Sumietal.2023 20.09.2023
Sumietal.2023 20.09.2023
Sumietal.2023 20.09.2023
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4 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Kanij Rukshana Sumi on 20 September 2023.
Keywords: The purpose of this study was to analyze the proximate composition and mineral contents of available freshwater
Proximate composition fish species from homestead ponds of Patuakhali. Eleven (11) different species of freshwater fish were collected.
Mineral contents The moisture content of analyzed fish species ranged from 65.46 to 76.82 %. Significantly higher content of
Freshwater fish species
protein was found in Channa striatus and Anabas testudineus and lipid and ash was found in A. testudineus.
Homestead ponds
However, protein and lipid content were significantly low in Esomus bengalensis and Notopterus notopterus,
respectively. The lowest content of ash was experienced in Wallago attu and Heteropneustes fossilis. The higher
concentration of calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), phosphorous (P) were obtained from Colisa fasciata. The magnesium
(Mg), potassium (K), and sulpher (S) content were high in C. striatus, H. fossilis, and N. notopterus, respectively.
The lowest content of Ca and Mg was obtained from A. testudineus. Lower content of Na and K was found in
E. bengalensis. P and S content was low in C. punctatus. The PCA biplot analysis showed positive and negative
relations between fish species for both proximate composition and mineral contents. Therefore, homestead ponds
of the coastal area could be a habitat for multiple fish species and a good source of household nutrition.
Introduction small fish compared to large fishes, people in rural regions consume
more SIS than their urban counterparts. SIS is frequently available in
Fish is a unique animal source of food in the diet of a substantial local water bodies, and provides an excellent source of micronutrients in
number of people in the world due to its high-quality protein. It is an rural diet. As a result, the SIS can be crucial in preventing disorders
excellent source of amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, and other nu linked to micronutrient deficits and their consequences.
trients comprising vitamins and minerals which is beneficial to the Understanding the nutrient composition of major food items is a
human body (Cahu et, al., 2004; Babji et, al., 2015; Priatni et, al., 2018). valuable tool for examining the linkage between food production,
Moreover, beneficial eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic nutrient admission, and nutrient consumption, as well as to design ini
acid (DHA) are also present in freshwater fish species but they are less tiatives, policies and programs, such as the development of improved
abundant than in marine fish. (Nur Airina & Jamaludin, 2012). There production technologies (Thilsted & Wahab, 2014) to ensure that the
fore, based on several studies, daily consumption of fish by human be supply of food will undoubtedly satisfy the dietary requirements of
ings should be recommended (Blanchet et, al., 2000; Balk et, al., 2004), human. As fish is an important food item in the diets of Bangladeshi
which might eliminate the malnutrition problems as well as to ensure people, however, the data on nutrient composition is not sufficient to
the food and nutritional security of the people of Bangladesh (Bogard reflect the nutrient composition of fish species of Bangladesh water
et al., 2015). body, which only reflects the selected nutrients rather than a nutritional
Small indigenous fish species (SIS) can grow maximum to a length of profile. Moreover, the nutritional composition of fish species from
25–30 cm in the mature stage of their lifecycle, and remarkably signif homestead ponds of Southern Bangladesh is rather scary, that can
icant for micronutrients (Kongsbak et al., 2008). The overall finfish contribute to eliminate the nutritional deficiency of rural household
population in the inland capture and culture fisheries production is people if little attention has been provided. Moreover, the nutritional
significantly assemblage by SIS. Due to the lower market demand for composition of fish species can vary depending on environmental
* Corresponding author at: Department of Aquaculture, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Dumki, Patuakhali-8602, Bangladesh.
E-mail address: [email protected] (K.R. Sumi).
Received 24 February 2023; Received in revised form 30 August 2023; Accepted 15 September 2023
2772-753X/© 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
K.R. Sumi et al. Food Chemistry Advances 3 (2023) 100454
species and the total weight of around one kilogram (1 kg) for each
sample. The approval of experimental animals was done by the Animal Crude protein (%)= 6.25 × %Nitrogen
Welfare and Ethical Committee of Patuakhali Science and Technology
University authority (PSTUAWEC-12/02/2022). All animal experimen Crude lipid
tation was performed according to the guidelines authorized by ethical Crude lipid content was determined by extracting a weighed sample
committee. in acetone for 3 h in a Soxhlet apparatus. The oil obtained was collected
in a small pre-weighed beaker and kept in oven for 20 min to evaporate
Sample preparation the acetone. Oil in the beaker was then weighed on an electronic balance
and the percentage of total lipid was calculated using the following
The collected fishes were transported to the Department of Aqua formula:
culture, Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU). Upon
arrival at the laboratory of the Department of Aquaculture, samples Total lipid (%) =
Weight of lipid(g)
× 100
were carefully washed with cooled tap water. Subsequently, the fish Weight of sample(g)
samples were stored in a deep freezer at –20 ◦ C until further analysis.
The detailed identification including scientific name, local name and Ash
English name of each sample are shown in Table 1. Total ash content was evaluated from weighed samples in a porcelain
crucible placed in a muffle furnace at 550 ◦ C for 6 h.
K.R. Sumi et al. Food Chemistry Advances 3 (2023) 100454
Weight of ash(g)
Ash content (%) = × 100 ±0.07, 72.50±0.43, 69.62±0.45, 65.46±0.04, 75.58±0.28, 74.93
Weight of sample(g)
±0.09, 72.72±0.20, 71.54±0.29, 75.94±0.13, and 75.33±0.18 %,
respectively (Table 2). It was significantly (P < 0.05) high in
Mineral content analysis E. bengalensis (76.82 %) and low in A. testudineus (65.46 %).
The protein content was found 13.14±0.23 to 20.31±0.01 % for all
For mineral analysis, 0.5 g of fish sample from each replication was examined fish species (Table 2). The protein content of A. mola, E.
taken into a digestion flask to analyze the macromineral content of bengalensis, P. ticto, C. fasciata, A. testudineus, M. cavasius, W. attu, C.
examined fishes. Subsequently, 10 ml of di-acid solution in a ratio of 2:1 punctatus, C. striatus, H. fossilis, and N. notopterus were found 17.18
was poured carefully and kept it in overnight. The flask was heated with ±0.02, 13.14±0.23, 16.45±0.03, 18.53±0.01, 19.94±0.13, 16.92
digestion chamber at a gradually elevated to 180 ◦ C until they are ±0.03, 17.61±0.04, 19.08±0.06, 20.31±0.01, 16.71±0.05, and 18.00
completely translucent. Afterward the digest was chilled and filtered ±0.03, respectively (Table 2). Significantly (P < 0.05) higher protein
with the help of Whatman NO. 42 filter paper. With ultrapure water the content was found in C. striatus (20.31 %) and A. testudineus (19.94 %)
volume content was increased upto 100 ml and stored in a sealed plastic and lower in E. bengalensis (13.14 %).
container until further analysis. Atomic absorption spectrophotometer Fat content were varied from 1.85±0.02 to 7.56±0.03 % for all
(Model Varian, AAS Spectra 55B, Australia) was used to determine the analyzed fish species (Table 2). The lipid content of A. mola, E. benga
calcium and magnesium content of examined fishes. Sodium and po lensis, P. ticto, C. fasciata, A. testudineus, M. cavasius, W. attu, C. punctatus,
tassium were determined using a flame emission spectrophotometer C. striatus, H. fossilis, and N. notopterus were found 4.52±0.01, 3.33
(Spectrolab, Uk) using appropriate filters. After digestion, 5 ml of ±0.02, 4.26±0.002, 4.89±0.02, 7.56±0.03, 3.56±0.01, 3.91±0.001,
digested sample was taken and it was diluted 20 times to take the flame 2.37±0.002, 2.12±0.05, 3.99±0.003, and 1.85±0.02 %, respectively
emission spectrophotometer reading for each sample. Furthermore, (Table 2). Significantly higher and lower lipid content was found in
phosphorus and sulfur was determined following an appropriate color A. testudineus (7.56 %) and N. notopterus (1.85 %), respectively (P <
development and reading was recorded with the help of spectropho 0.05).
tometer (T60UV) (AOAC, 2000; Islam et al., 2019). Ash content was obtained from 2.84±0.02 to 6.99±0.04 % for all 11
fish species (Table 2). The ash content of A. mola, E. bengalensis, P. ticto,
Statistical analysis C. fasciata, A. testudineus, M. cavasius, W. attu, C. punctatus, C. striatus, H.
fossilis, and N. notopterus were found 4.02±0.01, 4.28+0.02, 6.24±0.01,
The statistical analysis was performed using r program (4.2.1). The 6.12±0.03, 6.99±0.04, 4.66±0.01, 2.81±0.01, 5.54±0.03, 5.52+0.00,
data was presented in the form of means and standard error. The results 2.84±0.02, and 4.53±0.00 %, respectively (Table 2). It was significantly
for all proximate and mineral compositions were analyzed using one- (P < 0.05) higher in A. testudineus (6.99 %) and lower in H. fossilis (2.84
way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to find out significant differences %).
(P < 0.05) among different fish species. Spearman’s rank correlation
coefficients were calculated to describe the linear dependence of mois
ture, protein, and ash for all 11 species. The principal component Mineral contents analysis of collected fish species
analysis (PCA) was done to find out the variation in the proximate
composition and mineral contents among 11 freshwater fish species. To The calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorous, and
determine the affinity among fish species PCA bi-plots were used. Tukey sulpher content of all 11 examined fish species collected from home
test was used to observe significant differences between species (P < stead ponds are shown in Table 3.
0.05). The calcium content varied considerably among all 11 examined fish
species from 127.4±0.25 to 2870.6±0.80 mg100g-1 of sample (oven dry
Results basis) (Table 3). It was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in C. fasciata
(2870.6 mg100g-1) and lower in A. testudineus (127.4 mg100g-1). The
Proximate composition of collected fish species calcium content of A. mola, E. bengalensis, P. ticto, C. fasciata, A. testu
dineus, M. cavasius, W. attu, C. punctatus, C. striatus, H. fossilis, and
The moisture content in collected fish species ranged from 65.46 N. notopterus collected from homestead ponds were found 780.4±0.29,
±0.04 to 76.82±0.07 % (Table 2). It varied significantly among different 649.4±0.31, 1634.8±0.10, 2870.6±0.80, 127.4±0.25, 236.5±0.08,
fish species (P < 0.05). The moisture content of A. mola, E. bengalensis, P. 414.5±0.16, 628.5±0.70, 270.5±0.45, 186.3±0.30, and 494.4±0.16
ticto, C. fasciata, A. testudineus, M. cavasius, W. attu, C. punctatus, C. mg100g-1, respectively (Table 3).
striatus, H. fossilis and, N. notopterus were found 75.28±0.12, 76.82 The magnesium content of all 11 examined fish species ranged from
91.1±0.10 to 418.5±0.35 mg100g-1 of sample (oven dry basis)
Table 2
(Table 3). Significantly (P < 0.05) higher magnesium content was found
Proximate composition of collected fish species from homestead ponds of in C. striatus (418.5 mg100g-1) and lower in A. testudineus (91.1 mg100g-
Patuakhali, Bangladesh (Mean±SE). ). The magnesium content of A. mola, E. bengalensis, P. ticto, C. fasciata,
A. testudineus, M. cavasius, W. attu, C. punctatus, C. striatus, H. fossilis, and
Fish Species Proximate composition (%)
Moisture Protein Lipid Ash N. notopterus collected from homestead ponds were found 105.7±0.26,
b ef c
131.3±0.29, 181.2±0.18, 147.14±0.11, 91.1±0.10, 140.1±1.10, 188.2
A. mola 75.28±0.12 17.18±0.02 4.52±0.01 4.02±0.0.01g
E. bengalensis 76.82±0.07a 13.14±0.23i 3.33±0.02g 4.28±0.02f
±0.11, 162.1±1.02, 418.5±0.35, 128.2±0.18, and 149.7±0.27
P. ticto 72.50±0.43c 16.45±0.03h 4.26±0.002d 6.24±0.01b mg100g-1, respectively (Table 3).
C. fasciata 69.62±0.45d 18.53±0.01c 4.89±0.02b 6.12±0.03b The ranges of sodium content were found in all 11 examined fish
A. testudineus 65.46±0.04e 19.94±0.13a 7.56±0.03a 6.99±0.04a species 404±0.23 to 636±0.10 mg100g-1 of sample (oven dry basis).
M. cavasius 75.58±0.28ab 16.92±0.03fg 3.56±0.01f 4.66±0.01d
Significantly (P < 0.05) higher content of sodium was found in
W. attu 74.93±0.09b 17.61±0.04de 3.91±0.001e 2.81±0.01h
C. punctatus 72.72±0.20c 19.08±0.06b 2.37±0.002h 5.54±0.03c C. fasciata (636 mg100g-1) and lower content in E. bengalensis (404
C. striatus 71.54±0.29c 20.31±0.01a 2.12±0.05i 5.52±0.00c mg100g-1). The sodium content of A. mola, E. bengalensis, P. ticto, C.
H. fossilis 75.94±0.13ab 16.71±0.05gh 3.99±0.003e 2.84±0.02h fasciata, A. testudineus, M. cavasius, W. attu, C. punctatus, C. striatus, H.
N. notopterus 75.33±0.18ab 18.00±0.03d 1.85±0.02j 4.53±0.00e fossilis, and N. notopterus were found 514±0.62, 404±0.23, 458±0.09,
The values in the same column that are followed by the same superscript letter 636±0.10, 540±0.34, 510±0.39, 572±0.11, 551±0.27, 536±0.42, 615
are not significantly different (P > 0.05). ±0.21, and 602±0.78 mg100g-1, respectively (Table 3).
K.R. Sumi et al. Food Chemistry Advances 3 (2023) 100454
Table 3
Mineral composition of collected fish species from homestead ponds of Patuakhali, Bangladesh (Mean±SE).
Fish Species Mineral composition (mg100g-1 of sample)
Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Phosphorous Sulpher
The values in the same column that are followed by the same superscript letter are not significantly different (P > 0.05).
Fig. 1. Eleven freshwater fish species collected from homestead ponds were comprised in the PCA score and biplot, along with some assessable factors such as
moisture, crude protein, crude lipid, and ash. The graph shows positive and negative relations between fish species (1A) bi-plots of PCA, and (1B) dimension results
represent the loadings of every character for proximate compositions.
K.R. Sumi et al. Food Chemistry Advances 3 (2023) 100454
The values of potassium content of collected fish species from 657±0.42, 318±0.61, 812±0.35, 88±0.11, 180±0.30, 552±0.17, and
homestead ponds were found 550±1.03 to 881±1.08 mg100g-1 of 707±0.20 mg100g-1, respectively (Table 3).
sample (oven dry basis) (Table 3). Significantly (P < 0.05) higher con The sulpher content varied considerably for all 11 examined fish
tent of potassium was found in H. fossilis (881 mg100g-1) and lower species from homestead ponds from 142±0.21 to 501±0.47 mg100g-1 of
content in E. bengalensis (550 mg100g-1). The potassium content of sample (oven dry basis) (Table 3). Significantly (P < 0.05) higher con
A. mola, E. bengalensis, P. ticto, C. fasciata, A. testudineus, M. cavasius, W. tent was found in N. notopterus (501 mg100g-1) and lower in C. punctatus
attu, C. punctatus, C. striatus, H. fossilis, and N. notopterus were found 702 (142 mg100g-1). The sulpher content of A. mola, E. bengalensis, P. ticto, C.
±0.12, 550±1.03, 599±0.29, 783±0.65, 620±0.37, 617±0.28, 831 fasciata, A. testudineus, M. cavasius, W. attu, C. punctatus, C. striatus, H.
±0.45, 684±0.22, 692±0.19, 881±1.08, and 806±0.76 mg100g-1, fossilis, and N. notopterus were found 371±0.81, 170±0.15, 151±0.10,
respectively (Table 3). 328±0.11, 259±0.09, 362±0.54, 405±0.67, 142±0.21, 379±0.07, 387
The phosphorous content of collected fish species from homestead ±0.65, and 501±0.47 mg100g-1, respectively (Table 3).
ponds ranged from 88±0.11 to 1175±0.47 mg100g-1 of sample (oven
dry basis) (Table 3). It was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in C. fasciata Principal component analysis (PCA) of collected fish species
(1175 mg100g-1) and lower in C. punctatus (88 mg100g-1). The phos
phorous content of A. mola, E. bengalensis, P. ticto, C. fasciata, A. testu Among the examined fish species, A. testudineus, C. fasciata, C.
dineus, M. cavasius, W. attu, C. punctatus, C. striatus, H. fossilis, and punctatus, C. striatus, and P. ticto were grouped in the PCA bi-plot posi
N. notopterus were found 201±0.6, 340±0.24, 594±0.59, 1175±0.47, tive site with crude protein, crude lipid, and ash (Fig. 1A and B).
Fig. 2. Eleven freshwater fish species collected from homestead ponds were comprised in the PCA score and biplot, along with some assessable factors such as
calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K), phosphorus (P), and sulfur (S). The graph shows positive and negative relations between fish species
(2A) bi-plots of PCA, and (2B) dimension results represent the loadings of every character for minerals.
K.R. Sumi et al. Food Chemistry Advances 3 (2023) 100454
Moisture allowed for the identification of the remaining fish species that (Mazumder et al., 2008). This variation might be occurred due to con
had gathered in the PCA bi-plot negative zone. Additionally, the first taining higher content of bone in the sample for analysis. However, the
principal component (PC1) accounts for 65.13 % of the total variance, calcium content of the examined fish is found to be lower than that
followed by the second principal component (PC2) at 22.20 %, the third previously reported by Roos et al. (2003). Compared to large fishes,
principal component (PC3) at 11.91 %, and the fourth principal small indigenous fish species (SIS) contribute rich sources of calcium
component (PC4) at 0.76 %. because SIS is eaten as a whole containing bone. In this present study,
A. mola, A. testudineus, C. punctatus, E. bengalensis, M. cavasius, and most of the available fish species from homestead ponds are SIS.
P. ticto were discovered to be grouped among the studied fish species in Therefore if proper attention has been given to homestead ponds for
the PCA bi-plot positive site with magnesium (Fig. 2A and B). The culturing this fish species then rural people of Bangladesh can meet their
remaining fish species that had gathered in the PCA bi-plot negative daily Ca requirements by consuming SIS species in their daily diets. The
zone could be identified with additional minerals. Furthermore, the first magnesium, sodium, and potassium content of fish species ranged from
principal component (PC1) accounts for 46.39 % of the total variance, 91.1 to 418.5 mg100g-1, 404±0.23 to 636±0.10 mg100g-1, and 550
followed by the second principal component (PC2) at 26.46 %, the third ±1.03 to 881±1.08 mg100g-1, respectively. Bogard et al. (2015) re
principal component (PC3) at 15.37 %, the fourth principal component ported magnesium, sodium, and potassium content of fish species were
(PC4) at 6.2 %, and the fifth principal component (PC5) at 35.6 %. 21–57 mg100g-1, 26–110 mg100g-1, and 58– 350 mg100g-1, respec
tively; these fish species mainly collected from Mymensingh, Sylhet, and
Discussion Khulna region. The higher values of magnesium, sodium, and potassium
content of fish species from the present study might be the geographical
The moisture content in collected fish species ranged from 65.46 to fact because the studied fish species were collected from Patuakhali
76.82 %. From this present experiment, it was observed that moisture coastal district. The phosphorous and sulpher content of fish species
content was negatively correlated with protein and ash content (corre ranged from 88±0.11 to 1175±0.47 mg100g-1 and 142±0.21 to 501
lation coefficient of –0.73 and –0.74, respectively). The moisture con ±0.47 mg100g-1, respectively which were consistent with the results of
tent of C. striata (71.54 %), and W. attu (74.93 %) were more or less Bogard et al. (2015). Several factors might play the variation of mineral
similar to the moisture content of C. striata and W. attu as reported by contents in fish species such as species, individuals, sampling period as
Paul et al. (2018). The moisture content of A. testudineus was lower than well as many other physical and environmental conditions (Yilmaz
the earlier report (Paul et al., 2017). et al., 2010; Nurnadia et al., 2013).
The investigated fish species ranged in protein content from 13.14 to The PCA biplot analysis stated that A. testudineus, C. fasciata, C.
20.31 %, suggesting that they may be an excellent dietary sources of punctatus, C. striatus, and P. ticto were grouped in the positive site with
protein. (WHO, 2007). Similar results were observed in case of A. mola crude protein, crude lipid, and ash, while, A. mola, A. testudineus, C.
(Ahmed et al., 2012; Bogard et al., 2015; Hossain et al., 2015), punctatus, E. bengalensis, M. cavasius, and P. ticto were in the positive site
A. testudineus (Ahmed et al., 2012), and M. cavasius (Bogard et al., 2015). among the studied fish species with magnesium.
In comparison to some other earlier investigations, the protein content The results of this study suggested that the analyzed fish species are
was higher in C. fasciata (18.53 %), C. punctatus (19.08 %), and highly nutritious in terms of proximate and mineral composition; the
C. striatus (20.31 %) and lower in H. fossilis (16.71 %) and N. notopterus mineral contents of fish species collected from the Patuakhali coastal
(18.00 %) (Islam et al., 2020; Ahmed et al., 2012; Jena et al., 2018; area were somewhat higher than in other districts of Bangladesh
Hossain et al., 1999; Zaman et al., 2014; Bogard et al., 2015) which (Bogard et al., 2015).
might be due to size, seasonal variation, feeding habit or processing
method of fish species. Fat content varied from 1.85 to 7.56 % for all Conclusion
analyzed fish species. The results of lipid content in A. mola, C. fasciata,
C. punctatus, and H. fossilis were more or less similar to other findings Homestead ponds along the coast may serve as a habitat for a variety
(Bogard et al., 2015; Jena et al., 2018; Zaman et al., 2014; Ahmed et al., of fish species and a valuable source of nutrition for households. The
2012). Lipid content was lower in P. ticto (3.4 %), C. striatus (0.3 %), result of our findings demonstrated that freshwater fish species in
N. notopterus (0.6 %), and higher in A. testudineus (12.8 %), M. cavasius homestead pond provide a rich source of macro and micro nutrients that
(5.1 %) as reported by Bogard et al. (2015) compared to present study. It can boost the food and nutritional security of rural inhabitants. Thus,
was lower in A. testudineus (5.31 %) as reported by Hossain et al. (2015) these species could be included in the cultural system for eating or
than in the present study. Generally, the range in fat content was sub sustaining the livelihood of coastal residents.
stantially wider than in other proximate compositions. The variations
are typically mirrored by the ways of fat storage by different fish species. CRediT authorship contribution statement
Additionally, seasonal fluctuations and the availability of food for the
species at the time of sampling may also have an impact on such vari Kanij Rukshana Sumi: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Meth
ation (Bogard et al., 2015). Ash content was obtained from 2.84 to 6.99 odology, Project administration, Resources, Supervision, Writing –
% for all 11 fish species. Ash content of fish species in the present study original draft, Writing – review & editing. Md. Rajib Sharker: Investi
was higher than in other studies (Bogard et al., 2015; Islam et al., 2020; gation, Writing – review & editing. Md. Rubel: Data curation, Investi
Hossain et al., 2015). The variation in ash content is probably related to gation. Md. Shariful Islam: Investigation.
methods of fish sample preparation. Higher the inclusion of bones in fish
samples higher the ash content. In this present experiment, whole fish Declaration of Competing Interest
species were used for proximate composition.
Minerals are essential for maintaining the homeostasis of human The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
body even though they are only required in minimal amounts. In our interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
present study, macrominerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, the work reported in this paper.
potassium, and sulpher were detected in 11 fishes. The range of calcium
content was 127.4 to 2870.6 mg100g-1 of sample (oven dry basis) for all Data availability
11 examined fish species. These results were within the range of fish and
seafood as reported by FAO/INFOODS (2013). The significantly higher Data will be made available on request.
calcium content was found in C. fasciata followed by P. ticto which is
higher than in L. rohita (862.8 mgkg-1), and C. mrigala (1600 mgkg-1)
K.R. Sumi et al. Food Chemistry Advances 3 (2023) 100454
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