Construction Procurement & Contract Management Sylabus
Construction Procurement & Contract Management Sylabus
Construction Procurement & Contract Management Sylabus
Key Learning Area Topic / Title Year / Grade Level Duration of Lesson
Construction Laws Construction Procurement & Contract 2016/17, Fifth Year 2nd Semester (Mar – Jun, 2017)
Management (CoTM 5231)
Learning Outcomes / Objectives: Resources:
Enable learners to recognize Construction Procurement & Main References
Management course is a major course for the Competence
Wubishet J. Mengesha, 2008 Construction Procurement & Contract
of Construction Management
Management Lecture Note
Enable learners to acknowledge the Learning Outcome of
Martin Brook, 2004 Estimating & Tendering for Construction Works
Construction Procurement & Contract Management
Daniel W. Halpin & Bolivar A. Senior, 2011 Construction Management
Course: Know and able to successfully manage
Chapters 2 to 4, pp 20 - 77
Construction Procurement & Contract Processes, Methods,
Robert Ribeiro, 2004 Engineering Contracts
Concepts, Types and Governance Frameworks
Brian Eglestone, 2009 Liquidated Damages and Extension of Time in
Enable learners to know the benefits and requirements of
Construction Contracts
Procurement & Contract management applicable to the
Roger Gibson, 2008 Construction Delays, EOT and Prolongation Claims
Construction Industry (CI)
Alan Twart & Gordon Rees, 2004 Civil Engineering Project Management
Enable Learners to know the different competences of
Chapters 2 to 6, pp 17 - 79
Construction Procurement & Contract Management;
PMI, 2013 Project Management Body of Knowledge Chapter 12, pp 355
- 389
Construction Procurement & Contract Management
Other References
Necessities, Benefits and Definitions
CI Project Delivery Systems The Ethiopian Federal Government Procurement and Property
Construction Procurement and Contract Management Administration Proclamation No. 649/2009
Governance Frameworks MoFED, 2010 Federal Public Procurement Directives
Construction Procurement and Contract Management FDRE Civil & Commercial Codes
Processes International Conditions of Contracts: FIDIC, NEC
Construction Procurement and Contract Management National Standard bidding documents: PPPAA, 2011
Methods and / or Types Other Resources
Enable learners to assess the contextual reality of FDRE
Guest Lecturer(s)
with respect to Construction Procurement & Contract
Scientific Papers
Management and critically adapt new knowledge to fill the
Course Descriptions Course Outline
Procurement and Contract Management: Processes, 1. Introduction: General Descriptions, Process & Governance Frameworks
Applicable Laws and Regulations; Procurement & Contract 2. Delivery Systems: Force Account, DBB, DB, BOT, CM, Others
Delivery System: Types, Merits & Demerits; Procurement 3. Construction Procurement Management: Introduction, Purpose, Methods
Management: Purposes & Characteristics, Processes, Methods, and / or Types, Processes, Procurement Stakeholders & Roles, Statistical
Tender Forecasting; Contract Management: Definition & Approach to Tendering
Purposes, Processes, Types; Contract Changes Management: 4. Construction Contract Management: Introduction, Purposes, Methods,
Principles of Change Management; Requirement Changes, Types, Processes, Contractual Stakeholders & Roles
Time Changes, Cost Changes; Claim and Dispute Management: 5. Construction Contracts Change Management: Introduction,
Claim Management, Alternative Dispute Resolution; Requirements Changes Management System, Time Changes Management
Procurement and Contract Management in Ethiopia: Past System, Cost Changes Management System
Developments, Present Situations, Future Trends 6. Construction Claim & Dispute Management: Introduction, Claim
Management System, Alternative Dispute Management System
Time Instructor Activities Learners Activities Instructor(s Assessment
Lecture Dates Introducing the Course Learning Jigsaw as reciprocal teaching WJM (Dr. Presentation in Class
Week 1 Outcome(s) & its / their Program techniques on the Learning Eng.) followed by Group
alignment Outcomes of the Course & Report
Lecturing on Introduction: General Introductory Lecture (10 pts)
Lecture Dates Lecturing on Introduction: Processes & Case Studies on Construction WJM & Report and
Week 2 - 9 Governance Frameworks Procurement Management Robel Presentation
Lecturing on Delivery Systems Processes Practices in (Eng.) (20 pts)
Lecturing on Construction Procurement Building, Highway, etc.
Management projects
Lecture Dates Lecturing on Construction Contract, Case Studies as independent WJM (Dr. Report and
Week 10 - 15 Contract Changes and Claim & Dispute learning related to Eng.) Presentation
Management Construction Contract & (30 pts)
Guest Lecturing on Construction Claim Management
Procurement & Contract Management Processes or Types Practices
in Building, Highway, etc.
Critical Debate as
collaborative learning and
Case Studies on the
application of Alternative
Dispute Resolution in the
Construction Industry
Lecture 16 Review of the whole Course Lecturers Assessment and Robel & AAU Assessment
Purposive feedbacks WJM Format & Students
Final Examination (40 pts)