Lecture Notes 14

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C/C++ Programming in a UNIX Environment

CS 3377

Bhanu Kapoor, PhD

Department of Computer Science
University of Texas, Dallas, TX
[email protected]

Lecture Notes 14

Reading for Week 13-14
 Chapter 11 of A Practical Guide to
Linux® Commands, Editors, and Shell
Programming, Third Edition. Mark G.
◼ Chapter 11: The Perl Scripting Language


 Practical extraction and report language

 Similar to shell script but easier and
more powerful
 Easy availability, free
 Available for multiple OS platforms
PERL Basics
 Perl files extension .pl
 Self executing scripts
◼ First line: #!/bin/perl –w

 No compilation to create object file

 Use system commands
◼ system("unix command");
◼ system("ls *");
◼ All commands have to end in ";"

 Comments with #
PERL Basics
 Print command for writing to standard
◼ print “Hello, world!";
◼ Formatting with printf
◼ Close to C printing
 You can try out your first PERL program
◼ Print Hello, world! and list files in
your working directory

#!/bin/perl –w
print “Hello, world!\n";
system("ls *");
PERL Basics
 How to run a PERL program?
◼ Like shell scripts, make file executable and run
◼ $ ./helloworld.pl
◼ How do you make file executable?

◼ You can use the perl command

◼ $perl helloworld.pl

◼ You can test segments of code on the

command line with –e option
◼ $perl –e ‘print “Hello, world!” ‘
◼ $perl -e '$name="Jack" ; print "$name\n";'
Variables and Operations

 Scalar variables
 List variables
 Push and pop
 Shift and unshift
 Reverse and Splice
 Hash, keys, values, each
Scalar Variables
 They should always be preceded with
the $ symbol. $name = “John”;
 Not necessary to declare the variable
first and then use.
 There are no datatypes to declare.
 The scalar variable means that it can
store only one value and it can be of any
 What’s difference with bash variables?
Scalar Variable
 $name = “John”;
 print "$name \n";
 The output on the screen will be John.
 Default values for all variables is undef,
equivalent to null.
Scalar Variables
 Experiment with scalar variables
 $ cat string1.pl
#!/bin/perl -w
$string="5"; # $string declared as a string, but it will not matter
print '$string+5\n'; # Perl displays $string+5 literally because of
# the single quotation marks
print "\n$string+5\n"; # Perl interpolates the value of $string as a string
# because of the double quotation marks
print $string+5, "\n"; # Lack of quotation marks causes Perl to interpret
# $string as a numeric variable and to add 5;
# the \n must appear between double quotes

Scalar Variables
 $ cat scalars1.pl
#!/bin/perl -w
$name = "Sam";
$n1 = 5; $n2 = 2;
print "$name $n1 $n2";
print "$n1 + $n2";
print '$name $n1 $n2';
print $n1 + $n2, " ", $n1 * $n2;
print $name + $n1;

List Variables
 They are like arrays. It can be considered
as a group of scalar variables.
 List variables are always preceded by the
◼ @names = (“John",“Lisa",“James");
◼ As in C, the index starts from 0.
◼ If want the second member of the list,
you can access it as $names[1]
◼ Each element is a scalar hence $
◼ @names will give you the length of the
list i.e., 3
◼ $#names as the index of the last
element in the array named array. 12
List Variables
 $ cat arrayvar1.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
@arrayvar = (8, 18, "Sam");
print $arrayvar[1]; #18
print "@arrayvar[1,2]"; #18 sam
 $ cat arrayvar2.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
@arrayvar2 = ("apple", "bird", 44, "Tike",
"metal", "pike");
$num = @arrayvar2; #number of elements
print "Elements: ", $num, "\n"; #Elements: 6
List Variables
 $ cat arrayvar3.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$v1 = 5; $v2 = 8;
$va = "Sam"; $vb = "uel";
@arrayvar3 = ($v1, $v1 * 2, $v1 * $v2, "Max", "Zach", $va . $vb);
print $arrayvar3[2], "\n"; # one element of an array is a scalar
print @arrayvar3[2,4], "\n"; # two elements of an array are a list
print @arrayvar3[2..4], "\n"; # a slice
print "@arrayvar3[2,4]", "\n"; # a list, elements separated by SPACEs
print "@arrayvar3[2..4]", "\n"; # a slice, elements separated by SPACEs
print "@arrayvar3\n"; # an array, elements separated by SPACEs

Shift, Push, Pop, and Splice
 The shift function returns and removes
the first element of an array.
 The push function adds an element to
the end of an array.
 The pop function returns and removes
the last element of an array.
 The splice function replaces elements of
an array with another array.

Push and Pop

 @names = ("betty","veronica","tom“)

 push(@names,"lily“), now the @names

will contain

 pop(@names) will return "lily" which is

the last value, @names will now
contain ("betty","veronica","tom").
Shift, Unshift, and Reverse
 Shift and unshift act on the lower
◼ unshift(@names,"lily"), now @names contains
◼ shift(@names) returns "lily" and @names
contains ("betty","veronica","tom").
 Reverse reverses the list and returns it.
◼ Reverse(@names) returns
 $ cat ./shift1.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
@colors = ("red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "indigo", "violet");
print " Display array: @colors";
print " Display and remove first element of array: ", shift (@colors);
print " Display remaining elements of array: @colors";
push (@colors, "WHITE");
print " Add element to end of array and display: @colors";
print " Display and remove last element of array: ", pop (@colors);
print " Display remaining elements of array: @colors";
@ins = ("GRAY", "FERN");
splice (@colors, 1, 2, @ins);
print "Replace second and third elements of array: @colors";

Hash, keys, and values
 Hashes are like arrays but instead of
having numbers as their index they can
have any scalars as index.
 Hashes are preceded by a % symbol.
◼ We can have %hash1 = ("A",1,"B",2,"C",3);
 If we want to get the number of A we
have to print $rollnumbers{“A"}. This
will return the value of A.
Hash, Keys, and Values
 %hash1 = ("A",1,"B",2,"C",3);
 Here A is called the key and 1 is its
 Keys() returns a list of all of the keys of
the given hash.
 Values() returns the list of all of the
values in a given hash.

 $ cat hash1.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$hashvar1{boat} = "tuna";
$hashvar1{"number five"} = 5;
$hashvar1{4} = "fish";
@arrayhash1 = %hashvar1;
print "@arrayhash1";

 $ cat hash2.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
%hash2 = (
boat => "tuna",
"number five" => 5,
4 => "fish",
@array_keys = keys(%hash2);
say " Keys: @array_keys";
@array_values = values(%hash2);
say "Values: @array_values";

 Each function iterates over the entire
hash returning two scalar value the first
is the key and the second is the value

%arrayvar3 = ("apple", "bird", 44, "Tike", "metal",


while (my ($key, $value) = each %arrayvar3) {

print "$key\n";
print "$value\n";
Control Structures
 if/unless, if…else, if…elsif..else
 while/until
 for and foreach
 Last , next , and redo
 Use of logical operations
 The if and unless control structures are
compound statements that have the
following syntax:
◼ if (expr) {...}
◼ unless (expr) {...}
 The if structure executes the block of
statements if expr evaluates to true;
 The unless structure executes the block
of statements unless expr evaluates to
true (i.e., if expr is false).
 $ cat if1.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
if (-r "memo1") {
print "The file 'memo1' exists and is

 The if...else control structure is a
compound statement that is similar to
the bash if...then...else control
structure. It implements a two-way
branch using the following syntax:

if (expr) {...} else {...}

 $ cat ifelse.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
print "Enter a number: ";
$num1 = <>;
print "Enter another, different number: ";
$num2 = <>;
if ($num1 == $num2) {
die ("Please enter two different numbers.\n");
if ($num1 > $num2) {
print "The first number is greater than the second number.\n";
else {
print "The first number is less than the second number.\n";

Comparison Operators

 Similar to the bash if...then...elif control
structure, the Perl if...elsif...else control
structure is a compound statement that
implements a nested set of if...else
structures using the following syntax:

if (expr) {...} elsif {...} ... else {...}

 Rewrite previous example using elsif
if ($num1 > $num2) {
print "The first number is greater than the
second number.\n";
elsif ($num1 < $num2) {
print "The first number is less than the second
else {
print "Please enter two different numbers.\n";

 This statement takes a list of values and
assigns them one at a time to a scalar
variable, executing a block of code with
each successive assignment.
◼ foreach/for $var (list) {}
 $ cat foreach.pl
foreach $item ("Mo", "Larry", "Curly") {
print "$item says hello.";
If you do not specify var, Perl assigns
values to the $_ variable
 $ cat foreacha.pl
foreach ("Mo", "Larry", "Curly") {
print "$_ says hello.";
 foreach and for are synonyms
 The second syntax for the foreach
structure is similar to the C for
foreach|for (expr1;expr2;expr3) {...}

 $ cat ./foreach2.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
print "Enter starting number: ";
$start = <>;
print "Enter ending number: ";
$end = <>;
print "Enter increment: ";
$incr = <>;
if ($start >= $end || $incr < 1) {
die ("The starting number must be less than the ending
"and the increment must be greater than zero.\n");

foreach ($count = $start+0; $count <= $end; $count += $incr) {

print "$count";
 The while and until control structures
are compound statements that
implement conditional loops using the
following syntax:

while (expr) {...}

until (expr) {...}
 $ cat while1.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$count = 0;
while ($line = <>) {
print ++$count, ". $line";
print "\n$count lines entered.\n";
while (my $line = <>) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /regex/) ...
} 36
 Last is similar to break statement of C.
 To skip the current loop iteration use the
next statement.
 The redo statement helps in repeating
the same iteration again.
 $ cat foreach1.pl
foreach $item ("one", "two", "three") {
if ($item eq "two") {
print "$item";
Read/Write to Files
 To read and write to files we create
something called handles which refer to
the files.
 To create the handles we use the open
◼ open(filehandle1,"filename");
◼ This handle will be used for reading.
◼ open (file-handle, ['mode',] "file-ref");
◼ open(filehandle2,">>filename");
◼ Specify mode as > to truncate and write to
a file or as >> to append to a file.
Read / Write to Files
 Once the file handles have been
obtained, the reading and writing to files
is simple.
◼ $linevalue = <FILEHANDLE1> ;
 This will result in a line being read from
the file pointed by the filehandle and the
that line is stored in the scalar variable
 For closing a filehandle use
Read/Write Files
 $ cat file2.pl
open (my $infile, "/usr/share/dict/words") or
die "Cannot open dictionary: $!\n";
while ($line = <$infile>) {
print $line;

PERL Random Numbers
 Between 0 and 1
$random_num = rand();
print $random_num "\n";

 Between 0 and 100

$max = 100
$random_num = int(rand($max));
print $random_num "\n";

PERL random numbers
 Between any two numbers
$min = 50
$max = 100
$random_num = int(rand($max -$min)) + $min;
print $random_num "\n";

PERL User Inputs and Chomp
 The chomp() function will remove (usually)
any newline character from the end of a
while (my $text = <STDIN>)
{ chomp($text);
print "You entered '$text'\n";
last if ($text eq '');
If you chomp an array, it will remove a newline
from the end of every element in the array.

Opening and Writing to a File
 open(my $fh, '>>', 'report.txt');
 Opens the file report.txt in the working
directory in append mode.
 $fh is the file handle for this file
 print $fh “Hello, world\n";


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