Conquest TLAoK Core Rules Seizing Wording Hotfix 1

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This book is the work of Para Bellum Games:

Conceived and Created by Stavros Halkias

Game Designer:
Leandros Mavrokefalos

Additional System Development:

Rhys King and Stavros Halkias

Graphic Design:
Vangelis Galanis

Project Manager:
Maria Halkias

Art Department:
Othon Nikolaidis, George Dimitriou, Charidimos Bitsakakis,
Giacomo Marzona, Nestor Papatriantafillou, Lukas Perikleous

Playtesters and a big “thank you” to:

Jason Stevenson, Jeff Warner, Benjamin Hicks, Maksymilian
Kropinski, Daniel “Rollo” McMahon, David Richardson,
Zbigniew Wojtania, Chris Howell, Scott Harper, Stepfan
Huntsman, Niamh Shannon, Theo Wojciech, Wylie Caras and
Ben Rislove

Based on the game system designed by Alessio Cavatore

and River Horse studio

Copy Editor: Nick Lingris

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Published by

Copyright 2024
Para Bellum Games Ltd., 48 Inomenon Ethnon, Guricon House, 6042 Larnaca, Cyprus.
Second edition ISBN 978-618-86393-2-4
Rules of Engagement

A Whole New World Update

February 2024



A Civilized War ....................................................... 10 REMOVING CASUALTIES .................................... 53
Dice ........................................................................... 10 Healing .......................................................................... 56
Measuring Distance ................................................ 10 Testing Morale ............................................................. 56
Armies, Regiments,
Stands and Models .................................................. 11
Facing Arcs ............................................................... 13 C H A P TE R SI X
Line of Sight .............................................................14
The Characteristic Profile ...................................... 14 TESTING MORALE ...................................................
Command Cards ..................................................... 16 Calculating a Regiment’s Resolve ............................. 59
“In Contact” ..............................................................16 The Morale Test ............................................................ 60
Broken Regiments ........................................................ 60
Shattered Regiments .................................................... 60
C H A P TE R TWO Stranded Regiments ..................................................... 61
THE ROUND SEQUENCE ..................................19
Round Summary ..................................................... 20 C H A P TE R S EVE N
Reinforcement Phase ............................................. 20
Command Phase ..................................................... 21 COMMAND MODELS .............................................. 67
Supremacy Phase .................................................... 21 Command Models and Stands ..................................... 68
Action Phase ............................................................ 22 Common Command Models ...................................... 69
The Action List ....................................................... 24 Officers ........................................................................ 69
Victory Phase .......................................................... 25

CHARACTERS ............................................................. 71
OUT-OF-COMBAT ACTIONS ........................ 27 Character Profile ........................................................ 72
March ....................................................................... 28 Characters Stands and Regiments ............................. 72
Charge ...................................................................... 31 Characters and Actions ............................................... 72
Take Aim .................................................................. 36 Unique Character Stand Actions ...................................... 74
Rally .......................................................................... 36 The Warlord ................................................................... 75
Reform ...................................................................... 37 Character Stand Personalization ............................. 76
Volley ........................................................................ 38 76

MAGIC .............................................................................
COMBAT ACTIONS ............................................. 43 Spellcasting ................................................................... 79
Clash ......................................................................... 44 Spells ............................................................................... 80
Combat Rally .......................................................... 47 80
Combat Reform ...................................................... 48
Inspire ....................................................................... 50
Withdraw ................................................................. 50

TERRAIN ............................................................ 86
Zonal Terrain .................................................... 87
Garrison Terrain ...............................................

DRAW EVENTS ................................................ 94
Draw Events ....................................................... 96
Special Rules ......................................................

FIGHTING A BATTLE ................................ 104
Points Values .................................................... 104
Size of Battle .................................................... 104
Building an army ............................................. 105
Set Up Battlefield ............................................ 105
Assign Characters Stands ...............................105
Secondary Objectives ..................................... 106
Fight the Battle ................................................ 106
Determine Victor ............................................ 108
Scenario One – Head to Head ...................... 109
Scenario Two – Breakthrough ...................... 110
Scenario Three – Maelstrom ......................... 111
Scenario Four – Pincer Attack ......................

The rules that follow

are the basic rules
you need in order to
understand how the
models and Regiments
interact with each
other and the
environment. These
chapters will teach you
how to activate your
Regiments, how to move
them and how to engage
in combat with them.


In this section
we will introduce
the basic principles
that drive the battles
of Conquest. It may look
like a lot at first, but it
will soon become second
nature and you will find
yourself referring to
this section
of the rulebook
less and less.
A CIVILIZED WAR Automatic Pass and Fail
War may be a brutal and bloody business If a rule calls upon you to roll a die and
but playing a wargame shouldn’t be. It is a compare it to a Characteristic, i.e. a numerical
gentlemanly (or gentlewomanly) pursuit, best representation of the Regiments’ (or
enjoyed in a companionable state with as few Characters’) battlefield prowess, a result of
arguments as possible. “6” is always a failure, and with the exception
of Defense Rolls, a result of “1” is always a
With that in mind, if you ever encounter a success – regardless of other modifiers. Even
situation in which you feel the rules are unclear, the best troops experience bad luck, and even
discuss the matter with your opponent and the lowest of the low deserve a chance at victory.
come up with a solution together. If you are
unable to agree, weigh up the most suitable Re-Rolls
solutions and settle the matter on the roll
of a die. If a rule calls upon you to Re-Roll a die, simply
pick it up and roll it again, abiding by the
Such situations should be extremely infrequent, new result. Once a die has been Re-Rolled,
as Conquest is constantly updated with errata it cannot be Re-Rolled again – regardless of
and FAQs published on the website. The the circumstances. In the event in which a
important thing is not to allow any rule-related rule calls for dice to be Re-Rolled that have
issues to spoil your enjoyment of the game. already been Re-Rolled, any effects that would
cause those dice to be Re-Rolled are ignored.
DICE Finally, should a rule or ability force you to
Re-Roll a success whereas another rule would
War is an uncertain business. We use dice to allow you to Re-Roll a fail, the two rules cancel
represent that uncertainty, be it the chance of each other out, and the Active Player Rolls
landing a lethal blow or the odds of a Regiment without any Re-Rolls.
standing and fighting even in the face of defeat.
All dice rolls in Conquest use six-sided dice, Roll Off
sometimes called D6.
Occasionally, the rules will call upon you and
Making Rolls your opponent to Roll Off. When this happens,
you each roll a die – the one with the lowest
Most dice rolls in Conquest require the player result wins. If the result is a draw, Re-Roll.
to compare his dice roll against a Target Keep Re-Rolling until there is a clear winner
Characteristic. This is often a Characteristic, (this is an exception to the rule stating that
such as Clash, Volley or Resolve, but can also you cannot Re-Roll a Re-Roll).
be more esoteric such as a Stand’s capacity to
Resist Decay. When making one of these rolls MEASURING DISTANCE
you are looking to roll less than or equal to
the desired Target Characteristic. All distances in Conquest are measured in
inches (˝), and are always measured from the
Whenever you compare a dice roll to a closest points. When measuring the distance
Characteristic it is referred to as a Characteristic between two Regiments, always measure
Test. from the point of each Regiment closest to
the other Regiment. When measuring the
distance between two Stands, as in the case
of measuring range, always measure from the
point of each Stand closest to the other Stand.
You are permitted to check the distance at any

time, so you can always know whether or not Example: Infantry Models fight on rectangular
your warriors are in range before they attempt Stands alongside their comrades. An Infantry
a particular Action. Stand has room for four Infantry Models, whereas
a Cavalry, Chariot, Brute or Monster Stand has
AR MIES, R EGIMENTS, STANDS room for only one Model.
As a Stand in a Regiment suffers Wounds,
In Conquest, each player commands an army place a Wound Marker as a simple means of
of fantasy miniatures, ranging from shambling recording damage. Once the last Wound of
skeletons and iron-willed Dweghom Infantry a Stand is suffered, the Stand is removed as
to raging Avatara and rampaging dragons. This a casualty. All Stands in a Regiment mostly
section covers how to arrange those miniatures belong to the same Type. You would not, for
in order to fight a battle. example, have a mixed Regiment of Infantry
and Cavalry Stands. Models on a Stand should
The Army be arranged, where possible, so they are facing
in the same direction. This gives the Stand an
Simply put, your Army is all the Models you easily identified front, a rear and two flanks,
are bringing to the battle, whether they’re whose importance we will find out later. Stands
lowly Force-Grown Drones, mighty Brutes or are arranged together into Regiments.
anything in between. Normally, you will use an
Army List to work out exactly which Models Each Stand must have an appropriate number
go into your army. Whenever the rules refer to of Models represented on it, as shown below.
Your Army, or a Friendly Stand or Regiment,
they mean every Stand in every Regiment and TYPES OF STAND
any Character Stands in your Army. Whenever
the rules refer to Your Opponent’s Army, or In Conquest, every Stand has a Type.
Enemy Stand or Regiment, they mean every • Infantry are easily identified by having four
Stand in every Regiment and any Character Models on each Stand.
Stands under your opponent’s command. • Cavalry are tougher and faster than Infantry,
but rarer; always one Model per Stand.
Models • Brutes are huge creatures, often twice the
height of a human; always one Model per
A Model is an individual miniature that is Stand.
mounted on a circular base, subsequently • Chariots are manned platforms pulled
placed in its relevant rectangular base, called into battle by ferocious beasts, beasts of
a Stand. Looking at the miniatures on each burden or even mechanical contraptions!
Stand you are able to quickly identify what Chariot Stands are easily identifiable by
Regiment you’re seeing as well as any Regiment their long rectangular base, made up of
upgrades e.g. Command Models or Officers. two square stands back to back. These two
stands together form one Chariot Stand
Stands on top of which a single Chariot Model
is placed.
When the rules refer to a Stand, they mean the • Monsters are the rarest of all, each with
whole rectangular base, including the Models the raw might to match dozens of other
mounted on it. For the purposes of the game, warriors and the girth to fill an entire Stand
we treat the Models and their bases, however on its own!
decorative, as part of the Stand. However, very
few Stands – except for Monsters and Chariots
– act alone. Most fight together.

A Regiment is the basic fighting formation
Flank in Conquest. It can consist of anything from
one individual Stand to dozens fighting side
by side. Regiments mostly consist of the same
Type of Stand, and usually all Stands in a

Regiment share a common Characteristics

profile. The most common exception is when

the Regiment has been joined by a Character
Stand, a heroic individual who stands head and
shoulders above even the elite of the rank and
Flank file and brings its own Special Rules, which we
will discuss later (see page 96).
Fig. 1.1
All Stands in a Regiment fight together –
individual Stands cannot leave the Regiment
Stands and size and act independently. Again, the only
In Conquest, every Stand Type has a different exception to this is when the Regiment has
size for the purpose of determining Line of been joined by a Character Stand, which we will
Sight as we will discuss later on. discuss later. Whenever a Regiment performs
an Action, every Stand in the Regiment is
• All Infantry Stands are considered to have considered to be performing that Action.
a Size of 1. Furthermore, should a Regiment gain a Special
• All Brute, Cavalry and Chariot Stands are Rule or ability during the course of the Battle,
considered to have a Size of 2. it affects all Stands currently within that
• All Monster Stands are considered to have Regiment, including any attached Character
a Size of 3. Stands, as per the effect of the Special Rule
or ability. However, unless otherwise stated,
All Terrain features will also be assigned a Size. Character Stands’ Special Rules do not affect
These values can vary as Terrain pieces are the Regiment.
often hand-crafted and unique. We recommend
these values as a guideline but encourage you to Special Rules, abilities and/or changes to a
discuss this with your opponent and establish Regiment’s Characteristic’s Profile during
the size of the Terrain before each battle. Army List Building do not affect Character
• All hills to be considered Size 2. Stands. E.g. Hundred Kingdoms’ “Veterans”
• All forests to be considered Size 3. Faction Rule.
• Non-military buildings to be considered
Size 2. Front
• Towers and wall fortifications to be
considered Size 3.

When a Regiment, or a piece of Terrain, is


placed on another piece of Terrain with a Size

value, simply add the two sizes together to
calculate whether they can see or be seen over
intervening Terrain. This, however, only works
for pieces of Terrain that a Regiment would
naturally pass over rather than through (see Rear
Chapter 10 “Terrain” for more information). Fig. 1.2


To form a Regiment, take all the Regiment’s A Regiment has a legal formation if:
Stands and place them in an array of ranks • All its Stands are placed edge to edge and
(rows) and files (columns), edge to edge and corner to corner;
corner to corner. All Stands in the Regiment • All ranks (with the possible exception of the
must be facing in the same direction, giving rearmost) contain an equal number of Stands;
the Regiment a front, a rear and two flanks. • All of the Stands are facing the same way;
A Regiment can never have fewer than two • If there is a Stand that has suffered Wounds
Stands in its front rank, unless the starting size (i.e. does not have the starting number as
of the Regiment is one Stand or it has been its Wounds Characteristic), that Stand is
reduced to one due to casualties. in the rear rank;
• The Command Stand (if applicable) is in
If possible, there should be an equal number the center of the front rank;
of Stands in each rank. If this is not possible, • In the case of an incomplete Rearmost
the rear rank is left incomplete. Rank, Stands must be placed as centered
as possible;
Legal Conditions:
If an Infantry Regiment has any Command As a handy guide, a Regiment’s placement is
Models, i.e. a Leader, a Standard Bearer or considered legal when:
any Officers, select a Stand in the Regiment a) No Stand in the Regiment overlaps another
and place them all on it. This Stand is called at the end of its Activation.
the Command Stand and can only contain b) No Regiment overlaps another at the end
up to four Command Models. Each Infantry of its Activation.
Regiment can only have a single Command c) All Stands in a Regiment are entirely within
Stand that must be placed in the center of the the bounds of play (Battlefield) throughout
front Rank or as close to the center as possible, their activation (except for the Actions that
in the case of an even number of Stands. You bring the Regiment onto the battlefield
can find more information on Command Stands from Reinforcements).
and how they work with different Types of
Regiments on page 68. FACING ARCS

Each Regiment has a front arc, a rear arc and
two flank arcs. These become important when
Inevitably, some Stands will be removed the Regiment wishes to shoot at an Enemy,
from a Regiment as the battle progresses. or when the Regiment charges into combat.
Casualties are nearly always removed from the To determine a Regiment’s arcs, extend a 45°
Regiment’s rearmost rank. Should the casualties degree line from each of the Regiment’s corners
be suffered by a Regiment Engaged in melee, (Fig. 1.3). If the Regiment’s Stands are square,
Casualties need to be removed in such a way as you can do this by tracing a straight line from
to not affect the number of Stands in contact the corner Stand’s inside back corner and
with any Enemy Regiment(s). You can find extending it through its outside front corner.
more information on Removing Casualties in
Chapter 5 “Allocating Wounds & Removing
Casualties” page 54.

There are Actions in the game that require
Line of Sight to a Target Regiment or Stand. Each Stand has a Characteristic Profile as a
To establish Line of Sight from one Regiment measure of its ability on the Battlefield. The
or Stand to another, the following criteria Characteristic Profile is broken down into two
must be met: Categories, eight Characteristics, as well as a
number of Special Rules and Draw Events.
• The Target Regiment or Stand must be
within the Front Arc of the Acting Regiment, Name: Sample Regiment
unless stated otherwise by a Special Rule.
Class: Light Type: Infantry
• At least one Stand in the Acting Regiment’s
front Rank, must be able to draw an M V C A W R D E
unobstructed line, 1mm wide, between
the center of its front facing and the 5 0 2 4 4 2 1 0
center of any facing of a Stand in the Draw Events: None
Target Regiment. Each Stand in the Acting Special Rules: Shield, Support (2)
Regiment’s front Rank, must attempt to
draw this unobstructed line. Categories
• There are no other Regiments or pieces of
Terrain of equal or larger size obstructing These are used to streamline interaction
Line of Sight to the Target Regiment. between certain rules.
• Type tells you whether the Stand is Infantry,
Cavalry, Brute or Monster. Different Types
interact differently with some rules (do not
Front Arc worry, we will point them out when they
come up). More importantly, Type also
reminds you how many Models should be
on a Stand: 4 for Infantry, and 1 for Brutes,
Flank Arc

Flank Arc

Cavalry or Monsters.
• Class is a weight class, graded from Light
to Medium to Heavy. Light troops are
generally more maneuverable, arriving
at the battle early, whereas Heavy troops
inflict and sustain more damage but arrive
Rear Arc later on the battlefield. This classification
reflects how Regiments operate within their
respective Faction’s military structure. A
Fig. 1.3 Heavy Regiment equivalent in one Faction

may be a Medium in another. It all comes printed in t he respect ive Regiment’s
down to how a Faction deploys a certain Characteristic Profile in its associated Army
Regiment in combat without it necessarily List entry. However, Rules and Abilities that
being a metric for a Regiment’s destructive allow a Regiment to increase a Characteristic
capabilities. during List Building count as unmodified.
That also applies to the benefits a Regiment
Characteristics receives by purchasing an Officer upgrade
during list building.
There are eight Characteristics in all, each one
representing the Stand’s comparative strength Unless stated otherwise, when a Special
in that field. Most Characteristics run from 0 Rule, Draw Event, rule or ability provides a
to 6, where 0 represents an inability to perform bonus to a Characteristic or to the (X) value
the associated Actions, a 1 is downright poor, of a Special Rule or Draw Event whilst also
and a 6 is amazing! Some Characteristics establishing a maximum value to it, that
can reach values over 6, the most common limitation remains for as long as that rule
ones being March and Wounds. Over the affects the Regiment.
course of the game, Spells or Special Rules
might cause a Stand’s Characteristic to rise Example: An Infantry Stand has an unmodified
or fall. However, a Characteristic can never Resolve Characteristic of 3. When building your
be reduced below 0. Army List, you have purchased an upgrade or
made use of a Special Rule to increase the Resolve
Throughout the course of a game, you will Characteristic value of that Regiment to 4. When
be required to compare a dice roll to one a situation requires you to take an unmodified
of the Characteristics on a Stand’s Profile. Morale Test during the game, you will treat the
Whenever you are required to do so, it is called Regiment’s unmodified Resolve Characteristic
performing a Characteristic Test. as 4 since the bonus was applied during List
When a rule refers to a Stand’s “unmodified Building and not during the game, making it
Characteristic”, it is asking for the number part of the Regiment’s Characteristic Profile.

March (M) Wounds (W)

The March Characteristic determines how far Wounds indicate how many damaging blows a
a Stand can move. Stand can take before it is removed as a casualty.

Volley (V) Resolve (R)

Volley serves as a measure of the Stand’s The Resolve Characteristic gives us a measure
ability with ranged weapons, from javelins of the Stand’s courage, and of the willingness
to shooting longbows, and even using mighty of individual troops to hold fast when the
war machines. battle turns against them.

Clash (C) Defense (D)

The Clash Characteristic describes how effective Defense serves as a measure of physical
a Stand is in the press of melee, governing its resilience, combining the protection from
likelihood to strike a decisive blow against any armor with the Stand’s innate toughness.
an enemy.
Evasion (E)
Attacks (A) Evasion is another Defense Characteristic, but
Attacks tell us how many dice each Stand one that takes into account a Stand’s ability
contributes when attacking an Enemy. to ignore harm through agility, resilience or
magical protection, rather than endure through
sheer hardness.
Draw Events & Special
Under Draw Events, you will find a list of any
Draw Events that the Regiment will be able
to resolve during its Activation.

Under Special Rules, you will find a list of

other abilities not governed by the Stand’s
Characteristics, such as Cleave (X), i.e the
ability to reduce your opponent’s Defense
Characteristic. This is also where you’ll find
details of any ranged attack a Stand possesses,
in the form of the Barrage (X) Special Rule.

Each Character and Regiment has a Command
Card. Command Cards are used during the
Command Phase to determine when a Regiment
or Character acts. Each Command Card depicts
the following details:

• The Regiment’s or Character’s Army

List Entry. To remind you which profile
from the Army List you use to represent
the Regiment’s or Character’s abilities.
• An Artistic Depiction of the Regiment.
To help you and your opponent quickly
identify the depicted Regiment or Character
on the table.
• A QR code scannable via our free Army
Builder. To help you and your opponent
quickly reference a Regiment’s Rules through
our Army Builder database. Make sure to
scan the QR code through the Army Builder,
scanning it through your device’s camera
app would result in an error!

Many rules refer to two or more Stands being in
contact with one another. A Stand is considered
to be in contact with another Stand if they are
touching in any way, including corner to corner.
Two Regiments are considered to be in contact
when their Stands are in contact with the Stands
of another Regiment.



In this section
we will introduce
the sequence of Phases
that make up
a round and set up
the flow and rhythm
of the game.
To keep events moving cleanly, we split the battle itself down into a series of Rounds, each
of which is further divided into a series of Phases. Both you and your opponent act in each
Phase, harnessing every ounce of wit and guile in an attempt to seize the advantage for your
stalwart troops.

When a Round starts, play proceeds through its Phases, and you must complete each one
before beginning the next. Once all Phases are complete, so is that Round, and another Round
begins. This process continues until the number of Rounds given in the Scenario are complete,
or either you or your opponent has fulfilled the respective Scenario’s Victory Conditions, or
has conceded.


I) Reinforcement Phase III) Supremacy Phase

• Both Players Roll for Reinforcements, i.e., • Both Players Roll Off to determine who is
those Regiments and Characters that have going to be the First Player, i.e., the player
been chosen from the player’s collection to who will Activate their Command Stack
participate in the battle but have not yet first, or Activate their Supremacy Abilities.
entered the field.
• Any Reinforcements due to arrive are IV) Action Phase
placed to one side and will March onto the
Battlefield during the Action Phase. Each • Starting with the First Player, the Players take
Player will be aware of all the Regiments turns activating a Regiment or Character
arriving on any given turn and can plan the Stand corresponding to the top Command
next step accordingly. Card of their Command Stacks, acting with
each Regiment and Character Stand in turn
II) Command Phase until both Command Stacks are empty.

• Both Players assemble their Command Stacks V) Victory Phase

simultaneously, arranging their Regiments’
and Characters’ Command Cards in order to • Check the Scenario’s Victory Conditions
determine the order of play in later Phases. to see if either Player has won.
• If neither Player has won, a new Round

Regiments are not deployed at the start of the game. Instead, they arrive as Reinforcements
as play progresses.

Before the first Reinforcement Phase of the Battle begins, place each Character Stand into
an eligible Regiment in their own Warband. A Regiment is eligible if it shares the same Type
with the Character Stand.

From there, during each Reinforcement Reveal any Regiments that are selected to arrive
Phase, group your Regiments set aside as this Round to your Opponent and place them
Reinforcements by their Class. You may to one side. They March onto the Battlefield
then select a single Regiment that is able to during the Action Phase (see page 31).
arrive from Reinforcements this Round and
have it count as having automatically arrived II) COMMAND PHASE
from Reinforcements, or have it remain in
Reinforcements. This Regiment can belong At the start of the Command Phase, take all of the
to any Class that is allowed to arrive from Command Cards for your surviving Regiments
Reinforcements this Round but must arrive on the Battlefield, and any Command Cards for
from Reinforcements the Round its Class is Regiments arriving as Reinforcements this Round,
required to enter the Battlefield automatically. and arrange them in a face-down Command
Stack. You should arrange your Command Stack
Then, proceed to roll a die for each Regiment in carefully, placing the Regiment you want to act
each Class that is to arrive this Round as shown first right at the top, the Regiment you want
in the Reinforcement table. Do not Roll a die to act last at the bottom, and the remainder
for the Regiment you selected to automatically organized in between. At this point, make sure
arrive or remain in Reinforcements. Character that Command Cards in your Command Stack
Stands do not Roll separately and adopt the correlate to the Regiments that are currently in
Class of the Regiment they are currently play. You may need to remove Command Cards
attached to. This is the Reinforcement Roll. belonging to Regiments or Character Stands that
For every successful Roll per Class, you select have been destroyed earlier in battle.
which Regiment of that Class will be arriving
from Reinforcements. The rolls required are You may want to give some thought to how your
shown below: opponent is organizing their Command Stack,
as the sequence in which you activate Regiments
Reinforcement Table and Characters Stands can bring huge advantages
in the right circumstances. You may look at your
Round Required Roll Command Stack at any point during the Round,
Round One Light Regiments arrive on a but you are not allowed to reorder it unless a rule
roll of “4” or less. instructs you to do so.
Round Two Light Regiments arrive on a
roll of “4” or less. Medium III) SUPR EMACY PHASE
Regiments arrive on the roll
of “2” or less. Now it is time to see who is going to seize the
Round Remaining Light Regiments initiative and strike the first blow!
Three arrive automatically. Medium
Regiments arrive on a roll of “4” You and your opponent Roll Off. The Player
or less. Heavy Regiments arrive whose Command Stack has the fewest
on a Roll of “2” or less but may Command Cards may add or subtract 1 from
only enter the Battlefield from the result shown on the die, to a minimum of
the Player’s Reinforcement Zone 0 and a maximum of 7, after it has been rolled.
this Round. The Player with the lowest score (after any
modifiers have been applied) is the First Player
Round Four Remaining Medium Regiments
this Round. If the Roll Off is tied (after any
arrive automatically. Heavy
modifiers have been applied), you and your
Regiments arrive on a roll of
opponent Re-Roll until there is a clear winner.
“4” or less.
The player with the fewest Command Cards
Round Five Remaining Heavy in their Command Stack may keep adding or
Regiments arrive subtracting 1 from the result for the duration
automatically. of this Roll Off.
Supremacy Abilities and most exciting Phase of the game, and
needs breaking down into more detail than
Many Character Stands have a Supremacy the others.
Ability that they can use in this Phase, once
per game (unless stated otherwise by the Order of Play
Supremacy Ability). When constructing your
Army List, choose one of your Characters The First Player draws the top card of their
to be your Warlord, this Character Stand’s Command Stack and performs Actions with
Supremacy will be available to use during that Regiment or Character Stand. Once the
the battle. Supremacy Abilities are powerful Regiment’s or Character Stand’s Actions are
special rules that may well turn the tide of complete, the second Player draws the top
the battle – using yours at the right moment Card of their Command Stack and performs
may well spell the difference between victory Actions with that Regiment or Character Stand.
and defeat. Once the First Player has been
determined, the First Player declares if they Performing Actions
are going to use a Supremacy Ability.
When it is your turn to perform Actions with
Regardless of whether the First Player chooses a Regiment or Character Stand, follow the
to use a Supremacy Ability, the second sequence of steps shown below:
Player then declares if they are going to use a
Supremacy Ability.
If a Player has access to more than one Draw the top Card from your Command
Supremacy Abilities, they may use only one Stack and reveal it to your opponent. Then
in each Round, and must declare which one indicate which Regiment or Character Stand
they are using during this Phase. on the battlefield you wish to Activate with
it. In order to select a Regiment or Character
A Character Stand must be on the battlefield Stand to Activate, the Army List Entry name
to use their Supremacy Ability, unless the on the Command Card must correlate with
Supremacy Ability explicitly states otherwise. the Regiment or Character Stand you wish
Some Supremacy Abilities are always considered to Activate. Furthermore, the Regiment or
to be active. These do not need to be Activated Command Card you wish to Activate cannot
and are always considered to be in use for as have been Activated before during the same
long as the Character Stand remains on the Round. A Command Card may only Activate
Battlefield, unless stated otherwise. Activating a single Regiment unless stated otherwise by
a Supremacy Ability does not cause an always a Special Rule.
active Supremacy Ability to be deactivated.
If you are not able to Activate any Regiments
Moreover, if the Character Stand activates a or Character Stands either because they have
Supremacy Ability and that Character Stand is been destroyed previously in battle or because
destroyed during that Round, the Supremacy they all have been Activated previously in the
Ability is not affected and remains in play. Round, discard the Command Card, and draw
the next Command Card as replacement. If
IV) ACTION PHASE there are no Cards remaining in your Command
Stack, play passes to your opponent.
The Action Phase is where the majority of the
Action of the battle takes place. Regiments Example: A Nord Player draws a Raiders
march and march again, charge into melee, Command Card and reveals it to their opponent.
or fire volleys at distant foes. As a result, Currently there are three Raiders Regiments on
the Action Phase is also usually the longest the battlefield, none of which have been Activated

previously in the Round. The Nord Player is Draw Events – normally those used by some
free to choose any one of the three Regiments Character Stands – grant the opportunity
and Activate it. to enter the Battlefield and are an exception
to this rule.
Example: A Spires Player draws a Stryx
Command Card and reveals it to their opponent.
Currently there are three Stryx Regiments
on the battlefield, all of which have already Assuming the Regiment survives its Draw
been Activated previously in the Round. This Event (you never know!), it now takes its
Command Card was meant to Activate a fourth first Action. Choose one of the Actions from
Stryx Regiment that was destroyed earlier, before the Action list (see page 24) and follow the
the Spires Player drew the last Stryx Command rules provided. Note that a Regiment that
Card. The three remaining Stryx Regiments has arrived as Reinforcements must choose a
have already been Activated this Round and March Action as its first Action in the Round
therefore cannot be Activated again. Since there when it comes onto the battlefield and cannot
is no other Stryx Regiment to Activate, the Spire Charge during that Round.
Player must discard the Command Card and
draw the next.
Once the Regiment’s first Action is complete, it
immediately takes a Second Action. A Regiment
If the Regiment or Character Stand’s Command may not repeat an Action it took earlier in the
Card you have just drawn has one or more same Round (i.e., a Regiment must take two
Draw Events, select one to resolve now. Draw different Actions each Activation) except for
Events are effects, similar to Special Rules, March Actions. A number of Special Rules and
that are triggered the moment a Regiment abilities can allow a Regiment to perform more
or Character Stand is Activated following the than the standard two Actions per Activation.
draw of its respective Command Card. You are The timing and limitations of any of these extra
free to choose whether a Regiment under your Actions will be described in detail in the Special
control will activate its Draw Event, unless a Rule or Draw Events that allow them.
Special Rule or the Draw Event itself makes
its use mandatory.
Multiple Draw Events Once the Regiment has taken two Actions,
If a Regiment or Character Stand has more its Activation ends. Place the Command
than one Draw Event (as the result of a Spell Card near the Regiment or Character Stand
or a Character’s Special Rule, for example), you it was used to Activate to remind you it has
choose one of them to resolve. Should there be been activated this Round. Play then passes
an instance in which a Special Rule or ability to your opponent. A Regiment that has been
allows you to use multiple Draw Events, then Activated cannot be Activated again in the
the Active Player chooses the order in which same Round.
they activate, fully resolving one before moving
onto the next. “Until End of Round” Draw Events
If a Regiment is granted a Characteristic bonus
Not on the Battlefield or Special Rule “until the End of the Round”
If t he Regiment or Character Stand as the result of a Draw Event on its Command
Activated is not currently present on the Card, place an appropriate token beside the
Battlefield (normally because it is arriving as Regiment as a reminder. Remove the token
Reinforcements this Round), its Draw Event when the effect is lost at the end of the Round.
is not resolved unless stated otherwise. Some

Unable to Act
If, for whatever reason, your Regiment or Character Stand cannot Act, simply skip the Action
Phase and let play pass to the next Player. A Regiment or Character Stand that forfeits its
Actions, counts as having Activated but not having performed or attempted to perform any
Actions. Resolve any relevant Draw Events and Special Rules that would be activated before
the “Take First Action” step, and then Deactivate the Regiment or Character Stand.


For ease of reference, they are split into In-Combat Actions and Out-of-Combat Actions. Out-of-
Combat Actions can only be used if the Regiment is not in base-to-base contact with an enemy
Regiment. Combat Actions can only be used if the Regiment is in base contact with an enemy Regiment.

Out of Combat Actions In-Combat Actions

(see page 28) (see page 44)
Choose a March Action if you want your Use a Clash Action if your Regiment is in base
Regiment to move around the Battlefield. contact with one or more enemies, and you
March is the only Action that can be performed wish to strike blows against those enemies.
more than once in an Activation.
CHARGE A Regiment will want to attempt a Combat
Use a Charge Action if you want your Regiment Rally if it is Broken, in order to minimize the
to move into contact with an enemy to attack chance of it fleeing the battle.
them in close combat.
RALLY Use a Combat Reform Action if you want
A Rally Action restores your Regiment’s your Regiment to alter its number of Ranks
morale. You may have your Regiment take a and Files and bring greater numbers to bear
Rally Action only if it is Broken. on an enemy in base contact.

Use a Reform Action if you want your Regiment An Inspire Action can be used to give your
to alter its number of Ranks and Files or to Regiment a bonus to its next Clash Action
turn to face a new direction. this Activation.


Use a Take Aim Action to give your Regiment a A Withdraw Action is used when you want
bonus to its next Volley Action this Activation. your Regiment to disengage from close combat
with enemy Regiments.
A Volley Action is used to allow your Regiment PASS
to shoot at an enemy. Pass does not count as an Action but simply
represents ones unwillingness to perform one
Pass does not count as an Action but simply
represents ones unwillingness to perform one.
‘Free’ and ‘Additional’
Some Special Rules, Draw Events and other
abilities will allow a Regiment to perform
‘free’ and/or ‘additional’ Actions.

A ‘free’ Action allows a Regiment to perform the

respective Action for free during its Activation
without needing to use one of its two Actions.
However, this does not allow you to perform
that same Action again in the same Activation
if you would not normally be able to.

E.g. A free Clash Action would not allow you

to then spend another Action and perform a
second Clash.

An ‘additional’ Action allows a Regiment to

perform the respective Action an additional
number of times, as per the effect, using one
of its Actions.

E.g. A Regiment performing an ‘additional’

Clash Action could then spend another Action
to Clash again.

With the Action Phase completed, it is time
to see whether you or your opponent has
won. If your opponent has conceded, or has
had their Army wiped out, then you are the
victor! Otherwise, the victory conditions for
each battle are determined in the Scenario you
are playing, and you will need to consult the
Victory Conditions section of the Scenario
you’re playing to determine who (if anyone)
has won at this point.

If neither Player has won the game, a new Round

begins starting from the Reinforcement Phase
until there is a clear victor, or the Scenario ends.




In this section
you will find details
on the various Actions
that Regiments
can take while
MARCH Direction of March
Your Regiment can only take a March Action A Marching Regiment normally moves only
if it is not in contact with an Enemy Regiment. in one direction during the course of a single
If your Regiment is in contact with an Enemy March. However, it may Wheel during its move.
Regiment, you might instead want to perform In addition, a Regiment may choose to move
a Withdraw Action (see page 50). directly sideways or backward but only up to
half its regular March distance.
Marching is the only Action a Regiment can
perform more than once during a Round, A Regiment performing a March Action cannot
without any Special Rules indicating otherwise. move in more than one direction during the
same Action, outside of performing a Wheel.
This means that you cannot move forward
and then sideways or backward at half speed
in the same Action.
March Distance
A Regiment Marches a distance, in inches, up
to its March Characteristic. If there is more To perform a Wheel, a Regiment pivots around
than one March Characteristic present in the one of its front corners, using the distance
Regiment, usually due to attached Character traveled by the opposite front corner as the
Stands, it must instead March up to the lowest distance traveled during the Wheel.
March Characteristic present.
The front corner moved as a result of that pivot
may only move forwards. Once the Wheel is
complete, the Regiment may then continue
moving directly forward.


Fig. 3.1
The Regiment Marches directly forward.
Note that the measurement is always Fig. 3.2
taken from the front of the Regiment, to When a Regiment Wheels, the distance
ensure it does not accidentally March traveled by the whole Regiment is equal
further than it should. to the distance traveled by the moving
front corner.

A Marching Regiment may Wheel several MARCH THROUGH
times during its March, provided that its
overall move is not greater than its lowest A Regiment that uses a March Action may
March Characteristic. march through friendly Regiments without
penalty. However, it can only do so if it has
March Restrictions sufficient March distance to pass through all
such obstructions. If a single March Action
A Regiment may not March to within 1˝ of is not enough to clear all such obstructions,
an Enemy Regiment, Garrison Terrain or a Regiment may use its second March Action
Impassable Terrain. However, a Regiment to ensure it ends in a legal position.
may freely March through any friendly
Regiments that are not in contact with any
Enemy Regiments, provided that at the end
of its Activation the Regiment is not in an
illegal position.

Fig. 3.4a
Above we see a successful March through a
friendly Regiment.

10 "


Fig. 3.3
This is an example of a March containing
several Wheels. The total distance moved is Fig. 3.4b
equal to the sum of the two Wheels and the Above we see an illegal situation in which one
March forward (that is a 3˝ Wheel, followed Regiment ends its activation while overlapping
by a 10˝ March forward and a final 3˝ Wheel). another.

A Regiment cannot March through Enemy Line can be drawn following the steps above.
Regiments, friendly Regiments that are in This new Reinforcement Line cannot be
contact with any Enemy Regiments or a further forward from where it was set at
Garrison Terrain occupied by an Enemy the beginning of the Round. If however, the
Regiment. Friendly Regiment moves further forward from
where the Reinforcement Line was set at the
Reinforcement Zone & beginning of the Round and would otherwise
Reinforcement Line be able to draw a Reinforcement Line, then the
Reinforcement Line returns to where it was
Each Player’s Reinforcement Zone is their table set at the beginning of the Round.
edge. The Reinforcement Line is determined at
the beginning of each Round before the start The Reinforcement Line is determined anew
of the Reinforcement Phase. To determine for every Player at the start of the next Round.
the Reinforcement Line, draw a line that is
parallel to the Players’ Reinforcement Zones,
intersecting the rearmost corner of the foremost
Friendly Regiment. If no Enemy Regiment Reinforcement Zone
is crossing this Reinforcement Line then it
is set there.

Should an Enemy Regiment crosses that B

Reinforcement Line then it is pushed backward
to the rearmost corner of the next foremost
Friendly Regiment until no Enemy Regiment
is crossing that Reinforcement Line.

For ease of reference a Player may place a

marker on each side of the Battlefield where
the Reinforcement Line meets the edges to keep
track of it.

A Reinforcement Line may not move further

forward from where it was set at the beginning
of the Round; it may only be pushed backward
to the rearmost corner of the next foremost
Friendly Regiment. A Reinforcement Line C
may be pushed backward either because the
foremost Friendly Regiment has been destroyed Reinforcement Zone
or an Enemy Regiment has its foremost corner
crossing a Player’s Reinforcement Line.
Fig. 3.5
A Player keeps moving their Reinforcement Regiment C could enter from the Reinforcement
Line backward until no Enemy Regiment Zone or from either side edge behind the
is crossing their Reinforcement Line or rearmost point of Regiment A. It cannot enter
it is pushed all the way back to a Player’s from the side edges behind Regiment B, as
Reinforcement Zone. Should throughout Enemy Regiment X prohibits a Reinforcement
the Round, a Friendly Regiment find itself Line to be drawn behind Regiment B as it would
past its current Reinforcement Line, the be crossing it.
Player checks to see if a new Reinforcement

Reinforcements marching CHARGE
onto the battlefield
A Charge Action is the only way a Regiment
A Regiment may always March from can move into contact with an enemy Regiment
Reinforcements onto the Battlefield from (and therefore able to Clash with that enemy
your Reinforcement Zone. Place the front edge Regiment). A Regiment cannot perform a
of the Regiment’s front Rank so it is touching Charge Action during the Round in which it
the battlefield edge, and then complete the has arrived from Reinforcements.
March as normal, measuring from the edge
of the Battlefield rather than the front of the Declaring a Charge
Regiment as you normally would.
When declaring a Charge, you may only choose
If one March Action is not enough to bring all one Enemy Regiment to be the Target of your
of the Regiment’s Stands onto the battlefield, Charge and it must be within your front arc and
then it must perform a second March Action within Line of Sight. You cannot choose more
to ensure all of its Stands are on the Battlefield. than one Regiment as the Target of a Charge.
When a Regiment is entering the Battlefield,
it must assume a formation and a point of Roll a die – this is the Charge Roll. Add the
entering that would allow it to do so. Charge Roll to the Regiment’s lowest March
Characteristic. This is the Charge Distance.
A l t e rn at ive l y, yo u m ay b r i n g yo u r
Reinforcements onto the Battlefield from If the Charge Distance is greater than or
side edges, provided that the point of entry is equal to the distance, in inches, between the
between your Reinforcement Zone and your Charging Regiment and the Target Regiment,
Reinforcement Line. the Charge is successful. If the total is less than
the distance between the Charging Regiment
and the Target Regiment, the Charge is failed
(see “Failing a Charge” further below).
If it is not possible for the Regiment to enter
the Battlefield according to the rules given An Enemy Regiment is not a legal Charge
above, the Regiment returns to Reinforcements. Target if it is outside the maximum possible
In the next Round that Regiment is considered Charge Distance, taking into account all
to have automatically passed its Reinforcement Special Rules and Abilities that would allow
Roll and may attempt to March onto the you to Charge further away, e.g. the Hundred
Battlefield as normal. Kingdoms Tourney Champion.

This automatic pass does not count towards The Charge Move
the Regiment a Player chooses to automatically
come into the Battlefield from Reinforcements If the Charge is successful, you may now move
each Round. If a Regiment can enter the the Charging Regiment into contact with the
Battlefield, then it must do so. Enemy Regiment, as if it was performing a
March Action and treat it as if it had a March
Characteristic equal to the Charge Distance,
but may only move directly forward. This is
called the Charge Move.

Once the Regiment is aligned, its Charge
Move may have it move through other Friendly
Regiments not currently in contact with an
Enemy Regiment, provided that at the end of
its Activation it does not end up in an illegal

12" If the Charging Regiment cannot complete

its Charge Move against the Target Regiment
because its path is blocked by another Enemy
Regiment, Garrison Terrain or Impassable
Terrain, the Charge Action automatically
Fig. 3.6 fails (see “Failing a Charge” further below).
The distance between the two Regiments is 12˝,
and the Regiment’s March Characteristic is 8. A A Charging Regiment may come within 1˝
Charge Roll of “4” gives a total Charge Distance of other Enemy Regiments, Garrison Terrain
of (4+8) 12˝. Just enough to make the Charge and Impassable Terrain during a Charge Move.
a success. However, it may not come in contact with an
Enemy Regiment or piece of Garrison Terrain
it did not declare a Charge against as part of
Your Regiment is only permitted a single free its Charge Action.
Wheel, up to 90⁰, following Wheeling rules,
performed at the beginning of the Charge Move. Finalizing The Charge
The purpose of this Wheel is to ensure that As soon as the Charging Regiment contacts
the subsequent Charge Move and final pivot the Target Regiment, it stops moving. Then
(which will be explained later) Engages as many it Engages the Target Regiment’s Stands by
of the Charging Regiment’s front-Rank Stands pivoting up to 90⁰ at the point the Regiments
with as many of the Target Regiment’s Stands come in contact, in a movement similar to
as possible. Moreover, each of the Charging “closing a door”, until both the Charging
Regiment’s front-Rank Stands should Engage Regiment’s front and the Target Regiment are
as many of the Target Regiment’s Stands as in contact on the Charged facing.
possible. The free Wheel does not count toward
the Charge Distance moved.

Fig. 3.7
Although the Household Knight Regiment is able to charge through a friendly Regiment, no Regiment may
charge through an enemy Regiment.
If the Charging Regiment cannot pivot flush to the Target Regiment (because of Terrain or
another Regiment being in the way), then the Target Regiment pivots in order to bring its
Charged facing into contact with the Charging Regiment’s front arc. In the case where the
Target Regiment is already Engaged with another Regiment, it does not pivot and the Charge
Action automatically fails (see “Failing a Charge” further below).

Should your opponent have placed their Regiments in such a way as to make it impossible
to come into contact with the Target Regiment without coming into contact with another
Regiment as well, push the offending unengaged Enemy Regiment a maximum of 1” directly
away from the Charging Regiment and complete the pivot. A Regiment that is being pushed

A) B)


Fig. 3.8
Continuing its Charge from before, the Regiment Wheels
to align with the Target, moves forward until it contacts
the Charge Target, and then Wheels Flush.

A) B)

C) D)

Fig. 3.9
In this example, the Regiment Wheels just enough to avoid colliding with the allied Infantry
Regiment, completes the Charge Move, and then Wheels flush to the Charge Target.
in this way performs a 1” move directly away Friendly Regiment), then the Charge Action
from the Charging Regiment even if that move automatically fails (see “Failing a Charge”
will require the Regiment to move diagonally, further below).
moving a full 1”. This 1” push does not allow
the Regiment to end up in an illegal position.
If that 1” push is still not enough for the
Regiments to complete the Charge then the
Charge Action automatically fails (see “Failing
a Charge” further below).

Charging Through
A Regiment is allowed to move through
friendly Regiments that are not in contact
with an Enemy Regiment when performing
a Charge Action.

This can be the result of a Charge Action, but

also as part of a sequence of Actions such as
Marching and then Charging. Fig. 3.10
This is a successful Charge through a friendly
If the combined movement total of the Actions
is not enough to completely clear the Friendly
Regiment (or if there is not enough space for
the Charging Regiment to completely clear the



Fig. 3.11
Regiment A finishes its first move overlapping Regiment B. Notice how this is not an illegal move
yet. As a second Action, Regiment A attempts to Charge Regiment C where it cannot move enough to
reach its intended Target nor can it move completely past Regiment B. Regiment A cannot finish both
its Actions overlapping another Regiment, therefore it must move the minimum distance backward
to no longer overlap.


A Regiment Charges a Target Regiment in the facing the majority of its Stands are in when the
Charge Action is declared. In the case where a Charging Regiment has an equal amount of Stands
in more than one facing then the Charging Regiments may choose which facing to Charge to.
A Stand may find itself in more than one facing. Should that happen then the Stand counts
as being in both facings.

Example: Three Stands of Brute Drones are attempting to Charge a Regiment of Men-At-Arms.
One Brute Drone is in the Front arc whereas the other two are both in the front and flank. In this
case the Brute Drone Regiment counts as having 3 Stands in the front and 2 in the Flank and has
to charge the Regiment’s Front arc as a result.

Front Flank


Fig. 3.12
In the examples above:
Regiment A Charges the front.
Regiment B Charges the left flank.
Regiment C Charges the right flank.

Charging and Inspire

Upon completion of a successful Charge Action, the Regiment immediately gains the “Inspired”
Special Rule (see page 99). Note that the “Inspired” Special Rule does not affect Impact Attacks
and is in effect wasted if the Regiment has no Actions left this Round, as it lasts until the end
of the Regiment’s Activation.

Failing a Charge Should an unengaged Enemy Regiment(s) be
pushed 1” during the process of Finalizing the
If the Regiment’s Charge Distance is less than Charge then that pushed Regiment (s) return
the distance between the Charging Regiment to where they were before that push.
and the Target Regiment, the Charge is failed.
The Charging Regiment moves directly forward If a Regiment fails a Charge Action, it loses
a distance equal to the result on the die of the all other Actions remaining this Round and
Charge Roll, halting 1˝ away from any Enemy its Activation ends.
Regiment and any piece of Garrison Terrain.
Impact Attacks
If the Charging Regiment cannot complete
its Charge Move against the Target Regiment Some troops – such as knights – rely on the
because its path is blocked by another Enemy sheer, overwhelming force of their impact to
Regiment, Garrison Terrain or Impassable inflict damage on the foe.
Terrain, it stops its Charge Move, halting 1˝
away from any Enemy Regiment and any piece Once a successful Charge is completed, Impact
of Garrison Terrain. Attacks are immediately resolved as part of
the Charge Action. Impact Attacks are only
If during the “Charging Through” part of a inflicted by Stands that have the Impact (X)
Charge the combined movement total of the Special Rule.
Actions is not enough to completely clear the
friendly Regiment (or if there is not enough Stands in the Regiment inflict Impact Attacks
space for the Charging Regiment to completely equal to the X value in their Impact (X) Special
clear the Friendly Regiment) the Charge is Rule. Impact Attacks are resolved similarly
failed. The Charging Regiment immediately to Clash Attacks in terms of Rolling to Hit,
moves the minimum amount needed to no Defense Rolls and Morale Tests (see page 46).
longer overlap with the Friendly Regiment However, they do not benefit from any Special
and both Regiments become Broken. Rules that specifically affect Attacks made
during a Clash Action. Unengaged Stands
If during the “Finalizing the Charge” part of contribute Impact Attacks as normal equal
the Charge, the Regiment has made contact to their Impact (X) value.
with the Target Regiment but neither one can
pivot flush, the Charging Regiment performs TAKE AIM
a 1” move directly away from the Target
Regiment, from the position the Charging When a Regiment performs the Take Aim
Regiment was in when it initially made contact, Action, the Regiment gains the Aimed Shot
moving backwards a full 1”, halting 1˝ away Special Rule until the end of its Activation.
from any Enemy Regiment and any piece of
Garrison Terrain. R ALLY
If halting 1” away from any Enemy Regiment Only a Regiment with the Broken Status can
and any piece of Garrison Terrain is not possible perform a Rally Action. If a Regiment performs
it halts as far away as possible and the Player a Rally Action, it is no longer Broken. Remove
ensures that its next Activation will bring it the Broken Marker.
in a legal position.

A Reform Action allows a Regiment to change its formation (its combination of Ranks and
Files). The Reforming Regiment immediately adopts a new, legal formation. Then it may turn
to face any direction (see page 13 for more on legal formations). Unlike a Combat Reform, the
center of the Regiment must not move as a result of the Reform Action. During a Reform, no
Stand may move further than the Regiment’s lowest March Characteristic.




Fig. 3.13
Above, the Regiment makes a series of different Reforms. In A, it Turns to face its right flank. In B, it
increases the number of ranks at the cost of reducing its files. In C, it increases its frontage (files) and
makes a dramatic turn. Note how in all three cases, the Regiment remains centered on the same point.

A Volley Action can only be used if an unengaged Regiment has at least one Stand with the Barrage
(X) Special Rule – otherwise, it does not have a ranged weapon with which to make a Volley.

Choosing a Target and Line of Sight

In order to check if a Volley Action can be declared, first determine whether at least one Stand
of the Target Regiment is within Line of Sight and Barrage Range of the Volleying Regiment. If
the Target Regiment is outside Line of Sight and/or Barrage Range then you may not declare a
Volley Action against that Target unless a Special Rule states otherwise. A Regiment performing
a Volley Action cannot divide any of its Stand’s shots amongst multiple Targets. All Stands in
the Regiment must Target the same Enemy Regiment.

Fig. 3.14
In the example above, the Regiment can Target Regiment A with a Volley as it is both within range
and within the front arc. It cannot Target Regiment B, because it is out of range, nor Regiment C,
because it is outside the front arc.

Check for Obstruction to the Volley. If the line is not interrupted by

Regiments or Obstructing Terrain, that Stand’s
For each Stand in the front rank of the Volleying Volley is a Clear Shot. Regiments and pieces
Regiment, trace a straight line, 1mm wide, of Terrain of a smaller Size than the Volleying
between the center of the Volleying Stand’s Regiment are ignored, as are Regiments and
front facing and any point of any Stand in Terrain of a smaller size than the Target.
the Target Regiment. If the line is interrupted
by any Regiments or pieces of Obstructing A Regiment can be targeted if it is in contact
Terrain of a Size equal to or larger than both with an Enemy Regiment following all rules
the Size of the Volleying Regiment and the for Choosing a Target and Checking for
Target Regiment, then the shot is Obstructed Obstruction as normal.
and the Stand does not contribute any shots

Check For Effective Range
You’re nearly ready to unleash your Volley! First, however, you need to check if your Regiment
is shooting at an Effective Range. The Range given for the Barrage (X) Special Rule is not the
Regiment’s optimal Range, but its maximum Range. Although Hits are possible at maximum
Range, and quite deadly, Volleys are always more effective when unleashed at shorter ranges.

To represent this, if the distance between each Stand of the Volleying Regiment and the
Target is less than half the range of the Volleying Regiment’s Barrage (X) Special Rule, then
the Volleying Regiment receives a +1 bonus to their Barrage (X) Special Rule. This is called
the Effective Range.

Additionally, Stands whose Target is outside their Barrage Range and/or cannot draw Line of
Sight to their Target contribute no dice. It is entirely possible that, when checking for Effective
Range, some of the Volleying Regiment’s Stands are within Effective Range and some others
are not. It is also entirely possible that certain Stands would have to draw Line of Sight to their
Target through pieces of Terrain or to different arcs that other Stands in the Regiment will not.

In this case, Stands that are within Effective Range would receive the +1 bonus to their Barrage
(X) Special Rule while Stands that are not within Effective range would not, and Effective
Range would have to be measured for each Stand as a result.


Fig. 3.15
Regiment D Targets Regiment A with its Volley. However, because of the presence of Regiments B and
C, only two of the Stands have clear Shots, whilst one Stand is Obstructed and does not contribute shots
to the Volley..

Stands In Multiple Arcs Stands firing outside of Effective Range. Each
Stand would add 3 Shots to the Volley and the
Stands in a Regiment perform Volley Attacks Stand firing within Effective Range would add
against the Target Regiment’s arc they are 1 more for a total of 10.
in. It is possible for different Stands in the
same Regiment to be within different arcs of Rolling to Hit
the same Target Regiment. In this case each
Stand performs its Volley Attacks against the Roll a number of dice equal to the Shots
arc they are in. Should a Stand be within more being fired.
than one arc then it may choose which arc to
direct its Volley Attacks against. Any die that is less than or equal to your Stand’s
Volley Characteristic is a Hit.
Volley Attacks against each arc are resolved
separately but simultaneously. Keep separate Any die that is greater than your Stand’s Volley
track of Hits and Wounds inflicted on each Characteristic is a Miss. Should the Volley
arc as Defense and/or Morale Tests may be Characteristic of the Volleying Stand be 6
subject to different effects and Special Rules. or above, that Stand gains the Rapid Volley
Special Rule.
Example: A Regiment does not benefit from the
Shield Special Rule when Hits are inflicted on Example: Your 3 Stand Infantry Regiment (Volley
its Flank or Rear. Similarly Volley Attacks that 2 and Barrage (3)) are Volleying at an Enemy
cause the Target Regiment to take Morale Tests Regiment for a total of 9 Shots. You roll 9 dice.
are affected when Hits are inflicted on the Target Any result of a 1 or 2 is a Hit. Any result of a 3 or
Regiment’s Flank or Rear. more is a Miss. Should the Volley Characteristic
of the Volleying Regiment be a 6 or above, every
Determine the Number of roll of a 1 inflicts 2 Hits instead of 1 due to the
Shots Rapid Volley Special Rule.

A Stand on the first rank making a Clear Shot The Defense Roll
fires a number of shots equal to the (X) in this
Stand’s Barrage (X) Special Rule. Now, your opponent rolls a number of dice
equal to the number of Hits scored by the
If a Stand’s shot is Obstructed, then it Volleying Regiment.
contributes no Shots when the Regiment
performs a Volley Action. Stands in any Rank Any roll that is less than or equal to their
other than the first do not contribute any shots Regiment’s Defense or Evasion Characteristic,
to the Volley. after any modifiers, is a successful Defense
Roll. The Regiment’s armor or reflexes have
To determine the total number of Shots, saved them on this occasion!
calculate the total dice contributed by all Stands Any roll that is greater than both their
in the first rank and add any additional shots Regiment’s Defense and Evasion Characteristics,
that come up as a result of a rule or special after any modifiers, is a failed Defense Roll and
ability, e.g. firing within Effective Range. the Regiment suffers a Wound.

Example: An Infantry Regiment of 3 Stands Note that you only make one roll, which is
with the Barrage (3) Special Rule might have compared to both the Defense and Evasion
1 Stand firing within Effective Range and 2 Characteristics. Also note that the Defense

Roll is an exception to the rule that any die PASS
roll of “1” is an automatic success. If your
Regiment has a Defense and Evasion of 0 (or A Regiment or Character Stand may opt to Pass
had these Characteristics reduced to 0 by a instead of performing an Action. The Regiment
Special Rule), it cannot pass a Defense Roll. or Character Stand passes an Action without
being treated as having performed an Action.
A Regiment or Character Stand may opt to
Keep a tally of the Wounds each Stand in Pass any and all of its available Actions if it so
a Regiment has taken and proceed to the wishes. If it chooses to Pass all of its Actions
Removing Casualties step (see page 54). it will count as having Activated but not as
Note that Wounds suffered from a Volley having performed any Actions.
Action do not cause Morale Tests.



In this section
you will find details
on the various Actions
that Regiments
can take while
in Combat.
Your Regiment can perform a Clash Action if it
is in contact with at least one Enemy Regiment. Each Unengaged Stand contributes 1 Support
When performing a Clash Action, all Stands in Attack, regardless of the Stand’s Attack
contact with an Enemy Stand – called Engaged Characteristic. Certain Special Rules, such
Stands – direct their Attacks at the Regiment as the Support (X) Special Rule, can modify
the Enemy Stand belongs to. This includes any this number. Engaged Stands cannot perform
Stands that are corner-to-corner. Support Attacks.

All Stands not in contact with an Enemy Stand

are called Unengaged Stands. Unengaged Stands
only contribute Support Attacks.

Engaged Stands
(Fight Directly)

Unengaged Stands
(Support Attacks) Fig. 4.2
Men-at-Arms Stands have an Attack
Characteristic of 4. This gives a total of 4
Attacks per Stand, and 12 Attacks overall,
Fig. 4.1 from a 3 Stand Regiment.

Calculating the Number

of Attacks
Before Rolling To Hit, you need to determine
the total number of Attacks being made.


Each Engaged Stand makes a number of Attacks

equal to its Attacks Characteristic.

Certain Special Rules and Draw Events can

increase a Stand’s Attacks Characteristic. This
will increase the total number of Attacks a Stand
generates by X when it performs its Attacks. Fig. 4.3
In this last example, each of the front three
Stands contributes its full 4 Attacks. Each of
the rear Stands contributes 1 support Attack.


If your Regiment is in contact with an Enemy

Regiment’s flank or rear (or your Regiment itself
is being attacked from the flank or rear), you’ll
sometimes discover that some of its Stands
are not in contact due to incomplete Ranks.

When this happens, treat the Regiment as

being a rectangle as long and as wide as
its most complete Rank, ignoring the gaps
created by such incomplete Ranks. Each of
your Stands in “contact” with this abstract
rectangle is considered to be in contact for the
purpose of calculating the number of Attacks.

This abstract rectangle is taken into account

when a Regiment is in contact with another
Enemy Regiment is Charging or being Charged
by an Enemy Regiment.


If your Regiment is in contact with two or more

B enemy Regiments, chances are that some of the
Stands will be Engaged with Stands from two
or more different Enemy Regiments.
If your Stand is in contact with Stands from two
C A or more Enemy Regiments, you choose which
Regiment each of your Engaged Stands Attack
A – direct all of the Stand’s Attacks at the Target
of your choice without splitting its Attacks.
Similarly, you can choose which of the Enemy
Regiments each of your Unengaged Stands
Attack. Support Attacks from a single Stand
cannot be split between two Enemy Regiments.
Fig. 4.4 In other words, if a Stand is contributing Support
Stands marked A Attack directly with their Attacks, it may do so against one (and only one)
full complement of Attacks, as they are in Enemy Regiment in contact with its Regiment.
contact with the enemy Regiment. Since the
back Rank of Regiment C is incomplete, treat Resolve each pool of Attacks separately, from
it as if it were complete for the purpose of Rolling To Hit all the way through to Testing
determining how many Stands are engaged. Morale.
This way Stand B is also considered engaged.

You’ve caught the Enemy unprepared, with their
attention turned to the front – it’s time to reap
the benefits as panic sweeps through their ranks.



Fig. 4.6
Stands A must Attack Regiment X, as they A
are in contact. Stand B must Attack Regiment
Y, as they are in contact. Stand C may Attack
either Regiment X or Y. Similarly, Stands D
may direct their Support Attacks against either
X or Y. Both could Attack the same Regiment, Fig. 4.7
or different Regiments. Regiment A would re-roll successful Morale
Tests against Attacks originating from
Roll to Hit Regiment C. Similarly, Regiment B would
have to re-roll successful morale saves from
Roll a number of dice equal to the Attacks Regiment A.
being made.
Any die that is less than or equal to your
Regiment’s Clash Characteristic is a Hit. Now, your opponent rolls a number of dice
equal to the number of Hits your Stands have
Any die that is greater than your Regiment’s inflicted.
Clash Characteristic is a Miss, commonly
referred to as a failed Hit. Should the Clash Any roll that is less than or equal to the
Characteristic of a Stand be 6 or above, that Regiment’s Defense or Evasion Characteristic,
Stand gains the Relentless Blows Special Rule. after any modifiers, is a successful Defense
Roll. The Regiment’s armor or reflexes have
Example: Your Regiment of Force Grown Drones saved them on this occasion!
(Clash 1) are Attacking an Enemy Regiment
for a total of 20 Attacks. You roll 20 dice. Any Any roll that is greater than both the Regiment’s
result of a 1 is a Hit. Any results of a 2 or greater Defense and Evasion Characteristics, after any
are Misses. modifiers, is a failed Defense Roll and the
Regiment suffers a Wound as a result.
Flank & Rear Attacks
Note that you only make one roll, which
If the Active Regiment is Attacking the Enemy is then compared to both the Defense and
in the Flank or Rear, your opponent must Evasion Characteristics. Also note that the
Re-Roll any successful Morale Tests (page 12). Defense Roll is an exception to the rule that

any die roll of “1” is an automatic success. If Removing Casualties and
your Regiment has a Defense and Evasion of Testing Morale
0 (or has its Characteristics reduced to 0 by a
Special Rule), it cannot pass a Defense Roll. Keep a tally of the Wounds the Regiment has
taken and proceed to the Removing Casualties
Example 1: Your Regiment of Gilded Legion step (see page 54). After that, your opponent
(Defense 3) suffers 6 Hits. You therefore roll 6 may have to Test Morale (see page 60).
dice, needing to roll a 3 or less on each. You roll
1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 5. Three results are equal to or less
than 3, preventing 3 of the possible 6 Wounds.

Example 2: Your Regiment of Vanguard Clones

Infiltrators (Defense 1, Evasion 2) suffers 6 Hits.
As your Evasion is higher than your Defense,
you therefore need to roll a 2 or less on each
die. You roll a 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, preventing 3 of the
possible 6 Wounds. COMBAT R ALLY
Example 3: Your Regiment of Centaur Avatara Only a Regiment with the Broken Status can
(Defense 3, Evasion 1) suffers 4 Hits with the perform a Combat Rally Action. If a Regiment
Smite Special Rule, which reduces their Defense performs a Combat Rally Action, it is no longer
to 0 for those Hits. You therefore need to roll equal Broken. Remove the Broken Marker.
to or lower than the Evasion Characteristic of 1
to prevent any Wounds.

COMBAT R EFOR M Finally, the reforming Regiment may not
find itself in a different facing of the Engaged
A Combat Reform Action allows a Regiment Regiment than the one it was before performing
to change its formation (the configuration of the Reform.
its Ranks and Files) while in contact with one
or more Enemy Regiments. You cannot use a Fighting Reform
Combat Reform to reduce the total number
of Stands in contact. When performing a If your Regiment makes a Fighting Reform
Combat Reform Action, roll a die. If the result it suffers 1 Wound for each of its Stands in
is less than or equal to the highest Resolve contact with an Enemy Regiment. Once any
Characteristic a Stand in the Regiment has, casualties have been removed, and Morale
the Regiment has made a Clean Reform. If Tests taken, the Regiment adopts a new legal
the result is greater than the highest Resolve formation as per a Clean Reform.
Characteristic a Stand in your Regiment has,
your Regiment has made a Fighting Reform. Finally, the reforming Regiment may not
find itself in a different facing of the Engaged
Clean Reform Regiment than the one it was before performing
the Reform.
If your Regiment performs a Clean Reform,
the Reforming Regiment immediately adopts
a new, legal formation. Then it may turn to
face any direction (see page 13 for more on
legal formations).

The center of the Regiment must not move

a distance greater than the lowest March
Characteristic of any Stand in the Regiment,
and no Stand may move further than its March
Characteristic. A

Fig. 4.8
Regiment A makes a Combat Reform to
bring all of its Stands into contact with the
enemy Regiment.


Fig. 4.9
Regiment B makes a Combat Reform not only to bring all of its Stands into contact with the enemy,
but also to face them head on, instead of being attacked in the flank.


Fig. 4.10
Regiment C reforms to bring more Stands into contact with the Regiment to its rear. It also chooses to
face the Regiment to its rear, leaving the other Regiment to its flank.

When a Regiment performs the Inspire Action, A Withdraw Action is taken in order to remove
the Regiment gains the Inspired Special Rule your Regiment from melee. It can only be used
until the end of its Activation. by a Light or Medium Regiment, and only if
the Regiment is in contact with one or more
Inspired: This Regiment adds +1 to its enemy Regiments. A Regiment performing
Clash Characteristic until the end of the this Action only counts as having performed
Regiment’s Activation. If this modifies the a Withdraw Action.
Clash Characteristic to a 5 or greater, it does
not receive the +1 Clash but instead may
Re-Roll unmodified Hit Rolls of “6”. The +1
to the Clash Characteristic from the Inspired A)
Special Rule is always added in after all other
Clash modifying rules have been applied.

Example: A Men-At-Arms Regiment (Clash

2) performs an Inspire Action as its first Action A
during its Activation. The Regiment thus gains
the Inspired Special Rule until the end of its
Activation. Therefore, when it performs its second
Action and Clashes it will now do so with Clash
3. Once the Regiment finishes its Activation, it B)
loses the Inspired Special Rule.

Example: A Dragonslayers Regiment (Clash

4) performs an Inspire Action as its first Action
during its Activation and then proceeds to
perform a Clash. During the Clash Action their
Clash of 4 would not change but instead Re-Roll
unmodified rolls of “6”. Once the Regiment finishes
its Activation, it loses the Inspired Special Rule. A

Fig. 4.11
Regiment A makes a Withdraw Action,
Reforming and Marching directly away from
the enemy Regiment.

When taking a Withdraw Action, roll a die. Clean Withdrawal
If the result is less than or equal to the highest
Resolve Characteristic of any Stand in your If your Regiment makes a Clean Withdrawal,
Regiment, the Regiment has made a Clean it immediately suffers D6 Wounds (as even the
Withdrawal. best executed Withdrawal is a risky endeavor),
reforms facing away from the enemy Regiment(s)
If the result is greater than the highest Resolve and immediately performs an out-of-sequence
Characteristic of a Stand in your Regiment, your March Action (as part of this Withdraw Action)
Regiment has made a Fighting Withdrawal. following the rules given on page 28. Remember
that a Regiment cannot end its March within
1˝ of an Enemy Regiment, Garrison Terrain
or Impassable Terrain. If the March cannot be
completed for any reason, return the Regiment
to its original position – the Withdraw Action
has failed.

Note that a regiment making a Withdraw Action

must keep its formation following the reform.
This merely allows the Regiment to rotate on
its axis and March away.

Fighting Withdrawal
If your Regiment makes a Fighting Withdrawal,
A it immediately suffers D6 Wounds (roll one
A die) for each of its Stands in contact with an
Enemy Stand. That is rolling 1 D6 and applying
1" 1" the indicated number of Wounds for all Stands
in contact with an Enemy Stand. Once any
Casualties have been remoterved and Morale
Tests taken, it reforms facing away from the
Enemy Regiment(s) and immediately performs
1" an out-of-sequence March Action (as part of
this Withdraw Action) following the rules
described above for Clean Withdrawal.

Fig. 4.12
A Regiment or Character Stand may opt to Pass
Regiment A is limited in how far it can
instead of performing an Action. The Regiment
Withdraw by Marching backward
or Character Stand passes an Action without
(either due to an enemy Regiment
being treated as having performed an Action.
physically blocking its path, or because its
March would end within 1˝ of the enemy
A Regiment or Character Stand may opt to
Regiment). In this case, it may be better off
Pass any and all of its available Actions if it so
using its Withdraw Action to March to its
wishes. If it chooses to Pass all of its Actions
right flank.
it will count as having Activated but not as
having performed any Actions.



In this section
you will find details
of how Wounds
are inflicted,
allocated and resolved
using the same system.
ALLOCATING WOUNDS & Characteristic. Each Wound allocated to a
R EMOVING CASUALTIES Stand is represented by placing an appropriate
Wound Marker next to it.
Wounds are not assigned directly to a Regiment.
Rather, each Wound suffered adds one Wound Once the Wounds allocated to a Stand equal its
Marker to the Wound Pool. Once the size of Wounds Characteristic, that Stand is destroyed
the Wound Pool has been determined, begin and will be Removed as a Casualty. Stands that
to allocate the Wounds in the Wound Pool to have suffered enough Wounds to be removed
Stands within the Regiment. as casualties are removed from the battlefield
the moment the last Wound is suffered. A
When allocating a Wound from the Wound Stand that has suffered Wounds but is still
Pool to the Regiment, start to allocate Wounds in play is referred to as a Wounded Stand.
one by one to a Stand in the Regiment’s
rearmost rank, prioritizing Stands that have Always allocate Wounds to Stands in the
already suffered Wounds, and ignoring following order, ignoring Character Stands:
Character Stands, until the amount of
Wounds suffered equals the Stand’s Wounds Wounded non-Command Stands must be
allocated Wounds first.

A Stand must be destroyed before allocating

Wounds to another Stand that has not suffered

A Stand from alternating ends of a Regiment’s

rearmost rank, leaving the centermost Stand
of a rank to suffer Wounds last.

A Stand that would cause the Regiment to

reduce the number of Engaged Stands with
an Enemy Regiment

Command Stands are always removed last.

Wounds are nearly always allocated to a
Regiment’s rearmost rank. Should Stands
be allocated Wounds suffered by an Enemy
Regiment Engaged in melee, Wounds allocated
should not cause the destruction of Stands that
would affect the number of Stands in contact
with any Enemy Regiment(s).

Effectively, this will mean you will remove

Stands as Casualties from your rearmost rank,
removing any that have suffered Wounds
previously in the battle, while alternating
removing from the left and right ends of
the Regiment’s ranks. Finally, you should
remove Stands that are not in contact with
an Enemy Regiment unless there is no other
option available.

Continue allocating Wounds one by one Example: A Stand of Men-at-Arms (Wounds
until there are no more Wound Markers in 4) takes damage from an Enemy Regiment in
the Wound Pool, or there are no Stands left contact. After all Defense Rolls are made, there
to allocate the Wounds to. Each time a Stand are 2 Wound Markers in the Wound Pool. A
suffers Wounds, the Wound Pool and its Stand in the Regiment’s rearmost rank is assigned
subsequent allocation of Wounds starts anew. the Wound Markers, one at a time, until there
are 2 Wound Markers allocated on that Stand.
It is important to keep in mind that the next
step in the process after Removing Casualties, Example: A Stand of Men-at-Arms (Wounds 4)
i.e. Testing Morale, requires the players to keep takes damage from an Engaged Enemy Regiment.
an accurate tally of the number of Wounds a After all Defense Rolls are made, there are 6
Regiment has suffered from a single Wound Wound Markers in the Wound Pool. The first
Pool. Once a Regiment has been Allocated available Stand of Men-at-Arms is allocated
Wounds and proceeded to Remove Casualties, Wounds, one at a time, until 4 Wounds have been
it then takes a number of Morale Tests equal allocated. Once 4 Wound Markers have been
to the Wounds it has suffered. allocated, that Stand’s Wounds Characteristic
has been met and the Stand is immediately
Therefore, it is important to take note of the destroyed and Removed as a Casualty. The
amount of Wounds suffered from any single remaining 2 Wounds in the Wound Pool are
Wound Pool. then allocated to the next available Stand in
the Regiment rendering it a Wounded Stand.

Fig. 5.1
The Cavalry Regiment (Wounds Characteristic of 4) suffers 5 Wounds. The first Stand is destroyed,
and the leftover Wound is allocated to the next eligible Stand. As the Round progresses the Cavalry
Regiment suffers another 5 Wounds. The previously Wounded Stand is destroyed, suffering 3
Wounds and the leftover 2 Wounds are allocated to the next eligible Stand..

HEALING unmodified Wounds Characteristic value
of that Stand (rounding up), then you may
On occasion, a rule will call upon you to Heal a spend that many Heal Points to return it to
number of Wounds in one of your Regiments. play with a number of Wounds remaining
When this happens, the rule will tell you the equal to the amount of Heal Points that were
number of Wounds it Heals, which we refer used to Restore it.
to as Heal Points. If a rule calls upon you to
Heal a Regiment, proceed in the following The Stand is returned to play in such a way that
sequence, removing one Wound Marker per the Regiment maintains a legal formation. If
Heal Point until there are no more Wounds there is no room to place the Stand, the Stand
to Heal, or you have run out of Heal Points. is not placed and all remaining Heal Points
are lost. Return the Stand to the battlefield
You cannot Heal a Regiment beyond the and place an appropriate number of Wound
number of Stands it began the game with. In Markers beside the Stand so that the newly
the case of multiple Healing abilities, resolve restored Stand has half its remaining Wounds
each one completely before moving to the next. (rounding up). Should the newly restored
Stand be the Regiment’s Command Stand or
a Stand containing a Command Model, then
1) Heal Characters any associated abilities or Special Rules are
restored as well.
Remove any Wound Markers from the
Character Stand if there are any present (see Next, return to the “Heal Wounded Stands”
page 72 for more on Character Stands). step and use the remaining available Heal
Points if any.
2) Heal Wounded Stands
Continue to repeat these steps until you no
Once all Wounds have been removed from any longer have any Wound Markers to remove
Character Stands, proceed to removing Wound or any more destroyed Stands to return to
Markers from the Regiment starting from the the battlefield.
Regiment’s Command Stand, if one is present.
For each remaining Heal Point, remove one As a complete example, the Household Knight
Wound Marker from a Wounded Stand in the Regiment in Figures 5.2 through 5.5 have 6
Regiment until there are no more Stands in Wounds to Heal in total. The Character Stand
the Regiment that have suffered any Wounds. has 2 Wound Markers, suffered as a result of
a Duel, while the Regiment itself has a Stand
3) Restore Stands with 1 Wound Marker. Finally the Regiment
sustained a casualty earlier in the game losing
Once there are no Wounded Stands remaining, one of its Stands.
you may restore a Stand to play that was
removed as a Casualty earlier in the Battle
(note that you cannot restore a Character TESTING MOR ALE
Stand that has been removed as a Casualty).
If the Regiment’s Command Stand, or Stands Once the Wound Pool is empty, it is time to
containing Command Models, have been see if the onslaught of blood and death has
removed as casualties earlier in the game, then shaken the resolve of the troops – proceed to
those must be restored first. If the number Testing Morale in Chapter 6!
of remaining Heal Points is at least half the

Fig. 5.2 Fig. 5.3
First, the Character’s Wounded Markers are Then, the Regiment’s Wounded Marker is
removed costing 2 out of the 6 Heal Points. removed, costing one more Heal Point.

Fig. 5.4 Fig. 5.5

The last 3 Heal Points are used to restore the ...However, as the Stand has a Wounds
Casualty. Characteristic of 4, 3 Heal Points are not
enough to Heal the Restored Stand completely,
and it is left with a Wound Marker.



In this section
you will find details
of how a Regiment tests
Morale after having
suffered Casualties as
the result
of an Action.
A Regiment tests Morale after Wounds are suffered as the result of an Action. Morale is
tested against a Regiment’s Resolve.

CALCULATING A R EGIMENT’S to a Stand in the Regiment.

Example 2: Your Regiment of Order of the Crimson
If there is more than one Resolve Characteristic Tower (Resolve 4) suffers 3 Wounds. You roll 3 dice,
in the Regiment, use the highest, then add the scoring 1, 3, 6. Two pass, and one fails. Another
following bonuses: Wound is allocated to a Stand in the Regiment.

+1 if the Regiment consists of 4-6 Stands, BROKEN R EGIMENTS

+2 if the Regiment consists of 7-9 Stands,
+3 if the Regiment consists of 10 or more If, during the course of a single Round, a
Stands. Regiment loses half or more of the Stands that
it started the Round with, it is immediately
These bonuses are not cumulative – i.e. you Broken. Interrupt the regular play sequence,
always use the highest. place a Broken Marker beside it as a reminder,
and then resume play. A Broken Regiment
TESTING MOR ALE ceases to be Broken if it successfully performs
a Rally or Combat Rally Action, or if a Special
A Regiment tests Morale after Wounds are Rule or ability removes the Broken status.
suffered as the result of an Action, Special
Rule or other abilities. Morale is tested against Effects of Being Broken
a Regiment’s Resolve. Once a Regiment has
been allocated all Wounds from a single BROKEN REGIMENTS:
Wound Pool and removed any Casualties,
roll a number of dice equal to the number • The Regiment uses the lowest Resolve
of Wounds suffered by the Regiment. This is Characteristic in the Regiment. Furthermore,
referred to as Testing Morale. it may not be affected by Special Rules,
Draw Events or other rules and abilities
THE MOR ALE TEST that occur during the game and positively
affect its Resolve Characteristic.
Each result that is less than or equal to the • Are unable to perform a Charge Action
Regiment’s highest Resolve Characteristic, after during their Activation
any modifiers, is a success. Each result that is • Cannot be Healed or have Stands Restored
greater than the Regiment’s highest Resolve • Their Stands do not count toward Seizing
Characteristic, after any modifiers, is a fail. Objective Zones
• Cannot benefit from the Inspired Special
For each failed Morale Test, the Regiment Rule.
suffers 1 Wound – it is important to note that
these Wounds do not trigger further Morale Additionally, Character Stands in a Broken
Tests. These Wounds are allocated as described Regiment:
in the Allocating Wounds and Removing • May not refuse a Duel Action
Casualties on page 54. • May, as an Action, remove the Broken status
from the Regiment they are attached to. This
Example 1: Your Regiment of Militia (Resolve 2) follows the rules of Rally or Combat Rally
suffers 5 Wounds from a single Action. You roll 5 Actions (as appropriate) as if the Regiment
dice, scoring 1, 2, 3, 3, 6. This means two tests are had performed the Action.
passed and three are failed. 3 Wounds are allocated

If a Broken Regiment loses half or more of its Once all Casualties have been removed
remaining Stands over the course of a Round (including any from failed Morale Tests) and
(counted from the moment it was Broken, two or more Regiments are no longer in contact,
not the start of the Round), it is immediately the Active Player must “Press the Attack”. The
Shattered. Its warriors throw down their arms Active Player “pushes” the Stranded Regiment
and run for safety. Remove all Stands of the back into contact with the Enemy Regiment it
Shattered Regiment from the Battlefield as was previously in contact with, by the shortest
casualties, and the Regiment is destroyed. A possible distance as described in Fig 6.1. They
Regiment may be Broken and Shattered as then choose another Stranded Regiment, and
the result of a single Action or Special Rule. push that back into contact, and so on, until all
their Stranded Regiments are back in contact.
As a Regiment suffers Casualties and Stands
are removed, its melee opponents may find When you “push” a Regiment, you must aim
that they are no longer in contact – we refer to place the same number of Stands in contact
to these as Stranded Regiments. As Casualties (from both sides) as was the case before any
are removed from the rearmost rank, this Casualties were removed. If this is not possible,
commonly happens when a Regiment is maximize the number of Stands in contact
fighting to its rear. from both sides.

Note that only Regiments no longer in contact You may not “Press the Attack” to bring
with an Engaged Enemy Regiment count as your Regiment into contact with an Enemy
Stranded. If, for example, a Regiment was in Regiment it was not previously Engaged with
contact with two enemy Regiments at the start before Casualties were removed.
of the Action, it only counts as Stranded if it
is no longer in contact with either. If a push cannot be completed for any reason,
then the Regiment returns to its previous



Fig. 6.1
Regiment A has inflicted sufficient Casualties on Regiment B to have become Stranded. It is therefore
pushed back into position by the shortest possible distance.

position, before attempting the push, and remains Stranded. If, after “Pressing the Attack”,
there are any Stranded Regiments remaining, those Regiments are now considered Unengaged.

Press the Attack, Impact Attacks and March Special

“Press the Attack” pushes do not inflict Impact Attacks. Nor do they benefit from any Special
Rules triggered by March Actions, such as Fluid Formation.


Fig. 6.2
Regiment A is destroyed. Regiments B and C are not pushed, as they are not Stranded. Regiment D
is not pushed because its only opponent (A) has been destroyed.


The rules that follow

add to the core rules for
a complete experience. In
the following chapters
you will discover the
role of Characters and
Leaders, who allow
you to wield powerful
magic and unlock the
full potential of your
Regiments with their
Special Rules and Draw


In this section
you will find details about
Command Model Upgrades
and their place in the
COMMAND MODELS AND Command Models in
STANDS Cavalry and Brute
Some Regiments have the option to take
Command Models as upgrades, as detailed in Unlike Infantry Regiments, Command Models
their Army List entry. If there are Command in Cavalry and Brute Regiments do not all go
Models in an Infantry Regiment, i.e. a Leader, a on the same Stand; after all, their Stands only
Standard Bearer or any Officers, select a Stand in have room for one Model. Instead, the Stand
the Regiment and place them all on it replacing occupied by the Leader Command Model
regular Rank-and-File Models as needed. This counts as the Regiment’s Command Stand.
Stand is called the Command Stand and can Much like Infantry Command Stands it must
only contain up to four Command Models. also be placed at the center of the front Rank
and be the last one to be removed as a Casualty.
Adding Command Models to an Infantry
Regiment does not add additional Stands. Each Command Model in a Cavalry or Brute
The Command Models simply replace the Regiment replaces a model on an existing
regular models. Regiments cannot have the Stand. In the occasion where a player wishes
same Command Model more than once. Most to purchase a Command Model but there is
Infantry Regiments have a Leader Command no regular Rank-and-File model to replace,
Model that comes for free with the Regiment. the player must first purchase an additional
In the rare occurrence where a Regiment has Stand for the Regiment and then go about
no Command Models, then it also does not purchasing the Command Model. The player
have a Command Stand. may then replace the newly available Rank-
and-File model with the Command Model
Each Infantry Regiment can have only a single they wish to add to the Regiment.
Command Stand, which must be placed in the
center of the front Rank and must be the last Cavalry and Brute Regiments do not always
one to be removed as a casualty. Command have access to the same Command Models
Stands are always treated as having the same Infantry Regiments have. It is often the case
Characteristics Profile as the Regiment they that some Cavalry or Brute Regiments do not
are part of, unless stated otherwise. Command have access to any Command Models at all.
Models, however, may provide the Regiment
they are part of with unique abilities and In that case, these Regiments do not have
Special Rules. a Command Stand. Furthermore, many
Regiments also benefit from having a free
Should the Command Stand be destroyed, then Leader Command Model. You can easily
all associated abilities and Special Rules its identify which Regiments have a Leader or
Command Models confer to the Regiment are not by looking at the Army List Entry of that
lost. You can read more about what Command Regiment.
Models offer later in this chapter or in the
respective Factions’ Army Lists. Similarly to Infantry Regiments, Cavalry
and Brute Regiments can only contain up
At the end of an Action in which the Regiment’s to four Command Models and cannot have
Command Stand has been destroyed, the the same Command Model more than once.
Regiment immediately performs a free, out-of- When a Stand containing a Command Model
sequence Reform or Clean Reform to assume is removed as a Casualty, then all associated
a new legal formation, ensuring that ranks abilities and Special Rules it confers to the
are reduced only by the minimum amount Regiment are lost.
necessary to fill the gap created.

Example: A Hundred Kingdoms player purchases OFFICERS
a Regiment of Household Knights. The Regiment
comes with 3 Stands including a free Leader. Every Faction has access to their own unique
This means that the Regiment is composed of Command Models in addition to those listed
2 Household Knights Stands and 1 Household here. These Command Models are represented
Knight Leader Stand. The Stand on which by their own unique sculpts and are restrict-
the Leader Model is placed is the Regiment’s ed to specific Regiments within the Faction.
Command Stand. These Command Models are referred to as
Officers and their unique abilities and Special
Should the player wish to add a Standard Bearer Rules are clearly stated within their respective
to the Regiment, then the player will pay the Faction’s Army List.
additional cost of the Command Model and
replace one of the regular Household Knights Like other Command Models a Regiment can-
with a Household Knight Standard Bearer. not have more than one of the same Officer.
However, the same Officer Command Model
Command Models and may be fielded by different Regiments.
Monster Regiments
Example: A Regiment of Force Grown Drones
Monster Regiments do not have access to can include no more than one Catabolic Node in
Command Models and therefore do not have its ranks. However, multiple Force Grown Drone
a Command Stand. Regiments could all have a Catabolic Node each,
“It was hard enough getting one to go where you assuming they have the points to spend.
wanted, let alone ranking them up and having
them get along!”


Among the dozens of different Command
Models employed by all Conquest Factions
there are two common types found in most
Regiments. These are Leaders and Standard

A Command Stand containing a Leader adds +1
Attack to the Command Stand’s Characteristic
Profile. If the Command Stand has the Barrage
(X) Special Rule, then it also increases the
Command Stand’s Barrage (X) value by +1.

A Regiment with a Standard Bearer gains the
Unstoppable Special Rule. In addition, the
Standard Bearer adds +1˝ to the Regiment’s
and currently attached Character Stand’s March
Characteristic on the second March Action
the Regiment performs during its Activation
until the end of that March Action.



In this section
you will find details on
the powerful abilities
they bestow and how
they are placed in the
Character Stands are a step up from Command Models. Like Command Models, they grant the
Regiment they join powerful upgrades. Unlike Command Models, Character Stands sometimes
represent the Character Model alone, or on a monstrous mount.


Character Stands have a Characteristic Profile
just as other Stands do, with the exception of Character Stands cannot act alone – they must
their Type and Class. A Character Stand’s Type join a Regiment to take part in the battle. That
will mention the Type of troop it represents being the case, you will assign each of your
and therefore may be attached to and will also Character Stands to a Regiment of the same
include the Character keyword. Type, from their Warband, during the first
Reinforcement Phase.
A Character Stand does not have a Class of
its own and instead adopts the Class of the Character Stands cannot join Regiments of a
Regiment they are currently attached to. different Type than their own. A Character
Stand counts as having the Class of the Regiment
Name: Sample Character they are currently attached to. Some Characters
reach such epic levels of power, or ride on
Class: - Type: Infantry
monsters so large, they are considered Regiments
on their own.
In these cases, it will be clearly marked on the
5 2 2 4 4 3 3 0 Character Stand’s Special Rules. However, unless
otherwise stated, Character Stands’ Special
Rules do not affect the regiment.

Character Stand Position Characters and Wounds
A Character Stand is always placed in the front Character Stands consist of a Model that is the
Rank of a Regiment. A Regiment joined by a physical representation of that Character.
Character Stand can adopt any legal formation,
so long as the Character Stand is always in the A Character Stand is allocated its own Wound
center and next to the Regiment’s Command Markers and is removed as a Casualty once the
Stand. In the case of Brute or Cavalry Regiment number of Wound Markers allocated is equal
the Character Stand should be next to the to or greater than its Wounds Characteristic.
Stand the Regiment’s Leader is in. Please note that Character Stands can only suffer
Wounds through Duel Actions and Special Rules
Character Stands are required to remain with and abilities that specifically mention they cause
the same Each Regiment can only be joined Wounds to Character Stands. Regular Clash and
by a single Character Stand at any one time. Volley Actions cannot target a Character Stand
that is attached to a Regiment. If a Character
Stand is also a Regiment, these rules are ignored.

Should a Character Stand be destroyed and

subsequently be removed from play or removed
+ from a Regiment in any way, then the Character
Stand is no longer considered to be part of a
Regiment and therefore cannot be Restored
through Healing.

Fig. 8.1

Fig. 8.2
A Character Stand may have sustained
Wounds but not the Regiment they are
attached to. In the event of the Character
Stand being Removed as a Casualty, any excess
Wounds that were allocated to the Character
Stand will not spill over to the Regiment they
were a part of.

Unlike Regiments, Character Stands can
only perform a single Action each Round.
Furthermore, they can only perform Actions B
unique to them.

However, if the Regiment the Character

Stand is attached to performs an Action, the
attached Character Stand acts alongside the A
Stands in the Regiment, so it is perhaps more
accurate to say that a Character Stand performs
three Actions each Round: one when their
Command Card is drawn, and two more when Fig. 8.3
the Regiment they are attached to is Activated Above, Regiment A uses a Clash Action. You
and performs its Actions. roll the Attacks for the Character (Clash 4,
Attacks 4) alongside those of the Cavalry
A Character Stand’s Class does not affect the Stands (Clash 3, Attacks 4), but using
Class of the Regiment they join. The Character different-colored dice.
Stand is assumed to be part of the Regiment
and adds size to it for the purpose of Scaling, Killing Character Stands
Resolve, etc. whilst being affected by any Special
Rules, Draw Events and abilities that affect every Note that Character Stands cannot be Hit
Stand in the Regiment. Furthermore, all abilities as part of a Clash or Volley Action. The only
and auras projected from a Character Stand way to destroy a Character Stand is to destroy
are measured from the Character Stand itself. the Regiment they are attached to, or to slay
them as part of a Duel Action or Special Rule.
If the Regiment the Character Stand is attached
to performs a Clash or Volley Action, the The Regiment immediately performs a free
Character Stand Attacks and fires Shots out-of-sequence Reform or Clean Reform
alongside it (the latter is assuming the Character Action to assume a new legal formation making
Stand has the Barrage Special Rule with sure to only reduce Ranks by the minimum
sufficient Range). amount needed to fill the gap created.

If the Character Stand is in contact with an DIE FIGHTING!

Enemy Regiment, it uses its full Attacks. If
not, it adds one Supporting Attack. Use a If the Regiment a Character Stand is attached
different colored dice to represent the Character to is destroyed, and the Character Stand or
Stand’s Attacks, or Shots, at both the Hit and their attached Regiment has not performed
Defense Roll stages, as these will often have any Actions this Round, the Character Stand
different Clash or Volley Characteristics and immediately makes an out-of-sequence Clash
Special Rules. Action against one enemy Regiment in contact
with it – one last heroic stand, in other words!
If there are no Enemy Regiments in contact
with the Character Stand, then the Character
Stand is removed as a Casualty without fanfare.



Fig. 8.4
Above, Regiment A’s Character and Regiment B’s
Character fight a Duel. Both Characters already
have Wounded Markers, but only B’s Character
inflicts enough Wounds to kill their opponent.
Regiment A’s Character is removed as a Casualty, A
and Regiment A reforms to fill the gap.
Note how the Wounded Markers apply only to the
Characters. Had Regiment A’s Character suffered
excess Wounds, they would have been discarded.

Character Stands and

Attached Regiments
Once the Character Stand’s Activation is Cards from your Command Stack. If a rule
completed you may choose to immediately would normally allow you to do so, ignore
Draw your next Command Card and reveal it. that rule entirely.
If the Command Card belongs to the Regiment
this Character Stand is currently attached to, It is entirely possible that a Character Stand may
and the Regiment has not Activated this Round, Activate without necessarily also Activating
you immediately Activate it. If not, return the the Regiment they are currently attached to.
Command Card to the top of your Command This in fact, allows Players to fine tune their
Stack and play passes to your Opponent. Activation timings and give them an edge
throughout the Battle.
Monster Regiments cannot be Activated in
this way. These additional Activations may Note: It is often beneficial during play to Activate
not result in any further drawing of Command a Character Stand only to interfere with your
Opponent’s plans and stagger your Activations.

UNIQUE CHAR ACTER ACTIONS This Combat Reform does not require you to
perform a Resolve Characteristic Test and is
Character Stands have a set of unique Actions considered a Clean Reform.
only they can use. These function exactly as However, you may only reduce Ranks and Files
other Actions. by the minimum amount needed to fill the
gap created by the Character Stand’s demise.
When the Character Stand’s Command Card If both Character Stands are destroyed as a
is drawn, you resolve any Draw Events, choose result of the Duel Action, the Active Player
an Action for your Character Stand to take, Combat Reforms first.
and then resolve that Action.
Spellcasting (Combat or
Duel (Combat Action) Out-of-Combat Action)
To resolve a Duel Action, choose an Enemy The Action can only be performed by a
Character Stand in an Enemy Regiment in Character Stand with the Wizard (X) or
contact with the Regiment your Character Priest (X) Special Rules. It allows the Character
Stand is attached to. The Character Stand Stand to attempt to cast a Spell, as described
does not need to be in contact with your on page 80.
Character Stand – we assume that voices
travel a long enough way, and so do THE WAR LOR D
bloodthirsty combatants in the swirling
melee. One Character Stand, chosen when you build
your army, is selected to be your Warlord – a
Your opponent can now elect to accept powerful and influential figure capable of
the Duel, or decline. If they decline, the changing the course of the battle. Depending on
Enemy Character Stand’s Regiment suffers the Warlord you choose, different Supremacy
the following until the end of the Round: Abilities will become available to you. Choose
wisely as they can greatly affect the way your
• Stands in the Regiment cannot Seize Objective Army plays on the Battlefield.
Zones even if a rule would normally allow
them to.
• The Regiment uses the lowest Resolve CHAR ACTER STAND
Characteristic in the Regiment. PERSONALIZATION
• Cannot benefit from the Inspired Special Rule.
• Re-Roll successful Resolve tests of “1”. Characters Stands and
• The Character Stand cannot decline another Upgrades
Duel until the end of the Round.
Magical items and heraldry are an important
If they accept, both Character Stands Attack part of a Faction’s culture and history. Each
each other simultaneously, Rolling To Hit and Faction has access to a list of Character
making Defense and Resolve Rolls as usual. Upgrades, such as Heirlooms, Trove-Finds, etc.
or additional abilities and unique upgrades as
Any Wounds inflicted are applied only to the described in their respective Faction’s Army
appropriate Character Stand, not its Regiment. List and Entry.

If your Character Stand is slain during the Character Upgrades do not need to be visually
Duel Action, your Regiment immediately represented on the Character Stand. Each
takes a free Combat Reform Action. Character Upgrade can confer Abilities,
Characteristic bonuses, Special Rules, Draw

Events and Supremacy Abilities. These bonuses
are lost as soon as the Character Stand is
removed for any reason.

Character Stands and

Character Stands are heroes of renown or
highly gifted individuals, who excel above
and beyond the masses. Be it through luck,
education, training and effort or other powers
at work, Character Stands have mastered
abilities that make them exceptional, though
it is not uncommon for two such heroes to
have mastered the same path.

Masteries are optional upgrade abilities for

your Characters, which are noted on your
Army List and confer bonus abilities to your
Character Stand. A Character Stand may
select one Mastery according to the Available
categories listed on their Character Stand’s
entry. Each Mastery can only be purchased
once unless stated otherwise.

There are three common categories for

Masteries: Tactical, Combat and Arcane.
Certain Factions, however, may have access to
only some of them or even to Faction specific
Mastery categories. All available Masteries and
categories are listed in each Faction’s Army List.



In this section
we will introduce
the masters of
the Magical arts
and how to wield these
powerful forces.
In addition to its array of sword-wielding heroes, the world of Conquest also includes masters
of the magical arts.

SPELLCASTING “Self ”, the Spell can only Target the Regiment

the spellcaster is currently attached to and will
The casting of Spells is governed by a unique often have an effect on the whole Regiment.
Spellcasting Action.
Attunement: Represents the difficulty of
A Spellcasting Action can only be performed casting a Spell. A Spell with a lower Attunement
by a Character Stand with the Wizard (X) or value is harder to cast.
Priest (X) Special Rules, although some rules
may allow a Regiment to do so as well, where X Scaling: Certain Spells are marked as “Scaling”.
represents the spellcaster’s magical competence, These Spells are harder to cast when affecting
or magical aptitude. Magic is usually the domain a larger number of Stands.
of Characters, but occasionally a Regiment
has access to one or more Spells. Regardless Effect: These are the effects that result from
of whether a Character Stand or Regiment is a successfully cast Spell.
performing it, all Spellcasting Actions follow
the same rules. We will discuss this in more EXAMPLE SPELLS
detail later; first let’s take a look at the Spells
themselves. Name : Sample Spell
Range: 16˝ Attunement: 3
Effect : Inflicts one Hit per success on
Target Enemy Regiment. These Hits have
the Armor Piercing (2) Special Rule.

SPELLS Name : Sample Spell

The number of Spells available to any given Range: Self Attunement: 3 (Scaling)
Wizard or Priest is detailed on their Army List Effect : When an Enemy Regiment
Entry. Purchasing upgrades that give access to performs a Volley Action against this
additional Spells does not grant additional Regiment, it treats its Barrage (X) value as
raw power – only a wider variety. All Spells if it was half, rounding up, until the end of
available, as well as their effects are detailed the Round.
in that Faction’s Army List.
Spellcasting (In or Out of
Spell Profiles Combat Action)
Spells have a profile, detailing what they do. A To perform a Spellcasting Action, the
Spell’s profile has the following components. spellcaster must have one or more Spells, and
the Wizard (X) or Priest (X) Special Rule.
Range: The maximum Range of the Spell, in The Action is resolved as follows:
inches. If the Range of the Spell is given as


Select one of the available Spells to cast and Not all Spells are equal. Some – usually those
the Regiment you wish to Target. Spells that that conjure esoteric effects rather than inflict
cause Hits require the Character Stand to draw damage – are harder to cast if more Stands
Line of Sight to its Target, while all other Spells are present in the Target Regiment. This is
do not. In either case, choose a Target within represented by the Scaling attribute, listed
Range of the Spell. Additionally, when the beneath a Spell’s Attunement.
spellcaster or the Regiment they have joined
is Engaged with an Enemy Regiment, that If a Spell has the “Scaling” attribute, it might
Regiment is the only Regiment they may Target require more than two successes to be cast. To
with Spells that cause Hits. Spells with a Range determine this, total the number of Stands in the
of “Self ” can only Target the spellcaster’s own Target Regiment and consult the following table.
Regiment. A Regiment or Character Stand
cannot be Targeted by the same Spell more Stands Additional Successes Needed
than once per Round. Spells that cause Hits 1–4 Stands 0
are an exception to this rule. 5–7 Stands 1
8–9 Stands 2
10+ Stands 3

A spellcaster rolls a number of dice equal to Furthermore, when targeting a Monster

the X value, as shown by the Wizard (X) or Regiment with a “Scaling” Spell, the spellcaster
Priest (X) Special Rules. Each result equal to or requires 1 additional success.
lower than the Spell’s Attunement is a success.
You must score at least two successes, for the If your spellcaster does not score the total
Spell to be resolved, unless stated otherwise. required number of successes, the Spellcasting
However, some Spells are harder to cast, as Action fails and the Action ends. Otherwise,
determined by Scaling. proceed to resolve the effects of the Spell as
well as any subsequent steps.
If a spellcaster or the Target of their Spells
is within 10˝ of an Enemy Regiment or Assuming you have scored the total required
Character Stand with the Wizard (X) or number of successes, resolve the effects of
Priest (X) Special Rule, while performing a the Spell as it is described under the “Effect”
Spellcasting Action, they suffer a -1 penalty of the Spell. If the Spell inflicts Hits, your
to the Spell’s Attunement value, representing opponent now makes any Defense Rolls,
the disruptive efforts of their opponent. A Removes Casualties and Tests Morale
spellcaster is defined as any Stand with the (see pages 46 and 60). Spells cast from the
Wizard (X) or Priest (X) Special Rule. Target’s flank or rear do not benefit from
the “Flank and Rear Attacks” rules.
Example: A Hundred Kingdoms’ Chapter
Mage attempts to cast the Call Fog Spell on Unless otherwise stated, Spells normally last
their own Regiment. They cast the Spell with 5 until the end of the Round. If a spellcaster
dice. However, a Dweghom Tempered Sorcerer is removed for any reason before it is able
is within 8˝ of the Chapter Mage’s Stand. As a to Activate again, the effect of any Spell
result, successes are now scored on a 2 or under that was Cast by that spellcaster remains
as Attunement has suffered a -1 penalty. in play until the end of the Round.



In this section
we will introduce
how forces interact
with their environment
either by taking cover
in dense forests or
garrisoning vantage
Conquest Battlefields consist of two kinds of Terrain, each offering different tactical advantages
and challenges: Zonal Terrain and Garrison Terrain. Zonal Terrain represents an area on the
Battlefield that confers specific advantages or penalties but can otherwise be moved through
without additional rules. Examples of Zonal Terrain include hills, swamps, rivers, and broken
ground. Garrison Terrain pieces represent areas of dense Terrain, unsuitable for a Regiment to
move through in formation, but offer substantial bonuses to warriors who seek to occupy them.

Example: A Regiment of Militia Bowmen (Size 1)
Areas of elevated Terrain, such as hills, allow sits on top of a hill (Elevation 2), therefore treating
your Regiments to see over other Regiments their Size as if they were a Size 3 Regiment.
and Obscuring Terrain.
Stands can trace Clear Shots over other
The Battlefield, and the Terrain upon it, Regiments and Obstructing Terrain with a
are considered to be Elevation (0) unless lower Elevation. So, Stands at Elevation (3)
otherwise stated. can see over Stands at Elevation (2), Stands at
Elevation (4) can see over Stands at Elevation
Some Zonal and Garrison Terrain features, (3) and Elevation (2) and so on. Similarly, a
such as hills and castle walls, have the Elevation Stand directing a Volley at a Target with a
(X) rule. A Regiment on top of Zonal Terrain higher Elevation ignores all Regiments and
with Elevation X treats its Size as the total of Obstructing Terrain with a lower Elevation
their Size and the Terrain piece’s Elevation. value than the Target.


Fig. 10.1
Regiment X can direct a Volley at Regiment A without risk of obstruction, as Regiment X is on a
hill (Elevation 2), and so is Regiment A. Similarly, it could also achieve clear shots at Regiment B.
However, Regiment B also counts as Elevation 2, and therefore Obstructs shots toward Regiment D.
Regiment C is safe as Regiment A being on an Elevation 2 hill obstructs Regiment X’s Volley. Were
the situations reversed, both Regiments A and B would be able to Volley at Regiment X. Regiment C
and D would be obstructed by Regiments A and B.

ZONAL TERR AIN Special Rule (rounding up) to a minimum of
1. Should a Regiment have all of its Stands
Regiments can March into and through Zonal within this piece of Zonal Terrain, then its
Terrain. However, different types of Zonal Stands suffer no penalty to their Barrage (X)
Terrain confer advantages and penalties, Special Rule as a result of drawing Line of Sight
depending on the Special Rules assigned at through the same piece of Zonal Terrain the
the start of the battle. entire Regiment is in.

Zonal Terrain can be of any size and shape. As If a Stand within this piece of Zonal Terrain is
Zonal Terrain is often modeled into the game drawing Line of Sight through another piece of
board, it’s important for you and your opponent Obscuring Zonal Terrain it suffers the penalty
to agree on the types and extents of each area to its Barrage (X) Special Rule as normal.
of Zonal Terrain before the first Reinforcement
Phase, just so there are no surprises. When a Obstructing
Stand has any part of it within those extents,
then it is considered to be within this piece Zonal Terrain with this Special Rule does
of Zonal Terrain. not allow Line of Sight to be drawn through
it. Stands that are on a piece of Obstructing
Rather than dictate the rules for particular areas Zonal Terrain can draw Line of Sight to Enemy
of Zonal Terrain, we are instead providing a Regiments and vice versa.
list of Zonal Terrain rules that can be applied
to areas of your Battlefield. In theory, you can Traversable
use as many of these as you wish for each area
of Zonal Terrain, but we would recommend This rule is commonly used for pieces of Terrain
sticking with maybe two or three. a Regiment would often find itself traversing
through rather than over, such as a Forest or
You’ll also need to agree on which pieces of Thicket. This piece of Zonal Terrain does not
Zonal Terrain are also Obscuring or Obstructing add its Size or Elevation to the total Size of a
Terrain. Normally this will be hills and forests, Regiment. For example, an Infantry Regiment
but ruins, cornfields and other features might (Size 1) traversing a piece of Forest (Size 3)
also require some thought. would not be considered Size (4); it would
instead be considered Size (1).
Elevation (X)
Broken Ground
This rule is commonly used for rock formations,
buildings or other raised areas. You’ll normally When a Regiment Charges through this piece
want to grant the Elevated (2) rule in the case of Zonal Terrain, roll a die for each Stand that
of an elevated feature, but may want to agree Charges through Broken Ground. On a roll of
on a higher value with your opponent for “6”, the Regiment suffers 1 Wound. Cavalry and
things like high towers, castle walls, etc. Hills Chariot Regiments will suffer 2 Wounds for
are always considered Size 2 and Forests are each roll of “6”. You may not take Defense Rolls
always considered Size 3. against a Wound caused by Broken Ground.
You do not need to Test Morale against Wounds
Obscuring caused by Broken Ground.

A Stand drawing Line of Sight through this Hindering Terrain

piece of Zonal Terrain as part of a Volley
Action and/or Targets a Regiment with all When at least half of a Regiment’s Stands
of its Stands in a piece of Obscuring Zonal (rounding up) Charge through this piece of
Terrain, halves the X value in its Barrage (X) Zonal Terrain, the Regiment does not inflict

any Impact Attacks during that Charge Action. GARRISON TERR AIN
In addition, Medium and Heavy Regiments
do not benefit from the Inspired Special Rule The rules for Garrison Terrain are used to
during a Round in which at least half of their represent features such as buildings and
Stands (rounding up) Charged through this fortified positions. As with Zonal Terrain,
piece of Zonal Terrain. it is important to agree to the boundaries
of any Garrison Terrain features before the
Dangerous Terrain first Reinforcement Phase, as well as other
properties, like Elevation (X).
When a Regiment moves onto, or through,
this piece of Zonal Terrain, Roll a die for each In terms of the size of Garrison Terrain features,
Stand that moves onto or through it. On a roll the rules presented here assume you are using
of “6”, the Regiment suffers 1 Wound. Cavalry pieces of Garrison Terrain roughly 4˝ to 6˝ in
and Chariot Regiments will suffer 2 Wounds diameter. If you are using larger or smaller
for each roll of “6”. You may not take Defense Garrison Terrain features, you may want to
Rolls against a Wound caused by Dangerous adapt the rules to match your collection. Just
Terrain. You do not need to Test Morale against remember to discuss any changes with your
Wounds caused by Dangerous Terrain. opponent before the battle begins!

Perilous Terrain We recommend Garrison Terrain features be

placed at least 6˝ apart and 6˝ from the edges
When a Regiment moves onto, or through, this of the Battlefield as well as not overlapping
piece of Zonal Terrain, Roll a die for each Stand with any Objective Zones.
that moves through this piece of Terrain. For
each roll of “4”, “5” or “6”, the Regiment suffers A Regiment cannot March into or through
1 Wound. Cavalry and Chariot Regiments will Garrison Terrain. In fact, it cannot March
suffer 2 Wounds for each roll of “4”, “5” or to within 1˝ of Garrison Terrain unless it is
“6”. You may not take Defense Rolls against a seeking to Occupy that Garrison Terrain.
Wound caused by Perilous Terrain. You do not
need to Test Morale against Wounds caused Occupying Garrison
by Perilous Terrain. Terrain
Impassable Terrain Each Garrison Terrain feature has a Defense
(X) value and a Capacity (X) value as well as
If there are any Terrain features on the Elevation (X).
battlefield that you and your opponent agree
are unsuitable for Regiments to traverse, Only Infantry Regiments can Occupy Garrison
simply agree that they are Impassable Terrain. Terrain and, even then, only if the number of
Regiments cannot move through Impassable Stands is equal to or less than the Capacity (X)
Terrain. value of the Garrison Terrain. For all game
purposes, due to the close confines of Garrison
Water Terrain, the Occupying Regiment will always
be considered to have a front Rank composed
If a Regiment has at least half its total Stands of all of its remaining Stands. Most pieces of
(rounding up) within this piece of Zonal Garrison Terrain are considered to have Capacity
Terrain, it suffers a -1 penalty to its Clash (4). However, you may feel free to adjust this
Characteristic, to a minimum of 1. to fit the pieces of terrain in your collection.
Your Regiment Occupies an Unoccupied
Garrison Terrain feature by Marching into
contact with it. Remove the Regiment from

the table, and place any number of Stands or and consider their Size the same as the Elevation
Models anywhere on the Garrison Terrain, to of the Garrison Terrain piece. Most pieces
show who Occupies it. If the Regiment has of Garrison Terrain are considered to have
any remaining Actions, they are lost and their Defense (1).
Activation ends.
However, you may feel free to adjust this to
If there are too many Stands to fit inside the fit the pieces of terrain in your collection. A
Garrison Terrain, your Regiment cannot Occupy Regiment within Garrison Terrain has a full
it, and must halt its March 1˝ away. 360° Line of Sight.

While in Garrison Terrain, all Stands in the

Occupying Regiment have +X Defense, where
X is the Defense value of the Garrison Terrain

Fig. 10.2
Above, your Regiment leaves the Garrison Terrain by first placing one Stand in contact with the
Terrain, and then you place the rest of the Stands in a legal formation. Finally, the Regiment is
nudged away from the Garrison Terrain.

Leaving Garrison Terrain Regiments or pieces of Garrison Terrain.

Your Regiment can leave the Garrison Terrain it If you cannot place all other Stands within the
is Occupying by performing two March Actions. Regiment’s March Characteristic, then you
Return all Models and Stands to the Regiment may place them up to double the Regiment’s
and place one Stand anywhere in contact lowest March Characteristic, but the Regiment
with any edge of the Garrison Terrain. Then, is now Broken.
place all other Stands from your Regiment in
a legal formation, with no Stand further from If the Regiment cannot be placed within double
the Garrison Terrain than its lowest March its lowest March Characteristic, then the
Characteristic, at least 1˝ away from all Enemy Regiment cannot leave the piece of Garrison
Regiments and not overlapping other Friendly Terrain it is Occupying at all.

Fig. 10.3

Once the Regiment has successfully left the Clash Actions and
piece of Garrison Terrain, it is pushed 1˝ away Garrison Terrain
from the piece of Garrison Terrain and its
Activation ends. If your Regiment is in contact with a piece
of Garrison Terrain Occupied by an Enemy
If it cannot be pushed 1˝ away because that Regiment, it may take a Clash Action against
would either bring the Regiment within 1˝ of that Occupying Enemy Regiment. In order to
an Enemy Regiment or cause it to overlap with accommodate irregular Terrain features, all
other Regiments or pieces of Garrison Terrain, Stands in a Regiment’s first Rank calculate
then push it as much as possible. their Attacks as if they were in contact with
the Occupying Enemy Regiment while all
This is the only exception allowing a Regiment other Stands contribute Supporting Attacks
to be within 1˝ of a piece of Garrison Terrain as normal.
it is not Occupying or Engaging.
The only exceptions are Stands in contact
A Regiment cannot Occupy and leave a piece with other Enemy Regiments – these Attacks
of Garrison Terrain in the same Round. must Target one of the other Regiments in
contact, even if they are also in contact with
Withdraw From Garrison the Garrison Terrain.
The Clash Action is otherwise resolved as
A Regiment Occupying a piece of Garrison Terrain normal.
may choose to leave it even if Engaged by Enemy
Regiments. Follow the rules as explained above. If your Regiment is Occupying a piece of
Garrison Terrain and an Enemy Regiment is
Charging Garrison Terrain Engaging it, it may take a Clash Action against
it. If it does so, all Stands in your Regiment
Your Regiment may take a Charge Action Attack as if they were in contact with the
against a piece of Garrison Terrain Occupied Enemy Regiment.
by an Enemy Regiment as if it were an Enemy
Regiment itself. If there is more than one Enemy Regiment
in contact with the Garrison Terrain, you
As Garrison Terrain features are seldom may have each Stand Target different Enemy
rectangular in shape, Wheeling flush will Regiments in contact with it– even foregoing
not always be possible. Instead, Wheel your Attacks against one Enemy Regiment in favor
Regiment as close to Flush as you can by the of focusing on another. The Clash Action is
shortest possible distance. otherwise resolved as normal.


If a Regiment in Garrison Terrain is destroyed
Regiments do not benefit from the Impact by any means, one Enemy Regiment that is
(X) Special Rule when Charging a piece of in contact with the Garrison Terrain and is
Garrison Terrain. capable of Occupying the Garrison Terrain
feature may immediately do so. This does not
cost the Regiment any additional Actions;
however, its Activation still ends. Any Enemy

Regiments in contact with the Garrison Terrain Volley Actions and
that cannot do so can immediately perform a Garrison Terrain
free additional Reform Action instead.
A Regiment Occupying Garrison Terrain can
make Volley Actions as normal. The Regiment
may perform a Volley Action in any direction,
measuring Range and calculating Line of Sight
from any edge of the Garrison Terrain.

Calculate the Size of the Volleying Regiment as

equal to the Elevation (X) rule of the Garrison
X Terrain feature for the purpose of drawing Line
X of Sight. Stands in the Regiment perform a
Volley as normal. As some Special Rules, like
Arcing Fire, do not work when Occupying a
piece of Garrison Terrain, make sure to double
check if the Regiment’s Special Rules apply
when Occupying terrain!


Fig. 10.4
Stands marked X would make their full
Attacks against Regiment B in Garrison
Terrain. Stands marked Z would make
their full Attacks against Regiment A.
All other friendly Stands support as normal.
Regiment B has six full Stands remaining.
If it performs a Clash Action, it may split
these Stands’ Attacks between the two
Enemy Regiments in contact, or focus on
attacking one.



In this section you will

find a comprehensive list
of the Draw Events used
in Conquest, whether
they are natural
abilities, bestowed by
Spells, or are manifested
in other, stranger ways…
This section contains a comprehensive list of the Draw Events used in Conquest, whether they
are natural abilities, bestowed by Spells, or are manifested in other, stranger ways. When a Stand
is affected by multiple instances of the same Draw Event, those Draw Events do not stack, unless
the Draw Event has a (+X) value.

You can opt not to resolve a Draw Event for any Command Card when it is drawn. If a Draw
Event inflicts Hits, Players make Defense Rolls, Remove Casualties and Test Morale as described
in pages 46 and 60.

Example: A Stand is affected by the Bastion (1) Draw Event, and then another instance (usually
from an upgrade or ability in the Regiment) of Bastion (1) is applied. As both instances of the Bastion
Draw Event have a value of (1), the effects do not stack and the Stand will only have +1 Defense. If one
of the instances of Bastion was listed as Bastion (+1), then the Stand would gain +2 Defense instead.

Bastion X: Until the end of the Round, all Murderous Volley: Until the end of the Round,
Stands in this Regiment gain +X Defense. if this Regiment has performed a Take Aim
Action, Wounds caused to Regiments within
Biotic Renewal: Roll a D6. This Regiment 12˝ as part of this Regiment’s Volley Action
Heals a number of Wounds equal to the result. cause Morale Tests.
If the Regiment affected is not Infantry, reduce
the Healing value to D3. Regeneration X: This Regiment immediate-
ly Heals X Wounds. Character Stands in the
Burnout: Stands in this Regiment gain +1 Regiment are ignored for the purposes of the
Clash and +2 March Characteristic, as well Heal from this Draw Event.
as the Decay (3) Special Rule, until the end
of the Round. If a Character Stand has the Regeneration
(X) Draw Event, Heal only the Character
Double Time: If this Regiment performs two Stand for X Wounds. Any additional Wounds
March Actions during its Activation, it may Healed are lost.
take a free additional March Action.

Fire and Advance: If this Regiment performs

a Volley Action as its second Action during
this Activation, it may take a free additional
March Action immediately after the Volley
Action is resolved.

Flux-Powered: Until the end of the Round,

choose one of the following bonuses for this
Regiment to receive:
• +2 Clash Characteristic
• +2 Attacks Characteristic

This Appendix contains a comprehensive list of the Special Rules used in Conquest. When a Special Rule
or ability confers multiple instances of the same Special Rule (X), these Special Rules do not stack, unless
the Special Rule specifically mentions it. When a Stand is affected by multiple instances of the same
Special Rule, those Special Rules do not stack, unless the Special Rule has an (+X) value. If a Stand gains a
Special Rule with an (+X) value, the Stand is considered to have had a value of 0 prior to gaining the (+X).

If a Special Rule inflicts Hits, Players make Defense Rolls, Remove Casualties and Test Morale as
described in pages 46 and 60.

Example 1: A Stand has the Cleave (1) Special Rule listed on its Characteristic Profile. Another rule or
ability gives that Stand another instance of the Cleave (1) Special Rule. As both of these Special Rules
share the same value, they do not stack and the Stand will have the Cleave (1) Special Rule. If the second
instance of the Cleave (X) Special Rule was instead Cleave (+1) Special Rule, then the Cleave (1) and
the Cleave (+1) Special Rule would stack, and the Stand would have Cleave (2).

Aimed Shot: Stands in this Regiment, including Armor Piercing (X): When a Stand with this
Character Stands, add +1 to their Volley Special Rule performs a Volley or Spellcasting
Characteristic for the next Volley Action it Action, any Hits caused by those attacks reduce
takes this Activation. If this modifies the Volley the Target Regiment’s Defense by X. E.g. A
Characteristic to a 5 or greater, they do not Stand with Armor Piercing (2) would reduce
receive the +1 Volley but instead may Re-Roll the Target’s Defense by 2 during Defense Rolls
unmodified Hit Rolls of “6”. from its Volley Action.

Arcing Fire: Until the end of this Regiment’s Aura of Death (X): When an Enemy Regiment
Activation, if the Regiment has the Aimed Shot Activates and is in contact with a Stand with this
Special Rule and is not currently occupying a Special Rule, that Regiment suffers a number
piece of Garrison terrain, instead of performing of Hits, equal to X, for each Stand with this
a Volley Action as normal it may perform the Special Rule it is in contact with. Wounds
following:The Regiment suffers -1 to its Volley resulting from these Hits do not trigger Morale
Characteristic until the end of the Regiment’s Tests. These Hits are resolved at the beginning
Activation. of the “Draw Command Card” step, after the
Active Player has declared which Regiment the
Then the Regiment may select an Enemy Command Card will Activate, before resolving
Regiment in its front arc, within Barrage Range any Draw Events, or deciding to be “Unable/
of at least one of its Stands and within Line of Unwilling to Act”. This Special Rule does not
Sight of a Friendly Regiment and perform the trigger at the “Draw Command Card” step of
Volley Action against it as if its Volley was a a Character Stand’s Activation.
Clear Shot.
Should the Regiment be destroyed by this Special
Only Stands in the Regiment with this Special Rule before the “Resolve Draw Event”step, then
Rule may participate in this Volley Action. If the Active Player discards the Command Card
all Stands in the Target Regiment are within a and may Draw their next Command Card and
piece of Obscuring Terrain then the Barrage (X) perform Actions with it. Regiments Occupying
Special Rule is halved as normal, if the Target Garrison Terrain are not affected by the Aura of
Regiment does not have all its Stands within Death (X) Special Rule. Similarly, a Regiment
a piece of Obscuring Terrain then there are Occupying Garrison Terrain does not inflict Aura
no penalties to the Barrage (X) Special Rule. of Death Hits to Enemy Regiments Engaging it.

Barrage (X): A Stand with this Special Rule Bravery: Stands in this Regiment, including
contributes X Shots when its Regiment performs Character Stands, ignore the Fearsome and
a Volley Action. The Range, as well as any Special Terrifying (X) Special Rules. In addition, at
Rules, are given in a second set of parentheses the start of the Regiment’s Activation, after
after the Barrage (X) Special Rule. resolving any Draw Events but before performing
its first Action, remove the Broken status from
Blessed: Once per Round, Stands with this this Regiment.
Special Rule may choose to Re-Roll all their
failed Hit Rolls or all of their failed Defense Brutal Impact (X): When a Stand with this
Rolls during a Clash or Charge Action. All Special Rule inflicts Impact Attacks, those Impact
Stands in the Regiment must Re-Roll the same Attacks reduce the Target Enemy Regiment’s
Roll at the same time and must declare the Defense by X for the purposes of making Defense
use of Blessed before making the Roll they Rolls against those Impact Attacks. E.g. A Stand
wish to Re-Roll. with Brutal Impact (2) would reduce the Target’s
Defense by 2 when making Defense Rolls from its
Bloodlust: A Regiment with this Special Impact Attacks.
Rule may perform a Charge Action even
in the Round in which it arrived on the Cleave (X): When a Stand with this Special
Battlefield from Reinforcements or even if Rule performs a Clash or Duel Action, any Hits
it is currently Broken. caused by those Attacks reduce the Target’s
Defense by X for the purposes of making
When a Regiment with this Special Rule Defense Rolls against those Attacks.
is currently on the battlefield and takes an E.g. A Stand with Cleave (2) would reduce the
Action, if the Regiment is not in contact with Target’s Defense by 2 during Defense Rolls from
an Enemy Regiment, roll a D6. If the result those Attacks.
is less than or equal to the highest Resolve
Characteristic in the Regiment, you may Counter-Attack: During an Enemy Regiment’s
perform an Action as normal. This Roll is not Clash Action performed against this Regiment,
affected by Special Rules that allow you to each unmodified Defense Roll of “1” causes 1
automatically pass a Resolve related Roll like Hit to the Active Enemy Regiment. These Hits
Indomitable. If the result is higher, you must do not benefit from any other Special Rules
perform a Charge Action against the closest that affect Clash Actions. Character Stands
Enemy Regiment in Line of Sight and within with this Special Rule involved in a Duel,
the Regiment’s maximum Charge Distance. inflict 1 Hit to the Enemy Character for each
unmodified Defense Roll of “1”. These Hits do
If there is no eligible Target to Charge, you not benefit from any other Special Rules that
must perform a March Action directly toward affect Duel Actions.
the closest Enemy Regiment in Line of Sight.
If there is no Enemy Regiment in Line of Sight Dauntless: This Regiment may never be Broken
you must perform a March Action directly and always counts as having the Inspired
towards the Opponent’s Reinforcement Zone. Special Rule. Character Stands benefit from
A Regiment must always March its maximum this Special Rule only if they have “Dauntless”
March Distance when forced to move as a themselves as part of their Characteristic profile
result of this Special Rule. or have gained this Special Rule from an ability,
Character Upgrade, etc. In instances where this
Bodyguards : When a Character Stand is Regiment or Stand can never benefit from the
currently attached to a Regiment with this “Inspired” Special Rule, this rule supersedes it.
Special Rule, the Character does not suffer
the usual negative effects of refusing a Duel. Decay (X): At the end of the Regiment’s
“Deactivate Regiment” step, every Stand in
the Regiment rolls X number of dice, where X
is equal to the Decay (X) value. For each roll Fearless: A Regiment with this Special Rule
of “5” or “6”, the Regiment suffers 1 Wound. ignores the effects of the Fearsome and Terrifying
Wounds caused from this Special Rule do not (X) Special Rules. If a Character Stand has this
cause Morale Tests. If a Regiment has several Special Rule, then it does not apply it to the rest
instances of Decay (X), add all of the X values of the Regiment and only benefits from this
together. Special Rule as part of a Duel Action.

If a Regiment containing a Character Stand is Fearsome: Enemy Regiments in contact with

affected by the Decay (X) Special Rule, then this Regiment must roll a D6 before being able
the Character Stand suffers Decay (X) as well. to perform a Combat Rally or Combat Reform
All Wounds are allocated as per the “Allocating Action. If the result is less than or equal to the
Wounds and Removing Casualties” section of highest Resolve Characteristic in the Regiment,
the rules. Example: Applying Decay (2) and then you may perform an Action as normal. If the
Decay (3) would equal Decay (5). result is higher, then the Action fails and is lost.

Deadly Blades: When a Stand with this Special Fiend Hunter: Stands with this Special Rule
Rule performs a Clash or Duel Action, any failed may Re-Roll all failed Hit Rolls against Monster
Defense Roll of “6” rolled by the Target Regiment and Brute Regiments.
causes it to suffer 2 Wounds instead of 1.
Forward Force: The non-Monster Regiment
Deadly Shot: When a Stand with this Special this Character Stand is currently attached to
Rule performs a Volley Action, any failed Defense gains the Flank Special Rule.
Roll of “6” rolled by the Target Regiment causes
it to suffer 2 Wounds instead of 1. Flank: This Regiment does not contribute a
die to the Reinforcement Roll. Before rolling
Deadshots: A Stand with this Special Rule each Reinforcement Pool for each Class, each
always counts as under the effects of the Aimed player declares whether a Regiment with this
Shot Special Rule. Special Rule automatically enters the Battlefield
or remains in Reinforcements.
Devout: When a Regiment with this Special
Rule is the Target of a Priest (X)’s Spellcasting A Regiment cannot enter the Battlefield before
Action, one failed Spellcasting die is converted its Class will normally be able to and cannot
to a success. If the Regiment has a Character remain in Reinforcements past the Round
Stand attached to it with this Special Rule, then its Class is required to enter automatically.
the Regiment also counts as having “Devout”
for as long as the Character Stand remains Flawless Drill: Once per game, this Regiment
attached to it. may perform a free additional Combat Reform
Action during its Activation.
Dread: Enemy Regiments in contact with
Stands with this Special Rule cannot benefit Flawless Strikes: When a Stand with this
from the effects of the “Inspired” Special Rule. Special Rule performs a Clash or Duel Action,
In instances where a Regiment or Stand always all Hit Rolls of “1” count the Target’s Defense
benefits from the “Inspired” Special Rule, this as 0 for that Attack. Additional Hits generated
rule is superseded. by other Special Rules do not benefit from this
Special Rule.
Fanatical Devotion: When a Regiment or
Character Stand with the Priest (X) Special Rule Fluid Formation: This Regiment may perform
successfully casts a Spell, with a Range other a free additional Reform Action during its
than “Self ”, with this Regiment as its Target, Activation. This free Reform Action must be
this Regiment Heals for 3 Wounds. performed before the Regiment takes its first
Action, or at the end of its Activation after all
other Actions have been resolved. A Regiment Inspired: Stands in this Regiment, including
with this Special Rule can draw Line of Sight Character Stands, add +1 to their Clash
from all Arcs, not just its Front, and may Characteristic until the end of the Regiment’s
perform Volley Actions against Regiments in Activation. If this mod if ies the Clash
its flank or rear as well. Where this is the case, Characteristic to a 5 or greater, they do not
count the closest Rank or File of the Regiment receive the +1 Clash but instead may Re-Roll
as the first Rank. unmodified Hit Rolls of “6”. This Special Rule
does not affect a Regiment’s Clash Characteristic
Flurry: A Stand with this Special Rule Re-Rolls during Impact Attacks.
all failed Hit Rolls when performing a Clash
or Duel Action. Irregular: This Regiment does not affect
Friendly and Enemy Reinforcement Lines. A
Fly: A Regiment containing only Stands with Stand without this Special Rule may not join
this Special Rule can March and Charge over this Regiment.
other Regiments, regardless of whether they are
Engaged, as well as Impassable and Garrison Iron Discipline: When this Regiment is
Terrain, provided the Regiment does not end Engaged or suffers Wounds from the Sides or
its Activation overlapping any Regiments or Rear, it does not lose the Support (X) Special Rule
Impassable Terrain. and does not Re-Roll successful Morale Tests.

Glorious Charge: When a Stand with this Lethal Demise: For every Wound allocated
Special Rule performs a successful Charge, to a Stand with this Special Rule as a result of
its Impact Attacks are resolved with +1 Clash a failed Defense Roll, the Enemy Regiment in
Characteristic and Terrifying (1) until the end contact with the Stand’s Regiment that caused
of the Round. the Hits suffers a Hit. These Hits do not benefit
from any other Special Rules and are resolved
Hardened (X): When this Regiment makes against the Enemy Regiment’s front arc.
a Defense Roll, reduce any Cleave (X), Brutal
Impact (X) or Armor Piercing (X) Special Rule Linebreaker: A Stand with this Special Rule
by the value of Hardened (X) when resolving ignores the Shield Special Rule and Bastion
that Defense Roll. Character Stands do not (X) Draw Event, when performing a Clash or
benefit from this Special Rule during Duels Duel Action, or when resolving Impact Attacks.
unless they have this Special Rule.
Loose Formation: When a Stand performs
Impact (X): Stands with this Special Rule a Volley Action against a Regiment with this
perform Impact Attacks equal to X where X Special Rule it halves the X value in its Barrage
is the value of the Impact (X) Special Rule (X) Special Rule (rounding up) to a minimum
(see page 36). of 1.

Indomitable: When this Regiment Rolls a In addition, Spells will only inflict half their
Morale Test, treat one failed result as a success. number of Hits (rounding up) against a Stand
In addition, Regiments including any number with this Special Rule. This Special Rule does
of Stands with this Special Rule ignore the not stack with Obscuring Terrain.Furthermore,
Fearsome Special Rule. Character Stands do a Regiment with this Special Rule cannot inflict
not benefit from this Special Rule during Duels Impact Attacks.
unless they have this Special Rule.
Oblivious: Regiments with this Special Rule
Furthermore, when this Regiment performs a receive only 1 Wound for every 2 failed Morale
Combat Reform and/or Withdraw Action, it Tests, rounding up. Character Stands do not
counts as having performed a Clean Reform benefit from this Special Rule during Duels
and/or a Clean Withdrawal, respectively. unless they have this Special Rule.
Opportunists: A Stand with this Special Rule in the Duel Action have this Special Rule, the
may re-roll failed Hit Rolls when performing Attacks are resolved simultaneously.
a Clash or Volley Action against an Enemy Rapid Volley: When a Stand with this Special
Regiment’s Flank or Rear Arc. Rule performs a Volley Action, each Hit Roll
of “1” causes an additional automatic Hit on
Overrun: At the end of this Regiment’s Charge the Target. This additional Hit does not benefit
Action, if the Enemy Regiment in contact is from any Special Rules that trigger during the
Broken, this Regiment may perform its Impact Roll To Hit Step. Attacks from Character Stands
Attacks again. do not benefit from this Special Rule.

A Regiment with this Special Rule may perform Relentless Blows: When a Stand with this
up to two Charge Actions during a single Special Rule performs a Clash or Duel Action,
Activation. The Regiment’s Activation still each Hit Roll of “1” causes an additional
comes to an end if it fails a Charge Roll. automatic Hit on the Target. This additional
Hit does not benefit from any Special Rules that
Parry: All Hit Rolls of “1” made against a trigger during the “Roll to Hit” step.
Regiment with this Special Rule during a Clash
or Duel Action must be Re-Rolled. Character Rider: This Character Stand is not physically
Stands do not benefit from this Special Rule represented by a separate Stand, and must be
during Duels unless they have this Special Rule. attached to a Monster Regiment in its Warband.
The Regiment counts as being composed of two
Phalanx: Stands in this Regiment, including Stands, a Monster and a Character Stand. The
Character Stands, count their Defense Character Stand uses the Monster Stand for the
Characteristic as 1 point higher against all purposes of measuring distances and drawing
Hits originating from its front Arc. Furthermore, Line of Sight using the Monster Regiment’s
Stands in this Regiment including Character Size. The Regiment Marches based on the
Stands, cannot benefit from the Inspired Monster Regiment’s March Characteristic as
Special Rule, the Regiment’s Charge Distance opposed to the lowest March Characteristic
is always its March value +3˝ and it cannot value in the Regiment.
Occupy Garrison Terrain. Character Stands in
this Regiment do not benefit from this Special The Character Model must be physically
Rule when participating in Duels. represented on the Monster Regiment it is
attached to (e.g. Hellbringer Sorcerer model
Precise Shot: When a Stand with this Special or Apex Queen). The Character Stand is still
Rule performs a Volley Action, all Hit Rolls considered to be attached to the Regiment even
of “1” count the Target’s Defense as “0” for without a Stand and therefore can be involved
that Attack. Additional Hits generated by in Duel Actions.
other Special Rules do not benefit from this
Special Rule. Furthermore, the Character Stand is considered
to be in contact with any Enemy Stands the
Priest (X): This Regiment or Character Stand Monster Regiment is in contact with.
can perform the Spellcasting Action during its
Activation. The X value is this Stand’s Magic Shield: Stands in this Regiment, including
Level (see page 80). If the Regiment or Character Character Stands, count their Defense
Stand does not have any Spells available, then Characteristic as 1 point higher against all
it only counts toward Enemy Interference. Hits originating from the Regiment’s front
Arc. Character Stands do not benefit from this
Quicksilver Strike: A Character Stand with Special Rule during Duels unless they have this
this Special Rule resolves all of its Attacks first Special Rule. A Regiment cannot make use of this
during a Duel Action. If both Character Stands Special Rule when Occupying Garrison Terrain.

Shock : When this Regiment performs a Rules and Hit automatically. This Special Rule
successful Charge, Stands in the Regiment does not trigger at the end of a Character
with this Special Rule add +1 to their Clash Stand’s Activation. Hits from this Special Rule
Characteristic until the end of the Round. can inflict Wounds to Objective Markers as if
this Regiment was performing a Clash Action
Smite: Enemy Regiments count their total Defense against it.
Characteristic as 0 against Hits caused by a Stand
with this Special Rule during a Clash Action. This Unstoppable: This Regiment may Re-Roll
Special Rule also affects the Hits from Character failed Charge Rolls.
Stands during a Duel Action.
Untouchable: This Regiment Re-Rolls failed
Support (X): This Regiment’s Stands contribute Defense Rolls of “6”. Character Stands do not
X Supporting Attacks during a Clash Action benefit from this Special Rule during Duels
instead of 1. “While a Regiment is engaged by unless they have this Special Rule.
enemy Regiments in its Flank or Rear, they lose
the Support X Special Rule. Unyielding: Enemy Regiments cannot Seize
an Objective Zone that Stands in this Regiment
Sureshot: This Regiment does not suffer the are in range of. This Special Rule is not active if
negative effects of targeting an Enemy Regiment this Regiment is currently Broken.
within Obscuring Terrain and/or drawing Line
of Sight through Obscuring Terrain. Vanguard: When a Regiment with any number
of Stands with this Special Rule enters the
Tenacious: Whenever this Regiment makes Battlefield from Reinforcements, it may perform
a Defense Roll, treat one failed die Roll as a a free additional March Action during this
success. Character Stands do not benefit from Activation. This free additional March can
this Special Rule during Duels unless they have be performed to bring the Regiment onto the
this Special Rule. Battlefield. This Special Rule has no effect if
there are any enemy Stands within 8˝ of where
Terrifying (X): Regiments in contact with the Regiment arrives on the Battlefield.
Stands with this Special Rule reduce their
Resolve Characteristic by X, where X is the Weapon Platform: Stands in this Regiment
value in the Terrifying (X) Special Rule, for count their Flank Arcs as their Front Arc for
the purposes of making Morale Tests against the purposes of determining Line of Sight and
Wounds taken from that Regiment. Checking for Obstruction when performing a
Volley Action.
Torrential Fire: When a Stand with this
Special Rule performs a Volley Action against Wizard (X): This Regiment or Character Stand
an Enemy Regiment within Effective Range, can perform the Spellcasting Action during its
every two successful Hit Rolls (rounding up) Activation. The X value is this Stand’s Magic
cause an additional automatic Hit on the Target. Level (see page 80). If the Regiment or Character
These additional shots do not benefit from this Stand does not have any Spells available, then
Special Rule. it only counts toward Enemy Interference.

Trample (X): At the end of this Regiment’s

Activation, if this Regiment is in Contact with
an Enemy Regiment in its front arc, Stands in
the Regiment with this Special Rule cause X
additional Hits where X is equal to the Stand’s
Trample (X) value. These additional Hits do
not benefit from any of the Regiment’s Special



In this section you will

find battle scenarios to
add an extra level of
strategy to your games.
Complete the objectives
to ensure victory over
your opponent!
No two battles are the same. Reinforcement Zones, Objectives – even the composition of the
Armies themselves – can vary wildly. To represent this, we use a selection of Scenarios, each
of which alters the form and scope of the battle. This rulebook includes four Scenarios, there
are also additional Scenarios on the Tournament page of the Para-Bellum Games website, but
you should feel free to invent your own!


Each Stand in a game of Conquest has a points Each Character Stand in your Army (including
value, representing its overall worth on the the Warlord ) must be accompanied by a
Battlefield. Stands with higher points values are Warband of Regiments. You’ll normally have
generally better or more flexible fighters, while a choice of Regiments to choose from, but
those with lower points values are less effective, you must always include a Regiment of the
or are useful in a narrow set of circumstances. same type – i.e. Infantry, Cavalry or Brute – as
Your Army’s points value is equal to the total your Character Stand to ensure that they have
points values of every Stand in your Army, plus a Regiment to join at the start of the battle.
those of any upgrades you’ve purchased for those
Stands. The higher the points value, the more Each Regiment is drawn from the Regiments
lethal the Army you’ve selected. By choosing section of the Army List. Depending on the
Armies of equal points values, you and your Character Stand it is chosen for, it will also
opponent can ensure a fair, challenging battle. count as a Mainstay or a Restricted choice. Each
Character Stand’s Warband has a Regiment
SIZE OF BATTLE allowance of 4 Regiments. A Warband can
include as many Mainstay choices as your
By default, we recommend battles of 2,000 Warband allowance allows. Restricted choices
points – this generally gives enough slaughter are more limited, as the name suggests. Each
for an evening’s gaming. However, there’s Warband can only include two Restricted
nothing to stop you from choosing a larger or choices from all the options presented. This can
smaller size for your confrontation. Indeed, be two of the same Regiment, or two different
smaller games of 1,000 points are an excellent Regiments from the list.
way to learn the rules.
As a further restriction, you must include one
BUILDING AN AR MY Mainstay choice for each Restricted choice
in your Warband. Therefore, a Warband that
An Army consists of two types of entities: includes two Restricted choices will always
Character Stands and Regiments, all of which have at least two Mainstay choices too. Note
are selected from a single Faction’s Army List. that a Regiment might be a Mainstay choice
You may include any number of either in your for one Character type, and a Restricted choice
Army, subject to the following rules: for another – check the Character’s Army List
entry to be sure.
The Warlord
Optional Upgrades
You must include one Character Stand to be
your Warlord – your avatar on the Battlefield. Many Character Stands and Regiments have
additional options that can be purchased for
them, such as Abilities, Command Models, or
even extra Stands (in the case of Regiments).

If you purchase any of these upgrades, simply Reinforcements
add the points cost to that of the Character
Stand or Regiment for which the upgrade was Regiments are not deployed at the start of the
purchased. Battle. They are held to one side, and arrive later
in the Battle, as described on pages 20 and 30.
Note that if a Regiment is held back as
Terrain is an important part of Conquest: Reinforcements, so is the Character Stand that
TLAOK, as your forces interact with their has been attached to it. The Character Stand’s
environment either by taking cover in dense Class has no effect on when the Regiment the
forests or garrisoning vantage points. Each Character Stand has joined will come onto the
table’s Terrain pieces should be pre-arranged battlefield from Reinforcements.
before the battle begins and will not move or
change throughout the game. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES
Terrain follows all normal rules found in Chapter Battles are primarily decided by Seizing Territory
10 of the rulebook and may be set up according and destroying the opposition. However, as the
to the following rules: fight goes on, opportunities unfold for one side
or the other to claim an advantage. These are
• No piece of Terrain is placed on top of an referred to as Secondary Objectives.
Objective Zone or Objective Marker.
• No piece of Terrain is within 9˝ of another Each Faction has its own deck of Secondary
Terrain piece. Objective cards, representing the goals it
• No piece of Terrain should have a footprint considers pivotal to victory. While some
larger than 9˝x6˝. Secondary Objective decks share some common
• Smaller Terrain pieces can be grouped cards, no two Faction decks are exactly the
together to form a single Terrain piece. same. A player who adheres closely to the
This combination of Terrain pieces should martial and ideological goals of the warriors
not create a footprint larger than 9˝x6˝. under their command is that much more likely
E.g. A ruined hamlet can be combined with to achieve victory!
a few pieces of broken wall to create a larger
ruined structure. Drawing Secondary
• Can only include up to 2 pieces of Garrison Objectives
Terrain on each Battlefield.
• The Battlefield should contain about 6 pieces Shuffle your Secondary Objective deck and
of Terrain but no more than 8. draw the top five cards. Your opponent does
the same. Discard two cards of your choosing
ASSIGN CHAR ACTERS STANDS – this allows you to have some control over the
style of objectives your Army will be pursuing
Each Character Stand in your Army must join a during the battle. Keep your cards hidden from
Regiment before the first Reinforcement Phase your opponent during the course of the game.
begins. The best way to do this is to set up your
entire Army beside the Battlefield, with your
Character Stands already in the Regiments in
their Warbands that they’ll be fighting from
at the start of the battle.

Victory Points are often earned for Seizing
Each Secondary Objective card gives you the Territory – battlefield quarters, center of the
conditions required for completing it. Once you battlefield, Objective Zones, etc. The Player
have completed a Secondary Objective, make with the most Stands capable of Seizing and
a note of the Round number it was completed more total Stands in range of an Objective Zone,
on, on your Army List. Note that some decks Seizes that Objective Zone.
contain multiples of the same card. You cannot
achieve the same Secondary Objective card Light Stands count as 0 Stands for the purposes
more than once per Round. of Seizing Territory. They do count however
towards the total number of Stands in range
FIGHT THE BATTLE of an Objective Zone. If a rule would make a
Light count as X additional Stands towards
With all the preliminaries complete, it’s time Seizing Objective Zones then these Stands will
to battle! be able to count towards the number of Stands
capable of Seizing.
The Game Length heading will tell you how
many Rounds to play, and the Victory Points Medium and Heavy Stands count as 1 Stand
heading gives you the information you need for the purposes of Seizing Territory. Monster
to know when you’ve won a mighty triumph, Stands count as 3 Stands for the purposes of
or cravenly plunged into the depths of defeat. Seizing Territory.

Players can ask to see their Opponent’s list as Should Stands lose their ability to Seize Objective
well as scan any Command Card currently on Zones they still count towards the total number
table at any time. A player cannot ask their of Stands in range of an Objective Zone.
Opponent to scan a card that is currently in the
Command Stack and instead must use the Army Finally, when a Stand is under the effects of an
Builder, Faction Army List or their Opponent’s ability that allows it to “always Seize an Objective
Army List to reference that Regiment’s rules. Zone” or “a Regiment counts as Seizing” an
Objective Zone they are in range of, then the
When Activating a Regiment, make sure to leave Player in control of that Regiment counts as
its Command Card close to the Regiment, in a Seizing that Objective Zone regardless of other
way that does not disrupt play, as a reminder Stands present in range of it.
that the Regiment has been Activated and to
be easily accessible by both players in case they Only one Player may be Seizing an Objective
want to scan the card. Zone at any given time.

Earning Victory Points DETER MINE THE VICTOR

Battlefield dominance is determined from Obviously, if your forces are wiped out, or
Round to Round. At the end of each Round, you choose to concede, victory goes to your
consult the Victory Conditions to work out opponent. Otherwise, each Scenario has its
how many Victory Points you’ve scored that own unique conditions for scoring points and
Round – your opponent does the same. Keep a securing victory which you will have to follow
running total of the Victory Points as the game to come out victorious.
goes on. Once the battle is finished, these will
be used to determine the winner!



Player 2 Reinforcement Zone


Player 1 Reinforcement Zone

Forces Game Length

You and your opponent each choose an army, Play continues for 10 Rounds, or until one
using the Army Lists. side has scored 8 points, been eliminated or
Victory Points
This scenario is played on a 4΄x4΄ Battlefield.
Players place an agreed amount of Terrain, then At the end of each Round, you score points
agree on the Defense values and Capacity of for the following:
any Garrison Terrain, as well as the Elevation • 1 Victory Point for each enemy Command
Levels of any Obscuring Terrain. Card removed from play.
• 2 Victory Points for killing the enemy
Deployment Warlord. (Stacks with secondary objective).
• 1 Victory Point for each Secondary Objective
Both players roll off. Completed.
The player who wins the roll-off chooses
a Battlefield edge (which becomes their
Reinforcement Zone). The other player
takes the opposite Battlefield edge (and
Reinforcement Zone).



Player 2 Reinforcement Zone




Player 1 Reinforcement Zone

Forces Deployment
You and your opponent each choose an army, Both players roll off.
using the Army Lists. The player who wins the roll-off chooses
a Battlefield edge (which becomes their
Battlefield Reinforcement Zone). The other player
takes the opposite Battlefield edge (and
This scenario is played on a 4΄x4΄Battlefield. Reinforcement Zone).
Players place an agreed amount of Terrain, then
agree on the Defense values and Capacity of Game Length
any Garrison Terrain, as well as the Elevation
Levels of any Obscuring Terrain. Play continues for 10 Rounds, or until one
side has scored 5 points, been eliminated or

Objective Zones 6˝ in diameter are placed Victory Points

in the center of each of the 4 quarters of the
Table. The Objective on the half of the table At the end of each Round, you score points
closest to your Reinforcement zone are consid- for the following:
ered Friendly. The Objectives on the opposite • 1 Victory Point for Securing a friendly
side of the table are considered to be enemy. Objective Zone (regardless of how many).
• 2 Victory Points for each Secured enemy
Objective Zone.
• 1 Victory Point for each Secondary Objective



Player 2 Reinforcement Zone

12" 12"



Player 1 Reinforcement Zone

Forces Deployment
You and your opponent each choose an army, Both players roll off.
using the Army Lists. The player who wins the roll-off chooses
a Battlefield edge (which becomes their
Battlefield Reinforcement Zone). The other player
takes the opposite Battlefield edge (and
This scenario is played on a 4΄x4΄ Battlefield. Reinforcement Zone).
Players place an agreed amount of Terrain, then All Regiments are held back as Reinforcements.
agree on the Defense values and Capacity of
any Garrison Terrain, as well as the Elevation Game Length
Levels of any Obscuring Terrain.
Play continues for 10 Rounds, or until one
side has scored 8 points, been eliminated or
One Objective Zone 3˝ in diameter is placed
in the center of the table. Victory Conditions
Two 6˝ diameter Objective Zones are placed
12˝ away from the central objective and 24˝ At the end of each Round, you score points
away from each player’s zone. for the following:
• 1 Victory Point for securing the 3˝ diameter
Objective Zone Marker.
• 2 Victory Points for securing each 6˝
diameter Objective Zone Markers.
• 1 Victory Point for securing each Secondary



Player 2 Reinforcement Zone



18" 18" 18" 18"

Player 1 Reinforcement Zone

Forces Deployment
You and your opponent each choose an army, Both players roll off.
using the Army Lists. The player who wins the roll-off chooses
a Battlefield edge (which becomes their
Battlefield Reinforcement Zone). The other player
takes the opposite Battlefield edge (and
This scenario is played on a 6΄x 4΄ Battlefield. Reinforcement Zone).
Players place an agreed amount of Terrain, then
agree on the Defense values and Capacity of Game Length
any Garrison Terrain, as well as the Elevation
Levels of any Obscuring Terrain. Play continues for 10 Rounds, or until one
side has scored 8 points, been eliminated or

An Objective Zone 6˝ in diameter is placed in Victory Conditions

the center of the Table exactly 36˝ from the sides
and 24˝ from the Player's Reinforcement Zone. At the end of each Round, you score points
Two Objective Zone Markers 12˝ in diameter for the following:
are each placed 18˝ from the sides and 24˝ from • 1 Victory Point for securing the 6˝ diameter
each Player's Reinforcement Zone. Objective Zone Marker.
• 2 Victory Points for securing each 12˝
diameter Objective Zone Marker.
• 1 Victory Point for securing each Secondary


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