BCS-011 - D16 - Compressed

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of Printed Pages : 4 I BCS-011

(BCA) (Revised)
Term-End Examination
1 5 ° 05 December, 2016


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage : 75%)

Note : Question number 1 is compulsory and carries

40 marks. Attempt any three questions from the

1. (a) Convert the following, hexadecimal

numbers to equivalent decimal numbers
and binary numbers : 4
(i) (79) 16
(AC) 16

(b) What will be the storage capacity of a

2.5 inch diameter disk pack having
4 plates, 150 sectors per track,
2048 tracks per surface with each sector
capable of storing 1024 bytes ? 4

BCS-011 1 P.T.O.
(c) Discuss the uses of various components of a
computer as defined in Von Neumann

(d) Explain Compilers, Debuggers, Linkers

and Text Editors in the context of
programming software.

(e) What is an algorithm ? What is the relation

between a flow chart and an algorithm ?
Draw a flow chart to find the sum and
average of marks of a student in 5 different
subjects. Marks are given out of 100. 8

(f) Which of the following is a valid Internet

Protocol Address ? Justify. 3
(ii) 172.-2.1.0
(iii) 56.26.257

(g) What are the advantages of using Local

Area Networks ? List the characteristics of
LANs. How are Wide Area Networks
different from Local Area Networks ? 7

(h) What is a web browser ? Why is it needed ?

Name at least three popular web browsers. 3

BCS-011 2
2. (a) What is memory hierarchy ? Explain with
the help of a diagram. Why is memory
hierarchy created in a computer system ? 7
(b) What is perverse software ? List various
types of perverse software. Give four ways
to counter perverse software. 8
(c) Explain any five features of a spreadsheet
software. 5

3. (a) An organization designs and develops

programs as projects. The progress of
projects needs to be monitored in terms of
content and finance. Recommend some
application software for the organization.
Also explain the features of this software
related to various phases of the software
development. 10
(b) What is wiki ? List the characteristics of
wild. Can wild be used for collaboration ?
Explain. 5
(c) What is MOODLE ? Discuss the merits and
demerits of E-Learning. 5

4. (a) What are different types of optical disks ?

Explain their features and give their
advantages. . 8
(b) Explain at least four important features of
the following software applications : 12
(i) E-mail
(ii) Database
(iii) Word Processing

BCS-011 3 P.T.O.
5. Explain any five of the following with help of an
example/diagram, if required : 20
(a) The activities/actions performed by a
search engine
(b) Use of subroutines and functions
(c) TCP/IP model
(d) Security threats on Internet
(e) Batch systems and Time sharing operating
(f) Diagnostic tools in a computer
(g) Mainframe computers and Supercomputers

BCS-011 4 16,000

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