Konect User Manual V2.3
Konect User Manual V2.3
Konect User Manual V2.3
November 2020
Konect is an advanced field services mobility solution. It enables anyone (novice or specialist), including those
without programming skills, to build field services workflows for the latest generation of smartphones and
Konect’s flexibility allows it to be configured to service almost any field services challenge. Maps, data forms
and workflows are easily defined on the desktop and deployed dynamically to mobile devices. Any number of
solutions to be delivered through a single mobile app.
The optional integration services bind Konect into the corporate-wide electronic workflow of a modern
This guide services project administrators who configure field services workflows and work teams who execute
those workflows in the field.
Konect is developed by Global GBM. Visit www.gbmkonect.com and click the resources link on the menu bar
to access the Knowledge Base, report and issue or access support resources.
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1 Concepts ............................................................................................. 5
1.1 Software components 5
1.2 Implementation 6
1.3 Definitions 7
1.3.1 Basemaps .............................................................................. 7
1.3.2 Datasets................................................................................. 7
1.3.3 Projects.................................................................................. 8
1.3.4 Lists........................................................................................ 9
1.3.5 Queries ................................................................................ 10
1.3.6 Users.................................................................................... 11
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4.3 Catalogue – Import/Export 29
4.3.1 Export Data.......................................................................... 29
4.3.2 Import – Example solutions ................................................ 29
4.3.3 Import/Export – Konect Package KPK ................................. 29
4.3.4 Import/Dataset ................................................................... 29
4.3.5 Import/Export Lists – CSV ................................................... 32
4.3.6 Import/Basemap – MBTiles ................................................ 33
4.3.7 Import/Attachments ........................................................... 34
4.4 Catalogue – Datasets 35
4.4.1 Dataset chooser .................................................................. 36
4.4.2 Creating a new dataset ....................................................... 36
4.4.3 Editing dataset name and description ................................ 36
4.4.4 Deleting a dataset ............................................................... 37
4.4.5 Building Data Forms ............................................................ 37
4.4.6 Form settings....................................................................... 41
4.4.7 Dataset – Map styles ........................................................... 43
4.4.8 Queries/Data subsets and map display .............................. 44
4.4.9 Topology and graphical editing ........................................... 46
4.5 Catalogue – Basemap 47
4.6 Catalogue – Projects 48
4.6.1 Project chooser ................................................................... 49
4.6.2 Map layer manager ............................................................. 49
4.6.3 Dataset selection................................................................. 50
4.6.4 Map layers details ............................................................... 50
4.7 Catalogue – Users 52
4.7.1 Push messaging ................................................................... 53
4.8 Data tab 54
4.9 Operations tab 55
4.9.1 Open a project..................................................................... 56
4.9.2 Dispatch a project ............................................................... 56
4.9.3 View, edit and create spatial objects .................................. 56
4.10 Tracking tab 57
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5.2.1 Accounts .............................................................................. 58
5.2.2 Sync with Cloud ................................................................... 59
5.2.3 Settings ................................................................................ 59
5.3 Working with Konect App 60
5.3.1 Map screen.......................................................................... 60
5.3.2 GPS location ........................................................................ 62
5.3.3 Attributes tool – Open Konect Data Form .......................... 63
5.3.4 Draw on map ....................................................................... 66
5.3.5 GPS track recording ............................................................. 67
5.3.6 Proof of service ................................................................... 71
5.3.7 Edit map feature ................................................................. 73
5.3.8 Data search ......................................................................... 73
5.4 Working offline 74
Developed by:
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1 Concepts
Konect is an advanced field services mobility solution. It integrates operators who work in the field on mobile
devices into the business-wide workflow.
This is a solution builder framework. It is packaged with a management console for app designers and data
administrators, a fully configurable mobile app for fieldworkers and a web-browser interface.
Data integration toolkits and report writer connectors are also available.
Konect is a flexible platform that can be easily configured by in-house personnel to service diverse business
outcomes, all of which operate within a single framework. The solution is comprehensive, robust, enterprise
quality and fully scalable.
Business units within a large organisation may share data or use their own. They can configure Konect to
service common or individual business outcomes. All configured workflows operate within the one cloud-
based framework. New configuration can be distributed dynamically without requiring operators to install a
new mobile app.
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1.2 Implementation
The Konect Manager software allows administrators to tailor map presentations and data forms for each
group of mobile operators and to package those as Konect Projects.
Field personnel log in to the Konect App and choose one of the projects they are authorised to access. Any
changes made to the data through mobile devices or the Web App are posted back to the cloud database.
Through the Konect Manager application, office-based personnel can upload new maps and data into the
cloud database and dispatch data and custom configurations to work crews. They can also export field
observations for use in business workflows or build fully automated business systems by directly integrating
the Konect Database with other software products.
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1.3 Definitions
1.3.1 Basemaps
Read-only maps as sets of raster image tiles. Basemaps may be read directly from the web or pre-
packaged for download onto mobile devices, so they are available when internet connectivity is lost.
A standard set of basemaps is shipped with Konect. Additonal maps may be sourced from third parties
or in-house web servers.
Basemaps are commonly used as the bottom layer in a project map with spatial data layers (datasets)
drawn on top of basemaps.
1.3.2 Datasets
Sets of data records with a common schema or dataset definition. Each record in a specific dataset
comprises a map feature and values for each data field in the list of data fields defined for that
dataset. A database may contain many datasets, each with a different list of linked data fields.
o the list of data fields associated with each record in the dataset
o forms that descibe how the data presents on a mobile device and how the data
content can be edited. Multiple alternative forms (form variants) are available to
tailor data forms to the groups of operators in a business workflow.
o one or more Map Style definitions. These define how each record in the dataset will
be drawn on the map.
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Each data record in a dataset includes a single map feature (geographical point, line or map region).
Datasets can be linked in one-to-many relationships, for example, to describe the mulitiple
components of an asset.
1.3.3 Projects
Pre-defined sets of maps, forms and operating settings. Each project is optimised to deliver a
productive working environment for a specific group of mobile users.
Maps and data edit forms are optimised for each operator group by building a Konect Project for each
user role.
Customers with complex business workflows, especially those with work passing through different
groups of field operators, may choose to configure a separate project for each operator role.
For example, there may be a project for operators who record defects, another for contractors who
repair those defects, and a third for those who audit the rectification work.
Projects are configured through the Projects tab in Konect Manager. They are presented on mobile
devices and also available through the Web Viewer and on the Operations tab on the Konect Manager
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Projects are optimised to support the fieldwork
to be completed by each group of mobile
They present a map made up of a sequence of
ordered layers with each layer presenting a
Konect dataset with associated map presentation
style and data form.
View only map graphic (no interaction)
1.3.4 Lists
Lists of options that users may select from pick lists. Data entry can be constrained to ensure users
select a value from a list of valid values.
Lists may be nested so that the value selected from one pick list limits the options available for
selection from another list.
Lists, queries and form variants combine to deliver workflows where data records are automatically
routed to different field crews as the data is updated.
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Each entry in a list includes a DISPLAY VALUE that appears in data forms paired with a UNIQUE VALUE
that is inserted into the data. The UNIQUE VALUE can control how each data record displays on the
1.3.5 Queries
Dynamic filter used to sub-set a dataset based on the content of the individual data records.
Queries allow an administrator to easily sub-set the records in a dataset based on the data content.
Queries can be used to control the data records that appear in a project, a manual data export
(through the data tab) or a background business proces (using the API or command line tools).
For example, if a Dataset includes a field called work status, and that field was constrained by a List
with values such as “proposed”, “authorised”, “completed” and “audited”, the Dataset could be easily
sub-set (using queries) so that each subset included only those records that are at a specific stage in
the workflow.
To implement a workflow, different projects are created and assigned to operators responsible for
each stage in the business workflow. As each operator completes their assigned work, they update the
status value in the data. Konect Projects that include only those data that pass the query conditions
can automatially route individual data records to the operator responsible for completing the next
process in the workflow.
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Queries are created and saved with the data tab.
In this example 22 of the data records have “completed” in the status column.
1.3.6 Users
Individuals, designated by their personal username and login combination. The administrator for each
organisation authorises users through the Konect Web Portal (konect-portal.konect.today). The
administrator controls which Konect environments (databases) the user may interact with and the
Konect programs they may use with that data.
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Konect Mobile App and Web Viewer users are restricted to working with pre-defined Konect Projects.
Konect Manager is used to set up projects and assign rights to individual users to access those
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2 Getting started in 10 steps
This chapter is a very brief guide to help new users get started with Konect. Refer to Chapter 3 (Manual –
Konect Portal) and Chapter 4 (Implementation Guide – Konect Portal) for further detail.
Konect Manager is a web-based system and needs constant connectivity to the external services through
standard https calls. If the local network administrator has denied access to all external services, the
following URLs will need to be whitelisted:
• api.konectech.com
• api-uk.konectech.com
• maps.tilehosting.com
• cognito-idp.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com
• cognito-idp.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com.
Cognito is the identity management system at Amazon web services. Maps.tilehost.com is a service we
use to display maps. The other two relate to the core Konect service.
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Connection details may be set through the configuration button on the login window for those networks
that require them. Contact your network administrator for details.
For Mac computers, run Konect Manager through your PC emulator but preferably by installing a
Windows Virtual PC onto your Apple Macintosh. Two very good utilities are Parallels Desktop
(www.parallels.com) or Oracle Virtual Box (www.virtualbox.org). Both of these utilities build a Windows
10 virtual computer for Konect Manager while simultaneously running your regular Apple apps.
An interim password will be sent to you directly from our identity management software whenever a new
user is added through the administration portal. The password may come as an SMS message or email. It
is not unusual for emailed passwords to go to junk mail.
Your account administrator will be able to reset your username and trigger password reset if you have not
yet logged in successfully. A lost password link is available on the login screen.
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2.3 Create data
Load files into the Konect Database through the Import/Export item on the Catalogue tab. You may also
create new datasets through the Dataset item on the Catalogue tab.
Each dataset has a Primary Form. Adding and removing items from the Primary Form automatically
updates the database structure.
Forms control which data elements are visible in the Konect Mobile App and how each item can be
Form variants are optional and are used to create sets of forms that work on the same dataset. Form
variants are used to optimise form behaviour for different operator groups. For example, to assign
different view or edit privileges depending on an operator’s role in your organisation.
The “Settings” button controls whether a feature can be drawn, edited or deleted in the Konect App.
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The Map Styles control on the Dataset tab is used to set the type of map feature that can be drawn
(points, lines or regions) and its graphical style. Map Styles can be controlled by the content of any data
field that is constrained by a list of values (see 1.3.4 Lists).
Choose a basemap and then add one or more datasets. If a dataset has form variants, choose either the
Primary Form or one of the variants. Similarly, if a dataset has multiple map presentation options, choose
one of the Map Styles that were set up through the Dataset tab.
Choose the “Users” dropdown, tag the target device (User) and click “Update”.
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See 4.6 Catalogue – Projects
An app user may be endorsed to access projects from one or more Konect Organisations. To connect a
device to an organisation, log in to the device with username, password and Organisation code.
Customers using older versions of the software may need to log in with their Account PIN rather than the
Organisation code.
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2.9 Open the project on the authorised device
Click “Sync with cloud” button on the Konect App dashboard to retrieve available projects from the Cloud
Click the “Start” button at top of the Dashboard screen to open a project map.
If your device is authorised to access multiple projects for this organisation, you may need to click the
“Map selection” button at the bottom right of the map screen to swap between available projects.
Alternatively open the optional Web Viewer in a Google Chrome or Apple Safari browser.
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The data will appear in both list form and on the map. Click a map feature or double click a row in the
data grid to open the data form.
Click the “Export” button to create a file containing the data that passed the query
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3 Manual – Konect Portal
The Konect Portal works in a web browser (Google Chrome or Apple Safari). The current edition of the Konect
Portal does not operate reliably with Internet Explorer. The portal provides:
• User Management
Authorised administrators may add and remove users, grant individual users premission to operate
specific parts of the Konect solution and decide which environments (customer databases) those users
are permitted to access.
• Web Viewer
Users who have been granted rights to access specific Konect Projects, and have subscriptions for the
Konect Web Viewer, can carry out similar functions to those available through the Konect App.
Log in with your Organisation code, username and password. Refer to 3.2.2 User administration for
information on user on-boarding.
Options available to logged-in users depend on which roles have been granted by the account administrator.
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3.2.2 User administration
Selected users may be granted administrator privileges for an organisation. When an administrator logs in they
will have access to the Users tab which allows them to add and remove users and assign user rights to operate
specific parts of the Konect software suite.
Double-click an existing user to set the Konect services they are permitted to access.
Each user requires either a unique email address or Australian mobile phone number. Username and
temporary password are sent directly to the registered email or phone number.
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Your Konect username is Ken and your
temporary password is fPARyu16. Contact
your administrator for your Organisation
For safe delivery of passwords, contact details must be unique across an organisation. No two users can be
registered with the same email or phone number.
On successful login the user will be prompted to change their password. Login status is presented on the user
editor screen in the portal.
Organisations are normally issued with a single operating environment (database). Additional environments
can be created on request (e.g. a separate environment for production and test) (costs may apply).
The administrator may prohibit a user from accessing specific environments.
To grant the same individual a different set of Roles in two environments, that individual will need to log into
each environment with a different username. The individual will need a unique email addresses for each
username or use an email and mobile phone number. With services such as Gmail it is possible to create
multiple email addresses and consolidate them into a single mailbox.
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Choose the map tab and select a Konect Project from the dropdown.
The projects list will only show those projects that the user has rights to access (see 1.3.3 Projects).
The Web Viewer behaves very much like the Mobile App but does not connect to a GPS.
Select the “View/Edit data” tool and click on the map to open a data form with the
behaviours defined in the dataset and project definitions.
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Choose “Edit feature” to unlock map editing capability.
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4 Implementation Guide – Konect Manager
Konect Manager operates on a Windows PC or Windows emulator. It is used by data administrators to manage
data, build forms, build maps and set up field workflows.
This chapter explains Konect Manager operation. The following chapter describes the Konect Mobile App.
Customers who are unable to run Konect Manager directly on their Windows PC may arrange to operate it in a
browser via Google Workspaces. Contact your account representative for details.
The active tab is highlighted in orange. Click the “?” control on the active tab for online help.
Use the Catalogue tab to import data, define intelligent data forms, and set up new operational projects with
the maps and datasets that will be dispatched to the mobile devices.
Depending on the role assigned to the user (see 3.2.2 User administration), Konect Manager may open in
Normal or “Lite” mode.
• Normal mode is intended for trusted data administrators.
• Lite mode is intended for operations personnel who are not permitted to import data or edit
configuration settings.
Lite mode does not provide access to any of the functions that are normally accessed through the
Catalogue tab.
Use the Data tab to review and export data and to define dynamic data subsets (queries). Saved queries sub-
set the records in a dataset based on the content of the data records.
Use the Operations tab to preview project maps and to authorise mobile users to access projects on their
mobile devices or through a web browser.
Projects are pre-defined through Catalogue>Projects.
Use the Tracking tab to see the map location of work crew. Enable GPS tracking on the device (see 5.3 Working
with Konect App) to activate tracking.
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4.2 Log in to Konect Manager
Start Konect Manager on your PC and log in by entering your Organisation code and then your username and
The Forgot password link will send a new temporary password to the email address or mobile phone number
associated with your account.
If your local network administrator has locked internet access through a proxy server and local firewall, click
the “Settings” button to set access credentials for your internet service. Contact your local network
administrator for details. You may also need your network administrator to whitelist the Konect URL.
Use the “?” button to access version information and to manage the installation.
Konect Manager will normally prompt operators to install updates as they are released. Before reporting any
operational issue use the “Refresh app” button to check you are working with the latest software version. In
some installations you may require administrator rights to your local PC to install updates.
Konect writes a log files that stores operational details. Click “Open log file location” to access the folder
where the log files are stored. The Konect support team may require these files to investigate operational
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4.3 Catalogue – Import/Export
Konect is an open system. All Konect Database content can be exported into files in a variety of formats. Data
can also be imported in a full range of formats.
Data can be manually imported through the Import/Export menu on the catalogue tab. Automated and
scripted uploads are available through the optional command line tool KB Import and through the Konect API.
Tag “transaction history” to export all historical transactions as well as the current content of each data
record. Data exports can be automated through the KB Export and Konect API tools.
4.3.4 Import/Dataset
Datasets are introduced in 1.3.2 Datasets and more fully described in section 4.4 below. Konect accepts data
files in the following file formats:
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Each data record in Konect is linked to a map feature. This may be a point location, linear feature or a region
(polygon). Internally Konect holds all data as latitude and longitude values and displays them in popular
projection. The import program will automatically convert GIS data on import.
For GIS formats (Esri, GeoJSON and MapInfo), the map feature will be extracted directly from the spatial data
file. Konect will interpret map datum definitions in the incoming GIS file and automatically convert and store in
WGS84 and display them in popular projection.
Comma delimited text (CSV) files require Latitude (Y coordinate) and Longitude (X coordinate) values as
columns in the data. These point locations are assumed to be in degree and decimal degrees in WGS84 (the
native projection of Global Navigation System constellations).
Options for inserting data into the Konect Database are:
• Append records
Konect will add new data into an existing dataset. Where column headings in the data file match those
in the existing dataset (export name), the records will be added to the dataset, with default values
inserted for any missing data fields.
Each row of data in the import file will be inserted as a new record in the dataset. Any _id colums in
the import file will be ignored and new Konect ID created for each record imported.
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• Append and update records
Konect will attempt to match the content of a specified data field in the incoming record with the
content of a corresponding data field in the target dataset.
Users may request that incoming records are matched by Konect id (_id) or any other data column
(index column) that contains values that are unique across all records in the Konect Dataset.
• If the _id column in the incoming data file matches that of an existing dataset record, the
record in Konect will be updated.
• For incoming records that do not have a value set for _id, the incoming records will be inserted
into the dataset and given a new value for _id.
• If an incoming record has a value set for _id, and that value does not match any existing record
in the dataset, the new record will be rejected.
• The content of all _id fields in the incoming data file are ignored.
• If the content of the specified index field in the data file matches that of an existing record in
the dataset, then contents of the old Konect record will be updataed.
• If the content of the index column of an incoming record does not match the content of any
record in the Konect dataset, the new record is inserted and given a new value for the Konect
ID (_id).
• Incoming records that do not have a value set for the index data field will be rejected.
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• Merge records by field
Use this option to update values in an existing dataset. Where the index value in the incoming data
records match the specified colum in the Konect Database, database values will be be updated. Where
there is no match, the incoming records will be rejected.
Merge is very useful for bulk edits for specific data fields. For example, it is possible to export data into
a file (see Data tab/Export), edit that data in an external application (e.g. Excel) and then use the
edited file to do a selective update of the Konect Database.
The incoming merge file must contain the index field used to make a unique match with existing
records in the database. It does not need to include all data columns. If a data column is missing from
the incoming merge file, its value will be unaltered.
For more information on importing data go to the Konect Knowledge Base at accessible from the
resourcs page at www.gbmkonect.com.
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Simple lists are expressed in two columns in a comma separated text file – UniqueValue and DisplayValue.
These simple lists may be entered directly into Konect through the dataset editor or created in a tool such as
Microsoft Excel, exported to a CSV file and imported using this utility.
Setting up cascading pick lists (where valid values in a pick list are constrained by values selected in an earlier
list) requires a parent list (for initial selection) paired with a child list. Create and edit child lists in a
spreadsheet program and upload them into Konect with this utility. Child lists are represented in a CSV file
with three columns of data:
ParentUniqueValue – the unique value corresponding to a selection in the parent list that must exist in the
data for this item to be offered for selection in a child list
UniqueValue – the unique value in the child list
DisplayValue – the corresponding value in child list that will be displayed in the pick list in the data form
For more information on registering your own web maps and preparing tile sets for operation offline, refer to
the Konect Knowledge Base available on the resources link at www.gbmkonect.com.
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4.3.7 Import/Attachments
Konect allows multiple PDF documents or multiple images (photographs) to be attached to each data record.
Refer to the section 4.4 for information on preparing the datasets to store photos and attachments.
Importing documents or photos into the database requires a comma delimited text file that has, for each
document or image, the pairing of the unique Id of the dataset record and the associated file name.
This file needs to be a simple .csv file (no header record) in the same folder as the files to be imported
(e.g. .jpeg – photos, or PDF files – documents).
The data will be presented on screen for validation and you will be asked to specify the dataset that the
photos/documents need to be attached to and the field in that dataset the photos will be attached to.
To find the unique identifier for a database record, open the dataset in the Data tab and see the value in
column ID (Konect). The value is also shown as a _id in exported data files.
If only a few images need to be imported, it can be easier to simply open the data form in the Operations or
Data tab and browse for the images/documents individually for each record.
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For more information refer to the Konect Knowledge Base that is available on the resources link at
Konect is typically used to collect or edit information that relates to an object in the real world. Each real-
world item is represented by a map feature and each type of feature can have a different set of data items
(data fields) associated with it.
The database stores information in logical groups called “Datasets”. The list of data fields associated with the
map features is the same for all records in a dataset but varies between datasets. For example, a dataset
representing assets will store different data to one representing asset inspections.
Records in different datasets can be linked. For example, if the dataset of assets is linked to the inspections
dataset, it is possible to chain from an asset to the multiple inspections carried out on that asset over time.
Datasets are built into project maps, with each dataset represented as a map layer.
Dataset definitions describe:
• Primary Form
The list of data fields associated with each record in a dataset and the default form for editing the data
• form variants
Alternative data forms optimised for operators in specific user roles
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• Lists
Lists of valid values – used to constrain the content of specific data fields
• Map Styles
Definition of how features are drawn on a map
• Queries
Re-usable filter definitions for sub-setting the records in a dataset
• Topology
Rules that ensure spatial relationships are maintained between features in different datasets (layers)
when maps are edited
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4.4.4 Deleting a dataset
Click the “X” button to permanently delete the selected dataset definition and all its content.
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Select the Primary Form and use the “+” button to add additional data fields to a
dataset. Each data field has:
• Name: This is the text that presents on data forms.
• Export name: This is the external name used when the data is shared through external systems such as
through spreadsheets, GIS files or integration tools.
• Description: Free text that describes this element of data. The description field can be used to give
end-users instructions on how to work with the data.
• Visibility and edit controls: These settings control which data fields are displayed to end-users and
how those data can be edited.
• Data type: The type of data that is stored, such as text, date, time and numbers.
Konect supports the following data types:
Simple text – any numbers of lines
Can be tagged to read from a barcode scanner
Can be tagged to be searchable through the search bar at the bottom of
the Konect App
If a text file contains a string starting with http:// or https:// and is read
only, clicking the field will open the external URL.
Text string auto-calculated from values in other data fields
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Date and time fields – calendar and time pickers available
Any number of images can be stored – with camera activation and select
from the gallery on mobile device
An individual PDF File may be specified through a form in Konect
Manager and viewed on the device
Text to be presented on the form – normally used to open headings or
instructional text in a Konect smart form.
If the label’s “Description” starts with //http: or //https: it will be treated
as a web link. Clicking the link in a Konect form will open it in a web
Any text enclosed in curly brackets will be replaced by the value in the
form for the dataset field of that name. {cy} will be replaced by the Y
coordinate (latitude) of the current map object and {cx} will be replaced
with the X coordinate(latitude).
• If the dataset contains a data field with export name “genus” and that
field contains the text “Eucalyptus” then the string
“https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/{genus} will be interpreted as:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eucalyptus. Clicking it will open
information about Eucalyptus in Wikipedia.
• https://www.google.com/maps/dir/?api=1&destination={
cy},{cx} will link out to google maps to navigate to the
active map feature.
Autofilled with a globally unique text string
Autofilled with a unique text string that is easier to read than that
produced by the more rigorous unique ID generator used above
Geographic location or dimensions calculated from the associated map
Duplicate a value associated with another spatial feature at the same
location as this feature (e.g. autofill with road name when a pothole is
drawn on a road).
The data type cannot be changed once a data field has been created. If necessary, delete the data field and
create a new field with the same name but a different data type. The data content of a deleted data field will
be lost. If necessary, export the data (Data tab/export) and reimport once the structure has been corrected
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As well as the Primary Form, alternative forms (form variants) can be created over the same data. Form
variants allow the user experience to be optimised for each operator group.
For example, inspectors who log defects may be provided with one data form and maintenance crews who
repair the defects provided with a different form variant. The two forms may hide and show different parts of
the data record with edit rights that respect the different business needs of the two groups of users.
While the operator groups may see and edit data differently, both work with a common set of data records.
Each data field has a name that will appear on the form, an Export name that will appear as the column
heading for any data exports such as spreadsheet files and a field description.
The Description will present when a user taps the “?” hotspot on the form.
Name (the text displayed in the form) and the order the data fields present in the form can all be set
independently for each form variant. Data field addition/removal, list selection and Export name can only be
set on the primary form but are inherited into each of the variants.
Choose an existing dataset to display the Primary Form.
• The form emulator updates the form layout dynamically as details are added.
• Click the “+” button at the top of the form to add a new data field and select the type of
data to be held in this field. Adding a new item into the form automatically adjusts the
database structure to accommodate the new item.
o “Geographical attributes” are calculated dynamically and are normally attributes of
the map feature associated with each database record, for example, the feature
length area or map coordinates.
o “Copy values from dataset” will auto-populate a data field by reading data from
features on another map layer at the same location as the data record being created.
• Select a data field and click the up and down buttons to change the presentation
order of data fields in the form.
• Click the “X” button to remove/delete a data field. Existing content in this data field
will be permantly lost.
• In the data field section, the Name is the text that will appear on the form. The
Export name is the name of the data field for data export, import and merge from external
data operations (Catalogue>import and Data>export).
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• A form may control whether an individual data field is editable or
read only. The setting may be different on the primary form and each form vaiant.
Validation rules for editable data fields are defined at the bottom of the
panel and vary depending on the data type. It is also possible to set specific default values or
automatically copy in the last value entered for a record in this dataset.
• Data entry can be constrained to the selection of a value from a list of valid
entries. Lists can be arranged in hierarchical relationships whereby the choice of options
presented for selection depends on the data content in another field that is controlled by a
related list.
List values can be edited directly in the form for simple lists. Hierarchical relationships (dependent list
relationships) are defined externally and loaded through Catalogue>Import>Export>Lists.
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• The setting controls whether operators are
permitted to create new map features or delete features – Primary Form and form variants.
This setting is used to create hierarchical data relationships where multiple records of this dataset can
be linked to a single record in a parent dataset. Normally mobile operators will create the parent
feature and have the option of adding multiple data records to this dataset that share the same map
outline as the parent feature.
The alternative setting allows the daughter records to have a map representation different from the
parent record but with an implicit relationship in the data that allows daughter records to be linked to
their parent for reporting. For example, the Draw geometry option can be used to mark point defects
on a road (linear feature) and subsequently relate the child records (defects) to the parent records
Data Forms open when a user clicks on a feature on the map. Where there is a linked parent dataset,
use this setting to control whether the form opens with the focus on the parent or child dataset. In
either case the user will be able to navigate between the parent and records in the child datasets.
Use this setting to control whether the feature is drawn or hidden on the map.
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The setting is especially useful for simplifying the map display where multiple child records are linked
to a parent record with the “copy geometry” setting. In that case, the map outline of the child records
is exactly the same as the outline of the parent record so there is little value in drawing the each of the
child records. Unnecessary drawing of child records can slow map operations.
Selection fields are those that present in list view, either when an operator clicks a location on the
map or when a set of records are returned from a data search on the mobile device.
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4.4.8 Queries/Data subsets and map display
Catalogue > Datasets > Data/Queries
This sub-tab set is used for:
• setting the default scale and geographical location for presenting this dataset on a map
• setting the map scales at which each dataset is visible on a project map
• permanently deleting all data in the selected dataset.
Page 44 of 76 Home location and zoom
The home location defines the latitude and longitude of the centre of the map and map scale. This controls the
part of the world that will be visible when a new map is opened through the Data tab.
The coordinates of the centre of the map are the current zoom are displayed on Home location dialogue. They
are updated as the map is zoomed and panned.
Click on the map and use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. Click on the map and drag the mouse to display
a different geographical area. Alternatively type a location in the search box to centre the map at that location.
Zoom visibility is useful for hiding a dataset when the operator has it zoomed out or zoomed in too far. For
example, the administrator may choose to declutter a map by hiding minor roads when the map is zoomed out
to the national scale.
Zoom settings are levels that have a maximum (zoomed in) of 21. The area displayed in a map is larger at
smaller numbers.
Watch the current zoom setting as the map is zoomed in and out. If the map looks cluttered, set a minimum
zoom setting as the number where the data should disappear. Similarly set the maximum number at the point
where the map is zoomed in so far that the data for this dataset has no value.
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Click “Save location and visibility” to save the settings.
A query tab will be presented for each query that has been saved to the database. Choose one of the existing
saved queries to change the map to hide any data records for which data content fails to pass the query filter.
Queries are created and saved through the Data tab. Data delete
Click the “Delete all records” button to permanently delete all data content for this dataset. Deleted content
cannot be retrieved. Only the data records will be deleted. Dataset configurations such as form definitions and
queries are not affected.
Choose “Snap to everything” to make all nodes in all datasets in the current map
potential snapping targets. Where there are multiple snapping targets in range, the closest node wins.
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Alternatively, specify target datasets in priority
In the example below, when drawing or editing a map feature in this dataset, the location will be snapped to
vertices in only the two datasets listed. If potential snap locations are found in both datasets, then the location
of the first item in the list will be selected.
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For information on registering your own web maps and preparing tile sets for operation offline, go to the
Konect Knowledge Base that is available on the resources page at www.gbmkonect.com.
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4.6.1 Project chooser
Select a project by clicking on its name in the project chooser or create a new project by clicking the icon
on the project chooser.
The layer manager presents the list of datasets that will be combined to build the project map. Each layer is a
Konect dataset. Each dataset is drawn on top of those lower down the list. All datasets (vector layers) sit above
the basemap (raster layer).
See 4.5 Catalogue – Basemap for a list of basemaps that are registered with the current database. Choose an
offline basemap for operators who work in areas without internet access. See 4.5 Catalogue – Basemap for
more information on basemaps.
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Click the “Manage datasets” button to add and remove datasets/map layers.
Queries are a named filters that subset the data within a dataset. They are dynamic so that the data records
that pass the query conditions will change as data content changes. Queries are created through the Data tab
and are listed at Catalogue/dataset – Data/Queries tab for each dataset.
Select “full dataset” to have all data records for this dataset included in the map layer. Select one or more
queries to create layers that include only those data that pass the filter conditions in the selected query. It is
possible to include the full dataset and the data from one or more queries as separate layers on the same
project map, possibly paired with different data forms and Map Styles.
Each item chosen through the dataset selection screen (above) will be drawn
as layer in the final map.
Layers may contain all the data in a chosen dataset or may include only the
portion of the data records that pass the data-filtering conditions defined in a
saved query. See 1.3.5 Queries for more information on queries.
The data items in some layers may contain child records that are linked to a
parent record in another layer. These are highlighted in the layers list with
the link icon. Linking requires that both the parent and child datasets are
included in the project as map layers.
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Click on a layer to select it and use the up and down buttons to set the layer order. Upper layers may obscure
layers lower in the list.
Choose each layer in turn and select the map presentation options for that dataset. The map presentation
options screen will only present if there are multiple options to choose from. Choices are limited to those that
have been defined through Catalogue/Datasets/Forms and Catalogue/Datasets/Map Styles.
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Click to save the project definition. Saving a project will also reset the home location for
the map.
The map may reposition to the home position of the new dataset. If necessary, click the “Home” button
at the bottom of the map screen to reset zoom and centroid of the map before saving the project.
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Use this screen to monitor the assignment of projects to users. Projects can be assigned to users through this
screen or through the Operations tab.
Mobile app and web users will appear in the list if they have been registered to this organisation by an
administrator using the portal. Users will not be able to view any data until they have been granted access to a
project. Data interactions are always limited by the datasets, forms and maps defined in the project.
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Push messaging is not supported for customers who have not upgraded to the security model that requires
mobile device login by username and password.
Error messages may be presented if the user has not yet logged in their device with username and
Organisation code.
Click the “Query” button to create a dynamic data query. Click the “Save query” button to
save the query definition for subsequent re-use, either in the Data tab or to define a data subset for inclusion
in a project. Saved queries can subsequently be selected in the dataset dropdown list.
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Click the “Columns” button to choose which data fields in a dataset are to be displayed in
the tabular view or included in export files.
Choose the “Export” button to extract database content into external files as regular text
(CSV) or one of the available GIS formats. The export file will include only those data columns set through the
“Columns” control and the rows of data for which content passes the current query settings.
Choose a format for the exported data file. Additional formats are supported by the optional command line
utility KD Export that incorporates the GDAL ETL toolset.
Where data forms constrain data entry to values from look-up lists, choose whether to show the codes
(UNIQUE VALUES) or the extended descriptions (DISPLAY VALUES) in the exported data file. Refer to
Catalogue/Datasets/Lists to view the unique value and display values defined for each data list.
Konect maintains a full transaction history of all edits to every record in each dataset. Choose transaction
history to export both the current content of each data record and historical content as values changed over
Use these settings to export photos or documents if those exist in the dataset. Photos and Documents will be
placed in sub-folders below the exported data file, with a naming convention that links each exported item to
Konect’s unique record ID.
Choose “exclude footers” to exclude the image metadata (location, photo date etc) that is normally rendered
at the bottom of images and image annotations.
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4.9.1 Open a project
Choose a Project from the pull-down list of projects that have been created through the projects section on
the Catalogue tab. The project map will present, centred in its default location that was defined when the map
definition was last saved.
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• “View/Edit data” will open the form for editing the data associated with a map feature.
o Select this tool and click on the map to choose a feature to edit.
• “Edit feature” allows the individual vertices that define a spatial outline to be moved.
o Select this tool and click on a map feature to show the individual vertices (nodes)
that define the map outline.
o Select a node and drag to a new position or use the tool buttons to delete a note.
o Use the “Delete” button on the form to remove a feature from the dataset.
o Click the “Save” button on the form to save the new outline.
• “Add feature” allows new items to be drawn directly on the map.
o Select the feature type to draw from the pick list. This list is controlled through
options set in the definition of the form that were selected when this datset was
added to the project.
o Click “Save” on the data form to add the new feature to the dataset or click “Delete”
to remove the new feature.
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5 Manual – The Konect App
The Konect App operates identically on Apple iOS, Android or Windows 10 tablets and smart phones.
5.2.1 Accounts
Mobile devices need to be granted permission by the account administrator to access the database associated
with an account. To register with an account:
Enter your organisation code and click “ADD NEW CONNECTION”. You will be prompted for the
usename that was issued to you by your account administrator and your individual password.
New user are issued with a temporary password and asked to change the password at login. User
names and passwords are automatically forwarded by either e-mail or mobile phone SMS when an
account administrator first registeres a new use through the account portal (see section 3.2.1).
You administrator can send a new temporary password if you have not logged in. After you have
successfully logged in once, you can use the ‘Forgot password” link to have a new temporary password
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sent to your registered e-mail or mobile phone. It is not unusual for e-mail systems to classify Konect’s
pasword messages as junk mail.
• Those users who have been granted access to work across multiple environments
(databases) will be prompted to choose an active environment when they activate an
Click “SYNC WITH CLOUD” on the dashboard to update form and map configurations for your active account.
5.2.3 Settings
This setting adds the “App messages” button to the dashboard. App messages log the internal processes and
may assist technical staff to debug operational problems.
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This option uploads the internal data cached to the
development centre to assist the debug of operational problems.
Konect can exchange content with the cloud database dynamically or cache data on the local
device for offline operation. See 4.4 Catalogue – Datasets for information on using Konect in offline mode.
Click the “Start” button to open a project map. You will not be able to exit the dashboard
unless you have rights to access at least one project. The button will not be available unless you have been
granted rights to at least one project and have synched to download that project.
Projects are configured through the Konect Manager software by a project administrator. Each project
includes the maps, datasets, forms and business rules that have been set for a specific type of field
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Konect presents the map that the project administrator has defined for the current project. Tap the
“Project” button to choose an alternative project from the list of projects in the current account that
your device may have been authorised to access.
A device may be permitted to access projects in multiple accounts. If necessary, tap the “Menu”
button to return to the dashboard to make a different account active.
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5.3.2 GPS location
Konect links into the location services sub-system of your device operating system that may use GPS or other
mechanisms to estimate your current location. Accuracy will depend on conditions and your device hardware.
Location services or GPS must be turned on through the settings controls in your mobile device operating
Dashboard settings in Konect control the presentation of location information.
Enable GPS through the “Settings” button. Once enabled, the current GPS location will be presented on the
The size of the GPS marker can be changed through the settings screen.
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Status updates
When status update reporting is enabled, an additional button will appear on the right edge of the map.
Tap to choose an operational status. Operational status will be posted to
the database with each GPS location update at the time interval chosen
on the Konect settings screen.
When enabled, device location and operating status will be updated
regularly on the Tracking tab in Konect Manager.
Choose the data form (attributes) tool and tap on the map. If a map feature under the tap point has an
associated Data Form, the form will open. Data Forms and their behaviours are defined in Konect Manager by
the administrator who set up your active project.
If there are many features under the tap point, a list will be presented. Tap on an item to open the relevant
Tap the map icon in the list to highlight the location of the selected feature.
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Forms may link together in a hierarchy
with multiple child records linked to
the parent record and map feature.
Click the “Related items” tab to switch between parent and child data
records in a hierarchy.
With location services enabled on your device, the device camera will normally write a location into the image
metadata. If that information is available, Konect will write it onto white space at the bottom of the image
whenever photos are taken from within Konect or imported from the photo gallery on the device.
Three dates will be written on the bottom left of the image if the information is available:
• Imported date is the date the image was added to the Konect form
• Photo date is the date the image was taken
• Annotated date is the date annotations were last added or modified through the Konect image
annotation tool.
Dates are recorded in the time zone of the device and an offset between that time zone and UTM time.
Image preview
Tap a thumbprint to open the image in fast preview mode or use a long tap to open directly in image
annotation mode. In preview mode you map pinch and stretch to zoom the image.
• Swipe left or right to see the previous or next image in a group
• Swipe down to close the image
• Swipe up to enter image annotation mode.
Tapping the “Edit” button in preview mode also activates the image annotation tools.
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Image annotation
In image annotation mode, the top row of buttons activate map zoom and pan
along with addition and editing of annotations.
Tap this button to drag the image. Pinch and stretch to zoom in our out.
Be sure both fingers are on the image area for zoom operations.
Tap the “Annotation editing tool” and click on an annotation drawn in this session to move, resize or
rotate the annotations. It may be possible to double tab the image to move individual nodes in a drawing
object. Tap a colour on the pallet on the right of the screen to change the colour of the active annotation.
To add text, tap the text tool and type. Click the “Go” button on the keyboard to finish. Text may be
moved, rotated and resized. To change the content, delete and retype.
All live annotations can be edited. It will not be possible to edit annotations created in some earlier editions of
the software as those annotations will have been fused into the image and are therefore no longer available as
separate annotation objects.
Additional action buttons are available at the bottom of the screen.
Tap the “Apply” button to fuse annotations to the image and close the annotation session. The
annotation time will be automatically stamped onto the white space at the bottom of the image, replacing any
earlier annotation date reference.
Tap “Cancel” to exit annotation mode without applying the latest edits.
Navigate to location
Tap the three stacked ellipses at the top right of the form and then select
“Open directions”. The location of the current map feature will be passed
directly to the navigation software registered on your device. This will commonly be Google Maps and will give
the operator direct access to turn-by-turn navigation assistance to drive to that location.
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Tap the “Save” button at the top of the screen to keep you changes. You will not be permitted to
save until all content passes validation and any mandatory data fields (marked with orange stars)
have been completed.
Tap the “Draw” button and select an available drawing style from the list. The list of features that can be
drawn and their graphical style will have been set by the project administrator.
Point objects are defined as a single vertex. Line and area objects will have multiple vertices. There are four
ways to add the vertices that make up a new map feature.
Simple tap
Simply tap on the screen to add a new vertex at the tap point. Click “Save” to complete drawing the
Precision drawing
Tap a second time when drawing a feature to drag the vertex to a new location. The vertex location will be
offset from the tap point so it can be dragged to an accurate location that is not under the operator’s finger on
a touch screen. Drag to the required location and let go to lock that location.
Choose the “Scrawl” button and trace you finger across the screen. Vertices will be added
automatically along the scrawl path.
Tap the “GPS” button to add a vertex at the current GPS location.
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Tap the “Snap” button to enter or exit snap mode. In snap mode, vertices or nodes in features being
edited are moved to exactly the same location as the nearest node on an existing map feature.
Snapping behaviour is modified by the topology settings for the dataset being edited. See
Edit tools
The undo, vertex delete and feature delete tools described in the feature edit
section below are also active in feature drawing model.
The Automatic GPS Drawing settings can be found alongside the project picker that is accessed
through the settings button at the bottom right hand corner of the map. .
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Click “Show UI on Map” to present the Automatic GPS Drawing Button.
Having a low value for the distance filter can also make any created features very large and complex. The GPS
tracking feature has a cap of 10,000 positions. If this cap is reached, create a feature with the GPS track and
start another. Large features can slow down Konect and other GIS applications that may use them. For Konect
to work optimally, a post-processing procedure to thin nodes may be required for features with more than a
few thousand vertices.
3. Open a Konect Project in map view and press the “GPS tracking menu” button from the
bottom of the left-hand toolbar. This button will always be available regardless of main mode
setting and when it is highlighted there is an active track.
4. Press the “Start” button from the GPS tracking pop-up menu. This will start the GPS track.
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o Pressing the “Pause” button will keep the GPS track, but prevent new positions from
automatically being included. Press the “Start” button again to resume automatically
recording new positions
o Pressing the “Clear” button will clear the GPS track from the device
5. The GPS Drawing path will be displayed on the map in the colour specified in the Automatic
GPS Drawing settings.
6. Walk/ride/drive the track you wish to record; new positions will automatically be included in
the GPS track when the GPS is further away from the previously recorded position than the
configured distance filter.
7. Additional GPS positions can be included by pressing the “Manually add GPS position”
button. This will add the current GPS position to the GPS track. This feature is useful for
adding finer detail to the GPS track than can be captured by the automatic recording. This
button becomes active when a GPS track is started, can be used when the GPS track is
paused and is available in all modes.
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3. Use an existing Automatic GPS Drawing path or create a new Automatic GPS drawing path.
o Pausing the GPS track while drawing will ensure no additional GPS positions are
included (this can occur when there is poor GPS quality).
4. If you wish to include vertices from an existing Automatic GPS Drawing path, press the Add
Automatic GPS drawing path to feature button. This will append all the positions from the
path into the new feature. This button is only available when a track is active, and a line or
area is being drawn to a dataset.
o If any points were already drawn, the copied GPS track will be appended to these
o The drawing tools will continue to work as normal and allow you to append points to
the end of the feature or to edit any points within the feature, including the
appended GPS track.
o The undo button will roll back the add GPS track to feature action and remove the
entire GPS track.
5. Press the “Save” button on the map and fill in the data form.
6. If the ‘automatically clear GPS track setting’ is enabled, and the GPS track was used in the
feature, the GPS track will be cleared.
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o Pausing the GPS track while drawing will ensure no additional GPS positions are
included (this can occur when there is poor GPS quality).
4. Press the “Add GPS track to feature” button. This will append all the positions from the GPS
track to the end of the feature. This button is only available when a track is active, and a line
or area feature has been selected.
5. The drawing tools will continue to work as normal and allow you to append points to the end
of the feature or to edit any points within the feature, including the appended GPS track.
6. The undo button will roll back the add GPS track to feature action and remove the entire GPS
7. Press the “Save” button on the map.
8. If the ‘automatically clear GPS track setting’ is enabled, and the GPS track was used in the
feature, the GPS track will be cleared.
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• will not be displayed on the map
• cannot be paused
• can only be used to create new line features
• can record two additional auto-value fields configured through Konect Manager
o start date and time of the first recorded GPS position
o end date and time of the final recorded GPS position.
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7. At the end of the shift open the proof-of-service UI again.
8. Select the dataset to save the proof-of-service GPS track to
9. The dataset list will only contain datasets that can create new lines.
10. Press the “Save” button, the dataset form will immediately open and store the proof-of-
service GPS track as the feature’s geometry.
11. Fill in the data form and press the “Save” button.
12. The proof-of-service track will be cleared on closing the form.
Choose the “Edit map feature” tool and tap on the map.
If the project administrator allows the geometry of the feature at the tapped location to
be edited, the individual vertices that make up the spatial feature will be highlighted.
Drag the marker representing the vertex to its new location. The marker representing that
vertex will be displaced so it is not directly under your finger if you are working on a touch
Use the six tool buttons on the left of the screen to complete your map editing.
The feature will be redrawn in its final location once the “Save” button is clicked.
Data administrators can set individual data fields as being searchable as part of a dataset definition. Konect
will match the search sting with text in all searchable data fields.
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Tap an item in the list to open the form. Tap the “Map icon” to highlight the map location of that feature.
Searching works on text fields and only on those data fields that have been tagged as being searchable in the
dataset definition. Search is not case sensitive.
Konect normally reads data from the cloud database as it is needed. Additional data increments
are retrieved as the map pans to each new area. Edits are shared with the cloud database instantly.
When a project is tagged for offline operation, the entire dataset is downloaded immediately and cached on
the device. With an offline project, field crews can keep working even when outside the area of
telecommunications coverage.
Most projects employ raster image tiles as the base layer of any map and draw datasets, or vector data, on top
of the map tiles. As map tiles cannot be read dynamically from a map server when a device is offline, tiles in
the operating area need to be downloaded into a local database and stored on the device.
A number of software products including MOVAC, ESRI and Tile Mill cache raster maps in a MBTile file. MBTile
files can be uploaded through the Import/Export tab of Konect Manager and chosen as the background map
when a project is defined in the Catalogue/Data sets tab of Konect Manager.
If you tag a project with a map that is built on an MBTiles file background, the whole of the MB tiles file will be
automatically downloaded and stored on the device when you tag the project for offline operation.
In this example, the Condition Monitoring project is tagged for offline operation while the Disaster recovery
project will transact directly with the cloud database and will only work when connectivity is available.
With an offline project, you will need to click “Sync with cloud” to upload your local edits into the cloud
database and retrieve data updates from the cloud. The cache of map tiles will remain on the device until you
choose to remove them by un-tagging the project on the offline projects screen.
There is no need to remove an offline project to update content. Simply click “Sync with cloud” when
communications are available.
For more information go to the resources page at www.gbmkonect.com and navigate to the knowledge base.
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6 Konect extensions
Customers may subscribe for optional components that include:
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Support services
Assistance in configuring Konect to service the special needs of your projects is available from Konect
consultants or any of our authorised resellers. Either contact your Konect reseller directly or log a contact
request through www.gbmkonect.com/contact.
Issues with software operation can be logged directly into our service centre software through the support
centre link at on the resources section of www.gbmkonect.com. Yor will need to create a new account to
register your first issue. Log into an existing account to track issue resolution.
+61 7 38443105
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