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A Precautions.....………………………………………………...............………………...2
B Check List.…………...................................……….................…..........................3
C Component Diagram.……………........………….................….............………..4
F Installation
H Printing
SD Printing(recommended)......................................................................39
I Troubleshooting...........................................................................................40
J Maintenance..............……………............................……….............................41
1. Do not strip the yellow paper on the glass sheet, it is for anti-slip
2. Do not strip the wrapper which wraps up the nozzles, it is for holding
the nozzle temperature.
3. Use this printer under the right power and follow all local laws.
4. Be aware of hot heat blocks, nozzles, extruded filament and heating
5. Do not wear gloves when operating or repairing to avoid
6. Do not leave the machine unattended when it is in operation.
7. Do not throw, disassemble, crush, burn your 3D printer or load
unsupported filament.
8. Keep your 3D printer and all accessories out of children's reach.
9. When printing via USB, keep a stable connection between the PC and
the printer.
10. Do not move the dual extruder during printing.
11. Do not pull or twist the black cable any time.
12. Do not force or tear anything during unpacking and setup. This may
damage the printer.
a) Never reach inside while it is in operation. Always allow it to cool
down before reaching inside.
b) If opening the printer for service, ensure that the power supply is
turned off and the cord is disconnected.
a) The printer was built and packaged very carefully at the factory. We
hope you will take your time and be just as careful unpacking it
and getting it set up.
B. check list
3D printer 1
USB cable 1
SD card 1
Power adapter 1
Filament rack 1
Plastic scraper 1
C. Component Diagram
1. Feeding Machine
2. Filament Rack
3. Extruder
4. Control Panel 6
5. USB and SD card
6. Power supply
interface and Switch
Print Off-line print Gcode files from SD card
Extruder Single
Warranty 12 months
1 Adjusting platform
The heating platform has been adjusted and is level before leaving the
factory. It may have moved a little during transport which will affect the
printing quality. You will need to check and adjust the platform before you
start using the printer.
Adjust the platform height with the hexagon wrench which comes with the
machine. Rotating the platform screw clockwise increases the distance
between the platform and the nozzle.
Rotating the platform screw counter clockwise reduces the distance
between the platform and the nozzle.
Please move the extruder to the four corners of the platform to check and
calibrate the height.
Please keep the distance between platform and nozzle distance at around
0.5mm (A4 paper thickness).
• If the heating plate is too close to the nozzle, it will directly affect the
nozzle action and possible lead to damage of the plate.
• Leveling the base plate before printing helps to ensure the print objects
stay attached to the heating plate
Correct distance
2 Now you can preheat the platform and nozzles by selecting “monitor”
on LCD then set the target temperatures (Extruder 230℃ for ABS,190℃ for
PLA; Platform 85℃ for ABS, N/A for PLA) .
3 Install the filament rack on the left side of the machine and hang the
filament on the holder.
4 When the temperatures are ready, cut the top of filament to sharp
point, and then press down the feed mechanism, thread and push the
filament through to the mouth of the nozzle, stop pushing when the
filament comes out of the nozzle.
Install the right version modified Cura and Repetier-Host from our supplied
SD card.
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as shown below:
After pressing next the next screen will ask you to choose the component
and the formats you would like to open in Cura. Make the selection as
bellow and press next.
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Now press next to complete the installation
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Now you will see the front screen of Cura with all the options as shown
Now to print with our machine go to machine option in the header and
select add new machine option.
- 13 -
Now select the radio button with the option as follows: Other(Ex: RepRap,
MakerBot, Witbox) and press next button.
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Then modify the parameters.
Now press Finish and you will be redirected to the below screen:
Now load the object with the load file button as shown below and make the
changes in the parameters as shown in the image.
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1.3 Quick Print Settings
After setting up Cura for the first time, you will be shown the main interface
High Quality
Designed to give greater detail and finer objects. This will have a smaller
layer height, which will make each layer thinner, so that curves seem more
natural and walls seem less noticeable. This setting will also require more
layers to be laid down, increasing overall print time.
Medium Quality
Designed to give a medium resolution, by increasing the layer height and
print speeds. This will make the organic curves slightly more step-like than
the fine setting, but will reduce printing time.
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Fast Quality
Designed for the fast prints, where overall model finish is not of concern.
Most commonly used for quick iteration of designs found in rapid
Material Selection
Choose your desired filament. The Malyan M200 ships with a 5 meter
sample of PLA, that should be used in your first print.
Brim is used to increase surface area of the part your printing, thereby
ensuring proper part adhesion. This will print a single layer high edge
around the outside of the part, helping first layer adhesion and minimizing
Model Orientation
Move your model to change where it is printed on the build plate. Do this
by left clicking on the model and dragging it to the desired location. The
black outlined corner represents the lower left had corner of the build plate
on your printer. You can also Right Click and hold in the build screen, to
view your model from different angles.
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The Rotate button will give you the ability to orientate your model along all
three axis. Once you click the rotate button, three circles will surround your
model. The red circle will allow you to rotate around the Z axis. The Yellow
circle will rotate around the Y axis. The Green circle will rotate around the X
Lay Flat
The Lay Flat button will ensure that the flat portion of your print is securely
attached to the bed. It is highly recommended to use this option after
rotating your model in the Z direction, as it will help prevent adhesion
issues during the print.
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The Reset button will return your model to the original orientation as
defined by the CAD program used to create the model.
The Scale button displays the model dimensions, along with the ability to
scale along the X Y or Z axes. Anything below the number 1.0 will reduce
the objects size, while anything above the number 1.0 will increase the
objects size. As a default, it will be set to uniform scaling. This will cause the
X Y and Z axes to be scaled by the same amount when you make a change
to any of them. To disable this, select the lock in the lower section of the
scaling window.
This is the standard view and shows the solid outer surfaces of the model.
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Overhang mode shows where your model may need support material. In Fig.
1.6, page 16 the red highlighted areas show overhangs and more severe
angles and areas where support material is recommended.
Ghost view mode makes the model translucent to allow you to see what is
behind it.
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Xray is very similar to Ghost mode. It will allow you to see into objects,
ensuring that inner details are correct.
To view the tool path of your print head and to ensure no skipped layers or
gaps then use this option. Use the slide bar on the righthand side of the
window to move up and down through the tool path layers.
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1.5 Starting Your First Print
Once you have your model, profile, and filament loaded, it is time fo your
first print!
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1.7 Full Settings
Full settings should not be used until enough experience with 3D printing
has been gained to feel comfortable with all aspects of the printer and its
operation. The simple settings will provide good results for most models.
The first time Cura is launched it will default to the Quick Print interface. In
order to have more control of your slicing and G Code generation, switch to
Full Settings. Select Expert>Switch to full settings. The following tabs will
now be available: Basic, Advanced, Plugins, and Start/End-G Code. You will
also have access to Expert Settings.
Loading a Profile
When you first switch to Full Settings, Cura will revert to very generic
settings. We recommend using our tested profiles that are available on the
SD card. You will want to choose the profile that matches your filament and
quality needs. Once downloaded, you can load the file into Cura by
selecting File>Open Profile. Choose your desired profile. This will
automatically update all of your settings for use with your printer.
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Shell Thickness
This defines the number of vertical walls that comprise the outside of your
model. We recommend keeping this set to multiples of your nozzle width.
Your Mini 3D printer is equipped with 0.4mm nozzle.
Enable Retraction
Retraction tells your printer to pull filament out of the hot end upon travel
moves. Travel moves are when your print head moves from one area of the
print, to another without laying down filament. We recommend keeping this
on for all filament types, and adjusting the retraction length and speed for
the specific filament.
Bottom/Top Thickness(mm)
Also know as "Surface Layers", this will determine how thick the top and
bottom layers are. A larger number here will create a thicker top and bottom
which can be helpful for strength, bridging, and quality purposes. We
recommend keeping this number as a multiple of your layer height.
Fill Density
This number is expressed as a percentage. 0% will give a completely hollow
print, while 100% will give you a completely solid object. We have found
that 20% to 40% fill density is functional for most prints.
Print Speed(mm/s)
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Your overall printing speed can be adjusted here. If no other speeds are
determined in the later sections your printer will automatically default to
this speed. This speed will be different, depending on what type of filament
your are using.
Printing Temperature
When using different filament materials you'll need to update the desired
hot end and heated bed temperature. Any temperatures specified here will
be used to automatically set both the hot end and heated bed. Your print
will not begin until these temperatures are met. The 3D printer needs to
have the temperature specified in order to run through the automatic bed-
leveling routine.
Support Type
Some models will require support material in order to print properly. This
will usually occur when an object has an angle in relation to the build plate
between 0 to 45 degrees. It is highly recommended to orientate your object
so that it minimizes or eliminates the need for support.
This prints support material between the heated bed and object as well as
between the object and itself. The green example is "Support Everywhere".
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Platform Adhesion Type
Some models have a small surface area contacting the plate. This can create
adhesion issues causing your part to pop off at some point during the print.
To fix this, use either Brim or Raft. Raft is better used when a model has
small heated bed contact points and overhangs.
Brim will created a single layer of filament, contracting and surrounding
your model. This will increase the surface area of the part contacting the
build platform thereby preventing it from popping off the heated bed. Brim
will also help in situations where you are seeing corner lift. Brim settings can
be adjusted in the Expert Settings options.
Raft will generate a layer of material underneath your object. Raft was more
often used before the addition of heated plates to increase surface area.
Raft settings can be adjusted in the Expert Settings options.
Filament Diameter
The filament diameter setting is one of the more important settings. Make
sure that you update this value periodically with your average filament
diameter. While your filament may be referred to as 3mm, it is more likely
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going to be near 2.9mm+/- 0.1mm, You will want this to be an accurate
average, as it will allow your printer to correctly calculate how much
filament it is pulling into the hot bed.
Filament Flow
This controls how much filament your printer is extruding in relation to
speed. This setting is mainly used to adjust for filament density variations.
Leave this value at 100% as changing it can lead to surface quality issues.
Retraction Speed(mm/s
Retraction Speed determines the speed at which your filament is reversed
out of the hot end for travel moves and when changing direction during
printing. We recommend keeping this set to 180mm/s.
Retraction Distance
Retraction Distance determines how much filament is pulled out of your hot
end on travel moves and when changing direction. You will want to adjust
this depending on temperature settings and filament type. Higher thermal
retaining filaments such as PLA behave better with a longer retraction
distance. We have found anywhere from 1mm to 3mm is a good starting
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Initial Layer Line Width
This will control how wide your first extruded filament path is for the initial
layer. A wider line width will help with bed adhesion. We have found 125%
to be a good starting place. For models with moving printed in place parts.
A smaller initial layer line width is recommended.
Travel Speed
This setting will determine how fast your print head moves while not
extruding filament. A normal travel speed of 180mm/s is recommended.
Infill Speed
This is how fast your print head speed will be while laying down the interior
portion of your model. Faster speeds are usually tolerable here, as none of
the infill will be visible from the outside of your object. If you go too fast
compared to your inner and outer shells, you can have adhesion issues or
globs of filament left behind from the print head
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laying down each layer. If your layer print time falls below this your printer
will automatically slow down to reach this time before moving onto the next
layer. Tweaking this can help get cleaner, crisper prints.
1.10 Plugins
Plugins are custom settings which will alter your print at specific points. The
two that come pre-loaded with Cura are Tweak at Z, and Pause at Height.
More plugins and information can be found here:
http:wiki.ultimaker.com/Category:Cura Plug in to activate one of these
highlight the desired plugin and click the drop-down arrow directly below
the plugins box.
Tweak at Z
Make basic changes at specified Z heights. You can determine the Z height
or layer count at which you want to make a change. Then choose how you
would like to change your settings. You can alter temperatures, fan speeds,
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and print speeds. Fine turning these for specific STL files, can produce
cleaner prints.
Pause at Z height
Pause your print at a specified height. You can also specify where to move
the print head and how much filament to retract. This will prevent “lobs”
from accumulating on your print while paused. This setting is most
commonly used when switching colors of filaments in the middle of a print.
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1.13 Retraction
Retraction pulls filament out of your nozzle when it is not extruding to
prevent your print head from dripping on your object. This section is where
you will control how your extruder retracts its filament.
Minimum Travel
This sets the minimum travel distance of your print head in order to retract.
If your print head is not moving this far during travel moves, it will not
This option prevents your print head from traveling over holes in the X/Y
plane when printing. This will slightly increase print time, but will prevent
strings from getting caught on the holes during travel moves. We
recommend keeping this setting on.
1.14 Skirt
Skirt creates a line around the outside of your object. Most commonly used
to prime the extruder, in order to prevent missed filament at the beginning
of a print. Leave this setting on.
Line Count
This will define the number of loops the Skirt creates around the outside of
your object. Smaller models will require more loops to properly prime the
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Start Distance
This will define the distance away from your model that the skirt will be
created. If using as a envelope to prevent drafts, it is recommended to be
closer to your object.
Minimal Length
This will define the minimum extruded line length for the skirt. This will over
ride your line count, producing as many lines as required to reach the
minimal length.
1.15 Cool
This section will define how your extruder cooling fan will operate during
the print. Your fan will not start until it has reached 25% or higher for speed
settings. If your print speeds are slowed down due to minimal layer time,
the fan will run between minimum and maximum speed based upon how
much the layer is slowed down.
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1.16 Support
You define how your support material is generated here. You must have
some form of support turned on in the basic settings in order for these
settings to have an effect.
Structure Type
You can choose between a Grid or a line pattern for your support material.
The grid will be a checkerboard pattern in the X and Y direction. The line
option will produce lines in along the Y axis for support. The grid will
provide stronger support than the line option, but will be harder to remove.
Fill Amount
This will determine how dense your support material is printed, similar to
infill percentage. The higher percentage the better support, but it will be
harder to remove the support material and will use more material.
Distance X/Y
This will determine how far away form your object in the X/Y plane that the
Distance Z
This will determine how far away your support material is from your object
in the vertical direction. A smaller number here makes for better support,
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but makes it harder to remove.
layer thick. Spiralize the outer contour this causes your Z axis to be
constantly moving upward as printing your single outer wall shell. The
results are no layer change lines, giving a much smoother surface. This
setting is typically only used for artistic objects as they will be fragile.
This will cause your print to follow the outside of your model, building it
completely hollow with a single wall outer shell. The only difference
between this and spiralize, is that the Z axis moves regularly. That is, it
1.18 Brim
Brim circles the base of the print while making contact, helping adhere the
print to the heated plate. This is only one layer thick, and easily removed
post-print. This section defines how the brim is formed when brim is
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Brim Line Amount
This will determine the distance the brim will cover around the outside of
your object. The more brim used, the better your part will adhere to the
1.19 Raft
Raft is a platform built underneath your object, designed to help adhesion
and prevent warping.It will lay down support material, and then a platform
on top of the supports. Your model will be built on top of this platform. The
bottom surface of your printed part will not be as clean or as even when
Extra Margin
This determines the distance around the outside of your object that the raft
Line Spacing
This will determine the spacing between"support" lines for the raft. A small
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Base Thickness
This will define how wide your "support" material is for the raft. This setting
will determine how well the surface layers of the raft print.
Interface Thickness
This will determine how thick the surface layers of the raft are. The surface
This will determine how wide the top layers of the platform will be. In
general, you can keep this set to your nozzle size, as surface quality of the
Air gap
This will define the distance between your raft and your print. A large gap
will make your part easier to remove, but will make the bottom of your print
look worse.
Surface Layers
This will determine the number of layers that create the "platform”of
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your raft. If you have a wide line spacing, you may want to increase this
designed to help repair models with errors to make them suitable for 3D
printing. They do not always work. Please be cautious when using these
This will attempt to fix all external mesh errors, while keeping internal holes
Everything (Type-B)This will ignore all internal holes of the model and only
focus on the external holes. This is helpful when only the outside finish of
This will ignore all manifold errors in the object. It can create issues
generating the Gcode as Cura does not know how to interpret the open
holes. This option should only be used if you are sure that the holes in the
mesh are intended, otherwise you should not use this option.
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Extensive Stiching
manifold errors. This algorithm will greatly increase GCode generation time
you repair your model through Meshlab or your CAD program before
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We have uploaded sample x3g files onto our supplied SD card, you can
insert it into the printer, click "Print from SD" on the LCD screen, choose the
file and print.
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I. Troubleshooting
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J. Maintenance
1. Clean extruder and nozzle frequently
2. Oil the X/Y/Z axis occasionally.
3. Preheat extruder properly before loading filament.
4. Calibrate extruder and platform every time before printing.
5. Keep platform clean and empty when idle.
6. Keep printer away from dust and grime.
7. Keep printer clean and dry.
8. Keep printer at a comfortable room temperature.
Website: www.malyansys.com/cn
Support: www.wiki.malyansys.com
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