Unsteady Flow Past A Flat Plate With Suction: Department of Mathematics, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur

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Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., Vol. 81 A, No. 5, 1975, pp.


Unsteady flow past a flat plate with suction

Department of Mathematics, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur
MS received 4 October 1974; after revision 28 February 1975


A solution is given for the transient response for laminar boundary

layer flow past a flat plate to a step-function change in suction velocity.
An arbitrary but constant suction velocity normal to the plate is allowed
prior to step-change. Using the Laplace transform technique the solu-
tions for the unsteady velocity profile and shear stress are obtained and
are graphically sketched when the suction velocity doubles in the step-
change. The results show clear evidence of boundary-layer contraction
when suction velocity is increased.


SUCTION being an effective method of controlling the boundary layer, the

problems concerning flow with suction happen to be of continued interest.
The flow of a uniform stream over a flat plate with suction has been studied
extensively and a surprisingly simple but exact solution of the Navier-Stokes
equations is obtained in the case of a flat plate at zero incidence with uni-
form suction.' The velocity profile is usually called the asymptotic suction
Stuart 2 obtained a solution for the case of an infinite flat plate with
constant suction and a periodic external flow fluctuating about a mean value.
Watson 3 generalized Stuart's solution for the case when external flow is a
general function of time. Kelly 4 investigated the effects of time-dependent
suction. He discussed the cases when the suction velocity (i) has a periodic
component, (ii) varies slowly with time, and obtained solutions by Fourier
expansions. He observes that a Laplace transform technique would become
quite complicated when suction is an arbitrary function of time.
In the present paper, the effects of step-function change in suction velocity
are investigated. For time t < 0 there is a steady laminar boundary layer
flow for constant normal suction velocity and constant free-stream velocity.
At t = 0 there is a change in the normal velocity and the problem becomes
unsteady. Using the Laplace transform technique the solution for the

unsteady velocity profile and shear stress are obtained and are graphically
sketched when the suction velocity doubles in the step change. The results

show clear evidence of boundary layer contraction when suction velocity

is increased.


Consider the two-dimensional flow of a viscous incompressible fluid

past a semi-infinite porous flat plate which occupies the plane y = 0. Let
Ui and 3 be the velocity components parallel and normal to the plate respec-
tively. There is a constant suction velocity v, < 0 normal to plate for time
t < 0. At t = 0 the normal velocity is changed to v 2 < 0 and is maintained
for all time t > 0. the fluid has a constant velocity U. parallel to the plate
for all time.
The momentum and continuity equations for the boundary layer prob-
lem described above are
c ucb ucb utb 2 u
x +v^y =V bp
_ (2.1)
^t +u^

ax 1- ^y = 0. (2.2)

Here the coordinates (x, y) are measured along and normal to the plate
respectively. We look for a solution for the velocities which is independent
of x, Equation (2.1) now becomes

U ^' f'^y — vby2

The boundary conditions are

u (0, t) = 0; u (oo, t) = U.
v (0, t) = v,, (const) t < 0 (2.4)
= v 2 (const) t > 0

and the initial condition is

u(y, 0) = U. [1 — exp (v l y/v)] (2.5)

We take the problem in the non-dimensional form by defining

Ivviy , = IvvI 2t , u= U .
Unsteady flow past a flat plate with suction 217

In these variables eqs (2.3) to (2.5) become

bu I v bucb 2 u
c^T T I vl I Y- X42

u (0, T) = 0 ; u (00, T) = 1,

' I' l l --1 T<0, (2.7)

=—A T>0

u (^, 0) = 1 — e - '', (2.8)

v1 I

Equation (2.6) is a linear partial differential equation with constant

coefficients and is thus amenable to solution by means of the Laplace trans-
form. Defining the transform of u as

us = f ue srdT -

then allows the transformation of (2.6) as

d 23 d —su s = e-n — 1 (3.1)

the boundary conditions (2.7) give

us =0; 77=0 1
Us = ifs; n = co j

The solution of (3.1) is given by

us = cl exp H — 2 + ,34 + s1 Il + c2 exp[— { 2

+ ^4 2+s 1^ + s + 1 e^1—s
where c1 and c 2 are constants of integration.

On evaluating the constants of integration with the help of boundary

conditions (3.2), we have

us S s— 1—A ( )
s e-x'7/2 e ^] V(X /4+S)

e-ix-n e-n V'(X'/4+S)


Using the Faltung theorems and the integral given by Erdelyi 6 we obtain
the inverse Laplace transform v of u s as

u=1—e- ')e ( )T— I erfc[ 2A + A T ,

-f- e-1, '7 erfc 1 2 , —
,I + e«-X) T r (— 1)r
r = 0/
(2 — lt) 2r ( 19 2 l r- ( 1 — 2r2
X 22rr \4T) r \ 2 ' 4T)


Although the foregoing solution is in analytical form, its evaluation

by manual computation technique proves very laborious. Fortunately,
for A = 2 we have a surprising simple expression for u (-q, T).
Starting from (3.3) we have for A = 2
-n Vc^+s)
u1e-1" — 1 e-7n e-n vc^+s) +. a-n a (4.1)
S = s 1-f-s S 1+s

On evaluating the inverse Laplace transform of (4.1), we have

u= 1 — e-(n+T) — {erfc [_+ VT]

+ e-2 '^ erfc r 2^T — 1/T]} + e-(»+z) erfc \ 2 " ) . (4.2)

This solution, reduces to 1 — e -r -> 0 and approaches the correct

steady-state in the opposite extreme of T --* cc.
Figure 1 gives the velocity distribution in the boundary layer for dif-
ferent values of T. For T = 0 and T = oo there are steady asymptotic sue
tion profiles for different suction velocities. Due to increased suction there
is boundary layer contraction.
Unsteady flow past a flat plate with suction 219


0.8 1.8

0.6 1.6

04 14

0.2 1.2

0[ 'I I I1.0 1
1 2 3 4 5 0 02 0.4 0.6 0•8 1.0

Figure 1. Velocity distribution for Figure 2. Variation of (TO/p I v, I Uoo) for

different T. different values of time T.

The shearing stress at the wall is given by

^ u
TO— (YY) O

= l I vi [U. (p) . (4.3)

From (4.2) and (4.3) we have

To=p I IU.[1+erf(VT)]. (4.4)
Figure 2 gives the variation of 'refp I V1 I U. for different values of time -r.

The authors are indebted to Prof. G. C. Patni and Dr. M. C. Gupta

fot their constant encouragement, and they are grateful to a referee for
his useful suggestions and comments.
1. Schlichting, H., Boundary Layer Theory, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York
2. Stuart, J. T., Proc. Roy. Soc. 231A (1955).
3. Watson, J., Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 11 (1958).
4. Kelly, R. E., Quart. J Mech. Appl. Math. 18 (1955).
5. Sneddon, I. N., Fourier Transforms, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York (1951).
6. Erdelyi, Higher Transcendental Functions, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York 2

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