Alsthom Rotor Stud Repair

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GE Power


Compliance Category - A
Timing Code - 2


The TIL is applicable to the following TOPACK generator types (50 and 60Hz):
T130-150, T141-172, T162-157, T167-215, T170-235, T174-160, T174-165, T178-245, T180-180, T190-200, T190-
210, T190-240, T194-260, T201-240, T203,5-260, T204-180, T212-320, T214-269, T216-226, T216-255, T234-
248, T234-274. TG2
This TIL is to inform our customers operating TOPACK generators about the potential risk for rotor radial stalk
cracking and possible liberation along with appropriate recommendations for inspection and upgrade.


This is a revision of CIB document 4CHAAP151010GEN_U05 issued by Alstom. This revision recommends inspections and
appropriate upgrade of affected components following the RCA investigation. In addition, the affected units list has been updated.

M - Maintenance Identifies maintenance guidelines or best practices for reliable equipment operation.

C - Compliance RequiredIdentifies the need for action to correct a condition that, if left uncorrected, may result in reduced
equipment reliability or efficiency. Compliance may be required within a specific operating time.
A - Alert Failure to comply with the TIL could result in equipment damage or facility damage. Compliance
is mandated within a specific operating time.
S - Safety Failure to comply with this TIL could result in personal injury. Compliance is mandated within a
specific operating time.
1 Prior to Unit Startup / Prior to Continued Operation (forced outage condition)
2 At First Opportunity (next shutdown)
3 Prior to Operation of Affected System
4 At First Exposure of Component
5 At Scheduled Component Part Repair or Replacement.
6 Next Scheduled Outage

© 2018 General Electric Company

The proprietary information published in this Technical Information Letter is offered to you by GE in consideration of its ongoing sales and service relationship
with your organization. However, since the operation of your plant involves many factors not within our knowledge, and since operation of the plant is in your
control and ultimate responsibility for its continuing successful operation rests with you, GE specifically disclaims any responsibility for liability based on
claims for damage of any type, i.e. direct, consequential or special that may be alleged to have been incurred as result of applying this information regardless
of whether it is claimed that GE is strictly liable, in breach of contract, in breach of warranty, negligent, or is in other respects responsible for any alleged injury
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General Electric Company and is furnished to its customer solely to assist that customer in the installation, testing, operation and/or maintenance of the
equipment described. This document shall not be reproduced or distributed in whole or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the
written approval of GE Power Services Engineering. All rights reserved.
The concerned area is located in the rotating part of the generator (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Area of findings on rotor radial stalk connection

The radial stalk connection is a part of generator rotor electrical connections assembly and is used to connect circuits
in the generator to transfer electrically the Direct Current (DC) from the excitation system, through the D- rotor
connection leads, located at the center of the rotor body, to the rotor winding. Connections consist of the radial stalk
(bolt), washers and the top nut. Each generator rotor has two radial connections: one is a positive radial stalk
connection and second is a negative radial stalk connection (Figure 1 shows only the one radial stalk connection).

Due to operating and cyclic (starts and stops) stresses, fatigue of the radial stalk components can potentially result in
a generator event. The event is caused not only by a loss of electrical continuity between the excitation and rotor
winding, but also potentially by the liberation of the stalk connection as well. Liberated components can then result in
further collateral damage of the generator components, including stator bars, inner walls, fan blades etc. (see Figure

Figure 2: Liberated stalk component and generator components damage caused by liberated rotor radial
stalk connection

Analysis has shown that deterioration of the radial stalk connection can be caused by repeatedly applied loads during
cycling operations. The fatigue stresses can lead to crack initiation, which can grow further during generator
operation. Finally, a full fracture of the radial stalk can occur, leading to a discontinuation of the DC current in the
electrical system. Due to the electrical current flowing through the connection piece, an electrical arc may develop at
the time of separation and lead to copper melting and/or heating of surrounding components. At the end, the
liberated portion of the radial stalk component may impact the surrounding generator components leading to
additional mechanical damage. In some cases, the radial stalk connection has liberated due to improper
maintenance leading to over-stressed connection components. In other situations, the top nut of the radial stalk
connection has liberated due to inadequate locking or a missing locking system.
© 2018 General Electric Company

The proprietary information published in this Technical Information Letter is offered to you by GE in consideration of its ongoing sales and service relationship
with your organization. However, since the operation of your plant involves many factors not within our knowledge, and since operation of the plant is in your
control and ultimate responsibility for its continuing successful operation rests with you, GE specifically disclaims any responsibility for liability based on
claims for damage of any type, i.e. direct, consequential or special that may be alleged to have been incurred as result of applying this information regardless
of whether it is claimed that GE is strictly liable, in breach of contract, in breach of warranty, negligent, or is in other respects responsible for any alleged injury
or damage sustained by your organization as a result of applying this information. This Technical Information Letter contains proprietary information of
General Electric Company and is furnished to its customer solely to assist that customer in the installation, testing, operation and/or maintenance of the
equipment described. This document shall not be reproduced or distributed in whole or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the
written approval of GE Power Services Engineering. All rights reserved.
At the next available opportunity not to exceed the next planned outage, it is recommended to inspect the radial stalk

If your next opportunity or inspection is with rotor in, the visual inspection of the radial stalks should be performed.
Check visually the locking of the top nut.

The radial stalk should be inspected for any visible defect (crack, damaged piece, unlocked top nut) and
checked manually to see if the top nut and/or the radial stalk is loose.
If any concern is noticed, the complete upgrade of this assembly with the modern configuration should be
performed. If the results of inspection reveal no defects nor radial stalk looseness, no immediate action is
It may be possible to remove the radial stalk with the rotor installed, however there are risks associated
with attempting to remove the components resulting in an unplanned rotor removal.
Regardless, replacement of the radial stalk assembly during the next outage with rotor out should be

If the next inspection is a rotor out outage, it is recommended to replace any of these concerned radial stalk
assemblies with the new upgraded configuration.

No retaining ring removal is required.

The upgrade configuration contains new material with higher mechanical characteristics and an improved
locking system. The new assembly allows for easy locking of the nuts in any position after tightening them to
the appropriate torque. New tightening torques have been calculated and have been defined in the assembly

Due to the risks involved, regardless of the condition, the original radial stalk connection should be planned for
replacement at an upcoming outage. Therefore, this TIL can be considered completed when the original configuration
radial stalk and locking components are replaced with the upgraded configuration.

• Compliance Category: A
• Timing Code: 2

Manpower Skills
Generator experts familiar with the TOPACK generator fleets.

Radial stalk connection, washers, nuts, locking plate.

Special Tooling
For removal of the original radial stalk components a previous designed tooling is required.

For an upgraded component no special tooling is required.

© 2018 General Electric Company

The proprietary information published in this Technical Information Letter is offered to you by GE in consideration of its ongoing sales and service relationship
with your organization. However, since the operation of your plant involves many factors not within our knowledge, and since operation of the plant is in your
control and ultimate responsibility for its continuing successful operation rests with you, GE specifically disclaims any responsibility for liability based on
claims for damage of any type, i.e. direct, consequential or special that may be alleged to have been incurred as result of applying this information regardless
of whether it is claimed that GE is strictly liable, in breach of contract, in breach of warranty, negligent, or is in other respects responsible for any alleged injury
or damage sustained by your organization as a result of applying this information. This Technical Information Letter contains proprietary information of
General Electric Company and is furnished to its customer solely to assist that customer in the installation, testing, operation and/or maintenance of the
equipment described. This document shall not be reproduced or distributed in whole or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the
written approval of GE Power Services Engineering. All rights reserved.
Reference Documents
Inspection and upgrade of rotor radial stalk.

Scope of Work
Inspections and replacement.

Visual inspection does not require any additional time and can be part of standard inspection of the rotor.

The final solution will require up to 1 shift. This job can be combined with other rotor activities.


Disposition of TILs should be entered in local records and also in GE Power ServiceNow. Follow the below instructions for
entering the disposition record;

• Log into the Power ServiceNow at using your GE SSO number and

• Select "TIL Disposition".

• Click on the TIL for the serial number you want to update.

• Choose the most appropriate "Disposition Status" and enter "Disposition Notes".

• Click "Save".

Contact your local GE Services representative for assistance or for additional information

© 2018 General Electric Company

The proprietary information published in this Technical Information Letter is offered to you by GE in consideration of its ongoing sales and service relationship
with your organization. However, since the operation of your plant involves many factors not within our knowledge, and since operation of the plant is in your
control and ultimate responsibility for its continuing successful operation rests with you, GE specifically disclaims any responsibility for liability based on
claims for damage of any type, i.e. direct, consequential or special that may be alleged to have been incurred as result of applying this information regardless
of whether it is claimed that GE is strictly liable, in breach of contract, in breach of warranty, negligent, or is in other respects responsible for any alleged injury
or damage sustained by your organization as a result of applying this information. This Technical Information Letter contains proprietary information of
General Electric Company and is furnished to its customer solely to assist that customer in the installation, testing, operation and/or maintenance of the
equipment described. This document shall not be reproduced or distributed in whole or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the
written approval of GE Power Services Engineering. All rights reserved.

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