively produced
the Quran and Hadith, books on sexual counter LGBTQ+ educational content
education, related articles, Islamic sexual
during June as a counter to the pride month
education practitioners, and others.
celebrated by certain groups in June.
Tarbiyah jinsiyah can be defined as
Sexual issues cannot be separated
the act of teaching and education about
sexual matters and other related matters so from faith education. Some of @taulebih.
that children can distinguish between what id’s posts related to LGBTQ+ include
is permissible and what is forbidden. In the religious arguments as a foundation.
context of the LGBTQ+ phenomenon, such In addition to religious arguments, @
behaviour has been taught in the rules of taulebih.id also includes many reference
Islam. Whatever the reason for justifying sources in its post material from books,
LGBTQ+ in terms of social and freedom, journal articles, news articles, theses, or
the action is an action that cannot be based theses. In illustrating the sex education
on an Islamic perspective. environment, @taulebih.id uses a lot of

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14 | Aulia Putri Meidina, Siti Nur Laili Rahmawati

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Vol. 6, No. 1, Juli 2023

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