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Regular & Supplementary Winter Examination-2023

Course: B. Tech. Class: SsY Semester: III
Branch: Electrical Engineering / Eleetrical Engineering (Electronies and
Power)/ Electrieul & Electronics Engg. Electrical & Power
Subject Code & Name: Electrical Machine- 1 |BTEEC302]
Max Marks: 60 Date: 04/01/2024 Duration: 03:00 Hrs.
lnstructins to the Students:
I Al the questions are eonyatlsory
e ievel u questunNpeted ons wer as per OBE ur the Cuurse Outcvme (CO) on whch

4 Assune swtable duta nhevever necessan and ttentiun t cleuri.

(Level CO) Marks

Q.1 Solve Any Two of the following. 12
G A Explain the principle of operation of single phase transformer and
Derive the emf equation of the Transtformer
R Explain the types of Welding Transformer with circuit diagram Remernber
C) 40 KVA Iranslomers have iron loss of 450W and full-load copper
loss of 850W. If the power factor of the load of 0,8 lagping.
i. Full-oad cfticieney
ii. The losd at which masimum etticiency occurs
n. The muNimum ellicieney.

Q.2 Solve Any Two of the following,


A) Describe the various three phase transformer connections. Draw Understand

4 circuit diagram and vector diagram of Y- zig zig Y three phase

transformer connections
3B) Enlist the types of testing of transformer. Explain Routine tests of Remember 6
C) A SKVA, 240 2400V. 50Hz single phase transtormer ha the Create
masmum value ot .tlux density as L.2 Tesla. I the e.m.f. per turn
Is 8V.Caleulate the nunber of prnary and
secondary tuns atd the
primary und sevondary current at lull load

0.3 Solve Any Two of the following. 12

A) How lo delermine the magnetic force and (orque from energy and Understaral 6
co- energy
B) Explain Armature Reaction in DC generator and Eflect of Evaluate
Arnature Reaction
C DC generator has an armature eme of 100v when the uselul tlux Evaluate
per pole is 20mwb and speed is 800 rpm. Calculate the generated

a. With the sume tlux and a speed of 1000 rpm

b. With tlux per pole 24 mwb and speed of900 rpm

0.4 Solve Any Two of the following.

) Write short note on necessity of starter for a DC motor and explain Kemember
with neat sketclh four point starter ofa de shunt motor
G B) Derive the expression of the torque in the de motor. State clearly Evaluate
the meaning of the symbols used
C) A 4 pole 250V shunt motor has 500 conductors wave connccted.
Amature resistance is 0.25 ohm and field resistance is 125 olm
Flus per pole is 0.02 wb. Ifmotor draw l4A. Current from supply.
Find torque and speed of notor.

0.5 Solve Any Two of the following.

CA) Write a short note on stepper motor. Understand
B) Explain constnuction and working of
applications reluctance motor with their Uderstand

C) Explain constuction and working of BLDC motor with their Remember 6

** End **

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