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This study generally determined the challenges encountered by police officers in crime prevention in Tabuk City, Kalinga. The study
specifically aimed to determine the specific challenges faced by police officers in effectively preventing crime regarding personal, family,
and community relations and resources. Additionally, it sought to investigate the coping mechanisms of police officers to manage the
challenges associated with their role in crime prevention. The study used a qualitative-narrative research design, and an interview
guide was used to collect the data. The researcher used purposive sampling to select seven participants based on the specific
characteristics or criteria relevant to the research questions. Through the use of inductive thematic analysis to analyze the qualitative
data, the result revealed that police officers had encountered challenges during the implementation of crime prevention. It includes the
impact of duty and personal relationships, threats and attacks, and cultural sensitivity and diversity regarding personal obstacles. Lack
of time, high risk and stress, role modeling, and guidance regarding family challenges. Maximum tolerance, community engagement,
concealment of criminals, and wrong perception regarding community challenges. Resource challenges require more funds and adequate
equipment and vehicles. However, through proactive coping mechanisms, police officers attempted to overcome these obstacles. It
concluded that the difficulties encountered by police officers in effectively preventing crime were complex and multifaceted, and they
required a holistic approach that prioritized officers' well-being and could better fulfill their mission of promoting public safety.
KEYWORDS: Problem encountered, coping mechanism, personal and family challenges, community and resources challenges, police
ways to retain police or adopting crime prevention measures responsibilities successfully. The studies also revealed that
without jeopardizing the public's trust. Hence, criminal justice service inefficiencies hampered day-to-day operations and
professionals face the challenge of doing crucial work for their harmed service members' and women's confidence in going above
communities while considering public perception. and above when called upon.
Therefore, it was impossible to overestimate the role of the police In the other part of the word, the Law Enforcement Federation of
in society. They are responsible for maintaining social order and England and Wales has expressed grave concerns about the well-
implementing legislation. Like in Liberia, many administrations being of individuals in the policing sector, highlighting the
have attempted to restructure the police force to reflect current demanding and challenging nature of their job. According to Kilo
policing ideas. In most countries that implement community (2024), research found that, despite their high degree of
policing, the situation is no longer acceptable for police to treat professional dedication, police personnel face substantial
other members of the community as if they were unwelcome. problems such as workplace aggression, verbal threats, and being
Also, Liberia needed to recognize the worldwide paradigm shift subjected to traumatic situations. Furthermore, research findings
in the police. As well as the Liberian policing and security system revealed a disturbing trend of unhappiness with salary, rising
also encountered numerous challenges due to these multicultural financial concerns, and low confidence among police personnel,
compositions. However, recognizing and raising awareness about with the highest intent to quit ever recorded.
community policing was crucial (Badu, 2022).
In the Philippines, police officers face many challenges in
While the majority of the implementation difficulties encountered preventing crime. The need for more resources in terms of
by Canadian police in crime prevention corresponded workforce and equipment is one of the main challenges. With
to managing information and completing forms, hiring, referrals, limited staffing and outdated technology, law enforcement must
and continued participation of participants and their parents, adequately cover areas and respond promptly to incidents.
developing modifications to address participants' needs, staff Besides, Lobete (n.d.) stated that Philippine society faces
recruiting, turnover, and instruction, including funding and numerous political, economic, and social challenges. Despite
financial resources also obtaining suitable facilities/sites and challenges such as terrorism, poverty, and bureaucracies, the
availability and partnership building and service and lastly the Philippine National Police (PNP) remains a trusted resource for
administration and management (Public Safety Canada, n.d.). On protecting residents.
the other country, Japan's successful low crime rate is due to its
competent and effective policing system. The Japanese police The study by Cynic et al. (2024) revealed that the Pasay City
have a high crime-solving success rate, and having them in the Police Station's problems are based on personnel needs, facilities,
neighborhood contributes to public safety. However, they face supplies, and equipment; the respondent's suggestions to help
rising organized crime, emerging cybercrime, adjusting to new solve the problems are specifically geared toward solving the
technologies, and integrating individual rights protection with problems encountered. However, Pasay City Police
social order maintenance (Ilarde, 2023). Officers/Personnel also revealed that they would be more
efficient in solving crime problems if additional intelligence
Tuttle et al. (2019) stated that United States Police officers endure officers were dispatched to areas where criminal activity is
particular obstacles in the line of duty that affect their physical prevalent.
and mental well-being. Also, police officers faced a variety of
organizational, functional, community-related, and personal Similarly, Mendoza et al. (2021) also found from their study that
stressors, including shift work and emergency response to public the Police officers in the National Capital Region (NCR) behind
expectations on police-community relationships and social their performance of their duty have numerous issues, including
media. Stress and trauma provide external hurdles to their administration, corruption, and national security concerns. As a
wellness, putting police officers at risk for compassion fatigue, result, establishing an effective succession of leaders capable of
moral harm, and burnout. In addition, according to the research meeting these problems and improving enforcement efficacy and
study of James et al. (2023) found out that 77.4% of police broader security sector changes is essential. Also, on January 4,
officers had low levels of sleep, 25.7% had excessive tiredness 2023, Department of the Interior and Local Government
during the day, 50.2% had symptoms of post-traumatic stress Benjamin Abalos requested that the Philippine National Police
disorder, 51.9% had depressed symptoms, and 40.8% had (PNP) generals and colonels submit 'courtesy' resignations. The
symptoms of anxiety. action is designed to clean up the ranks of the PNP, particularly
those implicated in illegal narcotics. The request for courteous
Hence, according to the study of Annag et al. (2023) in Ghana, resignations was part of a credible campaign against government
challenges such as inadequate logistics, insufficient personnel, corruption (Tugade & Fernandez, 2023).
language barriers, and political interference hampered the Ghana
Police Service's ability to carry out its mandate effectively. These Moreover, the study by Falloran et al. (2022) in the local Police
issues significantly impacted the morale of Police Service Station of Misamis Occidental revealed that perceptions of
officers, reducing their motivation to carry out their barriers, work environment dissatisfaction, and frustration
2024 EPRA IJMR | http://eprajournals.com/ | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013 -----------------------------------------------------------------------50
ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 10| Issue: 5| May 2024|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2024: 8.402 || ISI Value: 1.188
discomfort were predictors of occupational stress. This suggests In addition, Lazarus' Stress and Coping Theory (1984) examines
that these factors play a significant role in determining the overall how individuals perceive and respond to stressful situations.
level of occupational stress experienced by employees. However, Police officers often encounter high levels of stress due to the
these findings underscore the interconnectedness of various nature of their work, which can affect their psychological well-
factors within the work environment and their influence on police being and job performance. Understanding how officers cope
well-being. with stress and the effectiveness of different coping strategies can
provide insights into their ability to fulfill their duties effectively
In Tabuk City, Kalinga, police officers have experienced crime (Janse, 2022).
prevention challenges that have impacted them personally,
socially, and within their communities and families. In diverse In connection, the General Strain Theory by Agnew (1992) posits
communities, language barriers and cultural differences may that individuals experience strain or stress when they perceive a
impede effective communication and engagement between police discrepancy between their expectations or aspirations and their
officers and residents, making it challenging to build rapport and actual life circumstances. This strain can arise from various
address community-specific crime issues. Limited resources and sources, including adverse events, such as financial hardship,
competing priorities may lead to disparities in policing services interpersonal conflict, or failure to achieve goals. In the context
across different neighborhoods, exacerbating feelings of of police work, officers may encounter strain from factors such as
inequality and distrust among marginalized communities exposure to violence, traumatic incidents, organizational
(Philstar Global, 2023). stressors, and the demanding nature of their job. These strains can
contribute to negative emotions, such as anger, frustration, or
Hence, during the third quarter's meeting of the Provincial Peace depression, which may, in turn, lead to maladaptive coping
and Order Council (PPOC), the Kalinga Police Provincial Office strategies or deviant behavior (Edward, et. al. (2021).
reiterated its dedication to crime prevention efforts in the
province and continued to push initiatives aimed at developing a Significance of the Study
safe and secure environment for the public, with support from The research study will provide supporting documentation
local government units, communities, and stakeholders. that may be used in future studies. This may also serve as the
However, it challenged them to the need for more trust between foundation for developing a plan, program, and model to improve
law enforcement and the communities they serve, hindering police performance. The results of the research would be helpful
cooperation and collaboration in crime prevention efforts (Serion, to the following:
Tabuk City Police Station. The police station can implement
Today, police organizations greatly need to recognize the issues targeted training programs, provide necessary resources, and
they encounter while fulfilling their duties and obligations. This develop supportive policies to address the identified issues to
recognition is vital for understanding the hurdles they face in enhance the overall performance and morale of the police officers
serving the community effectively. To tackle this challenge, within the police station.
various methods can aid police officers in enhancing their
performance. As a result, the researcher decided to determine the Police personnel. For police officers, recognizing and addressing
challenges encountered and coping mechanisms by the police crime prevention challenges can improve job satisfaction, mental
officers in Tabuk City in implementing crime prevention. As a health, and job performance.
goal to investigate the challenges faced by police officers in crime
prevention, the researcher can provide policy recommendations Families of police officers. Understanding the challenges
to better support police officers and their resources, improve encountered can help families provide better support to the police
personal, family, and community relations, and enhance overall officers and encourage the development of coping mechanisms
effectiveness in crime prevention efforts. that promote family resilience.
• To determine the specific challenges faced by police all involved parties. The researcher used a recording tool with the
officers in effectively preventing crime in terms of consent of the participants and handled and stored the recorded
personal, family, and community relations and data securely and confidentially to protect participant privacy.
• To investigate the coping mechanisms of police officers Data Gathering Procedure
to manage the challenges encountered associated with Upon the approval of the Dean, Adviser, and Tool Validators, the
their role in crime prevention researcher proceeded to the data gathering.
First, before conducting the interview, the researcher was given a
METHODOLOGY communication letter for approval, signed by the researcher's
The following presented the study design, population, data adviser, to the Chief of Police in Tabuk City to obtain the
gathering tool/s, data gathering procedure, treatment of the data, necessary data of the respondents in this study. Then, after the
and ethical considerations that will be used in this study. approval of all the communication letters, the researcher was
referred and endorsed to inform and locate the study participants.
Study Design The researcher discussed the informed consent and the nature of
The study used the qualitative-narrative design to match the the study. Such as the objectives of the study, the willingness to
proper outcome. Using this design offered data collection and participate in the study, and all data gathered were kept
analysis flexibility, allowing the researcher to adapt their confidential. No force was used, and participants answered the
approach based on emerging themes and insights. Using this questions voluntarily.
design, the researcher gathered narrative data through informal
interviews that were analyzed using thematic analysis, focusing After the participants had consented, the researcher proceeded to
on examining themes within the data collected. interview them until data saturation was reached. Then, the data
collected were transcribed to create a narrative format. Then,
Sample of the study from the transcribed data, the common responses were
The researcher used purposive sampling to select seven categorized, and the theme was identified.
participants based on the specific characteristics or criteria
relevant to the research questions. The selected participants had Treatment of the Data
been police officers who had stayed at least five (5) years in The study used inductive thematic analysis to analyze qualitative
Tabuk City and had extensive experience, expertise, or direct data in the first and second parts of the interview guide to identify
involvement in implementing crime prevention. These patterns or themes systematically. Initially, researchers
participants were chosen because they possess valuable insights familiarized themselves with the data and then generated initial
and perspectives relevant to the research topics for addressing the codes by labeling sections of the data. These codes were grouped
research question effectively. Those police officers who were not and refined into potential themes, which were reviewed, defined,
qualified with the specific criteria were excluded to ensure the and named. The final step involves writing up the analysis and
validity and reliability of the findings. Based on the objectives of creating a narrative for each theme supported by the data.
this study only focused on particular locations. Including
additional local areas may have diluted the research focus or made Ethical Considerations
it overly complex, and it may question the credibility and In this study, participants were treated according to the ethical
trustworthiness of the study. By acknowledging limitations, standard of treatment. The researcher strictly followed the ethical
researchers can prevent misinterpretations of overgeneralizations standards imposed before, during, and after the study's conduct.
of the findings. This helped ensure that readers understood the
scope and boundaries of the study. Participants in this study were voluntary. To maintain
confidentiality, the participants' real names and ranks were not
Data Gathering tool revealed and treated with the utmost care. Thus, the researcher
This study used an interview guide as a tool. The adviser and tool used a codename to present each participant's narration or
validator checked the unstructured interview guide questions first responses. There was no harm done in getting information from
to ensure validity and reliability. The survey interview guide the participants. The information received from participants was
consisted of two parts: the first was to determine the specific preserved and utilized solely for this research study. The
challenges faced by police officers in effectively preventing crime researcher protected the participants' privacy, confidentiality, and
in terms of personal, family, and community relations and anonymity. To ensure the trustworthiness of this study, the
resources, and the second part was to investigate the coping researcher sets aside personal feelings and opinions to achieve a
mechanisms of police officers to manage the challenges better result. The researcher ensured that the Tabuk City police
encountered associated with their role in crime prevention. A station received a copy of this research study and a signed copy
secure and safe place in the facility for conducting interviews or upon receiving it with photos as a piece of evidence. This
designated meeting spaces that offer a degree of privacy and research was given to them so that the administration would be
security. However, the researcher always prioritized safety aware of whether or not there were still improvement needs. The
protocols and ensured that the interview environment was safe for paper's integrity was protected by citing references used in the
2024 EPRA IJMR | http://eprajournals.com/ | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013 -----------------------------------------------------------------------52
ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 10| Issue: 5| May 2024|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2024: 8.402 || ISI Value: 1.188
study. Data collected were stored in a password-protected device, System)." This implies that tensions or disputes within the group
and hard copies of the questionnaires were kept until the study may arise from cultural differences, such as the disparities in
was completed. customs and traditions among various tribes.
The Bodong system's involvement shows how dependent the
RESULT AND DISCUSSION community is on customary means of settling conflicts and
The following presents the result and discussion of the findings upholding social orders. Fair (2023) highlighted that when police
of the gathered data. officers do not understand diverse cultural backgrounds within
1. Challenges encountered by police officers in crime communities, they might inadvertently perpetuate biases or
prevention within Tabuk City, Kalinga in terms of engage in discriminatory practices, leading to mistrust among
personal, family, and community relations and marginalized groups.
In terms of Personal obstacles or challenges encountered In terms of family obstacles or challenges encountered
Impact of duty and personal relationship. The police officers Lack of time. One major issue that impacted family relationships
illustrate the complex interplay between the effects of duty and among police officers was the lack of time because of the
personal relationships in crime prevention efforts, as quoted from demands of their jobs. As provided from the statements of P2, "As
the sample statement of P1: "Thinking of what would be the a police officer, it saves me the chance to sustain the needs of my
impact of my action, but I must have to do so, to implement what family, but it also limits the time to be with them during special
is due" and P2 stated that "The personal obstacle I faced when occasions and holidays,” added P4 "My family is proud to have a
trying to prevent crime in Tabuk City is when I'm alone, and I'm police officer in our family group, but there is a consequence of
not physically prepared to respond”. Also, P6 added, "During sacrifices on other matters like family gatherings if in case the
the implementation of traffic rules, I cannot deny that some are Philippine National Police is on full alert" and P7 "Time
friends, acquaintances and relatives who violate but the Mismanagement." This implies that family members of the police
understanding of situations sometimes prevails but if no valid officers might find it difficult to connect or partake in meaningful
reason rules must also prevail and should face a activities together due to this lack of time, which can result in
penalty." This emphasizes the sense of duty and accountability police officers being absent from significant family gatherings or
that comes with their involvement in attempts to prevent a crime. celebrations. Dingman (2022) found that the nature of police
However, police officers' professionalism and honesty in their officers often involved irregular and long hours, rotating shifts,
responsibilities to prevent crime can be improved by recognizing and unpredictable work schedules, which could significantly
and addressing the influence of their relationships and disrupt families' routines and limit quality time spent with their
responsibilities. The impact of police officers' duty and personal loved ones.
relationships on implementing crime prevention was crucial to
effective law enforcement, as effective police officers are diligent High risk and stress. This highlighted the experience of the
and efficient in their duties and responsibilities (Ejoc & Alferez, police officers' families in the impact of the risks and stressors of
2018). their loved one's occupation in law enforcement. As quoted from
the statement of P3, "High risk because of the stressors of the job,
Threat and personal attack. The challenges of threats and as well as the stress created by shift work." This suggests that
personal attacks draw attention to the severe personal difficulties because the family members are at risk of coming into danger
that police officers deal with when attempting to prevent crime. daily, the family members frequently feel increased anxiety, fear,
As quoted from the statement of P3, "Threat, harassment and and mental discomfort. Furthermore, the strain brought on by the
fear," and added from P5, "Personal attack and hatred." These unpredictability of shift work may also affect the welfare of the
highlighted the severe challenges that police officers have in their police officer's family. In addition, Eikenberry et al. (2023)
attempts to prevent crimes because of the threats and personal emphasized that police officers might have struggled to switch off
attacks that were leveled at them. This also emphasized that work-related stressors at home, leading to conflict or
police officers suffered the added burden of being the subject of disconnection from family members.
personal harassment or violence in addition to the risks that come
with their duties. Gomes et al. (2022) emphasized that persistent Role modeling and guidance. This highlighted the significant
threats increased officer stress and burnout, potentially leading to responsibility that police officers carry out not only in their
retention issues and staffing shortages within police departments. professional roles but also in their roles within their own families.
Cultural sensitivity and diversity. The police officers As stated by sample P6, "I should be a good example and always
highlighted their challenges in crime prevention through cultural remind my family members to be guided in rules and regulations
sensitivity and diversity. As quoted from the statements of P4, that are being implemented." This suggested the dual nature of
"Our province is composed of many tribes, and sometimes this the police officers' role. In addition to upholding the law and
tribal connection is used negatively. Tribes must be keeping their communities safe, police officers must lead by a
considered due to differences in customs and traditions, but most good example and be role models for their families. Valmari et al,
of all, considered to help the peace and order of the province" (2023) emphasized that police officers often served as role
and also from P7 "Intervention of the Bodong System (Peace Pact models for their families, demonstrating responsibilities,
2024 EPRA IJMR | http://eprajournals.com/ | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013 -----------------------------------------------------------------------53
ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 10| Issue: 5| May 2024|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2024: 8.402 || ISI Value: 1.188
integrity, and dedication to public service, regardless of the cooperation with police investigations and discourage individuals
challenges in their work. from reporting crimes.
In terms of community obstacles or challenges encountered In terms of resources obstacles or challenges encountered
Maximum Tolerance. This emphasized the problem Limited funds. Police officers highlighted the limited funds
encountered by the police officers in showing tolerance and calm needed to implement crime prevention, as quoted from the
in difficult situations. As quoted from the statements of the P4, statement of P1: “Our city Local Government Unit is very
"Trying to keep in touch with the community through dialogue cooperative and supportive, but they cannot provide everything,
and being a person with maximum tolerance if engaged in any so normally they are still short of funds.” P4 added, “Limited
police operation to a disrespectful person with any violent funds to support activities, but not to the extent of sacrificing the
reactions," and added from the P6, "Some of the populaces are safety of the public.” The statements suggested that although the
arrogant and not willing to abide but always practice maximum Local Government Units cooperated and provided support,
tolerance." This shows how important it is for police officers to inadequate funds were available for successful crime prevention
communicate with the public in a patient, understanding, and efforts. Rushin and Michalski (2020) emphasized that the limited
respectful manner, especially in situations that could involve funds might have led to staffing shortages within police
confrontation. Caliwan and Nepomuceno (2023) stated that a departments, resulting in fewer officers to patrol neighborhoods,
maximum tolerance approach of police officers could contribute conduct investigations, and respond to emergencies.
to a sense of security and safety within the community, even
becoming challenging to implement. Inadequate equipment and vehicles. Police officers
emphasized the severe shortage of essential equipment and
Community engagement. Police officer's challenge encountered vehicles within their department, which significantly challenges
when trying to build trust and cooperation with the community to them to carry out their duties effectively and ensure public safety.
prevent crime was community engagement. As quoted from the As quoted from the statements of P2, “Lack of mobility or mobile
statements of P3, "Engage to school, pairing law enforcement vehicles to be used in the main office,” P3, “Lack of mobile
together with school is another way to build trust." P5 added, vehicle and the other vehicles are under maintenance,” P5, “Lack
"Become a good model, courteous, actively participating in of CCTVs,” and including from P7, “Lack of mobility and lack
various activities and communication in the of radio communication equipment.” This implies that police
community." This implies that police officers actively participate officers encountered difficulties in maintaining operational
in community engagement to prevent crime and improve public preparedness and safety and successfully preventing crime due to
safety by fostering positive relationships between police officers a lack of equipment and vehicles in the police department,
and the communities they serve. including patrol cars, communication devices, and surveillance
technology. Annang et al. (2023) highlighted that inadequate
Concealment of criminals. This highlighted the severe problems vehicles could have led to delays in deploying officers to high-
of criminals hiding out in the community, which makes it difficult priority incidents responding to emergency calls and could have
for police officers to enforce the law. This issue implies that restricted mobility, particularly in rural or remote areas with large
efforts to establish confidence and support crime prevention geographic regions to cover.
may be hampered by community member's unwillingness to
cooperate or report criminal activities. As revealed by the quoted 2. Coping mechanisms of police officers to manage the
statement of P1, "Concealment of criminals is the main problem challenges encountered associated with their role in
of law enforcement." Valenzuela and Tamayo (2021) emphasized crime prevention
that if police work was ineffective or lacked community support, Coping mechanisms in terms of personal
criminals might find it easier to hide within Professional commitment and responsibilities. Police officers
neighborhoods. This could occur when residents were reluctant to showed the need to carry out their duties and commitment despite
cooperate with police officers due to distrust and fear of the personal obstacles they faced in implementing crime
retaliation. prevention, as quoted by the statements from P1: "By focusing on
Wrong perception. This emphasizes mistrust and unfavorable what is my part in implementing such activities, and doing my job
attitudes among community members toward the police officers. religiously, fair, and with commitment," P5 "As being part of the
As quoted from the statement of P7, "Wrong perception of the PNP organization we are equipped to face all challenges we
community about the police". This perception may be from encounter and also we practice maximum tolerance," P6 "Always
negative experiences in the community, abuse of authority by the think that there are rules to be implemented and we are
police, discrimination, or media representations. As a result, implementing those for prevention" and added by P7 "Avoid
creating partnerships with the community to prevent or deter political intervention and just follow legal
crime becomes extremely difficult. Clark et al. (2019) found that orders." This highlighted that the police officers' continuous
negative perceptions of the police within communities could commitment to fulfilling their duties regardless of the personal
result in a loss of trust between them, which could hinder challenges encountered to ensure successful efforts to prevent
crime and maintaining professional integrity and adherence to
2024 EPRA IJMR | http://eprajournals.com/ | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013 -----------------------------------------------------------------------54
ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 10| Issue: 5| May 2024|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2024: 8.402 || ISI Value: 1.188
legal orders are essentials for their effectiveness. Dempsey et al. they faced in their families in their related duties. As quoted from
(2023) stated that police officers were bound by codes of ethics the statements of P6, “Constant reminder to my family member
and professional standards that guided their conduct and decision- that will be sure of showing care to them,” and P7, “Time and
making. Upholding these principles, such as honesty, integrity, financial management.” This suggests that the police officers
and impartiality, enabled police officers to navigate obstacles and show how crucial it is to express family love and care. By actively
maintain public trust in law enforcement. reminding their families of their care, police officers aim to foster
a sense of security and well-being. Furthermore, adequate
Spiritual well-being, mental, and physical preparedness. financial support is vital for ensuring they meet the needs of their
Coping through spiritual well-being and mental and physical families while fulfilling their responsibilities or duties as police
conditioning suggested a recognition of the pressure works of officers. Zemlok (2022) highlighted that demonstrating care and
police officers in crime prevention, as quoted from the statement support helped alleviate the anxiety and stress that family
of P2, "I cope by mind and physically conditioned," and P3, members may have experienced due to the inherent risks
"Through praying and having fun with my family." This implies associated with police work.
the importance of addressing the holistic well-being of police
officers to ensure their resilience and effectiveness in crime Coping mechanisms in terms of community
prevention efforts. Police officer's spiritual well-being provides Positive community engagement. Positive community
inner strength, while mental preparedness fosters resilience and engagement is an essential aspect of effective law enforcement.
sound decision-making under pressure (Murali, 2019). Physical This theme highlighted the proactive approach that police officers
preparedness ensured that police officers were physically fit and can take to cultivate a supportive and cohesive community
capable of performing their duties safely and effectively (Holder, environment. This theme, as evidenced by the responses from P1
2023). and P5, suggested the significance of fostering solid ties with the
community to promote safety, trust, and cooperation. P1
Cultural understanding and adaptation. Recognizing, highlighted the importance of imparting the values of peace to
understanding, and respecting the cultural differences within the community members and emphasizing its positive impact on the
community of Kalinga emerged as a coping mechanism among community. As quoted from the statement of P1, "By imparting
police officers in implementing successful crime prevention, as to them the importance of peace and its effects on the community
quoted from the statement of P4: "Learn the culture of every tribe and development." This suggested that the police officers
in Kalinga, adopt the good one, show respect and recognized the role of communication in cultivating a shared
accept." This emphasized the significance of different cultural understanding of the benefits of peace and cooperation in the
competencies in effective community policing and crime community. Similarly, P5 emphasized the need to actively
prevention. Hancock and Tarallo (2021) revealed that strengthen relationships within the community to gain its trust and
understanding cultural differences enabled police officers to build support. As quoted from the statement of P5, "Strengthen
trust, communicate effectively, and respond appropriately to community relationships to win the heart of the community." It
community needs. implies that winning the hearts of community members requires
consistent effort and responsiveness to their needs and concerns.
Coping mechanisms in terms of family Modise (2023) stated that positive community engagement
Effective communication and time spent with family. Police fostered mutual respect and understanding between residents and
officers highlighted the importance of effective communication police officers, reducing tensions and helping police departments
and time spent with family as the vital coping mechanism for tailor their services to meet the specific needs and priorities of the
problems encountered in their duties, particularly concerning communities they served.
their families. As quoted from the statements of P1, “By
explaining to them the nature of my job so they understand and Professionalism and Ethical Conduct. This theme emphasized
admit it heartfully,” then P2, “I always informed my family of the the importance of upholding high standards of behavior and
activities,” P3 “Have time with the family,” from P4 “Having integrity in law enforcement practice. As evidenced by the
happy hour with family on another day if not busy or alert. Find responses provided, P2 stresses the importance of being "Always
time to have them socially engage” and from P5 genuine in action." This implies that police officers should
“Communication.” This implies that police officers understand consistently act with honesty, sincerity, and transparency in their
how important it is to keep communication and spend time with interactions with the community. P3 emphasized the fundamental
their families to manage the pressures of being a police officer. responsibility of police officers to "Just do our work and duties
Soua et al. (2023) highlighted that maintaining open and honest as a police officer." This implies the importance of dedication and
communication within the family helped police officers navigate professionalism in fulfilling the obligations associated with the
the challenges of their profession, including trauma, stress, and role of a police officer. P4 added, "Just continue patience since
the demands of shift work. PNP work is not finished until you retire. Love your work, and
avoid any unfavorable situations that may affect PNP as a
Expressing care and financial support. Police officers whole". This highlighted the encouragement of the police
expressed care and financial support as essential coping strategies officers to maintain patience and dedication throughout their
2024 EPRA IJMR | http://eprajournals.com/ | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013 -----------------------------------------------------------------------55
ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 10| Issue: 5| May 2024|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2024: 8.402 || ISI Value: 1.188
careers; this response also emphasized the long-term commitment additional resources. Zaghloul and Patridge (2022) emphasized
required to serve and protect communities effectively. Similarly, that collaboration and partnership for resource support enabled
P6 stresses the importance of "Observing maximum tolerance and police departments to enhance their capabilities, optimize
understanding of the situation." This suggests that police officers resource allocation, and deliver more comprehensive and
should approach challenging situations with empathy and impactful services to the communities they served.
patience with the community. P7 focused on the imperative to
"Avoid doing unnecessary negative activities." This implies the CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
importance of ethical decision-making and integrity in law Conclusions
enforcement practice. This theme is highlighted as the foundation Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn.
principles that guide effective police officer practices and are The challenges faced by police officers in effectively
essential for maintaining public confidence and trust in the police. preventing crime were complex and multifaceted, encompassing
By embodying ethical and professional behavior, police officers personal, familial, community relations, and resource-related
not only upheld the rules of law but also promoted positive obstacles. Police officers navigated the strains of high-stress
relationships with the community, enhanced accountability, and environments, grappling with mental health issues and physical
maintained the criminal justice system’s integrity (Philippine demands while balancing the needs of their families against the
National Police Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical demands of their profession. However, through proactive coping
Standards, 2022). mechanisms, police officers endeavored to overcome these
obstacles. By prioritizing mental, physical, emotional, and
Coping Mechanisms in terms of resources spiritual well-being, officers enhanced their ability to effectively
Resource Management. This emphasized the importance of serve and protect their communities, contributing to safer and
effectively utilizing available resources to address challenges and more cohesive societies.
limitations in crime prevention efforts. As quoted from the
statement of P1, "Optimized the available resources." This Recommendations
response emphasized the need to make the best use of the Based on the findings of the study, the researcher recommends
resources already at hand, namely that by optimizing available the following;
resources, police officers can maximize their efficiency and 1. Police Departments may prioritize mental health support
effectiveness in addressing crime prevention, as quoted from the for police officers, including access to counseling
statement of P6, "Used resources in proper and right usages." It services, peer support programs, and stress management
highlighted the importance of using resources responsibly and resources.
efficiently and ensuring they were utilized effectively to achieve 2. Police Departments may promote work-life balance
desired outcomes. P4 added, "We have to cut off unnecessary through flexible scheduling options, adequate time off,
expenses like conserved electric energy and follow the guidance and family-friendly policies.
of the higher headquarters regarding energy conservation." This 3. Investing in cultural competency training for police
response emphasized the importance of cost-saving measures and officers and promoting transparency and accountability
conservation efforts in resource management. This theme of in policing practices can also help bridge the gap
proper resource management enables police officers to operate between law enforcement and the community.
more effectively and efficiently, maximizing their impact on 4. Collaborating with other law enforcement agencies,
crime prevention without overstretching limited resources. community organizations, and government entities can
Townsen and Loudoun (2023) emphasized allocating and also help leverage additional resources and support.
utilizing personnel, equipment, funding, and technology-enabled 5. The original research, focused only on police officers.
police departments to respond to emergencies promptly and However, conducting a follow-up study among other
implement proactive crime prevention strategies. researchers that examines or determines the experience
or perception of the community on the effectiveness of
Collaboration and Partnership for Resource Support. The police officers in implementing crime prevention can
theme highlighted the importance of working with external provide a more comprehensive understanding.
entities to access additional resources to strengthen their
capabilities and effectiveness in addressing crime and REFERENCES
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Appendix A
Letter to conduct study
Appendix B
Interview Guide
Challenges encountered by the Police officers of crime prevention in Tabuk City, Kalinga
This aims to determine the challenges encountered by police officers in crime prevention within Tabuk City, Kalinga.
A. The following are the interview questions regarding the challenges encountered by the police officer, in terms of; Personal
(yourself); Family Relationships; Community Relations; and Resources.
1. Can you tell me about some of the personal obstacles you faced when trying to prevent crime in Tabuk City?
2. What is the impact of your work as a police officer on your family life and relationships?
3. What are the challenges you encounter when trying to build trust and cooperation with the community to prevent crime?
4. In your efforts to prevent crime in Tabuk City, what are some of the challenges you face due to resources (like funds, equipment,
or materials to be used)?
B. The following are the interview questions regarding the coping mechanisms of police officers in Tabuk City, Kalinga utilize to
manage the challenges encountered associated with their role in crime prevention.
1. How do you personally cope with the obstacles you face when trying to prevent crime in Tabuk City?
2. What coping strategies do you employ on these challenges you encountered as a police officer in your family life and
3. How do you manage these challenges you encounter within the community while still striving to maintain positive relationships
as a law enforcement officer?
4. What coping strategies do you employ to overcome resource limitations and challenges in your crime prevention efforts?
Appendix C.
1 Can you tell me about some of the personal obstacles you faced when trying to prevent crime in Tabuk City?
P1 “Thinking of what would be the impact of my action, but I must have to do so, to implement what is due”.
P2 “The personal obstacle I faced when trying to prevent crime in Tabuk City is when I’m alone and I’m not physically prepared to
P3 “Threat, harassment and fear”.
P4 “Our province is composed of many tribes, sometimes this tribal connection was used negatively. Tribes must be considered due to
differences in customs and traditions, but most of all, considered to help the peace and order of the province”.
P5 “Personal attack and hatred”.
P6 “During the implementation of traffic rules, I cannot deny that some are friends, acquaintances and relatives who violate but the
understanding of situations sometimes prevails but if no valid reason rules must also prevail and should face penalty”.
P7 “Intervention of the Bodong System (Peace Pact System)”.
2 What is the impact of your work as a police officer on your family life and relationships?
P1 “I was a police officer before we married my partner, hence she accepted all the challenges or consequences of being a law enforcer’s
P2 “As a police officer it saves me the chance to sustain the needs of my family but it also limits the time to be with them during special
occasions and holidays.
P3 “High risk because of the stressors of the job, as well as the stress created by shift work”.
P4 “My family is proud to have a police officer in our family group, but there is a consequence of sacrifices on other matters like family
gatherings if in case the Philippine National Police is on full alert”.
P5 “Feeling safe and convenient to connect to PNP”.
P6 “I should be a good example and always remind my family members to be guided in rules and regulations that are being
P7 “Time Mismanagement”.
3 What are the challenges you encounter when trying to build trust and cooperation with the community to prevent crime?
P1 “Concealment of criminals is the main problem of law enforcement”.
P2 “The challenges encountered when trying to build trust and cooperation with the community is the inconsistency of the programs,
cultural defenses, and the “bahala kayo system” (It's up to You System).
P3 “Engage to school, pairing law enforcement together with school is another way to build trust”.
P4 “Trying to keep in touch with the community through dialogue and being a person with maximum tolerance if engaged in any police
operation to a disrespectful person with any violent reactions”.
P5 “Become a good model, courteous, actively participating in various activities and communication in the community”.
P6 “Some of the populaces are arrogant and not willing to abide but always practice maximum tolerance”.
P7 “Wrong perception of the community about the police”.
2024 EPRA IJMR | http://eprajournals.com/ | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013 -----------------------------------------------------------------------60
ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 10| Issue: 5| May 2024|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2024: 8.402 || ISI Value: 1.188
4 In your efforts to prevent crime in Tabuk City, what are some of the challenges you face due to resources (like funds, equipment, or
materials to be used)?
P1 “Our city Local Government Unit is very cooperative and supportive but they cannot provide everything, so normally they are still
short of funds”.
P2 “Lack of mobility or mobile vehicles to be used in the main office”.
P3 “Lack of mobile vehicle and the other vehicles are under maintenance”.
P4 “Limited fund to support activities, but not to the extent of sacrificing the safety of the public”.
P5 “Lack of CCTVs”.
P6 “Our city mayor is supportive in the implementation of such crime prevention to aid some of the materials needed by the office”.
P7 “Lack of mobility and lack of radio communication equipment”.
1 How do you personally cope with the obstacles you face when trying to prevent crime in Tabuk City?
P1 “By focusing on what is my part in implementing such activities, and doing my job religiously, fair, and with commitment”.
P2 “I cope by mind and physically conditioned”.
P3 “Through praying and having fun with my family”.
P4 “Learn the culture of every tribe in Kalinga, adopt the good one, show respect and accept”.
P5 “As being part of the PNP organization we are equipped to face all challenges we encounter and also we practice maximum tolerance”.
P6 “Always think that there are rules to be implemented and we are implementing those for prevention”.
P7 “Avoid politics intervention and just follow legal orders”.
2 What coping strategies do you employ on these challenges you encountered as a police officer in your family life and relationships?
P1 “By explaining to them the nature of my job so they understand and admit it heartfully”.
P2 “I always informed my family of the activities”. P3 “Have time with the family”.
P4 “Having happy hour with family on another day if not busy or alert. Find time to have them socially engage”.
P5 “Communication”.
P6 “Constant reminder to my family member that will be sure of showing care to them”.
P7 “Time and financial management”.
3 How do you manage these challenges you encounter within the community while still striving to maintain positive relationships as a
law enforcement officer?
P1 “By imparting to them the importance of peace and its effects on the community and development”.
P2 “Always genuine in action”. P3 “Just do our work and duties as a police officer”.
P4 “Just continue patience since PNP work is not finished yet until you retire. Love your work, and avoid any unfavorable situations
that may affect PNP as a whole.
P5 “Strengthen community relationships to win the heart of the community”.
P6 “Observing maximum tolerance and understanding of the situation”.
P7 “Avoid doing unnecessary negative activities”.
4 What coping strategies do you employ to overcome resource limitations and challenges in your crime prevention efforts?
P1 “Optimized the available resources”.
P2 “Be resourceful”.
P3 “More mobile vehicle”.
P4 “We have to cut off unnecessary expenses like conserved electric energy and follow the guidance of the higher headquarters regarding
energy conservation”.
P5 “Engagement to various establishments to set up CCTVs for security purposes”.
P6 “Used resources in proper and right usages”.
P7 “Seek the support of stakeholders like Local Government Units”.
Appendix D
Tool Validation Certificate
Appendix E.